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I used to ruin stuff with him.
@IanPugsley Siegfried was in Soul Calibur.
Congrats on your first resolved flag @Oak :P
He was pretty much a copy of Nightmare back then, though.
SC2 had tons of cloned characters.
@StrixVaria so he was...
@StrixVaria I used to teach for a few years. The students submit a feedback on their teacher near the end of the semester. I used to encourage them to not only give dry grades but also give a textual comment explaining what they like and what they hate. I may disagree with them, but at least I know
@JuanManuel but but... it's not my first... the stupid system deleted my past actions
@Oak you are reborn now, you shouldn't remember your past life
Yoshimitsu is turning out to be really fun. I try to make it a habit of using characters I don't see other people using very often.
oh also @SelfImpostor, Patroklos' (not Patsuka/Patroklos Alpha) CE is crazy good at ringouts
@IanPugsley Must be a new one, never heard of him.
pop 'em up in the air with a launcher and CE, off they go
@Self_Impostor he and Pyrrha are the new Sophitia/Cassandra
I don't think I used them much. I was pretty good with Xianghua for some reason, but she annoyed the hell out of me.
@Oak (actually, it's segmented by time now... if you click "all" you'll see your previous flags from that other life)
wow... 14592 flags so far
@Self_Impostor yes my internet is flaky today
@JuanManuel I just noticed! So cool!
@Oak So you wait until I can no longer remove my 'double post' message? :P
@Self_Impostor what message? I don't know what you're talking about.
@Oak Me neither. :]
Hm... I wonder if AVWW has been updated recently...
@SelfImpostor You're a new user, how did you find the guidelines for the site? Are they fairly straightforward?
@RonanForman Ish.
@IanPugsley I mained Sophitia in SCIV and I just can't get the hang of any of those 3 (excluding Patsuka) movesets.
Provided you actually read all of them, they're pretty straightforward.
Pyrrha Omega is the closest, but it's still too jarring for me to compensate.
@RonanForman I've got about an hour free right now if you wanted to chat about the questions you had for me
@Oak that was faster than Wheatley
I really wish I still had the "about" link at the top of the page.
Apparently people with high rep don't ever want to view that fun Venn diagram ever again.
Yes, I know I can just type /about on the url, but that's a pain.
@StrixVaria I'm okay with there being less Cass/Soph players running around (as an Astaroth main, lol)
@IanPugsley I agree. Sophitia's mid/low mixups in SCIV were annoying. Once I realized that the only reason I was winning online was that the lag prevented them from blocking me on reaction, I stopped using her.
I forget, was one of those the little white girl with the two arm blades?
@Self_Impostor Talim?
@StrixVaria Oh right, her.
I could almost never win against her.
I miss Talim :(
She's gone?
Talim was fun.
I miss SCIII Zasalamel.
@StrixVaria ugh I really really miss Zas
@IanPugsley Talim isn't in SC5!?
@Laura The thing is I'm wondering about your motives behind the copyright thing, as it seems to be that you're doing it so that if we screw up you don't get the blame. Or is it simply the fact that if you don't fight this then you have no defence against real cases.
@Tristan Nope. There's no replacement either.
attack throws and air throws are my jam, and besides Astarath, Zas was my next go-to
@StrixVaria I am not buying SC5 now.
I've played Sc3 I think, at a friend's. Zasalamel is the guy with the Scythe? I can't recall if he was really fast or really slow.
@RonanForman Er, that's a little harsh.
@Self_Impostor Both.
@Self_Impostor he's in the middle
He has some really fast moves, but for the most part he's pretty slow.
had* :(
@FallenAngelEyes How so? I completely understand it in both cases, I just need to know which one.
I should try and figure Cervantes out again in SC5
@RonanForman I think it's just the wording mostly. It comes off kind of confrontational.
@StrixVaria the about link should appear at the bottom of the page for you... so you don't need to type it in
I was great with him in SC2 for a while, then I forgot how to use him.
I pretty much want to learn everyone except Algol and that one from Assassin's Creed.
At least that where it appeared for me
@Oak Thanks I'll check it out.
