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Is it just where pony memes are sent to to rot?
@fredley And then I get to go home?
It is, what we call in mod parlance, a trash room
Ahh, alrighties
@MBraedley yes
@Dragonrage pls
also someone should edit that pin again seeing as the final hour has begun
cc @fredley cc @badp
What pin?
@Dragonrage edited
@JoshPetrie the pin that @fredley and @badp have been abusing since I posted the original message
Oh. I was confused since it didn't mention a specific time-remaining.
Two interviews this week.
@Frank good luck
it has been edited 8 times so far. I wonder what the record for most abused message is.
@Frank good skill.
@ardaozkal changed his avatar again
and cache got refreshed. I'm now officially a pony.
I approve of this avatar.
@ardaozkal oh i thought you were @kalina
@Dragonrage Almost definitely not
the alternative to good luck i picked up on using from marching band
Which remidns me, one of these days I should watch the newest season of that
aaaand @Wipqozn loses my vote. AGAIN
Both at a 33% raise.
For those wanting to calculate their own results: github.com/tolland/meekstv
Which is...surreal.
@Wipqozn I just started and am loving it
@Wipqozn oh archer?
@GodEmperorDune Yup, archer.
Haven't watched the new season yet
@fredley what's with that 173
@Wipqozn i still need to watch the finale, but @LessPop_MoreFizz tricked me into watching all of veep
@GodEmperorDune I see
veep is great BTW
For thelast season I just waited until it hit netflix
@badp 173? Huh?
@fredley question for SFF mods: does Mos Eisley have a trash room referencing the trash compactor? Because if not, I feel like this is a missed opportunity.
@Frank sorry
@Unionhawk They do not
Who else is going to be completely unproductive for the next 45 minutes?
not me!
Or me!
@Dragonrage Not completely unproductive...
@Dragonrage I might be
I have lunch in 45 minutes, so I am eagerly awaiting being able to eat.
Oh good, another Rainbow Dash
@murgatroid99 we didn't have enough in our lives
@badp nobody can replace @kalina and her fire.
@MBraedley :fire:
Q: Overwatch Origin skins from loot boxes

tayopiCan you get the skins that come with the Origins edition of Overwatch from loot boxes or are the exclusive to the Origins edition?

@MBraedley nobody should try
I didn't want to set the world on fire...
Can @kalina set the rain on fire, or can only Adele do that?
@Dragonrage yes
Man I don't get why people would change their avatars other than to something so similar nobody would ever notice the difference
@twobugs yea, like the nightmare bugs avatar i made for you
i think i also made @badp an avatar, but he didnt use it.
Did anyone who saw the Nintendo conference catch the DQ7 3ds date?
@fredley 32 minutes now
If it's any consolation, the 'change your avatar to Rainbow Dash' phase is only a few steps before the 'Delete my whole account' phase.
oh sharex :/
@fredley I don't want anyone to delete their account. Aside from you.
@twobugs The feeling is mutual
I am not clicking that button sharex
@fredley #toosoon
@fredley Aw, thanks!
@badp Gotta get that internet money somehow
Well if you want internet money you just tell Patreon you're going to make a sexy game
That gets you the money
It definitely does
There's some famous one at like 30k/month now
@twobugs what if already made the game?
or a game
I don't think they've released anything playable even?
i actually made 2
> Hello,
You recently sent a request to have your Arqade Stack Exchange profile removed. We're sorry to see you go! This email is just to let you know your request has been received, and we will respond with help ASAP.
The Stack Exchange Team
Releasing games is stupid
@ardaozkal Don't get our hopes up
If people can play your game, they know it's not real
@fredley ok ok
If they can't play your game, it might be real.
That's how it works and I didn't make any sort of typo
How Can Patreon Be Real If Our Games Aren't Real
@fredley How Can the Bridge Be Real If @Fredley Isn't Real?
Sorry for fake hopes people. That was my account removal mail from SF&F
I mean I don't blame Patreon for people being silly with their money
@twobugs Yeah, blame KS for that
@Dragonrage I've met @fredley and I can confirm he's not real.
God damn Kickstarters, they ruined Kickstarter
We should Kickstart a Kickstarter alternative
@twobugs Think that has already been done
Let's do it again
@twobugs yeah duh. Remaking stuff is the main point of KS.
