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Q: What's the precise effect of Inferno Propellant upgrade for the Galleon Mortar?

AntoWell, everything's in the title. The description line seems a bit incomplete about that upgrade: Inferno Propellant (Bombs Create Damage Fields) What's the exact effect of these damage fields ? Any idea about the damage per second ? Does it slow down enemies (the graphic representat...

So, I was reviewing the suggested edit to this question, and decided to improve it by re-adding the tag. When I tried to submit that improvement, it said that I didn't change anything
Does the system not recognize tag editing as a modification?
@DaveMcClelland It looks like it already has that tag
@murgatroid99 Right, but the suggested edit was removing it (for some reason)
@DaveMcClelland Oh, I see
Although that may be why the system didn't recognize it as a modification?
Still seems like a bug
Was the system telling you the same thing when you edited it, @Wipqozn?
@DaveMcClelland I just made a seperate edit
Instead of "improve"
@Wipqozn Yeah, I see that... did you try to improve it to see if it gave you the same error?
I was hoping to grab a screenshot of it and post it on meta
@DaveMcClelland No I did not. I actually didn't see tihs conversation until after I made the edit.
Otherwise I would have
@Wipqozn Then you are a jerk
@DaveMcClelland thanks!
Meh, I'm not going to worry about it. If you guys see another suggested edit, try adding a tag to it and see if you get the error
@DaveMcClelland I will.
I'd recommend
Does adding an @PersonsName in question comments do anything mechanically (like how it flags the message for you in chat), or is it just a common way of letting someone know you're responding to them?
@Sterno It will send them a notification on the site, visible in their inbox in the top left
@Sterno it will only ping one user though
@Sterno It's the same kind of notification that you'll get if someone addresses you in chat after you've left the room, if you've ever gotten one of those
if there's somebody named @PersonsName they're about to be like "gaming chat...?"
Aha! Okay, I'd thought you always saw notifications if comments came in after yours on a question, whether they were directed at you or not
@IanPugsley Only if they've beet in the chat room in the past 14 days
And if you don't address someone in a comment, it will ping the person whose answer/question you're commenting on
@Sterno See :2913853
Okay, cool, thanks. Tried to check meta for an answer on it but "@" is kind of hard to search for :P
@Wipqozn true
Q: How do comment @replies work?

GnomeHow do I respond to a specific user when entering my comment? Will they be notified? Related: How do I view my recent replies? Return to the FAQ index

@Wipqozn I learn new things about chat every day
Unfortunately it is quickly followed by the forgetting of said new things
Q: What forms of co-op exist in Saints Row 3?

EvilAmarant7xI realize the answers to this may differ depending on which platform the game is being played on. I'm interested in the Xbox 360 version myself, but if people know for the other platforms, feel free to answer. I'm pretty sure online co-op exists, but is there couch co-op where multiple people pl...

also, hello @mana
@Mana I've always wondered what kind of mana you are
@OrigamiRobot Secret mana
@OrigamiRobot You haven't heard the Legend of Mana?
that mana
And whenever he leaves, "Mana is rapidly disappearing"
frig, I haven't played either of those games in forever
@Mana I still need to play them on
On my never-ending to play list
@Wipqozn Okay, first 999
@Mana also on my list
download an emulator and a ROM, I don't care, JUST PLAY THEM
why do ypou do these things to me?!?!
AOE3 is on sale
I'venever played
really tempted to buy
@Wipqozn @IanPugsley has the same problem
@Wipqozn I noticed that. However, I will note that the Steam sale price for AoE3 is still 20x the price I paid for it on Windows Live.
@Powerlord Oh?
@Wipqozn Yes, sadly that was a limited time sale.
@Powerlord ah, damn you
I use @Mana to cast Giant Growth on @Wipqozn
now he is alot bigger
@Powerlord Is it worth buying? I immensly enjoyed AOE2
@Wipqozn Then yes.
@OrigamiRobot Mana has +3/+3 until end of turn?
@Wipqozn I've only played AoE3 multiplayer.
@Powerlord He basically said he is green mana
@Powerlord ahah, I was thinking the same thing
We are such cool people.
@Wipqozn Thats what I keep telling people
@Wipqozn I've heard some fans of AoE2 were disappointed in AoE3
@FallenAngelEyes same here
one of my concerns
i wonder if mf laptop can play starcraft 2
@Wipqozn It apparently changed some of the core gameplay a bit, leaning more towards some RPG elements than pure RTS
Is AoE the RTS where you progress through time?
one of my b/f's was a big AoE2 fan and was really disappointed with 3
i.e stone age -> bronze age etc
Q: I need a Portal playground

David PooleIs there a custom map for Portal/Portal-2 just for playing around? Mathew (8-yo stepson) LOVES goofing around in Portal. He wants to jump between portals, drop things between portals, etc. He has no interest in solving the puzzles. He just wants to pop portals. I'd like to find a big, big map w...

