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@spugsley But butts!
@Yuuki I don't believe you.
butts are good unless you're sucking them
then they are bad
@spugsley write something that doesn't suck butts
@StrixVaria I wish it were that easy. I have zero plot ability. I can create a bitchin character and awesome dialogue (which I'm proud of us cause that's hard as balls) but my plot skills are NONEXISTENT
@spugsley It's trite, but something you enjoy.
@JasonBerkan I don't know what I like enough to do it forever. I like a lot of things. And then when they get hard I hate them.
@spugsley Just steal narratives from the Bridge, no one will know.
@spugsley Plotting is hard too.
@StrixVaria yes...I know. It's very hard. Hard hard hard. That's the point
@TimStone they all go right into the bridge fic
@Powerlord Raw response data is exactly what I would get on success.
woo empire @Yuuki @OrigamiRobot @Unionhawk
In fact, I put some of my success code in the error function and everything's hunky-dory.
> Here’s the thing I do. Wherever your hero is at, make things worse. Make the dangers greater, make there be all sorts of different kind of dangers–that is, threaten not just his life, but also his marriage, his status, his dog, his comic book collection. And then make the dangers real–make him actually lose the dog, or the marriage, or the best friend, just so people know that all the threats are real. Then make all those things that are threatened be even more valuable to him. This comic book collection he’s going to lose isn’t just comic books to him, it’s his last recollection of his f
@spugsley Read this in Brent Weeks's blog a few months ago. It's an interesting take on plotting by the seat of your pants.
@StrixVaria someone on a blog I read not long ago said "Find an endpoint, then take away all the tools needed to get there. Boom, instant plot." And I liked the idea but the endpoint - I never have one. Haha maybe that's the problem. I have no idea what my characters are striving for at any given time
I read something similar from a sci fi author. At each point, she asked herself "what is the worst thing that can happen to Miles (her main character)"?
And then wrote that.
@spugsley Characters need goals. If you have two characters with conflicting goals who just do their thing, plot will emerge.
@JasonBerkan Lois McMaster Bujold?
@Powerlord Yes.
I didn't trust myself to write out her name without mangling it.
Actually, I'm surprised it took her until Cryoburn to write one specific element in.
@StrixVaria I have been reading more lately which is making me want to get back to writing creatively not just TC bullshit.
Reading always does that to me too.
that's rude of me. It's not bullshit
I haven't been reading recently and haven't written recently either :(
I actualyl care about the things I write about but TC is bullshit
or that environment I guess
Thought Catalog seems kind of all over the place
I've read some good stuff there and some truly terrible things as well
@spugsley You just need a Margaret Weis to your Tracy Hickman. Or Tracy Hickman to your Margaret Weis. Whichever.
@Powerlord Which was?
@Sterno amen
@JasonBerkan Pssh, and spoil it for everyone who hasn't read it?
@spugsley Will you be holding auditions?
@Sterno I wonder which of them did what.
Granted, Cyroburn was published in 2010, so....
Is there another room where people talk about games?
@Tatermancer Literally every other chat room. Gaming is off-topic here.
@Powerlord That's like the 10th book. By the time they get to it, they will have forgotten the spoiler.
@spugsley Here, I'll give you a plot and a character with a goal. A network of websites open a "Lifehacks" site. One user hates the idea and his goal is to get it not only shut down, but recognized for the awful pox on humanity that it is. GO!
@JasonBerkan Miles father's death. Which had been foreshadowed for half the series.
@Yuuki I love the idea but I don't play well with others :p
@Yuuki Oh. So just the game-specific ones then?
@Sterno lol if you want a biography written you'll need to pay me, k thanks :)
@Powerlord I actually teared up at that point.
Everyday people don't tape cookie sheets to their feet to go out and get tacos in a blizzard. — GnomeSlice 2 mins ago
@Tatermancer That was just an in joke. Games aren't off topic here, but they're just not discussed all the time.
