A better question there would have been "How do you feel about Alcohol?" with the Meh... going to Islam, and "I'm a functional alcoholic" going to Judaism.
@John If the restaurants along Main St. in Kew Gardens are any indication, they fucking love it.
@John Well, you know the holiday Passover? (It's the one in April that happens around the same time as Easter, involves lots of unleavened bread, etc.?)
@IanPugsley Well, I figure if you're a non-functioning alcoholic, you probably can't handle a flow chart.
@John So, the standard celebration for passover is a ritualized meal known as the Seder. During the course of this meal, you will drink a minimum of four cups of wine.
@IanPugsley Do Catholics have a holiday where one of the primary modes of observance is to attend a festival wherein you are supposed to get so drunk that you no longer recognize the people you attended with?
@IanPugsley But yeah, in terms of dietary restriction, since that's the distinction the flowchart makes, Alcohol is a much better signifier of a Jewish diet vs. a Muslims than Hummus.
@NickT From consecration onward, the item is to be treated with extreme respect, as if it were Jesus himself (because we believe that it is, because he said so).
There's a pretty straightforward question about whether every item in Skyrim has a use:
Can every item in Skyrim be used for something? I find a lot of objects like ruined books, embalming tools, etc. that I haven't found a use for yet.
However, an answer with (30!) upvotes has been posted...
I defeated Mom for the first time but I got not the Killed Mom! achievement on STEAM.
I played as Magdalene and had some neat accessories:
Sister Maggy
Mom's Underwear
Distant Admiration
A Dollar
Spelunkers Hat
Did I not achieve the achievement because of Magdalene or he...
Apparently I've spent too much time exploring the dungeon etc in Helgen Keep and my guy, the one who kept telling me to follow him, has vanished. How do I find him again?
@GraceNote Pretty sure that was the exact verbage of the first half of the sentence. But the second half was the issue I'd imagine, which is why I haven't retyped it.
@GraceNote Did he say 'chicks'? Because I don't think that word out of context is a legit flag, and I'd be rather upset if that was the issue. And I don't think the flag would have changed with any other noun that means 'female'.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Second message. It's the kind of thing which is probably harmless but can act as an amplifier on the more pressing content of the second half.
Honestly I don't fully think it warrants a full hour, though
@GraceNote I suppose. I don't think that flag would've gone down any differently with any synonym you could imagine. Aside from perhaps warranting more than an hour if he had decided to pretend to be a thug and use a term that is only properly suited to a female of the more canine persuasion.
@FallenAngelEyes That's what I thought. But like I said, I've never had less than an hour. That said, I also haven't been suspended in a very long time.
It's kinda like Star Trek during my college years. Yes, we had it on the television, every night, without fail. But it was really just in the background.
@LessPop_MoreFizz To be fair on this point, though, I'm terrible with caring about who is behind a particular song, and consequently remembering that data form.
@GnomeSlice Pretty sure we've long ago settled on a policy of Profanity being a-okay on the Bridge. Though if you'd like, I can go back and flag your last statement directed at me.
But I'm a minority with a button that launches intercontinental ballistic angry badgers at people when I press it, so I kinda don't get the luxury of flagging normally.
Crafting items in sequence requires you to spend experience. The more experience you spend, the more likely you are to succeed. However, the experience required grows very fast as the percentage chance approaches 95% (the maximum).
Here's, e.g., the values for the super-expensive Half Prism at d...
I only use 'bitch' as a verb. (as in, synonym for complain) And I while I tend to do it without realizing, I tend to get really self conscious aabout it after the fact if I do so in text.
@GnomeSlice n.b., I neither flagged your statement, nor approved the flag, but personally, while the word 'tits' is generally inoffensive, the sentiment expressed, inquiring about the... erm... endowment of japanese women could easily set off a hackle or three.
@GnomeSlice I do think that, in the context of the conversation, the statement was fine. Like I said, I didn't flag it, and I actually commented to that effect. But clearly somebody on the network and in the room disagreed.
@Powerlord Wow, I thought it was impossible for me to feel even more rage at a statement of yours involving bacon. The only thing that I would hate more for you to say is "I used to be a bacon like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee", but then I took an arrow to the knee.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, just got through that. It was really cool.
Also, posting that video instantly got me a like on Facebook. BAM.
@badp I particularly loathe the B word, as do many of my colleagues and friends. But... unfortunately for us it's been desensitized as well, which is perturbing.