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What a %$*#(%$*(%$*#)%$# game is SK, hugh.
@RavenDreamer you can't hook up with EDI
Wasn't trying to
Q: Thane Krios is in the dead list on Normandy

kamiyanI can't find Thane, he isn't in Huerta Memorial Hospital and he is on the dead people list that is on the Normandy. (The ones wich is in front of the elevator of the crew deck) Is he really dead?

Oh wait, i read that wrong...derp
@RavenDreamer Don't think you can do that... sadly. :(
EDI is Joker's girl, through and through
@badp I do not understand
Celebrating the wife's birthday http://t.co/CTZyTXlk
Better pic http://t.co/DbYNcASz
My ship is trying to have sex with my pilot. Halp
I think Joker has some...brain issues
one vote on one and four votes on another, and I'll actually get rank 4, wow
I'm really hating this question
Q: How long is Mass Effect 3 on normal difficulty?

johnjonHow many hours does it typically take to play through the single-player campaign of Mass Effect 3 from start to finish on the default/normal difficulty level? How many hours does completing all the side quests tack on to that?

I posted an answer in the hopes it would discourage a bunch of "this is how long it took me!" answers. I failed.
@Sterno Downvote ALL the anecdotes! \o|
@Raven, you own From Ashes, but not the CE, right?
Q: What are the new appearances for squad members that comes with From Ashes?

Ben BrockaThe main menu shows me a "Additional content available" message and in the teaser text for From Ashes, it says it includes "A new appearance for each squad member!" What are the new appearances for each squad member (pictures), and what bonus do they provide? Are they unlocked immediately if I g...

Q: Will Ashely/Kaiden rejoin my squade after becoming a Spectre?

MBraedleyAshley got all healed up and on her feet again, and I was expecting her to be somewhere on the Normandy after leaving the Citadel, but she's nowhere to be found. I talked to Udina, but his answer was just that she's become a Spectre, the first of many since the war broke out, apparently. Doesn'...

1 more +8 and i got 4, thank you to all who upvoted my stuff ^^
@Sterno You could just be a total bad ass and do the same thing I did for this question
A: How much play time to complete Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

WipqoznThis thread contains the completion times for various people, in response to someone asking the same question you did. The hours for completion ranged from 40-65. The total completion varies - some are for 100%, some for much less. Another thread asking the same question had an average complet...

@Wipqozn That is pretty awesome
@Wipqozn I think I'll need another week or so before there is enough believable ME3 chatter about it though
Yeah, it's really just too early for that question.
@TylerShads The +8s don't seem to be the hard part. It's all the +5's!
@Sterno considering you need 4 vs 35 (for max prizes)
@YiJiang Good point. I should fire off some downvotes
Can't really justify that either. That's why I hate the question!
It's been awhile since I watched this:
That makes me want to watch the Don't Copy That Floppy video
hm, I should play through Diddy Kong's Quest again sometime soon
I mean, I've only played through it a bajillion times, I really need to play through it some more.
@LessPopMoreFizz I don't have the CE, but I had the DLC, and I'm 99% sure that's the costume I'm using for EDI. But I can't make that 100% because I'm out of town for the weekend without my gaming computer
Reminded me a lot of No One Lives Forever
@Sterno k, then black catsuit is CE, Black/White catsuit is From Ashes, I was right.
I kinda guessed based on the order in which they show up in the list, compared to the order of Garrus's three.
Wait a minute
I'm still confused as to why Liara has four though.
How many costumes do you have for her? 3, or 4?
@Sterno 3 for Garrus and EDI
4 for Liara and James
Okay, I have 3 for EVERYONE
well, maybe not garrus. I haven't taken him out yet
2 for Javik.
Maybe Garrus and EDI don't have CE appearances?
Let me try that again. I have 3 for Liara, James, and EDI, the only squad members I've ever selected
And everyone gets 2 by default?
Might be
Because I'm fairly certain my 3rd for EDI is the cat suit
That reminds me, does anyone know how the heck EDI looks like she does? I'm trying not to be spoilery, but she really didn't look to me anything like what she came from
@Sterno like all metalic like that?
My theory is that the chassis (so to speak) got cleaned up cause it was all husk-like
Yeah. I mean, it went from passing as completely human to husk like to what edi looks like
The thing is, you talk to EDI like all of 5 minutes after she takes over. There wasn't time to polish
I just assume all the organic parts were removed, leaving the synthetic
plot hole
Q: Do all opponents have weak points?

