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The whole body is decal'ed anyway
the red thing actually is a 42 decal stretched to cover the whole car
Cheaper and gets more interesting results than just buying paint
@badp b :P
@Ivo ...the next question is, do you sit at the toilet knees towards the wall? :/
or is it just the healthy thing to stare and analyze your fecal matter before washing it off :P
@badp the wall? you mean the toilet is at an angle of the door?
I honestly don't care what the toilet looks like :P
> In addition to what everyone else suggested is if you have a smartphone get the battle.net authenticator for it. If you don't have a smartphone order one.
I laughed out loud at that last bit. So blunt.
@Mana an authenticator I presume?
@IvoFlipse The thing is mounted against the wall. Rephrasing that, do you give shoulders to the wall leaning back onto the... erm, water source?
@Ivo Yeah.
or am I supposed to use it the other way round
There has to be something wrong here
@Mana you could interpret it as order a smartphone
@Ivo Yeah, that's what he's saying.
Why are you staring into the toilet bowl in the first place?
Sorry, I was confused as to what you were asking.
The Suspension Bridge, or: Teaching @badp how to use a toilet.
@badp give shoulders to the wall? I think @ArdaXi has to come by and show you how to use the toilet
@GraceNote Because if I don't I don't notice the water flush is insufficient to clean the unit
@badp I believe the consensus the last time I had this discussion was to make a "sled" with toilet paper...
Aren't you off the toilet once you flush?
if you are truely concerned about the flush not working well enough
@GraceNote I would be if I was confident about the thing, but empirical evidence shows I'm confident about the opposite
Oh, wait, I think I understand what you're saying now
@badp Obviously you just need to adjust your diet until you achieve the desired effect...
Because the deposit is ending up exceptionally distant from the exit point, it isn't being properly disposed.
Skooch farther up, I guess?
Yeah. It doesn't help it... deposits on a more or less flat surface. It's like it's really designed for making me look at it
I think it's safe to say that this is the strangest and most technical dialogue about pooping I have ever experienced.
If it wasn't interesting I wouldn't have started it
Gaming chat never ceases to amaze.
New area 51 proposal: Pooping.SE
@badp Did you get an answer to your toilet question?
@thedaian Hey, and we already have an example question
Because yeah, that's how all toilets here are
okay, so there goes my chance of reporting this as a problem with the room
@thedaian It's called Skeptics.
"The door is scratched. The bathroom light is burned. The toilet is mounted backwards."
I can only imagine how that conversation would have gone "Sir, I believe your toilet holes are installed backwards"
@FallenAngelEyes Hmm? Ours is a).
@badp And actually, yes, that's the reason they're built that way
@ArdaXi Isn't that what she said?
okay. I'm glad you have such a healthy relationship with your waste.
@GraceNote I wasn't sure.
@ArdaXi I was reading it as he had B here
That about wraps it up for me, thank you for the insight.
Yeah, my mistake.
Pffft, what?
@badp Yeeeah, I dunno, it was really weird for me the first time I came here too
(Or, I'm guessing, you have both, I guess?)
@ArdaXi I have never seen A :o Huh
I've had both.
Morning everyone
It's just another thing that is weird in (parts of) europe.
Gaftoon, @Simon
But it's not a Dutch thing to have b) at any rate.
Heya @Simon
Hows it going? :D
Germans have B as well
Well, Italy is almost universally a)
And Belgium iirc
as in, if there's somebody using b) I haven't met him
Also, one thing I find really weirdly fascinating is that in all the years I've been/visited here and all the WCs I've seen, I think I've seen a different flushing mechanism almost every time
I have never seen A anywhere
And yet I've seen it everywhere.
come to the US, A is pretty much all we have :P
@FallenAngelEyes Anywhere in Europe or anywhere, period?
@thedaian Actually we have water in the bowls
There was a fascinating MetaFilter thread a few months ago on this exact topic.
@FallenAngelEyes Well then, come to Italy and visit our beautiful bathrooms!
A and B mean there is a platform out of water
so your uh, waste sits there dry on a platform thingie before flushing
@FallenAngelEyes The blue thing also marks the water level, which is the same in both designs
And that the deposit is closer to the exit point in A, the only style I'd ever seen prior to badp's revelation.
(there's water in our bowls, too)
with the A design the fecal matter goes straight in the water "bowl"
@GraceNote Pretty sure anywhere period
so you don't have to watch the water stream attempting and eventually succeeding in dislocating most of it.
@GraceNote Regarding the same type of design with the platform at least.
38 mins ago, by badp
Out of curiosity - warning, unpleasant imagery ahead
I wasn't kidding with my warning :P
@FallenAngelEyes Now I'm a bit confused as to what you mean.
@badp I hope you don't end up with loose bowels while you're here. It splashes.
@FallenAngelEyes er... splashing is what I left at home! I didn't mind it that much.
@GraceNote In the US, I've seen A style but only with a full bowl of water. I've never seen A style here in Europe with the platform out of water.
@badp I don't mean water
oh. ewww.
...and now, time for breakfast!
@FallenAngelEyes So you're thinking /-|?
@FallenAngelEyes I think this platform part is confusing me.
We have \|
I think the problem is that badp's picture is two-dimensional.
I'm kind of glad I don't have a photocamera here to provide you with photographical evidence
does anyone know what the size limit is for a question/answer on stackexchange
As am I.
@tzenes There's a size limit?
@tzenes Whereabouts of 3k/30k characters IIRC
Yes, that's what I have here.
I believe this discussion is equal to the Soda/Pop discussion, except it's about toilets and it's usually more international
@FallenAngelEyes That's the B style, aye. Never seen that anywhere in the US
is it 3k or 30k?
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, exactly. That's |-_
Or in Taiwan, either.
@GraceNote Me neither
Which leaves US as the A style, then, aye?
I've seen those, but that's definitely not what we have.
I'm saying I've never seen A style in the US either, not without water
> Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because: body is limited to 30000 characters; you entered 375456
I went a bit crazy with the copy pasting there.
@ArdaXi image not found
@ArdaXi ...and that's what I left at home
Well, that's what we have.
@badp Well, think of it this way - squat toilets.
I've seen those in Italy.
@ArdaXi Ah okay, I thought you meant with a more pronounced shelf
Which is what I've not seen here
@FallenAngelEyes Err? "Pronounced shelf"?
@GraceNote ...I've had to use that once, and it's still at the end of the day an A model. Kinda
@ArdaXi Like the pic of the B model
@FallenAngelEyes Ah, like the platform.
@badp Heh
@FallenAngelEyes I don't think anyone makes a toilet like that.
Well, there might be, but it's probably much uncommon.
I thought you guys were describing a platform style one
@GraceNote Haha hence my confusion!
I think what we're discussing is not so much the placement of the water bowl as the presence of that platform.
Yeah. I figured the platform was the issue here.
As such, badp just sucks at drawing a representative picture.
I figured badp was all about the position of the hole, though.
Blame @badp.
lol I have been watching this for the past 45 mins or so
cracking me up
so much about toilets!
toilets are serious business
On a y'know, gaming note
@GraceNote If you read this aloud, it brings up an... interesting picture.
@FallenAngelEyes A what note?
I think this is deserving of a tag, neh?
Q: If the nuclear holocaust happened in 2077, then why are the clothes and music in the style of the 1950s?

