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Would limiting it to just companions works? That should be a manageable, answerable list.
I really had no idea there were so many random NPCs you could bang too
I figured it was like 4-10 total
@Sterno Companions is a simple short question and very answerable since it mostly amounts to all of the humanoid ones with a few exceptions.
Jedi + T7 = hot stuff!
@Sterno Never underestimate the number of NPCs you can bone in a BioWare game
@LessPopMoreFizz there are 8 classes, 16 advanced classes, x2 for gender
I was figuring 8 classes x 2 sexes
@LessPop_MoreFizz that's what I was getting at; just answer the companions bit, and mention there are lots of NPCs if you want
@NickT Right, but like I said, AC has no impact on narrative. And dividing by gender is perhaps too granular in the other direction - though, maybe not. Just because the appropriate way to ask the question is to narrow it down to one case out of 16 does not obligate us to seed and answer the other 15 variants.
I.E., suggesting that the question "What stats are good for a healer in WoW" be changed to "What stats are good for a Holy Paladin in WoW" does not mandate that we immediately set up "What stats are good for a Resto Druid/Disc Priest/Holy Priest/Resto Shaman in WoW" to correspond.
Googling around now I found this: hotrodacc.com/swtor/comp.html but I'm not sure how I'd format that to make it easily readable on SE
@LessPopMoreFizz I was illustrating that breaking it down into 8 or 16 seems daft, as they're all essentially the same thing
damn, nvm, that wasn't it either
@NickT And I'm pointing out that they aren't, because the differences in narrative experience between each of the 8 classes is substantial.
It's really 8 separate single player campaigns that happen to take place in the same locations.
The questions would be of the exact same form
Q: "as an imperial agent, which companions can I romance" A:"X, Y (if you're male), and Z (if you're female)"
Q: "as a sith inquisitor, which companions can I romance" A:"W, V (if you're male), and U (if you're female)"
Let me take a crack at reformatting that question and posting an answer based on some info I found.
@NickT And how is that different or worse than Q: "As a Bounty Hunter tank, what stats do I want?" A: "Aim, Endurance and Stuff" vs. Q: "As a Sith Inquisitor Healer, what stats do I want?" A: "Willpower and stuff."
That there seems to be very little discussion about romancing companions vs. role stats
because clearly, we wouldn't want "What stats are good in TOR", because the answers will vary so wildly for different classes and even specs.
unless I'm way off the mark, to romance whatever you just up their affection lots and flirt
which works the exact same regardless of who
but if you're asking a question about stats for X class, that may also bring up other points specific to them
@NickT It's not a matter of discussion though, because this isn't a discussion site. It's about narrowing the scope of the question to a point where it's possible to cleanly and completely answer it.
@LessPopMoreFizz don't take me using "discussion" too literally
Guys, White-Ra is playing :) twitch.tv/whitera
I mean it largely within someone's own post; where discussion is good
@NickT You are somewhat off the mark for the reason I've stated: There are dozens of 'casual' romantic options which are basically one off lines of dialog that one player in one hundred might stumble across because of how complex the dialog trees are. It's not just companions.
You're understimating the scope of the problem space significantly.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yes, which is why I was mentioning earlier that you should just shut down the NPC bit with "lots", as there are too many to mention on a site like this unless someone's asking about a specific one
there's no "popping up affection lots and flirting" with baroness cortess, you just get the Baron to leave the room and then ask her to show you some 'hospitality'.
Companions are a very limited set
@LessPopMoreFizz she's a companion?
I'm confused or not being clear
@NickT Right, but that's directly contradictory to the question as written, and is why I specifically suggested narrowing the scope along one axis or the other.
what's your skype
Just reworded the question, and typing up an answer with the companion list by class now
not originally what I wanted but it sounds like what I wanted is outside the scope of SE
@NickT She's not a companion, I'm saying that your suggestion of narrowing it to just companions and shutting down others with 'lots' is directly contrary to the stated intent of the original question. While it becomes answerable then, and while @Sterno seems amenable to the change, and that's great, I think it's important to value the original intent of an asker before making radical changes like that, unless the asker themself is interested in doing so. Since @Sterno is, it's all moot...
room topic changed to The Bridge: Gaming.SE's room for mostly on-topic firing of lazers discussions of videogames and the internet at large. [doorlessness] [hatshatshatshatshatshats] [murder] [wipqozn-gravitation-law]
Oh, ffs.
It works in the chat transcript, but not the room description?
@RavenDreamer "mostly on-topic"? please
but I think it's a dangerous precedent to get into making radical changes like that rather than merely closing, and proposing an alternative and letting the asker decide what sort of information they want.
And on that note, AFK for 15.
@NickT I didn't change that part
room topic changed to The Bridge: Gaming.SE's room for mostly on-topic <strike>firing of lazers</strike>--- discussions of videogames and the internet at large. [doorlessness] [hatshatshatshatshatshats] [murder] [wipqozn-gravitation-law]
@LessPop_MoreFizz If the question is going to be closed but has a very useful half to it, closing it is asinine. Just remove the other half, and comment on why it was.
Otherwise people would be liable to close a new question that duplicates the good half as a dupe
