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I can't listen to all the music you post at once, so stop posting like ten links on different sites to different tracks at the same time
Remix of Rock You. Whooooah.
@Fredy31, I answered your question. If you act fast, you can probably grab at least one or two of the HL2 series games from someone who is offering them for free over at meta.
@Mana I'm posting it as I listen to it.
Over the G.SE Meta?
I still can't QUITE listen to two songs at once.
Thomas McDonald, for instance, is giving away HL2 and HL2:ep1
the post on gse meta is linked from my answer.
plus practically everyone's got some x% off valve coupons
I have a bunch of game-specific coupons.
... god this games UI is horrible.
So, it has a mechanism to let you set a modifier key to auto-self target abilities.
Oh. My. GOD.
So, for instance, I can leave my companion targetted, and spam healing spells, and to switch to healing myself, I just hold down the modifier, and it gets cast on myself instead.
This is a Good Feature, which wow had as well.
Except, you can't bind shift to it.
Nor Alt.
Nor Control.
Q: Coop isn't working on saints row 3 Xbox 360

David chandlerWhen I try and go onto the coop on saints row, it says I need to enter a code,I have done this, however I have already done this and got my unlock able items like the car, gun and clothing. I have been trying to sort itnoutnbut nothing has worked, canyou help?

@LessPopMoreFizz should I just buy the PvP implants at lvl 20? do they start dropping?
@NickT I've been able to keep up on implants from quest rewards more or less.
at what level? I haven't gotten any, though I'm only 23
@ArdaXi Downloading water is something I need to try.
@badp Think of all the poor peons at the water company that need your business to feed their family though. D:
oh lol
italian financial police did a blitz in a well known VIP tourist location this new year's eve
this had a misteriously positive effect on the city economy, with daily earnings spiking between twice and five times more than usual
curious, uh?
(I'm trying to fit this into a tweet :/)
Q: How to survive The Last Stand Classic in Dawn of War II

Damian MelniczukAs far as I see, there is lack of answer of this question on StackExchange: How to survive all 20 waves of The Last Stand in Dawn of War II + Chaos Rising.? As far as I played this game, there is almost no problem to achieve 16th wave. In 16th wave, one could have some problems or complete it i...

@NickT I started getting them in the 20's.
@badp blitz + well-known VIP tourist location + new year's eve = spiked economy. Who knew?
That was as best as I could figure to make it a tweetable thing.
@Mana we're talking 100% to 400% more than last year's eve! (with no blitz)
@Mana eh, I gave up and posted it in Italian, because, let's face it, nobody else cares.
I even squeezed in a link.
Nice one.
Oh, they also found out about a couple hundred people with income barely enough above poverty, and all they had to feast upon was their ferraris or maseratis. Poor, poor people. You can't eat luxury cars...
@badp Sure you can, they are delicious.
Mmmmmm... delectable Lamborghini, the most savory of sportscars.
Just had an amusing experience in Skyrim that I had to share...
So, I'm kind-of abusing a bug that allows you to power-level Speechcraft...
The bug involves you talking to a bartender, and continuously convincing him to bad-mouth his employer.
While I'm just repeatedly pressing X (PS3) to skip through the dialogs, I kind of stopped paying attention to the screen for a bit and started surfing the web with my free hand.
As I'm doing this, the guy is going on and on, over and over again, about how supposedly great it is to work for his boss and then (after I've persuaded him) how he really feels.
Then, my wife says to me: "Who's that standing next to him? His wife?" I look up to see who it is, and it's the very boss he's bad-mouthing standing there like nothing's happening right in front of her!
Q: What happened to D&D licensed games?

Alexandar ŽivkovičFirst - I understand that this is by no means a practical question, yet I can't get my head around it. I've just realized that there hasn't been a major D&D licensed title in six bloody years! Since I fell in love with the whole RPG genre by playing games like Eye Of The Beholder, Planescape:...