@OrigamiRobot Yes, although it's really just their way of unlocking additional buildings and stuff.
@Powerlord Actually I remembered that I am thinking of Empire Earth
apparently they are very similar in concept?
@OrigamiRobot the part where you upgrade your "main place" (town hall/etc.) to unlock the next "level" of stuff is pretty commonly called "ages" in RTSs set in that era
@Wipqozn I liked AoE 3.
I have somewhat unconventional preferences in RTS'es though. I also like Company of Heroes and Rise of Nations
I don't play them multiplayer much. I played some MP CoH vs CPU
If I remember correctly, in AoE you leveled up in the skirmish mode, which meant that you could 'customize' your army to an extent and choose from a variety of benefits at points in the game. that's kind of unusual about it, I suppose.
@IanPugsley do you mean like in-game era or irl era?
@agent86 Rise of Nations is awesome. :o
I played a few RTSs back in the day, but the only one I ever really liked was SMAC
@OrigamiRobot both, really
@Ullallulloo amen.
@IanPugsley SMAC != RTS
that's turn-based strategy
although SMAC is good. I don't think the Civ series really caught up until Civ4. that was an epic installment.
@agent86 adoy, correct
Civ5 has its moments, but just doesn't feel as balanced
I probably mentioned this already, but firaxis is getting a shot at a X-Com game in the 'strategy' mold apparently
@agent86 Notch said something about that, I believe. :P
@Ullallulloo I don't know if a blog post with the only text being "X-COM X-COM X-COM X-COM" counts as "saying something" :p
@IanPugsley well I recall in Empire Earth, everything got upgraded as you progressed. Like units and buildings you had already built
well, if anyone can do that property justice, it's firaxis.
not saying it's possible, but if it is, they're the one's I'd want doing it
@OrigamiRobot It's like that in AoE series too.
And Rise of Nations.
@OrigamiRobot don't most RTS do that? Unit upgrades and such for existing units?
IIRC WC1 and/or 2 even did that
@IanPugsley kinda, but like a caveman trained in the beginning of a match could be a laser rifle dude if he stayed alive that long
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, Empire Earth has a more broad time period than most RTSes.
In WC, it was like "my axe dudes now have sharper axes"
@Ullallulloo how far does AoE go?
xcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomyayxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcomxcom #xcom
@OrigamiRobot The first is from like the stone age to the Romans, roughly; the second's from the stone age to the medieval period; and the third's from about 1500 to about 1800.
Rise of Nations goes from the stone age to modern times.
Q: Activating one piston while deactivating another at the same time?

JkguitarHi i just wondered if it is possible to activate one piston and deactivating another (activated) piston with the same lever. The idea i have is to pull some blocks in to the wall while other blocks are pushed up through the floor.

Q: Do I need to be playing Super Mario 3D Land to get Mystery Boxes?

Ashley NunnI noticed that sometimes when I StreetPass people I end up with a Mystery Box or Toad House in my Super Mario 3D Land game. How does this happen? Do I have to have the Super Mario 3D Land cart in my 3DS when I pass them? I want to get as many boxes and houses as I can (trust me, I need all th...

