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Well, now I know the status of my job (the call center)
and I am so screwed!
@AshleyNunn :( what happened?
@MattGiltaji They "dont have enough work for me"
@AshleyNunn :(
@AshleyNunn That sucks
@AshleyNunn horribly sucks
@Fluttershy 26th, I thought
Tomorrow is Bloodborne
Have you ever considered becoming a gun for hire? I suspect you'd make a good contract killer. @AshleyNunn
It is a load of shit, and now I am out the $460 I would have earned.
@Sterno Yup, I'm waiting on that one.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment I SMELL POTENTIAL
@Wipqozn I'm a pacifist, dude! We've had this conversation!
@Sterno Oh. you're right!
I have too many other games to play...plus I'd need to buy a PS4
Oh ffs
Bloodborne tomorrow! Woo! :D
@fredley wat?!
@fredley Hahahhahah
@fredley You hate freedom.
@Wipqozn Only if she gets to use a hug gun
@fredley Again?! :P
TIL @fredley is an Apple fanboi.
I always expect Android Hell to be Android Hell, not The Android Hell
@AshleyNunn More yelling.
@Frank I yelled for twenty minutes
There is nothing to be done
@fredley I bet @badp did that just to fuck with you.
Manpower can't pay me for work I am not doing, insurance company refuses to budge
@AshleyNunn And no budging?
@AshleyNunn :(
I suspect going to your employment standards office and telling them your situation might move something along.
@Frank Hiring agency says they're going to try to get me something (although I did turn down a 3month contract with the same insurance company because a) too short and b) so do not trust)
As they are there to protect you against exactly this kind of screwing.
@AshleyNunn time to leak this to the press... "they laid me off while i was having brain surgery"
@Frank At this point, I have enough to deal with (have to do EI stuff which gets complicated because bitcoin job doesntr have to give me an ROE because I was a contractor so I have no idea how to progress, so I will just go to Service Canada and sit there til someone helps me)
@MattGiltaji the thing is because they let other people go too, I don't have as much clout
Who'd you sign the contract with?
Though they did screw me by not asking ME when I was ready to go back
@Frank Which contract?
@AshleyNunn The one for the job at the call center.
Was it a contract with Manpower? Or the insurance company?
Q: Is there a way to see why a bounty was awarded?

Shadow Z.After browsing some posts, I saw that some of them had completed bounties on them. But, I was unable to figure why the Bounty(s) were awarded. I know you can see the reason for a bounty that is on-going, but is there a way to see the reason for a finished one?

