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does ttdashboard.com load for anyone else?
it is unbelievably slow for me
@NickT yep
it loads fine?
does a room load fine?
@NickT oh, wait, I misread that. I don't see it loading yet
@TylerShads I ended up just getting a quick response from him of 'Whoops, nope I should read more carefully, but you have to admit that article is good' hehe. Which I responded to Yeah, which is why I mentioned it Twice in my article already :D
Ok, If you and your friends regularly got together and played board games.. Would you justify spending $3000-$4000 on a gaming table?
What is regularly and what is this table?
like the one from Tabletop?
@NickT exactly what I was thinking
Q: Game issue with bow attack speed

AzenWhen I first starting playing I was able to launch and then juggle an enemy by firing a whole quiver of arrows, but now just a few days ago I cannot do the same combo. I'm only able to fire 3 arrows at most before the enemy lands. My question is has there been a recent update on bow rate of fire ...

@TylerShads Every other week, and this one actually: geekchichq.com/furniture/emissary
Oh yeah, that show.. i do think that is a Geek Chic table
@James oh wow that is nice
And!! Will Wheaton was WRONG! You cant command a race that you have just sent into decline :D
WE just checked on the board games SE site :D
if its reliably every other week, id say maybe...is it only you buying it or is it a joint effort/how many people?
@James If I bought a table that nice I wouldn't want to use it for fear of ruining it.
Its just something I am looking at doing.. right now we do it on my coffee table, which is nice, but something a bit more formal would be nice as well.
@Wipqozn I actually liked 'used' things over museum pieces.
But its a bit of money for a coffee table...
I just dont think I can fit a dining room table sized table in my place with out getting rid of another piece of furniture.
And it's actually usable as an NES controller.
@GnomeSlice Rolling dice on it would be a pain :)
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I've seen that before. It's pretty much awesome.
@Wipqozn Eh, that's the least obvious of all of them.
@GnomeSlice I linked it because it was nice.
Yeah, I like it. It's probably not actually referential to The Legend of Zelda, though.
@GnomeSlice Based on the style I'd say it's actually a reference to Twilight Princess.
So, I removed the excess tags on that Skyrim question about light armor. Anyone have any issue with that?
@bwarner what do I get for -3 votes and almost 10k views?
@NickT For some reason, asking how to pronounce 'skyrim' pisses off a ton of people.
I still don't get why it's such an awful question
Sorry, I didn't watch enough TV or play the other Scrolls games to know. Fuck me.
and I did read it in my head as "scrim" until I bothered to ask.
@NickT That would make the 'y' silent though...
Because it's common knowledge. "This question does not show research effort".
@LessPopMoreFizz you about?
@RavenDreamer common for the people who already know?
@RavenDreamer Lucky for you I literally just sat down at a computer for the first time all day!
Casts Spell: Greater Summon: 20k rep user
@NickT Yeah, someone in my program said it (purposefully, to see what happened) like that in a game dev elective and apparently everyone flipped the fuck out.
@LessPopMoreFizz I just wanted your opinion on some news I got today.
@NickT Only sightly better at +17/-8 is fus ro dah
at least yours has views :)
Essentially, I got a call today (mid-class, unfortunately) from one of the companies I interviewed with.
They said something along the lines of, "We're calling you to let you know we're putting together an official job offer"
Is that normal?
big companies are slow
@agent86 AKA: "Agent86 wants the Skyrim hat"
Yeah, that's reasonably common.
@RavenDreamer aka "they incented me to ask and answer skyrim questions and I did"
Know that until you have that official job offer, IN WRITING, SIGNED, nothing is final and everything can be pulled out from under you.
So should I not crack open the cham-pag-'n ?
You should procure the cham-pag-'n and put it on ice.
that probably means whoever interviewed you/your future manager wants you but they need to run it through HR
Also, I can't use negators to save my life.
Because you will probably have occasion to crack it soon.
shrugs I think I answered at least 5 over the course of the hat dash, and I really had no idea what that was in the context of the game. Leave it to people to get their panties in a wad over avatar decorations.
but nothing is certain and I've had HR snags kill a hire on me before. :(
@RavenDreamer what LP said. I've never had an offer get to this stage and then get pulled, but I have occasionally had to wait a while after hearing this.
Ayup. I am still hoping to get at least two more offers!
what are you trying to do?
@RavenDreamer then you kind of hope they drag their feet a bit... once you have the offer, they'll generally be on your ass to hear yes or no
The job offer I have been slated to get, was as a "Java Consultant", but in talking to the folks there, it sounds more like "Requirements Specification + lots of travel".
@RavenDreamer what job are you trying to get?
I'm hoping to get a job with a smaller company that does mobile devolpment, where I'd actually get to program things.
define "small"
@RavenDreamer yeah. this is a popular position in the tech industry these days... lots of spreadsheets and client visits, in the ones I've seen. more grooming towards management than technical leadership in the long term.
like 5-20?
@NickT 15.
Wait, that's probably too much.
@RavenDreamer that can be a rough size. at your age though, you can afford to work some long hours :)
