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@LessPop_MoreFizz But do they like it?
A better question there would have been "How do you feel about Alcohol?" with the Meh... going to Islam, and "I'm a functional alcoholic" going to Judaism.
@John If the restaurants along Main St. in Kew Gardens are any indication, they fucking love it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Jews are alcoholic?
@John Alcohol is... deeply embedded in a great deal of Jewish ceremony.
@agent86 Haha, I have a pretty high threshold for "weird," I think I'll be okay
@LessPop_MoreFizz I did not know that.
I don't think "weird" is so much the issue there.
@John it also implies that Jews have a tendency toward functioning alcoholism instead of non-functioning
@John Well, you know the holiday Passover? (It's the one in April that happens around the same time as Easter, involves lots of unleavened bread, etc.?)
@IanPugsley Well, I figure if you're a non-functioning alcoholic, you probably can't handle a flow chart.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes
@LessPop_MoreFizz depends on the flow chart
@IanPugsley Well the state of Israel seems to have been surviving ok so far...
I don't think it would've if they were all passed out drunk all the time.
@John So, the standard celebration for passover is a ritualized meal known as the Seder. During the course of this meal, you will drink a minimum of four cups of wine.
really hopes Joel Spolsky doesn't see this conversation
@LessPop_MoreFizz Catholics drink wine when taking communion, somebody get them into AA! :)
@John I'm talking with him right now, actually, if you want I can pull him in here.
@IanPugsley Do Catholics have a holiday where one of the primary modes of observance is to attend a festival wherein you are supposed to get so drunk that you no longer recognize the people you attended with?
Because Jews do!
@IanPugsley Not Catholic, but I do that too...
@LessPop_MoreFizz 'Friday Night'?
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, Christmas
@Grace Please, I want to star everything he says out of context.
@IanPugsley Point.
@IanPugsley But yeah, in terms of dietary restriction, since that's the distinction the flowchart makes, Alcohol is a much better signifier of a Jewish diet vs. a Muslims than Hummus.
@John not exclusive, just the first group I thought of - sorry for leaving you out
@RonanForman look of disapproval
@IanPugsley Uh, no, that's ok. You can leave me out. Especially if Joel is coming.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Speaking of diet, they left out if crackers can turn into people
@LessPop_MoreFizz certainly better than hummus
@GraceNote psh. my retort is awesome and yours is terrible. you're just jealous.
I feel a little left out as a hummus and alcohol-enjoying Christian who isn't particularly crazy about bacon
@IanPugsley Yeah, they called us boring. :(
@agent86 Probably for definitions of "jealous" meaning "superior".
@IanPugsley Agreed. They also could have used Cheeseburgers or Lobster as a divider.
@NickT That's extremely disrespectful.
(Although some Muslims won't eat Shellfish also. But that varies IIRC.)
@John that PZ Myers, a heathen, took the eucharist?
@LessPop_MoreFizz lobster is the tastiest of dividers
@NickT No that the guy walked out with it.
@IanPugsley Treif!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oooh now we're getting fancy.
If someone doesn't believe it's the body of Christ, then why would it be
@NickT Because it was consecrated.
@John Why cause I used a Yiddish word? Would you like me to call you a Schmuck for good measure?
Regardless of whether they believe it or not.
@John Or perhaps a Mensch if I'm feeling more complimentary.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll pass, thanks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That one sounds ok though.
@John Are you looking them up?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah kinda. Why, do you happen to know Yiddish?
I knew Mensch from German though.
@John that's a persistent effect?
@NickT Yes.
@John No, I have the standard american jew vocabulary of a few dozen words that I picked up out of my grandparents Yinglish.
I figured it would be some time-limited enchantment that only applies around the ceremony
@NickT From consecration onward, the item is to be treated with extreme respect, as if it were Jesus himself (because we believe that it is, because he said so).
Whether you happen to believe it is or not, the faithful certainly do.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh so you're part Jewish too.
@John Part nothin'.
@John I am a full-fledged M O T.