I can picture it now: "So You Can Plot? Riding On The Coattails Of @spugsley's Internet Fame"
So, how about them [insert game here]?
@Powerlord I am a big fan of [same game here].
To be clear, I don't think this site is working, and I don't think it's going to work. But I don't think the proper solution is to say "Well, here's sort of what it turned into, which really isn't at all what the proposal was... let's just keep going with it." — Sterno 34 mins ago
@Sterno Too bad, Programmers already set that precedent.
@Powerlord That took the SE staff to turn around.
@spugsley I was talking about @Wipqozn, @Yuuki, and @fredley!
@Sterno suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure
@Frank You have a number of staff involved in LifeHacks right now. Otherwise it would already be dead.
@Wipqozn He put that comment on the meta? That's brilliant.
@JasonBerkan @GnomeSlice is a comedic genius. I wish I was as funny as him.
@Powerlord I understand that. But I think Programmers was even more involved.
So, I wonder if I'm wasting my time writing AJAX calls for a TF2 PropHunt Stats system.
@Frank Now I'm glad I have a Lifehacks account, so that I can upvote all these comments.
It seems like a lot of work I'm doing for free for communities that aren't mine.
@spugsley Okay. I've got another character with a goal in mind for you. Aspiring young writer wants to write an awesome story, but has trouble coming up with goals for her characters. GO!
My computer bluescreened twice today
Go the cheap and easy route. Write some survival horror fiction. Goal of most characters is: 1) Survive! 2) Find missing loved ones
Bonus points if it doesn't feature zombies
Or just go with They Fight Crime!
@Sterno omg
@Sterno I REALLY want to write something post apocalyptic. I love that setting.
@Sterno 3) Punch babies.
@JasonBerkan BRILLIANT
@spugsley for plot help: writeremergency.com
you use them to give you random plot twists
...last time I punched babies, I got in trouble.
@MattGiltaji as fun as these are, I kinda hate the idea. You can find all of this online at any given time
@spugsley true, but it's not about having the bag of tricks available, its about forcing your story to stretch in new directions to accomodate a particular trick
if you drew numbers out of a hat that matched up with your list, you'd probably get similar results
@MattGiltaji lol I could literally come in here and be like "BRIDGE GIVE ME A PLOT TWIST" and I'd probably get better/sillier/more interesting ones than I would from that set
Video games have taught me that no premise is too ridiculous to make a story out of.
but thanks for the idea :3
@spugsley BUTTS
The best plot twist is always butts
Daft Punk, anyone?
Still pretty good, but definitely sounds a heck of a lot like DP
@Sterno lol what's hilarious is that I could make that work in literally both stories I have right now
someone looks at a butt, someone gets an arrow in the butt, someone sits in muddy water and has a wet butt, someone falls and gets a bruised butt
so many butts
> "We have found that using Facebook as a work tool makes our work day more efficient," Lars Rasmussen, Facebook's director of engineering, tells WIRED.
@spugsley Plot twist! The main character is actually in a coma after falling on ice while trying to walk to the taco shop with cookie sheets strapped to her feet and the entire story was really about her discovering a true sense of self-worth in her own mind.
To which I say DUH
@Powerlord no bias there
Using the product I write does make my day more efficient. I can't imagine why!
@spugsley when in trouble, introduce time travel
Elite Beat Agents used the power of music and dance to do things like:
1) Help a washed up baseball player defeat a lava golem and get back in the game
2) Help a weather lady use fans to blow away rainclouds so she could keep a promise to her son for a sunny day
3) Bring a little girl's dead father back from the dead to give her a christmas present
@badp Just don't try to kill Hitler. Been done to death.
or butt travel
Besides, it always fails.
@Powerlord What about replacing Hitler?
@badp with Seymour Butts?
Just bring your trusty YER with you
@badp ...what makes you think that's not how we ended up with our current history?