room topic changed to The Bridge: Gaming.SE's room for mostly on-topic for mostly on-topic rambling about videogames and the internet at large. [doorlessness] [hatshatshatshatshatshats] [murder] [wipqozn-gravitation-law]
Gr. Must consult with @badp about strikethrough.
so instead of one good, open question, you get two closed questions
@RavenDreamer for mostly on-topic for mostly on-topic for mostly on-topic for mostly on-topic
@RavenDreamer Might want to re-read this one.
hmm, nope
After reading all that, it's looking like Jedi Consulars and Sith Warriors are the playas!
@agent86 Because clearly Mac isn't worth developing for.
@John gasps you take that back RIGHT NOW
@agent86 But...it's been starred. I can't take it back.
this is clearly... the premiere... gaming platf... ahahaha, I can't finish with a straight face.
"there a lot of great games on the Mac...that puzzle game with the Apple logo...Breakout, Super Breakout...Photoshop..."
@RavenDreamer Why do you hate lazers.
@NickT don't forget... uh, I actually can't think of any others :/
@agent86 Adobe Bridge?
@NickT No, ideally you get one good reopened question after the asker has edited it. Teach them to fish as it were, and explain how to improve the question. Reopen votes exist for a reason, and closed questions can be edited for a reason.
Speaking of Photoshop:
I think the 'broken window' of a closed question and some conversation leading to a revision by the original asker that preserves their intent is worth the benefit of having that person really understand what was wrong with the original question and how to make it better - rather than us doing it for them.
@LessPop_MoreFizz And if they don't?
@NickT give them more than a few hours to do so at the very least.
@NickT Not everyone - and especially not new users will regularly check the site multiple times a day to see comments and make revisions.
@LessPop_MoreFizz reopening questions on this site is like pulling teeth
I can say I would be annoyed if I found that someone reworded my question to limit the scope on their own.
@NickT Because the vast majority of the time, it isn't done because a question was improved, but rather because there's a substantial disagreement about whether the question belongs at all.
Because then I'd have to go to meta probably to find out why my question got edited, or if I don't know about meta I'd just repost it hoping for an answer
@Sterno what do you mean the scope on their own?
@NickT As in, what @RavenDreamer's initial edit to his question did.
Let's say I'm a user who barely ever visits the site. I post the question, wanting to know about all the romance possibilites and not just companions. @LessPopMoreFizz or someone else comes in and edits out half of my question, which is presumably half that I care about
@NickT The 'on their own' refers to the 'someone' rewording the question.
As someone not very familiar with the SE format, I'm going to wonder what the heck happened and why my question went away
@Sterno Would you rather it be closed outright?
@Sterno Exactly this. And this is why I'm saying a better solution is to vote to close to prevent the broken window of bad answers accumulating while we work with the user to fix it.
@StrixVaria As long as it's pretty explicit to me, as a new user, why it got closed.
The "stealth edit" probably doesn't give me much info about what I did wrong
I think we usually do a pretty good job explaining why questions are closed.
@StrixVaria The point of closing isn't to prepare it for deletion in this case. It's to shut down the question against bad answers while we work with the asker to improve the question.
@Sterno what do you mean "stealth edit", edits are always visible
You're right, bad wording
@NickT Suprise, not stealth.
would be a better word I suspect.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not saying closing it is a bad choice; I just wanted to hear his full mindset.
My initial question came off poorly.
Yes, surprise would have been better
@LessPopMoreFizz I have essentially no faith that +3k people on this site will revisit a question that the asker attempted to fix; how many have been closed, fixed exclusively by the asker, then re-opened?
Here's the thing. If I had seen the edit @RavenDreamer made initially in the review queue, I'd've rejected it as a Radical Change. Which is one of the reasons provided by default - because that's not what edits by other users are supposed to do.
There's a bit of a learning curve to asking questions on SE sites. I think it's good to make it as obvious to people as possible why they're questions need to be changed. Closing does that. Editing it out from under them (probably) doesn't.
I've just never seen it done, as people are too punchy to close, the question gets buried, then never comes back
I could be wrong, that's just what I feel
@NickT How many times has the opportunity to do so come along? It's not exactly something that happens often.
@NickT It's still the proper process, even if it feels like it'll never happen that way.
If a question is/is going to be closed, but there is a good question in there, I will fix it and I have zero qualms about it (so long as I know the topic well enough)
Close bad questions right away; re-open salvaged questions as they become worthy.
I am really ticked off by editors that just close and don't even try to fix the question
This one was a bit of a weird situation too. I really didn't expect the list to be so long that it didn't really fit the SE format.
Finally! I've been waiting for someone to pass me for too long :)
@StrixVaria I'm too pragmatic to care about the "proper process" when it's broken
@NickT but if that good question isn't the one that the asker really wanted to ask, all you've done is waste their time. As I noted, in the case of this question by @Sterno, there are several axes along which it can be narrowed. And if it was asked in an overly broad way (which I think it was), I do think it's highly inappropriate for anyone other than the asker to choose which of those axes to narrow it along, since doing so by any one of them might rule out the one he cares about.
Edits that don't preserve the intent of the original author are not something that should be taken lightly, and we should proceed with an abundance of caution whenever we're talking about them.
