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Q: Why is the early access version of SWTOR not downloading through EA's Origin service?

Fredy31So, I'm about to download SWTOR as written here http://www.swtor.com/early-access. But it seems like I have to download the client by itself, not via the Origin program by EA, even if the game shows up in Origin. Will the download be for the Origin service (linking it to Origin at the end) or d...

@alexanderpas what game is that?
@Powerlord so I just need an Origin account, not Origin on my computer?
@NickT Yup.
Unless you purchased it through Origin, and even then I'm not sure... I think you linked to the question about that already
I have SWTOR already installed and am waiting for them to say "Your account's early access has been activated."
not sure if my question is a dupe but @agent86's answer would fit pretty well on it
@GraceNote/@badp/@Raven can you synonymize with ?
@NickT Cave Story+. Also who decided that you open doors etc. by pressing down; Mario has trained me to press up at doors.
updating post history, 1 rows affected
updating posts, 1 rows affected
updating PostTags associations, 1 rows affected
removing/renaming old tag, 1 rows affected
updating count for master tag, 1 rows affected
tag remapping of [star-wars-tor] and [swtor] complete!
remapping 0 synonyms
5 favorite and ignored tags remapped!
@GraceNote can't find out chat messages to the second? lame, was going to note down how long you took and expect that in the future :P
@NickT I can ask balpha
@AshleyNunn, answered since that apparently worked for you :P
@GraceNote if I star both I could see...if you mouseover the times, e.g. "4h ago" it reports it, but if you click the down on the left of a message and mouseover that it just shows HH:MM
Oh yeah, I forgot to file another bug report with Valve.
I should have the third Replay achievement because "How to use the Dead Ringer" has 1,248 views.
@NickT 00:05:15Z for your message
there's a userscript that shows the seconds.
Mine is at 00:06:16Z, so it took 1 minute and 1 second.
@AshleyNunn, you should just hire me to be your personal question answerer.
thank god, they fixed the mac version of dungeons of dreadmor. I was going to have to bust out my baseball bat threats.
Q: Unable to see the time a chat message was posted to the second without starring it

Nick TThe mouseover tooltip behaivor is different for the "#h/#m ago" in the menu brought up by clicking the arrow on the left of a chat message: versus the one on a starred message Can the tooltip for the former be just like the latter?

good grief. First they release the latest patch where it crashes on OSX on startup, and now this? community.gaslampgames.com/threads/…
I can't open the first door in the dungeon without getting buttraped by a giant pink scorpion duck with a drill on its beak
time for the beatin' stik.
Hmm, word on the street is that mention of Alan Wake has been found in Steam's game library.
Also, Sonic CD on XBLA has both soundtracks.
@Powerlord ever played it? any good? It's always been on my "second tier" list.
@agent86 Haven't played it.
@Powerlord what good are you then, sir. what good indeed.
@Powerlord grats on 10,001 reps
@NickT It does bug me that 1 downvote makes the moderator tools go away again.
@Powerlord goes to downvote all powerlord answers
@Powerlord could get 4 more rep by accepting 2 more answers
Congratulations, @Powerlord!
is the font on the user dashboard for questions different from the one on the main page, or just the size?
I like the dashboard font better...slightly wider
I believe so
Hey, where is the font and big logo of Gaming.se that I could use?
Q: Steam login troubles

Mihaiall, I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to login to Steam to take advantage of today's sale, and all I get is this lousy message: "Please verify your humanity by re-entering the characters below." What characters? Do they mean my password? I've triple-checked it, and it's correct. Was there s...

Q: In the "Subtlety Optional" assassination, what counts as a muscle car?

Dave McClellandIn the assassination "Subtlety Optional" assassination given by Angel, he says to pull up to a certain gas station in a muscle car to lure out the owner/target. I have tried several different cars like the Vortex and Raycaster, but none of them seem to be what he's looking for. Admittedly, thos...

Q: Are the Stormcloaks or Imperial Legion the "Official" winners of the civil war?

ThaumajigI've finished the Stormcloaks and Imperial Legion, and both seem to have endings which could support an Elder Scrolls sequel in which a war occurs with the Thalmor. I'm used to seeing Bethesda make games with choices that end up achieving the same thing, are inconsequential to a sequel, or are ...

