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Especially if they've been doing it for years.
I don't think I got any of the DLC for that game, but the base game is still great
@JasonBerkan I need an adjective for your HeroVille Hero
@Batophobia the Father.
The Dadinator
oooh, CotN update
Q: Can I change my Hero's name?

ChantolaSo I have some hero's that got lucky and got a lot of experience. I want to reward him with a change to the default name. Can this be done?

@badp CotN?
Crypt of the Necrodancer
I'm reasonably sure that the shield is pretty bugged in HeroVille, my heros are sometimes getting healed in combat from attacks, and looking at the source it looks a bit like the shield value is simply substracted from the damage
Yeah, that's a thing
this is what happens when you pay attention to speedrunners
Is there a way to check if a hero is assigned worker or adventurer profession through Academy?
I think I noticed a bug: if a hero is in an encounter with multiple enemies, and they're using their fists, they only seem to do damage to the first enemy in the encounter. Then they just sit there and take damage
@badp speedrunners everywhere are now backing up their 1.0 game files
@Unionhawk fools! they can't! (1.0 hasn't been released yet!)
It's in agdq 15, so I wonder how this will impact it (estimate is currently like 5 mins iirc)
Just recruited DwarfSlice the Gnome.
It might be closer to 10, but it's short
@Unionhawk It probably doesn't affect time, mostly chance of success
because you can't stop and think by pausing
So marathon time probably 2x or so
also AGDQ measures games based on real time
... Yes
Q: Is there any way to (re)obtain deleted achievement items?

ValekHalfHeartA few months ago, I finally made my first purchase in TF2 and my backpack expanded accordingly. However, during my years as a F2P, I accumulated a large number of achievement items. Since I only had fifty slots and I cared most about having good weapons, I ended up deleting many achievement items...

Wow, I just upgraded a hero with Academy to adventurer, and he's gaining tons of gold
way more than he can spend
I'm not familiar with the game, is there huge time loss associated with failure, or just a few seconds here and there but not run ending?
@Unionhawk you start with very low health
that's the main thing
Even regular enemies in the first level can one-shot you
Well just one type of regular enemy in 1-1, but still
So failing repeatedly is a run ending thing?
My commute and grocery run tonight will take me an hour and a half and I don't care because I am still home earlier than I ever would have been at my old job (where leaving at 7 was my normal day)
@Unionhawk Yes, your run can go very well and then you either lose concentration or find yourself in a very tight spot or your glass weapon breaks and then you're fucked.
And I streetpassed a few people, so that is cool.
@AshleyNunn what's the point of that? (a genuine question, because I don't know)
So basically this change makes the game still speedrunable, but not really marathon safe, I gather,
Looks like 10 is max level for blacksmith
@chippies gonna assume you mean the streetpass - Nintendo made a few little games you can play with miis you collect when you streetpass. It helps pass the time on the bus :p
@AshleyNunn well, since that's what I quoted, yeah, I meant streepass :P So, just tiny minigames? No long term cool stuff you get out of it?
yessss an apple
@Chippies I don't get what Samus is all fussed about. Ganondorf killed everyone.
@Unionhawk for example take this situation; if you find yourself in it you can't help but skip six turns (unless you have the ring of courage)
@Chippies Streetpass also interacts with stuff like Mario Kart (for ghosts to race against), Link Between Worlds (for some fighting thing), and some other games
a lot can happen in six turns
Oooo, save data can now be backed up to an SD card.
It's always fun to listen to developers speedruns, because inevitably they're just like "wat, wait, how did you?"
@chippies I'm on mobile so I couldn't see the linked message. You get hats and stuff for your Mii, and like @murgatroid99 said it does stuff in other games too
Streetpass was quite useful in Pokemon Black/White/2 and that was annoying
I don't mind either way about StreetPass, I just like Play Coin integration.
@AshleyNunn how come no one has made it so replies show the linked message on mobile yet? Surely our great minds of Bridge can do that!
@Chippies Chat.SEy does it.
Although that's a separate app.
ChatSEy was a thing that did things but eh I was having more trouble with it than it was worth
@Unionhawk I had problems with the textbox not scrolling.
@unionhawk Yeah, it caused me more problems than I cared for :(
Yeah I seem to remember that. I had the hardest time staying logged in.
@Yuuki Surely our great minds of Bridge can do better!
It's almost more the mobile platform that isn't conducive to full chat features
@Chippies IIRC, @fredley wrote Chat.SEy.
Yeah, I suspect it is just that things don't scale well to mobile
@AshleyNunn Pretty much this.
My main problems with mobile chat on chrome were related to me having force zoom on
And now that I don't it's great
Well not great
I've gotten used to it for the most part. It's not the best ever, but it works at least
Did I just hear someone say "delicious"?
@Yuuki that does look pretty good.
@Yuuki You monster
@lesspop that sounds amazing.
@AshleyNunn It is so good.
@Yuuki You called?
@yuuki augh I am so hungry and likely 20 min from home yet because delays and traffic
> But it offered its apologies Wednesday for the “unforgivable incident” and withdrew about 2,000 containers, some of which also featured the face of Mussolini
@Chippies remember that D3 greed question I asked? I still haven't had a greed portal. I'm 42 rift fragments richer already... I think I might just give up at 300 rift fragments stored.
WOOHOO! Eluveitie concert was moved to a larger venue. I can get a ticket tomorrow. I have to go to bed now.
yey 17 enemies to go
Should I be worried if my heart gets alll racy like 12 hours post-energy drink?
@AshleyNunn gets 12 hours later? It's probably not actually related to the energy drink.
As opposed to still is 12 hours later, which is a different thing, and probably also not related to the energy drink, but I suppose maybe possibly could be.
it's the come down!
@LessPop_MoreFizz well, I've been kinda like jittery all day, but the heart racy was new
maybe you guys were right and my plans to survive off red bull tim the hell week is over is a bad idea
either that or you just didn't notice it earlier.
surviving off redbul for anything is a bad idea.
Q: Where are all the star coins in world 9 in New super mario bros wii?

TheIdiotGamerSo I was having a hard time in Nwe super Mario bros wii (NSMBW for short). In the game, after unlocking all star coins in a world, you get world nine.

@AshleyNunn This is usually a bad idea, yes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am hoping that after tomorrow I won't have to
@DwarfSlice hahahahahaha that is awesome :D
@OrigamiRobot Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

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