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no love lost between him and that series :P
@James My reasoning is simple. We don't allow shopping advice, which we are far more qualified to answer in 99% of cases, so why allow medical advice?
@agent86 He seems a bit prone to exaggeration
@OrigamiRobot there is a health.SE, right?
@Sterno Because people often remember different parts. People remember random significant parts, but Wikipedia usually doesn't usually list every part about a game. Quoting part of the Wikipedia article in an answer is usually a good idea though.
@RavenDreamer Is this still not cited enough?
@TylerShads I don't know, but if there is, they belong there.
@Sterno considering the two of us together run a site called "Without the Sarcasm" - you could make that conclusion, yes :)
I think its actually fitness.SE, not health in general
@TylerShads Types in health.stackexchange.com, gets a picture of a sad panda
@OrigamiRobot Because shopping advice changes and lots of people recommend different things. Medical advice does so significantly less.
@John Why did you make the panda sad?
@TylerShads Fitness and Nutrition
@TylerShads I didn't do it! It's @Wipqozn's fault!
@Ullallulloo So medical advice doesn't change or vary as much? I disagree.
Panda unsaddened
Sorry bout that
@StackExchange What did I do? D:
@StackExchange :(
@badp But now I'm a sad panda. :(
@StackExchange :(
@StackExchange :(
@RonanForman >:(
Man @Wipqozn really needs to be here.
@RonanForman ಠ_ಠ

Proposed Q&A site for anyone wanting to discuss health-related issues not covered by Fitness & Nutrition, as well as experts and enthusiasts wanting to discuss new breakthrough treatments, etc.

Currently in commitment.

25% commited
@OrigamiRobot Go upvote this.
Well, now that I don't have room ownership to lose anymore, I can call @badp a mean abusive mod all I want! :D
Nice to know I'm still special, though.
@John Hm?
I hate you, @ArdaXi.
Join the club.
@John We all do.
There's a club? I wanna join! Please? I wanna be popular!
Practically I don't think it matters, as I doubt this room'll freeze.
@RonanForman Town hall chat does it.
@Ullallulloo This isn't town hall chat.
@RonanForman Town hall chat happening causes this room to freeze.
Oh I see. That won't be for a while anyway.
20 hours ago, by badp
I hate you Arda
Who unpinned it?
@RonanForman True, but still a case where this room would freeze.
@ArdaXi You know you could try to be less hateable
I must have missed something in the story...I didn't expect cerberus...in this particular location.
Feb 23 '11 at 15:40, by Arda Xi
Oh, the irony.
Aug 19 '11 at 13:27, by Arda Xi
@GraceNote Why won't people hate me? :(
Apparently I am a 'lovable rogue'.
@BenBrocka Is this right after you got a message from the salarian Councillor?
I was just stopping by, I don't recall getting a warning that they'd be there.
@BenBrocka SURPRISE!
@ArdaXi Yes, but these are Grace's words, so I'd take them with a bucket of salt.
Feb 22 at 12:56, by OrigamiRobot
beep boop I love you.
throws streamers in the air and blows party favor
@BenBrocka There isn't. But it's related to the salarian's warning
Cerberus throws the best parties
@BenBrocka I had the kids in the room watching, and I was just going to dock and drop off some quests.
btw, hope you had already turned in any citadel quests, because, well, things change.
That's... a problem
@agent86 Yeah, I was actually on my way there to turn in a quest or two when that happened
@murgatroid99 :(
more than one or two...
@agent86 I don't think I missed much, though. I think I already had the war assets from at least on of the quests
I should really stop Charging turrets
@BenBrocka Yeah, that kind of sounds like a bad plan to me
Q: Have unique Gravatars shown with ME3 missions page

TylerShadsCurrently, anyone who has completed a mission, no matter what rank that mission is, they are shown for completing it, regardless of how high their rank is. For example, I have completed up to Rank 4, but am shown on the past 3 ranks as well. To me, it seems implied that in order to get to Ran...

Q: How do the sniper rifle modifications work?

yx. If I'm a soldier or infiltrator, can I get an even higher level of time dilation during scoping by adding the concentration mod for the sniper rifle? Does the sniper rifle clip size mod round up or down? If I have a Mantis and I put in a 70% clip size mod, will I now have 2 shots or still 1? Ho...

Q: What is the max level for a weapon mod?

yx.What is the highest level of weapon mods that I can find, will I be able to find it without doing a new-game-plus?