@Oak Thanks I guess?
I figured it was going to look a lot like the answer I have now, with maybe half a dozen to a dozen at most quest npcs that were available to all classes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not totally destroying their question; if it's that different then I wouldn't just narrow the scope to prevent closure.
@LessPopMoreFizz in this example it seemed like there were just two subquestions, one was extremely defined (companions), the other extremely vague (all NPCs)
There are plenty of questions that are far too vague, so I'll usually give up and close, but this one seemed easy to fix
@NickT But the point is that neither question is 'too vague' per se. The 'all NPCs' subset is decidedly answerable if you divide it up in a different direction, such as 'male imperial agent'.
I'd wager that you get a list of roughly comparable size to the list you get from 'all companions' if you divide in that direction.
But it's a very different question.
@LessPopMoreFizz true, but that's reading much more into the question (nothing was mentioned about a specific class)
Now is it as easily answerable? No, but that has more to do with the fact that there are fewer resources on the internet that are discussing it.
Okay, next question: Are there any sexable Jawas? That'd look great on the front page, right? :)
@NickT No, but well before any edits were made the subject came up in the comments, so it's not like we weren't getting there.
@Sterno The answer is no, but there is a Jawa companion.
He's a tank for Bounty Hunters.
@LessPopMoreFizz but that question seemed easily transmutable into the current one
At times like these I need to remind myself that a humorous tone doesn't come across on the internet.
And if he narrowed it to X class Y gender, then the answers that were there would be wrong
Rocking the hell out on this remix since this weekend. ocremix.org/remix/OCR02363
That's the other bit I look for if I attempt to edit a question to prevent closure; if there are any existing answers
@NickT Sure it is. It's also easily transmutable into "Which NPC's can a male Imperial Agent bang?" Without having this conversation with the asker via comments or chat, you don't know. And so changing the question when the intent of the asker is unclear is inappropriate.
@LessPopMoreFizz no, because the answers would have then been wrong...
@NickT You'll note that the existing answer prior to the most recent change is now actually incorrect. Because the individuals named are not companions.
@NickT Well, the answer that's there is wrong now.
So by that standard, it fails again.
One of them was, and it seemed like that's where that answer was going
@John I could remove the stars for you, although I'd rather just star it myself...
I don't work with absolutes, they fail miserably
@NickT There was only one answer there. And that answer was not to the question that you wanted to change this one to.
In any case, answers aren't "owned" by people
@NickT No, they generally aren't. But Questions should be - at least for long enough to let them narrow it down rather than having it done for them. Especially if there are multiple ways it can be sliced.
@Fredy31 mhm yeah, been listening to it too. Good video.
and furthermore, the actual question prose seemed fairly easy to split up
I meant posts in general
@NickT you can't own questions man
@NickT Sure, but just because it's easy to split up, doesn't mean that you know which portion of the subdivided question is important to the asker. And that's where using comments and/or chat, and closing the question while it gets figured out is important and helpful.
I still don't understand where you're coming from, you make it sound like I'm totally off my rocker if someone asks "how do I use a screwdriver and other tools I have", and I simply drop the "other tools" bit
@LessPopMoreFizz so? I like one part of the question. If they really have two, then tell them go post the other
@NickT I think it's more like the original question saying "How do I use the tools in a standard tool kit" and editing it to "How do I use a screwdriver?" based on there being one answer about a screwdriver so far.
Homestuck's Act 4's ending is confusing...
at least in this particular case
@NickT How about you let the asker ask the question they want to ask, and you ask the question that actually interests you.
@LessPopMoreFizz because if I ask that same question then it could be closed as a dupe
@LessPopMoreFizz I still think you are generalizing this case far too much when the proper course of action in my opinion was extremely clear cut
@NickT So favorite the question and check in a day later. If it was changed to something that no longer interests you, then you ask your question.
@LessPopMoreFizz what if their question was closed? then what, wait a day to see if the OP will fix it, maybe edit it after that, try to canvass for votes here to re-open (lol), that fails, write a new question, one which will probably be closed as a dupe
@LessPopMoreFizz @nickt what question are you talking about?
My impression is that people here love to close questions but never re-open them, so I try to short-circuit that process
@NickT And I'm saying that I don't think that impression is accurate, because we've had very few legitimate cases for reopening in our sites history.
The vast majority of the time that a reopen vote comes along in my experience, it's not because the question was changed, but rather because somebody disagrees with the original closure.
@Sterno so I'm not sure why you're depressed about your question as it stands, it's clearly good (upvotes)...you can just ask the other one
or at least you sound depressed in the trailing comment on it
@Sterno oh, and you can't, because character names can't have spaces
@NickT Sure you can. Legacies!
You can pick the name?
@NickT Yeah, that's the whole point.
You basically get to pick a last name for all of your characters.
That's what a legacy is.
Which is why I now have Shaftoe L'Emmerdeur as one of my characters.
Q: Low-profile gamepad with dual analog sticks?