@fredley sigh
there are tons of that
first example thetileapp.com
@ardaozkal dozens, there are dozens of us
hell, even nokia made one
@fredley yes, please use imperial units instead of SI units
@Dragonrage I don't think you mean what you think you mean
Patreon has good uses
Yes, it does. I have used it for some things
@Dragonrage I... you...
@twobugs success :)
22 minutes until ronnie gets the diamond
"The election ends alarmingly soon" - aka just about when I take my lunch, I think.
@Dragonrage It's not success if based on other statements you might actually believe that!
@Waterseas Aren't CGPGrey and other people funded by Patreon?
@AshleyNunn cc: @badp
@Fredley Yeah, some youtubers are. Also a lotttt of artists are only able to make a living because of Patreon
@fredley A lot of youtube people are
We'll delay the results by an hour so @AshleyNunn can eat her lunch
@fredley A bunch of musicians I follow are.
Vechs runs a mmo version of Super Hostile on patreon funds
Seems like a viable way to fund yourself as a freelance artist, which is a cool thing
@fredley I don't think you think he means what you think he thinks he means
@Unionhawk Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.
Yep! Some freelance people abuse it though
@Ronan He's currently working on Super Hostile Online in addition to normal single player maps
@SaintWacko I don't think you meme what you mean he means what you think he thinks he means you meme
Which is pretty neat
@twobugs well i just wanted to create confusion, so that worked :)
@Waterseas Welcome to 'money', you have successfully completed the tutorial level!
@fredley No no, it's good, don't delay it :P
I might explode if it gets delayed
Time to congratulate all 30 pairs of mods, so I can seem smart in 20 minutes.
I don't mean intentional abuse either, if that even makes sense
@Ronan Ah, the paul the octopus technique
18 minutes left
@Ronan Good idea!
@badp i think the situation has escalated from alarmingly soon now
We should each take a pair.
Make like Paul the octopus and die in captivity
@fredley the octopus was psychic
@Dragonrage time.is
Congratulations on becoming a moderator @Robotnik and @Wipqozn or @Wipqozn and @Uni
@ardaozkal That's not how it works.
congrats @RobFlutterRageQoznTheGreenHawk on becoming 2 mods
@Ronan I mistakenly pressed enter
@GodEmperorDune RageQozn
@fredley wipclowzn
@GodEmperorDune @twomods
I gotta say I do find it amusing how many people think I'm the "top runner". I'm pretty sure when the results come in @Robotnik will be the one with the most votes.
@Wipqozn yes, but you'll become a mod and that is what that matters.
@Wipqozn i am 99% sure i know who is going to be mods and 100% the order of it
@Wipqozn well obviously
@Wipqozn You can't argue with all these opinion polls we didn't do.
@Wipqozn Everyone thought you would win last time too, and we were right then!
Oh, wait
@ardaozkal No, I mean if anyone is guaranteed a slot I think it's @Robotnik.
@fredley lol exactly
We'll see
I honestly have no idea what is going to happen in 15 minutes
@Wipqozn considering psychology you are also guaranteed
so what your saying, is that there still is a chance for @ronnie to win?
@Dragonrage Now that would be entertaining
i think @uniqozn will split the rest of the votes, allowing ronnie to sneak form behind and capture the 2nd slot
Or @djsmiley2k
@Unionhawk I honestly have no idea who the second mod will be. I'm fairly confident @Ronan will be one.
And fosh darn it, I'm not back spacing so I can say robotnik again
@Wipqozn Yeah, that @Ronan guy seems pretty responsible
@Wipqozn Thanks!
@Dragonrage I might win too
@Ronan 2016
@fredley :O
@Unionhawk i know @AshleyNunn will eat lunch at that time
plot twist: @fredley is the new mod
Ronan Paul 2016
Is anyone here actually in a position to work out who won?
@Ronan @badp has a script polling 1/s
someone upgrade the status of alarment cc @badp
As do I
That would be anticlimactic otherwise.
and some other mod too
Oh, I thought you meant like, right now
@Ronan I can guess the top 3
@GodEmperorDune Either that or receive a delivery of veggies from a friend and THEN eat lunch
As in, "is @ardaozkal just making shit up" to which the answer is "definitely yes"
@Unionhawk yes
If I'm wrong I'll have to keep pony avatars for a month
@Sterno woooo
If @Wipqozn becomes mod, I will stop working and play Overwatch in celebration. If @Wipqozn doesn't become mod, I will stop working and play Overwatch in celebration.
i think worryingly soon is less alarming than alarmingly soon
@Sterno and I will join you!