@Ullallulloo it's funny to use stealth bombers to eradicate guys with slingshots and crude spears. SHOULDA PRIORITIZED RESEARCH, loser CPU
@agent86 I'm sorry my laser tank is destroying your mud houses. No, your bribe of fruits and nuts will not convince me to stop.
....What game is this? It sounds ridiculous, in an awesome sort of way
@AshleyNunn This is a real life story
@AshleyNunn Rise of Nations, a pretty old real time strategy game
suspicious dog is suspicious
@agent86 I think I have heard of it - it is on that loooong list of PC games I missed on ever playing because my house was literally a Nintendo-only zone for years and years and years
@agent86 Nuke those cavemen!
@AshleyNunn someday we'll corrupt you with strategy games.
@agent86 That both scares and delights me - I have a strange idea of what is logical in every day life, so a strategy game could either go really well or really terrible XD
@AshleyNunn They're fine if you're smart. :P
@AshleyNunn we'd have to start you with some civilization. it's very chill, esp. at the lower difficulty levels.
everything's turn based, so you can't lose if you're moving slowly
losing at TBS makes you feel pretty dumb though
@agent86 Or something like AOE2 on Easiest
They literally don't attack.
Q: Changing delay with NOT gate?

JkguitarI just asked this question 30 mins ago and where told to use a NOT gate "Hi i just wondered if it is possible to activate one piston and deactivating another (activated) piston with the same lever. The idea i have is to pull some blocks in to the wall while other blocks are pushed up through the...

@agent86 I like the idea of something that gives me time to think. :)
@AshleyNunn There are some free opensource ones if you want to try.
@Ullallulloo Oh, nifty!
Ouch, I just got ripped on the Sci-Fi & Fantasy site
@Ullallulloo wat
@Sterno oh man
@badp there's a new actual x-com game being developed
@AshleyNunn naah, look, if you're coming into the genre, wait until Civ4 complete goes on sale (it happens fairly regularly) and pick it up for a song. I own Civ4 about 5 times over now. If you're going to start somewhere, start with that.
FreeCiv(Hard for me, I'd advise a low difficulty), FreeCol(The bots get reeeeally laggy after a while though), and Battle for Wesnoth(Different than the others since you only control people like in Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem, or Advance Wars).
@agent86 That sounds like a plan. :) I am assuming it is available on Steam?
@AshleyNunn yes. One of my 5 copies is through there :)
@Ullallulloo It's a good bunch of things to start with though :)
@agent86 That's likely a better idea, but I don't have money, so I've never played a real civ game.
Although I've played SMAC.
@agent86 are we talking RTS or TBS?
@OrigamiRobot TBS now
I bought it when it came out, then I bought a complete edition that turned out not to have colonization, then I bought it for mac, and I think then I bought the steam collection.
oh, right, and I own the box set of civ->civ4
@Ullallulloo I think when I bought the complete edition on steam, it was $10
I havent played a good TBS that I can remember
if you don't have the money next time it goes on sale I will totally pick you up a copy.
@agent86 Wow. That's a lot of copies XD
I enjoyed Lords of Magic, but it wasnt good
@AshleyNunn that's just how awesome the game is!
I will try to have money for it, it might be fun. I like trying new things.
@agent86 Cool. :) My birthday's in about a month, and I think I might get Civ 5 for that.
My mom also said I'm hard to buy for now, and she might just give me money, video games, and a new hard drive.
Steam doesn't work well with families though.
@Ullallulloo Civ 5's good, but I always feel like the odd games aren't as good as the even ones. In the odd ones they tend to experiment, and the even ones they refine.
@agent86 I love that you've noticed things like that.
I think Civ 4 was better than Civ 5
@Ullallulloo I always ask for money these days, I get the "you're hard to buy for" thing a lot :)
Anyone know if Elemental is worth playing now after all the patches?
@AshleyNunn I think the Civ series has consumed more of my life than any other game series, although I imagine that TF2 and CoD are probably close
I like Civ5, but I didn't pick it up until 2011-sept. Seems there were a couple of major patches before that.
@agent86 My family asks for specific lists (game name. platform, where they can buy it) and my mom just shows up at a Gamestop, and hands some poor sod the list, and goes "I want some of these things"
@DavidB I got it pretty early, I think my birthday was right after it came out or something. It wasn't terribly broken at release. Civ4 had some pretty serious performance issues when it first came out, but there were some good 3rd party patches and some decent support after the fact.
@agent86 Nifty. So you can answer any questions I have if I scrape up the money for it. :)
@AshleyNunn haha, this is a good strategy. I just say "give me amazon gift cards" because they're easy, emailable, and if I want something on steam (or anywhere else) I just "trade it" into the family pool and buy what I want.
@agent86 I didn't play civ4 - in fact, haven't played since civ1. I miss my diplomats
asking family members for a specific edition of a game or a specific computer part is too much trouble.
Although if you want another type of TBS, Battle for Wesnoth is on par with almost any commercial title.
@AshleyNunn yes :) there aren't many games that I can answer questions on without doing at least a little research, but civ games I can :)
@agent86 It's a good thing my brother's smart too, so if I want a new video card, my mom will go to him, and he'll check anandtech's benchmarks and stuff and buy it for her.
@DavidB I think civ4 had spies that did similar things. I don't think you could take over a city with them (I think that was viewed as being OP or something?) but you can do other spy-ish things in civ4.
@Ullallulloo yeah, I'm the only computer nerd in the family really. it's nice that it works out for you though :)
@agent86 My family just sends my mom, and she makes it happen, because I tell her exactly what it is called. So she will argue to get what I want. "NO, she wanted the Special Edition!" (Which has totally happened)
Also, the Total War series is great.
it was totally op! (gramps mode engaged) - In my day, we didn't worry about balance in single player games!
also I'll mention that if you have an xbox 360, Civ: Revolutions was a very solid Civ title. A little simplified, but still tons of fun. I think they made a DS version, which was a little cramped for my tastes.
@agent86 Oh, I played that on my iPhone. It was rather fun, even if I wasn't always sure what i was doing. I won games, though, so that was nifty. I don't quite get how I won, but I did.
Q: How to record gameplay from a Windows Phone 7 game?

