> In addition to what everyone else suggested is if you have a smartphone get the battle.net authenticator for it. If you don't have a smartphone order one.
Also, one thing I find really weirdly fascinating is that in all the years I've been/visited here and all the WCs I've seen, I think I've seen a different flushing mechanism almost every time
@GraceNote I'm not sure. On one hand, they're not necessarily a problem, on the other, we do support them, and I've never seen any severe quality issues on them.
@FallenAngelEyes I'm not thinking on quality, just in terms of tag quantity. It's like the "indefinite-articles" versus "definite-articles" on English - sure, you could have separate tags, but is it an important enough distinction?
Is the post/back-story distinct enough from the during-story that it warrants a separate tag, is my thought. It might be, it might not be.
@ArdaXi I set them up at least half of them, like, when Gmail first came into being, so I didn't even bother to learn that aliasing was a thing you could do.
I'd like to see a world in which Diaspora is the lowest common denominator, allowing you to use one site and still keep up privacy and communicate with people across social networks.
What actually happened when the Google+ notification says a contact "did something"?
Here's a screenshot of the notification I see in Gmail about G+ activity:
Rahul yadav added you on Google+.
Gaurav Tripathi & Nilesh did something.
But what did the contacts on the second line act...
Why some companies don't have ads on their facebook page?
Some companies like Fanta (http://www.facebook.com/fanta) or Victoria secret (http://www.facebook.com/victoriassecret) don't have ads but others big company have ads on their page.
Is there a way to remove these ads from a facebook page ...
In asking the chat room whether the plot tag would be appropriate for this question, we briefly discussed which tag would be appropriate, plot or lore and whether or not they needed to be distinct.
We have 49 questions tagged plot and 7 questions tagged lore. I've never seen any seriously proble...