@badp lol....my latest work actually involves some time travel, cough
@Powerlord What makes you think I think that
@spugsley but is it stable or does it introduce splinter universes
more...portal travel? Idk.
@Powerlord i think that was a plot arc with one of the justice league cartoons
can people between splinter universes interact with each other
Yay new site design release~
@badp nah it's stable. It's only one dude who can do it and his magic bout to get taken away anyway
@spugsley It turns out the old man who lived next to him growing up all those years was really him....FROM THE FUTURUUUUURRREEEEE
@GraceNote ?
9 secs ago, by Sterno
@GraceNote ?
@MattGiltaji It's a liveversion, but that only adds to it.
@GraceNote The Jin Fanclub requires a link.
@Sterno I figured rather than specify which new site design was released, I'd see who'd find it first.
@Wipqozn lol that's actually a great short story idea
Saltatio Mortis is awesome
@Arperum ooh, cool
Think of it like a contest!
23 secs ago, by Wipqozn
9 secs ago, by Sterno
@GraceNote ?
@GraceNote Lifehacks!
Whoever wins will result in me removing @Wipqozn as a room owner.
@GraceNote Not even StackExchange tweeted about it
Clearly you're just seeing things.
It would help if I knew what sites were even out of beta
This is the lamest StackExchange contest yet.
Quick, we'd better search quickly.
@GraceNote Oh hey, I'm a prize!
QuickMan quicklasers quicker quick quickly?
@spugsley I'm basically a hero
@Wipqozn Sir Prize?
is it...
That was last year
Last year ended 14 days ago (at any rate I'd never seen it)
@Sterno Grace Note has removed Wipqozn from the list of this room's owners.
Hooray, I win at "spot the unfamiliar favicon in the Stack Exchange multidropdown"
@fredley I think the appropriate response to that is "again?"
@spugsley Or just watch that one South Park episode where Cartman pretends to be Awesom-O and comes up with Adam Sandler movie ideas. That's storytelling gold, there
@Sterno omg
I was going to wonder if this was the first single-product SE that gets its own design, but then there's that other one
the one from the dark ages
@badp lifehax?
Wait, does that means that my guess of...
...was wrong?
@badp This can't be right, because @Wipqozn hasn't received his prize yet.
2 mins ago, by Feeds
@Sterno Grace Note has removed Wipqozn from the list of this room's owners.
mod abuse!
Excuse me, that's rude. It's employee abuse, an entirely new level.
@GraceNote Incidentally, we need a Big Tasty Bacon StackExchange
@TimStone actually that's just room owner abuse
ur a technicality
@Powerlord Aye
@Powerlord Aye
Oh, well. Terrific then.
I like to think this means I'm a trophy.
being a technicality truly is the most we can aspire to!
@Wipqozn nope, still just a meme
@Wipqozn the trophy that keeps on winning
@Powerlord Just convince Lifehacks to turn into that.
@Wipqozn Someone get the turtle wax.
@badp It's @Wipqozn abuse, which is always allowed.
I'm so glad pronouns get special rules in English, because it makes the language so much fun.
@Powerlord I only exercise it when I can fit it into the plot
then there's LPMF, who does it at all other times
both are necessary and useful.
I think this should go to the next level, and you should mod and de-mod @Wipqozn. You can do it somewhere lame like Lifehacks so that it's an insult either way it goes.
@Sterno Make Wipqozn a mod if and only if the current unix timestamp is a prime number.
You know what's been bothering me? This:
But it is in the transcript
Damn. Too slow
@Sterno looks shopped to me
Sounds like you have Feeds on ignore
@Sterno I would be fine with this, provided I was left a mod long enough to delete users at random.
@OrigamiRobot I thought so maybe too, but when I click on feeds there's no unignore. Just ignore.
@Sterno maybe feeds is ignoring you
@Sterno Check your prefs
@OrigamiRobot Well I just clicked "ignore" and it changed to "Don't ignore" so I clicked it back. So if there's another form of ignoring, that's confusing
I'm not saying I didn't hack chat just to make @Sterno look silly.
