I am making a TD game, taking http://fieldrunners.com/ as a reference, i would like to know about the towers used in this game.
Is this some kind of 2D image sequence tower rotation ? changes when enemy movement changes within its range ?
Or actually 3D gameobject, rotated on enemy position
Seriously, it was fun and all, but I can't and I don't want to stay married to the same woman for the rest of my life - one real life marriage is enough..
Is there a lawyer or process of some kind in the world of Skyrim, and if not, who could help me divorce her?
If all else should fail, (sigh)...
Im on a quest, a thieves guild quest.A lady , Karliah asked me to meet her at the ragged flagon. It seems that she doesn't show up at the rendevous. Please help me =(
I am making a TD game, taking http://fieldrunners.com/ as a reference, i would like to know about the towers used in this game.
Is this some kind of 2D image sequence tower rotation ? changes when enemy movement changes within its range ?
Or actually 3D gameobject, rotated on enemy position
> The tag was extra fun, and removing it without even discussing it here on meta is yet another very "unfortunate" move of an already poor administration. IIRC many people favorited that tag, and that should have been reason enough to keep it, let alone delete it out of the blue! – Lohoris 53 secs ago
I am making a TD game, taking FieldRunners as a reference. I would like to know about the towers used in this game.
The tower image changes when enemies are in range. I'm not sure if the rotated tower graphics some kind of 2D image sequence, or a 3D model.
How can I make a similar effect, wher...
I can think of 3 different distros widely used as a desktop OS. (Fedora, SUSE, Ubuntu) all of which are going to have different versions of libraries and different packaging systems.
In the past, we1 decided that "How can I make an entire game like X?" was a bad question. There seems to be a new-ish variant of this, "What technology did entire game X use?"
What technology does the iPhone game “Zombie Highway” use?
What game engine does Mega Jump use?
What language was used ...
@agent86 It's not that bad, but it really does depend on the amount of experience the makers have about publishing software on Linux.
Coming from Windows it may be reasonable to expect "just zip it all in a file and call it a day" to be enough, and you wouldn't ever bother with setting up a package repository and whatnot (something I doubt even Introversion has done).
@GraceNote square peg round hole? Perhaps. I think it's more that I think there are tools appropriate for every job, and trying to use the wrong one leads to bad things happening. it's just an easy way to express that opinion. :)
@badp eh, it's a combination of things. money going into linux is focused on enterprise, so enterprise hardware gets good support. Desktop hardware drivers for a lot of things is an afterthought or a hobby project by comparison.
desktop linux to me is more of a "thing I'd do if I had a lot of time and wanted to learn" as opposed to "thing I want to use when I want to be productive or relax with a minimum of effort"
@badp Of course they wouldn't, as there doesn't appear to be any way in the apt system to prevent just anyone from adding it as a repo if they know the address.
@badp I will say Ubuntu takes a lot of steps in the right direction as a desktop OS, but I still wouldn't want to try and install/maintain 3D graphics drivers on it
Once upon a time I had a mythTV box, and god, what a nightmare the drivers were on that. I finally bought a Tivo just so I didn't have to hack at it every week to get the TV running right. TV in my house is one of those things that you just should not experiment on
I don't think I could play Civ5 on it, or even Civ4 without the settings turned way down (I've got a Macbook with Intel graphics, sigh) but it handles most of the indie games just fine.
I've heard bad things about Steam on OSX, particularly if you change the filesystem options to allow different case filenames (er... whatever it's called when blah and Blah are considered separate files)
@badp I don't know what they do on Mac, I imagine that Apple gets pretty good support from nVidia though, seeing as they're doing big business together.
I just think at one point they realized they needed to ditch the Mac OS kernel, and just went "meh, we'll go with BSD instead" - it doesn't really seem like they've committed to any kind of other UNIX or open source/free software philosophy
Is it possible to construct something that will run automatically whenever a player is nearby, say within a chunk's range, without that player having to trigger something like a pressure pad or detector rail ?
What I'm trying to do is get some pistons to move in this situation, so for example if...
Sometimes my character walks to a door or something and I spot these bags of gold. I try tapping them, but I'm always too slow, except for one time, but that was so close to the end of the movement or cutscene that I'm just not sure if I can pick them up.
@badp I don't think it would change anything :P Idiots are idiots regardless of how hard you try to educate them otherwise.
once upon a time I wrote an article telling people how to get effective open source software support, and people just went "you're being a douchebag and I can do whatever I want and you HAVE to support me because I'm the customer and you're doing this for free and if you don't like it..." etc, etc.
@Wipqozn for the most part, I think it went pretty well
somewhat unnerved at only having 3 interviews, but we'll see
The second challenge of the third challenge pack is pretty serious. You must survive for 15 seconds, you're invulnerable for the first five and the next ten of those 15 seconds are entirely full of bullets.
How do you survive that?
Does Everquest still have a monthly fee? What are the exact details on it?
