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> There once was a tortoise named @Wipqozn
who didn't have any socks on.
The stench was so foul
we started to yowl:
"You filthy testudine!", in unison.
That was a hard one
@fredley How on earth do you Brits pronounce "unison"?
@StrixVaria it kinda works, rhyming it with "socks on"
@StrixVaria To rhyme with Wipqozn, obviously
You make a limerick about @Wipqozn
@KevinvanderVelden I can't see it. It doesn't even seem like a half rhyme
@fredley No that's a stupid idea
@StrixVaria I sincerely hope that is not the kind of fatigue we're talking about
if that was a thing that existed everybody would start with paper.
out of habit
because of fatigue and bullshit
Q: How do different XP bonuses stack in Diablo 3?

Svj0hnRelated Questions: How does 50% extra xp weekend stack with other bonuses? Extra experience from equipment What is the formula for additional experience on items? How does "Increases bonus experience" on items work? While there is some good information in the answers to the a...

Everybody knows that mental fatigue is the biggest factor in high level rock paper scissors
The second biggest factor being "why is 'high level rock paper scissors' a real thing"
(sigh) My coffee cup is already empty
These sound like fixable problems.
Solution: Get more tea
Speaking of fixable problems, so is mine.
@Unionhawk But I'd have to stand up, then walk to the kitchen, then wait for the coffee machine to grind the beans and brew my cup and ain't nobody got time for that
Well, I have time for that, so your loss
@Unionhawk I think I just need the caffeine to hit my bloodstream
You mean you don't take your coffee intravenously?
Unfortunately, no.
@fredley Ashens made a review of such a thing.
> It’s quite space-efficient, being so dense with evil.
@fredley cc @AshleyNunn @spugsley
> Why?
> Because there is no God.
> I try to remember if I read about this machine in the Book of Revelation. Why is it in the world? Who created it?
Well, just approved an edit proposed by the Community account on an answer of mine.
@Texenox I believe anonymous edits are attributed to Community
Oh yeah, that's right
@PrivatePansy Oh, right.
I was going to say "in what situation is Community responsible for a suggested edit?" (the answer is it isn't, anonymous users are but Community takes credit)
Community is good at taking credit for things
There once was a turtle in chat
Who betrayed my trust like a rat
He's clearly the worst
and shall be reimbursed
By losing his ownership hat
@Community is good at plagiarism.
Has there been one about his socks yet?
@Sterno A bad one by @fredley yes
37 mins ago, by fredley
> There once was a tortoise named @Wipqozn
who didn't have any socks on.
The stench was so foul
we started to yowl:
"You filthy testudine!", in unison.
@Unionhawk lel
foul and unison rhyme?
Oh! Me, rhyme me now!
@badp lern2limerick
@badp The rhyme scheme in a limerick is AABBA
@badp It should be 'on' and 'unison'
No, it's a limerick, so @fredley is proposing "@Wipqozn", "on" and "unison" rhyme
oh oh okay.
@Unionhawk They clearly sorta do
Limericks don't really work with slant rhymes.
...can I be limerick'd?
no, okay then, back to my corner of shame I go.
looks at your name No I don't think we can find anything to rhyme with
@KevinvanderVelden fox, socks (ehm), locks, mocks, box...
I can think of plenty more.
"Dirty socks" was my first idea as well.
Great now I'm thinking about it
> There once was a guy named Texenox
Who asked what's the fuzz about the dirty socks
The bridge explained
And knowledge he gained
So now he knows why the bridge mocks
@Rapitor ech
Q: In Clash of clans, What happens if storage is full and you have extra loot from multiplayer battle?

DaxeshVoraWhat happens in below scenario, I have my gold storage size of 151,000 and its completely full. Then I attack some player from multiplayer battle and loot more gold? Where it will go? I am not able to see it in clan storage? Will it be deposited in later stage or it just get wasted?