@Sterno You can hide all of a users posts until you refresh. There would be an "show posts" button if you did this, I think
@PrivatePansy Alright
@Wipqozn If I can't get the MM 3DS, I'm not getting MH4U out of spite
So get on that.
@OrigamiRobot Well that's just terrible.
@Wipqozn I can't think of when I would have hidden Feed's posts today. But closing my browser and reopening shows it there now
we'll try to have fun without you, I guess.
@Sterno reload?
32 secs ago, by Sterno
@Wipqozn I can't think of when I would have hidden Feed's posts today. But closing my browser and reopening shows it there now
You're so 30 seconds ago @badp.
yeah I have cat lag
#yolo #hahstags #gottold #lifehacks
@Sterno that's why we star them
you're welcome
I find it difficult to deowner @Wipqozn because I don't recognise him anymore, and can't find him in the user list
protip: Don't google image search "stags"
@StrixVaria okay. I'm writing tonight. Even if it's just a few hundred words, I'll do something
@fredley Excellent.
That's better
You ruined your disguise by pinging me
Basic camouflage mistake
@Sterno That's why i do have Feeds ignored
This joke about @Wipqozn's typo and laughing stags is too much work.
@Sterno .........................................fuck
I love the power glove. It's so bad.
These nachos are made out of apple pie, because we're all gonna die someday: http://bit.ly/1ARbIyD http://t.co/KkZhob5aQT
@Sterno <3
@TimStone That sounds disgusting.
You guys have the worst taste in food.
I'm skeptical of putting cheese on my apple pie, admittedly.
@Wipqozn hah stags
@GnomeSlice That looks pretty cool
like terraria a bit
lol, Samsung might buy Blackberry just so @Wipqozn can't escape his fate.
I feel like I'm missing something.
@TimStone Zeus please no
@Yuuki He was lamenting over being forced to use a Blackberry for work prior to recently being given a Samsung somethingorother as a replacement.
@TimStone I mean, I don't get the thing about laughing stags.
@TimStone if its a work phone, who cares? not like you should be gaming on it or anything
That apparently happened on the way home.
@Yuuki Oh. #hahstags
That's pretty funny.
12 mins ago, by Wipqozn
#yolo #hahstags #gottold #lifehacks
I'm not sure what to do.
Should I read, or play Dark Souls?
i move that we add to the room description
I'm leaning towards reading... but I'm also leaning towards showering to put off making the decision
@Wipqozn wat book?
@MattGiltaji Alloy of Law. Working my way through all the Cosmere books.
I've read the Mistborn Trilogy and Elantris so far, and I'm going to start Alloy of Law tonight.
@Wipqozn then it seems you need to read
May 7 '14 at 17:32, by Origami Robot
Jan 31 at 19:20, by OrigamiRobot
Nov 6 '13 at 20:57, by OrigamiRobot
Ain't nobody knows how to kill a joke like The Bridge.
@OrigamiRobot :D
cc @spugsley
Dammit Nintendo! Why are you so good at making me want things and so bad at letting me have them.
inb4 I'm super late to the party
@OrigamiRobot Because: Nintendo.
@OrigamiRobot Sounds like you need to improve your ability to have things.
2 mins ago, by Origami Robot
May 7 '14 at 17:32, by Origami Robot
Jan 31 at 19:20, by OrigamiRobot
Nov 6 '13 at 20:57, by OrigamiRobot
Ain't nobody knows how to kill a joke like The Bridge.
@GraceNote I'm trying to level it up, but it's hard :(
I'm not sure if I'll get the majoras mask 3ds
On one hand, I would like it.
On the other hand, I'd hate it order it, and then it not come until 2 weeks late due to not having enough copies
@Wipqozn Good luck even ordering it
pokes github
I think... I'm going to go read.
but I also might change my mind and dark souls
@Powerlord GitHub is weird
> 1 commit ahead of master
> Latest commit: "Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'"
@murgatroid99 Well, in my case, GitHub wasn't responding.
