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Wow. So many decals.
Q: AC:NL Person swiming outside of town borders?

ricky gonceI would first like to mention that I am new to stack exchange so I might have some (or a lot) of mistakes in my writing. About a day ago I saw what looked like a character swimming or floating outside of the town border (There is a rope with things that make it float.) Now for the life of me I ca...

Q: Java.net.soccetexception:Host is down for my Minecraft server and people cannot connect

SpidesI'm going through a mini beta test and I can get in my server just fine, but other people can't log in. I'm not sure if it's the server address or my port. I use a Verizon router and I'm sure I did all the steps correctly. It's my first time and overall I want to know what to do and what it rea...

I crafted a good deck in Hearthstone but there's still so much I don't understand
@GnomeSlice Man, they're pumping out new characters pretty fast. :o I'm impressed.
every 3 weeks
Although... it seems like less
candidate @Wipqozn what is your position on the posting of filthy pictures in the bridge?
Why don't you just accept the suggestion?
@GnomeSlice Because the decision also includes date & time.
@Yuuki why don't you just edit date and time into the suggestion?
@aurevoir That picture will haunt me forever.
@GodEmperorDune Don't worry, once I become a mod all evidence of that incident will be mod abused away.
It'll even vanish from Google search engines and all of your memories
and then I'll finally throw those socks out
ACtually I'm not even sure if I still own those socks. I can't remember if I tossed them out, or if they're just buried in the back of a closet somewhere, which is basically the same thing as having tossed them out.
@GodEmperorDune Because @Yuuki wants to acquire all these sweet, sweet meta votes for himself
@Wipqozn as a modrater, will you pledge to finish your sentences before hitting enter?
@GodEmperorDune If I'm elected I'll have even less reason to worry about finishing messages, since I'll no longer be shackled by the two minute time limit. I'll just keep editing the same message over and over again for the reminder of my history on the bridge.
@Wipqozn this is why you're the worst
@GodEmperorDune also, mods are always to blame and the worst, and so am I. Pretty sure that makes me a perfect fit.
@Wipqozn why don't you have the sportsmanship badge yet?
@TimStone Erm, I think I got it.
The headers are not capitalized :|
A: Are HTTP headers case-sensitive?

Ignacio Vazquez-AbramsFrom RFC 2616 - "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", Section 4.2, "Message Headers": Each header field consists of a name followed by a colon (":") and the field value. Field names are case-insensitive. The updating RFC 7230 does not list any changes from RFC 2616 at this part.

Says that the headers are not case sensitive. Hmmm, what's going on here?
I'm not sure why they're lowercase though, they aren't for me (or Chrome is capitalizing them, I guess that's possible)
Let me see if I can get the raw header
@PrivatePansy They shouldn't be parsed in a case-sensitive manner
Cache-Control: private
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Length: 3170
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2016 00:35:38 GMT
access-control-allow-credentials: false
access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST
access-control-allow-origin: *
x-content-type-options: nosniff
Which should mean that proxies can arbitrarily change their capitalization
Firefox reports this as the raw headers received
@GodEmperorDune That's a tricky one to answer, but I poked through some of my answers and it appears to just be due to the number of questions I've answered where my answer is the only one, as well as the number of times where I didn't feel some or all of the other answers were high enough quality to earn a vote. I do upvote other answers , though, I just haven't hit 100 yet.
@PrivatePansy That's my guess, anyway: that you're going through an HTTP proxy that decapitalizes the names of some less common headers
Also, if you take a gander at the badge page you'll see only 15 people on the site have it. It's not an easy badge to earn.
@murgatroid99 Right, but according to the specs capitalization doesn't matter anyway
@Wipqozn sounds good, i might as well bug the other candidates
@PrivatePansy Yes. If you are experiencing a failure because of that decapitalization, that is a client-side bug
@GodEmperorDune I'd strongly suggest bugging @Unionhawk. I believe he was upset earlier folks weren't harassing him.
@Wipqozn yep, already in progress
Q: My stuff keeps disappearing and I don't know where

Emo_overlord-7755So I'm playing Skyrim and I literally have no idea where my stuff is going, it just disappears. One day it was my 200 arrows, then my 300 lockpicks. I have no idea what to do.