@Lazers It's got a down-vote, I don't know about any close votes, and one mod flag (me).
@Mana I refactored my jumping, and now it's doing something weird :(
@John not yet. Hopefully soon!
@raven this is a dupe and fuck starting a dupe close vote from mobile browser:
Q: what sword has the highest base damage in skyrim?

jarethI am about to make the Daedric sword in skyrim and I want to know if it is worth it. I have made a ton of iron daggers in the game to get my smithing level high enough to make the Daedric sword and armor but I don't want to have this weapon when there could be 10 swords that are stronger than it.

plz to close kthx.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I like how their thought process is: Level smithing to 100, then try to find out about more powerful alternatives.
(Also, closed)
thanks. People are dumb.
Khem Val likes cultural artifacts?
Crap. I'd just been vendoring those...
@RavenDreamer Just feed him more people, I'm sure he'll come around!
@FallenAngelEyes :)
He doesn't seem pleased that I'm a light side sith.
Q: How do I achieve Gold medal on NFS The Run Coastal Rush/What a rush?

BG100I'm playing NFS The Run on the xbox and trying to get a gold medal in the Challenge series, Costal Rush, What a rush... I've raced around 30 or 40 times now, and the closest I can get to gold is 2:01:12, in the VW Scirocco. I've tried with most of the other cars as well. Has anybody else managed...

Q: what sword has the highest base damage in skyrim?

jareth Possible Duplicate: Is there a definitive 'Best Weapon' for each weapon type in Skyrim? I am about to make the Daedric sword in skyrim and I want to know if it is worth it. I have made a ton of iron daggers in the game to get my smithing level high enough to make the Daedric sw...

Q: Can I move the map and other UI elements?

ResorathI noticed you can move the chat frame around in The Old Republic, however I can't figure out how to move other elements around such as the local map, party frames and the like. Is it possible to reposition these elements?

But most of the dark side options are, "Hm. Do I want to be a total douche?"
@RavenDreamer the answer to this is yes, always yes. this is the internet, where you are free to douche your way right to the top. at the top, they have bacon and also cookies.
sometimes I hear they have bacon cookies
@agent86 I draw the line at meaningless douchebaggery.
@RavenDreamer congratulations, you are now better than 95% of the internet.
sadly, they outnumber you, and they will douche you into submission for the lulz
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Hat Dash ends Friday at or around midnight UTC. At that time, your avatar will be forever immortalized wearing its current hat on HatDash.com and YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE HATS. So make sure you like what you're wearing on Friday.
@DavidFullerton Wait really? I thought we were going to get to change that...
Quick! Everybody help me decide what hat to wear! Forever!
@DavidFullerton it will be on HatDash.com only, but not on the site any more?
@John there are...technical difficulties with letting people change them
@DavidFullerton :( But this way puts so much pressure...
@DavidFullerton I don't even see where my avatar is on HatDash.com...
@NickT not there yet...but it will be
I mean, "forever", "immortalized"!
@DavidFullerton if our gravatar changes, will it update that part of it?
@NickT yes, we're still pulling that from gravatar
hmm, it's looking relatively unlikely that a) I will get the bounty awarded hat, b) I will find out what the light bulbs and batman cowl are for :(
Ok, we should plan so we're not all wearing the same few hats.
Think I could make a Meta thread for that?
@John Should we coordinate colors too?
@NickT My point is, it's less... special to be wearing an awesome hat if everyone else is wearing the exact same, awesome, hat.
I think we should all wear the chat hat. ;)
But... but... Darth Shark!
Is there any way to tell how many people have a certain hat?
@John Poll the database.
Not sure how accessible that is, though.
@RavenDreamer Not updated often enough.
makes api 2.0 request for hatz
@John No, I mean the database that tracks who has what hat.
@RavenDreamer data.stackexchange.com? I'd call that fairly accessible.
@RavenDreamer Oh. Yeah, I don't think that's accessible.
Why is there no bacon hat?
Otherwise some smart alek would've done DROP TABLE hats;-- by now.
@John hence "Not sure how accessible that is, though" :)
@Powerlord bacon racism
@Powerlord Because they forgot to poll you.
@Powerlord Because people would look stupid with bacon on their heads?
@DavidFullerton Will there still be lists of who got what hats, just not on their pictures?
@John You... have seen all the hats in the Hat Dash, right?
@Powerlord Well, I guess you could put it in a category with "Candy Man".
@DavidFullerton: With only 48 hours remaining, can we get a batman/lightbulb hint?
Since clearly, we have not found these elusive final secret hats?
@LessPop_MoreFizz 24 hours. It's already Thursday UTC.
Wait is midnight part of the day before or after it?
Well, hats may be fleeting, but reputation is forever.
@John This is true.
I'm considering wearing the Minecraft hat, but if there's going to be no permanent list of the hats I've earned, then I want to wear the Pokemon hat to show that I got >15 hats.
So, I must know if there is going to be a permanent list of the hats I've earned!
@John there will be a permanent Hat Rack at hatdash.com
@DavidFullerton So people will still be able to tell which hats user foo earned?
@DavidFullerton So..... Batman Hat. How get.
you can see the WIP here: hatdash.com/users/13845/agent86 (don't tell anyone I told you that)
@DavidFullerton Oh awesome. Thanks!
I'm in third place on the Leaderboard. \o/
And I made the first page! \o/
@Powerlord I'm comin' for you!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Pssh, you need two more hats to tie me and that's only if I don't get any other hats.
I kinda tried for the spam one, but didn't get enough people the first time I shared a link
@RavenDreamer I thought you were doing Darth Shark?
Hm. I guess I need to answer some questions to outhat Agent86.
Or ask some questions!
If I could just earn 1 more, I'd cement my place in the top 15.
Darth Shark is awesome btw
Hm. Time to think of a Skyward Sword question...
I'm debating just spamming 10 comments on one of my own posts...would that get me chatterbox?
@RavenDreamer Is that as good as I've heard it is? Some of my friends are saying it's the best Zelda game to date...
@Tristan It has it's problems, but I'm enjoying it.
I changed my hat to the Aura of Incorrupability... er... Freehand Halo because I have that hat in TF2.
In short - the combat takes a while to get used to (and then is awesome), and it feels very small.
I've been stuck on Binding of Isaac lately...
@Powerlord You hat hats? Why does that not surprise me...
@John Your comment would make a lot more sense if I hadn't fixed it far before you posted that.
@Tristan Would still totally recommend it, though.
@Powerlord Well, I can't type that fast. And it wasn't fixed for that long.
Only 2 more votes for the brain hat!
A: How do I make Steam sort my games in alphabetical order?