Right after I pushed a branch just fine and had switched to master.
So... pulling from master and getting "unknown repository" made me think something was wrong.
I am terrible at this game.
@Arperum It seems to be pretty strict about wins.
I'm pretty sure that I've had it end my streak if I got to the chest and then rerolled
@murgatroid99 rerolled as in pressing "r"? these count as a death I think.
@Arperum My point is that beating Isaac isn't enough to count as a win.
I do have all endings, and pretty good progress on completing all the lost achievements.
@murgatroid99 Yea, you need to get an ending to get a win.
@Arperum Oh, I guess that makes sense
Japanese Spider-man from 70s
@Arperum I got Platinum God on Saturday
@murgatroid99 Not even close. I got two characters with all items unlocked. But the lost only has to beat boss rush anymore.
First two episodes of Japanese Spider-man from 70s are available on Marvel.com
@Arperum I spent probably the last 20 hours of game time searching for items. I finally got infinite rerolls and pickups on the Chest just to get a Black Lotus
@Chippies wat
this reminds of the old Batman tv series
@murgatroid99 Fancy.
Not the hours, the infinite rerolls.
I don't know how many hours I've poured in completing all lost stuff, but it's a lot. Also at least half my deaths are with the lost. probably more.
@Arperum Habit+Ipecac = infinite charging. Isacc=D6=rerolls. Crystal Ball=pickup spawning. D20=pickup rerolls. All so I could get a suicide king and use it in the secret room.
@murgatroid99 How do you stay alive?
@Arperum Oh, right, forgot to mention Pyromaniac. That was important
I charged with a red poop room and healed with Ipecac
@murgatroid99 Ah, that'll work.
@murgatroid99 Black lotus? I've gotten a few already.
@badp 1) that's horrible and hilarious and 2) I believe the japanese spiderman is the legit franchise spiderman, unlike the italian one
@badp I went about 8 games in a row without a single item pedestal spawning in a secret room. And all I was doing was opening secret rooms. And that was definitely the first time I even saw a Black Lotus.
@murgatroid99 yeah, secret room items are quite rare now
But now I never need a Secret Room item pedestal again
I was just saying that black lotus is not particularly hard to get. I guess one item has to be the last one.
@murgatroid99 The secret room item pool was so good in WotL.
In Rebirth they're barely worth the effort.
@badp It's hard because it's only in the secret room item pool
So if I cancel a preorder for a limited item on Amazon it's just thrown to the wolves, right? I have a "spare" Majora's Mask LE on there that I don't need, but I don't think I can really cancel it and say "here buy it quick" and expect that to work, right?
@Chippies Surprisingly the italian is mostly unbroken
@murgatroid99 seed exploit made this tolerable. They need to just let seeds count for collection %, there's no skill in it, it's just annoying busywork and RNG
@badp This is Bollywood levels of bad
@BenBrocka what seed exploit?
@fredley It spawned so many gifs
@badp what do you mean by unbroken?
@Chippies It's mostly actual Italian
@murgatroid99 before 1.031 you can enter a seed, exit to the main menu, go back and start a run, and it's a "normal" run using that seed
still works on Playstation versions as they're on 1.03
Even with the seed exploit I spend 2 hours looking for 1 Up, I can't imagine doing it for all the items I was missing (it was at least 10)
@BenBrocka Oh, that's not for me then. And you're right, seeded runs really should count for that.
@badp not sure I understand why it matters or maybe I just still don't understand what you mean
BASE MENT is actually a super fun way to collect almost all the items, it should just be how you do that
@BenBrocka My second-to-last missing item was Sacred Heart
the skill is in the unlocking, just have seeds not unlock and there you go
@badp are you implying the japanese spiderman is not japanese or what?