I posted an important question regarding my red bull consumption and Destiny.
My Red Bull Destiny, if you will.
I will not.
And you shouldn't either
you will and you will like it.
@Rapitor Seconded.
@Unionhawk You're no fun.
@Unionhawk And now I realise why that tag is up there.
More likely @fredley added it
The only thing I've done to the description is
@Unionhawk xD
Anyhow, I'm gonna bounce now.
Off to the beach!
> There once was an old man named @Sterno
who once over did it on Pernod.
It was then that he told
that he's terribly old,
too old for this terrible shit show.
Q: Does the XP buff from Focused Light stack with Radiant Light?

two bugsIn Destiny, completing a Weekly Nightfall Strike awards you a buff for the remainder of the week called "Radiant Light". Radiant Light increases all experience and reputation gained on the character that cleared the Nightfall Strike by 25% until the next Tuesday reset. Recently, there has been a ...

I agree
Reading some of the grimoire cards in Destiny is really cool. There's some awesome lore packed away in there.
Stuff that is basically entirely absent from the main game.
@twobugs They tried going full Dark Souls but didn't have the courage.
You either go full Dark Souls or you don't. There's no halfway.
if the grimore related had any in-game impact it would be really neat
The halfway point sucks.
never go full dark souls
@Unionhawk More like never go half Dark Souls.
@Yuuki Nah, I think they had all this lore but had business mandates to not go full on RPG
what does being RPG have to do with lore
The thing about putting lore in your item descriptions is that you have to commit to being sparse with details in the storyline.
Well, I'm using RPG here to describe "game with reading"
Because then people will get hungry for lore and then look at anything they can find.
Reading Player Game
That's how Dark Souls does it and it works great.
It's easier to immerse oneself in lore in a roleplaying-type game (where "roleplaying-type game" includes stuff like Elite: Dangerous)
But you put lore in your item description and try to tell a story through the gameplay/storyline, that lore in the item descriptions will be ignored.
I didn't like how Dark Souls did it. I think they went too far on divorcing story from the actual gameplay.
The real issue with Destiny is that the grimoire stuff is NOT IN THE GAME AT ALL
You have to go to their website or use the companion app
@twobugs It really fit the theme though. Dark Souls 2 didn't do it quite as well, but the point of Dark Souls is that you actually aren't the main character. You're the guy coming to the scene after everything's happened and are just picking up the pieces.
Putting a story together from what bits and pieces you can find.
It really highlights how unimportant and insignificant the player is. Or something.
That's fine, but I don't like the way they did it. To me, a lot of the story stuff felt like afterthoughts the fanbase pieced together because they're obsessed with the game.
I mean, if you look at the Demon's Souls lore (which I got into a bit more), it was basically people making shit up to try and explain things and then saying "Wow, the lore [that I made up] is so good!"
@twobugs I'm still a Bungie fan, so I have to think it was Activision strong-arming them or something. I mean Bungie created Halo... one of the richest game universes out there.
"our target playerbase can barely read, and doesn't care, don't bother putting any richness of universe in the game they'll still buy it"
@Rapitor Yeah, I absolutely agree. I'm more than willing to attribute all of the bad stuff to Activision. Hopefully they'll back off and give Bungie more freedom
--Activision, probably
It's just dumb because a lot of the grimoire stuff adds great depth and breadth to the universe. And I think the setting is great and has a lot of potential to tell really cool and interesting stories.
