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Undelete all the things!
@JuanManuel That's... the wrong close reason. If anything, that's a dupe.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I only abuse my go-- mod powers on other people's questions
Not sure why it got so horrifically downvoted.
This PTSD patient must be the slowest story teller EVER
@BenBrocka Yeah, don't give her a gun btw.
@badp hey, I'm proud - this time I have asked 0 questions that got closed, and I don't even think I've answered any that got closed! yay progress!
She kills some c-sec folks and screws up a war asset. At least give me Renegade points if I do something like that.
I'm paragon...either way giving her a gun doesn't sound like a great idea
@agent86 there's plenty of time to fix that
@BenBrocka yeah, I've been trying to get the whole story from her for ages now.
@badp mwahahahah- I mean, for shame!
I must have been by the hospital 10 times now
although to be fair, you're like cheating. You even have the game!
What's the point if you do?
@BenBrocka What makes you convinced it's a loading screen? My actual loading screens fly by faster than that scanner does
@agent86 Just get on and off elevator repeatedly.
it's variable length, you can't go beyond it and I hear the PS3 reading the disc whenever I go by it
@Sterno Nothing else makes sense. :P
Joker and EDI playing hot or not on the Citadel is kind of frightening.
A loading screen doesn't make sense either! :)
Mainly because EDI thinks it's a good idea to throw out The Dalatrass for approval.
@LessPop_MoreFizz that would imply that I cared.
There's lots of pretty stuff in the war room! Gotta load it all.
@agent86 If you hear the whole story, you get to decide what to do about it at the Spectre terminal!
The only thing not in the war room is fighting
@LessPop_MoreFizz trying to care... trying.... argh, didn't work.
I had the stupid MLP theme song stuck in my head and I couldn't even tell any of my RL friends about it because the reaction would inevitably be "How do you even know that song in the first place?"
@BenBrocka I fought in the war room.
Well, if you can call punching a Quarian admiral square in the gut fighting.
Ah, right, I forgot about that...
@BenBrocka And yes, I know the reference.
I haven't gotten to punch anyone yet
@BenBrocka Renegade interrupts are the best thing.
Do I have to watch this entirely to see if it's answering the question?
A: How do I use my Xbox 360 control pad in Mass Effect 3?

user21410 works great. plus he made other 360 controls for minecraft, payday the heist and mw3 all work great and better then anyth...

oh, I'm paragon, so none of those for me
...except for the...thing, with Udina
It's a total Sucker punch too. he goes down like a pile of bricks.
couldn't stop myself
@BenBrocka There will be one more Renegade interrupt that you won't be able to resist later on.
And possibly two if you find the Quarian one really tempting. Which you might given the circumstances.
Hmm, while I played mostly Paragon, I remember telling someone else to shove it earlier on...Maybe the Salarian?
haven't even met a quarian yet
Can someone ask an easy question already, preferably one for which only I know the answer? I'm so close to complete mission 4
I'm playing pictionary, and my friend drew an atari symbol, a joystick, and a guy swinging over a hole from a rope/vine, going to the left.
Any ideas what it could be?
@StrixVaria DrawSomething?
@ArdaXi Indeed.
@BenBrocka That was also one renegade interrupt I couldn't resist in my all-paragon playthrough
Just typing the letters gave it away to me. x.x
Another satisfied rubber duck customer. Please come again!
@JuanManuel I just asked a probably easy one about multiplayer
@Fabian Thankfully that problem takes care of itself whether you perform the interrupt or not.
@Fabian I haven't played MP yet... (my message was was a joke though)
@Fabian I didn't even think. I was pretty sure it was going to get taken care of, but, no way as I not gonig to do it.
@StrixVaria pitfall.
@agent86 Yes!
DrawSomething is ridiculously addicting.
Only if it'd net me a +8 :P
@StrixVaria argh, I missed that you'd solved it already. :(
@agent86 No worries. I am surprised I got it since I have never played an Atari in my life.
@StrixVaria One time I drew a knee with lightning bolts coming off of it and I circled the lightning bolts. Any idea what the word was?
@StrixVaria pitfall is probably my all-time fave atari game. It's hard as hell though
@OrigamiRobot Uh...Falcon Knee?
@OrigamiRobot adventurer?
@BenBrocka The only downside was the whining after the fact. I told Kaidan to stay the hell off my ship, because I was tired of his questioning at that point. Still, absolutely worth it. >_>
@Fabian I am also always paragon, but in that split second, dude, I went for it.
Q: What do the stock buttons do in Adventure Bar Story?

