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Oh look, I just made a test map with the new snapshot and I spawned right on top of a village
And a villager is looking at another villager.
And hearts are going up.
I'm now scared.
Would you rather they were looking at you?
With hearts going up? Not really, fair 'nuff
@OrigamiRobot are you going to create for this:
Q: PC game where you played as a duck

RavenI'm looking for the title of a fairly old game. I got it on CD a long time ago, it must have been Windows 98 or 2000 times. Anyways, the game was a 3D 1st or 3rd person adventure game where you would play the protagonist, a duck. Somehow I remember, it's about aliens coming to your world and obd...

The kicker is that the village is flooded.
I think you should.
@badp Pics?
Q: Why doesn't Mass Effect 2 respond when loading a headmorphed save?

Karsus RenI tried to import the headmorph of DigitalScumbag's Shepard from http://www.masseffectsaves.com/textures.php and followed the instructions there. But nothing happens when I load the modified save, not even an error message. It simply does not load. And other normal saves can be loaded perfectly. ...

In other news it seems the world generation still is capped at 128
and it is now again possible to build above clouds
sooo apparently Origin is giving away BF3 for PC for free if you preorder ME3
@IanPugsley Oh Mass Effect is EA? Guess I'm never playing that.
@badp So it generates the same world, but you can build higher? Cool.
I can't wait to see what people build with 256 height to work with instead of just 128.
@StrixVaria I wish I had your willpower
@IanPugsley Any idea if that works if you already preordered?
@StrixVaria As much as it pains me to give EA any more money than I already have, I can't not play Mass Effect 3.
@Tristan Having not played ME1 and ME2, it's not that tough for me.
Basically at the new world height cap far distance is just enough distance enough to barely see the ground
@StrixVaria You're missing out on one of the greatest Sci-fi stories ever told. =P
@StrixVaria High five!
@Tristan Ender's Game.
@StrixVaria I read the 4th book in that series without realizing until the end that it was the 4th book in that series. <.<
@Sterno no idea (link here) - probably not if I had to guess
@GraceNote Yeah!
@Tristan The rest of the series isn't even that good compared to the first book.
This is as high as you can build now, built on top of the the highest piece of generated ground I could find
@StrixVaria So I've heard. After I read the 4th book...
you ME haters will regret it when the reapers invade!
@badp what's your coordinate?
You can probably see the sea level in the distance
Is there an estimated official release of the new MC version?
@agent86 Did you hear about Notch funding a Psychonauts sequel? =D
@agent86 I don't hate ME. I just don't have any interest in it.
I'll be zooming around the galaxy in the normandy with the girl from chuck and seth green, and you'll be turned into some sort of funky machine hybrid
@IanPugsley 236, 256, 488
@Tristan yeah, I heard they were talking about it, but that it wasn't a done deal yet
@agent86 Also your name still isn't blue?
@agent86 Yeah. They're still talking about it, but apparently Notch offered up $13 million.
I wish I had $13 million to fund whatever game I wanted.
@StrixVaria Kickstarter! =P
@Tristan Except I don't want to make it myself.
I want to just have it.
@StrixVaria Oh. That definitely throws a wrench into it.
@StrixVaria I try not to give OSC my money in any way shape or form anymore
also for anyone who doesn't already know, Killing Floor is $3 on Steam!
@RonanForman yes, and if the world needs higher levels it'll use them
@FallenAngelEyes He's got some strange personal views, and too many of his books can get really really really preachy, but Ender's Game is still incredible.
