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we'll always have the memories, except that yours are being erased from existence and mine are clouded from looking at too many cat pictures
@agent86 that could be problematic.
It makes me quite happy to see that Jeff is finally doing something about comic answers.
He even referenced Raven's Skyrim horse one as an example.
@John honestly, I wish he'd be a little more careful. he could have at least talked to the people who have those answers first. kind of throwing a moderator on this site under a bus, tbh.
@John Where at?
maybe he did and I'm just jumping to conclusions, but I doubt it...
@agent86 Yeah, I was going to say that must've been embarrassing.
Posted by Jeff Atwood on January 31st, 2012

Way back in 2008, we had Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman, the founders and co-creators of Reddit, on the Stack Overflow podcast. We chatted about a bunch of stuff, but one of the things they said that always stuck with me was that Reddit always took an explicitly hands-off, no moderation approach to their content from the very beginning.

I found that a bit shocking, since I’ve… never seen that work. Certainly on Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange we are very much pro-moderation — and more so with every passing year. We have literally hundreds of community moderators. We spend  …

Blogs? I don't like reading
there are ascii art pictures!
@DaveMcClelland You're reading everything we're typing, aren't you?
and references to reddit.
it's like not reading only with more words.
@Wipqozn Did you get disconnected from Steam?
@Tristan yes
@Tristan No, he just logged off to troll you.
@Wipqozn Just making sure it wasn't my internets crapping out again.
> And some of our sites.. I don’t know, they have no approximation of science behind answers, so they can only be “fun” or trivia contests. Don’t want to call out any by name, but you can probably tell which sites these are. :)
Is that a jab at SF&F I see?
I thought Jeff hates us the most
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hrm. :/ Didn't even see that, as it was posted later than when I read it.
Q: Isn't there another Atronach Forge?

IsziUESP's article on the Atronach Forge seems to imply that there's only one, in The Midden at the College of Winterhold. However, I seem to recall stumbling across another one during a quest at some point. I'm having a hard time remembering when/where this was, so it's perfectly possible I'm mis-...

Q: HELP needed: Skyrim crashes 5 minutes after playing it for the first time?

SebaPS3, 55GB of free space. Game crashes for 15 mins. I need to restart the system. Help anyone?? (no other game shows this issue) THXXXXXXX!

@FallenAngelEyes It's in the comments.
@LessPopMoreFizz The comment in this answer Did you duel someone and just watch your companions battle? O.o
@Tristan It's not my screenshot.
But yes, that's exactly what that is.
And 2VR8 just throws punches
since he can't equip weapons.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That is amazing...
lul, Jon Skeet
@John Would have been more embarrassing if I hadn't already edited that answer ~4 times to add more information and make it more comprehensive.
@RavenDreamer Well hopefully now you've learned to include the important stuff in the first revision. :P
@RavenDreamer lame! Bring the horse back
@Oak It's still there.
Not as an embedded image
There's nothing wrong with a funny image if it also comes in a good answer
I feel like I'm missing something.
@Oak You can always Rollback if you think it necessary.
Don't want to step on your toes... but honestly I think you should bring it back
I'm pretty sure Jeff once said something on similar lines
as in "funny pic is okay if there's also a good answer around it"
can't recall where, though
@Oak The "Penny Arcade Comic as answer" MGSE Q?
Btw, have you seen the latest SE blog post?
@Oak Yeah but he just kind of lambasted the answer on the blog...
@John yep
It's kinda against "fun" answers..
I just don't think an answer which includes fun in addition to good content is something bad
and I'm pretty sure Jeff will agree
I don't think this is what he meant
Even though yes, that post is directly linked
And to be honest it started out as only a pic
@Oak Pretty much.
Though at the time, it was competing with Tom Wijsman's answer about Ovlivion horses.
So you had "Meme-pic with a 1-sentence explanation" vs. "answer for a wholly different game".
@RavenDreamer I cringe just reading that.
Hey all
@RedriderX yo
@RedriderX Herro.
So it was more than a sentence in Revision 1.
It just wasn't worded particularly well.
@RavenDreamer I seem to recall this question...
Still, it's not something that would not have been upvoted completely without the pic
@John O yes and I like the name change, btw. Haven't got a chance to tell you yet.
@RedriderX Thanks! :)
Raven suggested the current version.
@Tristan It's linked in the blog post on blog.SE.com
@John It does differentiate you from the 20 other Johns on Gameing.SE.
@RedriderX Heheh
That's why I changed it.
I needed more differentiation.
@John Even Gnomeslice can't tell the Gravatar Johns apart.
@John Yes, like the current name, very fitting. And correctly toned.
@RavenDreamer x.x
And Gnomeslice is pro John.
@RavenDreamer What do you mean?
@John He knows you personally (from chat, anyway), yet can't pick you out from a lineup.
@Ullallulloo Ooooh, yes need some differentiating there.
@RavenDreamer Not in-person personally, just through SE.
And later Steam.
@Ullallulloo I...don't think that's quite the kind of "pro" @RavenDreamer meant...
@FallenAngelEyes you need to run for moderator so we can kick Ronnie out in a primary. :P

