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when you check for availability they register it?
some services do.
Stack Overflow Internet Services, Inc.

55 Broadway
Floor 25
New York, New York 10006
United States
So yes, it was registered by SO
fair enough
so now we know SO use GoDaddy....
Rolled it back
err, I also did
You were a second faster
put the link in the comments
already did
lost the link for a sec
while we are at it
Registrant Contact:
Dynamo.com LLC
Dynamo.com Whois Protection ()
Dynamo creates mind-catching new names for companies and products.
We provide new naming options for your venture, packaged with the intuitive dot-com (ie. Honda.com rather than HondaAutomobiles.com), and screened for trademark.
We could use them, lol
Yeah, right
Dynamo squats domains so they have to pay us extra!
don't seem to be the squatters
they just protect the name of the squatters themselves
no, I think their business model is
1. register cool names
2. put them in a pool
3. help people choose between the pool
4. sell from the pool
doubt it
it says "Whois Protection"
My domain isn't registered under my name either
Q. I have my new name picked, so I want to start protecting mark rights and getting free press immediately. What can Dynamo do for me?
A. If you've got a web location ready, we can set up a splash page displaying your new Dynamo brand, with a .gif logo, multiple live emails, and the company info you'd like posted. We can usually set this up the same day you request it. [...]
as I said
they just protect the name of the squatters themselves
except quicksave.com does not have such a page
so it isn't the case
they're just performing Whois protection
yes, of their own name pool
how do you know that
how do you know it isn't a customer?
well I really don't know, it's going to be a problem anyway.
I can speculate, can I not?
doesn't have to be
How can you tell your version is right?
sure you can, but don't assume worst case
not assuming worst case, it seems to be in line with what they do -- branding
"well I really don't know, it's going to be a problem anyway." that's assuming worst case
if it is like you put it, there's going to be this extra middleman
who is "committed" to "total privacy"
there's always going to be a squatter in the middle for a squatted domain
"Your email and contact data will not be sold or used for any purpose other than communicating with you concerning a name project you've initiated,"
In this case it's "concerning a name project [they]'ve initiated"
anyway, I gotta go now
I say we solve the problem of the root and get joel to create a .qa top level name
we'll see what happens, okay?
then we can be games.qa
yeah, it's only like $1000
and others can be webapps.qa
erm, $10000
just 10k$? bargain!
XN--ABAB-FT8AAFAKBGB80AS41C.COM is available!
fun fact: paste it in Chrome omnibox and it renders the Unicode version, not the xn-blah-abla-blah
A: Suggest a domain name for this site

badp↑↓↑↓←→←→abab↩▶.com a.k.a. XN--ABAB-FT8AAFAKBGB80AS41C.COM Available!

or is it just pulling from history :-s
XN--ABAB-FT8AAFAKBGB80AS41C.COM has a lot of advantages. It is unlikely to be confused with any other URL, except maybe XN--ABAB-FTBAAFAKBGBBOAS4lC.COM
well, seriously now, how many of you don't have ↑ or ↓ bound on your keyboard? :o
Yay! first answer on gaming.stackex /eyeroll
A: Is there a slash command to mute (or squelch) a player in Diablo 2?

Sathya/squelch <*account name> or /ignore <*account name> should squelch or mute players, respectively