what sorts of things? games? utilities?
@NickT Thirteen
@NickT Utilities for sure, maybe games eventually.
Probably depends on how the game @GnomeSlice did sound for goes over.
oh, so a contract firm?
I keep forgetting you're older than me, @NickT.
contract companies are only good if your sales people know how things work
Note to self.
aka, insulate you from ridiculous customer requests
I hear they're doing pretty well. Moving out of the "Start-up company in a shared basement office space" place.
And they're hiring, so business is booming.
shrug. We'll see how things shake out.
it looks like an interesting company, but I would still keep my resume up to date at a place like that; the size of their payroll will fluctuate wildly as they get and lose/finish contracts
@RavenDreamer Oh hey, I've used GateGuru, that's a pretty okay app.
you can help things by being gung-ho about taking new things on or being more than just a coder, but that doesn't mean you should just work 60 hrs/week for the price of 40
work smarter not harder :P
otherwise they'll just get used to the fact you can work 60 hrs a week and they'll keep piling crap on. 60-80 hr weeks are fine occasionally, but they should not be the baseline
That's why I never want to work at EA!
anyone live in Chicago?
@NickT I was there for a day a few weeks ago.
being in a terminal at ORD does not count
@NickT I did not set foot in the airports.
@RavenDreamer I've been in companies this size, and it's a mixed bag. you kind of have to come in to work with the mentality of a) don't know when I'll go home and b) not sure what I'm going to be doing today (since you'll probably be doing everything)
@LessPopMoreFizz do you know someone there? what's a good service for getting a Chicago apartment
@agent86 what's this supposed to mean? :P
@agent86 but b is fun.
@NickT That I do not know, but I do have a good friend in town who I can ask the next time I speak to him.
@IanPugsley I can't pull a 80 hour week if I want to stay married :)
@agent86 I'm 24 and married - somebody's making some assumptions about age and lifestyle!
@agent86 ever? or just routinely
@NickT yeah, some people find it fun. Some people don't. I know I've met a whole slew of people in my career who want to do one thing and be good at it. I don't mind doing whatever the day brings though.
@NickT routinely. I'm not saying she'd divorce me, but I don't think I could keep that pace up and stay sane.
not with a wife and kids and needing time to decompress
So clearly, @IanPugsley is more something than @agent86.
@RavenDreamer I believe the word you are looking for is 'childless'.
you want 80 hours of my time for a week or two? fine. you want it for months on end? screw you, that's a terrible work/life balance and you didn't plan your project properly.
@LessPop_MoreFizz as far as I know :P
@IanPugsley Better check your closet. Spugs might be hiding out on you.
@agent86 miss the D.I.N.K. days?
@IanPugsley I wasn't making any assumptions about you... just saying raven's at an age and life situation where he's got more available time than I do.
@agent86 Indeed... goes to cry silently in a corner
@NickT I will say though, I <3 padmapper.com if you don't know about that yet.
I'm going into academia (at least for the next 4-5 years) where the words "project management" seem to be totally foreign
@NickT not really. I make enough money to live pretty darned comfy, honestly.
@agent86 statistically, yes, and you do happen to know it's true in @Raven's case
@agent86 I'm not actually sassing you, just sayin' the whole "you're young, work-life balance doesn't matter to you!" attitude is BS
@agent86 And earn free PS3's on the side!
@RavenDreamer If you have to earn it is it free? :)
@IanPugsley yeah, I'm still trying to figure out what upset you about that statement :P I wouldn't classify myself as being terribly old; I just know a lot of people who get out of college and take long work hour jobs at first.
Avatar was real?
@RavenDreamer yep, that's icing on the cake man :D
oh, when does Korra start?
@James If you don't do anything differently and still earn it, does it matter?
@RavenDreamer I lol'd
@agent86 it's a combination of the willingness of graduates to accept those conditions and the willingness of managers/employers to thrust it upon them
@RavenDreamer Is there a difference in doing your job if the result is curing cancer or creating a biological weapon? Doesnt matter to you you just show up and research biology :)
@James You're switching metaphors.
Normal Week: Waste time playing video games and trolling Gaming.SE for rep.
@IanPugsley It also happens in industries where the people who want to work in them greatly out number the number of jobs available in them
Promotion Week: Waste time playing video games and trolling Gaming.SE for rep.
@James re: that, working at USAMRIID is something I'm looking at
Your efforts are put towards a different purpose, are your efforts the same?
AND earn prizes.
@James I'm contending that my efforts weren't put towards a different purpose.
@James and yet the willingness of people to work unreasonable hours will, to some extent, reduce the number of available jobs in those industries
@NickT hehe, I dunno what that is... that analogy was just more.. acceptable to me than asking is it the same thing to kill a child vs killing hitler :)
@IanPugsley 10 hour days are the norm in things like the games industry. 16 hour days are very common when deadlines approach. The people who can not put in those hours are generally the people who are replaced by the next eager batch to make a video game
My friend who worked on Spiderman 3 worked 16 hour days 7 days a week from October till March.