Q: What is the goal symbol that looks like a book?

PowerlordIn Dead by Daylight, sometimes a symbol that looks like a book will be shown in the goal area, next to where the Generator symbol and the number of remaining generators you need to open the gate. What does this symbol mean?

cat :/
we bought some catnip toy and he was going foolish over it before I even had it open
we ordered some jerky from amazon, now our pug gets super excited whenever boxes arrive, then is disappointed by the contents
and gives us this "its not jerky, why did you bother ordering it" look
Man there's so many people declaring for moderator. I feel like it's not cool anymore
i declared for moderator way before you guys, back before it was cool. now everybody's doing it
@twobugs yeah it was fun before @Wipqozn did it
That just means you're really old and extra uncool
those are both probably true
I didn't nominate myself for moderatorship before it was uncool to nominate myself for moderatorship
At least, I think that's how it works
@twobugs 5 is not "so many"
@GodEmperorDune Because I'm lazy and something about signal-to-noise.
Decaling complete, applying final gloss coat.
@StrixVaria Extrapolating, by the end of this month we will have 150 nominations
I got brie cheese with gouda flavored triscuits, I'm so fancy
@PrivatePansy Good thing there's only a week then.
By the end of this year we will be choosing between 1000 nominees
@StrixVaria yeah, I think we had 11 in the last one? That's still small.
Stack overflow always has a crazy large number of nomineees
There's still multiple days to nominate
I don't feel any reason to run now since there are already some really good and very qualified candidates
@StrixVaria why don't you run for mod, let's see if you're all high and mighty after going through an election yourself
@TimStone Okay, I think I got it
Requests made to api.stackexchange.com on Firefox fails, but requests made to api.stackexchange.com succeeds
Erm, HTTP and HTTPS rspectively
Q: naruto shippudin ultimate ninja storm 4 need help!

AMATARASINGANwhy don't they make naruto shippudin ultimate ninja storm 4 on wii u? i NEED to have it,i don't have a xbox1 or ps4 so the only newest gen concle i have is wii u!!! please help me im going to do a go-fundme

Okay, got it. It's an addon that's causing the problem
Still kind of weird though
Okay, yeah, blame the bloody addon
@Lazers2.0 guys, lets all ask the devs to make the game on WiiU! This guy NEEDS it!
Q: An NPC Swimming Outside of Town Borders

ricky gonceAbout a day ago, I saw what looked like an NPC character swimming outside of the town border. (You know, where there is a rope with things that make it float.) Now I can't find this character!

I don't usually do point-and-laugh, but the OP's comments are hilarious
hold on i got to go afk for 10 mins — ricky gonce 46 mins ago
@PrivatePansy lol
Q: Mincarft Skin Glitch

Random MinecrafterEver since minecraft.net net updated, I can't change my skin. I've used multiple websites like mincraftskins.com and novaskin.me but regardless, when I try applying any skin, it always brings me here: Whenever I click on the "Profile management" button, it keeps me on the same page but with a...

@Wipqozn Bring it on, I survived not one but two eagle boards
(not because I failed one, but because our troop does a preliminary board before the final with district)
@Unionhawk how many non-avian boards have you survived?
5 I guess
Q: Why cant i change my skin in minecraft?!? 2016

Ninja_MidnightOK. So I have been playing Minecraft for a long time, and now when I try to change my skin, it says I have to go to a profile manager. Well when I click profile manager it doesn't do anything. It just stays on the same screen. So I go to help on mojang and it says I must migrate my account. But w...