ShaneCWhen you are in your restaurant and you bring up the menu on Kamerina there are is a stock all and stock 1 button. Anyone know what these do? I thought they would let you add to the menu items stock but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Q: Who can be romanced and how?

Samuel StandrinIn ME1 you could only romance 2 people depending on who you saved and what gender you were. In ME2 you could romance a lot of new people not depending on anything. My friend told me that you can only romance people in ME3 who you previously had 'rumpy pumpy' with. If this is so then I am slight...

Q: How did I get XP for a class I never played in Multiplayer?

FabianI just noticed that I already have some XP in Multiplayer for a class I never even created a character in and haven't played with at all: How did I manage to get those XP and how can I get more of them? Starting at level 1 is pretty painful, it would be nice if I could level up the other class...

Q: What is the ship icon near Ysgramor's Tomb?

IrishJMAOn my way to Ysgramor's Tomb, I saw a ship outline to the northwest and went to investigate. I went out into the ice flows and the ship outline on the compass began to highlight as I got closer. Then, it went poof and disappeared. I never was notified that I arrived some place, and it does not...

@StrixVaria PAIN! Apparently I am the only one who has watched that episode of Rocko's Modern Life (and cartoons in general)...
Hopefully I'll be getting ME3 tomorrow, who wants to take the first commentating shift?
@RonanForman What are you commentating? just a Lets Play segment of single player?
@LessPopMoreFizz, any interest in contributing to some G.SE blogging re: ME3?
@agent86 Depends. Whatcha after?
I was going to do a write up, but Ivo thought it might be good to involve you and raven as our shining ME3 stars
I don't know exactly.
I want to do a short piece on storytelling in ME3
Hopefully the whole thing, but I'm getting people to join me in commentating so it doesn't get boring.
Just avoid ranting about the ending, there's enough of that already ;-)
it sucks to not have finished the game yet with a million people telling me the ending sucks
what is there to look forward to?
@Fabian no, this would not be anything spoilery.
If anyone wants to join they need skype and a mic.
@Resorath The journey is worth it in any case, not matter what you think about the ending
@LessPop_MoreFizz is there anything you'd like to say about the game? any aspect of it you'd like to pontificate on?
That's actually one of the major advantages of Gaming.SE, you can avoid all the inevitable ranting about how the game sucks.
@Resorath also I wonder if people are all seeing the same ending. I mean, there's like 18 endings to the game, so maybe the one where you rush through everything sucks, but the one where you get everything is better?
@agent86 As far as I can tell the endings don't vary all that much
it seems like there's got to be an ending that people would like, but then again I overestimate people.
@agent86 Did you finish the game already?
@Fabian nope I have not
sounds like there's only 10 really, there's a list of endings if you saved the collector base but most of them are the same , just with different war asset requirements
There's three major endings, with some differences based on war assets
@agent86 Not particularly. I tend not to be much of a blogger these days.
Once upon a time maybe... but not these days.
So how long is this game anyway?
@LessPop_MoreFizz mkay, np
@RonanForman Long-ish
That's kind of a stupid question right?
According to what the game logged, it took me 30 hours for my first playthrough
I normally play doing the side quests, not trying to get them all but I don't pass on them.
@agent86 Thats true, I haven't seen any ending to make judgement yet. Hype is always nice though
@RonanForman ~30 hours seems relatively standard.
I'm already at that, but I play very passively
I was done in 28, but I missed a few things it looks like, and that was without the DLC (although that's pretty short)
Hello there wonderful people
Wow, that's like 90 episodes.
520 ME3 questions in less than a week is pretty crazy
@Wipqozn wb
@Fabian Yeah... it's getting harder and harder not to ask a dupe
@Stephen I'm consistently surprised when I think of one that doesn't exist already.
Its easy to not ask a dupe, its hard to ask a good question that people find interesting
im not doing so well on that front
the mission 5 is a "bridge too far" or whatever the cliche is
@agent86 Yeah, at 8/25 but still trying to come up with something interesting ...
@Resorath Definitely right
It's fortunate for us that the in-game journal is that crappy, questions about quest objectives draw an enormous amount of traffic
@Resorath getting to the higher missions comes more from answers than qs
