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Well, how to start with children and finish with a dildo. drawception.com/viewgame/7LyAHFj8j9
9th frame made me laugh drawception.com/viewgame/dLfwbW3PsM
I can not help but feel a certain amount of pitty for the people partaking in that game
There are a lot of 'Really? That is what you draw for the phrase?' Followed by "Ugh, That is what you think that is!?"
@Tristan That was the gaming website on that monitor, wasn't it? XD
blech, 3.5k "yens" short of a praxis point
oh well. Nite
Gah, @Strix, sorry, that looked more brown than orange to me
and/or we need more offensive flags on that
@BenBrocka How is this one line question that got a guide answer:
A: What is the best build to pubstomp as Mundo jungle?

Kirkalirkhttp://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=21255 What this guide states is that he is a high ELO jungler that does run mundo. Runes 9 Flat Attack Speed Reds 9 Flat Armor Yellows 9 Magic Resistance Per Lvl Blues 3 Flat Movement Speed Quints. Why these runes? Attack speed to clear faster, thus maki...

In any way worse than this one line question that got a guide answer?
A: How do I use biotic charge effectively?

LessPop_MoreFizzOnce More Unto the Breach! Or, A Young Vanguard's Primer on the Proper Disregard for Personal Safety The first lesson to properly using Charge is to Upgrade Charge. The ability really feels very weak at low ranks because it's not until you've upgraded it that you get the tools you need to survi...

@Rapida I'm just not sure why long answers are supposed to be bad?
Last I checked they were a good thing.
@LessPopMoreFizz I don't view them as negatives ( even write a lot of them).
I think that is what brought up his comment, my Udyr and Wriggle's answers
@LessPop_MoreFizz Because the scope of this question is much larger in that it's asking for a "best" build when the only discernible goal of the OP's is "pubbie stomping," which isn't a helpful metric at all.
@Brant I take credit for it, pseudo points, thanks to my comment
I didn't see the first revision.
Either way, I feel like positive encouragement will get him to do it in the future
So upvote away
I mean, they at least specified that they want to jungle with him, but... that's it. No info on what they tried and failed or anything.
@FAE And in what way is that any more detailed than yx.'s question about using Biotic charge? "I tried to use it and got shot a lot. How do I do more better?"
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't think yx.'s is that great either, but it's at least only about a single power, not an entire champion build.
@FAE From what I've seen, a single champion build is a perfectly acceptable problem space that can be cleanly answered in an answer here. It seems like a fine fit for the site.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I disagree. A single champion build asking for clear, specific goals or dealing with specific build problems is a decent fit for the site. Asking for a global "What is best?" is not.
Which is why questions like this:
Q: Lane combinations?

Milan93What is the best lane combination? If you pick a range AD carry and a support champion, will you be able to harass the enemy duo or will you have a stable, farming lane with as low action as possible? Would it be better to pick one AD melee and a mage hero for high damage, combined with constan...

Q: What is the best bot lane combo in Solo Queue?

user22366What is the best support/AD carry combo for bottom lane? I know Taric/Sivir or Alistar/sivir is really powerful, also Tristana/Janna but what is truly THE best combo and is seen most in competitive play?

Q: Which Champion is the AD best carry?

AngelikHey I need help figuring out which champion is best in the AD carry spot. I currently play Tristana and Corki, but would love to switch to someone new.

@FAE See, the difference I see is that those questions don't restrict to a single champion. The problem space for those questions is effectively multiplied exponentially by that.
Would you have a problem with the question "How do I play an Infiltrator effectively?"
Or for that matter
Q: What's a good soldier set-up?

Persian_XerxesWhat should I be going for as a soldier?