ResorathIt seems like turrets, brutes and other armored units don't have weakpoints (such as a head). Some opponents don't even seem to have what we call a "head". Do all opponents have a weak point to shoot at?

I love how the ITG votes is neck and neck
It's like the site itself is trying to make sure we never resolve this one way or the other.
Actually Allowed is winning by one point, but yeah, it's damn close
What's with the massive starring on all the messages?
I have no idea though, it's not me
Oh god what is happening?
@OrigamiRobot Someone is mass starring things, not sure why.
This is totally it happened when that robot Dr. arrived on that station on Mars in ME3. youtube.com/watch?v=rHU7A25imaA
They will run out of stars soon though.
What is the limit?
There is an upper limit of 20 per-day per room.
wtf is with the stars?
Where are the room owners when we need them?
I'm a mod but there's not much I can do about it...unless you want me to mute everyone or something. I'm not going to bother to clear all those stars.
@Fredy31 You need to watch this @OrigamiRobot
@BenBrocka Like I said, they will run out of stars soon, assuming they haven't already.
Looks like someone else already cleared them.
@Wipqozn I don't get it
Just got done putting that together
Now to try and make it in minecraft :)
@James or even better, you can buy lego minecraft and make minecraft in lego!
because that isn't the most redundant thing ever!
@TylerShads Meh, Lego Minecraft isnt a large set of blocks :( Just a small set of em.
Id have to buy like 10 of em to even maybe remake an NPC village
Q: What is the point of the blue grid on the Normandy?

KtashOn the Normandy, there is a section on the war room level (level 2) where you have to walk through a blue grid that scans you. What is the point of this grid? What is it supposed to do?

Q: Do the blocked star systems become unblocked?

FallenAngelEyesWhen looking over the Galaxy Map, I've noticed at least 3 star systems that apparently seem to be blocked out for me. The location of each system is where my cursor is hovering. You can click through the images below for the larger versions. The Mass Relay pathing seems to take me through ...