JohnOver your games, there's a tiny word "Games" denoting the grid column. Click on it.

@RavenDreamer I'm sure I'll play it eventually. I'm trying to save my money for a better computer at the moment.
@DavidFullerton true, can you rig it so whatever hat @RavenDreamer is wearing, that's the one that actually shows up at HatDash.com?
@John Hey, I'm one of those 8!
@NickT I can just wear a hat you don't have, then!
@Tristan Yay! Your contribution is appreciated. :)
@John Though, if I'm being honest, I almost down-voted out of jealousy when I saw you had And Yet it Moves......
@Tristan It was in HIB 3.
(Jealousy downvoting = not cool, btw)
@DavidFullerton hat counting is bugged, it's not including my invisible hat
@John I wouldn't have actually down voted it for that. As for the HIBs, I would have probably gotten one of them, but I got a lot of free indie games that I still haven't been able to play. lol
@Tristan Heheh yeah the infamous gamer backlog.
@John Oh, that's not it. It's that this computer can't run them. I get microfreezes on Binding of Isaac. It's pathetic.
400 mile round trip on Amtrak for $48...that's like 27 miles per gallon but a) don't have to drive, and b) no parking
@Mana You should totally award me the bounty on the starwars question before tomorrow so I can be immortalized with a pirate hat!
@Tristan :(
@RavenDreamer But I need the rep more than you do!
@RavenDreamer Oooh I got it. We'll both award each other identical bounties so that I get the giving hat and you get the pirate hat. :P
Do I have to wait for the asker to accept an answer before I award a bounty?
@Tristan No.
@John Yeah, I already have the giving hat.
Is it frowned upon to not do so?
Rep for the zelda timeline guy!
@RavenDreamer :(
@RavenDreamer outhatting me shouldn't be hard. I don't think there are any more I can get. the star wars hats were my undoing :(
@agent86 I could probably tie you with a little work.
@RavenDreamer Bounty awarded
Not sure I can out hat you.
Did anyone else look at that chat flag?
I did. I said "not sure".
What's a chat flag?
@RavenDreamer Ditto. I wonder why that was flagged.
@Mana I think I'm going to need to rewrite my collision engine. Again.
@RavenDreamer Can I help??
@Tristan When someone finds something in chat offensive, they can flag it for attention. That shows all users with >10k chat rep the message and they vote on whether it's ok or not. If not, that user gets suspended for 30 minutes.
If it's ok, nothing happens.
@Mana Weeeel, I'm going to post a question on GameDev.stackexchange! So... maybe? :3
Moderate < Abundant < Rich < Bountiful?
@NickT You have rich and bountiful backwards
Yes, you do.
@John It wasn't something I said was it? D=
Q: What shapes can I draw on a Goddess Wall?