@Lazers "What makes a car count as a muscle car"
damn, picking a display name for SWTOR is impossible
only letters, practically every word I think of is taken
Youre already in Nick?
creating account
my display name is now "Helical"
@NickT Should've done Delicatessen.
I wonder if 'GnomeSlice' is taken.
Repeating my question from before... Hey, where is the font and big logo of Gaming.se that I could use?
Did the grant games get handed out?
Like for ads and capture the wool and stuff
@Fredy31 Well, I can give you the logo sized up much larger, and... I have the font too but I can't recall its name.
Erm, one moment.
The logo will do
Ah, the font is Tempesta Five.
It's free.
Q: What are the Star Wars equivalents of the World of Warcraft class & specialization combinations?

Mag RoaderI come from a World of Warcraft background and am interested in dipping my toes into Star Wars: The Old Republic. This game has a bunch of character classes, and furthermore I know they get to specialize later in the game via an "Advanced Class" (similar to World of Warcraft's Talent Trees). Tw...

Whoops, might have sized it up a bit too much.
Eh, you can size it down a bit.
Thank you
What are you going to use them for?
so what are you supposed to do with a question bounced over from super user that belongs on there? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/41126/…
@yx Rage?
Then migrate it back.
that didn't do anything
lol, migration wars
that sounds like fun
I should do a poster for that.
Migration wars
Gaming vs Superuser, Migration Battle ROUND ONE!
@GraceNote Can probably throw it back.
@yx beat it with a stick
I can't even vote to migrate anything.
Ok, I need 2 people with minecraft...
for some body acting
@Fredy31 Er...
Like video?
I'm doing a little side project for Capture the wool
Why don't you just record the actual game then :P
sure, got minecraft.
you have mumble?
or we will speak chat
got mumble.
So one more
@GnomeSlice Yes, you can. We just don't have any migration paths. A mod can just migrate to any site, even those without open paths.
How long is this gonna take?
@Ullallulloo How?
10 minutes maybe
just need 2 clips of 30 seconds
Hm... Sorry. Kinda busy.
@GnomeSlice I dunno, I'm not a mod.
that are basically the same thign
need a specific skin for me to wear?
yeah 1 sec
@alexanderpas Probably one of the CtW ones.
They're in the meta post.
Q: Capture the wool sign ups

Ronan Forman UPDATE: It has again been moved to the 18th (at the same time) due to a low turn out for the Saturday. Following the rousing success failure of our last Minecraft game on! we have decided to have another go! The map will be another of Vechs’ super hostile maps by the name of Capture the wo...

Why cant I connect to mumble...
ok so to find someone
why is this chat so empty the night I'm doing a little project
Hmm... So, anyone getting The Old Republic?
@Fredy31 There's like thirty people...
@Fredy31 mumble server not responding?
@Brant Might be... Not entirely sure yet
I'm already waiting for my preplay thing
@Fredy31 Project?
Doing kinda the credits for the next capture the wool
just need 2 people to body act something
@Fredy31 I think Ronan has already done them.
Bah to propose something is always good.
And if its just for fun.
So do I have a second body actor?
@Fredy31 Might be able to help depending on what we're talking about here... Minecraft I take it, reading a bit back in chat?
Just body acting for like 10 minutes
Q: How can I tell if my minecraft server is accessible online?

miniiphoneprogrammerHow can I tell if my server is available online to everyone in the world? Port checkers say port 25565 is unblocked in my ip. Does this mean it is OK? I have also successfully port forwarded. Is this OK? Answer:http://galactickid2.info/ssc/?h=&p=25565

@Fredy31 Well, I'll try to help ya... Never done it before
Ok so now just find a server that works
I took the blue skin BTW.
so Aeo can you take the red skin here? meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/3359/…
@Fredy31 Grabbed and uploading
@GraceNote Can mods split a question into a question and answer?
@Lazers was edited to include a short (but valid) answer
so can you come to the gaming.se mc server?
So, was bored. Going through Jon Skeet Facts, and I think this is my favourite thus far:
A: Jon Skeet Facts

Bill the LizardQ: Can Jon Skeet ask a question that even Jon Skeet can't answer? A: Yes. And he can answer it, too.