@StrixVaria I think they ran out of diamonds and are having to forge some in the bowels of a volcano
I'm standing on a very tall tree, my head in the clouds right now
@badp So it wont cut of mountains and stuff.
@StrixVaria this is the way I feel about the dune series.
@agent86 I need to try reading Dune again. The first time I tried I was too young to really figure out what was happening.
@StrixVaria I know, luckily I read Ender's Game before I found out he was a raging homophobe.
@FallenAngelEyes he wasn't quite so "shout it from the rooftops" years and years ago, too
also I wasn't aware of trees being two wide
@badp I think that's a jungle biome.
@badp Jungle trees are.
@StrixVaria another series where the first book is really where you should stop. maybe the second and third if you're into the series, but it takes a turn towards crazytown and then puts the pedal to the floor...
@agent86 I'll keep that in mind if I ever revisit it.
dune though... classic.
I remember there's a little girl who is born pretty much knowing everything about everything. Which is creepy and probably bad for plot.
@IanPugsley Yeah. And now he's a member of NOM...
@FallenAngelEyes I don't know what that stands for but I hope it was founded by heavy weapons guy.
In the case that it has something to do with anti-gay-rights, then :(
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is an American non-profit political organization established in 2007 to work against legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States. It was formed in 2007 specifically to pass California Proposition 8 prohibiting same-sex marriage in California. The group has opposed civil union legislation and has fought to have adoption agencies retain the ability to refuse to place children with same-sex couples. NOM's current president is Brian S. Brown. Leadership NOM's founding board of directors consisted of: * Maggie Gallagher, President * B...
Oh yeah all those people should probably just be put in some kind of quarantined area together and forgotten.
@FallenAngelEyes he claims he's a democrat but supported McCain last election and Gingrich now
@IanPugsley Blegh.
@IanPugsley It's very sad that democrats are just less conservative. There is no liberal party in the US.
@FallenAngelEyes I love when people have a moral stance about anything regarding marriage and then support Gingrich
He was trying to get in the house and instead spun in circles aimleslly
@IanPugsley Hahaha, indeed.
even after I took off the fence for him
Sounds about right.
in came another testificate going straight for the house.
@StrixVaria there is, it's just that the only people who'll ever get elected are never very liberal because it's "too extreme"
understandably so, because he was chased by a zombie. The previously pictured testificate hastily joined him.
because being super super conservative is just "loving God a ton and thinking government should spend less"
@IanPugsley US politics are pretty much Democrats are really Centrists, and then everything goes to the right from there
The zombie now makes bashing noises against the door, even at Easy or Normal.
Bashing noises? That sounds fun.
Luckily I'm a bastard.
Two bashings later, the zombie was in
The testificates weren't paricularly amused, but also weren't harmed.
Now I'm waiting to understand what's so hot about villages at night though.
Oh dear. Baby testificates.
Isn't there a Minecraft room?
Yes, there is
Apparently testificates are getting harmed but they don't make a sound when they do :(
@IanPugsley is the game about being a duck and duck activities?
The zombie is going for the child. I wanted to step back and just watch things unwind but now I feel the urge to act. :/
Q: American spelling vs Anglican spelling?

