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@Tristan if it's in Charlotte I'll play some MTG with you :P
Let's all sing songs for @Arda!
@IanPugsley It's not. It's in Chicago. =(
@GnomeSlice I don't think of you that way, even when you almost appear to be attempting to assert such an image.
@agent86 Possibly.
@ArdaXi impressed with the speed at which said quip was conceived
@GnomeSlice You played Killing Floor?
@Tristan Nope.
@Tristan post on the mtg subreddit, somebody'll probably play with you
@GnomeSlice Any interest in it?
Not particularly.
Any reason?
@GnomeSlice It's on sale today. Was just gonna return the favor for the PvZ purchase.
I ought to re-render the finial dreadskull too.
@Tristan I saw a friend playing it before. Didn't strike me as particularly interesting. Thanks for the offer though.
@RonanForman It's very disappointing that we can't use the standard logo...
That means I can't use that as a portfolio piece any more, either.
Until I edit it.
@GnomeSlice No problem. If anything does go on sale that you're interested in, let me know so I can return the favor. =)
@Tristan it's worked out in the past for me, but it helps if you don't have a lot of luggage...
@Tristan Ah, don't worry about it.
@agent86 I have one checked bag and a carry-on.
@GnomeSlice Sounds like something fixable, though ♪
@GraceNote Well...
@GnomeSlice Well... The offer's open ended if you ever change your mind.
@Tristan I'd give it a shot, at least ask. the worst that can happen is they go "NO, DEAL WITH IT!" and then you're right back where you started.
It will take some doing. I had the heart at the base level, it wasn't added in AE, I'd have to edit the photoshop image, then re-create the effects on the new image.
What? I missed the big reveal that @GnomeSlice was @SelfImpostor?!?!
@OrigamiRobot It was very dramatic.
@OrigamiRobot Not really much reason to ping the latter anymore
@OrigamiRobot Sorry.
@agent86 I will do that.
@GnomeSlice Uf... I guess I'm happy that I didn't say "Sounds like something quick and easy to fix".
@Mana It was more that I am lazy and didn't wanna type it out
@GnomeSlice rode in on a horse, clad in armour and wielding a spear. It was really impressive.
@RonanForman Looks alright, I guess. The very beginning doesn't look nearly as good in blue. =[
@GnomeSlice I know.
Well GSE Chat can check that off its to-do list
What resolution/bitrate is that?
It seems... low quality, but then again it's trying to fill my screen.
It's too blue da bu de da bu dah.
@Tristan sometimes your bag will already be on the later flight or whatever, but sometimes they'll go ahead and mark your bag for the earlier flight, and then it's just at the baggage claim early... if your stuff is super valuable or you don't want to go a day without it, make sure you make that clear.
1. Solve a mystery: Check
2. Rewrite history: Check
I always thought he was saying "I'm in need I would die" in that song.
@GnomeSlice It's 720p so maybe it's streaching.
So, @agent86, how long until you become corrupt with power?
@RonanForman Yeah, probably. Bitrate?
@OrigamiRobot Rewrite history? This is Stack Exchange. We got plenty of that.
@GnomeSlice How?
@GnomeSlice I can't check while it's rendering.
@IanPugsley A-woo-ooo.
@IanPugsley Woohoo!
@RonanForman Listen to it.
The lyrics make sense in the song, and it sounds kind of like it.
Hard to say.
@Wipqozn oh, that happened ages ago.
then I got bored and became uncorrupted
@GnomeSlice I don't know what it's called.
Me neither.
@GnomeSlice I always thought it was "if I was green I would die"
@StrixVaria Heh.
@StrixVaria What's the song called?
@RonanForman Blue
@RonanForman Blue.
@StrixVaria I thought it was"It's not easy being green."
@agent86 Ah I see. Well, don't worry. When you return to corruption I'll be there to call you out on it. Just like I did with @Mana!
Sounds more like 'if I were green'
By Eiffel 65
@FallenAngelEyes Oh, thanks for specifying.
(That isn't the one you're looking for)
@GnomeSlice Haha, yeah I imagine it's not an uncommon song title.
@GnomeSlice Apparently .6, that can't be right.
@GnomeSlice I actually knew someone that thought it was "I'm in need of a guy." and refused to sing it.
@OrigamiRobot I have friends who thought it was something like that too
@RonanForman Uh.......
@RonanForman Set it to the maximums.
@FallenAngelEyes Maybe they are the same person
@GnomeSlice 300?
@OrigamiRobot Do you have friends who went to high school in upstate NY?
@RonanForman Yeah, that's just the target bitrate.
@GnomeSlice I see.
@Wipqozn okay. sounds like a plan!
Basically, that means your machine will give it the highest bitrate it can.
@FallenAngelEyes uh actually we do know somebody who fits this criteria
@IanPugsley Is it me?
Wait, no.
I should start reading up for context more often.
Q: Is there a way to get an NPC's RefID in game?