Also, I was unaware that a Jon skeet search engine existed...
@Wipqozn it actually searches trough jon skeet's posts for relevant stuff! wow!
@alexanderpas Almost there...
Yay Thanks for the filming!
@Wipqozn So... if I were to say, "Who's Jon Skeet?"... Theoretically, of course! Would that be one of those "Time to turn in your geek card" moments, like the dremal thing?
@Fredy31 Glad we could help :P
@Aeo Highest rep user on the SE network.
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
381k 94 1581 2809
Even on days he doesn't visit the site, he still earns 200 reputation.
He reaches the rep cap on days he doesn't even visit the site.
@Aeo dremal? don't you mean dremel?
@GnomeSlice ninja'd
@alexanderpas Probably
If my damn premiere would stop crashing every time I boot it.
@Fredy31 adobe quality ;)
The otherthing I would have is Windows Movie Make
Oh man this beer is incredible.
@LessPop_MoreFizz please to sharew
@Mana Sixpoint's Mad Scientist #7. Doubt you can get it up in Soviet Canuckistan.
It's a Cranberry Porter.
Free Beer, formerly known as Our Beer (Danish: Vores øl) is the first brand of beer with a "free" recipe - free as in "freedom", taken after the term "free software". The name "Free Beer" is a play on Richard Stallman's common explanation that free software is "free as in speech, not free as in beer." The recipe is published under a Creative Commons license, specifically the Attribution-ShareAlike license. The beer was created by students at the IT-University in Copenhagen together with Superflex, a Copenhagen-based artist collective, to illustrate how concepts of the free software mov...
@Mana Local brewery, small batch only for kegs at bars/growler fill places.
@alexanderpas I've had that, it's terrible.
@LessPop_MoreFizz which version?
@alexanderpas Dunno. A homebrewer I know made a batch.
Also, my secret santa got me a bottle of this today: beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/187/601
anyways, I keep it at:
OpenCola is a brand of cola unique in that the instructions for making it are freely available and modifiable. Anybody can make the drink, and anyone can modify and improve on the recipe as long as they, too, license their recipe under the GNU General Public License. Since recipes are, by themselves, not copyrightable, the legal basis for this is untested. The original version 1.0 was released on 27 January 2001. Current Version is 1.1.3. Although originally intended as a promotional tool to explain free and open source software, the drink took on a life of its own and 150,000 cans were ...
For anyone who still doesn't know, the fourth humble bundle is out.
Q: How do I determine who I'm married to?

DrakeI've forgotten who my wife is. I got married, then decided to make a new character, but after playing that character for a while I got bored and went back to my first profile. I can't remember who I married or where she (or maybe even he? Honestly I have no clue) might be. Any help would be ...

wonderful title!
@Wipqozn Also, the best Humble Bundle in ages
@Wipqozn I agree an even more impossible percent
@alexanderpas That's been posted in here before.... look!
4 mins ago, by alexanderpas
Percentage Points
see? Was posted by @alexanderpas forever ago
@NickT I lol'd
It's funny, because you probably want to play now, but you cannot.
Eh, they're staggering the people that can start, I'll probably be unable to anyways for another day or two at the least
then I'm on a trip over the weekend
@alexanderpas I've never seen that before. Thank you, that's an excellent way to end my night.
Q: Under Saarthal Glitch - Skyrim

EtienneOn the first puzzle of the quest (the one with the six pillars), I enter the correct combination, but the door still doesn't open, and arrows are still shot at me. I've reloaded the game a couple hundred times, I've left the room, and it still doesn't work. What do I do?

is there anything that should be "done" about people adding answers that just repeat previous answers?
A: How do I restore the glory of the Thieves Guild?

michael meierpretty much right as soon as you join the theives guild do the missions Vex/Delvin's jobs 5 times in one city. then as you do that you will notice changes around the bar. if you finish the story line then you cant restore the thieves guild to its former glory. so when you join do the side mission...

i guess its not really harmful or anything
but i get irritated when i see it
OK, I've started my match with @Arda. And I at least read the wiki on Disputed so I can pretend to understand what is going on.
Q: Is there anything to be gained by indulging my whiny, emo, future self?

agent86Ugh. Desmond. I can't stand this guy. I've unlocked a few of the Desmond missions, but I've been putting them off. In previous games, the Desmond parts of the game were by far my least favorite parts of the game. I've considered maybe going and doing one or two of these missions just so I ca...

Well, done pretty rushed because I want some sleep, but here is the "proof of concept" of the race for wool credits.
@Wipqozn It's a bit quicker now
is something broken with webapps.stackexchange.com ? My pages are loading with no stylesheets
@NickT looks fine to me
@Wipqozn if you ctrl-F5 does it still load?
@NickT the STYLE sheet loads
accidental caps lock btw
too lazy to fix
Q: 404 for all CSS on Stackoverflow, Ask Ubuntu and Server Fault

jrg404 for all CSS. Ends up looking like this: Chrome 15.0.874.121 Windows, and Firefox 8.0.1 (also Windows). chat.stackexchange is also CSS less.