So why do it yourself?
@KevinvanderVelden eh?
@fredley Man, this never gets old.
in Game Development, 36 mins ago, by fredley
@KevinvanderVelden shhhhhh
@Frank I was contracted through Manpower to work for the insurance people
@AshleyNunn They are legally obligated to pay you out to the end of your contract, then.
@Frank Well, no, not really
If there is demonstrated lack of work, then you can lay people off
@AshleyNunn Only if it's in the contract.
If not, it's their problem.
And honestly, if they have another contract open, demonstrated lack of work is a crock of shit.
@Frank It's for a different job
Oh, I found the BEST CLAUSE.
(aka contract work SUCKS)
"Nothing herein shall be construed as a guaranteed workweek. Also nothing herein should be construed as a gruarantee of assignments or the specifc duration of assignment"
So effectively, no leg to stand on
Smart of them, though
Contracts are so one-sided. :(
And almost always prey on those that can't defend themselves.
Oh, this, this I know well now
It sucks because I don't have the right skills for anything that would be awesome and permanent and make me not hate things
Because a non-Honors English degree with no specialization and no portfolio is worth nada
I mean I am trying to better myself, but....
(This is making me SO tempted to go back to school. Again.)
Sorry. I am complaining agian.
@AshleyNunn If my financial situation recovers you can be my "Make sure Tim does the things" person!
I am very bad at keeping a straight head about doing the things.
@TimStone Do I get a pointy stick for poking?
I don't half-ass motivational factors here.
@TimStone Excellent.
@murgatroid99 this is what happens when republicans control the house
@murgatroid99 What. The fuck.
@murgatroid99 I give them points for trying to appeal to the Tumblr generation, I suppoose
@Frank This is all stuff I know, and it doesn't really help my current situation
.@BorowitzReport: Disturbed Man Tries to Get Into White House http://nyr.kr/19KOS3w (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty) http://t.co/j4ngE9hJMN
What it really comes down to is just don't take temp work with agencies
I'm tempted to email the speaker/my representative with subject "What the fuck is this shit.", and just that link as the content (and maybe some context being that they're supposed to be goddamned professionals)
@AshleyNunn Sorry. :( Was trying to help.
@murgatroid99 And this is what happens when judges have hissy fits.
@Frank I appreciate the help :)
Temp work and contracting in general do not include 'Treated like a human being' in the job description. :/
That's true down here too...
That writing is so bad I can't even read the whole thing
@AshleyNunn I'll build another model and show you awesome pictures to cheer you up.
@MadMAxJr I would have been fine if I had gotten the last week as I was told
@Unionhawk The chairman's name is Goodlatte, which is a joke unto itself.
I mean sure, I get to hang out in my jammies (until I go to my interview in a little bit) but I like money
@TimStone Hey! I need an assistant, too!
Am going to insurance company today to get my things, though. And I refuse to say a damn word to anyone there about a damn thing.
I'm doing the work of three!
@AshleyNunn Pygamas or money, life's eternal conundrum
@Frank Will you give me a poking stick too?
@fredley I know, right?
@AshleyNunn For poking those around me that bother me, yes.
@Frank How much longer for the thing that the hug gun is entered in?
@AshleyNunn End of the month.
@Frank Perfect. I just wanna poke people with a big stick, I don't care who.
@Frank impatient happy bouncing
I'll probably pick it up Easter weekend.
I can send you a picture of the current voting score; it's up to date as of beginning of the month.
@AshleyNunn At least you didn't get abandoned in northern Alberta.
(That was just the first link I found. Too lazy to find a reputable source.)
On the plus side, all of this time off means I get to spend a lot of time playing Smurf Village on my phone. Saving Smurfs is totally a valid life choice, yes?"
> Timothy, Isn't it time you upgraded to a newer MAZDA3?
@JasonBerkan This furthers my belief that everything is terrible
@AshleyNunn Saving? Or directing towards a horrible and violent death?
I mean, mine's like less than two years old but okay.
@Frank Rescuing from Gargamel, duh
Hmm. I'd say retreat to the northwest territories and become a supervillianess, but I don't think the pay is very good and you need a startup fund for that. Not sure kickstarter lets you do that.
Yay. Continuum will get a final season of 6 episodes to wrap things up
So, I started a Find All References search in VS2013 and then worked on something else for a bit and went to lunch.
After like 1.5 hours it still hadn't found anything
(Mine is #28)
@Sterno nice
Q: Is there any reason to place more expensive Smurf houses?

Ashley NunnSo I can build houses for my Smurfs, which is great. Looks like I have options, too! Some are more expensive, but they seem to just cost more to give me one more Smurf in my village, when the cheapest house gives me that same Smurf. Is there any reason to build expensive Smurf houses?