tm1rbrtIf the nuclear holocaust happened in 2077, then why are the clothes and music in the style of the 1950s? (source)

@Loktar well! if you thought you could give toilets for granted -- you're wrong!
yeah, 'plot' would make sense
@FallenAngelEyes I dunno, it's not really about the plot is it?
It's more about the... context?
or lore. lore would be better....
We don't have a lore tag at all I don't think
Oh we do
We do and it's got 7 questions
on 7 other questions apparently
Well if you feel like proposing a merge for it post on meta!
Mmmm, that's rough. They really are 2 different things. Are we okay with having the distinction?
I'm okay with it, but have we been using the tags appropriately so far?
Is it really an important distinction?
I'm missing 3 questions from . Are some in SCII or WoW?
also @FallenAngelEyes thanks for writing up those insanely huge and awesome blog posts about gamescon
@thedaian I'm glad you enjoyed them! There's still more on the way
@FallenAngelEyes 2 WoW, 1 Mass Effect, 1 Terraria, 1 League of Legends, 1 Dungeon Siege, 1 Fallout
Oh, right, @Fallen - congrats from up on high about your blog posts. Even Jeff is impressed and extremely satisfied with the job you did.
@GraceNote I'm not sure. On one hand, they're not necessarily a problem, on the other, we do support them, and I've never seen any severe quality issues on them.
@GraceNote Oh wow! :D Thanks for letting me know!
@FallenAngelEyes I'm not thinking on quality, just in terms of tag quantity. It's like the "indefinite-articles" versus "definite-articles" on English - sure, you could have separate tags, but is it an important enough distinction?
Is the post/back-story distinct enough from the during-story that it warrants a separate tag, is my thought. It might be, it might not be.
@GraceNote Hm. I'm thinking meta post now.
No harm in such. ♪
@badp ty
I make the best promotions for this community
"earthliest of topics" Well-played.
Also welcome to the chat, @thedaian! Or maybe I'm just silly and you've been here this whole time.
'e's b'n 'n 'ere awh'lst
@GraceNote I'dn't've.
Thanks for the welcome, Mana.
@ArdaXi Only my favorite contraction to use there.
@GraceNote Mine too!
Doesn't do the image. :(
Wow, that's weird that it doesn't. I wonder what it uses to determine the image...
New log-in page is pretty.
And now Google+ is considering my non-apps account as an apps account.
Multiple signin?
@GraceNote If you have more than 1 google account
hmm, that's kind of cool
I've got two three now.
Maybe it'll work if I use ardaxi.com instead.
I have 2 that I seriously use and like 3 throwaway
I have four gmail accounts myself.
One's associated to a fake facebook account that I made for one of my CoH characters for the Steam thing
@FallenAngelEyes I have more than one Google Mail account... in that I have... 10 now, I believe.
I need a non-Apps account that Google thinks belongs to someone who is 18 years old.
@GraceNote Are they accounts, or aliases?
All accounts.
@ArdaXi They just indexed this! You're too late, they know!
It's especially a bit troublesome because I need to constantly switch between three specific ones now and then.
They also know ardaxi.com is an alias for arienh4.net.
I'm not fooling anyone.
@GraceNote W-why?
Anyway, here.
@ArdaXi Yeah, given that I access them all from the same IP, it's not like they can't figure it out
oh google plus
@ArdaXi I set them up at least half of them, like, when Gmail first came into being, so I didn't even bother to learn that aliasing was a thing you could do.
@badp "did something"?!
I really need to find the 'Do something' button
It sounds awesome
I read that as "did something to you" and was a little more flabbergasted than the situation warranted
@badp Do you happen to have G+ invites left?
@ArdaXi Ooh, nicely nicely. Thanks!
@ArdaXi All of them
@Arda I have 150 Google+ invites left.
Do not attempt to recognize people by their avatars, for they have been anonymized behind recognition
You can't have any though.
I also have all of my invites left.
wow, they're really rolling them out now
Thank you.
Here, get a Google+ account if you've been living under a rock
@badp stays firmly under her rock
Or get one from me because I'm cooler.
Huh. Careers is asking me to update my totally defunct profile.
I don't even know why I hooked them up with that email account, though. I'd've imagined I'd've used a different one.