@LessPop_MoreFizz recount complete: reserve star count 0
Have A Nice Day :) :) :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz One problem is the limited amount of attention each question gets, I'm not seeing all that much late voting (not surprising with 500+ questions), so if you missed the 5 votes in the beginning you won't necessarily get them later
@Fabian The reason I got to Admiral as fast as I did was that I was really aggressive about updating, clarifying, and expanding my answers.
That robot in Liara's room always bugs me when it tells me to "please, have a nice day"
A good edit is generally worth 1-2 upvotes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can donate some of my stars. I don't use them.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It works well if you're at the right place at the right time, like my answer about Anderson. But we have a serious case of FGITW now on Gaming, your timing needs to be very good
@LessPopMoreFizz It's tough to expand some answers, but yeah, you're right. I've been trying to do a little of just that (5 edits of your own posts per day will slow you down though)
Starting 2 days late is a bit of a disadvantage there
damn 7 upvotes for a picture of a codex entry. and we were just talking about how the codex sucks
people love pictures
ooh, 3 upvotes away
@agent86 Wooo!
I can go back to... what was it I was supposed to be doing? work? d'awwww
@Resorath Finding out that the information is in the codex was the key, the original information is in a novel and I had a hard time finding a good source for that until I looked at the codex
@Resorath The journal sucks, not the codex ;-)
still 9 away from general here
@Stephen wooo!
here @agent86, ill "finish you off" (no homo)
The one thing I'm a bit dissapointed is that we often still draw a lot of speculation if we don't get a good answer fast.
@OrigamiRobot Okay, I'll tell you to star things that need starring for the next few hours.
oh oops i did it wrong
@agent86 That should help
@Fabian Yeah, mostly from 0-150 rep types. It's frustrating. :/
I think that has a lot to do with our audience sadly.
Later all, time to go home from work :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Roger.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The SE system only works well if you have a much better answer in direct comparison, if the crap stands alone it can still be upvoted. We made that experience a lot on Skeptics
@Fabian Part of it is that people will upvote anything. This is part of why I aggresively downvote.
@Fabian I hope that skeptics site stays alive. It has to be my favorite SE site that I can't answer a single question on
I mean, voting is really a crapshot, but it works reasonably well if you have a direct comparison of answers.
@Resorath We had a design post recently, so we're about to graduate as far as I can tell
@LessPop_MoreFizz You should see my upvote/downvote ratio on Skeptics ;-)
570 upvotes, 350 downvotes
@agent86 Congrats on fleet admiral!
@DaveMcClelland Now he gets his choice of TV or... apparently a prize from a lower tier.
Looks like SE will have to send 10 TVs, I think we surprised them a bit there
@DaveMcClelland wooo, thank you everyone :)
@agent86 Grats! Now keep your hands off my peanuts.
@Resorath You make it sound like anyone would have chosen the incredibly nerdy but not useful gun replica over a freaking TV
So, I'm looking at the teevee. And realizing that if I want to get said teevee, I may need to invest in some furniture.
@LessPop_MoreFizz mmm, peanuts
It is roughly 4 inches too tall to fit in the space I currently have availiable to put it.
@DaveMcClelland It's more expensive.
@agent86 Now, whenever you have an idea for a question (or answer), you should probably tell me instead of posting it yourself
$650 vs $500
Ya that gun was ridiculously expensive, you could probably sell it for even more since it was limited edition
and it would sell on ebay for more, it's discontinued
If I manage to get as far as the TV, I'll have to move some furniture to keep a sane viewing distance to the TV.
it was freaking hand painted
buy two TVs
That is impressive, but makes me incredibly sad for whoever would pay that much for it
lets go check ebay, its probably already up in anticipation
$1000 and $700
@DaveMcClelland I will share :)
lots of collectors collect all sorts of crap and pay lots for it
@Resorath Aha, presale.
speaking of sharing:
Q: A tracking tool to help with your Mass Effect 3 missions

agent86I put this together from bits and pieces of other tools that I've built in the past: http://withoutthesarcasm.com/stackapps/ Click on "ME3Mission" to load the tool. You'll be prompted by Stack Exchange for access to some account information. There's details about what that means and what data...