what does squelch actually mean? :/
ignore ?
mute is to stop receiving chats right
hmm... xn--ba-rzuadaibfa.com might also be an option.
xn--ba-BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.com would've been a cool idea a few weeks ago also.
i believe there are some invalid codepoints in there...
do you get white noise out of it?
then it's working
a slight increase in homicidal impulse may also be expected
you cheapskates :P
dual screening and gaming
the pain
oww, I can feel it.
hardcore gaming
good way to play two games at the same time
^^ Starcraft II sys requirements
Very extremely ultra difficult. Nice.
I was always a fan of "Lunatic", but that's the curtain fire gamer in me
I don't know what Lunatic is
I did not intentionally made a reference
Lunatic is the highest difficulty setting used in the Touhou series of curtain fire games. It's very fun. ♪
Neat paradox
I wonder who deleted the parent question
I don't know how to answer it
it was deleted by Jeff
@Grace probably jeff, when he deleted all of his questions without answers
Ah, okay
I guess he missed that one
also, why is "marco.ragogna"'s name not a link?
@Juan @Jeff didn't miss the question, it had an answer
Oh, hey, I have >500 rep. That's something nice to come home to
Yay! Another List of X!
Good question about marco, @Juan. I'm not sure why it's not a link
And I have 19 close votes again, yay
I had too many close votes
Come fix it :)
He doesn't have his name linked in the Revisions List, either
Aftoon @Jeff ♪
When are we getting the close reason? :D
That's a subjective question if I ever saw one
Oh... even worse...
Jeff always comes when I have to leave, he obviously doesn't like me
that was quick
wow, close record
1 minute, yay team
this chat is awesome
so @Jeff, what's going to happen when the chat beta ends?
Aftoon, @Noctrine ♪
Good evening
Hey, don't know why it didn't occur to me to click the tabs on the room selection thing.
I think my name is in at least half of the 'closed by' lists
I really did not expect Cosmo Police Galivan, of all games, to earn me that much rep
It is, you Alexander Grace and Juan
Oh, and ChrisF every one :P
this topic gives room for so much discussion
it's very difficult to keep on topic
not impossible @Jeff, not impossible!!
Well, the issue is getting new users used to the SE system. The private beta wasn't that bad because many of the users were trilogy vets... but now...
are they all new users?
It would be nice to have specific close messages. I'd vote for "This is not a forum"
or are there some veterans too?
I don't see a lot of veterans aside from maybe rlb.
I wouldn't doubt there being some, but most of them have under 100 rep and you get 100 from having 200 or more at any of the sites.
In terms of new users in the public beta
I meant new users as not familiar with the SE software
I think Aarobot's idea of "Discussion or Poll" as a close reason is perfect
Ooh, Valve just announced a new free game coming out monday
"Discussion or Poll" seems a perfect close reason... where can I upvote it? ;)
cool @arda, thanks
A: Should we have a "List of X" close reason?

AarobotHow about instead of List of X, you just add a Discussion or Poll close reason? That's really what a list is on a Stack Exchange site where answers get voted for - a poll. Most of the annoying bikeshed questions on existing sites are, in fact, polls of some sort. So how about instead of relyin...

And now I have Crystalis music stuck in my head, all because I was thinking about exploding waterfalls which subsequently made me think of exploding scenery
Valve did it again, first Counterstrike, then Portal (Nabucalar Drop(sp?)) and now Alien Swarm.
I got Portal for free too
Heh, I paid for the full Orange Box, back in 07
back when TF2 was fun
it's not fun any more?
got it in the orange box, together with Half life 2 + ep1 + ep2 and TF2... (and I didn't own them at that time.... shame...) So I call that a pretty deal!
It's become like an MMORPGFPS now
I bought it for a lan party, then a little while later it became free.
Never got into TF2, never played Half Life, but Portal was awesome
you bought portal for a lan party?
but it's single-player!
Never Played half life? You're missing out!
I think we bought the orange box a year late, but it's still unopened
I bought the Orange Box for the lan party for TF2.
omg, play half life please
I had to play Half Life for my homework assignment, once
And Grim Fandango, too.
How the? Your school is awesome
I wish Lucasarts would go back to epic adventure games instead of Star Wars remakes. It's nice that Telltale got Monkey Island though
Between that and my assignments to make collages, I think my roommates absolutely loathed me
hmm... howework assignment: you need to have finshed Half-Life before next week, oh, and don't forget the games you need to play for the other classes!
I kinda hated Half Life 2. Loved 1.
It was "Play for at least 3 hours", I recall
the combat in HL2 was so .. lame
Never played 2, myself
Ah, it was "Play at least 8 hours of Half Life". That was the assignment
true, 1 was much better than 2
I need EP3 to have closure
it was just "shoot mindless combine soldier in face, repeat"
loved 1, 2, and portal
I still think the episodes were the best.
I really want to see Half-Life 3 with Portal intertwined
@arda ep3 maybe?
One of these days I should finish Half Life
see my last comment here @Arda:
I should also finish Grim Fandango, too
@alex don't think so, that's starting to put them together
hey, no spoiler posting here ;)
btw: nice number of votes!
I really like the aperture science website. Got lazy searching for information on it though, I hope 2 gets a GUI :p
meh, half of what that timeline posts is only speculation
hardly any of it is true
oops, sorry
I should give Samidare Extra another run...
you know what was really surprisingly good: Supreme Commander 2
Supreme Commander 1 was so meh, and that kiled me because i LOOOOVED Total Annihilation (1997)
so if you like RTS at all I can recommend supcom 2, but not supcom1
2 looks nice, I'll have to find a demo later.
For anyone interested in a good 17 minutes of time spent: youtube.com/watch?v=Sq0YRt45yRk and youtube.com/watch?v=lyLJ1bao-rU&NR=1
hmm... Bullet Hell is not my genre.
It's the only genre I love as much as platforming
Yeah, I can't do bullet hell. Much respect to those who can, but some of those are just... no.
Is the feed enabled here?
Nintendo Hard is okay, Platform Hell is funny sometimes.
What is the update delay?
10 minutes I think
About a minute
I love Nintendo Hard, I wish more games were that difficult now.
Or... maybe 10
Nintendo hard eventually got too easy for me
I never finished Half-Life, forgot to take the jump suit way at the start and couldn't make the jump...
I don't play games frequently enough with work/school to have that problem again.
or just didn't have this site to help me out
probably that @Ivo
"how can I make the jump?"
"take the jump suit dude"
+146 votes
well I found the answer, but I couldn't get it to work :P
I just watched a video, to know how it ended
from a speedrun through half-life, ridiculous I might add
/me makes a mental note to take the jumpsuit
I'm ashamed of this easy rep
A: Is selling or trading my World of Warcraft account a violation of the Terms of Service agreement?