@LessPop_MoreFizz That's a different question though. "What is an effective build" vs "What is the best build" are very different.
It's not a particularly good question, but it's not a bad one.
@Wipqozn Not really, it's just semantics. If the semantics bother you that much, edit the question.
Fundamentally it's still essentially laying out a problem space and asking how to effectively navigate it.
@Wipqozn Changing "what is the best" to "What is good" doesn't alter the question in any meaningful way except for soothing your pedantry about subjectivity.
Which, if you're trying to send a message about how SE works, might still be worthwhile pedantry.
But lets call a spade a spade. It is not a good reason to close or down vote the question.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I believe that the problem space of a single champion in LoL is more complex than asking about a class in ME3.
I'm not disputing the fact that there may be a most effective build for Dr. Mundo in certain situations and with certain build goals in mind. But we have no idea what those are on this question other than "pubstomping" which is still not very clear because we don't know if this guy means solo queueing or in a team or what.
It's only "the best", and in this case, we need to know "the best at what" and we don't.
apologies, was AFK
Interesting but complicated way to help new users orient themselves...
Q: Create a guided tour for new users

DragonLordNew users of a Stack Exchange site may not fully understand how the site works. For example, the user may not know how to vote, what reputation is, how to format a question or answer, or how to navigate the site. While the FAQ and privilege pages may offer enough information to teach new users ...

@FAE Are you saying someone is getting THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST of us?
@LessPop_MoreFizz it's just a very strong indication that they're not asking a focused question. The question is short, little time to establish focus. The resulting answer is long, also indicative that there's a ton to talk about.
We are here because you are looking for the best of the best of the best. Sir.... With Honors...
@Rapida That's not the problem, the problem is one line questions about complex topics. It's basically a guide-rec at that point. If the question is "teach me everything about X" that's not really a question
Q: What does the Stasis upgrade "Bonus Power" affect?

Daniel LewDoes it only give you the chance of a bonus power when you use Stasis, or does it apply to all abilities?

@FAE I would strongly disagree with this statement
I think LoL is less forgiving of failure than ME3, but no more complex (and in some cases demonstrably less complex)
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and call this the worst album of 2012
@tzenes If ME3 MP had a PvP mode that pitted you against people instead of just Horde mode against AI, I could probably agree with you, but I don't think someone in ME3 MP has to deal with the same situational complexity of LoL with going against different laning comps, non-ranked vs. ranked play, and the variety of not just champ builds but item builds available in various permutations.
@FAE That's what I refer to when I say less forgiving, but on the complexity axis you have to consider all the different encounters and controlling 3 different people at the same time
@LessPop_MoreFizz You have given me no compelling reason to sign up for an account just to listen to that.
I don't know if you've played on Insane yet, but it's fucking hard
you're strategies shift dramatically
@StrixVaria Her cover of Maps will give you a seizure if you know/like the original.
and every fight requires a different one
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is that a whole cover album? I saw Nothing Else Matters, which is a Metallica song...
I do like Maps, but I can't imagine a cover of it.
@StrixVaria Seeing as the title of the album is 'Covers', yes. Yes it is.
And it's a terrible cover album.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Pssh. It could have meant like bedsheets.
@LessPop_MoreFizz as in Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Maps?
Her 'Wake Up' (as in the Arcade Fire track) is stupendously bad too.
@FAE Yes.
it is... it is a thing.
It must be heard to be believed.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...whaaaat.
and then it will never be forgotten.
This is literally killing me.
She also covers Sublimes 'Smoke 2 Joints' with predictably terrible results.
@StrixVaria The last 30 seconds are the best part.
Just FYI if you were going to stop listening early.
@LessPop_MoreFizz "Best" as in "absolute worst" or "best" as in "not as unbelievably bad as the rest"?
@StrixVaria Can't it be both?
@LessPop_MoreFizz sigh let me skip forward
Why is this so fast.
Thank god the song is less than three minutes long.
@StrixVaria I am trying to reply to @tzenes but bloody hell I can't even think while this is playing.
oh god the... crescendo... if you want to call it that...
@FAE It is the sound of a once well regarded artist disappearing so far up her own ass that, ouroboros-like, she has sprouted from the other end.
@LessPop_MoreFizz An ouroboros keeps choking on its tail though, and it really would've been preferable had she done that because at least she'd probably be quiet.
@FAE Yes. It was the Gaming website.
@Tristan Your Link drawing was ridiculously good. I tried to draw Link for someone else earlier today and the results were much, much worse.
I think the alt-fire mode of this gun is to just play that song.
I was able to salvage mine by writing "HYAAAAAAAA" across the whole image, though.
@FAE if it makes you feel better i"m playing LoL right now
@OrigamiRobot You are red again.
@StrixVaria Thanks! =D
This is the most insane cover I have ever heard
@StrixVaria bbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Q: Can my items be stolen if I leave them somewhere?

robjbI haven't bought a house, but I have my own quarters as [spoiler] : If I put some items in a chest by the bed, will they stay there permanently until I remove them... or could they be stolen by NPCs, disappear over time, etc.? On a related note, I've noticed that items remain until I come ba...