That's a lot of kits.
@AshleyNunn I think that's the wrong direction to be honest
@MadMAxJr They're not all Gunpla.
There are tanks and jets and other stuff, too.
I noticed.
And I'm winning. Somehow.
I'm still trying to figure that out.
> What in the hell is this.
> http://judiciary.house.gov/index.cfm/2015/3/at-the-flick-of-a-switch
> Please inform your colleagues that if you want to talk about an important issue, the Buzzfeed approach is not the best. Interlacing serious points with stupid gifs is ineffective at best, and incredibly stupid at worst. It's visually distracting, and, frankly, I have no idea what this press release is trying to say.
Why did I spend time writing that
@AshleyNunn Is it bad that at the size both chat and one-boxing on questions use, I thought your avatar was some kind of skull?
@Frank Which one is us?
@Powerlord No, but that cracks me up
@Unionhawk thanks, copy pasting to my rep too
You're welcome I guess
@KevinvanderVelden Smurfette would be sad to hear that
@AshleyNunn 28.
28 is the hug gun with rainbow wings.
@Frank number 35 is coming up close, better fire the hug gun to take it out
@MattGiltaji prepares her weapon
Dang, out of hug bullets. And I don't think they sell those at Walmart.
@AshleyNunn they might at canadian walmart
or are those apology bullets? i mix the two up all the time
@MattGiltaji Well, then I'd have to get my sister to buy them, I don't have a PAL card so I can't buy ammo!
Dumb question: have Comcast, AT&T, or Verizon ever referred to municipal broadband as Telecommunists?
@MattGiltaji They're very similar, its an easy mistake to make!
Do they make hollowpoint hug bullets?
Okay, gotta start putting myself together for my second interview. Think me some excellent thoughts, please.
@MadMAxJr That's classified.
@MattGiltaji I think 35 pulled his model out of the contest.
I'm FTPing some positive thoughts over to your cyborg brain now.
Needed it for something else.
@AshleyNunn You could ask Snake to borrow one of his.
@MadMAxJr waits for the upload, transfer is sometimes slow in her basement
Although he has no idea where 2 of them are.
@Frank must have been scared of the hug gun
Second interview for a job where you've had one, or just a second interview in a set with a different person?
@MattGiltaji Perhaps.
@MadMAxJr Second interview in a set with a different person.
Had it with the main manager guy yesterday, today is with the sales manager.
@Unionhawk for some reason the poor choice of gifs and in some cases totally wrong use of them makes me cringe, you can tell some old/middle aged person that isn't very internet-savvy put that list together to appeal to the masses
@AshleyNunn Two interviews in two days? That sounds promising.
@Chippies tbh, the index.cfm/foo/bar in the url bothers me more than anything else
Don't start the interview with a shotgun blast to their knees.
@MattGiltaji it's a government site, what did you expect
And the answer to "Where do you see yourself in five years?" is NOT "Convicted by a jury."
cc @AshleyNunn
@MadMAxJr I dunno; demonstrating your hitman for hire skills would probably impress the boss.
@MadMAxJr proper answer is "exonerated of all charges"
The shotgun blast is a tossup. They might like your go-getter attitude. They might not.
@MattGiltaji I know, right? If they really wanted to act like the cool kids of today they wouldn't be using ColdFusion, what the hell?
@TimStone my job uses coldfusion and it makes me cry
"Why should we consider you for the position?" place folder on desk, open Here's your kids at school, 20 minutes ago. Here's your wife. Here's your car. Here's your house. Nice dog." <--- How not to get hired
@MattGiltaji I am so sorry :(
@MattGiltaji Yep, my last job used that, too.
And yet, I would still take that over Sharepoint.
@Frank Yeah, and he told me to bring all my SIN stuff and a void cheque "just in case"
@AshleyNunn Sounds like a job offer waiting for you, as long as they don't catch any massive warning bells during this interview.
Tell them I'll vouch for you. Or that you don't know me. Whichever seems more useful in context.
@Frank It's just a part time thing to start in sales but whatever, I'm cute, people will buy laptops from me
Q: Are the computers out to get me?

Shadow Z.I was at my friends house, and we were trying to beat the Special Cup on Mirror Mode (to unlock the Boo Pipes). After awhile, we noticed that the computer players would tend to target us over the other computer players. Are they designed to target the human player(s) in this mode, or were we just...

@AshleyNunn I don't even use a laptop, and I would!
@Frank Awesome.
So, just come to Kitchener, buy a laptop, no big deal
Do I have to go there to actually buy one? I don't mind buying it, but the twenty nineteen hour drive is a liiiiiitle much.
@Lazers I like this title.
@Frank Yeah, you'd have to talk to my pretty face and then buy one and tell everyone I was awesome so they come buy stuff too
The lady with the hug gun said I had to come over here and buy something....
@AshleyNunn Thing to note: If I ever do this, or you ever come to visit, you're going to get your hug gun model.
@Frank Just a slight drive.
"This quiz should be fine" 9/20 "FUCK"
Actually, I've forgotten where @AshleyNunn lives (I don't even remember the province), but I think the US/Canada border requires a passport these days and I don't have one, so...
@Powerlord yes, you need a passport or passport card
Whoo. Okay.
Plus 4
I love extra credit for attending class
Last night, it was a great spring day. Wake up this morning, and we've got like an inch of snow on the ground.
@Powerlord I once got fined for having an expired passport as a citizen of Latvia. I still find it funny that Americans/Canadians don't require a passport
And now, we're expecting another 15 centimeters tomorrow.
@Frank that's pretty average
@Chippies Well, when your countries are two of the three largest countries by area in the world...
@Chippies Most of the snow had already melted!
chuckles like an immature girl
For that matter, isn't Canada alone larger than Europe?
@Powerlord you'd think that'd be even more of a reason to require ID showing that you're allowed to be in the country
Nope, not quite.
@Powerlord maybe area wise, most of Canada is empty
Canada is 9.985 million km², Europe is 10.18 million km².
So... it's close.
Honestly, I think the US only cares about "illegal immigrants" because we don't want them taking our jerbs.
@Powerlord I'm getting yes on wolfram alpha
Maybe weirdness with Russia and Turkey
(Canada 3.85 million sq miles, Europe 2.3 million sq miles)
Q: Minecraft; MCPatcher crash

TheKnightPaulI installed mcpatcher and upon startup it is giving me this crash report ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Hi. I'm Minecraft, and I'm a crashaholic. Time: 3/23/15 9:12 AM Description: Ticking memory connection java.lang.NullPointerException at mods.aginsun.kingdoms.universal.entities.T...