Samvel SiradeghyanI need to record my Windows Phone 7 gameplay like on Hot Apps from channel 9. My current game is written on Silverlight, but I will have XNA games latter as well, so I need some solution which will work for both technologies. I know softs like Expression Encoder, but in that case mouse cursor wi...

Q: Will Aela the Huntress ever use werewolf form in combat?

SomeMiscGuyOk, so I've never seen her wolf out except in the scripted underforge setting where you get the blood. Will she ever do it on her own in combat or is there any way to tell her how to do it? The bow is nice but it would be cool to see her tear into things.

@AshleyNunn yeah, I don't know how it was on iPhone. the DS version's kind of meh, which is too bad because I wanted to like it. I think there was an Anno series game on the DS as well, which I remember liking.
@agent86 It wasn't too bad. I managed. Although I wouldn't know if it was terrible, lacking the experience XD
I have 100% of the achievements on the xbox 360 one though. good times.
@agent86 My wife spent a week working on those. She managed to get them all, which I thought was awesome (I have a very bad track record with achievements, so anyone who manages a lot in a game is awesome in my eyes)
@AshleyNunn I was unaware that you were married :) achievements in the iphone version of CivRev? or on an xbox?
@agent86 xBox. :)
Okay, time to buy ALL THE TEXTBOOKS!
See you guys later :)
ALL the textbooks!!!
ugh, textbooks
@AshleyNunn I never bought books until after about a week of classes
@OrigamiRobot this. half the time the textbook was completely and utterly useless to the class. By the time I graduated, I think I got away with buying less than 20% of the "required" books.
So... That "upvote the most questions/answers" hat seems pretty hard to get.
@Tristan which one is that?
@agent86 User of the Day Crown.
@Tristan ah, the description's a bit misleading. I think for that one you have to be upvoted the most in a given day.
@agent86 Oh, gotcha. I did just notice that I'm only 2 upvotes away from the Sherlock hat. =D
@Tristan ooh, cool. Let me see if I can help your good question become hat worthy
@agent86 lol It's this one.
hmm, I may have upvoted this already. let me check.
you are now 10% closer due to my contributions!
Woo! Thanks! Also, Lazer's gonna be posting question soon that seems... extremely unconstructive.
I do to much research to get the hats that require you to ask questions :/
@Blem I'll never get the Zelda/swtor/uncharted hats if it's any consolation. lol
@Blem yeah, I have a similar issue. I tend to know where to look for guides and such. Sometimes I come across a good one, but often I end up asking questions that I'm pretty sure I could answer if I invested the time
which just makes me feel lazy :(
@Tristan yeah, all the TOR hats are far beyond my reach.
@agent86 Don't get me wrong, I'd love to play TOR, but my computer can't even run Terarria smoothly.
I only got 1 question on gaming.se and that was a TOR question, but was during beta
those prizes look fun, but I don't think I could ask good enough questions to earn them. No interest in the game being the #1 problem. Number 2 probably being not owning it
Weew! Got the sherlock hat. Thanks for the help!
Q: Does race matter?