@RonanForman unfortunately it's not that simple - they have the logo trademarked, and in the US, if you don't defend your trademark you can lose it pretty easily
The hardest part about SCV for me is playing as one character long enough to start winning before saying "ooh that one's shiny too!" and switching to another character.
@StrixVaria personally I'm not really fond of the fact links keep moving between the top and the bottom. Happens with chat as well. But they should all still always be somewhere
@IanPugsley Exactly, that's what I meant by the second reason.
@Oak Yes! We agree on something! high five
@RonanForman What Tristan said, the wording in the first bit.
@RonanForman That's not it at all. The reason is that we have copyright and trademark guidelines, and when I noticed that there were a number of accounts that didn't seem like they were complying with those guidelines, I talked to Joel about whether we should do anything. He said we absolutely should and asked me to send emails to the account holders with a link to the guidelines. So I did.
Ooh, AVWW updates!
@Self_Impostor What is AVWW?
That's all there is to it. We have rules, and we should've been enforcing them more strictly all along. But the fact of the matter is we're a very quickly growing company, and we don't have a copyright department, so there was never a big priority put on enforcing our copyright.
@StrixVaria :)
@StrixVaria Ivy might be my next
@IanPugsley I think I'm going to go for Maxi pretty soon.
@IanPugsley I'm telling your wife about this.
@StrixVaria This is my issue as well.
I wind up being mediocre with everybody.
However, now that we are building out marketing and social media for individual sites and the company in general, it is extremely important for us to avoid confusion in the greater world about what activities are official, and which are fan-driven. It's the same as any other company that has a brand and fans.
@StrixVaria Yeeeep.
It's fun at casual games, though, because I can roll in and stomp everyone with their own character.
Which I have done before.
@Self_Impostor haha she'd probably watch me play her just for the fun of yelling "WTF WHY SO MUCH BOOB"
Ivy is hilarious.
@StrixVaria I love this - being able to actually win as Edgemaster (or Kilik/Elysium now) is great
I'm guessing she hasn't changed a whole lot in SC5
@IanPugsley My goal is to be able to maintain a C rank with Edge Master.
@Laura Some companies do allow stuff like logo use and make fankits for fansites and the like, though I don't know the legal specifics behind that. Would that be possible in this case or no?
Once I can do that, I will consider myself having beaten SCV.
@StrixVaria nice :)
@Laura Makes sense, the issue I find is that if we move too far away, we stop being 'The Gaming SE community' and turn into 'a group of people who happen to use the website'
Ah sick, AVWW supports a gamepad now.
@FallenAngelEyes it's likely a logo that is not trademarked
@IanPugsley Yoshimitsu's CE is nasty, btw. It can't ring out but I haven't seen any other ones deal more damage than it.
@StrixVaria hmm, haven't seen it yet
@RonanForman they should add us all to the payroll and then we'd be part of the company... conflict resolved!
@IanPugsley It makes up for all his BE moves being complete trash.
Yoshimitsu was bloody hard to use in SC2 but he was unbeatable if you knew what you were doing.
@JuanManuel Or do a work experience thing, it's less expensive :P
@FallenAngelEyes You can use the logo as long as you modify it to show that it's not an official logo. In the case of something like Google Plus, most people will see your posts in their news stream. So the logo and the name (which are what show up in the stream, not the description in the profile) each need to show that they are not an official SE-managed item. Slap a sash that says "unofficial" across the logo, re-draw it in crayon...something that makes it clear that it is not an SE-managed page
@Self_Impostor He's just as hard to use now. Half his moves will kill himself if you're not paying attention.
@RonanForman That's fair concern, but I don't think that will happen. Anyone who knows SE knows that there are very strong communities on many of our sites, Gaming being one of them. And the content you put out on the social media accounts is great - it's fun, informative, authoritative. I don't think those things depend on the exact name or logo you use.
You could even call your accounts Gaming SE User Community or something like that
put community in the name. make it clear.
@Laura So it's not the actual use you have issues with, it's the fact there may be confusion?
Those things are facets of the same issue. The guidelines are in place to prevent confusion about the official brand presence.
@RonanForman It's likely both. The way trademarking works is that you have to prove and defend that your logo is identifying a unique property.