Ok, lock the channel or whatever you guys have to do to get those jerks to cease being able to star everything. They can give themselves the high-five that they accomplished their trolling, and go away.
@James what are we talking about?
and now the flagging starts
@agent86 There is one or more anonymous people starring everything in the channel.
Someone is starring random crap and unstaring it so they can keep messing with the starred messages list
seems to have stopped though
I would so love to say I told you so about the whole anonymous thing in a chat not working out all that well... but I am above doing that :D
@James except that you just did say I told you so...
@agent86 Shhhh :)
Can anons star/flag? or is it the 20 rep requirement before you can do any of that
What exactly isn't "working out well"?
@TylerShads Lemme for-science that...
Can't do anything without at least 20 rep and being logged in.
he means starring is anonymous action
thought so.
@BenBrocka This
it's not a particularly disruptive act though, not quite like spamming with chat messages would be
@BenBrocka Well I assume when they started flagging everything is why so many blues have now shown up :)
@James Nah.
eh, deal with it. if things go all crazy it'll get taken care of.
shrug like i said, ive been here a few days and like it
hey @AnnaLear, how's ME3 going for you?
@agent86 Pretty good. I tried multiplayer earlier today and was pleasantly surprised by it.
I utterly hate the journal though. It's useless for mission tracking.
yeah, the multiplayer is great
@AnnaLear cool. Did you end up winning any missions? I think in the demo I got pretty far into one once, but then we got taken out.
@agent86 No, we wiped out on wave 7.
@AnnaLear the map though is a big improvement. Far less wondering about where person X is
@agent86 Yeah, though I still manage to miss people :)
They improved planet scanning now, too. Maybe that's why they didn't make journal more usable. Going through every Citadel floor to check if I need to talk to anyone there is clearly ME3's tedious part... though they screwed up and didn't make it as bad as the Mako missions or ME2's mining.
scanning is nice and fast, though I dunno how it was in ME2
@BenBrocka you'd easily spend 10 minutes per planet mineral scanning
here I'm in and out usually under 60 seconds
@BenBrocka Lame. Painful. Mindnumbing. Soulcrushing. Handcramping.
good lord
@AnnaLear Have you overheard Liara and her "father" at the citadel?
In ME2 you had to scan a planet's surface for minerals and there was a chart thingy that sort of showed you the mineral concentration where you scanner was. So you have to cover the entire planet's surface to make sure you didn't miss anything. And it moved...so...slowly...
yeah, this time scanning is actually kinda fun
@agent86 Yes... but I don't remember what they said anymore.
I was pretty tired at the time. :)
@AnnaLear hey, it's a minigame! Minigames are always fun! Especially if you make them slow. And required
If gamers like two things, it's slowness and requirements
@BenBrocka And repetition.
And repetiton
@AnnaLear it's pretty funny. garrus and mordin are a couple of my favorite characters, but that was a pretty neat sequence all the same.
I enjoyed the exchange between Wrex and Garrus on Sur'kesh, too. Though I guess you'd miss it if you didn't talk to Wrex or didn't have Garrus in your party.
@AnnaLear I had garrus, and I talked to wrex, but I don't remember the specifics.
I want to discuss this question before posting an answer
I am so dissapointed that you cant have a Krogan on your squad in this game
@MBraedley what's up with it?
@TylerShads yeah, this hadn't occurred to me. it feels like the squadmate choices are more limited this time.
I think typically I take one "tank" and one "squishy mage-type" with me whenever I go into hostile territory. I think I used grunt pretty frequently in ME2
@agent86 I'm just thinking, it's obvious that for organic non-reaper units, as well as most reaper units, the weak point is the head.
For the atlas, the weak point is the canopy
For the Geth, it's the head
I haven't encountered anything else except for a Cerberus turret.
@agent86 I've been sticking to Garrus/EDI(Liara) mostly, Used to be Grunt + Jack in 2, or Wrex + Liara/Tali
@MBraedley there are some odd reaper units out there... I'd think more the problem would be coming up with a comprehensive list of enemies
@TylerShads is EDI > Liara? I haven't put her in as of yet.
@agent86 That's what I'm worried about. I can't say I really want to wade through the wiki for all the enemies I have yet to encounter
@MBraedley might be worth waiting for someone who has the strategy guide to answer then :)
@TylerShads Kasumi was my first choice for any mission that didn't have more than one mini-boss
@MBraedley what about reaper harvesters?
@agent86 eh, depends on the situation. EDI is basically another Tali where LIara is obviously pure biotic. Ive been mixing/changing them depending on Reaper enemies or Cerberus but they both fare very well no matter what so far.
@MBraedley never got that DLC
@AnnaLear Haven't encounter one yet in battle (the one on Palaven's moon doesn't count)
theyere fun, they light up the sky
@TylerShads I think you're missing out then. Kasumi is easily my favourite character from ME2
Q: Are there assets to collect in EVERY star system?

Fredy31The percentage meter of completion doesn't show until you found an asset in the Star System. So no way to know which have or not. So do all have some assets to collect, or some don't?

Q: PS3 issues following YLOD fix -- what now?

Jerad RoseI have a PS3 that recently YLOD'd. I followed djwhetzel's youtube videos to remedy the YLOD. The fix worked, for a couple minutes. Now, the screen goes crazy, showing really bad video, as in something is wrong w/ the video processor. The system locks, and I can only shut it down using the p...

