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I just used "hereunto" in an answer. I feel like a total badass.
Erg, I dunno how pads work.
Even if I stretch out the hit it fades away.
@LessPopMoreFizz What answer are you awarding on that question anyway...?
Shit. BIOS isn't detecting it either.
That's... really not good.
@ArdaXi Is it spinning up?
Can't possibly tell.
@ArdaXi Is it super quiet during normal operation?
@RavenDreamer Which do you think?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm hoping it's the new user.
@OrigamiRobot No, I've got two disks
@ArdaXi I see, no good/safe way to touch the drive in question while testing?
Definitely no safe way.
Well, it's hot as hell, so I'm guessing it's spinning up.
BIOS at least recognises it. Now for Windows.
And Windows does too. Phew.
@ArdaXi Get the data off of that thing, now.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I fixed it by plugging it into a different slot. I'll run a diagnostic, but the drive's telling me it's fine.
I'll do an extended test overnight.
@LessPop_MoreFizz what he said. if you've got anything irreplaceable, backup time!
Q: Identify an 80s/early 90s PC (DOS) arcade game (possibly demon.exe or similar)

Dmitry SelitskiyUnfortunately, this is going to be very vague but it bugged me for years. From my childhood I remember playing aт arcade game on 286-family PC running DOS a-la Space Invaders (yet I believe that you were actually travelling up and not just hovering at the bottom of the screen) but you were trav...

> Looking for an answer drawing from credible and/or official sources.
For an ITG.
Credible/Official sources.
For an I T Fricking' G.
jsadvcjashd jhsa djhsab djhas djksah dhjkbasdhjkas d
@agent86 There's nothing irreplaceable on it.
@ArdaXi wooo! burn that sucker down with some stress tests then.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I like the number of games that have already matched the criteria but are sadly wrong :)
All that's on it is my collection of television series/films/etc and my Steam games.
Q: Cataclysm substitute to gear/player score?

FofoleIn wrath of the lich king there were some nice add-ons I liked that showed your player score(based on ur items) and also other player's score. In cataclysm I don't seem to find anything that resembles that. Is there a feature or an addon that shows some kind of player score in cataclysm ?

