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@OrigamiRobot and got suspended on E&L
So many zeros on SO's Top Questions...
StackOverflow is a programming related site. You should try gaming.stackexchange.com – weltraumpirat 15 hours ago
Q: What is the sith code and swtor credits in the swtor?

OrigamiRobotcommented: @weltraumpirat Don't send him over here!

@OrigamiRobot lol
@OrigamiRobot stilll red btw
@OrigamiRobot I'm okay with this.
Searching for images.
@OrigamiRobot IMO, you should be hello kitty...just sayin
If only GIFs worked.
@TylerShads I second this motion.
lol wut
@OrigamiRobot You fail, hello kitty it is
I vote this one
Image not found @OrigamiRobot @TylerShads
Q: Why Cant I access the second terminal(In Mass Effect 3)?

Mohammad Farhan Bin IsmailWhen i go to access the second terminal in the citadel mission involving Kasumi and Bau,the two red semicircles seemed to be on the door behind the terminal?so how can I complete the mission?

1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
I give up.
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
I just love doing that...
What are you looking for exactly?
Hello kitty, obv
IDK...static images of BMO just don't cut it.
@OrigamiRobot Fun fact: An answer you posted 4 months ago got accepted today. o.O
@Fluttershy Yes. It is good.
@OrigamiRobot Fun fact: An answer I posted 4 days ago hasn't been accepted yet. o.O
@Fluttershy And?
@OrigamiRobot Just sayin'.
I upvoted it
@Fluttershy What answer?
@Wipqozn To his poop question.
Poop answer.
That wasn't posted 4-days ago.
@Wipqozn Semantics.
I wish the GameStop Power-up Rewards program offered Riot Points. =(
@Wipqozn @OrigamiRobot or @TylerShads any of you have a Wii?
@Fluttershy Ian does. Why?
@Fluttershy aye captain
@Fluttershy Yes
@OrigamiRobot Looking to trade 2000 Wii points for $20 of Riot Points on LoL.
No interest, sorry bud <3
@TylerShads No worries. =P
Hm... So, this guy gets his question closed as a dupe... So he asks the exact same question a few days later...
Just to make sure its actually a dupe xP
@OrigamiRobot Let him know I'd also be willing to do the $19.99 Playstation Network thing if that's more intriguing. =P
He doesn't have a PS3
@Fluttershy: Just for clarity. Do you want to trade away Wii / PSN points in exchange for Riot Pointers, or the other way around?
Q: Where can I buy backpacks in KoA?

David HoangI play KoA in casual mode and I want to carry more items in my backpack but I'm unable to find more backpacks? I've already some additional containers in my inventory like for alchemy ingredients, gems and tools but I want more place for weapons and armors. Where can I buy more backpacks? I don't...

@Wipqozn I have the Wii / PSN points.
@Wipqozn I hate your turtle.
@OrigamiRobot How can anyone hate Tank?
@Fluttershy Idk...I do...
@OrigamiRobot Rude...
@OrigamiRobot He's a tortoise.
I think it would be rude to lead him on.
Okay, I should really be going to bed.
good night everypony.
@Wipqozn G'night.
That's right. I went there.
Turtles are reptiles of the order Testudines (the crown group of the superorder Chelonia), characterised by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs that acts as a shield. "Turtle" may either refer to the Testudines as a whole, or to particular Testudines which make up a form taxon that is not monophyletic. The order Testudines includes both extant (living) and extinct species. The earliest known turtles date from 215 million years ago, making turtles one of the oldest reptile groups and a more ancient group than lizards, snakes and crocodiles. Of the many speci...
Where do these images come from?
@OrigamiRobot Turtle != Tortoise
@Wipqozn "Turtle" may either refer to the Testudines as a whole, or to particular Testudines which make up a form taxon that is not monophyletic.
Now I want a pet tortoise...
hm, I see
> Tortoises (play /ˈtɔːr.təs.ɪz/, Testudinidae) are a family of land-dwelling reptiles of the order of turtles (Testudines).
Nobody says "Box Tortoise"
okay, seriously. I need to stop arguing definitions and go to bed.
NO stay
This place is just so damn hard to leave!
You people are just so wonderful.
We love you!
@Wipqozn Well I despise you, so go away
@OrigamiRobot I love me too, I'm awesome.
err, I mean... I love you guys too! <3
@TylerShads is the meanest mod ever T_T
@OrigamiRobot shut up red robot!
has frozen the room
Night all
Mar 30 at 15:48, by OrigamiRobot
21 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
5 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
user image
I <3 you guys for realzies though xP
@OrigamiRobot You and your nesting.
2 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
Mar 30 at 15:48, by OrigamiRobot
21 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
5 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
user image
@Fluttershy Nesting is where it's at
@OrigamiRobot I never say anything worth nesting.
Q: How do I see what kits my team is using?