@Wipqozn you are doing a cacheless reload, right?
@NickT I actually tried it in a whole other browser
Q: Xel'Naga Caverns versus a fast expanding zerg -- what are Terran tactics against this?

lucidquietXel'Naga is a pretty small map, and the natural expo is right outside of the door. I feel that if you play Terran the natural is pretty difficult to defend, unless perhaps you try to wall in at the natural with barracks. But still Zergs can just fly right at this kind of thing with some speedli...

Was going to get my early access to The Old Republic, then I took an arrow to the knee.
Q: Where are the Mysterious Relics?

fireDude67I was running around Evendim and I found an angry hobbit who apparently got his prize pipeweed crops destroyed by a Mysteriously Relic that gives +1 Dread to anyone who comes near. When I right-click it, I got a quest to talk to that angry hobbit, who complained, and then I got a new deed, which ...

Q: SWTOR - Way to dodge the "About you questions"

Fredy31I find quite annoying that every now and then, when I log in to my Swtor account, bioware asks me 1 of 5 questions in the like of the I forgot My password questions on most forums. I find that quite annoying. I doubt there is, but is there a way to skip that question? Like with the Security key ...

Q: How do I skip cutscenes?

IsziI'm doing a second playthrough of story mode in Need For Speed: The Run, but I can't seem to figure out how to skip cutscenes. Is there something I'm missing, or is this yet another feature they've not included?

Q: Can you paralyze dragons?

RapidaI have the master archery perk that lets you paralyze targets and a paralysis bow. Is it possible for me to paralyze a dragon? In the time I've played I've not seen it and was just curious.

Q: Is meeting people on the street the only way to make friends?

Ashley NunnI want to meet more people/have more Miis in my 3DS Mii plaza. Is there another way (other than StreetPass) to meet new Miis? While StreetPass is fine, I don't meet people very often. I know the Wii has Friend Codes. Does the 3DS have anything similar?

Q: What are the "special items" Delvin is looking for?

Ben BlankIn my travels across Skyrim, I've encountered a handful of items which possess particular value. A Dwemer Puzzle Cube here, a Jeweled Candlestick there… normally such things are hard to find buyers for, but Delvin's always been there to take them off my hands. Unfortunately, he also plays his c...

Q: Counter for sacred warrior 1V1

TheExplosiveOneOk heres the scenario, Huskarr with burning spear in auto cast rushes at me with his ulti. My hp reduces to half of what it was, with his damage constantly increasing with berserker's blood (and me attacking him back and reducing his HP) and my hp reducing because of the burning spear, i die (in ...

1 hour later…
Q: Are useful the "calmed" B-SPEC drivers?

user674887I've noticed that in races without "micromanagement" the B-SPEC drivers that are calmed have worse results that agressive B-SPEC drivers. This is because when they are driving alone, they have very poor performance. In oposite, agressive B-SPEC drivers, when they were low level they do a lot o...

I have an official statement from vechs himself:
> Should be less than an hour. Hope you guys like the map!
So it should take us about 1:30 judging by previous records.
Q: Sim Earth (Turbografx/ Virtual Console) - Manual?

KirinrikiI downloaded for academic purpose sim earth. The problem is that I'm not used to strategic games and I don't get this game. (I don't know how to play it and what to do and so on). Is there any detailed manual in the internet which explains all the options and symbols and which describes me what I...

1 hour later…
Q: I can't access purchased spels and hexes in Harry Potter 5-7. How can I do this?

OB1I have bought a number of spells in the alley but they are not working or available to access. When I rotate the spell wheel around I see the pink option and sometimes if I am lucky I get the frog option but only if I go back to the shop and stand on the square to select the frog spell I already ...

Q: Strategy like UFO

garikI am a fun of UFO (X-COM) strategy. I played in it many years ago. I have reviewed the next generations of this game. Some of these were good enough, some had not so good game-play (from the strategy point of view). Could someone suggest a game like it, that is actual Strategy. Please, don't sugg...

Q: Does it help to sabotage the investigation?

oracle certified professionalI've just started playing Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy and to begin with at least, you play both the murderer and the cops. Assuming that we're meant to be on the side of the murderer, does it help to play the police's part badly? Is that even possible?

Q: Skyrim politics from a modern point of view

kkaploonI've seen a lot of discussions about Imperials vs Stormcloaks, but most of them seem to focus either on a subjective opinion on who you prefer or how that choice will affect my gameplay. I would like to look at it from a political points of view. Let's say you wanted to put the two sides on the...