Canada rank 2 in countries by area
@Powerlord Even more cynically I think it's about people well-off by comparison needing a reason to feel disadvantaged as some twisted form of redemption for life just not being super easy. But yeah >_>
My only trip to Canada was in the last few months where you were permitted to cross with a birth certificate. They just asked, "Where you going? How long? Got enough money to get by up here?"
Then confiscated my beef jerky, cause that's not allowed to cross the border... I suspect he just wanted a snack. :<
@MadMAxJr Was your answer to the last question "Don't worry, I brought plenty of monopoly money with me."
I had cash, he didn't ask me to show it, I was an idiot. It was US cash. Thankfully there was a farmers market where I was going that took US/CN cash and gave me CN change.
It's been a decade since I was last in Canada, and that was before they changed the rules to require a passport.
Also, I need to stop typing password instead of passport
(I keep typing passw then backspacing over the w and typing port.)
I went up to Kelowna, BC. I was an idiot, "I'll take the scenic route". So there's no civilization on route 33 in BC.
You also need a password to enter Canada
Aside from a logging camp.
@Unionhawk The password is, "Eh?"
"What's the password?" "Password, eh?" "Okay, you pass, enjoy your visit!"
@Chippies Yep.
> "... enjoy your visit, eh?"
The both times I came to Canada, I had to spend an hour in the customs "interrogation" room
Q: I can get to my .minecraft folder but my bin has only my bAckups in it how do I download a mod

Hunter FlynnMinecraft hidfhsfhfdnucdjhcdkfzjffyvcdfjcrjzgdvgfchgdhvchvhvch hcdjjbjvyshufbxunsdbfuidiwhvrihbdiwvyvdkd jvncueg

I was questioned for being a single traveller with two sleeping bags. My response was, "I'm told it's very cold up here." And this was sufficent.
@Unionhawk Or a funnel
the second time while I was in, not-yet-at-the-time wife chatted with the security guy and he said they keep people in the customs, because they get paid overtime, so they stretch it for as long as possible
@Chippies Should've asked him if he wanted to play Monster Hunter to pass the time.
@MadMAxJr Flag it then... oh and vtc it with a good reason too
@Powerlord Unclear fits that to a T.
@Yuuki the security guy was on the outside, I was in the interrogation room all by myself
And already closed.
also, didn't have a ds/3ds with me
@Frank I noticed (presumably) you vtced with that reason, so I used the same reason
@Yuuki I will remember this next time I go on a trip. Always bring the Monster Hunter.
Canada is like real world Monster Hunter. Only with moose instead of Tigrex.
@Yuuki why
@MadMAxJr Honestly, I'd be more afraid of the moose.
@Frank Always. It's also good for getting foreign Streetpasses if you're flying.
i never get any streetpasses in my small town.
the first time was the worst, because after 16'ish hours of flights, I really needed to pee. There was a bathroom right before the customs line, I figured I'd just get through it and then go to the bathroom outside. The second time I didn't make the same mistake.
I wonder if moose get nifty intro animations like the big monsters.
@Yuuki dammit
Moose (Canadian)
@Powerlord Since I was the first voter, yeah, that was me.
dramatic moose posing
I wonder if he'll totally ignore the advice and try posting the same thing again?
@Rapitor I have a streetpass relay set up, so I get streetpasses from all over the world. I never got any streetpasses before.
@Chippies what? elaborate
@Chippies I'm too lazy to do this.
@Rapitor this.
@Rapitor You can fake the streetpass relays that places like McDonalds have.
@Rapitor ...And apparently my work filter blocks that for being pornography.
@Frank it is moose porn
@Rapitor Ew, that's gross.
Yeah, I'm hoping I don't get anyone asking me any awkward questions.
I didn't even know a moose could DO that.
@Rapitor Oh man an elder moose, I'm told you can get 3 carves off that.
Q: in amnesia is it possible to get permanently locked in a room

ShaunI ran into a room to escape a monster. The room has no other exits and the monster is pounding on the only door and doesn't seem to be able to get in but isn't giving up. I even lost patience and tried to escape through the monster but he is blocking the door from opening. Am I perma locked in he...