Nick TThe "Select Class" menu shows how many people are what class (Assault, Support, etc.), but how do I see, for example, how many Medics or Engineers we have?

Squirtle fighting back from an 0-2 deficit back up to 2-2 (Bo5)
Game 5 in a sec
@NickT It's almost 3 am here and I have to go to work tomorrow
but damn it's exciting :P
@JuanManuel though even if he wins, he would still need to win a second Bo5
@NickT that one I'll check tomorrow, can't put off going to bed any more
@NickT Did you watch the LoL finals today?
only part of a match,
Game 5 starting now
Oop, back to game 1
now I want the terran to just curbstomp toss :P
well... I gotta go to sleep
I'll find out the result tomorrow
way past my bed timetoo :P
Q: Age of Empires Online Skirmish Strategy

ParalyticSo i almost feel embarrased to say that i got my butt handed to me by a computer on standard. From my previous experiences with Age of Empires i would've thought I stood a better chance, yet I found myself constantly dominated in every aspect of the game. The computer had control of almost every ...

A: What is a good estimate of total play time for Zelda Skyward Sword?

TaylorWhat the fuck?!? You beat it 100% in 28 hours, and you didn't die once?!? Dude, are you like, not human? I'm solely just playing through the game without doing any sidequest stuff, and I'm already almost 14 hours in and I'm just starting the Earth Temple. And I died like, at least 10 times just t...

Can we have a decision made about the "play length" type of question already?
What is the point of having answers like this on our site?
so people know how long it takes?
sure, there's "howlongtobeat.com" or whatever, but you could also make that argument about lots of other questions as well (though perhaps not as neatly defined)
Saying "it's sooooo subjective" is a red herring; there is still an average time to do X (complete main story) or Y (do 100%), etc
@NickT No, but these type of question quickly gets turned into a meaningless poll where everybody just post how long they took to finish it
It's not just "it's sooo subjective", it's the answers they attract are inherently meaningless, for any game above a certain size
Which are usually the sort of game where you'd want to know the length for anyway
@YiJiang just because some answers can be bad doesn't make the question bad
> To prevent your question from being flagged and possibly removed, avoid asking subjective questions where - every answer is equally valid: “What’s your favorite ______?”
Every answer is equally valid. Unless you refer to a third party site, in which case we might as well close every question of this type as a dupe of a master "How can I find how long a game will take?" question
if every answer is equally valid, then what's the point of sites like "howlongtobeat.com", or sites like Gamespot or Giantbomb mentioning how long a playthrough would take?
if we want to read the site policy so literally, every answer is not equally valid, but rather the ones that are more towards the mean
@NickT The problem is that different people can take different amounts of time to beat a game, so all of their answers are correct
2 mins ago, by Nick T
if every answer is equally valid, then what's the point of sites like "howlongtobeat.com", or sites like Gamespot or Giantbomb mentioning how long a playthrough would take?
@NickT just because those sites exist, it doesn't mean that the questions work here
@NickT They can provide some estimate, but that doesn't make it correct
@NickT A valid way to measure game completion time would be to take a sample of 100 (or whatever size you want) playthroughs and draw a distribution
Gamespot reviews simple report the reviewer's completion time. It is a answer, but it is not the answer
@NickT I guess the important thing is that nobody can post how long it took them to beat a game and say that it is the completion time
Squirtle down in a 2 game hole again lol
down 0-2 in a Bo5
Are you speaking LoL?
IPL4 SC2 grand finals
I think we can allow game completion time question if we hold them to a certain quality standard, ie. no anecdotal figures, but rather something that cites (multiple) reliable sources such as @Wipqozn's answer to the Skyward Sword one
and the question, especially for open world games like Fallout, needs to be limited to say, only the main questline, to avoid silly answers like "the game will take 10 to 100 hours to complete, depending on how many side quest you choose to do"
@YiJiang How long does it take to complete Tetris?
@James About as long as it takes to finish Dwarf Fortress
@YiJiang Yeah I am still not seeing much value in those questions :)
after ITG are we looking for more classes of questions to kill?
@NickT LPMF has been on the warpath to do just that
But the time recommendation one even I agree with is a bit... not site useful
oop, game over
game, round, tournament
@James 3 minutes
@James Little Ponies' Manifesto for Freedom?
@badp @LessPopMoreFizz
@badp Less Pop More Fizz
Although now I want to petition him to change his name to that
Please? Pretty please?
You want to make a magna carta out of a professional driver?
All you're going to get is a distorted map of Brooklyn
where all the streets are incredibly narrow and full of other cars
@YiJiang he's looking at the minimap
I imagine it's easy to tell that because IIRC wards are really a fancy name for 'probes'
@badp All I see are blobs of red and blue
that give radar visibility in white
Or green. Turquoise, actually.
in that diagonal from top left to bottom right
Q: Where can I buy backpacks in KoA in casual mode?