AdamWhen using the console to affect NPC characters you always need their RefID. I always get this on one of the two Skyrim wikis because the following help command returns only their BaseID: help <npc name> 4 Is there a way to get their RefID through the in game help search?

@Tristan if the stars list proves anything, it's that context is no fun
@IanPugsley Haha really?
In the Finger Lakes?
@FallenAngelEyes Well I did meet this person in college so it's possible.
@FallenAngelEyes I'm not actually sure, I'll have to ask him - his name is Steve, just on the off chance that it's the same guy (that would be crazy)
@IanPugsley Hm, not too many Steves in my class. My HS was in a very small, rural area.
@FallenAngelEyes Isn't all of Upstate NY like that?
@FallenAngelEyes my grandparents have a little schoolhouse that they use as a vacation home in Keene Valley
and @spugsley's family is from...Hudson? I think?
@StrixVaria Well, not in like, Syracuse, Rochester or Buffalo.
@FallenAngelEyes Aren't those western NY?
I was thinking closer to Lake George.
That's where I've visited, at least.
@StrixVaria It's not very common for people who haven't lived around NY to refer to places in NY that aren't NYC as anything other than "upstate", so I usually don't specify.
@GnomeSlice That makes it so much bigger.
@RonanForman Yeah.
But yeah, Syracuse is more central, Rochester and Buffalo are more western
I'm still not very great at bitrates.
@FallenAngelEyes Being from NJ, I am actually moderately familiar with NY.
@StrixVaria Yeah, I know you are, but I've met people from NYC who have no idea where the Finger Lakes are either. >_>
@FallenAngelEyes NYC is like it's own little (gigantic) world. I don't like going there.
Hey, @Mana, help me figure out which site to use my newest avatar on
It's too crowded and people there are generally assholes.
@GraceNote Martial Arts!
Well my main videos use a max of 9, so I should set that as the target really.
To be fair, the only reason I know anything about NY other than NYC is because my grandparents live about 15 minutes from Lake George.
@IanPugsley That would be terrifyingly wargh
@GraceNote I really need to run, though, or I'm gonna be late for class
@StrixVaria I never even went there until I was 18
@Mana Why do you always have time convenience on your side?
@GraceNote I'm pretending I have any idea what this means
@StrixVaria It's a nice area
This is actually one you would know (and in fact I would have to disown you if you didn't recognize it)
@FallenAngelEyes The only reason I ever go to NYC now is to see a broadway shows, which is not very often.
@GraceNote kk, post it quickly
I haven't been to Lake George in well over a decade though
@FallenAngelEyes It's the same.
@StrixVaria haha, I'm not surprised
Visiting Lake George is like taking a trip to the 90s.
@GraceNote Bitcoin.SE
@GraceNote Do you have an avatar for RPGs yet? It would fit well there.
@Mana Does this really exist?
@StrixVaria Yes
@StrixVaria Also Yes
@StrixVaria yes :(
@GraceNote ಠ_ಠ
@GraceNote Should we make an AmericanDollar.SE now too?
@StrixVaria RPG image
Q: Is Bitcoin a viable currency? A: No.
I bet you guys would shudder to think that Bitcoin is actually outperforming other Beta sites
@GraceNote It will die once all its users fail to pay their Internet bills.
I should de-propose tattoos.se
@GraceNote Well, no. I mean, it's so vague it raises so many questions.
...Bitcoin beats both Literature and DSP (both of which came before it) combined. That makes me shudder.
@GraceNote is it? They probably forgot their mobile.
@GnomeSlice I see this as too specialized - maybe opening it up to body modification in general would be helpful
@GraceNote I don't know how DSP made it into beta in the first place, good lord
@IanPugsley What is DSP?
Signal Processing
@StrixVaria Digital Signal Processing
Data... Sound... Petroleum?
That seems awfully specific.
Ultrasound Graphics Synthesis!
@GraceNote That is depressing
Is there no Electrical Engineering SE site?
Why isn't DSP just a subset of that?
There is, and I have no idea
Or do I just not know what DSP is?
@StrixVaria same reason there's a MtG proposal but a boardgames.stackexchange.com
I know my EE friend in college was in love with DSP.
So I kind of clustered them together.
@IanPugsley That's...stupid.
because really engineering isn't the study of one field of knowledge
Well, let's be clear, the site is actually just "Signal Processing", not just digital. DSP is just the URL
it's more like knowing about enough multiple fields in order to make them work together as a whole
And the EE site is... well, it's a complex fun of its own. Since EE is its fourth name running now.
@badp Should we have separate sites for FPS games and RPG games and RTS games?
@IanPugsley That seems like a good idea, actually.
@StrixVaria in an ideal world, I'm a proponent of things large enough to support an entire proposal being subdomains of the original site, like facebook.stackoverflow.com
And then separate sites below those for Skyrim, StarCraft, Minecraft, etc.?
Unless that got shut down.
@IanPugsley That's a good idea, actually. mtg.boardgames.se would be awesome.
@GnomeSlice This is the pushing factor behind why there's an M:tG proposal
@GnomeSlice it's still up, but questionable
@StrixVaria no, but electrical engineers, at least at the Polimi, study thermodynamics because "it's a fundamental Engineering topic".
@GraceNote the webmaster of D3C is actively supporting the proposal
That wouldn't make thermodynamics on topic on an "elecrtical engineering" SE now would it?
Aye, he is
That and our current lack of ability to properly support Magic is why we don't have nearly as much of a backing on Boardgames as is.
@badp I'm not sure I understand your argument. I said DSP should be part of EE. I didn't say EE should be part of "Engineering in General".
I'm replying to your "FPS/RPG/RTS" argument.
Hm... Miner Wars won't load...
Q: Is it possible to realistically use Lydia for the entire game?

