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All I'd care about is if it's any good
and the price
@NickT so true
yay it works
Q: Can a Death Knight have Dual Talent specialization?

TempusI didn't see an option to have 2 talent trees at my class trainer. Is this feature available for Death Knights?

@agent86 What does?
@Ullallulloo working on some python code for reading RSS feeds. part of an IRC thingy I'm putting together.
right now it's reading the starred item list in this room.
Referrer link? Really?
@agent86 I don't see it.
@ArdaXi I get points!
Even though they don't do anything at all!
@Ullallulloo How would you see it?
@Ullallulloo you're not on irc in the channel with it?
@agent86 I'm so sorry.
@ArdaXi for...?
@ArdaXi Oh, I read that as: "right now it's on the starred item list in this room." :P
@agent86 The fact that you're working with IRC.
@ArdaXi hah, I've been working with IRC for... what year is it? 15 years give or take, i guess?
Ah. That probably lessens the pain a bit.
yeah. I'm also cribbing liberally from a previous project,and using some pretty powerful libraries
I still think it's time for a new protocol to supersede IRC, but it doesn't seem like anyone is open for change.
I've just been using it for so long now, it's practically a fixture of my setup.
I won't say I particularly like it. I think this system's got some distinct advantages.
it's just how I keep in touch with certain groups of friends who I wouldn't otherwise keep in touch with.
Yeah, but I'm talking about the protocol itself.
I mean, look at the system you're using right now. Then look at IRC. Which would you prefer?
I mean, assuming this system was open-source and documented et cetera.
eh, I'm old school. I prefer most things that are console-oriented. the fancy's nice, but sometimes I want something more stripped down.
another of the projects in my 'someday' queue is building a command line client for this system, although doing so is likely to have any number of weird side effects
plus there's almost no docs for the protocol, most of what I'm going to be going off of is another implementation, which I don't even know if they reverse engineered it or they had docs or what.
I don't even know how/if the authentication scheme would work. first pass would probably be read-only.
Q: Can I get new crafting recipes from the trainer?

GAThrawnIn The Old Republic, my main character has the armourmech crew skill. When I initially picked up the crew skill, the armourmech trainer offered me some crafting recipes, six of them. Since that initial contact there've never been any new recipes available from the trainer whenever I've visited, ...

@agent86 Well, yes, like I said, if it were open-source and documented.
And I'm not necessarily saying this interface, but the underlying system.
It's got a lot of things IRC lacks. Proper authentication, GUIDs for messages, permalinking, abuse control, modification.
Some of those things have been hacked into IRC, but there's just that, hacked in.
Ok, wow.
Q: Will this increase my reputation?

calebSo far, I've used Stackoverflow in a read-only manner. I try to search long and hard before asking a new question (and I usually find answers without the need to ask new questions). But I would like to be able to upvote answers, and don't feel like searching for other questions to answer just t...