Q: SERIOUS BUG. I cant switch back to first person after getting of a horse

Elo_scopeAfter getting of my horse i can no longer switch back to first person i tried the hex editor where you have to find the vampire thing and it is not there.(maybe because im not a vampire?) I tried loading a previous save but i would just stand in one place and i wouldnt be able to move.help.me.

@Chippies That sounds delicious
@AshleyNunn it is, but now i"m full and I still have some left and my options are either put it away, which is a lot of effort or finish eating it, which is probably not the best idea right now
I'm leaning towards finishing it...
@Lazers2.0 um this, and this are they same question are they not?
@twobugs The trick is to set things that require keypresses, like auto-explore and level change, to use mouse gestures
@Unionhawk Oh man, my eagle board, I had so much trouble with the "Do you believe in God?" question
@SaintWacko Ah, that's genius
oh ffs.
my boss sent me an email at 9:15 reminding me that I had to deploy an update to a customer today.
I'm not sure if I am more annoyed that he felt the need to remind me to do my job, or amused that he thought I was going to check my work email at 9:15pm.
@Unionhawk eagle boards?
@AshleyNunn kinda like a dissertation defense to get to the highest level of boy scouts
do they have boy scouts in canada or is it something else?
They do afaik
It's not the BSA though
Since that's "of america"
Essentially, after putting in hundreds of hours of work to make all this happen, the final test is you get to sit down with some district executives and explain to them why you deserve the highest honor in scouting
4% of those who become scouts become eagles
@Unionhawk what was your eagle project?
(i'm of the 96% but i did manual labor on a few eagle projects)
@GodEmperorDune I did a vegetable garden for a local food pantry, which is actually still going on today, but it's managed by a kid who is incredibly passionate about the project
@Unionhawk that's cool
Which is amazing, since it provides fresh produce that they can give out in the summer
I know so little about this stuff
one project i worked on was to rebuild a trail, another one was laying down railroad tracks for a train museum
Like i had friends in Guides/Scouts but none of them stuck with it past like...14 or so
it was like 10 meters of track and took so damn long to do
@GodEmperorDune That's awesome!
I built a boat play toy in the little kids' playground at my church
It was funny, because for my Eagle project review, I made a 3d model of the boat in autoCAD, and after looking at it they actually couldn't find any questions to ask me :P
@SaintWacko yeah they were like "build railroad track the old fashioned way" i thought it was some clever wordplay... it was not
Q: 3ds Nintendo network id link to a new ds

Deathdude325So here's the deal, my friend recently deleted my account off of their 3ds and added their own, but i still cant link my current account with my new 3ds, Help me please! I am currently afraid to do an account transfer because i dont want to take her account and put it on mine.

Q: What happens if you use Zarya's barrier on a Reinhardt with his barrier activated?

PuddlerIf you apply Zarya's Projected Barrier on a Reinhardt with his Barrier Field where does the damage get applied? The Projected Barrier or the Barrier Field?