GnomeSlice not realizing that John == John the Green

yesterday, 3 minutes total – 26 messages, 6 users, 12 stars

Bookmarked yesterday by John

@RavenDreamer lol
I think what we should do is add some garbage to John's email so that his gravatar becomes more unique
Q: What's the point of "Press any key" before main game menus?

pootzko Possible Duplicate: Why do console games require a button press before showing the main menu? Lots of games have this. First you see a few logos, then perhaps an intro animation, and after that - you need to press a key for the main menu to appear. (?!) What is the point of this? Why n...

Q: What is the quickest way to get to the past in Metallic Madness: Stage One?

World EngineerI've reached Metallic Madness in Sonic CD, I've gotten good futures in all the preceeding zones but I'm not sure how to use the Past signs I have found to get to the past. What is the quickest route from the first Past sign to actually get enough of a movement flow going to trigger the time warp?

@badp It won't make me a new one, will it?
@Ullallulloo I saw this nomination earlier, If this person has more rep then me already, I really need to stop loitering around in the chat room all the time.
@John Yes it will. It's computed from your email address.
@badp Yeah, but I thought that was only the first time.
@badp Wow, really?
@RedriderX And play Skyrim.
Because now I have a picture.
@John Nope. That's not how Gravatar works.
@RedriderX The hash of it, technically.
@badp Oh. Ok.
@Ullallulloo Oh, well, I guess it's hopeless then.
@RedriderX Don't you talk shit about Ronnie. he pro.
@badp Yes, mine has changed a number of times while I was joining different SEs.
@John Even if you did sign up with Gravatar and uploaded your default gravatar as your email's custom gravatar, changing your email address still results into a different hash and thus a different gravatar.
And you'd still continue receiving your email!
Plus is counts as mod abuse!
@LessPop_MoreFizz maybe if i are lucky he will teach me how to be that pro much
It's win win win!
We honestly deride him too much. It will be nice to have a pro gamer on the team
Maybe he can help us with organizing tournaments for... whatever game he's pro in
Also, I think he should be suspended :)
@Oak As long as you balance your reactions, any reaction is okay.
@Oak He's not a pro gamer, he's a pro much
Q: Elections Pedantry: Change Nomination to Declaration

LessPop_MoreFizzYes yes, I know I'm a pedant. The fact is, this is something that has always bugged me in elections wherein the candidates are not selected by a subset of voters, but rather merely by declaration of candidacy. Nominate someone else for public office. Delcare your own candidacy. Please change ...