@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't have enough reps! HALP!
@Lazers lol
Q: "Quick as a Flash" achievement

MargaretI have managed to obtain all of the 4 Elements achievements except for one: "Quick As A Flash". The description reads, "Complete the quest in 90 seconds or less". Which quest? I'm pretty sure finishing the entire game in 90 seconds is impossible, and I've finished a number of levels in well le...

@alexanderpas It's because you can shoot straight up. I took a while to notice myself.
@Powerlord You need to visit that video's page from the replay screen. That'll update the view numbers and award you the acheivement
To the six people who starred my message about trying - english.stackexchange.com/a/51612/865
> We're looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context. Don't just give a one-line answer: please explain why you're recommending it as a solution. Answers that don't explain anything will be deleted. See Good Subjective, Bad Subjective for more information.
So, uh, what happens after these notices have been put up?
"Answers that don't explain anything will be deleted.", so why should I be seeing these notices on old posts?
@YiJiang eh. That's kind of the thing, nothing happens. It's not like those post notices add time bombs or something.
They're practically anonymous stock comments.
Flag 'em up
There was a page listing all the post notices but I can't remember how to get there
oh here we go.
Search for hasnotice:1
I actually was looking at gaming.stackexchange.com/annotated-posts?tab=noticed - not sure what rights you need for that
oh, it's universally accessible. At any rate I'm clearing it up
I can see that too
Q: Can you help me remember the name of this old game?

Daniel MagliolaI'm looking for the name of an old game, probably 10-15 years old... It was a very basic puzzle game where you have these disks with 4 slots in them, connected by "pipes" of sorts, and some colored marbles were dropping down, and you had to spin the disks to receive the marbles in the slots, and ...

> This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site, so please do not use it as evidence that you can ask similar questions here.
Huh, I didn't know that was a locking reason
@FallenAngelEyes It pretty much was invented for SO, since the site has so much history, and therefore so many subjective questions left from when they were still allowed
@YiJiang Aaah okay, that makes sense
Q: Can you help me identify this game? Pacman like, you were inside of a computer

Daniel MagliolaI'm looking to identify this old game... PC, mid 90's, I guess From what I remember, it was kind of pac-man like, but you were inside a computer. You are "green board" things, there were enemies, round-grey boulders, and diskettes in it. I remember a big part of the gameplay was controlling the...

Oh. Self-answered less than a minute before I posted it. ಠ_ಠ
@badp What I mean is, you should just delete that answer because it covers the same ground
@YiJiang Since when should moderators do answer deduplication?
I mean, "these two answers say the same thing" is not a good enough delete reason
that's why I pushed him to improve his answer
Why do people think Supaplex is like Pac-Man?
A: Flag Answer, duplicate

ScroogeYou have the following choices: Do nothing. Leave a comment. Vote the duplicate answer down - difficult as technically it is useful (assuming that the answer is correct). Flag the answer for moderator attention. However, competing answers are part of what Stack Overflow is about. The highest ...

I think duplicate answers, especially something this half arsed and answered such a long time after the original
@YiJiang I think you're missing part of your sentence?
should be deleted. Right. Eh...
Weird what happens when you get distracted half sentence
@YiJiang I do that all the
@RonanForman way?
Ahaha, Sesame Street is awesome
@ArdaXi No, only half the way.
It's Grover doing an Old Spice parody XD
They're... they're making a modern version of the 3 Stooges D:
According to Movie Bob, it's terrible.
@RonanForman I can totally believe this. Just... whyyyyyyyy
Because we're running out of ideas.
At least Holywood is.
Remakes and sequels, remakes and sequels...
Q: Dr Laser (Android) - How to solve Mad level 11?

w0lfI'm playing the Dr Laser game for Android and I'm stuck for quite a while now at level 11 (difficulty=Mad). Can anyone provide a hint regarding the solution?

Q: Restarting level in Super Meat Boy

LohorisIs there a key to restart a level in Super Meat Boy? Other than going back to level select and selecting it again, I mean. (I'm playing it on OSX/Steam, in case this matters)

@FallenAngelEyes I had literally just done that!
All three edits were identical.
@RonanForman Haha, seriously?
Yup, removed game name from title, added game tag and removed incorrect platform tag.
@RonanForman I view that as a good sign in that our policies on such matters are clear!
@badp Can't, it was recorded on my old desktop, and the replay pages don't carry over unless you actually copy all the TF2 files apparently.
@Powerlord You're too late, we just answered the last quesion you could have answered.
Q: What are the best practices in theory crafting around generating an optimal spell/ability rotation in an MMO?