@tzenes I wanna do stuff
rapida is on
@tzenes Anyway, my main point is is that the question as structured is basically a general guide-rec with no granularity to it, and I don't think those are a very good fit for the site.
@FAE I never saw the original question
though I would point out we did do general guides for all 3 starcraft races
and I know of few games more complex
Q: What is the best build to pubstomp as Mundo jungle?

GGClassic-Jona52What is the best build to pubstomp as Mundo jungle? I have seen so many and tried so many but want to know from someone who plays him a lot.

@FAE D3 man, D3
L4D2 at 5760x1200 is Fuuun :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz you could consider taking 81 to 77, keeps you out of Richmond
@FAE ok, poorly phrased but fairly well constrained
@OrigamiRobot Which you probably still haven't pre-ordered yet, have you?
@FAE dot dot dot
@OrigamiRobot Mmhmm.
what the hell is wrong with my chat userlist
btw, Pubstomp means an abusive build
It's got 6 people, then 1 on a new line, then 15, then 4
designed to take advantage of people who aren't familar with the game
@FAE me too
as opposed to a conservative build
@tzenes Yes, I realize this, but it's still not a very helpful metric.
it's an extremely helpful metric
it's like saying you want a rush build in ZvP
specifically against 1 Gatting protoss
I feel like that is a question somewhere on the site
@tzenes Analogy's completely lost on me, as I don't play SC at all.
You've defined the objectives of your build, and your opponents build
your build: Jungle, specifically concerned with ganking in lanes
your opponents: conservative few wards
likely to push towers
Mar 23 at 11:21, by LessPop_MoreFizz
game recommendations are off topic, as well as recommendations of things that are like games (i.e., Mods.). Last I checked however, recommendations of how to go about playing a game, including aspects like character, item, or weapon selection, are kind of the whole god damned point of our website.
Specific strategy questions are the best kinds of questions, as far as I am concerned.
@IanPugsley Yeah, but overall substantially slower so long as I can stay out of DC during rush hour, which I should be able to.
Questions about how mechanics work are good and useful, but the real meat and potatoes of our site, where the expertise comes in, is the strategy.
@StrixVaria I definitely agree with this, but I did not feel that the question linked was very specific.
and others disagree
I return from the road.
I should probably not be made navigator for any road trips anytime soon.
@FAE I'm kind of loosening my iron-grip on what should be closed and opened recently. It might not be the best question we've ever seen, but it's not an unanswerably bad question either.
@RavenDreamer Laaaaaame.
@RavenDreamer It is a good thing you know me?
I think I started off going the wrong direction on every highway I went down.
@OrigamiRobot You around?
@EBongo, are you actually here?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Heh.
@LessPopMoreFizz What's worse is that I had a GPS in the car with me, and I still failed.
Next time I will make sure to plug in the GPS.
@agent86 Why yes
Close as too broad?
@John Yes
Q: Mass Effect 3 Coalesced Editing

SauloWhat commands works on multiplayer too? I know that weapons commands works, but what about the others? What works? Does anyone know what work and what don't? Thanks