@GraceNote Your employee did change :P
@badp It changed a year ago, too, back after I first filled it out.
Ooh, right, that's why I never even accepted that one G+ invite to my personal email account - "Your browser isn't supported"
we need a [tag:tag...synonyms?] tag :P
aw, doesn't support more punctuation
@GraceNote Sheesh, what are you using?
Wow, G+ is really Google Diaspora.
@Brant Firefox
Grace is using Lynx :P
@GraceNote Oh, I forgot that you stick to FF3
FF... 3?
@Mana Out of laziness, not out of any sticklerness
still uses Seamonkey <_<
Well that's a year better than 3 I guess
Surprised to see it's unsupported though.
wasn't the Google policy "the latest two final releases of each browser?"
My parents' main computer is an old powerpc mac mini running 10.4. ff 3.5.x is the latest browser they can use. :(
Pfft, there's an "Other" option for Gender? They make it too easy!
@Brant Not even Chromium?
I only bought it in 2005 too.
Hmm, not sure about chrome, actually.
@GraceNote You were already looking forward to oscillating your gender via cron jobs? :P
> the best way to get an oran berry is from growing them but the fact is that you cant double them so u might as well use cheats.
Can anyone parse the second half of that?
@GraceNote Yeah, I really like that
But there's no "Undisclosed" option
which caused a huge fuss back when XKCDguy called them out on it
@Brant looks like... uh "You can't get more than one oran berry, so cheat"
@Mana Randall?
Randall Munroe.
The huge fuss about Google+ is them knocking on pseudonyms.
@ArdaXi No, there was a fuss before that
For example, if I were to sign up as Arda Xi, they would suspend my Google account.
I ponder how it selects "Suggestions"
@thedaian He thinks that you can only get one berry each time you try to grow one (which itself takes one, so no net increase in berries)
@Mana is.
I think the most inclusive gender field selection I've seen is on Fetlife
But yeah, I'd rather use Diaspora than Google+ to be honest.
@Arda Here
@FallenAngelEyes Obviously.
@ArdaXi Well I guess that it's not really a problem anymore for Grace anyway, since her name and his surname are now on the headline of the SE blog
I don't think that's true, by the way - you just need to do a lot more watering for the harder to grow berries
Which, by the way... does anyone here use Diaspora?
@ArdaXi Their selections for Orientation and Role are very complete as well, I like it
@ArdaXi Oh, really?
@GraceNote Yes, really.
@ArdaXi Is it ready for use still?
Not Google Plus account, Google account.
Yeah, google nymwars, it's an ongoing... internet thing.
@ArdaXi We've looked into it but I thought it was a little dead in the water last I checked
uh.. no, they'd suspend your Google Profile account
So if I were to use my main and sign up as Arda Xi, I would lose access to my email.
It said you needed to make a Google account to make a Google+ account.
that'd be Reader Buzz Plus and +1 I think
@badp That's what they're saying.
That's not what they're doing.
@FallenAngelEyes I host my own node. Well, hosted, anyway, no idea if it's still up.
I should set up a script for it.
Actually, I should re-install it completely.
@ArdaXi I really like the idea behind it, but last I knew the implementation part wasn't going so well
It's had its issues.
Hum. This is ill.
But it works pretty well.
Ill beats, yo.
I liked that email address, too.
@ArdaXi I wasn't partial towards creating a whole Google account associated with that email address.
I see.
They do have an option that deletes the profile but does not destroy your GMail, though
I was still thinking about setting up a Facebook/Diaspora bridge.
Allowing people to use Diaspora without having to convince all their friends to switch.
Well, so ends my extraordinarily short foray into Google+.
I'd like to see a world in which Diaspora is the lowest common denominator, allowing you to use one site and still keep up privacy and communicate with people across social networks.
I should read an article on this Diaspora thing. Because I'm pretty sure it's something more than a city in Ogre Battle.
@ArdaXi Indeed
@GraceNote It's open-source social networking.
Based on email.
Anyone can host a server, and the servers are all connected.
Uh huh
The same thing XMPP does for IM.
And it invented the circles G+ uses.
Q: Someone did something in Google+, but what did they do?