Destiny has the whole solar system to work with; they could have added so much fun stuff for the players to puzzle out. Like ... you get some info about an artefact in space, but all you eventually find are the orbital parameters if you read the right books. Now it's on the player to calculate where that artefact currently is and fly there. They get their orbital mechanics wrong, too bad.
Kerbal Space Destiny
I mean the other ridiculous part is getting these famous voice actors and then not utilizing ANY of them. What is even the point other than having a bullet point of "we have guy from Got!!!!"
@twobugs apparently the main reason no more dinklebot is because he's too busy. not because he was bad
they couldn't get him anymore
I buy that
(I actually do, since redoing the whole thing is more professional than doing part of it with a new voice actor)
@Rapitor That doesn't surprise me because of how much his star has risen after GoT (and that's good, he's a cool guy and I like him), but I just don't think they used him well in Destiny
i liked dinklebot
He has some good lines, but a lot of less interesting ones and it seems like they just wanted him to be flatter and less emotive than he could have been
This is pretty exploitable
My initial hope would be oh, that's because you hardly know each other and he'll develop more as you get to know him over the course of the series but he's gone now :(
because he's an AI or something. thats why his voice was rather flat (at least thats how I saw it)
I mean even in-game, Rasputin and the Exos all have good voice acting
Rasputin's VA is awesome, for example
@Rapitor Just because a voice is robotic, doesn't mean it has to be emotionless. See: GLaDOS
Too bad all he does is mutter like 3 Russian lines on repeat. But it sounds great
@Rapitor Bungie also does some of the best ARGs.
I mean, yeah, it's almost definitely Activision's fault.
@PrivatePansy Arstotzkans only.
@Yuuki Activision is the new @Wipqozn
I'm sure Nolan North will do a good job, don't get me wrong. But I guess in spite of my feelings that they didn't fully utilize dinklebot, I'm really gonna miss him.
@twobugs Casting directors spend tons of money casting big names because they're fanboys and want to work with their idols.
@PrivatePansy Glados sounds pretty robot too, she's just sassy
Not necessarily because those big names are the best choice for the role, both talent-wise and money-wise.
@Yuuki And then voice directors have the big names give very specific and sometimes bewilderingly bland performances
@Rapitor It's robotized but her voice has character
Did Peter Dinklage do any VA work before Destiny?
I think that was the story behind Other M? They requested Jennifer Hale, and then explicitly demanded she be flatty mcboring
@twobugs There's a boobs joke there somewhere.
Oh god Other M
I'm not trying to open that can of worms but
@twobugs i think the word is stoic
I think it's the only video game that actually put me to sleep :|
@twobugs Plenty of video games put me to sleep, but that's because I played them at 3 in the morning.
@Yuuki Well, not counting that at least!
don't zone out while playing Elite Dangerous
That's the best time to play video games
"oh hello sun, where did you come from. I'm on fire now"
I played Other M midday and I was asleep before the first save point
@Rapitor Don't go get a glass of water while playing Elite: Dangerous.
"Oh hey, there's a hole in my canopy. Why are my shields offline?"
@Rapitor this is why you always cut engines to zero after jumping
This is why having a throttle axis is nice
I use the "throttle zero" hotkey.
The other issue is that the NPCs are waaaaaay too frustrating with their interdictions.
@Yuuki This also works, but I can cut my throttle right when the countdown starts
I would've survived that one time if not for the fact that he would come back to interdict me just 10 seconds after his last failure.
This is why I enjoy flying as a combat pilot
The worst was bringing my ship home, since I stripped it down so I could jump away from the system I bought it in
@Unionhawk I went to go get a glass of water and came back to broken canopy, no shields, and 20% hull. Not risking that even in a combat ship.
Q: Starbound pixels cheating. Add pixels via command/config