@James one of the many reasons I decided game dev was not for me
which is somewhat amusing given the seemingly astronomical margins that video games make nowadays
Annoyed me cause we used to get together every wed for dinner and some gaming :)
@James Hence, "Me no worky for big EA man"
@NickT Those margins mostly exist because the developers are generally underpaid :)
@RavenDreamer You say this like the situation is any better at most small companies. (Hint: it isn't.)
@RavenDreamer If you wont work for EA or Activision, and Blizzard has its choice of whomever it wants, you are left, now a days, with Indy development and thats about it.
actually working in any sort of field where they have ironclad deadlines (e.g. to coincide with a movie that's been advertised as coming out on X for the past year) can probably blow
I am young and naive, and don't you ruin my optimism, @LessPopMoreFizz!
I'll leave that to the state of American Politics.
Small companies rock, big companies pay.
@RavenDreamer oh, the industry will beat it out of you soon enough. I'll be watching with a bag of popcorn and 3D glasses :D
@NickT My previous small company employer paid very well thank you
at least in my field, dunno about game dev
and the company I work at now is 45ish people and I make 6 digits.
I still remember back before I was a jaded, sarcastic shell of a man.... sigh
I just wish it was making video games :)
Now I am getting flashbacks to my time working in politics. You whippersnappers and your whining about 16 hour days...
Ive found money can not bring as much job satisfaction as you think it can.
Journal - Day 486: I showed up for work today, and no one is here. Guys? Hello? I am so very very alone. It is just me and the code. It hungers, I sense it. Help!
@James are you a manager of some sort or technical staff?
The rest of the journal is covered in unreadable bloodstains
I did 20 hour days. It was... unpleasant.
@James Are they six significant figures worth of digits? Making 010,000 a year is bad, mkay?
some people at MS do 20 hour days. Two of them a week, then they go home for the other 5.
@NickT I am pretty much a project lead now though my title is still development manager.. but I spend 3 days a week planing (gathering) a months schedule and the rest of the time programming... or screwing around on the SE sites :D
@RavenDreamer Significant :P
And unlike the folks in tech that pull down reasonable salaries for their 16 hour days, I was making food stamp wages for putting in those 20+. IDEALISTIC YOUTH FUCK YEAH.
@RavenDreamer I would have figured 1,234.56
@Wipqozn False. If you are not there when she finishes playing ME3, she will detest you.
@Wipqozn Yeeeep, that's pretty accurate
@RavenDreamer When they asked me to lead the team I asked for a Large raise.. and they pretty much said Ok.. I was floored, no haggling I was expecting to end up with half of what I was asking for :D
Who will be left to cry upon as you wail helplessly against that final 5 minutes of crap?
@FAE Except for you it's "oh, you're playing <Video game X>, I'll bring you food so you don't starve to death."
@FAE accurate? Women play games?
@James Hooray!
@NickT Yeah, that is not what I mean.
@Wipqozn Haha that happens at my house a lot.
speaking of sarcasm and other related elements, @EBongo, again this evening we will be DD'ing should you be finished with your tax preparation
@Wipqozn Hey, either way!
@FAE Scary story - the company I got notice from today actually has ongoing contracts in the Netherlands. (!)
That'd be crazy, wouldn't it? Visiting your country for work? :L
Then I could burst in on Arda and Badp and whomever else I wanted to pester in Europe.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, traveling Sucks!
@RavenDreamer If they let you over the border with chloroform, I'm bringing a taser to meet you.
@James You say this jokingly, but trust me, it's true after a while.
@FAE Kinky. I mean, I guess I'll try anything once :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am not joking. I hate traveling
@FAE Why bring the chloroform across the border? It's generally easier to buy that sort of stuff in country.
@FAE Like he would admit to that if he was going to bring it in the first place?
@RavenDreamer If you're into electro-play, I'm sure something could be arranged.
@FAE I could call my ex...
@FAE Aaaaand now I'm slowly backing away, slowly away from the nice lady. ♪
@LessPop_MoreFizz I like being places... I hate traveling :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Violet wands <3
@FAE She was into things... well outside of my own comfort zone. Electro-play was tame.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Got her number? ;)
I like where this conversation has headed.
I don't think I want to know what 'electro play' is.
@FAE In other news, how are you in non-threatflirting ways?
@GnomeSlice If you image google search violet wand ya might end up with some new NSFW pictures ;)
you guys just took a bulldozer to the line we're not supposed to cross for reasons of SFW-ness
I think I'll pass. Last time someone told me to Google something NSFW was 'blue waffle'. Please don't Google it.
@IanPugsley Its ok man, we arent posting images :P
I actually thought about that the other day
Alas, no steam tonight.
Though I suppose I could move to my laptop. Might get some work done that way, too ♪ .
@James just sayin', some consistency in acceptable topics is something we require
I'm talking to myself. I should stop.
Someone posted a picture of a lady on the a train after the moscow bombing.. if that had been a scene from a movie or video game it would have been fine, but since it was from something real life it was not.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I know how that goes. It can be frustrating sometimes to have partners that aren't into your full spectrum of interests. :( All of my SO's have smaller comfort zones than I do.