sugar - Sagar KothariWhat actually happened when the Google+ notification says a contact "did something"? Here's a screenshot of the notification I see in Gmail about G+ activity: Rahul yadav added you on Google+. Gaurav Tripathi & Nilesh did something. But what did the contacts on the second line act...

Q: Why some company don't have ads on their facebook page?

KevinWhy some companies don't have ads on their facebook page? Some companies like Fanta (http://www.facebook.com/fanta) or Victoria secret (http://www.facebook.com/victoriassecret) don't have ads but others big company have ads on their page. Is there a way to remove these ads from a facebook page ...

I'm really glad I'm not a SO moderator today.
@Brant ...wow
I'm really glad I'm not an SO moderator for the next few months.
@Brant answered
think I shall play some more Rift
@FallenAngelEyes What class are you playing?
@Wipqozn I've got a level 11 Defiant Bahmi Dominator/Necromancer/Warlock atm
was about to roll a Guardian so I could see their starting area
Q: Plot vs. Lore tags - do we need the distinction?

FallenAngelEyesIn asking the chat room whether the plot tag would be appropriate for this question, we briefly discussed which tag would be appropriate, plot or lore and whether or not they needed to be distinct. We have 49 questions tagged plot and 7 questions tagged lore. I've never seen any seriously proble...

Does this link not create a onebox for anyone else?
Just want a status-confirmed before I make a meta post
It's not oneboxing for me
It is not one boxing for me.
@FallenAngelEyes That's the combination I played. Good choice.
@Wipqozn Haha seriously? Nice
yup - no onebox
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, except I played the generic human defiant race.
The necromancer is amazing for solo PVE as well.
Yeah that's one of the reasons I chose it
Hm, seems like the Angelic Flight Racial is somewhat similar to the Bahmi's jumping
The one thing about Rift I find disappointing is all the races look the same.
Oh sure one race is blue, but other then that.
Although I do like that all the races are essentially just palette swaps.
I was a little disappointed in the customization options honestly
though CoH has seriously spoiled me in that regard
Yeah, it would.
And I can agree, the customization needs some work.
Only 12 hair options :(
I know the page doesn't work, but does the certificate show up as valid for you?
@ArdaXi Yes, it does
4 mins ago, by Arda Xi
I know the page doesn't work, but does the certificate show up as valid for you?
I don't like that you can't change your body type at all :/
Did chat just die for anyone else?
@ArdaXi It shows as valid for me.
you're welcome
@Brant Thanks.
@Wipqozn Agh, these Rogue Souls all sound so similar!
@ArdaXi Clever girl.
@FallenAngelEyes Never thought about that, but yeah. SOme of the rogue souls are very similar.
uuugh you can only import settings from characters on the same shard, that sucks
Really now?
That does suck.
I'm in line at PAX woot
@Rapida awesome!
wow, Rift has ingame connection to Facebook o_O
...and Twitter, Youtube, and Tumblr.
Yeah, it can auto-post your "DING!" messages.
oh it has facebook now too?
Was just twitter when I stopped playnig
I would never use that feature mind you, what with be being a rebel and all.
I don't have my FB linked to any of my gaming stuff
I do. :D

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