@John That's too meta.
@Ullallulloo Well, yeah. MSO usually is.
@ArdaXi most of that stuff I don't want. I prefer the (more) anonymous and transient nature of IRC.
@agent86 Well, IRC is as pseudonymous as anything is. It doesn't have to be so tight as this system, but at least proper (pseudonymous) authentication on an account-basis and proper logging for channels that choose to enable it is a virtue.
I mean, I can imagine channels you'd rather not log, but if you use IRC to plan a project, for example, it'll be really helpful if you can permalink down to a message or series of messages.
@ArdaXi that's fine. saying you could change this system to make it more like what I want, or change that system to work more like I'd want is about the same to me.
> Gremlin mendors have been scolded once again for harming others.
I love patchnotes.
I didn't design this though and I can't make changes to it, and the things I don't like about it are by design, so... I guess I use both imperfect systems and deal with their limitations :)
@agent86 But from a technical perspective, it's a lot easier to work with a protocol that has stuff like authentication as a built-in option, rather than a hacked-in option.
eh, it's all the same pie-in-the-sky dreaming, so it doesn't really matter which way would potentially be easier.
@agent86 Are you saying it won't ever change?
Thing is, for as old as it is, IRC has never been a very reliable protocol.
IRC change? probably not at this point. this system change? like I said, things I don't like about it are intentional.
@John That's gotta be too localized, right?
@Ullallulloo I VTC-ed as NARQ.
is reviewer badge accurate? that there's only one person who has reviewed 1000 posts with 200 actioned reviews?
@John that too
@agent86 The review function's pretty new, so probably.
@agent86 Why not? So long as you keep it backwards-compatible...
@Ullallulloo hm, I'm at 1,001 with about 400 actioned, and it hasn't popped. I thought perhaps I just misunderstood it or it was bugged, but it could just be taking its sweet time.
Because of how simple IRC is, it's trivial to write an interface for something else to talk to IRC.
@ArdaXi I love it when people say work they're not planning on doing is trivial :)
@agent86 Not planning on doing? I'd worked out most of the code for that part until I had to abandon the project because of other priorities.
Is anyone else joining me in taking my hat off to mourn the end of hat dash?
@RonanForman I'm not wearing a hat.
@RonanForman I would suggest we have a moment of silence, but I think it's more appropriate to have a moment of screaming HATZ and running around like we just don't care.
@agent Good plan.
New Indie Royale, btw.
Nuclear Dawn! \o/
@Ullallulloo What's that game like?
think I might pass on this one
@FallenAngelEyes I'm not sure, but it has pretty good 3d, and it says it's an RTS/FPS.
unless Nuclear Dawn is worth it by itself
@Ullallulloo I've heard it's terrible
There was a free weekend of it on Steam right before the holiday sale.
ugh, the Wikipedia article for Nuclear Dawn reminded me of Natural Selection and that NS2 is in alpha
@agent86 Really?
@Ullallulloo I think one of my friends played it and hated it, and I think @badp played it recently and loathed it... trusting my terrible memory though
So when HatDash ends, we'll only be able to see our gravatar wearing the hat on HatDash.com, not here, correct?
Dec 17 '11 at 17:42, by badp
Nuclear Down seems like a broken POS
@agent86 It has a 71 on Metacritic based on 23 reviews and an 8.0 user rating.
@FallenAngelEyes yes, hats are disappearing from g.se after this is over.
I asked my friend who hated it, and he said he didn't like it at first but grew to like playing it with friends.
so... mixed results.
@agent86 k, just was noting the PSA and I was like o_o @ "forever immortalized"
Q: Is it better to increase battle settings or summon more monsters on normal settings to get more xp

TemplarIs it better to increase battle settings or summon more monsters on normal settings for getting more xp?

@FallenAngelEyes whatever hat you're wearing tomorrow when it's over, that hat will be on your gravatar on hatdash.com
@agent86 Yeah, most of the reviews say you need quite a few people for it.
@agent86 I'm happy with my jaunty fedora
@FallenAngelEyes david linked something yesterday too, a "beta" of the leaderboards, if you're interested: hatdash.com/leaderboard
@agent86 Oh, neat
I think you can see your hat rack from there too.
raven caught up to me! go raven :)
my only hope is getting a bounty if I want to win. I've tried for a couple, now it's in some random user's hands as to who is #1 :) I don't mind coming in second place to him though. I had fun :D
@agent86 He said not to tell anyone!
@John we can trust @FallenAngelEyes. she's got a trustworthy look in her eye.
she will only use the powers of the beta leaderboard for GOOD.
pulses her eye veins innocently
see? trustworthy.
@NickT okay. make it cheese
@agent86 PRIVMSG #channel :Text to print to the channel. And mind you I was doing this like 10 years ago.
@Powerlord yep, and there are libraries that make that part even easier.
The problem with IRC is that once you start dealing with some of the more esoteric features, each major IRCD software does them differently.
I've been on quakenet for a few years and enjoyed Q
(rip L)
I think that one coding horror article about implementing stack overflow in a weekend is apropos; just replace SE with IRC and 'sql tables' with 'sending a message'
@badp What, not Undernet's X or DalNet's ChanServ/NickServ?
Q: Is the old republic end-game focused?

tugstldr, My question is this: Is SWTOR a game that is heavily focused on players at the level cap, or is bulk of the game focused on characters that are still leveling? And now a little of my boring backstory and bloody-minded opinion. (context) I have noticed in recent MMORPGs(my experience inclu...