TZHXIs it correct for people to "correct" British English spelling into American English? I can't see anything in the FAQ about this, and while the site is American in origin, I don't think the British spelling should be treated as mistakes.

Q: What happens to skill levels gained via training if I use a Fateweaver?

The Communist DuckIf I go and buy some training for my skills (say I used 2 mercantile trainers and an alchemy trainer) and then use a fateweaver to reset everything, what would happen? Would I lose all the training, or would it stay after my reset? Equally, if I use a higher level trainer (say a 4-6 one) and res...

@FallenAngelEyes there are a few (Kucinich, some others) but they're never in the forefront
Too late however.
@OrigamiRobot obviously
Hey, my question got tweeted by @Stackgaming.
@OrigamiRobot also don't forget to tag anything TheCommunistDuck asks as
@Self_Impostor They all do.
Crazed testificates carelessly trampling seeds...
not a sign of non-zombie mobs however
I guess that's just it. Massive zombie assaults at villages.
@IanPugsley Maybe if joke tags were still around I would.
Oh that's a skeleton.
They're also invited it seems.
@Strix, you typo'd "internally" as "intenrally" if you wanna fix that, on your meta post
@FallenAngelEyes It's already fixed.
This is good to note. Apparently zombies aren't capable to destroy doors 1 level above them.
This zombie's been trying to bash that door open for a while now, unsuccessfully.
Then the testificate opened the door. facepalm
They should make super zombies the same as super creepers that can break down anything weaker than obsidian, not just doors.
@StrixVaria Oh please. This zombie attack is bad enough
I don't think there will be survivors after this night is over
Creepers join the action.
Why don't they make the game just arbitrarily kill you every now and then while they're at it.
Well the testificates don't exactly defend themselves.
@Self_Impostor Because it's fun to try to survive against horrible odds. Just getting murdered at a whim not so much.
Speaking of which, I hate Endermen.
I don't get the whole 'survival' thing in Minecraft.
@StrixVaria If the odds were terrible it wouldn't be fun
I think the only ways I've ever died were from falling.
I spent about 10 minutes chasing one around trying to kill it, and eventually I couldn't find it.
To be fair, that happened a lot.
Well this will be useful, handheld torchlight.
because you'd die 500 times before coming out on top
So I went back to my house to mess around in my chest, and he teleported next to me and murdered me.
@RonanForman Dynamic lighting? Really?
No, but I can make it look like it.
@RonanForman in Minecraft?
@badp To me, this is what difficulty levels are for. I personally wouldn't play on super extreme hardcore mega zombie mode, but some people would play it and love it.
That's like those people who play Minecraft to do PVP.
Like... if you want to fight other players, play a fighting game.
Just remove the sound and add a bloom effect.
What do you think?
@RonanForman Hey, that's pretty neat.
I don't see any pressure plates.
Of course it needs that exact texture pack.
@RonanForman Oh, I see.
That's fine, just do it for that shot then.
The one where lamps look like stone and wood plates are invisible.
@RonanForman secret project has entered testing phase
@OrigamiRobot Ooh.
@OrigamiRobot IP?
Nevermind. Survivor get
The scarily superior wayfinding capabilities of zombies still can't do miracles.
(the door is three blocks above water level with nothing below)
@RonanForman Private Beta :P
@OrigamiRobot this only works when your resources (server IP and such) are actually kept secret, lol
@OrigamiRobot Boooo!
Survivors! \o/
@IanPugsley White List
@OrigamiRobot is it actually set up? :)
A timelapse & download for Cafe Noir, a game we created live during a 2hrs game-jam related talkshow yesterday evening. http://www.vlambeer.com/2012/02/15/cafe-noir-hyper-game-jam/
@IanPugsley It has been for a while.
Hah, they used Game Maker.
Q: Are there other creation games similar to Spore?

JenkoAfter playing Spore for a while, I realized it had potential to be used as an educational tool, so students could create real-world animals and 'play' with them in a simulated reality, and possibly learn how animal behavior was linked to the way their body was designed. Are there any other games...

@Lazers I don't have the rep to comment, can someone else explain to them that this question is off-topic?
@Oak Gah. =]
@Self_Impostor gah?
@Oak You beat me to the punch.
@Self_Impostor it's easy when one does have the rep to comment ;)
I s'pose.
@badp damnit where's my kerning?
@Oak By the way, congratulations for winning despite my misgivings. I stand by the points I made last night, although I wish I could change the tone of some of the messages.
@Self_Impostor also, you know you can get 2 reputation points from editing a question or a wiki? You're really close :)
How's that diamond feel @Oak? Does it still fit?
@SelfImpostor if I get the time later I'll see about answering your SCV question
@IanPugsley Too many SCV questions!
as a non-researched answer, Sig, Nightmare, and Astaroth are still great at it
No rush.
@StrixVaria thank you. I do hope that you'll continue to voice your disapproval in the future :) yes, preferably in a calmer tone, but it's at least important for me to know what people agree and disagree with
@Self_Impostor Siegfried
@Self_Impostor Siegfried.
Must be 'Siegfried', or however you spell it. I've never used him.
@RonanForman yea... but there were a few technical changes, getting used to them. It's easier to moderate now.
Last one I played was Soul Calibur 2
@FallenAngelEyes, you're involved with the blog stuff, yeah? I need to talk to someone about the potential for a KoA post
@Self_Impostor he was in Soul Edge but not Soulcalibur or II
Oh man, Astaroth.

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