David Hoang Possible Duplicate: How can I increase my carrying capacity? I play KoA in casual mode and I want to carry more items in my backpack but I'm unable to find more backpacks. I've already some additional containers in my inventory like for alchemy ingredients, gems and tools but I want mo...

Is this a good candidate for reopening?
I don't play KoL so I can't tell if the original answers apply to casual mode, but I made the title a little more explicit
there you go, @YiJiang
putting my 5 hours of LoL to use
I mean KoA. Anyway, if the answers are still the same, I hope someone would comment and tell him that
@badp Hehe, thanks
You ward the grass to stop mid form getting ganked
@James Thanks for giving us a perfect example of LoLspeak
I was talking about how the commenter after him could identify the tournament he was watching from the (incredibly poor quality and small) screen content
@YiJiang oh, okay. That is probably impressive.
@badp ganked == Getting attacked by an overwhelming number of enemies
The game has grass in it that hinders view range
Mid is the middle lane and is usually a solo player
The rest is normal english :)
@James "form" is not a typo?
@YiJiang erg, yeah thats a typo....
I didnt get much sleep last night :D
(I mean, the sentence is so LoL heavy I can't even read enough context to see if that's a typo)
Seriously though?
You guys are gamers and Ganked is a LoL only word?
MMO language perhaps?
I haven't played a lot of PvP MMOs
I get ganked in many kinds of multiplayer games :)
i missing ganking hordes on my NE rogue
I never could play alliance
not even for a were wolf
@James i love my undead shadowpriest the most
@James yes, 'ganked' is a LoL only word afaik.
'ward' is also a LoL only word, afaik.
@badp Its just shorthand for Sight Ward
@badp what about "nubcake?"
We just use 'flanked' and 'probe'
@Jin Uh, if I search for that will I get NSFW results?
@YiJiang no..
but i saw this really funny one..
@badp Urban Dictionary says MMORPG many to one conflict
Code all checked in
G'Night all
RPG.se will have lazers too, though not as epic as yours
above expectations
Q: Design for RPG.se

Jinthank you for your helpful suggestions in the design brainstorming post. I am very excited to present to the community the design I've been working on. The overall look and feel I'm going after is a warm and welcoming theme that reflects tabletop RPG gaming. It should capture the visual element...

Q: What games feature a privately hosted persistent world multiplayer server?

NapFreelancer, Neverwinter Nights, and Minecraft all feature persistent world servers which can be hosted privately. These games have servers that can be set up to host the same world over an extended period of time, and the users can invest and grow their characters in that world as they would in a...

Q: Age of Empires Online Advisors Hall quest

ParalyticSo im level 7 and i have 2 advisors just sitting in my inventory, they say they require an advisors hall. When do i recieve said hall or how do i receive the hall? I am using the civilization Celtics.