(Is DalNet even around anymore?)
@Powerlord believe so, yeah
@Powerlord And this is exactly my problem with IRC.
These features should be part of the protocol.
Is Binding of Isaac a game that's likely more comfortable with a gamepad? I can't recall.
I'd imagine it's one of those "either ways"
@FallenAngelEyes Depends on what you prefer. I prefer my gamepad for every platformer, personally.
@ArdaXi I thought it was more action-rpg-y than platformer?
I don't know what game I'm confused with.
Super Meat Boy?
Let's default to SMB
@NickT i need to make the opposed song, about being placed in plat and need to get to bronze
No, not at all.
Don't try to understand the way my brain works. It is a very weird place.
Pfft, we're not going to deign to that, we're just defaulting to SMB regardless.
For some very weird reason I was confused with Blocks That Matter.
Oh, haha.
@FallenAngelEyes I don't know... can you even use a controller on Isaac? I always used the keyboard, personally.
@agent86 No idea!
all the keyboard controls are limited to the 4 cardinal directions
would kind of suck if I've been missing out on diagonal shooting due to my keyboard use
oog, small resolution
So in Control Options
the game says this:
> Game Pad?: Use JoyToKey (Google it!)
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, so there's really not that much of a benefit I'd think
Yeah, probably not
you can use an analog stick to mimic WASD and the arrow keys, but eh?
Q: How do I Unlock the "???" Character?

Bruce ConnorI just found out (in the wiki) that there's a character called ??? in Binding of Isaac. However, the page doesn't say how to unlock him. I also haven't had immediate luck on google (try googling "???" =/), so here I am. How do I unlock the "???" character?

Q: Why are spiders always on my east wall?

EnderIm of the impression that they have the same spawn rules as the rest of the hostile mobs. IE: the place has to be sufficiently dark... and thats about it. (they obvoiusly would have to 'fit' where the game places them as well) The reason behind the question is I almost always (say 80% of the tim...

@Lazers Spawner?
I also didn't realize this game said that his mom heard the voice of God o_O
and all the characters were biblical names
@agent86 May be easier for those who play a lot of 2 stick shooters? I'd imagine it'd control the same way then.
@FallenAngelEyes Yes, it's a twisted version of the story of Issac.
@Ullallulloo Ah, okay. Yeah, I don't have much of a religious background so I totally didn't realize that. Oops.
@FallenAngelEyes They don't actually call the voice God do they? I thought it said something like "She heard a voice from above."
God is of course implied still...
@FallenAngelEyes yes. this is a dark, twisted, disturbed game with a lot of religious, sexual, and shocking yet cartoony imagery.
@FallenAngelEyes hmm I totally missed that.
@Ullallulloo From what I've heard, there aren't many similarities beyond the names...
@agent86 Sounds like a lovely game.
The game makes me so angry. I still haven't finished it.
@agent86 Cool! totally not desensitized
Can't really bring myself to be interested in the game
@GraceNote Me neither. From what I've heard, it's a totally crude game.
Well, what do you expect from the minds behind Super Meat Boy.
I'm interested in Super Meat Boy, though
But that's probably because I'm secretly an enormous show-off.
Lol "ArdaXi is now playing: The Binding Of Issac"
@ArdaXi oh, it'll make you feel terrible inside. but it's so much fun.
@John Yeah. I haven't played it, and I don't really want to.
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, if you can tolerate the aborted fetuses and vagina enemies, it's a really excellent game formula. I do wish you could "save" a game in-progress, I think I have a ton of hours played on that game on steam because I'd just have to alt-tab out into the background after 20 mins of playing.
@GraceNote secretly? you keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means.
Well, that's great gamepad support. kinda sorta NSFW
The Binding of Isaac is alright. If you're looking for a straight-up twin-stick shooter though, look elsewhere
@agent86 I think for qualifying to use that retort, you probably need the subject to actually "keep using that word".
@agent86 also, for anyone who has happened to watch both the Princess Bride and Dead Like Me
@GraceNote You'd probably like Waves. So would @badp.
I only recently found out Rube is also Inigo Montoya
@GraceNote also, super meat boy is on sale for like $3.75 on GG.
I kinda spent about $40.00 at the game store on Tuesday night.
I see.
7 hours ago, by Blem
user image
I take issue with this chart.
Should probably get some more progress in this one game before buying yet more stuff.
Jews eat Hummus.
Quite a bit of it.

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