@murgatroid99 the rewards for most of these quests are relatively minor, imho
I think one I had to go collect a teeeeny object from a huge map, easily missed, and I got like 100 credits and 50 xp or something
Are those quests mostly war assets? I care about guns/upgrades more than war assets right now
I was like >:|
oh, and XP
@agent86 Yeah, it probably doesn't matter. I think I will get 5K war assets by the time I am done
@BenBrocka the "find the artifact" ones are almost always war assets, the other ones are generally just a bit of cash and some XP
@agent86 I try to do those and then explore the rest of the sector while I'm there, because I will probably want to do that anyway
@murgatroid99 yeah, I tend to just 100% systems whenever they unlock. I don't always have the choice, owing to children being present :)
the wander around in the spaceship and talk to blue aliens parts are fascinating to my 4 yr old
wow, lots of good mods here
Am I the only one that never uses medigel, ever?
seems like the XP from further medigel pickups is way more helpful
@BenBrocka I never do either. And I'm playing Insanity
@OrigamiRobot I do not think people trying to help each other in areas they have experience in themselves is ever a bad idea. But I do not see medical things getting more of the 'Yeah that sounds ok, or hey when I was drunk out of my mind that helped over there' as a good solid helping hand :)
@BenBrocka I use it every once in a while if I can't get out of cover to get to my squad member
@BenBrocka Meh, it's only like 100 per box right?
If I'm doing so poorly that I need medigel, I'm doing so poorly that medigel won't help.
150, not bad considering how little it seems to take to level up
Ah. Well, I suppose the only time I actually used medi-gel was in the final missions anyway.
@BenBrocka I use it infrequently, typically in boss fights.
Even I haven't needed a lot of medi-gel ... and I'm a both guns blazing charge in then run away and hide type of Shepard
in normal engagements, if I'm doing it right (tm) my squad will be in positions where they never need it
Mr. Floor Puncher and the wave of banshees required a little medi-gel, but yeah.
I think I had one battle where one of my squad members ended up near an Atlas, and I needed to use medi-gel then
I'm always disappointed when I see there's a new question, and I'm like ANSWER ANSWER and then I realize I don't know it, and in fact it's a question I asked because I don't know it :|
It is sometimes fun to take James along, watch him go down, and then specifically deny him medi-gel.
@James I disagree. Just because I know how to play the didgeridoo doesn't mean I should answer "How can I play the didgeridoo while playing Halo?" Disclaimer: I am not very good at the didgeridoo.
@Sterno :D
@Sterno Especially when you hit him in the face with a blackstar? :)
@Sterno you are a terrible terrible person. truly, a horrible person. horrible. Have I told you lately that you're terrible? You probably punch babies for entertainment.
@Stephen Best moment of the game so far.
@agent86 @spugsley's got the market cornered on baby punching.
I hate Mr. Prinze Jr, but I take it out on him by making him do nothing but pull ups in the cargo bay
that's his punishment. Eternal pull ups.
Here's the weird part... I have no problem with Freddie Prinze Jr. He was awesome on Psych. I just hate James.
I mean, sure, I wanted to stab my own eyes out after watching Wing Commander....
@OrigamiRobot Haha, the original wub wubs :)
@Sterno if she was franchising, I think you'd be the first satellite location for Baby Punchers, USA
Well, when played correctly :D
@James I do own and love a didgeridoo, but I can't get circular breathing down.
@agent86 This is relevant to @spugsley's interests.
@OrigamiRobot Friend of mine has a pair that we some times bring out on our wine/gaming nights, usually depending on how many bottles of wine we have opened :)
@OrigamiRobot Not enough wipqozn is a common problem.
@GnomeSlice Robots? No! I always thought it was the racism and obesity.
@AshleyNunn I'm not sure if I would buy it (I watched it on youtube), but it is a fun watch.
@GnomeSlice @Wipqozn Are you okay with setting a direct URL to our facebook page.
We were going to do it a while ago but then that copyright thing came up.
@RonanForman Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you what you wanted to use.
You can't change it once you pick it.
either stackgaming or gamingSE
Both good.
I think I like the first one better.
@FallenAngelEyes GW2 beta invites to go out "shortly"
Huh. I'm looking through my old flags and see one dupe flag I left (before I had the rep to vote to close) got declined because "flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention"
Why give low rep users the ability to flag as dupes if they aren't supposed to flag as dupes?
@Sterno That's what VTC is for
@DaveMcClelland Not if you don't have the rep to VTC
@DaveMcClelland He couldn't vote to close yet.
By policy, we don't delete dupes because they still contain useful googling keywords
Oh... I should probably read better
@Sterno Did it eventually get closed as a dupe?
@Sterno One of our moderators is a troll!
@OrigamiRobot Hey, were not fat, were just fluffy!
@OrigamiRobot Probably. It's deleted now
@Wipqozn What do you think?
Although it does look like I used the "Other" section and copy and pasted the duplicate title, rather than properly selecting the option for "exact duplicate"
so probably just an error rather than a policy!
My SOP when answering someone in chat is now to wait an extra 5 seconds to see if @StrixVaria beats me to it with his robot typing skills.
@Sterno Congrats on admiral, by the way!
@DaveMcClelland If you mean General, thanks!
@OrigamiRobot The tests vary, but when I'm copying text it's around 100wpm, and when I'm typing for myself it's faster.
@Sterno Yeah, that one. I'm terrible with military ranks. Even worse remember words I just read on a different tab, it seems
I like to look at @LessPopMoreFizz's orange gravatar and pretend that's mine under Admiral.
@StrixVaria I have a multitude of typing problems.
When I was a kid my dad had a DOS computer and the only fun game on it was a typing game.
@OrigamiRobot wooooooooooooooooo
My algorithm gives high priority to 'a'. I frequently type 'ahve' and 'amke' by mistake.
@Sterno sometimes people flag stuff even when they can close it. it's possible that your flag was dismissed by a mod who assumed you could close vote. Don't take it personally :)
@StrixVaria Your description sounds like an excellent ITG!
@Sterno No.
I have no desire to find it again anyway.
@agent86 I wasn't. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't a policy
I can type well enough :P
Q: Should I buy the Spectre Requisition Terminal weapons?