Downvotes inc?
Alternately, feel free to migrate that to MSO if you want.
@LessPop_MoreFizz typo: Delcare your own candidacy.
@LessPopMoreFizz this is relevant to all SE sites, and you'll get more traffic in meta.so
@LessPop_MoreFizz I tried commenting a family guy quote, but it wouldn't let me. =(
@Tristan Because it got migrated. Refresh.
@Oak If only we could do something about it
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh. There it goes.
@FallenAngelEyes Del-care in people's candidacies is a serious issue that should not be ignored.
hahaha wow, that was a fast 5 upvotes.
Hooray for being back over 100 rep on MSO.
Stupid recalc.
It was annoying that I couldn't do basic things because of it.
(I had had a rep of ~150, but the question from which it all came was deleted, and thus my rep went poof, but my negative rep from various and sundry downvotes stuck around, and I 'went negative' as it were.)
Meh... Nevermind. lol
@LessPop_MoreFizz MSO rep is fairly worthless aside from reading the popular deleted posts.
Are you kidding me?
MSO REPS ARE BEST REPS. After Gaming reps.
@badp why?
@badp True story. Unless you have reps, those are nasty.
@badp I agree, largely because MSO is my best site. After Gaming.
Because to get MSO reps, you need a soul.
@TimStone I have a badge, thankyouverymuch.
@John Yeah, the only right's I'd actually care about is vote-polling, but meh. But having <100 always felt dirty.
@badp I think @John is a testament to the falsehood of that statement.
Only the purest souls can produce heart-warming freehanded circles
@LessPop_MoreFizz :(
@John Yeah, I somehow have one of those too...people like to randomly add that tag along with one of the other required tags.
@TimStone Or maybe we both just discuss stuff a lot.
@badp you've never heard of nether circles then. They are the blackest of black magic, born from the evil'st of souls!
WTF @ +12.
@badp I better file a bug report then
Did that post get linked in English.SE's chat or something?
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was me literally 5 seconds ago.
@LessPop_MoreFizz MSO is full of pendants.
@agent86 You wouldn't dare taint such a holy place as MSO with such a thing as that? A prefabricated circle? OH THE HEAVENS.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was my reaction to my fireplace answer... <.<
@John ... 14 now.
@badp the greatest lie the dark forces ever perpetrated was that nether circles do not exist
@John Clearly.
Given this statement and this question, I would say that disproves this.
@agent86 Oh, I have seen them. People trying to get around the soul requirement with pre-made unholy circles.
Oh but we know better.
@badp all praise the freehand circle, and all it's glory, AMEN.
I'm quite fond of my freehand side-by-side comparison of the diff icons, personally.
Although a rainbow of premade arrows is good too. Your soul transpires by your colour choice, which really is a free handed circle drawn in the Hue-Luminosity-Saturation space.
blasts @John
@Lazers You're so late, that question has been migrated. We pay you too much.
Poor slow lazers
@Lazers Oh snap.
@Lazers Funny, the desktop notification for this message showed @badp's gravatar. Gee, I wonder why...
@John Somebody's gotta wrangle them lazers.
For great justice.
@badp Also, I really wa- disintegrates
@John Just to clarify, we pay @Lazers nothing, right?
@RedriderX Yes...
Since it's a bot.
@RedriderX Yeah...
I still support @OrigamiRobot's suggestion to change @Lazers gravatar to a Slowpoke.
It is?
@Lazers :(
Unless @badp patches into it's brains.
@GnomeSlice You didn't know @Lazers was a bot either? You thought that was an actually person?
I think we should go back to the Servbot gravatar.
@John No, I did.
@GnomeSlice You did think it was an actual person...I see...
This is problematic.
You sound like my mother.
@GnomeSlice How do you know it's not your mother?
@Tristan (╯ಠ_ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dun Dun dunnnnnnn.
@John I love actually people!
@GnomeSlice Hey, you can't blame me. You didn't even know who I am. ಠ_ಠ
Well, gots to go, bye all.
@Tristan omg wow me 2
@RedriderX Goodbye!
I feel like there should be more I can do with SE feeds ad IfTTT, but I can't come up with anything interesting atm. :/
@John Whoa, whoa... What is this? Facebook?
@John your fault though
Get an avatar!
@Oak A pony avatar!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I kinda feel that way about IfTTT in general...
@LessPop_MoreFizz if circle then upvote?
@Tristan How dare you compare the two!
@Tristan A pony avatar is better than no avatar, I'll grant you that.
@Oak I'm responsible for @GnomeSlice's blindness?
@Oak But...but....of what?
@John I have been absolutely adoring it for SMS alerts for impending rain.
But that's a... unique need of mine.
And that would require making another account somewhere.
@John avatar-less people are like slashdot's anonymous cowards. You may say the most brilliant things but you still don't really exist
@John What's IfTTT?
Raven Dreamer didn't exist for AGES
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can see how that would be handy. But I have a smart phone that tells me the weather anyway, so...