@RonanForman Do you have a script/storyboard for the machinima yet?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Bounties preventing close votes makes me so angry.
@StrixVaria Yeah, when you get that many answers that are wrong, it should be clsoed as NARQ
TBQH, Bounties on ITG questions do a better job than any amount of explanation of why they are harmful.
well he is paying for the effort... but I dislike ITG questions in general
I love itg. =[
@GnomeSlice We should open an ITG chat or something.
ITG/GameRec chat room.
That's not a bad idea.
@Gnome Not yet. It's hard.
It would be a fun place to hang out.
@RonanForman Argh....
I'm not opposed to people getting their questions answered. I'm just opposed to horrible questions on the main site.
@RavenDreamer wowwww you're almost 1000 views ahead of me now. That's insane :)
A problem is that ITG questions generally rely on a large audience in the chance that SOMEONE happens to know what the person is asking about.
Why, we can't start making the maps for at least the 26th
@Pyrodante There are so many problems you can't even sum it up that succinctly.
@RonanForman Buhhhh
I guess that's one, but there are so many more.
statement has been corrected
@Gnome I don't know what that mean.
Look it up.
@Pyrodante A related problem is that while we get incoherent questions on a variety of subjects, ITG questions are by far the hardest for someone else to edit into a form that makes them useful.
So they stay incoherent.
And sit there polluting the front page.
@Gnome So what's the problem?
@spugsley Your zoom question is now only 1000 views behind me now. That's insane.
@RonanForman I want to start thinking about the score.
I think mods shouldn't be allowed to win comfy chair contests.
@RavenDreamer Oh yeah, I saw that! I guess there's still hope for me (though only a little)
I would say my biggest problem is they do not contribute to the usefulness of the site the likelihood of it being useful to anyone else is quite low.
Oh okay, I'll work more on it tomorrow.
It serves more of a distraction then a real meaningful question/answer
The problem is it's perfectly in my head.
@Pyrodante Which is why it's perfect for chat!
The problem I see with that is by limiting the pool of people viewing it limits the chances of an answer, not to mention that most people wont go into the chat but to ask a question... I almost say its the seed of an entirely new site
Oh no. Oh no. We are not going the "Other site" route.
@StrixVaria Mods don't deserve to be comfortable.
@GraceNote Minecraft.se. Starcraft-2.se. Skyrim.se.
@GnomeSlice What's 3dsm got to do with this?
well either way I would say it isn't in the spirit of this site
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, it is idiotic. Bounty removed.
@ArdaXi Oops. Nothing.
@StrixVaria makes a comfy chair out of his rep
@Gnome You do realises they'll be no timing to the storyboard. So it'll be hard to write music.
@RonanForman Yes and no.
@badp I didn't know mods could do that. That's pretty awesome.
Does he get his rep back?
@GnomeSlice I thought the IK Solver had something to do with ITG.
If they're loops, you can just fit them to the segments.
@StrixVaria Yes he does. It's not something we want to do a whole lot though.
@ArdaXi Lol. No.
@badp I agree, you probably shouldn't do it very much at all. It's just pretty cool that you have that option.
@Gnome Are you going to be looping the score? Ugh.
@LessPopMoreFizz Now you can add your NARQ vote to that horrendous question from before!
What about spotting, or word painting.
@RonanForman Depends on the scene variety
Cut me some slack, I've never done this before.
wait, can mods not win in the contests?
@GnomeSlice Not enough freehand circles.
They're members of the community too, why not?
I can't even tell what's going on in this picture.
@spugsley Some people are campaigning that now, yes.
@GraceNote that's stupid.
As a joke
@GraceNote they should definitely be allowed to win stuff
@StrixVaria I'm pointing out a tag.
@spugsley I agree.
@GraceNote oh lol okay
@spugsley I am the .7%!
Employees, maybe not.
@GnomeSlice The "raptors" tag? You circled it terribly.
@GnomeSlice Even then... I don't want to exclude @GraceNote!
@RavenDreamer :p
@GnomeSlice Correct, employees do not directly run.
@StrixVaria Deal with it.
> @badp My bad, I just picked the first reason. I was just about to award the bounty to the correct answer... – Dmitry Selitskiy 55 secs ago edit
@GraceNote also has... esoteric tastes.
Same rules as with the Game Grant, really. So yes, this means I never get free games.
Nothing evil going on at all, it turns out
@RavenDreamer ...what
@GraceNote Yours is a niche market.
I think I missed a key point in at least one of the discussions going on
There are only so many games with spear girls.
@GraceNote We should gift them to you manually then!
@RavenDreamer I still like chairs!
Not all chairs are an eyesore!
@GraceNote I don't know why, but that made me laugh really hard.
Wait. Gifting chairs might be harder. Especially chairs that pass the mushroom test.
Sep 28 '11 at 21:21, by Grace Note
Woo! I'm a tree!
That chair would totally not fit in my apartment :(
@FallenAngelEyes Nor mine.
@FallenAngelEyes same here
@spugsley Would you get it anyway, just to say you won a chair?
@RavenDreamer not at all. I had my eye on the Vita. But my hopes and dreams were crushed to tiny pieces :)
Is the topic "cat exercising" or "cat exorcising"?
@spugsley You're the first google result for "amalur zoom"
@OrigamiRobot ...what
@spugsley You still have a chance! And a dutiful husband who should be supporting the Pugsley name!
You ahve two days to trounce me quite soundly.
@RavenDreamer oh really? I was number two like 15 minutes ago...
@FallenAngelEyes of the SEI AskQuestion Mothership, wherein we compare and contrast the relative merits of LASERs and LAZERS and their patented applications in diamond making and cat exercising.
@OrigamiRobot I... didn't even notice that.
@spugsley You're both, because you edited your question.
Q: Identify an 80s/early 90s PC (DOS) arcade game (possibly demon.exe or similar)

Dmitry SelitskiyUnfortunately, this is going to be very vague but it bugged me for years. From my childhood I remember playing aт arcade game on 286-family PC running DOS a-la Space Invaders (yet I believe that you were actually travelling up and not just hovering at the bottom of the screen) but you were trav...

