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He doesn't have a familiar though.
And Hobo Monkey is super-powerful for meatfarming.
The one day tickets are about 120k, so if I bank turns I could probably get about 400 on the days I visit
And bootstrap a decent profit
Long term of course I will need to perm all the meat skills and passives and do a standard class with familiars and whatnot
But Ed gets pretty badass with a low startup cost
@GodEmperorDune Don't forget the familar weight passives. I have Empathy and some other skill permed and my Hobo Monkey started at 15 lbs. instead 1.
Or was it 10?
And that was just passives, no buffs like Leash of Linguini.
Yeah those passives will come too
Some of them I can buy from a buffbot
Yeah, there's really no need to perm +meat AT buff skills.
You rarely need meat during Ronin (and if you do, just sell a facsimile dictionary or something).
Depends on if you are running an ascension script or not
Without cannoli cocoon, some of those will burn through meat on topping off hp/mp
I was also worried that there would not be many one day tickets on the mall, but it seems a bunch of people restock right after rollover
I'm a disco something, was this a misssssstake?
@Wipqozn If I could vote and do it right now, I'd impulse vote for this guy
@djsmiley2k nah, you'll do fine
@Chippies seconded
This is better than the "I am not a witch" commercial
too full to eat that :(
@GodEmperorDune ... I swear I've seen this person somewhere before.
It's a parody of a real ad. The candidate was on bill moyer's show back in the day
@Yuuki ...What could he possibly do to lose his diehard supporters?
Christine Therese O'Donnell (born August 27, 1969) is a former Republican Party candidate, and conservative activist in the Tea Party movement best known for her 2010 campaign for the United States Senate seat from Delaware vacated by Vice President Joe Biden. O'Donnell was born in Philadelphia and began her career as a public relations and marketing consultant in the early 1990s. Since attending Fairleigh Dickinson University, O'Donnell was active in Republican organizations and campaigns. She also worked for such organizations as Enough is Enough and Concerned Women for America. Later, O'Donnell...
@twobugs he could try to court moderates and stop being a clown
@GodEmperorDune Well yeah, but he hit 0% voter support. He lost his diehards without gaining anyone.
Well, now he can be more moderate without worrying about losing his diehards.
@twobugs yeah it wouldn't work out. His only way forward is to keep blustering
But it's too late.
Any change would just make the moderates suspicious.
Marco Rubio's cat picture keeps abortion debate going: Marco Rubio in the news
Well that sure is a headline
Cat pictures. Why does it always devolve to cat pictures. Or evolve. I'm not sure which.
Oh, this is less interesting than I thought
@twobugs yeah, election coverage usually is
Google houses the Federal Cat Picture Reserve.
I guess Rubio said "human life begins at conception" and someone said "no" so Rubio responded "what else could it become? a cat?" and then his campaign memeified that
Forced meme, worst meme
@twobugs Well... yes, it could become a cat.
If we make some more advances in genetic engineering.
You aren't wrong but... that's a little too much for me to process right now
I liked Rick perry's Ronald raven better, but the photoshops are weak
Apparently there was a South Korean protest where a guy lit himself on fire
Lighting yourself on fire is extreme dedication and I respect that.
Definitely, but Tibetans have been doing that for decades
@Yuuki Yes, but good luck convincing a lady to carry kittens.
@AshleyNunn What scares me is people might actually do this
I'm not saying it'll happen, I'm just saying it's not literally impossible.
@AshleyNunn what about... A CAT LADY ducks
Yeah, as soon as I said it, I was like "wait no, people totally would, somewhere in the world".
@GodEmperorDune facedesk
Sorry, had to do it
@twobugs The problem with lighting yourself on fire is that you have to be supremely confident that other people will carry on your cause. Because you'll be dead.
@Yuuki That is a big dragon
Also it would ruin the effect of you changed your mind halfway through it
@SaintWacko He would've been visible from space.
@Yuuki Well the guy apparently did it to demand an apology for WW2 colonialism from Japan
@Yuuki that's a big dragon :O
@Yuuki that is a big dragon
@twobugs Japan still needs to officially apologize for a ton of war crimes.
I just want to point out that the LOTR wiki entry for Ancalagon says "possibly the largest dragon to have ever lived." (emphasis mine)
that's from LoTR?!
@twobugs Gotta save room for the Jormundgandr-analogue.
@Yuuki I know the US apologized for the internment camps, did they ever apologize for dropping the nukes?
Is it part of hte lore, or actually featured in one of the books?!
@Yuuki I was reading that among some older people denial of those war crimes is actually a semi-common thing? Which is insane
Apparently the guy who does the music from Dragon Quest is some insane dude who believes that (but also makes great music, although that doesn't detract from his insanity)
@djsmiley2k if it was in a book it already would've gotten a movie i think
i'd definitely wanna see a dragon that massive in a movie
@Rapitor Bahamut?
he blows up all the planets ffs.
Q: Absloute maximum of enchantment levels using /give in Minecraft