@Oak Isn't there like a grand total of 6 different pony avatars ever?
@FallenAngelEyes ifttt.com
At least gravatars are unique
@Oak :(
I don't like not existing.
@John so get an avatar
Let's vote on something
Everyone offers one idea
The idea with the highest stars wins
@Oak Deal.
@John I have a smart phone that tells me the weather too. But my smartphone doesn't know to look for impending rain and alert me to it.
@Oak With three bronies, though...
@Oak I reserve the right to veto any I don't like, but ok.
@LessPop_MoreFizz True.
My proposal: girrafosaur
@John Huh, interesting. Don't think I'd have a use for it, but that's neat.
@Oak Why vote when you can put the internet to work for you
My proposal: a picture of me
Maybe I'll make my gravatar a big :(
I have alot of proposals. Too many to list.
My first downvote!
As you can see that's even how @Fabian picked his own avatar
My proposal (at the risk of being kicked out of the room)
I am surprised it took that long.
@FallenAngelEyes Same.
@Tristan @murgatroid99 star this!
@badp That's just wrong.
@Wipqozn Real life you?
@John It beats ponies looooooooooooooong time.
@John Yes
@John Suggestion:
user image
@Tristan Even more wrong.
+1 not a pony
Reasons 1) You can remain John the Green.
2) It's not Easy Being Green.
@badp True.
@LessPop_MoreFizz don't think it will look so good as a small icon
3) I need a Muppet Buddy.
4) Kermit is awesome.
@Wipqozn Just give me a pic of you without a rooster hat.
Sold. Superstar. You win @LessPopMoreFizz
@badp That's cheating. Clearly mine was the real winner.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Points for retaining my name.
@Tristan What? Your star doesn't even have borders
@badp Pinning? Really?
@Tristan Aren't there any green ponies?
@Oak It looked pretty good at a small size on the image search page.
@FallenAngelEyes None that are main characters.
@Ullallulloo My thoughts exactly.
@Ullallulloo Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Is an acceptable alternative.
John the Green (pony)
@Tristan ahahaha
And that's all for my suggestions.
Actual background character
@Tristan Also now I want to see a pony from each color of the emotional spectrum
@murgatroid99 That's not even green though...
...or a pony
@FallenAngelEyes Clearly that would get me suspended, so I will not do that.
@Ullallulloo Aqua is basically green
@Tristan Wait, does this exist?
I didn't even know that you could have unicorn/pegasus hybrids...
Wrong picture, that was fan art
@FallenAngelEyes I mean... They vary significantly in color, so I'd imagine so.
@murgatroid99 Ahah! Just a unicorn.
@Tristan I demand linkage if you ever run across it
@Ullallulloo Though, to answer your question
Another proposal (please take no offense):
user image
@Tristan Alicorns
... while we're on a descriptive theme
@Oak What... what is this
@Oak What is this I don't even.
Rocket oak.
It's a green urinal.
Is that a urinal?
Becuase he's a green John.
Oh god I was right
I didn't want to be right
@Oak .......................
@Oak +1 not a pony
@FallenAngelEyes good guess, would have taken me longer to recognize it, honestly
Quit making fun of my name.
Sorry :)
But it is a pretty green thing
@Oak I don't know if I want to be this environmentally responsible.
@agent86 it's like a civilized version of peeing on a bush
@Oak I blame seeing random portable urinals on the streets of the Netherlands.
user image
@Ullallulloo This.
Totally this.
@FallenAngelEyes they're on the street? homeless urinals? not cool. don't you guys have shelters or anything?
@John I don't know if I want to vote for a mod with such a pessimistic outlook!
@FallenAngelEyes oh snap! votes are on the line.
@FallenAngelEyes Hey, it's my meme. Everyone needs a meme! :D
It leads to a better outlook on life.
@agent86 The urinal shelters were closed due to budget cuts, a tragedy, I know.
@John I don't have a meme.
@Tristan You have "OMG PWNIES!"
@John I lack meme-ness. :(
@John Actually... I think that's reserved for the all-girl MLG clan My Little Pwnies.
@Tristan lol I didn't know that actually existed...
@FallenAngelEyes Well quit trying to steal mine! :P
@Ullallulloo I prefer being starred to being compared to clippy, yes.
Anyways, gtge. Later people
Huh, are downvotes to your questions counted as -2 rep?
@John bai
@FallenAngelEyes yea
@John It probably doesn't. Though there's usually a guild or something with that name in MMOs.
@Tristan Travian has one.
@John super! We have a winner then? Will you set a gravatar?
@Oak I didn't realize this, having never received one before. Now I know!
@badp It does now.
@Ullallulloo I know WoW has one. Though, I will say the best guild name I've ever seen was in SWTOR. "Looking for Love in Alderaan Places"
that would have been funnier if I wasn't afk and could do it when you first said that...
@Tristan ..that's... wow
@John And you'll use that as your gravatar?
@FallenAngelEyes I almost quit the guild I was in just to join.
sleeptime, g'night all
@FallenAngelEyes G'night.
Oh hey, I bought a candy bar like four days ago and completely forgot I had it... It's like finding a mini-treasure.
Q: How can I install mods for the vanilla minecraft server