Raven DreamerSo Goddess Walls seem pretty neat - they give you free stuff if you draw on them! ...except, the game does a less than adequate job of telling you what shapes to draw. I've been standing here with the goron in the Sealed Grounds, and though he keeps telling me to "Draw an Arrow in repose", I ha...

@Tristan Oh no. It was in another room on another SE site.
You're fine.
Besides, you're still here, right? :P
Touche`, sir...
@RavenDreamer tell me when you do, just out of my own curiosity to read gamedev stuff
@Mana Actually... it just occurred to me that I'd intended to refactor it anyway. And it's probably an artifact of converting half my game to use velocity that's causing it in the first place.
Jumping is much more parabolic now!
@RavenDreamer oooOOOOoooohhhh
I think I have a problem with this hat.
@RavenDreamer That parrot is picking your teeth with his tail.
@RavenDreamer You're smoking a parrot.
@RavenDreamer Problem? What problem?
Oh that was your pipe...
@Mana It's probably the reason the eyepatch is crooked too.
Whelp Raven is now #1 on the Hatdash leaderboard.
Well, the Batman hat is not Arkham City.
@NickT Did you really just offer a bounty about minecraft and bonemeal?
yes, because I need another hat
It was an honest question
@NickT I knew there was something fishy about the fact that the bounty was of minimum size...
I threw one up on the diablo 2 question, then I was like WHAT IF IT DOESN'T GET AN ANSWER BY FRIDAY???? then I did that one
I spammed 10 comments and didn't get the chatterbox hat. :(
@John why's that fishy? I don't even really care about that one
well, I care, but not that much
It's more because I'm stodgy
@NickT Exactly. You don't care. You're supposed you care about bounties you post.
No one's curious how I know that the Batman hat isn't for Arkham City?
@NickT I think you're too late, anyway... You can't award the bounty within 24 hours of posting it, can you?
In 24 hours, it will already be friday.
Gentlemen, I give you the most horrific injury in NBA history
(yes, I see what it is, but that's beside the point)
so the USA is rock bottom in passenger-miles/capita (average person travels 50 miles by rail/year), but #2 in freight (1.6 trillion ton-miles)
So... How exactly do you get the hat in the chat?
Q: What exactly is the criteria for the Unicorn Hug hat?

MahnaxIt says: 10 messages in chat, with at least one star. Does this mean one star per message, or just one star, total?

It just doesn't update immediately.
You either need to say something witty or bash either Raven or Arda to get a star
@NickT Thanks! @RavenDreamer Eh... I've never said anything star-worthy in chat.
@RavenDreamer I am curious though... You're Zelda question was for the sole purpose of getting a hat, wasn't it?
He is a bit of a hat whore
@Tristan I asked a Zelda question so I could get a hat. I asked that specific Zelda question, because I wasn't aware of Powerlord's oddly named duplicate at the time.
You want me to ask another? :P
@RavenDreamer It makes no difference to me. I've never played the game, so I wouldn't be able to offer a decent answer. lol I could, however, give you the greatest answer in the history of answers to anything Ocarina of Time related.
@Tristan My biggest question, after playing Skyward Sword, is how does the Goddess Hylia relate to the Three Creation Goddesses: Din, Farore, and Nayru.
from OoT.
If I had to guess, I'd say she was possibly the mother to the three, as Skyward Sword is chronologically the first game in the series.
@Tristan Actually, my own reading of it, was the reverse.
All Hylia seems to be credited with is the Master Sword.
Well... Crap. At least I knew SS was the first in the series? =D
@Tristan \o/
Unrelated note... I think Microsoft Security Essentials just destroyed my phone...
Q: Skyrim Legion/Stormcloak

TannerAfter taking over holds and towns with the legion or the stormcloak, can you still access the place, or your house in that area? Does it change anything with your house or the area...can you still visit/ do quests in it??