Scott BeesonI'm currently carrying around a wired xbox controller in my laptop bag. I love it, but would like to find something that is a bit more portable. I haven't had any luck in my research so thought I'd ask here. Bluetooth is a plus, but I would settle for something with a fairly short USB cord. Be...

@Lazers hmm, good idea; laptop gaming would work fine with a controller
maybe could play AC or Dirt on my train ride
@NickT I <3 my wired 360 controller with my laptop.
It makes playing games with laptop in bed a much more plausible option.
room topic changed to The Bridge: Gaming.SE's room for mostly on-topic rambling about videogames and the internet at large. [doorlessness] [hatshatshatshatshatshats] [murder] [wipqozn-gravitation-law]
Sharks Patrol These Waters.. (p.s. hi @RavenDreamer. What do you have against lazers? I miss the lazers.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz There have been complaints from first-time chat users that the room's description was completely obtuse and confusing.
I'm open to re-adding lasers in some fashion, but we need to keep it clearer.
room topic changed to The Bridge: Gaming.SE's room for mostly on-topic discussion of videogames, the internet at large, and the ever growing list of things at which we can point our lazers. [doorlessness] [hatshatshatshatshatshats] [murder] [wipqozn-gravitation-law]
Is that acceptable?
I can get behind that.
@RavenDreamer you don't want to be in front of the lazers? :/
So, for "Wampa Kappa", do all ten questions have to be in the same tag?
@John no
I was going to make some point about "I think "lazer" is misspelled", but I guess that's sorta obvious.
@John No.
just 10 questions.
@agent86 @RavenDreamer Then why don't I have it?
@John you suck?
@John That I kinnae answer.
@agent86 :(
@John sorry, one of those things you have to check first. like "step 1: is the computer plugged in?"
Would you guys mind reviewing this and seeing if there's something I'm missing?
Switched link to better version.
@agent86 ಠ_ಠ
@John 10 questions since the hat dash started
@agent86 If you count down 10 and look at the tenth's date, I do have 10 questions since HD started.
@LessPopMoreFizz do you know how I can change the appearence of my Khem Val? I see other folks walking around with Khem Val's in nice armor, and mine is still stuck in a loin cloth.
When did HD start again?
I thought for sure that Enderman question was after it started...
@RavenDreamer You can buy customizations from vendors
@John What was the first game with High Def. you mean?
@John now I've forgotten. I thought it was more recent than that, but I can't recall
@RavenDreamer Social vendors in lots of cantinas, and the Collectors Edition vendor in the cantina has a few special ones.
Ooooh. Hatdash.
@RavenDreamer "When did Hat Dash start?". :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do they not appear until you get to higher social levels?
@RavenDreamer no...
@agent86 :( 2 days too soon.
Hm. Then I just haven't found any.
nobody say I was totally lucky and was primarily guessing.
@agent86 -5 for typing a sentence in all caps.
woo, -3 internets!
@agent86 Why is Wipqozn so darn awesome?
@agent86 Oh, you were guessing?
@Wipqozn vote to close, list question. there are too many reasons to annotate them all.
@John it turned out I didn't know when it started until I looked it up. the 16th is correct.
@agent86 stars
@agent86 Oh. I would've guessed the 17th.
@Wipqozn let that be a lesson to you, any time you need another star, say something nice about the super awesome person who is @Wipqozn
@RavenDreamer I'm guessing you just didn't know what to look for. there's also a few on the Security Key vendor.