@RavenDreamer what are you working on?
@RavenDreamer Why are there little music notes appearing here and there?? :)
@GnomeSlice Oof, that's not a fun one to find out randomly.
@FAE Egads.
@FAE In our case that wasn't actually the problem, but looking back, I'm kind of amazed with myself that it wasn't.
@IanPugsley I'd like to be working on my Bit.Trip Beat clone, but I should be working on my kinect game project.
@James I do believe @GraceNote has assumed control of @RavenDreamer.
On the contrary, I seized control of all the ♪ .
@FAE New Time Walk is preselling for $35
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thats what I was starting to wonder. I have not seen GN for a while and I thought maybe @RavenDreamer was channeling or some such :)
♪ all the things.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well I hope you weren't coerced into anything you were uncomfortable with, that'd suck.
@OrigamiRobot Haha wow.
@FAE Negative.
Oh myyy. Guild Wars 2 prepurchase begins tomorrow.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Woo!
@FAE any news on region-locking?
@RavenDreamer Yes, sorta.
I know that I need to get the EU version.
Apparently no matter where you purchase, you can access the full server list, which is good.
S4E1 of the new Ultra Hardcore just got posted by Etho
Hooray! The US and Europe get to associate again!
But they're doing something where you have to connect to the same region you purchased it in, which means I may not be able to access the game when I go to the US in Dec.
@FAE visiting family?
@RavenDreamer Yeah, I go back every 2 years for Christmas.
Can't afford to go more often.
That is in December, isn't it?
@RavenDreamer Yes. Christmas is in December.
And water?
Is it wet?
Also will be hitting up Canada so I can visit my b/f who lives there and some friends, and likely Ohio.
Sometimes it is dry.
@FAE What part of Canada? >.>
@Wipqozn The 2 CE retailers here have no info on their websites...
@FAE Ohio is not part of the US? :P
@DerpyHooves Guelph and Toronto
Hi, @Ashley Nunn!
@RavenDreamer Well, if you ask some people...
@FAE Hey! :D That's close-ish to meeee :D
@RavenDreamer waves
@FAE Hehe. It's true. I have fambly in Ohio.
Hey me too!
Oh man, not gonna lie, part of the reason I want an Android for my next phone is to get access to even more Kairosoft games that will suck my life away.
@DerpyHooves Maybe we could lunch or something!
@RavenDreamer WHAT. I WANT ONE.
@FAE That could be supercool.
@RavenDreamer One of my best friends lives there, haven't seen her since I last was in the states.
@RavenDreamer If I had a house, I would want a boat on it.
@DerpyHooves I have no idea how far Waterloo is from Toronto
@FAE An hour-ish, half that from Guelph
I'm on a boat, on a house.
@DerpyHooves Oh okay, that's not too bad!
Oh wow on my new laptop I can finally see what @Sterno was complaining about with this abbreviated star list.
@StrixVaria Yes.
@RavenDreamer wtf is this
@FAE Oh, not at all. :) And I don't mind driving (or convincing my wife to drive me, if it's Toronto. She likes excuses to go on drives. :D)
@NickT A boat on a roof!
Bonus points if the game they're playing is pirated.
@DerpyHooves Cool! When December eventually rolls around, we can iron out details. :D
@FAE Awesomesauce! :D
@RavenDreamer Incidentally, I was kidding about the taser. Based on the picture of you that you've linked here, I'm pretty sure I could just beat you up.
@FAE You're a real sweetheart. ;)
@DerpyHooves <3
Speaking of owls, @DerpyHooves and @Fluttershy, I've watched up through ep 24 of Season 1 now. Owloysius is a horribly punny name.
@FAE Haha I love it, it made me giggle like mad. :)
@DerpyHooves Does he stay in the series or was he a one-shot character?
@FAE He appears a couple more times.
Nothing major though.
Mostly just background.
@Wipqozn Which is a little disappointing :(
@DerpyHooves I suspect that in season 3 they will have an episode which revolves around all the pets of the mane 6.
@Wipqozn "mane 6" made me die alot inside.
@Wipqozn That would be awesome, I think :)
@StrixVaria Don't worry, it's intentional
@Wipqozn I figured, which is why it's so much more horrific.
@StrixVaria You youngsters.
can I get a brief age check of you ppl?
I'm 25.
@NickT 25
@NickT 23.
@NickT 24
@FAE That is a piece of beauty!
@NickT 27
meh, screw chat, we should all go to a bar.
@NickT 17 :x
yes, one that doesn't allow minors.
re: bar
Missed bus, take a drink. #Foundersbrewing
brewery right across the road from bus central station
Well ladies and gents, I'm off to bed. tortoise shades
I should sleep as well, night all.
@FAE @Wipqozn Sleep well! :)
"One Day Like This" by Elbow is a pretty epic-sounding song; wish there were more lyrics near the end versus a nearly-endless refrain on the chorus.
or is that what makes an epic song (cf. "One Day More")?
@NickT Founders is amazing.
@NickT Fan of Spiritualized as well?
If not and you like Elbow, you should fix that.
@FAE :(
You raised my hopes, then dashed them quite expertly, madam!
And @NickT 22
@LessPop_MoreFizz where's that?
@NickT Spiritualized is a band
oh, thought you were referring to some brewery around here
@NickT No, as far as Michigan Breweries, I mainly just know Founders and Shorts
where do you live?
@NickT I'm in NYC
Spiritualized Elbow-esque or something else
Posted as an april fools joke, being produced due to demand :D
Q: send a 100% completed pokemon game to nintendo and they'll send it back in a plaque if it all pokemon were caught legit? true or false?