TEMSo, what is the absolute maximum enchantment level possible in minecraft using /give or similar command. An enchantment table gives at best a level 5 enchantment for lots of levels. This will be a cool easter egg to put in resource packs.

Q: When I break blocks, why dont the blocks fall to the ground so I can pick them up?

CCCWhen I am in minecraft ps4 edition, I can break blocks but the blocks will not drop. Because of this I cant get any of the blocks that I would normally get. Do you know why this is happening or how to fix it? This just started happening yesterday. I am in survival mode.

@GodEmperorDune Not sure, maybe? It's a bit muddled because there are still projections that state a land invasion would incur more casualties on both sides even with the post-bomb radiation deaths.
There is a fight in the hobbit, prior to Smaugh
I wonder if it's THAT dragon.
but hten again I think that's just smaugh, .... i dunno i forget.
I don't think he appeared in any of the movies. It sounds like he's really only mentioned in passing
He's from the First Age
@Yuuki it was a dick move either way
I'm not really sure whats going on, I was eating lunch and I came back to something about cat people and dragons
@Rapitor just remark on the size of the dragon and get starred
Dragons don't exist because cats said no.
@GodEmperorDune Either way? I mean, I'm pretty sure a land invasion would be more deaths in total period. The big problem with Hiroshima/Nagasaki was the fact that nuclear weapons were proved to be even more deadly than expected.
I don't think anybody expected the fallout casualties.
The ensuing arms race turned nukes into country-killers rather than the city-killers that the Hiroshima/Nagasaki nukes were.
Yeah, these were baby nukes but they still had an enormous impact
Even a baby nuke was enough to basically level a city and contaminate the area
@Sterno nope, I haven't posted that in here.
Seen it though, seems like a neat concept
They may not have known that the fallout would be so deadly, but they knew it would contaminate the ground
Yes, it can be considered a mistake, but I'm not sure if that can be called a "dick move", depending on how you define "dick move". I don't think they nuked Japan just to be malicious.
Ah. Obama did apologize for Hiroshima.
Japan rejected the apology though.
From my understanding a lot of the Japanese command was still of the opinion they could negotiate favorable surrender conditions (on the grounds that a land invasion would suck) with the US up until the bombing.
Or rather they (US gov't) proposed an apology, but Japan said they wouldn't accept it so they (US gov't) didn't officially apologize.
That said, either way would have been bloody and I'm extremely glad I don't have to make that kind of call.
Have those cities been rebuilt or are they still uninhabitable
Yeah, they're thriving.
They've been rebuilt
This is Hiroshima now.
That building on the left was the only standing building after the nuke, IIRC.
Lol hotlink blocker?
Refresh man
Yay the inspect element charade
Why wasn't it like Chernobyl
Which is still uninhabitable
All three of those pictures worked for me
Last one works for me
@SaintWacko That doesn't make sense, the second one was an uploaded image, which still appeared as a photography company ad
I saw a really weird goofy hotlink thing before
@GnomeSlice Chernobyl had a lot more nuclear material iirc
@GnomeSlice Chernobyl was the site of a runaway nuclear reactor, not a weapons detonation.
Chernobyl was a massive meltdown, these were "just" momentary radiation bathes
@Unionhawk Okay, well I never actually saw the second one
Hot kink blocker
But the first and third worked
Oh right a reactor
I guess it siykd have more material
Reactor didn't even explode right, it just like silently contaminated the shit out of everuthing?
Also, Chernobyl was the site of a poorly-maintained, flaunted pretty much every safety rule in the book nuclear reactor.
Also the Russian government didn't do much to protect the populace, they sent regular firefighters in and didn't even order evacuations of surrounding town until later
Q: Does receiving possibly hacked Pokémon (gen6) via trade hurt my game or mark me as a Hacker?