@agent86 I'm fairly certain that is common knowledge.
@John, you can't be completely tapped out of questions.
@agent86 He's not super awesome. Wipqozn is cruel!
@Wipqozn some things bear repeating though.
Please ignore that. There was something stuck on my 'y' key.
@RavenDreamer okayyyyyyyyyyyy
@RavenDreamer yyyyyyy u no like yyyyyyyy???
@RavenDreamer But it PIIIINGED ME.
@Wipqozn This is what I mean.
hmm, wonder if that name would get axed
@John I was referring to both of them.
The adding/removing is what was so cruel.
@RavenDreamer But yeah, you can get roughly 3 quarters of the khem customizations from the balmorra cantina or the security key vendor
no no, it's "ko qwon faze"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, well, I've yet to set foot on Balmorra.
And for whatever reason, my account is "unregistered" or somesuch. (Though I think that's a mistake, it means I can't talk to the security vendor)
I think I'm about to, though.
@NickT I...don't get it.
Set foot on Balmorra, I mean.
@John Conk you on face?
@RavenDreamer Oooooh
@NickT I'm not depressed. I don't think anyone is in a position to fully answer my other question yet. I'll give it a few months.
@RavenDreamer Have you attached an authenticator (either physical, or smartphone) to your account?
@Sterno Which question?
Or are you answering security questions on login?
Which non-companion NPCs you can sleep with in SWTOR
earlier today someone asked me "do you want money?" and I was confused. I asked "what are my options" and they said "money, or no money." I was still confused. But I said yes to the money, because that way at least I'm confused with money.
@RavenDreamer because the security key vendor is a 'reward' for people that have switched to two factor authentication.
The list sounds much larger than I'd originally expected.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, to the latter. I haven't attached an authenticator, but am answering security questions.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, no vendor without an authenticator.
I think I was complaining here that I ran out of security questions I had a legitamite answer too.
@RavenDreamer Also, an authenticator means you don't need to answer annoying security questions any more.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, well, no smartphone, so that looks unlikely in the near future.
So... set up an authenticator.
@RavenDreamer iPod touch?
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...hm. Touchee.
@RavenDreamer Alternately, I'm sure you could do a variant of this.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, get the ipod app, because it makes your account secure, it makes logging in less annoying (you can enter all the info in one window before hitting the login button, rather than having two prompts!), and lets you buy emergency fleet passes, cool companion customizations and other such things.
I'll look into it. Thanks.
I wish inventory space was cheaper in TOR.
@badp Italy:
I'm terrified to buy my 5th row of bag space because I know I'm 7 levels away from needing to spend 200k on a speeder. And new ranks of skills can cost me as much as 5k at a time already.
"Known for murdering Jesus, gay painters, and the renaissance"
Honestly, you know the most remarkable thing about The Old Republic?
It's put the role-playing back in MMO's for most players, and it's done so in a way that doesn't have anything to do with strange misapplications of the /kneel and /chicken emotes in a dark corner of the deeprun tram.
Q: What is the easiest method for acquiring the equipment which is not for sale in Infinity Blade 2?