@LessPop_MoreFizz But if your grandparents were Yiddish, statistically, that makes you at least 50% Yiddish.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh. Not what I thought you meant.
So you are a Jew?
But you can keep digging deeper if you like.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Then I guess you know what you're talking about with the hummus and alcohol. :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz ?
@John Indeed.
@John Well, yeah
@John There ain't no Muslim answer to this stuff: shmaltzbrewing.com
Is that just because of the clarifying agent being some shellfish thing?
Busy night in here
@LessPop_MoreFizz "The Chosen Beer" I find that humorous. xD
@ArdaXi Jesus Christ, get out of my game...
my dad made potato latkes fried in bacon grease when I was visiting for Christmas
it felt so wrong but tasted so right
@GnomeSlice You're playing TBOI with Arda!?
@IanPugsley That sounds really really good...
Look at the screenshot.
@GnomeSlice Oooh. That's arda.
@GnomeSlice What?
@LessPop_MoreFizz jew beer
57 secs ago, by GnomeSlice
user image
@NickT There's nothing inherently non-kosher about other beer, no.
That's... wow.
@NickT It's just Schmaltz's schtick is all.
I've had that screenie for a while actually. I was suspended when I took it, and then I forgot about it.
That's me like 5 years ago... except a lot slimmer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought shellfish was haraam to jews
Brooklyn Brewery's stuff is all kosher as well, for example.
@ArdaXi Even Arda is stunned by discovering his long lost brother!
@ArdaXi And, assumedly, plus the sparkle?
Somebody star this.
Or did you have that when you were younger, too?
It's perfect.
@GnomeSlice I would, but I can't star myself.
@NickT It is. But there's no shellfish involved in beer unless you're doing something crazy like a Lobster Saison
What game is that, anyway?
Uh... 'Dawn of Magic' on ios.
I'm guessing it's a port.
@LessPopMoreFizz from what I can find maybe not beer that much, but wine at least
shellfish extract is used as a fining agent
It's ridiculous, the main character is a guy, and all of the other party members are big-titted women.
I think it can be used in some types of beer as well
@NickT Wine has special rules anyway.
This game is hilarious.
@GnomeSlice sounds like most games you play
@GnomeSlice Sounds like a typical Japanese game.
@IanPugsley That's not fair.
Radioactive Spider? O.o
@GnomeSlice Not really surprising in the slightest.
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Mark TrappThere's a pretty straightforward question about whether every item in Skyrim has a use: Can every item in Skyrim be used for something? I find a lot of objects like ruined books, embalming tools, etc. that I haven't found a use for yet. However, an answer with (30!) upvotes has been posted...

@GnomeSlice I'll be fair; sometimes the main character is a robot in some of the games you play :p
@IanPugsley =[
@IanPugsley Or anthropomorphic animals flying space ships.
Look at these people:
@Ullallulloo not necessarily exclusive with robots
It's just ridiculous.
Yeah, not surprised in the slightest.
Q: Defeated Mom with Magdalene but got no achievement on STEAM

RazI defeated Mom for the first time but I got not the Killed Mom! achievement on STEAM. I played as Magdalene and had some neat accessories: Sister Maggy Mom's Underwear PHD Distant Admiration A Dollar Technology Spelunkers Hat Heart Did I not achieve the achievement because of Magdalene or he...

Q: Helgen - guide disappeared

PoulApparently I've spent too much time exploring the dungeon etc in Helgen Keep and my guy, the one who kept telling me to follow him, has vanished. How do I find him again?

The Out of Context Flag strikes again.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What was the one after Gnome? I missed it.
See you in an hour, @GnomeSlice
@LessPop_MoreFizz Him again?
@John I didn't see the other flag that went up either. But Gnome ate an hour.
@LessPop_MoreFizz for which?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, long suspensions can happen when you're @GnomeSlice.
@IanPugsley for "Since when do japanese women..."
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wasn't quite that verbiage, which I assume is partly the issue, possibly.