KADlancerIf I receive hacked Pokémon from a stranger in trade, does it corrupt my game in any way? A shiny legendary lvl100 is easy to spot but what if I receive a less obvious hack like any legendary from older games non shiny. Is it possible to weed out illegal Pokémon using the bank app (with suppos...

Wow, its obviously been a while. I hardly recognize anyone here. Well, except Gnome.
I find it sad that the current popular attitude in the US against nuclear power is predicated on what amounts to the worst-maintained reactor on Earth and a nuclear power plant being actively destroyed by superhumans.
Where have you been
@Yuuki I fully agree
I still lurk, but I haven't been on chat in ages.
@Yuuki re: superhumans, whut?
@GnomeSlice Wolverine: Origins.
I'm trying to see if I can spark any interest on the site in my latest devotion, the Hex TCG.
@bwarner I haven't seen you posting either
(No, Three Mile Island wasn't the result of Wolverine fighting that Fox abomination of a fake Deadpool)
People fear what they don't understand. Invisible things that slowly kill you over decades tend to be scary
@GodEmperorDune Time is pretty scary.
@GnomeSlice Occasional answers here and there, but since I don't tend to play "current" games, I don't have a lot to contribute either in terms of questions or answers.
As unjustified as the fear is
I have that problem too.
I almost never post answers now
And my questions are mostly ignored
@Yuuki Nice
Haha, the Tavern Brawl for this week is broken again
@bwarner definitely come hang out again bro, I need to get back to work.
The main problems with nuke power are the huge initial upfront costs and the waste disposal issues
@GnomeSlice Well, good to know some things haven't changed.
I remember reading somewhere that nuke plants don't pay back their construction and operating costs for something like 20 years
Oh, maybe it isn't broken and they're just already reusing them :|
@GodEmperorDune Well, sports stadiums don't pay their construction and operating costs ever.
Because all that revenue goes to the sports team and not the taxpayers/governments that fund them.
Oh yeah, the stadiums are a total giveaway
Also aren't nuclear power plants, at least properly designed ones, built to last for a long time?
Like 30+ years?
@twobugs yeah but you need to replace things as they age
they still require serious maintenance tho
@GodEmperorDune There's been some talk about burner reactors for waste disposal.
@GodEmperorDune True, I wonder how that factors in
Most interactions between sports teams and taxpayers piss me off
The San onofre plant in california is pretty damn old and they got lazy with the maintenance to the point where it's abandoned now
All the various parties involved are suing over who's at fault
@SaintWacko The Bengals' deal with Hamilton County explicitly includes a clause that if holographic instant replay is ever invented, the county has to pay for it. It's a bunch of nonsense.
Taxpayers pay all the money and sports teams reap all the profit
@Unionhawk That's amazing
Plus provisions to the effect of if 75% of professional stadiums have a thing, then the county needs to pay for that thing
Q: FIFA 15:UT windows 10 black screen

shuvroMithunI have downloaded FIFA 15:UT in my laptop from windows store . My laptop is currently running on windows 10 64 bit . My laptop configuration is Processor: core i5 RAM:4 GB Graphics: Intel(R) HD graphics Approx total graphics memory: 1696 GB When I try to run this game , it only show a black ...

Clearly I'm in the wrong business. I should be designing stupid additions to market to stadiums
That sort of thing, and recently in my city, a bunch of schools got fancy new sports buildings
When there are so many better things to spend money on in schools
And they always threaten to move to a different city if the current city doesn't put up the money and tax breaks and whatnot
iirc there have been high school stadium specific grants from sports related companies floating around, so that's possibly where funds are coming from
And the only reason I know this is the local school district had to sit on one such grant until they could get a second, since there are 2 high schools in the local school district
Q: What does the Submarine do in BTD5?

sensiwooIt's a new tower but I haven't gotten the time to test it. What does it do?