I am amused
Bush hid the facts is a common name for a bug present in some Microsoft Windows applications, which causes a file of text encoded in ASCII or its superset (such as in a Windows code page) to be interpreted as if it were UTF-16LE, resulting in mojibake. When "Bush hid the facts" (without newline) is put in a new Notepad document and saved, closed, and reopened, the nonsensical words "" (Liu Benrenmotian Touyingjianmeng) appear instead. While "Bush hid the facts" is the sentence most commonly presented on the Internet to induce the error, the bug can be triggered by many sentences with cha...
@badp You appear to be easily amused. Would you like to check out r/mildlyinteresting too?
Q: Is the determination of which tetris block comes next random?

LexThis is a question I've had since I first played this game, maybe twenty years ago. I would say that it is random, given the nature of the game. However in my experience; the O-blocks never come alone (after you get one, the chance of getting another seems more likely). I also feel that you get t...

Q: How Realm of Diggle Gods affect original game saves

Tx3How does the DLC affect existing save games? Do I have start over in order to access DLC material? What I understood from the description is that there are new levels and items, but what I didn't quite get was that are those DLC levels some where deep down in the end of the game or something? Or...

This game knows me so well.
@ArdaXi Ah yes, that was such a cute quest
Made even cuter by the fact that when it was first released, players found a bug that allowed them to stuff multiple copies of Jones into their cabinets
It's a pig.
Indeed :P
Indiana Jones. The pig.
Ilmenskie Jones. You capture him, so he turns into an item in your inventory.
Yeah, I finished it.
Also, holy crap the GOG version of Beneath a Steel Sky comes with a comic book
1 hour later…
Q: Skyrim: What's your playstyle?

Simongo7So I'm just curious...what is the best path to take when playing Skyrim? I'm not that far into the game (level 26) and I started off as a hero with heavy armor and two handed but Ive transformed into a light armored thief who uses one handed and a restoration spell. Even though I like this new wa...

Q: What does the Dream Room do?

EBongoI have a quest to build the Dream Room. So far I haven't seen any explanation of what the Dream does. The in game text says: After observing that monsters evolved during a prolonged deep sleep, Phineas Alexander suggested the explorers build a specialized hibernation center known as the Dre...

@Lazers Needs 1 more to close
@James Ummm... what? I have? If anything, I've been on the warpath to keep people from coming up with more categories of questions to kill.
Meta is so boring now without an ITG debate or anything else flameworthy
@Sterno Meta's always boring. It's always so many words without saying anything.
@ArdaXi Untrue and untrue!
@Sterno Add something to the pony post.
@OrigamiRobot That would indeed do it
@LessPopMoreFizz What does that mean exactly? "keep people from coming up with more categories of questions to kill."
holy crap @jin thats amazing! Can't wait to see MTV's design when we finally deserve it :p
Anyone else here check out RPG.SE once in a while?
@Sterno I object. Obviously.
So many questions there which are not only open, but popular, seem bad subjective
Or, at the very least, the definition of Not Constructive.
@YiJiang Still have to install that one
@EBongo Example:
A: "Can I do X" questions

LessPop_MoreFizz"Can I Build a rocket to the moon that's powered only by saltwater in Transit Tycoon?" Some questions are just flat out stupid. They should be closed, not because they ask whether an action is possible, but because they are stupid. They are so conjectural as to be functionally rhetorical. They a...

Q: How to deal with frag rounds

AHungerArtistWhen I'm in the mood for some pure infantry goodness, I like to play Operation Metro. There are a variety of servers that offer some flavor of no explosives. One server I play on does not allow RPGs or grenades, but does allow frag rounds, claymores, and C4. My question is: Does anyone have goo...