agent86There are a few weapons available from the Spectre Requisition Terminal in the Citadel, but they're all crazy expensive. As far as I can tell, there's really no way to determine how their stats stack up against what I've already got. What weapons are available here throughout the game? What di...

Q: Where can I find good Skyrim leveling guide, skills, quests and all?

Davor TrnI need Skyrim leveling guide with all secrets. Main and side quests, character and skill level up system. Any good source?

Q: Can dupe suggestion keywords pay attention to message tags?

StephenWhen creating a new message we all get the suggestions of similar or potentially duplicate questions. With this site in particular, basing that soley on the question title can be narrow since we are going to have a lot of "What are the achievements available?" type questions (for example) If a ...

@FallenAngelEyes Did you get an email too?
I've been known to flag stuff that I've close voted in cases where it was so blindingly obvious that I figured I'd alert a mod just to speed things along.
@OrigamiRobot aye
@Sterno it's not a policy. tbh, close flags are kind of not that useful, as unless it's clearly off-topic, we're not supposed to close stuff.
the obvious stuff we're likely to notice, and the non-obvious stuff goes through the voting process
@FallenAngelEyes I'm so excited!
@agent86 Newbie SE'ers get excited and want to flag stuff and be helpful!
Depends, lots of mods follow a close early, close often policy, since people can improve questions
But yeah, getting VTC permission was nice.
but GAming is big enough you can probably always wait for Qs to get closed in a timely fashion
@OrigamiRobot the FB link in mine is broken though
@RonanForman: seems like agood idea to me, and I like the first better as well.
Also, I'm in class, hence why it took me so long to reply.
Got it.
Why is Jeff still a mod on gaming?
@FallenAngelEyes I don't have a facobook to break. Also, I'm am totally supporting your stance on medical advice questions.
what does a PSN code look like?
like a DLC code?
@sterno Congrats!!
@OrigamiRobot That's... very old, haha
@DaveMcClelland I'm pretty sure he's still a unversal mod
@agent86 what, like those codes you redeem for PSN money?
@BenBrocka Okay then. Why is Jeff still a universal mod?
Because he's still trusted and valued as part of the SE community?
it's not like they fired his ass
@DaveMcClelland Probably because he will always be the co-creator of this network?
@BenBrocka like what you'd get if you bought a game, and it came with an online pass, and you had to put it into the game?
@BenBrocka As far as we know.
@agent86 Like letters, numbers, and dashes...
@BenBrocka @TylerShads I'm not implying that I don't trust Jeff. I just don't like the idea of non-SE employees being universal mods
I think four blocks of four characters
Huh. Unless I'm reading this chart wrong, the best pistol in the game happens to be the lightest?
@LessPopMoreFizz I can't look at google docs at work, but are you talking about the Spectre one?
@DaveMcClelland If it was one of the Sysadmins, CHAOS, or community members, I can see the point, but with Jeff, not so much
@DaveMcClelland No, I'm not.
@DaveMcClelland Predator seems better than Spectre by the numbers.
Same with Joel
(Joel runs the show)
Nope, it looks like it's all letters like this: ABCD-EFGH-IJKL
leeds/reading lineup comes out in 15 minutes
I have no money to buy a ticket.
@Ullallulloo okay, cool, thanks.
@TylerShads I'm with you on Jeff. I just wish it was noted somewhere that he was the exception to policy
@agent86 yeah, it's a set of 3 fields, 4 alphanumeric characters
@LessPopMoreFizz How do you feel about the Scorpion? It's heavier but packs a punch
anybody know what format the Origin codes are in?
@DaveMcClelland I do agree with that, though I could've sworn it was mentioned on his blog.
@FallenAngelEyes The blinking question resurfaced and I was going to make a meta post of my own.
2012/03/11 - new record in visits, views
I do know that once you become a mod on a site, you have it until you relinquish it/blatantly abuse your power
@Stephen I tend to carry the Scorpion because unique utility > Raw numbers for a pistol for me.
It's in Jeff's profile that he's retired
(on all other metrics Skyrim > ME3)
But then, I'm playing a suicidal vanguard.
Scorpion is pretty sweet