DJTripleThreatI've seen this question answered for bukkit but not vanilla minecraft server. I've been told that vanilla minecraft does not support mods but when I go to buildcrafts main site, (http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/installation/manual-server/), it is alluding to installing using the vanilla minecraft s...

Q: Which achievements are missable if sharing Skylanders between multiple profiles?

Doozer BlakeSince purchasing Skylanders with my son and realizing you can't have different profiles on each character, I've also noticed some achievements are not unlocking depending on who first used the Skylander and who it is tied to. In short, all the Skylanders appears to be tied to my profile, but it's...

oh, @LessPop, speaking of muppets, did you see this?
now sleep poof
@FallenAngelEyes Yes. It was amazing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What about this?
I'm seriously considering nominating, just so I could give a voice to the "laser > lazer" camp.
@Oak Which side are you on? (Any answer other than Slowpoke is wrong)
@Oak Ronan is that voice.
Really? I thought he was also pro-lazer
Must have missed that
@Oak > I also plan to make sure LASER is spelt correctly (it's an acronym).
"laser" is now a word by way of common usage
k :)
"lazer" is a made up word used by ignorant Italians
Man... A lot of my games on Steam have been randomly updating. =\
@Tristan it's the HL2:EP3 ARG
@NickT you mean there's an alternate reality where HL2:EP3 is a game? builds interdimensional portal generator
@NickT It's annoying. lol
@Tristan that might be the asshole of the internet... but sometimes, just sometimes, they produce 100% undiluted awesomeness
whoa, in this reality, gaben is a bodybuilder and we're up to HL7. however, there are 9 star wars movies. NEXT.
@agent86 Let me know when you get to the reality where that joke was funny. =D
@Tristan this might take a while... you're better off waiting for HL3 :/
I couldn't resist the urge. >.>
am I going to have to pay for Hulu Plus to see Arrested Development season 4?
@NickT at first I read this as "Hulu Piss"
@FallenAngelEyes Goodnight!
@agent86 9??!?! That's awesome! our crummy universe only has 3 star wars movies :(
@NickT I thought I read somewhere that Netflix was going to run it as it releases.
@Tristan but it's not going to be free to stream somewhere?
@Wipqozn Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith?
@Tristan Never heard of them.
@NickT That I do not know...
@NickT Who you callin' Italian.
@LessPop_MoreFizz @badp.
Unless you're an NYC mobster.
or a boxer from Philly
I just realized that this semester I am: Writing Fiction; Composing Music; Developing a Game.
When did I become my childhood hero? O.o
@LessPopMoreFizz Is it just me, or does Alderaan suck?
@RavenDreamer you're the student your childhood dreams deserve
@RavenDreamer Alderaan is Very Big.

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