@StrixVaria I don't think it necessarily needs to be closed, but I do think it's not that good and could use some improvement, and left a comment as such on it asking the asker to further specify their needs.
@EBongo omg
@OrigamiRobot Wanna start a new map?
@John Praps
@OrigamiRobot Well, seeing as you host, it's your call.
@John Which one?
@Mana How are you?
@EBongo these hostages aren't going to shoot themselves, and/or these care packages aren't going to pick themselves up.
@OrigamiRobot Spellbound caves with @James?
@Sterno Close as dupe of yours IMO.
I'd rather not downgrade
I've got a 1.1 server jar for you.
@Mana I heard brothels were becoming legal in your northerly neck of the woods.
@RavenDreamer Pretty awesome man. How's life on your end?
@Mana I think I nailed an interview today!
Much better than screwing one.
@John Vechs also released The GIFT map today. or yesterday? I think it was today
@RavenDreamer What kind of position?
@OrigamiRobot Ooh. We may not have to.
> Minecraft Version 1.2.4 has fixed the crashing issue with my maps.
@StrixVaria Android development.
I'm still waiting for ME3 DLC which fixes the ending
@RavenDreamer Sweet. Good luck!
@LessPopMoreFizz It's not. Mine just says "Here's how you edit the file". He's asking which commands work in single player but not multiplayer
Does @James have mumble?
Unless I'm totally misreading his question
@OrigamiRobot Magiclauncher's really nice for handling multiple version installs.
@tzenes Did you see the review I posted in The Bridge earlier today?
@OrigamiRobot I own a server actually
link me?
Yeah, give me a sec.
It made some hillarious allusions to Lord of the Rings.
@FAE Still inconvenient...
@OrigamiRobot Oh my goodness.... Vechs ranks SOFII as one of his easy ones...
11 hours ago, by Raven Dreamer
@John T_T
Huh. Some of his maps are linear.
@James Not seeing the GIFT map anywhere..
@John Wanna find more of an adventure map?
@FAE I can't believe I messed up dopplegaenger. I know German! I should be ashamed.
@OrigamiRobot Sure
Mumble keeps erroring out on me
Going to try a reinstall (tells me server denied referral or some such)
@OrigamiRobot Spellbound caves is classified as "Easy, Linear-Branching"
@RavenDreamer *doppel
@FAE ...I'm going to say that I was being ironic there.
@James That could be adventurey. I don't know.
@John Supposed to follow the book a bit, but its the same as his other super hostiles.
Collect the wool, build the monument
I am not sure what the difficulty level is though
Q: Blurry writings with Xbox

KareenI bought an Xbox 360 more or less recently and I feel like I have trouble reading any kind of writing on the screen, and my eyesight is fine (at least with my glasses on) so I highly doubt that is the problem. I've seen the same problem occurring on what you'd call normal-sized font (for quests, ...