@Jin You misspelled "Welcome" in your mockup
@FAE nice catch
I love the design
@Sterno Yeah, ones like this one and this one are ones that I just wouldn't know what to do with. o_O I have this same issue on SciFi. The standards there are so different that I just don't know what to do.
I started getting involved with RPG.SE about the same time I got involved with Gaming.SE, but quickly dropped away there. It just felt a little too much like a forum for me, except when it came to specific rule mechanic questions
@FAE I want to be active on SciFi, but I just can't.
And then there's the board games SE, which I think is doomed because BGG's already got that market cornered.
@OrigamiRobot How so?
@Sterno I want that site to succeed but... yeah. :(
@Sterno actually you'd be surprised - more content, and it'll probably be successful
@FAE Things like this
SciFi seems to have a lot of questions just poking at obvious plot holes. My only try at asking there resulted in a tumbleweed badge.
successful compared to BGG? Probably not.
Though that does remind me I have a question to ask from Sunday's gaming...
Successful compared to other SE sites? Probably.
take a look at its stats on area51, it's questions per day is low but everything else is doing pretty well
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I'm actually a really big Matrix fan but the questions that were asked there just sometimes weren't answerable, IMO.
honestly with rpg leaving beta, I don't see boardgames too far behind - rpg is only 60 days older, and has similar stats
@FAE And it has a nasty case of spin-off questions.
@FAE ugh, those Matrix questions were terrible
@IanPugsley That's the problem, though. Every time I think of a question, I realize I can get it answered faster (and probably better) on BGG
@Sterno that sounds like choosing not to use the site
@IanPugsley That's exactly what it is. I'm not saying the site is inherently bad. I'm saying it doesn't have much of a draw to use it.
@Sterno Board and... Games Games.SE?
@Sterno which in turn will give more people reasons not to use the site
@IanPugsley I'm actually subscribed to the tag, so I'd get them in my email and be like "...What." And I'm someone who watched all the movies, owns the Ultimate Matrix Collection on DVD with Neo bust, owns the same collection on Blu-Ray, owned and read all the comics, and played The Matrix Online... And I still was like "What the crap, I can't answer this!"
@badp Board Game Geek
I asked this where I basically why the proton torpedoes turned like they did in ANH.
@FAE what, no Animatrix? :P
or are you counting that in "all the movies" :)
Next, this pops up.
@IanPugsley Yes, I count that there, since The Second Renaissance is, IMO, essential to the understanding of the series.
And the the slightly more acceptable this
That's also included in the Ultimate Collection
@Sterno all I'm saying is if speed is an issue, I don't know what bcg.se site you've been looking at - I barely have time to answer all the MtG questions (which is the most active subcommunity). With more users comes better response time.
@FAE gotcha
@IanPugsley It does seem good at MTG stuff
I believe the Go proposal was also nuked somewhat recently in order for it to merge with BCG.SE.
Q: What is the 'Strange Relic' in Uncharted and Uncharted 2?

DavidThere is a trophy in each of Uncharted 1&2 (possibly #3 as well) called 'Relic Finder'. To earn it you have to locate the 'Strange Relic'. I don't think these relics are mentioned in the stories at all, and I have found the one in #2 and it just shows up like a normal treasure you find. I hav...

Q: What are some good strategies for Elder Sign: Omens?

OghmaOsirisI recently bought Elder Sign: Omens for my iPhone, and I really like it, but it seems to be VERY difficult. Does anyone have some good strategies on how to play? Specifically: What is a good team to start with for a beginning player? When should I use my cards? Should I use them as soon as I ...