Man I can't wait until this game is finished.
@StrixVaria the two highest-damaging ones I can think of are Nightmare and new Taki (new Taki can combo hers with her insanely-high damage air throw)
@Self_Impostor Critical Edge (234234A+B+K) and Brave Edge (A+B+K after/during an attack)
@Laura I was wondering why the blog is exempt from this, as that seems to be in (or at least started in) the same position.
@IanPugsley o.o
@Self_Impostor yeah, they added EX-moves like from Street Fighter
also just guard, which is parry like from 3rd Strike
@RonanForman The blogs are set up and the infrastructure managed by Stack Exchange. Google Plus, Facebook, YouTube, etc. are not
there were some very big changes this time around
@Ronan If you are using a tool that Stack Exchange set up for you / gave you access to, that basically means it's an "official" platform. It also means that because we're managing it, we know exactly what everyone on there is doing without having to go out and search for it and manually monitor things.
@IanPugsley I haven't started thinking about comboing into/out of these things yet. Mostly because I physically have trouble with the 236236 motion mid-combo.
@StrixVaria oh balls I said 234 up there
@IanPugsley I didn't even notice.
@Laura I'm guessing giving an employee admin privileges isn't quite the same then.
@FallenAngelEyes Not to make light of their intolerance....but at their rallies, do they chant "NOM NOM NOM"? >_> <_<
@TimStone >_>
@StrixVaria you don't have to put in 236236 very well (8wayrun thread about it)
@Laura How much of a change would be needed to the logo, would for example flipping it and colouring it blue be enough?
@IanPugsley Voldo gave me particular trouble. He would always do his 236A+B attack when I tried to put in 236236A+B+K.
@RonanForman No, it's not. Honestly, I haven't had a chance to talk to David, so I don't know why he's an admin or if he's planning on being involved. If it becomes a page that is a joint collaboration between employees of SE and users of gaming.SE, you will probably be allowed to use our full names and logos and stuff freely.
@RonanForman yeah, that should be fine.
@FallenAngelEyes Sorry, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw "nom". I'll fade into the background again now. :P
What's going on?
@Mana Hey.
Thanks for talking with me about this @Laura, I may just go and do that super unimaginative idea right now while I'm trying to come up with a better idea.
@TimStone I was reading about Chick-fil-a's politics earlier (same deal) and assumed you were talking about them instead of Orson Scott Card, so it made much more sense to me than it should have for a second
Sorry we kinda got off on the wrong foot, I hope next time we talk it's for more positive reasons.
My word. That was quite the troll.
Someone went on my Facebook account and said i was excited for tranfsormers 4.
Very nice troll indeed..
@Self_Impostor ...
@Ronan You're welcome. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any more questions; I don't bite, promise. :) I really do love the way you're using social media to help grow this site, it's awesome. Just needs a few tweaks, and if I can help make it easier for you, I'm happy to help.
@Mana ..?
@Self_Impostor You know very well what's wrong.
But anyways.
@Laura Is one of those tweeks better content? and another Publicity? :P Thanks for all the help!
@Mana Oh, is it Gnome?
Wow - that's one heck of a Valentine's day chat transcript.
@Wipqozn Diddy Kong Racing and SCV? Probably... :P
@IanPugsley Based on what @mana said, I'm 100% certain it's Gnome.
@Self_Impostor We think you're @gnomeslice.
Q: Naruto Shippūden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2: Tilting

Samuel SladeI've read in various places that it is possible to perform a 'tilt' move with the characters in the Naruto Shippūden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 game. I have two questions on this, as I can't find my information on it: What exactly is tilting? How do you actually perform a tilt in the game?

Oh, just leave him alone.
Well now everybody knows, asshole.
@Mana Leave him alone?
We were not doing anytihng.
The extent of our conversation was "We think it's Gnomeslice"
I'm actually pretty bummed, I thought we had another SCV player
@Wipqozn Which means the point has been rendered useless.
@IanPugsley You do...
Once I get mine in the mail.
@GnomeSlice I meant including you
@Mana you might as well merge them, I'm not going to use that one any more.