@GraceNote Pretty sure that was the exact verbage of the first half of the sentence. But the second half was the issue I'd imagine, which is why I haven't retyped it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You used the wrong noun.
adoy...I probably should have realized that
Admittedly it's arguable on that aspect but in the context of the whole sentence it apparently sparked.
@GraceNote Did he say 'chicks'? Because I don't think that word out of context is a legit flag, and I'd be rather upset if that was the issue. And I don't think the flag would have changed with any other noun that means 'female'.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Second message. It's the kind of thing which is probably harmless but can act as an amplifier on the more pressing content of the second half.
Honestly I don't fully think it warrants a full hour, though
@GraceNote I thought the flags only gave a half hour.
welcome back @GnomeSlice
@GraceNote I suppose. I don't think that flag would've gone down any differently with any synonym you could imagine. Aside from perhaps warranting more than an hour if he had decided to pretend to be a thug and use a term that is only properly suited to a female of the more canine persuasion.
@Ullallulloo Half the people on the Bridge regularly get one full hour. Inexplicably.
@Ullallulloo I've seen as much as three hours.
How is Jack supposed to focus on saving the world with girls like those following him around.
Oh, I'm back.
Really people, did you seriously get offended by that.
@GnomeSlice Same way a ton of other heroes do it?
@GraceNote It was 29 minutes for about 10 seconds.
Or warlords. Or regal monarchs. Or a whole lot of people in the same scenario.
@GraceNote Yeah, I've never gotten less than an hour. I have no idea why.
Victoria (the maid) even has breast-bouncing animation in the combat sequences. Which is funny when you look at the resolution of the game.
@GraceNote Or Rock Stars. Once you get enough of it, it starts to get boring.
@GraceNote Good thing I'm not one of those.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought default was 30 minutes?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I heard that it's automatically just half an hour every time.
A mod has to manually make it longer.
@GraceNote See also:
Did someone flag it?
@Ullallulloo It's half an hour per flagged message.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm probably not going to load that up.
@FallenAngelEyes That's what I thought. But like I said, I've never had less than an hour. That said, I also haven't been suspended in a very long time.
@GraceNote Did he have two? I only see one removed.
@GraceNote It's just the Rolling Stones.
@Ullallulloo He only had one removed. Hence the "inexplicably".
@GraceNote It's nothing you won't hear 14 times a day on your local classic rock radio station.
Also, what's wrong with 'chicks'? If they had been smart, useful, non-skanky characters, I would have called them women.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How did you even know that the only radio I listen to is classic rock?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Maybe someone really doesn't like muppets
@GraceNote because you're old :p
@IanPugsley Gadhexital, you're married, you can't tell me that!
@GraceNote I don't need to know that to know that Satisfaction gets played non-stop.
I actually don't know that song
@FallenAngelEyes That person is a sad, sad, sad individual.
@GraceNote ... you listen to classic rock, and you don't know the single most famous song the Stones ever recorded?
@LessPop_MoreFizz "Listen" is probably an overstatement.
@GraceNote It's like saying that you never knew "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" was by the Beatles.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Eheh...
Sorry about not mentioning I was leaving, we kinda had a power outage.
It's kinda like Star Trek during my college years. Yes, we had it on the television, every night, without fail. But it was really just in the background.
Southern Rock.
@LessPop_MoreFizz To be fair on this point, though, I'm terrible with caring about who is behind a particular song, and consequently remembering that data form.
Plus, floodpants.
@Mana Koooooooomm Giiiiiiiib Miiiiiiiiir Deeeeeeiiiiiiiine Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand
Argh, Steam's screenshot function won't work in Binding of Isaac?
Before you ask - I had sampled 40% totally randomly. I didn't know it would turn out to be what I think is the right answer.
@FallenAngelEyes Printscreen will.
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, it's probably because it's really a flash game in disguise.
(cough quality controls cough)
@FallenAngelEyes I think we had a question about this very recently.
some people can't even get steam achievements working. I don't think they work at all under mac.
Better Southern Rock.
On the bright side, I found out that our building has emergency lights!