Q: Why can't I log-in to my Launcher for minecraft

LunaBrineI head to my minecraft page were I log-in to get to the launcher.I click log-in and it does nothing.I click it again, It does nothing. I tried re-installing it. Re-logging in. I've looked at youtube for answers and nothing is there.I need help!!! <3 If you can help please Comment me to tell me h...

Sweet, our subcontractor has eliminated library dependencies from their SDK. Dependencies that were highly system dependent.
Dependent dependencies
Why am I so bad at email
Shut your face hole
@Unionhawk is it the wrongness or the worstness?
@MBraedley They cast off their shackles! No dependencies, no masters!
@twobugs Well, my application still has dependencies, it's just that those dependencies will now work on basically any Linux machine, and they're made by the subcontractor.
and well, standard libraries that are included in basically every Linux install.
@Yuuki "We've been meaning to apol--" "APOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED" "ok fair enough"
We are now powering down core network equipment in our NY data center. There should be no interruptions but just in case...
No one has spoken in the bridge for 5 minutes. Clearly this is the interruption that @okayPanic warned of
I blame @uni
> This is a collection of small morsels of food atop the lid of a wine barrel. It's called "tapas" because the Spaniards wanted to have a type of food that was an anagram of "pasta."
I'm pretty sure it's something about "big explosion of fire"
He's basically just saying "wow".
I wonder what caused it
Thanks @Yuuki
Considering the size of the explosion, probably some sort of ammunition explosion?
He's recording before the explosion happens, so there was probably some sort of activity that preceded it
Biggest explosion in history was a ship collision involving an arms ship.
Bigger than the Tsar Bomba?
Largest non-nuclear, I mean.
Fair enough :P
It looks like there was a small fire in the distance before it really went off
Fire at an arms depot maybe?
Or some kind of hydrocarbon container.
This is in Tianjin, one of the biggest cities in China.
So I'm thinking hydrocarbons.
Yeah, someone on reddit says it was a gas station, someone else said it was the docks
So you know how China is organized into provinces, right?
Which are basically state-analogues.
I know that it is, not the methodologies behind it
There are four cities in China which are essentially treated as their own provinces.
They're that big.
The four are Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, and Tianjin.
Tianjin and Beijing form a sort of big metro area that's analogous to the Tri-State Area in the US.
There's way more than one "Tri-State Area" in the US
im full of food
how long must I wait
Before swimming? 30 minutes or you'll get a cramp.
(which incidentally is probably not true but I wanted to make that joke so leave me alone)
Yeah the whole eating causes cramp thing is a myth appently
drinking before swimming is major bad tho
@Unionhawk The one in the Northeast that includes NYC.
@Yuuki I see
(the Greater Cincinnati area is often referred to as the Tri-State area of OH/KY/IN as well, but it's decidedly not as big)
Supposedly in 2020 the Cincinnati and Dayton metro areas will be merged into the Cincinnati-Dayton Metropolitan area but I digress
@djsmiley2k the Simpsons taught me that alcohol and night swimming were a winning combination
you were lied to
Simpsons shouldn't teach you anything
The Simpsons never lies
Whoo, ~2.5k meat per adventure!
@Yuuki nice, the hobo monkey leveled up?
Nope, I picked the knife from the Deck of Every Card.
+50% meat drops.
Ah that knife is fun
I forgot about it. Good thing I remember before trying to pick up the garbage sticker.
Yeah it looks like the hobo gear is huge for +meat
Oh my, I just realized I've been doing a bad thing because the subcontractor SDK has been doing a bad thing: you should take in c-strings as const char*, not char* so that std::string::c_str() works with the SDK. Instead I'm just using a c-style cast.
I dunno for how long it has existed.
Steam movies? Wat?
doesn't have MGS4. 3/10
Hasnt that existed for a while?
@James Reddit has no submission for that URL
that's how I know the page must be new!!!!!11111one
Ah, yes.. Reddit.. a very popular website that can not generate revenue to keep itself in the black. :D
@badp I think someone mentioned that already a while ago.
@5pike As do I, but... don't shatter his reddit dreams man :)
blah blah blah. There's nothing out there that can replace Reddit, and if there is, I'd be happy to see it
Their business model, or lack thereof, is none of my business
How much revenue do you think Arqade has generated?
Someone remind me, what's the close reason for "it's on the main page of the developer's site?"
@Powerlord unreleased?
@Powerlord If you just mean a simple google search could have found it for you... nothing.
Isn't the close reason "downvote" in that case?
@badp Well, this is actually about a StackOverflow version where someone is asking what the latest version of Spring is.
Our site is full of reposts of the first 1-2 google search results
So, not only is it No Research, but it's also "answer that needs to be continuously updated"
@Powerlord custom close reason: super downvoted
I guess this is the closest on SO.
@GodEmperorDune Good lifehack!
> Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
...because the latest version of X is technically an off-site resource.
Why did the Temporal close reason go away again?!
@James plagiarism is a great reason to flag and remove posts, yknow.
@Powerlord you don't even have an account, why are you concerned with site policy?
He does now, as of... A while ago iirc?
also he's speaking about Stack Overflow.
Also that
Oh did he come back?
Oh goodie, it's @GnomeSlice
I drove by a bus, and in my peripheral vision it looked like it's destination was @GnomeSlice.
I was wrong
Whoever first came up with GnomePhone is fired for not thinking of Phoneslice
But still! Most exciting.
@Unionhawk Both are acceptable IMO
@badp We close you if you don't cite where you plagiarized from man, no worries.
is closed
Apr 21 at 18:17, by MBraedley
@GnomeSlice not sure if that's intentionally or just @phoneslice
Yeah I knew somebody else had said it
Hmm. Fair enough.
The prosecution withdraws its case.
@Unionhawk Weren't we all fired several times already
@gnomephone has better internal rhyme
@badp Yes
Overruled. Your wrongness shall be preserved for all eternity, to serve as a lesson
Q: Is the Inscribed Garment Box only available for Neverwinter on PC?