I'd go for a moose-horn bowgun.
@MadMAxJr If it's an elder, you should get at least four.
@Powerlord I had a dd-wrt compatible router laying around, so I set it up, didn't even take that long
@Chippies looks a bit complicated, I'll take a longer look and see what i can manage when i get home from work
if you're fine with 1 streetpass every 8 hours, it doesn't take long at all
if you want more, you can set up scripts that change the mac address every couple minutes, but that takes longer
@Chippies My main router is running DD-WRT... or do I need a second one to do this? Can't read gbatemp at work.
@Powerlord you can do it on main, but you'll be getting 1 streetpass every 8 hours, because for the other method you need to change mac address and to do it you have to reboot router
you don't want to be rebooting your main router every couple minutes
you basically have to change your ssid and wireless mac address
and it will get your streetpasses
Hmm. No.. Need a variant game. Office Hunter. Take down legendary VPs, carve suit pieces, craft weapons from the supply room...
@MadMAxJr Kill via paper cuts.
A flock of designers just ran past us! That must mean there's a director nearby...
Now the only way to battle a director is to bait it out from hiding. So I've setup a powerpoint presentation...
@MadMAxJr Is it sad that I think that would be hilarious?
this streetpass relay thing also sounds pretty... dangerous to use with a home network
@Powerlord the easiest way to do it would be to order one of the recommended usb wifi access points (they're like 10$ or so on ebay, I think) and you can set that up extremely easy
As an added feature, you can use faces from your workplace to customize the VPs.
@Frank Even a gag video would be good.
or you can work with what you have
@Frank Pfft, no, just uses your companys ActiveSync/Active Directory lookups
Well the CEO slammed our party off the 6th floor, then flew away to take a nap...
That's an accurate work experience.
@Rapitor if you live in a deserted place like I do, it's not that dangerous
@Chippies Do you really spoof your MAC address to a bunches of x's? That doesn't feel right.
But I can't find any reference to what other MAC address to use.
@Yuuki there's a list somewhere in that thread
@Yuuki that doesn't sound like a real mac address
Well, unless I go to the local community college or university, I get basically 0 streetpasses. Despite being in an area of about 100k people.
So apparently one of the new methods of spreading malware is to clone Greenlight games, and link to a "beta" hosting the malware.
@Chippies i mean won't it bork with everyone's internet?
@Rapitor it will work like a regular access point, assuming you don't reboot it all the time to cycle mac's
assuming your ISP hasn't locked you to a single mac
if it has, you won't be able to use your main router
if you do it with a 2nd router, you don't even have to connect to it on anything
it just spreads the streetpasses by being in range
well, you'd need to connect to it to set it up, obviously
If anyone else is interested in Breath of Fire, the mobile sequel has a few screenshots
@Frank it being mobile makes me think there will be micro-transactions
@Chippies I'm hoping not.
Yeah... I'm an absolute dingus when it comes to networking. I would most likely break everything. Unless there is a simple tool and can just plug in and hit a button. It's probbably better left alone
or it will cost more than most mobile users care to pay for a game
I'm a huge fan of Breath of Fire, and it pains me that there hasn't been a game since the PS2 days.
@Rapitor I'm a tool as well, in fact, the most time I spent on trying to bridge the routers, the rest was really simple and the instructions are pretty good
@Frank Really? I must be thinking of some other series with a similar name for ds/3ds then
there was a breath of fire game on PC, I think, but that's probably a remake of a ps2 version
@Chippies Yeah, there were GBA ports of 1 and 2, I think.
@Frank according to wiki, the first and second game is in Wii U eShop
Yeah. They're good games, although the first has an incredibly horrible translation.
oddly enough, BoF2 was released in 2013 in wii u eshop, and BoF1 in 2014
now I'm trying to remember what that other game series is that I'm thinking of...
oh, Fire Emblem
meh, both have fire in the name, close enough
Every time I hear Bruno Mars' "I wanna marry you" I can't tell if he's proposing, or trying to be insulting
Q: What can I do with excessive amounts of glass jars?

leigeroI am a bachelor and as such I eat a lot of spaghetti because, let's face it, it's delicious and easy. The brand of spaghetti sauce I buy comes in a glass jar. I feel increasingly guilty about buying a jar of spaghetti, only to transport it to my home and dump it out moments later, leaving behin...

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