@MBraedley Why doesn't it count? You can kill it.
(p.s. the Harvesters weak point is the blue circle on it's belly.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't think I did.
@MBraedley You don't have to kill it.
But you can kill it.
Not Palaven though... Tuchanka?
Yeah, tuchanka, rescuing the Turians.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It wasn't around long enough for me to kill it, if memory serves.
@LessPop_MoreFizz aye
I'm thinking of Tuchanka, my bad
@LessPop_MoreFizz Haven't done that yet. <grumbling>stupid UPS taking too long</grumbling>
Krogan with helmets on are so creepy looking.
they look like creepy fish things.
@LessPop_MoreFizz YES! How does their head fit in there?
and how do they seal their suit?
I thought krogan WERE creepy fish things...
@BenBrocka nono, they like <strike>creepy</strike> unusual fish things
thresher maw vs reaper...seems legit
I also love the ancient Krogan art.
Honestly why do reapers bother with ground troops?
@TylerShads <Milton voice>I believe it was a colossus thresher maw</Milton>
milton? what did i miss?
@TylerShads office space
@BenBrocka they at least have a sense of irony
oooo that milton
Human-Batarian and Turian-Krogan hybrids, love it
@TylerShads I thought that reference would be pretty self evident.
i dont think milton when talking about thresher maws, kinda unrelated
fair enough
@OrigamiRobot, are you around?
@agent86 I am. Why?
Who dares ping the robot?
@OrigamiRobot was spugsley the one who was really wanting a d3 beta invite?
@agent86 Very much so.
@OrigamiRobot mkay, are they going to be around again before monday?
@agent86 you're able to hand out D3 invites?
@agent86 They are coming home tomorrow I think.
@MBraedley sadly, no. I have a friend who had one and was looking for someone to give it to, and I remembered she was wanting one real bad.
@agent86 She would love you forever
@agent86 one of my brother's is looking for one. the other brother and I already have ours
@OrigamiRobot I've got Ian on XBL, and I sent him a msg. I don't know if this is going to work out, but I figured i might as well try for her :P
@MBraedley mkay, I'll keep you guys in mind if I end up flush with them :)
@agent86 me send or you sent?
@OrigamiRobot I did just now, sorry, that came out ambiguous :P
@agent86 The keys are right next to each other
Man, I'm so sick of mana. He is such a terr- err wonderful person!
Hi @mana!
Q: What do I need to change to get these Minecraft trees to grow?

yourselvsIn a minecraft 1.2.3 world, I have created an underground area for growing trees. The four dirt blocks you see (two on left) all can grow trees, but with the others, they never grow, even when using bone meal. The vertical wall is six blocks high, and they all have two clear spaces beside them...