Zero StackI would like to purchase some leveling equipment that scales in Neverwinter. According to the Neverwinter Wiki, the Inscribed Garment Box is the item I should get. I am playing Neverwinter on my Xbox One and cannot locate the item in the Zen Market. Is this scaling gear only available on PC? ...

Ooh, a GDI logo
Haven't seen that in a while
@Unionhawk That was even starred, IIRC
Oh, no, it was a different message
well whatever
My username is dumb but it's all I have
@GnomeSlice well it doesn't match the pic anymore
I'm gonna change it back soon
I first thought the exposed brain was due to the slicing
I sometimes switch to something I'm obsessrd with and it lasts like two weeks
Also what do gopgle emojis look like to you guys if I post them
@GnomeSlice Have you posted one?
I don't recall ever seeing one
Wtf I just had the thing to type them and now its not showing up again
No not yet
I think generally boxes in Chrome, Unicode in IE, and emojii on mobile
does it even let you? when noy supported my keyboard doesnt have the emoji button
@GnomeSlice boxes boxes boxes
All yellow faces on mobile ios
Is the emoji hiding in one of the boxes?
If I press and hold the return it lets me get to them
Okay those I can actually see
All Unicode black and white emojii in IE
With a couple exceptions that are boxes
They're really small and what @uni stated though
I think I disabled the emoji button on my phone because it didn't have hamstare
iirc, like I said, chrome tends to play less nicely for some reason
Chrome seems to be a little weird. I remember it would give me trouble with gmail of all things for a while.
@GodEmperorDune this needs to be fixed
@murgatroid99 pls.
I see all of those emoji just fine
i see the face,
@fredley they did not think that one through
@fredley oh boy.
@fredley I think the lesson here is that if you're making a Women's Day ad, and it has the word "man" in it, you should probably double check that it's actually saying what you want to say
Even "girl" and "lady" is a bit questionable there, perhaps (I've known several women who object to being called or categorized as "girls," due to the implication of immaturity or similar).
@murgatroid99 You should just check if you use any gender-specific words.
@fredley Damn, that's a good response
@JoshPetrie you pretty much cant call anybody anything anymore. just go with "hey, human" and hope for the best
@Yuuki "Women"
@Rapitor I prefer to be known as a meat popsicle, thanks.
@Rapitor Salutations, existence
@Rapitor As a wolf-kin, I find that anthrocentricity offensive /s
I'm some kind of exobrain, apparently
@twobugs that could work better
@twobugs As a hologram-kin, I find this offensive.

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