@GnomeSlice Did you up vote those questions with your main account?
@Wipqozn no
@Wipqozn Which?
@Wipqozn not gonna matter if they get merged
I haven't cast any overlapping votes.
@GnomeSlice eerr, answers.
@IanPugsley Yeah, I wasn't sure how it worked.
I don't think @GnomeSlice would do that kind of thing.
@GraceNote Not for the rep, but just so the account could talk in chat.
I was getting along famously with everyone.
I reiterate that I don't think Gnome would do that
@Wipqozn No, I posted some questions and waited for reps.
Oh, on a different note, @GnomeSlice, you were the one who made the opening for the Gaming youTube stuff, right?
@GnomeSlice No reason that can't continue
@GraceNote Yes. Need something?
oh no, somebody's in the dog house over this one: consumerist.com/2012/02/…
@GnomeSlice Well, the only thing I need to do is pass on congratulations. Every time I bring up our youTube channel internally, the first thing anyone says is how impressed they are with the opening and the effort put into it.
I bring you all our brand new completely original community logo!
user image
@GraceNote That's very generous, but really, I just followed a tutorial...
It's unique!
@RonanForman Er... is that legal?
@GnomeSlice You'd be surprised how many people can't do that.
@GnomeSlice Yes. It's more legal.
@GnomeSlice I would think yes, as this is probably proceeding some discussion with Laura and Joel
@GnomeSlice Still, you were still the mind behind it. Tutorial or not, it's your work. You should be proud.
Has anyone actually just asked Joel if we could use the Logo?
@GraceNote I appreciate that. =]
@GnomeSlice We did, he said no, for various reasons.
Ah... =/
@GnomeSlice Laura just gave him permission to do that... So I'm assuming it's legal. <.<
I am unspeakably outraged at @Mana.
You have every right to be.
Errrrgh. It's fine.
Have I been merged yet.
No, I mean it, man. Sorry.
Forget about it, it was a dumb idea anyway.
The main reason I didn't suspect it was @GnomeSlice was I didn't think he could come up with such a clever name.
Actually that was harsh
@RonanForman No, not really.
I came up with it like a week ago.
ooh, what does this button crashing noises and screams ... I DIDNT DO IT.
@agent86 "Destroy User".
@RonanForman I was going to suggest something like this while Laura was here, but stupid work got in the way. I'm glad somebody else brought it up.
Try it out on my sockpuppet.
@GnomeSlice they're merged now.
@GnomeSlice that's a waste of 48 rep!
@IanPugsley Maybe for you.
I didn't earn those reps anyway.
My sockpuppet did.
...it is so weird to get a phone call from someone you're expecting a call from, except they have the wrong number.
@GraceNote ...I can imagine
I guess I have to delete all these splash screens then.
@GnomeSlice ...you're the same person
@IanPugsley He's never been suspended.
@RonanForman Ah shit.
@GnomeSlice he never gave anyone a reason to suspend him
I can edit them with the new image, I guess.
@GnomeSlice I'm re-rendering them with the new heart.
@IanPugsley What a great guy.
A great guy who is still you
@GnomeSlice If only you could act more like him.
@GraceNote this
@GnomeSlice You won't get suspended if you don't keep giving people reasons to.
It's so much harder to restrain myself when everyone already knows I'm an asshat.
@Mana It was a call from the hospital, but then they were like "Can I speak to Tyler?", and I was like, "...eh?"
@GraceNote There's a very obvious Fight Club joke in there.
@ArdaXi Oh wow
@GnomeSlice But you're not an asshat, you know when you do stuff wrong.
@ArdaXi That was very swift of you... wow.
@GraceNote What are you expecting a call from the Hospital for!?
Oh blah... I have a 3 and a half hour layover on my flight home. =(
What... what did I say?
@GnomeSlice Upcoming appointments
Oh god! The splash screen is so blue now!
@Tristan bleh. maybe you can talk to the ticket agent and get placed on standby for an earlier flight?
It burns.
59 secs ago, by Arda Xi
@GraceNote There's a very obvious Fight Club joke in there.
@ArdaXi we are impressed!
@IanPugsley Why?

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