Also, @ardaozkal now looks like @kalina, and that is wrong
@Sterno But the Final Countdown is only 5 minutes long
cc @badp
@Sterno I'll change
UGh why isn't it animated
Can I use spike?
giphy is dumb sometimes
@ardaozkal yes
much better @fredley
You just grabbed the thumbnail
@Sterno so wrong
I'll let you know when to start playing 'Friday' so that the chorus comes at the moment of election
@fredley pls
i forget i have to check the history to see who mod abused me
@fredley At 5 minutes change it to 'uncomfortably'
How long after the election do mods usually get their diamonds anyways?
@Wipqozn forevs
@fredley I didn't realize that @Sterno was running
@Wipqozn after you accept
@fredley I bet it feels that way
the mod thingy
@Wipqozn totes
Why didn't we have the election end on a Friday anyway
@twobugs :(
@TimPost has to charge up his famous blue attack
we've had more stars in this last hour, than most chat rooms have total
@ardaozkal That's a strange address
@murgatroid99 yes
@Dragonrage If you're not counting site rooms, sure
So, I gotta say, no matter who wins or loses I think we had some really strong candidates this election. it was a small pool, but strong pool. Every other election I've had one or two person who I thought just should not be a mod, but this time, I feel like any of the candidates could do a good job at it.
@Wipqozn Apart from that @Wipqozn person right?
@Dragonrage that mega-chat they had a few weeks ago was insane
Yes, I agree. Any of the pool of candidates would do a great job as a moderator.
so many stars, so fast
@Ronan Oh yeah, that @Wipqozn guy is the worst.
@Wipqozn same here.
single-starred items didn't even make the star list
@Ronan @Wipqozn will be the worst mod
@fredley what mega chat?
@Wipqozn I remind you, get ready to switch back to this:
@Wipqozn I second this. There were no bad candidates, all of you would have made great mods.
@ardaozkal Oh, I was going to switch back to my original turtle avatar
And if you didn't make it this time, don't be disheartened, took me three elections to get my diamond.
@ardaozkal you picked the worst of the turtle avatars?
as much as we give @Wipqozn grief about being the worst, he would make a great mod. but he would still be the worst
@Dragonrage Yes
@GodEmperorDune returtle the turtle uses this
@ardaozkal 404 refrance not found
The best turtle avatar is clearly the one I drew.
does what it should- returtles the turtle
@Wipqozn until you destroy Arqade
o hshit, I should get my joke videos ready
one for winning, one for losing
@Wipqozn you are so unprepared for the diamond
Can new mods please clear my cache first?
250 seconds
Is that a thing?
There w ego. Ready.
I don't think that's a thing
@Unionhawk I think they can
@ardaozkal What do you mean?
Clear what, exactly?
Mods can change site association, but caching is caching
Wasn't there a way to refresh by mods that shows new avatar and stuff?
I dunno, probably not
@Unionhawk there is, in fact
they can which was just proved. thanks to the mod who made it
@fredley Oh, huh
It just occurred to me that if the mods wanted to they could give 4 of the candidates a suspenion right before the click changes for, like 2 minutes, to control who wins.
Via the same process as repatriating to Lifehacks
I'm no longer kalinalike
There needs to be a cooldown on changing avatars
@Unionhawk totally unprepared for modship, retracting vote
@ardaozkal Yeah, making someone a room owner
Surprise! You guys weren't really running for Arqade mod. You were running for Lifehacks mod
@StackExchange Just in case @fredley? :P
@Wipqozn Just in case :P
someone posted lifehacks here, and all my links changed to warning me of it
we should all get a shot at deownering @Wipqozn while its still possible
@ardaozkal Oh, good, that was weird
so @Wipqozn how will you react to spam if you become a mod?
I forgot how tense those last few minutes are. BEfore you know.
Quick, someone make @Wipqozn and I room owners so I can deowner him!
Hi mobile
10 seconds

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