Do we have a question about how to start New Game+ in ME3?
do any other guns have unique firing modes?
@LessPopMoreFizz I had said in the answer about the spectre weapons that I thought the scorpion was the best pistol and just wanted to hear about other opinions
@agent86 KoA's in 5 things of four letters or numbers.
@badp considering time as well?
ME's 1/3 of the way to Skyrim in only a week
@BenBrocka uh?
well we're talking daily spikes here
I assume you mean in terms of benefit for G.SE?
@Tristan I'm looking at a screen full of answers about it ... if you want to ask it, I'll answer it :)
Oh, skyrim had more daily posts/ect?
@Stephen Scorpion is clearly not the best pistol. But it offers a lot of unique utility, which is arguably more important in a pistol.
@Tristan nm, I'm looking at bonuses
@BenBrocka Skyrim traffic was absurd. This is busy, but it's not even close to the way that Skyrim took over the site.
That's building on Skyrim very heavily though.
@Stephen I'm not really concerned with the bonuses. I just wanna know how to start New Game+. Like... Do I keep my weapons and upgrades and such?
@LessPop_MoreFizz ah
I'm going by the Google Analytics data above
they report almost 220,000 page views yesterday
@Tristan I haven't gotten that far yet, but from what I read once the game is completed the New Game+ option appears and it allows your character to retain earned equipment and skills
@Stephen Awesome. Thanks!
previous best was below 200k
then again the services might have different notions of stuff such as "what is a day" or "what is love", and if you link to that video I'll strangle you. I've already made the reference :P
I'm sad I missed the Skyrim craze on here. Sounds fun.
@Sterno If you thought that the ME3 spam was bad...
@Tristan Yes, we have a New Game + Question. Yes, Stephen is right, you keep all upgrades.
@LessPopMoreFizz Whoever made that weapon spreadsheet deserves all the rep
I really hate the way that ME3 halfway uses numbers. "You get +50 to your carry capacity. No, we're not going to ever tell you a number any other time. You just have to guess what '50' means"
@StrixVaria Why did I just get this ping again?
by the way
@OrigamiRobot It happens to Gnome and other people occasionally. Probably a chat bug.
@Sterno Yeah, I liked that with the weapon upgrades too, where the mod told you it was increasing something, but there wasn't any increase in that bar on the screen.
@TimStone it shows you on the weapons loadout screen
@StrixVaria As long as it isn't a me bug.
manual reputation recalculations are [practically] dead, long live manual reputation recalculations.
@badp you know the "long live the King" bit of that was always referring to the NEW king, not the dead one
@BenBrocka I meant that I'd apply the upgrade on the loadout, and nothing would change.
@Sterno Fixed?
At least in a visible sense.
@badp Nice!
@Sterno Yes that does seem to be the case
@BenBrocka the new king is no king. That's the best kind of king!
@TimStone if it's an upgrade to the stats like damage, it shows up as a green bar adding to the weapon's stats
@badp Now that it's not spam, it's still a terrible question.
@badp No king, no king, lala lala la la
for your typical values of king. I can see how a kickass monarchy can theoretically beat democracy's ass any day, there's just a lack of kickass kings.
@badp no gods or kings, only Rep
@LessPop_MoreFizz so vote as appropriate
@badp I did.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I knew I could count on you when it comes to downvoting.
or making Community downvoite
Someone should comment on that question...
@OrigamiRobot Why? It was spam. Let it whither on the vine.
@BenBrocka Yep, only there was...nothing.
Not sure if the change was so insignificantly small, or if it just bugged. shrugs
@TimStone Keep in mind that upgrades from mods are a percentage increase on what's already there.
+20% accuracy on a gun with a tiny accuracy bar will produce an increase too small for you to see.
Which means you should use mods to reinforce strengths, not compensate for weaknesses. (with a few exceptions, such as weight reduction, or scopes).
@LessPopMoreFizz Let me know if that chart link ends up in an answer somewhere so I can upvote it. That thing is awesome
@Sterno I found it in an answer.
Question about SPECTRE weapons that I'm too lazy to go find.
Q: How do I access the hidden missions?

