@agent86 I know it's on topic, but it still seems weirdly lazy but not to spend the time asking an entire question instead of typing the thing you are looking for into google
@murgatroid99 I was actually reading.. on M.SO I believe, that questions are not meant to be asked on SE sites if the user has not done some level of research into them.. So yeah I do wonder about questions where if they just put the title into google it would have given them the answer :)
@James Actually that title wouldn't have worked because he didn't say what he was looking for in the title. But it was the first hit for any reasonable keyword combination I could think of for what he was looking for
@James Actually, now that I look at his question title again, I have no idea what he's talking about
@James The question in the body is "How can I get my Xbox 360 to download this Optional Media Update?", which I answered, but his title says something about "whserver", which I misread as "whatever"
@James you realize that the "low rep user" with the pokemon gravatar who answered that question is psychonic who is the current maintainer of sourcemod (one of the biggest mod communities for source engine games) and who works for the indie devs responsible for nuclear dawn?
and he's also a personal friend of mine, who is here because I invited him :)
it's safe to say if he tells you a source engine console command, he knows what he's talking about :)
That's gotta be some kind of record... I built my abode in Minecraft, went out to look for food, and completely lost where my house was... All in about 10 minutes.
@Tristan I do not like the game losing that sense of danger too quickly.. Once I get into Iron I feel unstopable again, but that takes a bit of effort, especially on an adventure map :D
@RedriderX Ello
o.O I just got a PC Download email from Game Stop...
@IanPugsley Yeah unless everyone is trapped together from the get go and its in like a spleef arena... I still say run away and hold up is going to make you one of the last men standing
@RedriderX I think the point is to do just that, but I am just suggesting hiding out and letting them come to you as a better strat.. you get to gear/stock up, they have to hunt you down.
@Tristan Good game. Will need to finish it one day. I was pretty far into it at one point, then my save file became corrupted. To say the least, I didn't feel much like playing after that.
Apparently one of these Grimaldi's is on 4th and Washington, which is where the Qdoba is, which means I walked past it almost daily and have never seen it.
I'm on street view right now and still can't find it.
@RavenDreamer I tend to be more of a fall allergy person than a spring allergy person, but even I have had issues the past few weeks, so I suspect unpleasantness.
Also a trip to rite-aid to buy ALL OF THE CLARITIN.
I have an iPhone 4s, and most games load pretty quick. In addition, most games load instantly once they are in memory (ie one of my last 4 or so apps loaded). In contrast, with Dragonvale I get a load screen almost every time I lock my phone, or switch apps. Does anyone else have this problem? I...
An in-game tip hints that I should buy more decorations to attract more visitors. I'd love to make it a decoration wonderland, but poppa's a little strapped on the old cash flow. So, before I go spend a bunch of money, how do decorations influence the number of visitors? Is there a coin to visit...
@AnnaLear You wouldn't happen to know what they're going to do about the ME3missions messenger bags going out of stock, for those of us who haven't gotten them yet, would you? >.>
@Tristan I... have no idea, sorry. I didn't even know the bags were out of stock. :( I can ping someone to drop by and answer that, but you should get an email or something as part of getting the prizes worked out anyway.
I recently started playing Twilight Imperium (board game), and it's a blast. I really like the political aspect, technology aspect, and the mobilization of fleets. I really wish there was a PC game similar to this. I've been playing Civilization since Civ1 through Civ3, and that series is the clo...
@BenBrocka To the other Dragonvale players, my gamecenter is xDuskshadowx. If you can let me know your handle on here when inviting that is helpful (assuming your gamecenter handle is different). That revelation about spending money = half XP is awesome. Does that only apply to decorations?
@BenBrocka I had one road that visited all of the dragons, but they love running down the green grass around the Other side that goes to just Half of the habitats
@BenBrocka I also find it odd that you can sell stuff for the same price you bought it. Seems like they'll fix that eventually. I wonder... does that cost you the experience you gained?
@BenBrocka it does seem ridiculous. As I look at games like Dragonvale and Monster Galaxy, I really begin to wonder how coders with such beautiful art seem to have such simple code in separate parts of the game. Maybe they just focus on the pretty.
it's pretty well designed really, even if it isn't super complex
dragonvale does a great job and being deep buy approachable from all angles. There's not much hardcore strategy or punishment for doing stuff wrong, just do what's fun for the most part
I wonder if gold paths bring more visitors than stone paths...
Visitors like paths. But is it just the amount of paths, or the amount of money put into the paths?
Do gold paths bring more visitors to your island than stone paths, block per block?
@OrigamiRobot It's really not... >.> DragonVale is just something I can check while smoking and then let sit for hours without having to worry about anything. Viva Pinata was more like Animal Crossing
There seems to be a lot of consensus that Korbelus is a really good (high tier) unit to pick in Dota 2, but what makes her so good? All I know is she's rather tanky for an int hero, but other than that her skills seems to be so so, if she doesn't have her ult she can't solo any hero (and her onl...
When visiting a friends park, I sometimes see a "party hat" over a friends dragon dens. If I click it, coins fly out. What does that do? Am I getting coins for myself, or my friend?
Am I able to stop or lessen the sound of rain, and only rain? I want to hear all the other interesting sounds of Minecraft, but the pitter patter of the rain is getting to me...
I have installed the Minecraft Too many Items mod for 1.2.3
and what happened is i deleted the META-INF folder. Than i tried minecraft after all exited and my minecraft just keeps giving me black screen. Why is this happening?, it said for me to do this.