Juan ManuelAccording to the terms of use, yes Ownership/Selling of the Account or Virtual Items. Blizzard does not recognize the transfer of WoW Accounts or Blizzard Accounts (each an "Account"). You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift or trade any Ac...

I miss Arcades so much.
Now I have to play that again...
Is that the one with "Move faster Pokey"?
I'm going home
Later, @Juan
I guess the chat won't be available tomorrow
so... goodbye all
and goodbye chat
It won't be available tomorrow?
Today's the last day, Noctrine
Late on the boat, I s'pose
I was here before, just not in this room.
@Jeff any word on when we will be getting chat back?
I can't imagine he would just let it die
it's done great things for our community
Q: What games are suitable for a netbook?

user1080By suitable for a netbook, I mean not dependant on a mouse - suitable for a touchpad. It might help if they were, for example: turn based, reversible (at least within a turn), and not graphically demanding, or demanding in terms of CPU or memory. Other useful features: being able to save quickly...

Another List of X or..?
I was faster :(
way too broad!
so which reason do we use?
It does specify a bit more in the question body, but it otherwise is weak
We have too localized but not the opposite
Rattle off the adjectives for NARQ
We really need "discussion or poll"
Subjective and argumentative it is I guess
Ach, it's open-ended, but it's not "subjective"
How do you define suitable for a touchpad?
Discussion/Poll really fits that nice nook between S&A and NARQ that will cover these
Nothing requiring fast cursor movement, or finely-controlled mouse movement
Lack of precision means longer time needed to execute actions, which is why the whole "turn based, reversible" requirement fits in with it
Also, if I'm not mistaken, 1 reputation users can't immediately CW their posts until they have 15 reputation or so
Really? Guess I should delete that then, it's been so long I don't remember anymore.
Yeah, #
# +15 to mark your own posts as Community Wiki
there are now 10 people with edit capabilities.
Oh, enjoying the 1k? I like giving boundary votes
I forwarded it, just did the same to cowgod.
Need to find some questions to boost my rep, OpenTTD one was a goldmine, but I had to hide most of the MMO ones because they just look like noise to me.
I do not understand why this tag exists
Question seems clearly about Halo 3
If the armor doesn't span the series, I don't see why its there. I'd just get rid of it
Zxaos added it. It doesn't seem used by any other questions though
It was added later by someone else anyway
Oh, I see
He added it because he answered with "You must have both Halo 3 and Halo:ODST" I think.
Ah right, since they changed it
But the tag itself doesn't really add anything.
No, it doesn't
I should've thrown in a platform tag, though... Halo 3 is 360, right?
Or was it PC also?
Just 360
Oh. Good. I like single instances
Can we come up with better tagging for this one, too?
Q: Why do you need a SS for some Korean games?

rlb.usaFor some Korean games, you need a Korean Social Security number to play. I don't understand, why is it a requirement? What's the justification?

It's tagged [korean] [game]. So... yeah...
Something like play-restrictions or the like?
Access Restrictions, dunno
I honestly don't, either
Should we differ between laptop and netbooks?
Q: What games are suitable for a netbook?

user1080By suitable for a netbook, I mean not dependant on a mouse - suitable for a touchpad. It might help if they were, for example: turn based, reversible (at least within a turn), and not graphically demanding, or demanding in terms of CPU or memory. Other useful features: being able to save quickly...

That question was changed to be netbook specific.
was on a hotstreak on Bebo and it f'ing crashed. grr
I still answered it based on that
I don't know what makes a netbook any different than a laptop
I don't really get it either, I thought it had something to do with processors. I don't think I've seen a dual core netbook yet, or any with a graphics card suitable for gaming
It's just a lot smaller.
Designed to run only a browser
But Torchlight has a netbook mode, I'd assume it works well on netbooks
They added a respec to Diablo 2?
Every time I think I can stop playing it, there's more reason to go back and start playing again. Can that respec be earned retroactively?
hehe, I answered before the feed got to it :p
I don't see a lot of use to the feed, to be honest
I'm already refreshing the front page all the time
Saves me having to refresh the front page :p
I have a notifier for it, and I'll post if there's anything to be closed
I wonder if there are any chrome extensions for directly answering posts
what would be the point of that, you could never read the entire question in such a popup
don't think we need a 'trust' tag, security is useful though
Q: Is installing Homebrew on my Wii considered illegal?