BlemIs there any differences between races except for looks? I haven't been able to find any information on this so I am leaning towards it doesn't matter, but I can't find any confirmation on this either.

np @Tristan
I didn't mean for David to delete his question. :(
@agent86 I think I have all the SWTOR hats. \o/
@Powerlord nice going! I think Raven does too. Who is winning the TOR contest? I can't even remember what the criteria was.
Are we going to have signups for the next Game On some time soon?
if it's a pain to determine, don't bother, I'll wait for the official results :P
What's Game On?
@murgatroid99 I seem to remember them saying there aren't going to be signups next time
most views, most upvoted question and most upvoted answer?
Q: Magic Tower: Save the Princess - Hammer?

nhuttoOkay so I have unlocked the thief and cannot seem to find the hammer that he describes on floors 1-7 he says he can use it to unlock a secret on the 8th floor. I would like to know what floor I need to get to to find this hammer?

Q: Is it possible to become a vampire because you consume vampire dust

Mathieu DumoulinCould it be possible that i became a vampire by consuming too much vampire dust? I was never hit by a vampire (sneaking thief bastard) but i contracted it after the morthal mission and consuming the various vampire dust ingredient i found on site. Obviously i noticed it and reloaded and cured ...

Q: Skyrim: What to kill now?

AndroidXTr3meNI'm bored and want to kill someone without getting too much consequences. But I don't want to go kill undeads or any other boring cave. I've killed some orcs near gloombound cave and that was fun (don't care about Orc bounty). So are there any other city or place that I could raid. I've tried Wh...

Q: How do I order an attack on friends?

verBasically, having many technology blueprints in a single station is a death warrant. I often need to obliterate friendly bases to get my hands on them. I want to order my units to start the attack, even if the enemy is friendly (doesn't return fire). Is there some way of doing this? (I always h...

Q: How to use my gamepad globally as xbox controller (on PC)?

Tobias KienzlerI figure using x360ce I can use my gamepad in some games which claim to require a xbox controller. However, this requires me putting a file (xinput1_3.dll) into the respective game's folder. Is there any way to have this gamepad-as-xbox-controller behaviour active globally without needing to cop...

Q: Is it possible to play the Back to Karkand maps in regular Conquest mode?

Bryson DudaWhenever I try to play Conquest (either via quick match or the server browser) on the Back to Karkand maps, I always end up playing Conquest Assault. Is there a way to play regular Conquest on these maps? If so, is it possible to filter out Conquest Assault when choosing a server?

Q: Game On! restructured

Wipqozn I forgot about New Years, so I've pushed back the date of the first Game On! on the new system. So, it's taken me awhile (due to school), but I've finally come up with the promised restructuring of Game on!.The new structure I've decided on is a combination of badp's idea and my own. New S...