StephenHow do I activate the hidden missions in the Hades Gamma Cluster, Plutus System and the Cacus System? What bonuses are awarded for completing them?

Q: Second play through. Femshep Paragon. Which missions would get in the way of my paragon(ness)?

Dylan IpThere was that one mission on Tuchanka(?) with the rachnis and I tried both options and noticed I got plus 5 renegade for both endings to that mission, Leave the queen or free her. Don't link me to videos or anything, reading ftw! Just post the name o' the missions and telling me what to say.

Q: NPCs standing in doorways of skyrim ( thralls followers and dogs.)

Belam Ashborneright so i read the similar question, and the answers were pretty much everything ive done to get past them, what i want to know is if there is a console command or mod or otherwise that lets you push these nefarious followers out of your way "they can push you but you cant push them" has bugge...

A: Should I buy the Spectre Requisition Terminal weapons?

Tim StoneWhat you see is what you get. The three weapons listed there are all that's made available from that terminal for the duration of the game. I can't reliably speak to the assault rifle and pistol (the pistol is described as having more damage, at least), but in the case of the Black Widow sniper r...

Although credit to @Sathya for linking it to me on Skype the other day.
@LessPop_MoreFizz He is a registered user. If I intended to simply post spam, I wouldn't bother making an account.
A: Should I buy the Spectre Requisition Terminal weapons?

yx.The only way to obtain the 3 Spectre class weapons is to purchase them to through the Requisitions. When compared to other weapons you can find in the game, they are extremely powerful, but not necessarily in all categories. For example, when comparing the Black Widow to the M-98 Widow, it does...

In case anyone else loved that chart, that's where it's at :)
@TimStone Ah, you beat me to it!
Oh, you meant that chart, or the Google Docs one?
scratches head
No, I totally hit the wrong one. I suck.
@TimStone Glad you were in chat!
I always am o_o
@Lazers This... not sure about this question
@FallenAngelEyes they seem to be asking "can I play without getting any Renegade rep", to which the answer is no
they're sort of over specifying their problem
@BenBrocka They also want a list of the missions that count and the full dialogue tree for what they should say o.O
Well, that part we can't answer, but the fact of the matter is they can't avoid tiny bits of renegade rep
IMO that supersedes the specific question
You mean everything isn't unicorns and rainbows?!
Everything is unicorns and rainbows, but the unicorn's horn is dripping with blood
Anyone up for some ME3 multiplayer?
@Fabian Why do you have to tease me?
@RonanForman Why am I teasing you?
Because I haven't got the game yet.
@RonanForman What's stopping you?
The post.
@RonanForman I decided to actually buy the game in a store to avoid any trouble with mailing the game, as I also didn't want to buy the digital version for 10 EUR more
@RonanForman It took me way too long to figure out that you meant mail when you said post. Silly British.
@StrixVaria I hardly think that's my fault.
@Fabian It was about £20 less for me, I had a voucher and stuff.
@RonanForman That's a good enough reason
@RonanForman It's not your fault that you were taught silly British, you're right.
wtf. What is this huge quadraped alien in the Citadel?
it's like a lizard gorilla with solar panels on it's back
Every time anyone says "Citadel" I think of Half-Life 2. I don't even remember if that's actually called the Citadel, but that's what I think of.
And I keep getting excited, because the Half-Life games are awesome.
yeah, that's the citadel
And then I realize you're talking about not Half-Life :(
... and the trains arrive and they never leave...
I wish we were talking about half life too
talk to Valve about it :P
Fun Fact: I still haven't voted on the Great ITG Reckoning.
Q: Can I see what other players have named their character in multiplayer?