@Tristan Go here:

  Hats! Hats! Hats! Hats!

Everything hats! All hats! Only Hats!
for chat hat whoring
@Ullallulloo Thanks. lol I'm not too worried about it though, since hats are going away in a few days.
@Tristan Not if you have one on on Friday.
@GnomeSlice We keep the one we're wearing?
@Tristan You could have a unicorn hugging your head forever!
2 hours ago, by David Fullerton
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Hat Dash ends Friday at or around midnight UTC. At that time, your avatar will be forever immortalized wearing its current hat on HatDash.com and YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE HATS. So make sure you like what you're wearing on Friday.
Sounds like it.
I wonder if we'll still have our current hats on file for any future hat-based activities.
Craaaap... Now I gotta spend hours trying to find a gravatar that fits my hat properly.
Or you could just remove the hat.
@GnomeSlice Whoa, whoa... Let's not go making sense now...
I can't remember how to change my character class in TF2
@GnomeSlice ,
Have any of you played Universe Sandbox?
@Tristan nope, what's it?
Q: Search auto-converts words to tags - but I didn't want to search for the tag!

Raven DreamerThis is probably more unique to Gaming than SE at large. I was trying to search for questions about mods in swtor. Not mods, but mods, the actual items that you can slot into your equipment. So, simple enough: Enter "[swtor] mods" into search - no results. But wait! The powers of SE have automa...

@Ullallulloo Well... I'm not really sure. Someone gifted it to me on Steam. It's apparently a "Build-your-own-universe" simulator... I'm trying to figure out of there's actually a point to it or not.
@Tristan it was a great gift pile game
@RavenDreamer Yep. While they were doing that, the forum I frequent had daily threads for people giving stuff away/begging for stuff... I got quite a few indie games.
Q: Please help me identify this PC adventure RPG

RhoktarI remember that it was called "[Someone]'s Tower" (99% sure). It was a side scroller with xp gained from (starting out at least) killing things like slimes. You could even go back and forth between two rooms and all of the monsters would be back each time to grind experience.

@Tristan It has achievements, but they're mostly just for play time.
Hmm, do comments on deleted posts count for chatterbox?
@Ullallulloo It seems to be more of an educational game than anything. But it's still fun to toy with from time to time.
I'm guessing they don't.
I have no idea... Sorry.
Gah, I can't lower the resolution of TF2 back to 800x600 since I have a bigger monitor now
Are the system requirements of TF2 pretty low?
@Tristan My computer isn't very good.
It ran okay at 800x600.
Q: Is there PvP gear for characters under the level cap?

Raven DreamerI've been rockin' some Huttball matches, accruing a fat stack of Warzone Commendations. Now, I want to spend them -- but the only vendors I've been able to find exclusively cater to max level items. Are there any purchasable PvP items usable before reaching the max level?

Q: Is there a definitive list of what gifts a companion likes?

sarge_smithIs there any resource to tell you exactly which gifts are a waste of time and which ones are going to result in maximum gain? Is it entirely based on level or how much they already like you?

@GnomeSlice When you say your computer isn't good.. What are your processor and ram like?
No idea.
Oh. Okay.
@GnomeSlice Push WinKey+Pause/Break
@Ullallulloo That's a handy trick.
Wow. The Bit.Trip games on 3DS are pretty trippy in an awesome sort of way :)
@AshleyNunn I have a hard enough time playing them on my computer. I couldn't imagine playing them on a small screen....
I actually find it is a bit easier for me - I ahve an easier time controlling the sytlus/analog stick/buttons than I do my mouse and keyboard
That I can understand. But, particularly with Beat, it gives me a nearly unbearable headache on the bigger screen. lol
LOL I can see how that might be a problem
Still... I love the game. I just keep a bottle of Tylenol handy.
@Tristan Headache?
@Ullallulloo When I play Bit.Trip Beat, or Bit.Trip Runner, yeah.
My eyes just start to unfocus after a while
Q: How to combine my two steam account into one?