I think that's mis-tagged. In fact, that could arguably belong on Gaming.SE, since it's an iOS app
@Sterno not phrased like that though
@Sterno It's functionally the same as the board game it's based off of though. I own the app on Android.
Basically, you'd have more board game experts there to answer it than just gaming experts here to answer it. I don't disagree with it being there.
I've played the board game and not the app. I only saw a video for it and couldn't tell how similar it was (despite obviously similar dice mechanics)
Part of what made me wonder how different it was is that the guy finds it difficult, whereas the board game seems to be ridiculously easy.
@Sterno The dice are really brutal. Really really brutal.
This is making me want to ask what the differences are between Elder Signs: Omens and Elder Signs
I shall do so, and see if it is closed as off-topic!
Are you an Arkham Horror fan too? :)
I can never get anyone to agree to play a game with every single expansion at once, though. :)
@Sterno I don't own the expansions, just the base game, as I have no one to play with here really. My boardgame group here is more inclined to play Eurostyle games (for obvious reasons...) so they weren't really into Arkham Horror. :(
I've heard that... I think The King In Yellow can be kind of annoying, as you need to have someone there all the time doing "busy work"
The King in Yellow was a cards-only expansion. Do you mean Dunwich Horror?
(or Kingsport... or Innsmouth)
those do have that problem... you pretty much need someone there
@Sterno Kingsport I think.
So yeah, I have this awesome game my friends bought me... that rarely gets played. T_T
My friends and I did do a couple play-by-post games on our forums though
I keep meaning to write an app that lets me set up specific scenarios, so I can basically use a laptop for deck management rather than having to pull apart and combine expansion decks before each game
But the biggest problem there was the person doing all the work would have like a ton of crap to do every time Mythos came up because he was using a massive .psd for the board and... yeah.
Setup can be a major pain for that game
Yeah, and it takes up so much space
I have a really small apartment, so we can't just leave the game out and set up and come back to it later. :/
I bought some business card holders and put the location decks in one of those. Freed up a ton of table space
We only have a single coffee table, so...
Honda won't start, guess I'll have to take the Mercedes #FirstWorldProblems
Like this:
@FAE New Time Walk in AVR
But yeah, still too unwieldy for a coffee table
@Sterno Oh that's nice. I bought a plastic tackle box at Wal-Mart for stuff like Sanity/Health/Doom tokens and stuff.
@OrigamiRobot whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
@FAE He also included a dnd-e4 tag that rig doesn't have.
@Fabian Same here more or less, but I got some comments so no badge.
@FAE Yeah, I've got a Plano box for that stuff. I haven't found a good solution for the character cards and all the little bits that each player needs, though. Short of a flat out redesign of those, you basically need a flat surface to put them on, and with 5-6 players, that's about the same space as 50% of the board
@OrigamiRobot With Miracle on it?!
@Sterno Yeah. :/ It's so unwieldy.
@OrigamiRobot I'm still kind of... annoyed at the existence of Mythic Rares, sometimes
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hmm, there are only 21 tumbleweed badges on Scifi, so my experience might be unusual.
@FAE I was out of MtG from Oddyssey till Mirrodin Besieged so they had been in for a while when I came back
I was like Planeswalkers? WTF
@Fabian Yeah, I got useless replies for:
Q: What else should I be reading to make better sense of Cyclonopedia?

LessPop_MoreFizzI've been slowly working my way through Reza Negarastani's fantastic Cyclonopedia the past few weeks, and while I'm thoroughly enjoying it, I can't help but think there's substantial material that's going over my head. I know it's been pointed out to me that reading Deluze and Guattari's Thousan...

so no badge, but no useful answer either.
Well, I asked a theology question on SciFi ;-)
Q: Is there suffering in the Bastard's hell?

FabianIn Lois McMaster Bujold's Chalion series (The Curse of Chalion, Paladin of Souls and The Hallowed Hunt), the Quintarian religion plays a pivotal role. There are five gods: the Father, the Mother, the Son, the Daugher and the Bastard. Upon death, the soul of the deceased is usually taken up by ...

@OrigamiRobot I stopped playing post-Time Spiral, so I've still never actually gotten a chance to play with those.
@FAE They are kind of confusing with targetting and such.
@Fabian Yeah, meanwhile, I asked a question about a book that's cited on Philosophy.se
Q: Is there a way to transfer a free game downloaded on one Steam account to another?

BrianI downloaded Team Fortress 2 for free yesterday off Steam. I used my account to download it. My brother has set up his own now and would like to play TF2 on his, that way we could also have separate profiles and scores. I don't want to re-download TF2 because we don't have much internet cap. Is t...

@OrigamiRobot I have a huge crush on Liliana Vess though
@OrigamiRobot I've read enough of your and @Fluttershy's conversations to know we have vastly different tastes in women.
Jaya's okay, but I like black more than red.
If you're even a half-assed movie nerd, this is incredibly god damned cool.
@FAE I love her just for her quotes.
@OrigamiRobot Also I miss reading MaCa every week. :(
I really enjoyed his Taste the Magic series.
@OrigamiRobot Also I am sad that they removed Liliana's facial tats for Innistrad. :(
I miss MaRo's "win this turn or die" puzzles
@FAE You people and your tattoo love...
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, those were fun. I think they've pretty much relegated those to the DotP games now. I've read every single MaRo article from the beginning up through... 2009 I think is when I stopped.
@OrigamiRobot Well they changed it on the basis of "sexy-fication" :/ She's still totally sexy with them, dammit!
No, earlier than that, 2007 is when I stopped reading as regularly I think.
Sexy-fication is only Gamification's slutty sister
@FAE Well, that is dumb.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I was unhappy. I was following the Innistrad art reveals and stuff and the artist explained the reasoning on his website. :(

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