@James Ehh... I think @OrigamiRobot wanted a little more story and variety this time.
@John Just a little more than "Punch things until you don't die as much"
No idea
@OrigamiRobot Yeah... I'm afraid anything by Vechs is probably going to be like that. (Based off my experiences with SOF and RfW)
Minecraft is not known for its story telling capabilities :)
@John Agreed
Also @Raven, was going to link you to a Bioware tweet earlier where they responded to someone asking if they felt it was ok to change the ending because of fan pressure, but they seem to have deleted their response.
@tzenes Invite out
@James I dunno, I've gotten like 5 blog posts out of this Asteroid 5251 map. :P
@James There are plenty of redstone things that can make objectives more than "kill this"
(with more to come. Eventually)
@OrigamiRobot Story requires NPCs that dont just scurry around their village :)
@OrigamiRobot I watched someone do a LP of the adventure map "Gloria" but I think it's intended for solo play
@FAE Is it really hard with just one person?
@James I disagree.
If so, we'll multi it anyway. :)
@James Have you read my blog posts? :P
@John No, but I think having more than one would unbalance it a bit. It's pretty atmospheric and builds up its story a bunch. The creator did some clever stuff with signs to be able to make pseudo-dialogue trees.
@RavenDreamer Aye
@FAE Ooh
@John It's not like super-deep, but I thought it was interesting. I think more than 1 player may ruin the mood of it though. It even has a soundtrack you're intended to play, with signs telling you when to start what mp3s.
@FAE Cool. I may have to try it.
@John I am up for anything, doesnt matter to me really.. the story of Us surviving was good enough for me :)
@John I'll dig up a link, one sec.
@James I'm really up for anything too, so we just need one that @OrigamiRobot likes.
@James I don't care if there is a story, I just want more objectives than "kill stuff"
@OrigamiRobot Build wool monument? :)
@FAE Thanks! :D
@James And to do that, you just kill stuff
@John No prob, hope you enjoy!
@OrigamiRobot @James This looks cool
@John checking the youtube now :)
(GLoria Ch1 right?)
@James (Er, I don't know what Ch1 means)
@John Name of the video at the top of FAE"s link: Gloria - Chapter 1 (with Fangride)
Soo I dunno :)
@James Oooh. No, I linked a different map.
Guys, I need help deciding what to do for my first LP...
@Tristan You're doing an LP? Did you ever get internet?
@John Those screenies look pretty kewl.
@james no hybrid dragons yet?
@Tristan Something you enjoy enough to want to suffer through editing
@John Been on stolen wifi for a few days now. And an awesome friend bought me Fraps.
@James That's what I thought.
@BenBrocka 20min and I should get a plant+dirt one, I am hopping for Moss :)
@FAE I enjoy ALL the games.
@Tristan And stolen wifi is good enough to upload videos over? o.O
It may be, I just wouldn't think it.
@John I'm going to have to record them first!
@Tristan True.
@BenBrocka 10min actually
On an unrelated note: Has anyone ever tried the Naked brand juice?
@Tristan That stuff goes bad SO fast.. I am all for fresh.. but I prefer fresh not at the end of its life
@John Only thing is that it looks pretty small.. might just be a single evening to go through it :)
@James That's why I check the best buy date. Especially when it has spinach, broccoli, ginger, garlic, and algae in it...
@James True...
@James ah, I guess I don't see your breeding dragons. I'm visiting now
Well we can always do another, if that's the case.
@BenBrocka I play too! =3
@BenBrocka Cave should be in the top right with the dragons in it?
@John True :)
yeah I see the cave, no dragons in it
@Tristan add me on gamecenter? I'm "sir taptap"
I have gems to give out :P
@Tristan @BenBrocka Id not mind getting a clover one before the promotion runs out :)
@James That's what I am trying to do :)
@James good freaking luck! I've gotten like 20 tree and and moss dragons and only one clover
@AshleyNunn There is also that 4 element dragon that looks pretty neat but I think that is a year long promotion :)
I'm trying to get a pair just because. If you get 2 of the same dragon you can breed them even if they're out of season
I wish I had the bone dragon from halloween, they look so epic
@BenBrocka YupYup
@BenBrocka I shall not cry over spilt milk
@BenBrocka Added. I'm nihilistronin
@Fae are you still around?
k, I'm out of gems for the day but I can give a gem a day to each of you :P
@BenBrocka What game are you playing?
Hmm, I now have 3 gifts to give out again but the people I gave them to last night are not giftable???
dragonvale for iOS
iOS? :/
@James you have to wait a certain period of time
@BenBrocka Is it a 24 hour rollover? Because I was only able to give one to one person today, even though I have 2 more I could give....
@OrigamiRobot not out for android yet
@BenBrocka Android? :/
@AshleyNunn close to 24 hours anyway
@OrigamiRobot I'll just assume you're not likely to get it soon :P
@BenBrocka Apparently not...
@RavenDreamer Sort of. About to head to bed cuz it's like 5am here.
@BenBrocka That would explain it - I think I was giving people stuff at 1 am, so....yeah.
@FAE Oh, I was just gonna link you a picture real quick.
@OrigamiRobot Did you look at the map I suggested?
Come Oooon Moss dragon!
Apparently all the successful Clovers have a Moss in the mix :)
@OrigamiRobot I want to play it too but I have no iThing nor a smartphone. Though I can gank my b/f's Android phone sometimes.
@RavenDreamer go for it
24 hour rollovers are dumb since it moves the "daily" window you can do a "daily" event :/ bad usability
it's roughly once a day you get to send gems though
@FAE gasp You used gank correctly!
@OrigamiRobot I wish I had that spell.
@FAE ^^^
That was the sum total of the basis for my writing.
awww suck
My nusery is full
I cant get my dragon egg out of the bow chika cave
@RavenDreamer Where's ze from?
Dungeons and Dragons!
upgrade the nursery if you can, it's worth it, I love having 4 eggs
4th edition Changeling.
Alter-self at will :3
@BenBrocka I did once.
Haha, nice.
But I have 2 fire dragons awaiting a habitat. I could finish that or wait 45min
@FAE Go find sweet dreams! Let us pester ye no more!
@RavenDreamer So... Mystique was a 4th edition changeling?
@Tristan Wasn't her skin blue though?
@John @OrigamiRobot AFK for a min if we are doing MC still
Also, probably not. She could duplicate powers, right?
@RavenDreamer Perhaps...
I don't know xmen so

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