HotrodmonkeyWhen SWTOR rolls out, I'd like to have a firm grip on how to approach the theory crafting of working out my DPS rotation during encounters. How do I determine and model things like spell coefficients, management of cool downs, haste, and buff procs? In the past, I've simply consumed data prod...

@Lazers ...ugh, why was the comment on that upvoted?
TOR isn't even out, you can't judge a game's long-term PvP viability by its beta
@FallenAngelEyes Flagged.
That's not Australian, that's Dutch.
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity
Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi’s Island
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Metroid Fusion
Wario Land 4
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames
Well, I'm glad that's over.
@ThomasMcDonald Same here.
Also, what are you talking about?
Well, I'm glad that's over.
@Wipqozn Some guy spamming game titles. You wouldn't know.
Q: Is the Companions quest line exclusive with any other?

faBI'm now faced with the choice of becoming a Werewolf, and well... I know it's silly but I honestly don't care or want to have the Werewolf power. Still I would like to enjoy the main questlines, and so I would like to know if I would be missing out on anything else by accepting the "beast blood"...

@ArdaXi Mobile internet 'timeout'
@Wipqozn Interviews at Oxford University.
Ya conté mi razón por la que elijo @SushiPopARG y estoy participando del concurso #FanaticosDelSushi http://goo.gl/5nlIw
Q: 360 auto resets when input is changed

Thomas WOk so I hope this is the right stackexchange site to post this question since its also about gaming. Anyway I have a xbox 360 and well I found out something annoying, so maybe somebody could help me fix it or clear something up. So I use my tv for my computer and xbox. And today I was downloadi...

It appears Juan likes sushi.
Blah blah sushi ARG blah blah fantastic sushi.
A sushi ARG?
I know as much as you do
Q: Galaxy S freezing, holding power+up does nothing

amberIt's been frozen for a few hours now and nothing works. I was playing the game We Rule, which admits that it doesn't run smoothly on Galaxy Ss, but every other time it's frozen, it goes back to normal when I leave it alone for a while (usually about half an hour). I tried a search for help and c...

@ThomasMcDonald I hope it went well.
@Wipqozn Is Nintendo still saying said games won't appear in the normal 3DS store?
said (read as, previously discussed)
> : aforementioned
(No, seriously, that's the entire Merriam-Webster definition for said (adjective))
sigh @ single word definitions of a shorter word
Welcome to English, where we give one word 30+ different definitions.
Dear Firefox, when I copy the URL line, copy the protocol too, even if you don't display it.
@Wipqozn you about?
...like Chrome does, since you seem to be a blatant copy of it these days.
@Powerlord Not sure.
@FallenAngelEyes Yes.
@Wipqozn check Steam... n/m you got it
multiple definitions are not such a problem. but if I define frazen as blimthelnok I haven't helped simplify the issue or convey understanding.
Whoa, is this chart actually right?
my random sylabrocator (in my head) is working overtime trying to come up with swtor character names.
Who here uses a touch device like an iPhone?
I just need to know if "swipe" is the standard term for motioning across the screen in a direction or if there's a more standard term.
@GraceNote: Email sent to me should be working again.
@GraceNote That works, though there is also "Swype," a program that lets you type faster on touchscreen mobile phones, so make sure there's no ambiguity (in case this is verbal)
looks like fling or drag is preferred
@GraceNote It is, yeah. At least in all the documentation I've seen for my phone(s).
@ArdaXi imgur is blocked here again. :/
@Powerlord It's cropped portion of what you posted, showing only the processing part.
@Powerlord They seem to be picking and choosing their information to show
@FallenAngelEyes The information I was trying to emphasize (and I probably should have cropped it) is the sales amounts.
@Powerlord I must have doubts on the claim that "NCAA Football '11" is a "best selling console game"
This survey by the ESA, which sources the NPD, which they stated they use is says that the #1 selling game by units sold in 2010 was CoD: Black Ops
Basing "The future of PC gaming" off of a single month in 2010 just seems silly
Honestly though? Fuck yeah PC gaming.
goes back to whining about HDD freezes and low fps
@badp heh, skyrim on console has those problems too. It's not just a pc thing anymore
@badp Yeah, go back to your no-poly TF2.
@GnomeSlice btw, if you haven't noticed by now, most TF2 unlockable weapons have downsides to them.

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