@badp I thought you said you removed the bounty?
@RavenDreamer hahahaha wow. I only had the first version posted for like two seconds before I edited it. Surprised google still grabbed it.
@GnomeSlice He made a new one under a more appropriate bounty reason
@OrigamiRobot clearly we use lasers to drive out evil cats, whats so complicated about that?
I see.
@Pyrodante It's not complicated, it's a typo.
@OrigamiRobot It's exercising, actually
@OrigamiRobot IT'S SIX OCLOCK! Leave work. It's comic time!
With regards to a recent patent for a method of getting cats to exercise via laser pointer. Or something like that.
@OrigamiRobot I read this as "I AM COMING TO YOUR HORSE", and I was confused.
None the least of which because I didn't know you owned a horse.
Does anyone mind if we use pirates instead of natives in our video? It's cooler, has better character design and is less racist.
...what kind of video are you...?
@RonanForman I don't think it's racist.
Also I love pirate music l!
@GraceNote Minecraft Machinima.
@RonanForman I think that'd be a better idea
@RonanForman Ah... rats.
I could probably do some decent jungle beats.
I was wondering about it and then I said it out loud and. Well…
It doesn't make it racist.
It's not like we're saying 'PEOPLE OF (nationality) ARE SAVAGES'
@GnomeSlice We don't even say what their nationality is either.
@Ullallulloo Largely my point.
Plus, pirates don't really build elaborate traps. Mysterious unnamed people build elaborate traps. Pirates build ships and drink copious amounts of alcohol.
There'd still be a jungle
Also ask yourselves this. What race are these natives?
Because seeing as when this is set, it'd have to be a single race.
That's pretty sweet.
@RonanForman When? Why?
@GnomeSlice Seeing this just reminded me of the following
@GraceNote Having trouble uploading oh nevermind.
Hah, I've seen that.
Not really the same thing, but neat.
Not the same thing at all, but just multiple images of a car. Somehow tripped a switch on the rail tracks
The one I linked isn't even really a car any more.
Also I hate the whole 'go-to bad guy' this that's going on in games around now.
Notice the barbecue where the engine should be.
But yes, I know what you meant.
@GnomeSlice Grilling things on a car motor is a tried-and-true tradition. Allegedly.
I mean, though, why else do they call it at the front there, a Grill?
@GraceNote D:
It's a tradition with the people who have their final words as 'dude! Check this out!'
So pirates! Yay or nay?
@GraceNote It's not a motor though... it's a car which has been converted into a picnic stand.
Allegedly I'm anti-pirate. So go the rumors.
@GnomeSlice I say that if a car motor can substitute as a grill, then a grill can substitute as a car motor
Also I have a whole 'typical prirate' scene lined up. It's pretty funny.
@GnomeSlice and @ullallullallo you raised objection. Thoughts?
Q: How do I activate the Cheat Mod in Zombes ModPack in Minecraft 1.1?

yourselvsI recently installed Zombes Mod Pack on Minecraft. I know that I installed it correctly because the other mod I enabled that lets me reach farther does work. I then moved onto the cheat mod and set it up like I set up the other. I had Minecraft closed at the time and when I started up Minecraft...