BrysonicOn Xbox 360 (not sure about other platforms), I only see other players' Xbox Live account names in the lobby and in-game. Is there a way to see what my teammates named their characters? Are they able to see the name of my eponymously named male vanguard, Manguard?

Q: Is the Geth at the end of Priority: Geth Dreadnought from any of the previous games?

ResorathI just finished Priority: Geth Dreadnought and there was a Geth named Geth VI who is sending out the reaper signal. Was this Geth significant in any of the other games? The way the camera work is done, it looks as if this is a significant character. To me, it just looks like all the other Geth I...

Q: How can I choose my squadmates in Mass Effect 3?

What's up DocIN Mass Effect 3 I have trouble choosing my squadmates, as the choice seems to be made for me. Twice now Shepherd has told a squadmate to go and do something which means they leave my squad. When encountering Liara James gets ordered away and when encountering Garrus Liara gets sent away. Is th...

Q: Why is Anderson not a councilor?

What's up DocIn both my ME1 and ME2 savefile I had anderson as a councilor. I just never liked Udina. Yet this choice seems to have been ignored when importing my save. Is this an error, or is the choice explained somewhere?

Q: Is mining mineral resources important in Mass Effect 3?

StephenIn Mass Effect 2 there was a lot of resource gathering to power weapon upgrades (for example). Does the same mechanic come into play in Mass Effect 3 to any degree beyond the initial save file import? (Motivation: While searching for more information to help answer this question I tripped over ...

Q: Is it worth upgrading my equipment for warzones?

TZHXWhen entering a Warzone PvP arena in Star Wars: The Old Republic, players receive a buff that reportedly increases your statistics for weapons, armor and base attributes to what they would be at Level 49. With this in mind, is there any benefit to acquiring better equipment for use in Warzones? ...

@LessPop_MoreFizz funner fact-ier - I can't :D
@agent86 Yes, but my point is that I can vote and haven't.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Building dramatic tension?
@OrigamiRobot Not quite.
@agent86 You can just delete your answer in favour of ITG.
Just tried to pub a ME3 multiplayer game. 5 in a row couldn't get all 4 people to actually press "ready"
looks like the deadlock is finally over...for now
@LessPop_MoreFizz Or does this have something to do with you comments on testing?
lame, I've only ever had 1 person not pick ready in a game in multi
To be fair, I only waited about 30 seconds once 4 people were there
@agent86 Why can't you?
@OrigamiRobot Not entirely, though that's related.
@BenBrocka Emphasis on for now.
I hate hate hate that scanner between the galaxy map area and the war room
@StrixVaria I posted the answers. I can't vote for my own posts.
@agent86 Oh silly me.
@Sterno it's a loading "screen"
@LessPop_MoreFizz I got your point. You got my point. Why are we still talking? What are we talking about? What day is it?
@agent86 Because it's fun!
who... who am I?
@BenBrocka That doesn't make much sense. The CIC is already a really small level.
@Sterno but, but, the witty banter
it's still a loading screen
@Ullallulloo ah, right. thanks.
Some of the ambient conversations on the citadel are so sad.
The Salarian with the human girlfriend outside of purgatory for instance. :/
@LessPop_MoreFizz I liked the woman who was going to tell her husband it's over, because she's sleeping with an asari mistress
I just got the peer pressure badge. I hate you all.
I love how in the club you get the option to dance...in the corner, all alone
@agent86 Yeah, that one too. :(
@Ullallulloo but then who was mod?
@JuanManuel For what?
@JuanManuel <3
@JuanManuel Link link
for the least popular question in the history of the site
@BenBrocka you're not doing it right. there's a girl who danced with me.
@JuanManuel Also, that deserves a pin.
@JuanManuel Which?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I agree with the testing idea. Lots of things look good on paper.
@agent86 that's not really "with"
she's just sort of also dancing in the corner alone
10k only of course
he, I just got 7 rep points back... yay!

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