Rupam KonarI have counter strike and dota2 in two different steam account..Is it possible to get the dota 2 into my counter strike steam account?

Q: Might and Magic VI: Can I recover from botched promotion quest?

Norman RamseyIn Might and Magic VI (The Mandate of Heaven), I have a level 19 party that is stuck on the Paladin promotion quest---find a Damsel in Distress and return with her to Wilbur Humphrey. I finally looked at a walkthrough and it looks like I botched this quest: In this sorry situation, my Paladi...

@AshleyNunn Were you the one who asked the question about the White Tanooki suit?
@Tristan Yup, that was me :)
You ever make it past that pit?
@Tristan ....when I died enough to get the P-Wing, yes XD
Which was extra embarassing
lol Well... At least you got it, right? =3
@Tristan yeah. I was never so glad to be rid of a level :P
But I am having fun with the game, so that's all that matters :)
I want a 3DS, but I can't see 3D so... It'd be a waste of money, I think.
@Tristan I play a lot of the games with the 3D turned off, tbh
so I don't think it is a huge deal
I get a headache if I play with it on too long
and I haven't really noticed that I am missing out on anything
Hmm... I didn't know you could do that. Now I'm more interested. lol
Yeah, there's a little slider on the top screen, you can control how 3d (or not) it is - so I can play with it turned down, or even off.
That's good news for me then! Stupid 90% blind left eye...
And I find that even with it off, games like Super Mario 3D Land are still awesome.
@Tristan Hurray! I am so happy I could tell you. :) I don't like people missing out on awesome things if I can help it :)
Guess I know what I'll be saving up for after I build my computer. =P
Haha good plan :)
Alright, I'm heading to bed. Been awake for nearly 24 hours now...
@Tristan If you don't care a lot about nintendo games, the vita has a lot better graphics without the 3d.
But only one screen.
@Tristan 'night! :)
@Ullallulloo Ehh... I've never been a big fan of Sony. But I'll keep it in mind. Night!
@Tristan Good night :)
Okay, Bit.Trip Runner on 3DS is a win - I actually made it past the third level!!!!
Q: How do people have the ability to do super jumps in modern warfare 2?

milesmeowI was playing MW2 and was about to shoot an opponent...and then all of a sudden they jumped like 4 stories! How do they do that?

Q: Is there any way to make Bit.Trip Fate lefty-friendly?

Ashley NunnI am lefthanded, and am trying to play Bit.Trip Fate on the 3DS, which requires me to use the analog stick with the left hand, and the stylus with my right. This is incredibly awkward, and borders on impossible - I have very little control with the stylus in my right hand. Is there any way I can...

more SWTOR fails: LFG
You can queue for PvP anywhere, but not instances
and you can only do instances with people on the server
so if it's off-peak, good fucking luck with that
Q: How do I unlock the level 2 ability of the Sword of the Griffin?

Anna LearI'm playing through the second mission of the tutorial campaign in Heroes 6 and the only remaining quest (short of finishing the mission) is to get attuned to the Sword of the Griffin. I'm online and connected to the CONFLUX servers, so that's not an issue. I also thought that I had to reach dyn...

Q: Do all merchants have replacements?

IsziI'm aware that there are some merchants who will have successors take over their shops in the case of their death or other untimely circumstances which draw them away. Does this apply to all of them? Is there a list of these somewhere? This particularly came up because I recently had a dragon ...

2 hours later…
@NickT Eh, I've had no trouble finding flashpoint groups, and I actually kind of like the sense of community that comes from having to form groups the old fashioned way. I never liked WoW's dungeon finder.
@LessPopMoreFizz you like having to run around, all the way to some random instance, blowing probably 15 minutes if you're lucky (more like 30) trying to get it?
2 hours later…
Q: How does one dispose of stolen aircraft?