thx @Lazers needed to make sure no one saw my message
That was nuts!
it's like lazertag, but less fun.
I'm handing in bachelor in under a week so don't have time to play games, I shouldn't even be chatting her, I'm going home now, cu people
@Blem See ya
@Blem bai
Also, shouldn't the next grant be soon?
What's Game On?
@Tristan Where we get together and play a game together
Usually Minecraft or TF2.
@Ullallulloo Both games my computer can't run. =(
@Ullallulloo This is relevant to my interests, but I always forget
@OrigamiRobot Doesn't Steam pop up and notify you?
@Ullallulloo It doesnt have a reason to
@OrigamiRobot We post them as events in the Steam Group.
@Tristan :(
@Ullallulloo I'm not in any steam groups
@Tristan We're also gonna play Xonotic soon, I believe.
@OrigamiRobot join it
@OrigamiRobot It's open to everyone. I'm in it. =P
@Ullallulloo I tend to avoid such things
We're one away from 150 members.
You could be the 150th.
@Tristan You can't run TF2? I'm sorry, I can't be your friend any more.
@Powerlord Pretty sure I can't. I'm building a computer, but have run out of money, so I'm stuck on this 4 year old laptop.
@Powerlord It takes half a gig of RAM to run smoothly.
@Ullallulloo Ram's not the issue. It's my processor and video card.
@Tristan what are you missing?
nevermind apparently
@Tristan what MB?
@OrigamiRobot Missing for my computer? Processor and an OS.
@Tristan Psh, then you should at least be able to play Minecraft then. It only needs RAM basically.
@Tristan give me your delicious specs
@Ullallulloo I can play minecraft, it just doesn't run smoothly on this laptop because of the crappy video card.
@agent86 I only had to buy two books this term - I own all the rest. Yay for being an English major and owning a lot of novels.
@Tristan Even on a lower draw distance/on fast graphics?
@Ullallulloo Yep.
@OrigamiRobot ASUS Sabertooth X79 mobo
@AshleyNunn yeah, you english majors have it easy. All the engineering books are like $100, although I had a friend who was an english major and I think she had to buy like 20 books a semester or something crazy.
@OrigamiRobot You can at least sign up the chat events to remind you: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/271/se-game-on?tab=schedule
@Tristan no wonder you ran out of money
LGA2011 socket? What processors use those again?
@agent86 last term I spent a lot though. :( but right now I am not taking any literature courses really so that cuts down on what I need.
@OrigamiRobot That's not what's in this laptop. It's what I'm putting in my new computer.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, nevermind. I misread your comment.
@Tristan I stand by what I said
I have a Sabertooth P67, an LGA 1155 board, which is what the Core i7 2600K/2700K use.
@Powerlord LGA 2011 sounds like a sporting event. American Express is proud to sponsor the Lady Golfer's Association 2011 International Open.
Or is it.... now I need to check
Intel chipsets tend to drive up costs
@AshleyNunn lol at me having more rep than you on s.tk/english
@Powerlord I have an Intel i7 3930k sitting in my cart on Newegg along with Windows 7... Just waiting for my paycheck to post to my account. lol
@Tristan $600? barf
@Tristan So, I'm guessing your new computer will beat mine...
Yeah, no wonder.
@OrigamiRobot After putting up with this garbage laptop for as long as I have, I'm wanting my next computer to last for a very long time...
@Tristan then wait for DDR4
LGA 2011 is Intel's server socket, but it's also used by their two most expensive desktop chips... one of which is the 3930k.
This is the first computer I've ever built, so... I'm open for suggestions if anyone has any. lol
@Tristan I am an AMD fan. Their prices are very attractive.
@Tristan Don't touch the connectors, and make sure you're grounded.
For$600 I could build a brand new machine with significantly increased performance to my current one
I was curious about why someone would run dual GPUs though.
@Tristan I bent a capacitor on my old video card when I was putting it in too, don't do that.
Q: Extra mana for no apparent reason

TudwellI just closed Dungeon Defenders last night with about 8m mana in the bank; I'd had it open, mostly idle, for a few days. I opened it up today and had 28 million. Does anyone have any idea how that could happen?

@Tristan They have nothing better to do with their money
Don't try to put the RAM in backwards, it won't work.
@Tristan Jeff Atwood did it because it's cheaper to buy a second card than one giant new card.
can diamond-level mods see the name of the person who flagged something?
@Ullallulloo I've upgraded parts on my old computer before, so I'm familiar with hooking everything up properly. =P @OrigamiRobot So there's no real graphical improvements or anything?
@Tristan These are important
@GraceNote would probably know, if she's around.
@agent86 Hm?
The problem with using Dual GPUs is that you only get a fractional improvement from the second card.
@sjohnston It sounds like it's almost twice as good.
@GraceNote can you see who flagged something when you review flags?
@sjohnston this
@agent86 Depends on the circumstance and the kind of flag. Moderator attention flags, for example, always show the user so that, well, we can establish a communication channel.
@agent86 Yes, in chat. badp said that yesterday.
As long as it's not cleared fast or on a mod's own post.
Spam/offensive flags, on the other hand, are mostly anonymous, as are comments.
@GraceNote OK. just curious, mostly. I was suggesting some answers should be comments on other answers, and realized that when I was linking the answer, it was embedding my user ID. this made me wonder if you guys saw who flagged something or not. I'm clear now, thanks.
@agent86 Yes, we'd see it in that scenario anyway.
@Tristan and if its your first build, you are going to draw blood somehow. It's a right of passage
@GraceNote ok. I guess then it doesn't matter if I leave it on the end of the answer link or not.

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