(I tried to Google this, but kept getting back EQ2 news about it going free and nothing about EQ1)
Whenever I start a game on PS3 I get a warning screen (something about not turning it off then it saving or something). Is there any way to turn it off without losing access to multi-player? maybe some software/hardware hacks?
It annoys me, because first I have to click ok on it, then I have to ...
when I was in preschool (around the 1999s and early 2000s) there was a game they would let is play on the pc. It was my favorite game and I remember ordering it at home.
Anyways, the graphics were really old, like pixel stuff and kinda like an arcade game. I believe the boy wore a yellow helmet (...
@badp I haven't played cave story+ yet, but I think they made it more HD-ish and changed the translation a bit. The original Cave Story had a fan translation.
Need a chrono trigger themed wallpaper? WHY NOT ZOIDBERG?
@Wipqozn I think this must be a universal truth. The agent86 link-to-the-past paradox: anything posted to a public location must receive at least one "seen it already" response.
@agent86 I like it when the lizard looks back, saying... "What the fuck is this crap? It tastes like glass. Do you seriously... OH LOOKIE ANOTHER BUG!"
From far away I can see a person. I don't know if he(or they) will attack me on sight or not. so what I do is save and go to them and if they attack me I reload and kill them using bow. is there any way to know if person or people will attack you? if I fire arrows before I'm sure I might lose a c...
I've been playing Super Meat Boy on OS X. I'd like to save a copy of some of my replays, but I can't find the keyboard shortcut. It's displayed it at such a low resolution that it's impossible to read:
I've tried mashing keys at random, but haven't had any luck. What's the keyboard shortcut?
I picked up Gratuitous Space Battles from the newest indie bundle pack and I've made it through the first few missions but I feel a bit out of control while the battle is going on. I can't find a way to influence the battle once it is under way and my ships don't always make the greatest decision...
After watching some of my replays, I realized that when playing against other Terrans their economies jump significantly larger than mine even though I don't keep unspent resources long (average unspent about 200-300), and I think it's due to the use of Mules. Is this true? Do Mules significant...
I have a lot of junk that I want to sell and make some money. I can take it with me to new places, but then I cannot carry too much of new stuff. Should I only take what I need and not worry about selling and hopeful later I can return to that place and sell? the biggest problem for me is that it...
> "Firefox has gotten so large that it cannot be compiled with PGO on a 32-bit linker anymore, due to the virtual memory limitation of 3 GB. This problem had happened last year with 2 GB, which was worked around by adding a/3GB switch to the Windows build servers. Now the problem is back, and things aren't quite that simple anymore."
Another week, another set of weird tags:
fast-expand - Is this maybe a subtag of SC2? It seems like it could be a concept across multiple RTS games though. I'm on the fence.
black-ops-zombies - CoD: Black Ops has a zombie mode, but it's part of the same game. I don't think this belongs. All...
The only NMR I've done was in organic lab long long ago, and there it seemed pretty straightforward as everything was covalently bonded, but you're detecting h-bonding too?
TF2 should have a program like Magic: the Gathering Online, where if you collect all the hats, you can turn them in and they'll mail you a set of real hats.
@ArdaXi The point is that there can't really be such a thing as a bundle fatigue. People are already prioritizing bundles over other bundles based on time constraints
In Oblivion I was able to give items to my horse. In Skyrim my horse is useless, all it does is attack monsters and get itself killed.
I have the basic horse (1000 gold) bought at Whiterun.
Are there any better horses? Where can I find them?
No spoilers, please.
I'm just wondering... if your entire product offers nothing more than being a copy of someone else's idea... how do you not realise you're doing something terribly wrong?
On the importance of making time to play the games you like with the people you love: http://goo.gl/YhcHV
people are always going to copy ideas. The people we credit with some of the most amazing innovations of history are generally just taking the credit for work other people did who didn't get as lucky with fame.
"Progress happens when all the factors that make for it are ready, and then it is inevitable. To teach that comparatively few men are responsible for the greatest forward steps of mankind is the worst sort of nonsense." ~Henry Ford
@ArdaXi if an idea is digital or it's possible to make it digital, people will steal the heck out of it. there's no way to prevent it. see also: every anti-piracy effort ever.
get used to today's work being worthless tomorrow on the internet
and, in my opinion, that's the way it should all work - patents and copyright should be significantly more limited than they are today (in the US anyway, it's obscene, although international laws seem to be following our lead)
everything I release on the internet I fully expect to be copied; I do my best to avoid it or make it fair, but I know for a fact that if someone decided to come along and sell something I made in blatant violation of whatever license I used, my recourse is to suck it up and deal
@ArdaXi the exact opposite, in fact. Knowing this ahead of time means that every day I have to think about what's new an innovative, and not rest on my laurels. I don't waste effort on ineffective protections, and I don't devote my resources to fighting a battle I can't win, regardless of how "unjust" it seems to lose.