@Lazers argh
spoilers :/
ignoring the fact that the Normandy SR-2 is bigger on the inside, does the map of the CIC deck make it look like the QEC vid room should be attached to the outside of the ship to anyone else?
what spoilers? No spoilers here
@BenBrocka Clever girl.
hard to avoid spoilers here though. Verrry rarely do people use the spoiler block
again with these pipe dreams?
@BenBrocka is there a spoiler tag for chat?
Has anyone asked on Meta if we can get the spoilers added into the GUI markup tool
@BenBrocka on movies we just put it outright in the FAQ "click at your own risk" spoilers is just something you have to accept to seeing being on a site like this
>! don't think so
IF you're concerned about spoilers in chat, just ignore @Lazers
@MBraedley nah, especially not for onebox, which is why I just removed the post. No easy solution though
but yeah, ignoring @lazers is a good way to avoid spoilers
You kids
that's not really an "easy solution", since it requires the user be aware of lots of things
so am I correct in assuming that @lazers is a bot?
@BenBrocka It only requires thme to know how to ignore lazers.
@MBraedley Yeah.
@MBraedley No, he- dammit @mana! I was going to have a little fun with him first.
that's expecting quite a lot out of random users
man, I don't come to chat often enough then
Also, I can't ignore Lazers since I'm a mod. Lazers is how I keep track of a lot of stuff.
first you have to know what @lazers is, that it might expose spoilers, that ignoring an option, and also how to ignore
@BenBrocka I think you're underestimating the average chat user.
@Wipqozn I don't think he is.
I see what's going on here.
All the mods are going up on the little guy.
dear god, when will partiers find a new song? I get it. "Call Me Maybe" is catchy.
and here I thought the @Lazers was just trying to get his link post count high enough for the contest these past 4 days or so
@MBraedley lololololol
@Mana Well, in their defense, they are probably drunk so it's understandable they would have terrible taste in music.
@MBraedley You know referrals from inside the SE network doesn't count as sharing
So don't bother spamming chatrooms with your posts
@YiJiang well I know that now
not that I'd spam chat though
@YiJiang You can't tell me what to do
@BenBrocka ):
hmm, do I have another rum and coke and forgo playing ME3 for the rest of the night, or do I go ahead and enjoy something else tonight?
Why would rum and coke prevent you from playing ME3?
I haaaaate turrets.
@BenBrocka cause I've already had 2, and can feel the effects enough to know that another would impair my ability to play
you just need to find the Balmer's Peak for sniping
mainly decision making and reaction time. I'm typically ok (although not great) in FPS's while slightly drunk
just be a zealot and decision making becomes really easy
There a special way to embed videos into an answer?
...works in the real world too, actually
@TylerShads no
@TylerShads I don't think we have youtube embed...I've never seen it anyway
Just post the URL
@BenBrocka We do.
wait, it does work?
@BenBrocka Yes, gaming is one of the few sites that has it.
@TylerShads perhaps a feature request on meta.stackoverflow.com is in order
ohhh, it's site by site, no wonder
Thought it was enabled on Graduated sites (would love it for movies for some obvious reasons) but I guess not
Q: Add chat-like YouTube support to Stack Exchange

badpSome Stack Exchange sites, like Super User and Gaming, would derive large benefits from having some sort of YouTube integration. I'm not suggesting having embedded players in pages. Rather, I'm thinking of the kind of support chat has: a static video snapshot, with a play symbol overlay. The su...

ah there we go, i guess I have to post it in order for it to convert
@TylerShads The regex isn't very good. If you have "https" it won't embed, and sometimes certain get values mess it up too.
@Wipqozn what I did worked though, just raw link, even with a time shortcut
oh right, spoilers ^^
http:// gaming.stackexchange.com/a/54993/12823
@TylerShads quick look and it works fine for me
@BenBrocka why did you remove the mass effect 3 tag from my question? http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/54769/is-it-possible-to-limit-kinect-voice-commands-to-a-specific-human-user
It is specific to mass effect 3, if need I will reword it around the dialog vs combat aspect
Q: Does the conversation with Matriarch Aethyta go the same way if you haven't watched the video archives in the Shadow Broker base?

FallenAngelEyesUnfortunately, I didn't realize that there were actually 3 sets of videos in the archives when I played through Lair of the Shadow Broker. By the time I knew, I'd already finished all of my sidequests, so I couldn't go and do a mission to trigger the 3rd set to show up. I ended up just importing ...

@row1 It's purely a Kinect feature is it not? Nothing in ME3 overrides the Kinect's voice recognition functionality
@row1 as worded, the question is pretty generic
Mass Effect has an option for accents which appears to fine tune it to an accent rather than limit it
@row1 yes, but that feature is still Kinect centric. You might not be able to change it for the dashboard, but I believe it's still tuned to your locality
@row1 BTW, I'm just playing devils advocate. I still believe that the question should be tagged ME3 (albeit with some re-wording)
AFAIK ME3 is the only Kinect game based around only using voice recognition and it is annoying that it is so easy to grief people with when your input is so important and people could die because of mistakes
@MBraedley, cheers I will try reword it
AFAIK its stupid that it has Kinect functionality at all
@BenBrocka i don't know if it does/can override it, that's why I asked
@TylerShads it its useful if you need to put the controller down for a minute
@MBraedley uhh?
if you put the controller down you can miss out on the renegade interrupts, you need to be able to yell out renegade or something

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