CyberSkullI'm doing the 6th vehicle theft for Rigg in Saints Row the Thrid, stealing a Woodpecker from the airport. How do I actually turn it over to him? With the boats and helicopters I just had to get it close to the drop off icon, but that does not seem to work with an airplane.

1 hour later…
Q: Can you break through the level cap by going to jail?

JeffIn Oblivion I could gain what seemed to be infinite levels by going to jail to lower my skills and leveling them back up. I could repeat this process as many times as I could stand. By doing this you could raise your level well into the hundreds maybe more. If the same concept applies to Skyrim y...

ugh, it looks like this tf2 patch was aimed to nerfing me
the manmelter is excellent to keep camps... such as camping an area to prevent an engineer from building
the eureka effect is excellent against targeting the teleport entrance... so now there's not much I can do about those nests
the pomson is excellent against dead ringers... so if I want to push past a chokepoint I must either use the YER or another watch, good luck sneaking through that chokepoint though
...and I still haven't dropped any of these, or the spycicle
I'm obviously only going to get them post-nerf, when they'll become useless gizmos rather than the OP stuff they're now
Q: How do you unlock the Jumbo Rampager award in Kirby Mass Attack?

HyruleansoldierWhat stage do you need to go to to get the Jumbo Rampager award in Kirby Mass Attack? To defeat 10 enemies using the Jumbo Fruit.

2 hours later…
is there a SE site for asking about report formatting?
@NickT Summoning Stones would be a welcome addition, no doubt. But that's not the same as an LFD tool.
@Blem What sort of report formatting?
i need advice on what kind of formatting to use when i have a list of names and urls
@Blem You mean in terms of formal style for an academic paper?
@Blem Maybe English.SE
Q: Help identify this PC RPG game

Bobby AlexanderI played this on Windows 98 I believe. Its an RPG game like Monkey island but set in modern times. I remember the following from the game: The character the player controls is a boy There is a scene in a restaurant where someone farts and then someone says "HE WHO SMELT IT DEALT IT" The kid goe...

Q: How do you unlock more Summoner Icons?

FallenAngelEyesThe Summoner Icon popup says that you can unlock special icons via accomplishing achievements in the game. As far as I can tell, I've never unlocked a new Summoner Icon, or at least have never received a notification that I have. Is there a known list of the achievements that you need to get ...

I'm not sure if that's within their scope or not.
i was looking at that and at writers.se
EL&U would send that question there
It's not in their scope
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, I wasn't sure. They do have a tag at EL&U (which is what I looked for before making the suggestion), but it's got limited use, and I wasn't sure if it was just an unpopular topic, or one that was at the fringes of on-topic.
Seems like the latter.
How was this not starred?
14 hours ago, by Raven Dreamer
@Fredy31 You're asking the gaming chat if anyone has ever played portal 2?
no one knows what portal 2 is
Before I starred it just now that is.
Hi guys!
Q: Minecraft hat not awarding

lunboksCurrently, I have 2 answers and 1 question (with a score >= 1) in the minecraft tag. Yet, I find myself in green fields, with no hat on my head. What gives?

@Wipqozn How's being back at school?
Q: Extracting Baldur's Gate II Sounds (not music)

Martín MarconciniI have the original Baldur's Gate I, II and the Throne of Baal expansion (as well as Icewind Dale…) but I was interested in a few sounds from BGII, more specifically the casting sounds of mages. This is just for fun and personal use and zero commercial interest . Does anyone know of a method or...

@RonanForman well, good so far, but the work hasn't started yet... so ask me again in 2 weeks :P
How's being back like for you @Ronan?
Q: Is it possible to get skyrim mods on xbox 360?

BrandonI'm looking for a mod that will stack multiple smaller souls to fill a larger soul gem. Is this possible on 360?

whoops, it appears the paint mod doesn't like writing on grass
luckily. I've been wasting too much hour redoing signs with paint
Q: How do i know the level of a monster, creature, or human in skyrim?

BrandonHow do i know the level of a monster creature or human in skyrim?

@Blem That chart does not support Great Old Ones?

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