@agent86 well I did get one achievement so far
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
>Sorry about that.
@FallenAngelEyes :(
What'd you link?
@FallenAngelEyes Only one > in chat.
try that one.
Same song, album version rather than live.
@ArdaXi 1 didn't work either! I always fight with quote markdown, I think I'll just give up
@FallenAngelEyes I don't think it works on replies.
@FallenAngelEyes It doesn't work in replies in my experience.
:2907633 No line breaks.
:2907633 Also no line breaks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, that one works. Also I've only heard of that group from Family Guy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz BITCH.
@GnomeSlice ...ooooh okay
@LessPop_MoreFizz Damn, been a while since I've listened to them.
@GnomeSlice wat.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I said it first.
All this talk of rock is making me want to destroy my ears with decidedly non-rock music.
@Mana Fun Fact: Circuital was originally written for a project that MMJ was going to do with Disney. Do you know what that project was?
@LessPop_MoreFizz uh
@LessPop_MoreFizz What was it?
Because it was a DOCTOR TEETH AND THE ELECTRIC MAYHEM album, and LIVE MOTHERFUCKING TOUR with a puppet band and MMJ playing the songs from backstage.
You have no fucking idea how sad I am that it fell through. :(
Electric Mayhemmmmmmmmm
What's with the trigger-happy flags lately?
Really? Who flagged that.
that's one less free out of jail card for the flagger
@badp How do you know who it was?
(For those that don't get it, Doctor Teeth is the muppet in my avatar.)
@Ullallulloo Logical deduction leaves very few suspects, tbqh.
Luckily, chat told me
which comes in handy when I can load the flag popup in time
@GnomeSlice Would you like to help yourself to the remainder of your hour long suspension then?
Let's not do that, mmk?
@badp How come when I curse, I get suspended.
@GnomeSlice Pretty sure we've long ago settled on a policy of Profanity being a-okay on the Bridge. Though if you'd like, I can go back and flag your last statement directed at me.
So, I hear Firefox 3.6 won't get security updates any more after April.
'tits' isn't even a curse word.
@GnomeSlice How come I unsuspended you
Apparently, the next long-term release is Firefox 10.
@badp Peer pressure, I would assume.
@GnomeSlice It's about intent, not language.
@GnomeSlice Bzzzzzzzzt.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's not so much "A-Okay" as it is "Tolerated summat"
@GraceNote point.
@GraceNote Personally, I don't like it.
I'd actually like to see a whole lot less of it here than is tossed around here, but I'm a minority.
I try to avoid it.
I have a tendency to drop casual F-bombs as an intensifier. It's been a habit of my speech for so long that I don't even notice myself doing it.
But I'm a minority with a button that launches intercontinental ballistic angry badgers at people when I press it, so I kinda don't get the luxury of flagging normally.
I only really start cursing when I'm really fed up with something/someone.
My profanity ratio actually drops considerably when I'm well and truly upset.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I do this as well. I kinda try to tone it down in here, as I did get flagged for it once.
@LessPop_MoreFizz bell curve
:2907775 ...I wouldn't really call that a curse.
@GnomeSlice I would.
I would, it's actually one of the few words I hate most in fact.
@GnomeSlice It's not exactly a pleasant word either.
Agh, 2 coins and... some sort of weird doll, all across gaps I can't cross.
It's not a curse word. It's profanity perhaps.
To be fair I was mocking Gnomeslice's liberal usage of it when he was clearly not fed up with anyone
@FallenAngelEyes no nearby rocks to blow up into the holes?
@badp What's the difference?
("you're tits" only works as an Ardaxism.)
it was actually kind of painful to type since I avoid the word as much as possible
@badp what, @ArdaXi's the only European?
Q: How to minimize experience required by crafting items?

badpCrafting items in sequence requires you to spend experience. The more experience you spend, the more likely you are to succeed. However, the experience required grows very fast as the percentage chance approaches 95% (the maximum). Here's, e.g., the values for the super-expensive Half Prism at d...

@Lazers How do you manage to type questions while dealing with this? That's amazing.