ninesidedI have bought and mastered all of the equipment that is available for sale in the item shop, but there are a whole bunch of items that are greyed out. I have tried equipping lots of weapon/item drop rate increase gems, but invariably this yields low quality equipment that I already own. I have ha...

Q: Why won't my follower just leave me alone‽

Raven DreamerI love Khem. I really do. He gets his face bashed in on a regular basis so I don't have to. But for all his "Yes, master", and "Watch your back, little Sith", I can't help but notice that he follows me everywhere at a distressingly short distance. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue, but it mak...

@RavenDreamer Is there any way I can provide you with more detailed debug info about your game?
Q: Low-profile gamepad with dual analog sticks?

Scott BeesonI'm currently carrying around a wired xbox controller in my laptop bag. I love it, but would like to find something that is a bit more portable. I haven't had any luck in my research so thought I'd ask here. Bluetooth is a plus, but I would settle for something with a fairly short USB cord. Betwe...

@StackExchange ... Somebody does not 'get' StackExchange.
P.S., how much do you wanna bet that gets migrated our way?
I lol'ed
Q: Please help me to identify an action puzzle game

Elon Cantoplease help me to identify a game. It's a action puzzle game like puyo puyo. You can play against the computer, spliting the screen in two puzzles boards, side by side. Your character is an female angel in the left side of the screen and the computer is a female demon. Everytime you do a big co...

Q: Are there different servers for different platforms for Modern Warfare games?

milesmeowIs it possible that I'm playing against players on the PS3, Xbox and the Mac in a single game? Or does each platform have their own servers and games?

Hey all!
@RedriderX Hi.
I just finished a session of hand-written Pocket Dungeon mixed with intervals of reading The Geek's Guide to World Domination. I'm feeling very geeky right now.
@AshleyNunn Thanks for suggesting it.
This is some Serious Indiana Jones shit right here:
Well nite all
Hey :)
@RedriderX No problem! Glad you liked it. :)
@AshleyNunn I'm actually thinking about making a steampunk theme for the game.
@RedriderX Very cool.
@AshleyNunn I don't know how far I'll get, but it will be good practice for my character creation skills.
Strikes me as a fun plan either way :)
@AshleyNunn Well I've really been on this steampunk vibe for the last while, so I thought I would try to apply it something.
Well, I've got to go, Bye all!
Bye! :)
Q: What do the rainbow blocks mean?

Ashley NunnI was playing a World match on Tetris Axis, and noticed that sometimes, a block on one of my Tetriminos would be rainbow coloured. I never saw the blocks with the rainbow bits behave any differently, so that leaves me wondering - what was that for? Why did it happen?

Q: Complete list of Mario Kart 7 habit titles

MrGomezIn the recently released Nintendo title, Mario Kart 7, there is a feature new to the series that allows the game to track your performance during gameplay against bots and other players online. Based upon these data, your racer will be assigned a title visible in the in-game Mario Kart Channel in...

2 random guys equipped me for tier 2 and invited me to their guild! :D Nice people!
@John In what?
... Oh wow. This is just... oh wow. What moron let this through? This is astonishingly terrible.
So... there's an Agent ability in TOR called Sleep Dart.
It's basically Sap from WoW.
1 minute CC applied from stealth, does not create threat, if it fades and you're not in combat with the mobs buddies, he won't come looking for you.
There's a talent in the healing tree that adds a debuff of -50% damage done when the sleep fades for 30 seconds. This is a handy thing in pvp.
But... the debuff creates threat.
So if I sleep a mob to sneak past it... a minute later it comes running to kill me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh right. Spiral Knights.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That sounds counterproductive.
crashes to his bed
@Fredy31 Don't you mean "crashes through his bed"?
Well, I kinda want a bed to sleep tonight... so no. I'm crashing to my bed.
See you starside. Just to quote Bungie.
@Fredy31 Ok.
@Fredy31 Never heard of Bungie, but see you there!
@Fredy31 Oooooh. That I have heard of.
turns french alarm off, by himself.
Thats gonna be helpfull, if I want to sleep
@Fredy31 What's the difference between that and an English alarm?
And does it usually take 2 people to turn off?
4 hours ago, by badp
@Fredy31 Oh that French alarm.
Doesn't really make sense.
How do you "set up" French?
@agent86 I came up with another question. Just for you.
Q: Is the cycling of the Clockworks tied to any unit of real time?

JohnSince the snowball achievement during the Steam Gift Pile, I've been playing Spiral Knights. One thing I've noticed is that I seem to be getting the same levels a lot, despite several things/people mentioning that the Clockworks cycle levels. So I began to wonder, could it be because I play at ...

@John claps
@John You start saying Bonjour, S'il-vous plait, and you wear a beret, with bread under your arm.

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