the old fashioned way of construction sucks
@Unionhawk interestingly enough, the BSA has chapters in Europe and Japan, but not in Canada, which actually is America...
@GodEmperorDune ?
@RedRiderX hey
i don't remember why i pinged you earlier
nice to see you again
@KutuluMike There are international BSA troops, usually expats
Like, I had a crew from Saudi Arabia
All American expats working for the national oil company
Is someone puffing something?
We have Scouts Canada
@RedRiderX oh thats right
we wanted to do mad javascript hax on that balloon blowing up
and you have the best hax
Robbed of the special mount again in WoW :'(
@twobugs raid drop?
should've needed
Yep, final boss of this expansion on hardest difficulty drops a special mount. We do open roll, like 12th week of not getting it?
I've been highest dps at least... 4 or 5 of those weeks
@GodEmperorDune time is hard
@RedRiderX :(
But I'd refer you to my associates @fredley and @PrivatePansy
@fredley @PrivatePansy who can assist us in hacking too much time?
Erm... well, if you can get a really fast rocket...
Or anything that can move at a significant fraction of c
hi @LessPop_MoreFizz
@PrivatePansy my GPA is a significant fraction of c
Why do we need more mods? Should I run?
Run for mod or run away?
tries to find the graph
@John we need more mods because most of our mods are slackers and one of our mods is overworked.
yesterday, by badp
user image
@Unionhawk Thank you
We are thus operating under the theory that if we add more slackers, we can reach an equilibrium, in which the one mod who is overworked, is merely regularly worked.
It's a good theory anyhow
As to whether you, @John, should run? Yes. Yes you should run. Everyone who is eligible who thinks they might want to be a moderator should run.
(However, not everyone who runs, or should run, should win. But there is no harm, and much to gain, in running.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I guess what I'm really asking is whether anyone actually thinks I'm eligible.
@John eligibility is a purely technical matter. What anybody thinks doesn't matter.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I feel like in an election though, it helps to have a positive public opinion.
@LessPop_MoreFizz wait what can you gain by running?
@John you'd think! And yet, here I am, a moderator.
Aside from the thankless mod job, of course
Which is a given
@GodEmperorDune Complete World Knowledge.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No no no, you're popular when you're elected, and then everyone starts to hate you. Just ask @badp
user image
@John And yet, here I am, a moderator.
Q: Motion Blur With Any Game

Joseph Christian HefleySo, I love the Windows Store game "Sniper Fury," but it doesn't have a motion blur option (I love motion blur). Is there any way to apply motion blur to my screen, if not the game directly?

Eugh, those tags
@Lazers2.0 wat
And also what
@Lazers2.0 rub some bacon on your screen, the grease will provide constant motion blur.
@TrentHawkins #lifehack
Hmm is Lifehacks a valid topic for the modrater debate?
@PrivatePansy I may or may not have made a bacon-bot account on lifehack for the sole purpose of suggesting that the lifehack answer to various things was to rub some bacon on it. Also, so my main account would not be associated with lifehack
Q: Are weapons affected by SPECIAL?

BenAfter having a look at the wiki for crafting, each weapon had an Ability listed next to it, possibly suggesting that each weapon is affected by a dweller's SPECIAL. Is this the case?

Okay, barring stronger magnets, that's about as done as I'm going to get.
And probably some more epoxy. Magnets popping off = bad.
Q: Can not start final quest for Minutemen - Fallout 4

Jonas SöderströmCan not start final quest for Minutemen - Fallout 4 Spoiler

Final form. All Avalanche add-ons attached, weapons ready.
@Unionhawk yes?
my screen is acting up
Q: Fallout 4 - Does Settlers need ammunition?

Jonas SöderströmDo I need to supply my settlers with ammunition if I give them a new gun, I know that followers require ammunition but does the same apply for settlers. Why?

Costumes paid for my college education.
I would rather buy Overwatch 17 times than give Koei Tecmo any money for that crap. :|
Q: Does settlers use fusion cores in Power Armours - Fallout 4

Jonas SöderströmI read somewhere that settlers will enter Power Armours if you leave them around with the fusion core in them. It sounds like great roleplaying to collect all the power armours found throughout the commonwealth and let an entire settlement run around in power armours. But do they need to be s...

Q: Blue checkmark under player's name in scoreboard

O-OWhen playing an OW match with friends I will see a blue checkmark that shows up under a player's name from time to time. I don't know what it's for and I'm curious what exactly is it for. I have never seen it under my own name, so it must be an indicator for something; what does the blue checkma...

Q: Correct Order to play ALL Half-Life games

John DoeI fully understand that posts have been made that already address this question. Just give me a chance to differentiate. Okay, I am in love with the Half-Life series ever since I finished the first game (Half-Life 1). I bought the rest of the Half-Life series on Steam. I want to play ALL of the...