"I am surprised that it's still called a talent calculator in Mists of Pandaria. I'd think Talent Count-on-your-fingers would be enough now" giggle
@Ullallulloo if I spell your name right. Thoughts?
@RonanForman Natives.
Although pirates would have more character.
If you have pirates, then you can have ninjas... I have no idea what we are talking about but I vote for that
Exactly, they could have motive and jokes and the lair would look awesome!
Where as natives end up with religious savagery and forgotten knowledge and bland character design.
And then the music will have boring tribal chanting and there'll be a bland overused story.
@RonanForman or the resurrection of the Great Cthulhu!
So my 3D project is completely and utterly FUBAR'd. It's due today and I was hoping to get some help fixing up the last few things from my prof.
Looks like I need to start again.
@RonanForman The music is probably going to suck either way.
I'm voting against pirates.
I think I'd have an easier time with the music if it was tribal influenced.
finally the video between Extra Credits and Stack Exchange (GameDev?) is live
@badp ?
well half of it
I think natives would be more likely to have the elaborate structures and traps we're planning on.
I agree.
@GraceNote is a pirate? what?
Does she have a pirate hat and an eye-patch?
@Wipqozn What? No.
Be quiet.
@GnomeSlice Pinged the wrong person, sorry :P
@Wipqozn Where did you... how did you get this silly idea?
19 mins ago, by Grace Note
Allegedly I'm anti-pirate. So go the rumors.
That's exactly the kind of a thing a pirate would say.
Well, the rumors are based on the whole thing where I have ninja in my name.
Draw away suspension...
@GraceNote Ninjas are just the pirates of the sea.
Just a tad bit more drunk, and crude....
@RonanForman Like I said, pirates would be less likely to build stuff like we want, and Minecraft combat isn't the greatest.
a lot more swearing.
@Wipqozn I think you've got that backwards.
@GnomeSlice stars
Oh snap, I only have 20 minutes left to waste all of my stars for today!
Quick, someone say something funny!
@Wipqozn I think you're contractually obligated to star at least 25% of the things mods say.
Nah, I like the first.
and now that I am a mod, you must therefore waste stars on me.
@Wipqozn uh...um...elephants!
Dammit people, try harder!
no! puppy sized elephants because they have the evolutionary advantage of being adorable!
@agent86 True...
GnomeSlice is usually the one to say star-worthy out-of-context stuff!
wait, something funny: EvE is a simple game that is accessible to all types of people.
I'm not good at this.
@Pyrodante That wasn't me though.
@Pyrodante Dwarf Fortress is as simple as...a simple thing.
@Wipqozn Why not?
You're terrible at wasting things.
well... good enough :D
@Wipqozn so... where my stars at?
@Ullallulloo I don't want to clog up the starred list with silly things!
wait... what else is the star list for besides silly things?
@Wipqozn Look at it right now.
oh, I already did use it up.
Congrats @GnomeSlice, you're pirate picture was my last star of the day.
I could have sworn I had ~5 left
man, I could've sworn there was something important I was supposed to be doing...
@agent86 Mod duties?
I still think natives will be too racist, and what possible motive could they have for kidnapping?
@RonanForman Wait, what?
Are you saying natives are racist?
That's... incredibly racist.
Lizard men kidnap people and have traps...
I still have no idea what we are talking about
@Pyrodante I don't either.
I just know that mana is a really cool guy.
Oh, err, hi @mana!
Didn't see you there...
@Wipqozn psh. that's what I'm doing instead of whatever it was that I was supposed to be doing
@John What traps did you have in mind?
Imperials are pretty good at traps...
I thought you guys took the bounty off this thing gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/26185/…
@Pyrodante @badp removed it for having a stupid reason. The new one doesn't seem much better, though...
oh... looks like someone got it
Also if anyone can write a non-bland script around our current idea then we can use it, so far it's just meh.
@Pyrodante Why would we remove the bounty?
@StrixVaria why?
He wants to give an extra award to the right answer. It's fully in his right to do so.
@badp Oh right I didn't realize he had accepted one.
It seemed silly if he wanted to give a bounty but not a checkmark.
yeah he finally found his answer, good on him I guess
I just don't pay enough attention to detail most of the time.
I should stop doing that.
And now I've gone and broke my phone.
I am having a bad day.
@ArdaXi How did that happen?
@Mana is being very silent
@ArdaXi :(
@ArdaXi maybe you should shut today down and reboot it?
I flashed it wrongly.
@ArdaXi ew, bricked, eh?
The original firmware is on a file hosting site that was shutdown with Megaupload.
@agent86 Ah, if only I wasn't out of stars...
@GraceNote Sorry, I was just checking in while taking a stab at this algorithms problem
aha! I have more flags handled than oak today! This is the only time this is likely to happen! I will therefore celebrate for the next five seconds. CELEBRATION COMPLETE.
don't worry @Wipqozn I got this
@ArdaXi Funny you said that three times
I'm just really, really, really, really relieved right now.
I thought I'd killed my phone.
I'm making backups of this everywhere.
no! Not in my face! Don't put a backup in my face noooooooooooooo
Goes have 25 showers to remove all the ink

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