EnderI'm concerned with the information I've gathered about followers. Namely the tidbit about how a follower's stats\level are set to yours when you aquire them. I've heard of console commands that supposedly reset a follower, allowing you to level them up with you as you progress through the game, b...

@GnomeSlice Did you (ever) finish updating it?
@GraceNote Yeah, I did it just now on my laptop. I'm at school. Had to come in really early today.
@RonanForman Lol, that won't even play on my computer. I guess the bitrate is too high.
Yeah it won't play on mine either.
I had that problem with a few things on my pc after rendering. If you put it on youtube it should work though.
@GnomeSlice Well youtube decreases the bitrate to 9mbps
That'd be why then.
Try rendering at 8
@GraceNote I still like my idea I posted on that meta thread - if we can't do an image popup, at least do an auto-link to the card on the MtG site
@IanPugsley Don't find that to be a bad idea, m'self
if that was in place, it'd be very easy to write a user script and stick it on StackApps for the image popup
I'll put it at tgt 8, max 9. That's premiers suggested youtube HD setting
in which case SE assumes zero liability
@Wipqozn Dear Esther is... interesting.
there are actually user scripts out there right now that parse every page you go to and create image popups for MtG cards, lol
@GraceNote can you use your employee/witch powers to make this happen? :P
@Tristan What exactly is that about?
I have no idea what Dear Esther is about, I just saw someone commenting on the fact that it had amazing environmental design.
@GnomeSlice I bought it solely because someone said it gave video games a chance in the whole "Video games are art" debacle.
@Tristan Any good?
@IanPugsley Neither one, alas
@GnomeSlice I'm not entirely sure... I've only been walking around the first area for about 20 minutes so far.
Is there any way of accessing chat that isn't so conspicuously not-work?
@fredley go straight to chat.stackexchange.com?
@fredley Don't maximize your browser.
@fredley I never really had a problem back when I had my old job, but I mostly worked off of the transcript
@RonanForman same deal
@GnomeSlice It works for me, wait for it to buffer.
@FallenAngelEyes I'm more concerned with the look of chat itself. Images and gifs pop up occasionally that are quite conspicuous.
Can we get some reopen votes here:
Q: Rogue pvp rotation Cataclysm 4.3?

FofoleI played Wrath of the Lich King as rogue up to lvl 80. I did some pvp but I never actually was really successful. Most of the kills I got were because of the difference between gear. I've returned to the game late in Cataclysm& will soon be 85 and want to go pvp but have no idea what to do. I...

@fredley plaintext chat sounds like an MSO feature request to me.
@GnomeSlice It's so smooth! I apologise to all the videos with the crap one on.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Mobile UI
Not entirely plaintext but I believe it does summat about the prominence and sense of the images
(Also it's how I actually did chat outside of the Lounge)
@LessPop_MoreFizz an IRC bridge would be ideal
Trying out github.com/ghewgill/soirc now, but it looks old
@grace images still get one boxed in the mobile UI.
Ah. That would be problematic
you could also just set up Adblocker or something similar to block images from imgur
The interface is quite image heavy, a simple, image-free interface would be great

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