Kaiden is such a dickbag
you may share in my ME3Mission tool-related efforts
...can I go back and kill him?
@BenBrocka Wait, there are people that didn't kill Kaiden?
@agent86 i thought you were going to say you finally found a way to see how many shares are left. although it turns out sharing is the easy part
@BenBrocka If you want to replay a bit yes.
@agent86 Your site depresses me, because even if I +5 all the questions on it that are close, I still need one more to hit 35!
Trying to be paragon, I didn't realize he was a dickbag
also, I've announced it previously, but if you are interested in my faster-question-feed system it's still running on IRC
@BenBrocka If you're actively hostile to him when you first meet up, and then don't visit him in the hospital, he won't trust you and you'll have to shoot him in order to shoot udina.
So... yeah, I'm rapidly realizing that I might not be able to do anything with this teevee.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I killed Ashley.
I already missed the chance and kept him alive
@LessPop_MoreFizz sell it
@LessPop_MoreFizz If you find yourself with an extra TV, I don't live too far from NYC.
give it to me
@Ullallulloo But I want to keeeeeeep ittttt
I'd even trade you mine for it.
Mine is a little smaller :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm wondering if we can get amazon certs or something instead.
but I'd also like to see what prize #2 is
I'm jsut wondering if the picture is any better than mine
to replace the sold out AR
I assume it was always a dummy prize
A la Bart's Elephant
@agent86 Yeah, I'm kind of waiting to see what replaces gun.
nobody takes the elephant
When I read the requirements, I didn't expect anyone to be getting a TV.
I did want to get it though. Take a few pictures, enjoy it for a few weeks and sell it
(what was the other prize in that episode anyways?)
@BenBrocka I will go to Stack HQ and demand my elephant if that's the case.
I love Elephants.
Because, well, I can.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I already threatened to do that
@StrixVaria me neither. I saw it and went "yeah, no way."
"I'd have to kill myself doing nothing but G.SE"
@BenBrocka as did he :P
Mar 7 at 15:10, by Grace Note
@Fabian Currently we've got a running pool for 0 TVs.
@Fabian ?
SE also didn't seem to think many TVs woudl be won
This just means it's going to be even harder for me to win a huge awesome prize for Diablo 3.
@Fabian I wonder if they made enough money off the hits to the site to justify the prizes
There's a huge jump between 15 posts with a score of 1 to 25 posts with a score of 5. I'm pretty sure I'll never make it to general
they were probably just planning to only buy prizes after the fact
See, now they'll likely raise the requirements on the next contest, so I'll never win a TV. :(
Which they better have a contest for.
@DaveMcClelland this was what I thought was going to be the hardest part, tbh.
@Resorath They don't make any money yet off Gaming.SE
@Ullallulloo for D3 these requirements probably aren't enough
@StrixVaria Perhaps you can win some All-Dressed chips.
@Resorath they're burning venture capital like mad :D and we're the winners, yay
@Fabian really? advertisements?
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
@Resorath no paid-for ads on G.SE
I'm sure many will be playing D3 for the rest of their natural lives
I've never understood people like this.
@Resorath Have you seen any yet on Gaming?
@Resorath It was money.
@GnomeSlice Link Plox.
What do they think they're doing by taking pictures like that of themself and putting them on facebook.
@GnomeSlice Why do you post these things?
@OrigamiRobot I'm not going to give out her name.
Only unregistered users see ads
hmm I haven't seen any ads, but I thought that was the 200 rep perk
You should know by now people are going to flag them.
And I do believe they're only on SO
I was so hoping that flag was not in the Bridge. When I saw that it was, I was so hoping that it was not @GnomeSlice. ಠ_ಠ
For fuck's sake, do I need to explain it before I post it
@GnomeSlice I meant convert the image to a link.
@Resorath They're all for other SE sites.
@GnomeSlice Do you seriously need to ask?
Only the trilogy has ads yet, I think
@BenBrocka SU and SF too

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