ManaWhile I know that Nintendo does not condone software being modded onto Wiis based on their past two updates, which have served to remove these modifications, prevent their reinstallation and do little else, is it strictly illegal for me to take advantage of vulnerabilities in order to execute una...

Duplicate of this question since the answer mentions legality
Q: Will I brick my Wii if I install HomeBrew?

Bernhard HofmannI've heard about the HomeBrew stuff (wiki) that'll let me download and install simple games and even write my own, but is it fully compatible with the latest updates? I've heard horror stories of people bricking their Wii's.

Hooray, 1k rep. :)
I'm still working towards 2k
Well, you're beating good feet to get there. Only 500 more
yeah, but questions I can answer have been relatively thin today
Acceptance of answers is the only thing that bypasses the reputation cap, right?
Bounty as well
Questions I can answer have been relatively thin, period
@Kevin Everything aside from upvotes actually
I see.
I expected way more traffic when this opened to public beta.
me too
although we're doing pretty well looking at the numbers
728/1617 Q/A
I need to answer stuff :(
14/12 Q/A
me too
fun thing about that Steam question is that it's irrelevant
He needs Steam to play the game anyway
Lol, I have 7/43 Q/A.
the sad thing is that people don't realize that when you run an application as administrator
it has COMPLETE access to ANY program running on the computer
except maybe core processes running by the Administrator special account and the such
I disabled UAC well-knowing what the consequences are
always have an up-to-date virus scanner and a firewall
"Anyway, the choice to use Steam has already been made by Square Enix. If you don't trust them, why are you installing the game itself?"
but then, "normal" administrator access is enough to install a service that then can truly have complete access
"I disabled UAC well-knowing what the consequences are" ← FAIL
Huge fail.
Not really. I've used Vista and 7 since Vista came out
yeah, I also have used Vista and 7, one year of each
I've never in my life encountered a virus infection
or anything else malicious
UAC is a fail-safe for people who don't know what they're doing (majority of Windows users)
so you find absolutely no issue in running Word as root?
If it were done well, like on Linux, fine
Hell no, I don't run Firefox
Chrome is fully sand-boxed
I would never dare to run as root on linux
so why do you dare run shit as root on Windows?
UAC is su
because on Windows I hardly ever do anything I don't trust
I don't use my Windows box mainly
only for things I don't do on Linux, which are so few and far between that I know the programs and that I can trust them
It's also mostly older games and such that don't support UAC properly
ctrl-shift-enter ftw :P
(it asks Windows to run the game as root via UAC elevation, because, again, UAC is basically su)
Microsoft fucked up UAC from the start, to the point where many developers don't support it, which makes it run badly
to be honest
Microsoft failed
whereas linux applications know to avoid needing root and only ask for it when needed
the whole point of UAC is letting you use Windows as a limited user by letting you give administrator access to the few programs that do need it by giving an admin password
therefore I prefer to put my entire disposable OS at risk than mess around with all kinds of workarounds
however, to make the user legacy happy, Microsoft default to have new users as administrators
where UAC is indeed pointless bullshit of cancel or allow
anyway, chat going way off-topic here
(Windows XP supported sudo too by the way)
I know, but UAC makes it much easier :)
instead of shift-right-click, run as user, enter username, enter password
I'm sorry for the rant, by the way
it just makes me mad to see good technology misunderstood and turned off
no problem, I understand your point, it's just, I truly know what I'm doing
and again, I never run linux as root, so no 'good technology' wasted
this windows box doesn't run anything I can't miss
Nobody here has a Mac? :|
but I haven't had problems in 3 years so I don't see why I ever would
don't think so Kevin, this is a gaming QnA after all
Lol. Macs . . . have Steam now. Just . . . a limited selection of games. :P
I know. They should've supported Linux too
(I'd never insult Valve, you did not see that.)
By the way, are there games on Steam for Mac but not for Windows?
Not as far as I know
I don't think so.
not even sure SteamPlay supports that
SteamPlay has no reason to, the whole point is crossplatform compatibility
Q: Is installing Homebrew on my Wii considered illegal?

ManaWhile I know that Nintendo does not condone software being modded onto Wiis based on their past two updates, which have served to remove these modifications, prevent their reinstallation and do little else, is it strictly illegal for me to take advantage of vulnerabilities in order to execute una...

changed my close reason, can't exactly change it literally though

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