Ignat B.Starbound worlds looks pretty amazing and it's time to build up something really big. Can you, please, guide me how to add pixels to a specific character? Is there any way to achieve that with a command in-game or via any characters-related config files. Any specific doc refference will be app...

And that system didn't sell improved FSDs
@Yuuki Well, get water quicker
The worst was playing X3 without knowing about the 10x time modifier
But yeah, breached canopy is where I get out
Shields offline is where I start leaving, really
Well, I do have military grade armor now, so I'm going to be more tanky than before. I don't have additional armor slots filled though.
Since that's currently cargo
Urgh. Hungry as hell and it's 9:30
@twobugs Other M is a good game, if you remove all the background-story parts of Samus
And the voice acting
and the stupid CO Adam (who should have only remained in fusion)
I never played beyond the intro because it just bored me to tears.
@twobugs The game is pretty fun, but the backstory things are not.
That's good that it has some redeeming parts
Other M portrayed Samus as an insecure little girl with Daddy issues
Which she is totally not
Samus is a character that does not need much backstory
Other M did Samus no justice.
@5pike It takes place after Super in the timeline, so she's already an established murder machine. It's weird that they like... totally changed that
And Samus deserves all the justice. Or something.
@twobugs They took the part from fusion, where she tells her military backstory.
And exploited it
Isn't she liked really freaked out by Ridley? Someone she has already killed like 3 times?
I mean, to be fair, if I had to kill someone 3 times and then he showed up again I would be a little freaked out too.
I don't know that I would describe Ridley as a "someone"
@twobugs Ridley killed her parents, I think
More of a, pterodactyl
Ugh I've just discovered that upgrading to Win 10 has borked my Git Bash :(
Must play
@Sterno I am instantly intrigued by that screenshot.
@Unionhawk Well, he's the chief of security for the space pirates. He's a hard working space pterodactyl thing.
@twobugs So he's a space pterodactyl with a job. Got it.
I am certain @GnomeSlice would have linked it at some point in here before, but it's the first I've seen it
@5pike Yeah, I get that. But like. She killed him. 3 times.
I dunno. I've never had someone kill my family so I can't really speak with authority
@Sterno That game popped up on my Steam queue and it looks moderately neat. If you buy it let me know what you think.
I'm holding off for a few more reviews.
But will do
Yeah I held off because it was at like 50% approval when I saw. But it looks kinda fun.
@twobugs Yeah, IDK how Ridley really does it.
@Unionhawk He does a pretty shitty job considering how many times Samus has wrecked the Space Pirates.
@Yuuki I mean, to be fair, he's a big bad in a Nintendo game
And Samus has Chozo death armor. The Chozo were apparently very good at making tools for murder.
Metroid is weird
Just because you are good at making things dead doesn't mean you are okay with being able to make things dead.
Just saying.
I think Metroid really benefits from its sparse plot explanation.
True, and I think that would be a better way to take the character if you really wanted to expand upon it (please don't, there isn't a need to do that)
Then again, I didn't really play Other M so I don't know if they were trying to push PTSD.
I've heard some people say they were going for PTSD which is an interesting idea but like a lot of psychological ailments it's hard to pull off correctly
@Yuuki They tried, which was totally out of character for Samus, because she never showed any fear of Ridely, only hate.
And like, if this was the first or second time she'd seen Ridley again after growing up that would make more sense
@5pike PTSD is not very well understood and I think I recall cases of soldiers developing it after their third or fourth tour of duty, despite being perfectly fine before.
@Yuuki Please
It's Samus
Bounty Hunter
Yeah, that's where I'm at
I really think implied characterization is all you need for Metroid
I'm not sure if many people consider other M to be "canon" anyway
Well damn, I guess those soldiers were just weak-ass pussies for getting PTSD then. They should been more badass like Samus.
Maybe if you wanted to hint at Samus suffering from PTSD in minimal ways that could work
I'm not saying they did it well. I'm just saying this whole "Samus is a badass, she doesn't suffer from mental problems" mindset is just weird.
@Yuuki I get that PTSD is a real thing, but we still are talking about Samus, who destroyed the Space Pirates 2 times (or more) on her own and never shoved any fear.
@Yuuki Yeah, I understand. I think you're making a good point.
@Yuuki and if she suffers, I do not want to know, because it does NOT benefit her character in any way
Mental problems aren't supposed to benefit anyone.
@Yuuki Yeah, but in Other M they tried to make her more ... human by showing how weak she is, which does not fit her character at all
@5pike sure it does
@5pike Considering you talked about "sparse plot explanation", I don't think she had a character before Other M.
a flawless character is a terrible character
She has as much character development as Master Chief in Halo 1.
I'm honestly totally fine with that
She has backstory, it's not much and not in the games, but she has it.
@Yuuki She had an implied character and there were character traits assigned to her, but yeah. She was a very minimal character and the series was very minimalist when it came to plot and many people were happy with that.
Explicit characterization of the player character gets weird when it's done poorly. And Other M did it poorly.
Now, I'm convinced that it's not so much that Other M did her characterization poorly so much as they tried characterization at all.
@Yuuki Nope, they did it poorly
You guys just argued that they should've left her at her minimal backstory and characterization.
@Yuuki I'm doing it in part because I didn't actually play the whole game, just a really boring stretch at the beginning that was bad explicitly because of the backstory and characterization
I was nearly an hour in and I hadn't seen an actual enemy, just cutscenes and cutscenes and cutscenes

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