elderguardSo i heard a rumor that if you have a pokemon game and you have caught all of the pokemon legitimately they will check to make sure and then send your game back in a plaque or some sort. anyone know anything about this?

@NickT Other way around.
What is this I don't even.
Elbow are Spiritualized-esque. :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz pretty good
This has been stuck in my head as of late as well:
@NickT Pfft. Jarvis or gtfo.
@James I'm not sure if I could rock a kilt.
@RavenDreamer I am highly considering getting a couple :D
@NickT More elbow-esque track:
@RavenDreamer @James I have a friend who wears them almost always.
That 5.11 kilt reminds me of my friend who works in a uniform shop (they sell some 5.11 stuff); he ordered a police uniform (his company makes them for the city cops) with a 1.5" inseam so he could be the cop from Reno 911! for Halloween
Game Rec?
Q: Pokemon: Gotta catch 'em all, but how to get started?

kazzamallaI have not had much Pokemon interest in the past, but I have an extended trip coming up and am looking to give it a try. I've spent my life learning enough about other magical universes, but just never got on the Pokemon train. My concern now is that I am obviously coming into the phenom quite ...

@OrigamiRobot Feels like one to me.
Q: Is there anyway to avoid the blue-shell?

WipqoznI'm sure any Mario Karting knows that horrific feelings that comes along with hearing the sound of a blue shell coming ever closer. I recall that in some of the previous games there were methods for avoiding the blue-shell (although they were difficult). What methods, if any, exist in Mario Ka...

Q: How do I get more planets to explore?

Derpy HoovesI have explored both Octopi and R-Type fully, and brought back almost all of the settlers from both planets. How do I get even more planets to explore? I could definitely use more settlers on my planet!

@DerpyHooves From back in the old days...
I hear those were simpler times.
@OrigamiRobot I have heard similar things. ;)
@DerpyHooves I looked into getting some made, but at the time I was going To school, I couldnt afford em :)
@agent86 knock knock
1 joule / 1 cubic meter = 1 pascal...that's what the units say but that makes no sense.
energy per volume = pressure... eh, maybe
why do we have a tag?
@DerpyHooves Because at some point, somebody was dum.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought it was rather useless.
So this question: gaming.stackexchange.com/q/61837/3015 Could be referring to the in game certificate you earn from nintendo corp

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