Is there some protocol in Rocket league where you flip over in your own goal and don't play, or were these guys just idiots?
@Dallium probably the later. I know of no protocol where you would do that.
They started swearing at us when we kept scoring unapposed, but they never said anything
@Dallium Probably boosters or something.
@Frank I thought I'd ask my questions here - to avoid clogging up the comments
If anyone's interested, the complete gallery of pictures for this kit can be seen here
@Frank I just wanted to ask one more thing: If we updated the original question to include the other games, would that not conflict with the content of the original question - make the accepted answer redundant and potentially rob the accepted answer of the rep gained from the answerer?
@Fluttershy what the heck
@Ben The base question wants to know what order to play the games in. That was five years ago. He doesn't mention specific ones, but if you're asking about a series, it stands to reason that you should include the ones not mentioned.
@Ben the series has expanded but I think at the core they are asking the same thing
HAVE any Half Life games come out in the last five years?
There is no harm in making a new updated answer or asking for the old one to be updated (or both really)
I honestly don't remember.
I agree they're asking the same thing - just the content has changed. The original is incomplete. So in that case altering the original to add the newer content would be fine?
@Ben Yep
@Frank No, the latest game was Ep. 2 in 2007. But that just confuses me as to why the other games weren't added to the original answer. Ah well.
Oh if nothing new has come out then there is extra no reason for two questions
Ok so: the way it stands is that the new question is asking about all the games, the new question is not. Though no new games have been released, that still makes it a dupe due to oversight of the original question?
@Ben The scope hasn't expanded. The new question has just listed more of the games.
They're asking the exact same thing, the new question is just being more detailed about it.
Call me thick - but I don't see how that benefits anyone. More detail is better, no?
The questions are asking the same thing. Agreed?
Then they're dupes.
Logic complete.
If that's how the site logic works, I won't argue then :P
I won't argue anymore *
It gets a bit more wonky when a newer question has a higher quality answer, but that's not really part of this discussion.
I'm iffy on that many links in a tag wiki. 90% of the wiki is links.
Oh, wait, no. Silly markdown. Only a third of it is links.
I was going to say...
And now, bedtime.
Q: D3 Weapon Damage Physical Damage

Brandon StewartI have This weapon below, and it has "Fire Damage". My build is all Physical damage. I want to roll the Fire Damage for Physical damage, however that's not an options.. Is it regular damage, or how does this work?

Q: In Skyrim, what is the point of placing items into other people's inventories? (Pick-pocketing)

AwesomePizza138So in pick-pocketing, you have the option to steal from somebody's inventory, and/or place something into it. Outside of leveling exploits and quests, what function does placing actually have? Can you use for stealth kills or something?

Q: How do I spectate a game I am in?

O-OI know that players can spectate other players matches if they are friends with them. What I want to know is, how I can spectate a game while in that game itself. For instance, sometimes I see someone with a very cool hero skin that I want to see what it looks like in combat, so I'd like to spec...

Ok, so I done a whoopsie...
I asked two questions, and unbeknownst to me, they were asking about the same thing.
So I marked one as a dupe of the other, however, it was already marked as a dupe, so now I have two possibles to choose from.
If I choose to close this question myself, will I get to choose which question it's a dupe of? Or will it just default?
@Ben can you link questions?
... I'm not entirely sure what just happened to my Stellaris save - I go to check on something, and a whole sector of 50+ colonies was a new empire (and my vassal). I don't remember clicking any buttons that would agree to that, and the furthest back my saves go appear to be 3 months after this happened.
So, that game is a lost cause.
pytest, y u make me use pythonpath or setup.py
i dgaf about distributing this minor script
@KevinvanderVelden i did not listen to it. I maybe should since new singer
I think that was them who had a new singer anyway
Q: Has anyone had Curie try to sell them chems?

CassieThis was my first time playing Fallout 4 after downloading Far Harbour dlc and my character would randomly say, "I'm looking for some chems." The camera would rotate to Curie who is my current companion and bring up the screen to buy/sell. She had over 700 caps and a variety of chems to purchase....

