> There once was a tortoise named @Wipqozn who didn't have any socks on. The stench was so foul we started to yowl: "You filthy testudine!", in unison.
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@Unionhawk But I'd have to stand up, then walk to the kitchen, then wait for the coffee machine to grind the beans and brew my cup and ain't nobody got time for that
I was going to say "in what situation is Community responsible for a suggested edit?" (the answer is it isn't, anonymous users are but Community takes credit)
> There once was a tortoise named @Wipqozn who didn't have any socks on. The stench was so foul we started to yowl: "You filthy testudine!", in unison.
> There once was a guy named Texenox Who asked what's the fuzz about the dirty socks The bridge explained And knowledge he gained So now he knows why the bridge mocks
What happens in below scenario,
I have my gold storage size of 151,000 and its completely full. Then I attack some player from multiplayer battle and loot more gold? Where it will go? I am not able to see it in clan storage? Will it be deposited in later stage or it just get wasted?
> There once was an old man named @Sterno who once over did it on Pernod. It was then that he told that he's terribly old, too old for this terrible shit show.
In Destiny, completing a Weekly Nightfall Strike awards you a buff for the remainder of the week called "Radiant Light". Radiant Light increases all experience and reputation gained on the character that cleared the Nightfall Strike by 25% until the next Tuesday reset. Recently, there has been a ...
@twobugs It really fit the theme though. Dark Souls 2 didn't do it quite as well, but the point of Dark Souls is that you actually aren't the main character. You're the guy coming to the scene after everything's happened and are just picking up the pieces.
Putting a story together from what bits and pieces you can find.
That's fine, but I don't like the way they did it. To me, a lot of the story stuff felt like afterthoughts the fanbase pieced together because they're obsessed with the game.
I mean, if you look at the Demon's Souls lore (which I got into a bit more), it was basically people making shit up to try and explain things and then saying "Wow, the lore [that I made up] is so good!"
@twobugs I'm still a Bungie fan, so I have to think it was Activision strong-arming them or something. I mean Bungie created Halo... one of the richest game universes out there.
@Rapitor Yeah, I absolutely agree. I'm more than willing to attribute all of the bad stuff to Activision. Hopefully they'll back off and give Bungie more freedom
It's just dumb because a lot of the grimoire stuff adds great depth and breadth to the universe. And I think the setting is great and has a lot of potential to tell really cool and interesting stories.
Destiny has the whole solar system to work with; they could have added so much fun stuff for the players to puzzle out. Like ... you get some info about an artefact in space, but all you eventually find are the orbital parameters if you read the right books. Now it's on the player to calculate where that artefact currently is and fly there. They get their orbital mechanics wrong, too bad.
I mean the other ridiculous part is getting these famous voice actors and then not utilizing ANY of them. What is even the point other than having a bullet point of "we have guy from Got!!!!"
@Rapitor That doesn't surprise me because of how much his star has risen after GoT (and that's good, he's a cool guy and I like him), but I just don't think they used him well in Destiny
He has some good lines, but a lot of less interesting ones and it seems like they just wanted him to be flatter and less emotive than he could have been
My initial hope would be oh, that's because you hardly know each other and he'll develop more as you get to know him over the course of the series but he's gone now :(
I'm sure Nolan North will do a good job, don't get me wrong. But I guess in spite of my feelings that they didn't fully utilize dinklebot, I'm really gonna miss him.
Starbound worlds looks pretty amazing and it's time to build up something really big.
Can you, please, guide me how to add pixels to a specific character? Is there any way to achieve that with a command in-game or via any characters-related config files.
Any specific doc refference will be app...
True, and I think that would be a better way to take the character if you really wanted to expand upon it (please don't, there isn't a need to do that)
I've heard some people say they were going for PTSD which is an interesting idea but like a lot of psychological ailments it's hard to pull off correctly
@5pike PTSD is not very well understood and I think I recall cases of soldiers developing it after their third or fourth tour of duty, despite being perfectly fine before.
@Yuuki I get that PTSD is a real thing, but we still are talking about Samus, who destroyed the Space Pirates 2 times (or more) on her own and never shoved any fear.
@Yuuki She had an implied character and there were character traits assigned to her, but yeah. She was a very minimal character and the series was very minimalist when it came to plot and many people were happy with that.
@Yuuki I'm doing it in part because I didn't actually play the whole game, just a really boring stretch at the beginning that was bad explicitly because of the backstory and characterization
I was nearly an hour in and I hadn't seen an actual enemy, just cutscenes and cutscenes and cutscenes