That's a special item and an angel room item, which is a pain in the ass
Any angel room item is a pain, Godhead is usually the last people find
@Chippies because the movie is made in Australia
they could've just made words up etc.
secret room items are so rare I couldnt' even find seeds for most of them
@BenBrocka It's probably also the last people unlock
@badp ah, didn't know that part
I also only skipped through it, didn't really pick up what language they were speaking
yeah, by the time I got godhead I had found most everything else in the angel room
only two sacred hearts over the whole game though
One of which I only got because I rerolled Holy Mantle on accident but that's okay
GUYZ, does this seem like a good tool kit for 32$ (price+shipping)?
or if anyone has any good tool kits to recommend, I'm open for suggestions
I have been in far too many situations where I need a screwdriver and the shitty ones we have don't fit, because they're far or short or just shitty
@BenBrocka I still need to unlock all of the Lost items
Don't bother with collection until you do. Plat God doesn't do anything by itself that I'm aware of and you'll just have to do it again later
@Chippies I'm going to bet the Android.SE chatroom would be more helpful to you
though most of them except godhead are easy, I think that's the only special pool item
@Batophobia it's not specific to android or phones in general, it would be used for PC's and laptops and other stuff
@BenBrocka I just wanted to get Platinum God, because I'm not actually sure I can win with the Lost
it jsut so happens that the smartphone tool kit is the one that seemed to be decent at a decent price (idk what a decent price is for tool kits)
@BenBrocka godhead is angel room
@Chippies It's designed for phone repair, according to the description
@murgatroid99 ah
yeah, godhead is angel, the others are treasure pool I think
@BenBrocka angel and treasure
@BenBrocka I'm still missing that one
The Lost...is a fun challenge with Holy Mantle. It's insufferable garbage otherwise
@Batophobia it is, but the second picture shows unscrewing something in a, what looks like, PC case
@murgatroid99 You are bound to get lucky if you try enough. I got two wins with the lost in over 700 plays.
@Arperum That sounds extraordinarily painful and frustrating
The "strategy" is just mash R until you find a holy mantle on the first floor more or less
@BenBrocka basically this
My second win ended on my last life of dead cat. The other run I died once, and was able to return thanks to dead cat. That run had holy mantle though.
it should really start with that item or something else to make it at least somewhat reasonable. It's still really really hard with mantle, but you can use Curse rooms and make tiny mistakes rarely
@Chippies 4th picture is a PC motherboard so yea you can use it on a PC, but I'm going to bet their description is aimed at finding users looking to repair their phones. So, more likely that phone repairers have used it
@BenBrocka and then I assume you go into every curse room looking for the dead Cat
@murgatroid99 basically yes. The annoying thing is Dead Cat and Stop Watch are the other two best items but Curse Rooms aren't usable unless you actually find dead cat in them OR you have holy mantle
@BenBrocka This accounts for a couple hundred deaths of mine. Whenever I was frustrated I'd just hold "r" until I got an itemroom next to the start.
I kind of want to do this just to 100% the game, but the thought of "I'm going to go home and hold the R key for an hour" just doesn't sound appealing
you think you have it bad, on playstation there's no quick restart. Fortunately the seed exploit worked. I'd go mad without it AND no quick reset
@murgatroid99 unfortunately this is a big part of 100% too. The Lost and item collection are by far my biggest problems with the game. They are not skill based, they are not fun
There's a bit of skill in The Lost, but it's overridden by how significant items are to your survival
@BenBrocka Item collection was a little different though. I was doing whole playthroughs with Isaac, 45 minutes at a time, just to get a chance at rerolling a Secret Room item pedestal. It was tedious, but at least there was variation
You lucked out if you didn't have Steven or angel room items to collect. Secret rooms are possibly the worst though
I know a few people rerolling Basement 1 endlessly just trying to get Steven
20 mins ago, by murgatroid99
@BenBrocka My second-to-last missing item was Sacred Heart
The other one was Stopwatch, which I had just unlocked, but that didn't take too long and I've seen it a couple of times since I first found it

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