@IanPugsley I was referring to the "X is Y"/"You are Y" snowclone Arda so kindly introduced to us
I only use 'bitch' as a verb. (as in, synonym for complain) And I while I tend to do it without realizing, I tend to get really self conscious aabout it after the fact if I do so in text.
@Mana I was doing science when I got pinged and told to handle this stuff
@badp ah okay, so my mistake was trying to interpret anything as actual English
@Mana Also, Lazers can be slow.
21 minutes slow in this case
Oh wow, that's 10 minutes more slow than usual.
@Mana ಠ_ಠ
@Ullallulloo You're not offending anyone in particular.
You're probably not offending anyone, actually.
@badp Snowclone, now that's a new word for me.
@badp If you call someone it you are.
@badp Me, at least.
@Mana swears more than I do.
@Ullallulloo "You're tits"?
Just not here.
@badp NO U.
@badp No, we were talking about the b-word.
I was using it like 'pwnt'.
And now it is time to listen to St. Vincent over and over again for the rest of the evening.
@GnomeSlice that's true actually. I'm like a walking ball of profanity outside of this chatroom.
@GraceNote What triggered the discussion is "tits"
@badp I don't even know how you got stuck on that, we've been talking about a different word.
Because it is that kind of a night.
@GraceNote Well, that's what I got suspended for.
@GnomeSlice But it wasn't the most recent flag.
@LessPop_MoreFizz what St. Vincent album do you recommend I listen to first
@GnomeSlice Yeah, but I don't think it was the word 'tits' that got you flagged. It was the sentiment expressed.
Neither was 'bitch'.
@Mana The newest, Strange Mercy, is absolutely incredible.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Excuse me?
oh... so "you're a motherfucker"? I thought that was as far from an offense as possible, actually
@LessPop_MoreFizz aweeeesome
from the pattern of usage I've seen
I've got so many indie games, I think in my future blog posts I'll do one freeware and one non-freeware indie
@badp Well... I'm pretty sure most people find that implication offensive.
@badp =[
@GnomeSlice n.b., I neither flagged your statement, nor approved the flag, but personally, while the word 'tits' is generally inoffensive, the sentiment expressed, inquiring about the... erm... endowment of japanese women could easily set off a hackle or three.
Quite offensive but it's commonly desensitized.
@LessPop_MoreFizz dat synth
meh, that thing made no sense to me when I tried to read it literally the first few times I saw it in the wild
@Mana More like DAT GUITAR.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do you disagree?
@Mana Annie can shred.
then I just accepted it as basically a stronger synonym of "dude"
@IanPugsley Oh, I misunderstood how that worked in the answer
I like big... bacon and I cannot lie!
> "So... why do they call you motherfucker Jones?"
Agh, the little doll ate my money :(
@FallenAngelEyes are you now the proud owner of some coins and a doll-thing?
@GnomeSlice I do think that, in the context of the conversation, the statement was fine. Like I said, I didn't flag it, and I actually commented to that effect. But clearly somebody on the network and in the room disagreed.
lol, I guess so
@LessPop_MoreFizz I never implicated you.
@IanPugsley No rocks by the coins, so all I am is out of money!
I love that trailer.
@Mana Seriously though, that distorted guitar solo. Is it not the best thing?
Not that anyone watched it.
@GraceNote Honestly I can only think of one word in English that's not commonly desensitized (the c- one.)
@FallenAngelEyes on earlier levels (i.e. when I have less money to waste) I rarely go in the store
(if it makes you feel better, I can think of no such Italian words)
@Powerlord Wow, I thought it was impossible for me to feel even more rage at a statement of yours involving bacon. The only thing that I would hate more for you to say is "I used to be a bacon like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee", but then I took an arrow to the knee.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, just got through that. It was really cool.
Also, posting that video instantly got me a like on Facebook. BAM.
@badp I particularly loathe the B word, as do many of my colleagues and friends. But... unfortunately for us it's been desensitized as well, which is perturbing.
runs. Fast

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