@Arperum they do
Q: Safe methods of releasing trapped creatures

nickson104Background: So during my first survival run on the newly released survival mode (XboxOne) I decided to try out the traps, in the hopes of netting some food. At the time I was around level 5 and could afford an insect trap. Several hours later I open this trap expecting a radroach... I was attack...

Q: What would be the best fitting site for Warcraft lore questions?

ZaibisSimply as the title says: When I'm going to watch the film and as not that quite used to the Warcraft lore as I'm there will be questions arising. I'm not sure where to ask them. While I assume this is the site where I have best chances to receive accurate feedback, it feels as if I had to ask it...

Q: Where did Lothric Wyvern go?

klm123At High Wall of Lothric in Dark Souls 3 you encounter a dragon (Lothric Wyvern). At least that was a case for me at the begining of the game. I collected all loot near it, but I never touched the dragon (I am sure of this, because I have no idea how to lure it out and fight it with a sword and...

Buddy of mine is getting anew tattoo. I think it's done, although there might be a few touch ups left:
@Wipqozn While it's undoubtedly an awesome piece of work, I still find it a bit strange someone would want to make something like that a permanent feature of their skin.
But that's just me being old/traditional/fusty I guess
@fredley oh I agree 100%, but I'm able to appreciate the awesomeness of it without needing to live with the regret 3 years down the road
@Wipqozn Yeah. Especially when the ink starts to degrade/bleed
Intricate tattoos do not age well
Q: What is the future of virtual reality gamming?

thetwittWhat is the future of Virtual Reality? Is it make a boon in the gamming industry?

@fredley Then your tattoo will auto-magically morph as if it was processed by Google Dreams...
Actually. maybe if we use process the above photo in Google Dreams, we may have a good guess of how the tattoo will look in some years from now.
Just dropping in to ask a quick question. Have any World of Warcraft fans seen Warcraft: The Beginning yet? If so, what did you think of it, as a fan of the game?
Warning: syntactical care is required when sorting the list returned from a function. If you want to sort the list returned by the function call "find_records(@key)", you can use:

@contact = sort { $a cmp $b } find_records @key;
@contact = sort +find_records(@key);
@contact = sort &find_records(@key);
@contact = sort(find_records(@key));

If instead you want to sort the array @key with the comparison routine "find_records()" then you can use:

@contact = sort { find_records() } @key;
@contact = sort find_records(@key);
sort(find_records (@key));
those two things are completely different
@DrRDizzle I haven't seen it, but opinions of that movie have been mostly negative. It does appear that people who are WoW fans have enjoyed it more than those who don't, since they have a better understanding of what's going on.
Also, the number of folks who ran in the last election who don't really use the site anymore isupsetting.
Q: How do you attract different cats?

ethanflipsI have been playing neko atsume for a while now, but I haven't had any new cats come. I was wondering how I could attract those cats.

This was taken from some old Microsoft CAML documentation
It describes the CAML XML Schema
Notice the different types they have defined....
True Case Insensitive else "False". TRUE Case Sensitive else FALSE. TRUE if there is something (even if the something is ="FALSE")...
Then you have the GUIDS... you can allow only GUIDS with braces, only ones without braces.... or both. For no reason other than give the final developer obscure bugs (because a wrong value most of the times won't raise an error but just cause the running process to use default parameters...)
@Fluttershy Sweet mother of God, what game is that?
@Wipqozn That's the impression I get too. As someone who knows literally nothing about World of Warcraft, I found it to be somewhat impenetrable as a film.
There is so much going on that is never explained.
That's the worst thing I've seen yet today
Even worse than my initial spelling of "today"
@twobugs I have to support worse.
I have a method signature that mentions the word color SEVEN times.
Oh boy. Email from Blizzard. I already know this isn't the beta invite I crave, but let me dream
@Frank I'm going to choose to believe you are joking
@twobugs You know what I do.
Do you think I'm joking?
No, but I can't accept otherwise
It was some dumb HotS email cc @Fluttershy
Damn Blizzard
Trust me - the worst one is TRUE_If_Present.
That means that every value different from "TRUE" (all uppercase!!) is treated as "false". This is a common problem from developers since they write "True" or "true" and then don't understand why the setting don't seem to have any effect (false is the default)
Haha, someone apparently proved that solving a Super Mario Bros level is a PSPACE level task
Well, more accurately, that it is possible to create a PSPACE difficulty level with the initial SMB tileset
Even better if you consider that Visual studio intellisense shows every available option, even the "unsupported" ones
^ like this.
@twobugs does that include the MSI version of hte GUID that has no braces, no dashes, and all the byte sequences reversed?
I don't know the answer and I hope to never discover the answer
> Windows Installer GUIDS are not written in the registry as they appear in the development tools. The first 8 digits are reversed, the hyphen is dropped, the next 4 digits are reversed, the hyphen is dropped, the next 4 digits are reversed, the hyphen is dropped, the next two digits are reversed, the next two digits are reversed, the hyphen is dropped, then the next two digits are reversed, six times.
it's basically the "raw" little-endian version of the GUID except the pieces are still written in the same order.
I'm not sure I understand the benefit of such a thing existing
I assume at some point it makes doing numeric guid comparisons easier? since MSI does thousands of them
but it's an utter disaster trying to debug broken installers.
because it uses the normal {ab-cd-ef} version in parts of the registry and the internal badcfe version in others.
@Wipqozn You said you weren't going to nominate until Friday, but you apparently already nominated. IF WE CAN'T TRUST SIMPLE STATEMENTS LIKE THIS, HOW CAN WE TRUST YOU AS A MOD?
If we can't trust him to keep his own socks clean, who knows what other dirty laundry he could be hiding?
Thank you, I'm here all week
Q: How do I use my flak guns?

l II purchased some flak guns for my ship and they are supposedly good against fighters and missiles. However when I shoot them they seem to just head straight out the sides of my ship not really aimed at anything. How do I actually hit an incoming missile with them?

if he actually nominated himself on Friday and tried to post a link to it no one would believe it was real.
> 32-year-old David Pressley lost his leg shooting a semiautomatic rifle at a lawn mower packed with explosives. The blast was caught on camera.
Someone should pin my dirty laundry quip because it was pretty genius
I'm also impressed that I had already learned about the punch shrimp from a manga
But thank you for starring that, whoever did
everyone should appreciate a good quip
its a lost art
Hard coded file paths
@KutuluMike Well, I mean, if you're going to lose a leg, I guess that's the way to do it.
@KutuluMike America's Funniest Home Maimings
@fredley Damn
Q: Why is Pin so rare in Rebirth?

EmiliaIn the original Binding of Isaac, Pin is a fairly common boss in The Basement, but in Rebirth, I've only fought him a handful of times in ~16 hours of playing. Is there any reason behind this?

Well, my cat lost another 3 lbs over the last week, now down to 10lbs from 22lbs. This doesn't bode well.
Was the 22lbs an unhealthy weight?
Or do you just have Big Cat
Either way :(
He was a big cat and a fat cat
But he pretty much pukes up anything he eats now
The vet is all "Let's wait and see what happens" and we're all "pretty sure the 'what happens' there is 'death'"
That sucks, man
@Sterno Sounds like you have a vet though. Better that than suggest all kinds of invasive, painful and expensive attempts at diagnosis
But yeah, :(
A couple years ago I lost one of the cats I grew up with and by the end he was just having a bad day every day
To be fair, this cat is pretty old. My wife's not entirely sure but she thinks 15 or 16.
Not looking forward to the kid conversation that goes along with this!
Better go check Lifehacks for an answer
That's a good life for a cat. I'd just focus on letting him be as happy as he can be at this point
Your kids are still pretty young though. Hopefully the talk won't go too bad since they can't totally wrap their heads around it yet
In other news, super glad that didn't turn out to be cancer that I had last year! Death conversation perspective achieved!
And now that I've bummed out chat, here's a picture of some cute animals:

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