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Q: What are all the infamy skills?

3venticThere are 14 infamy skills in the infamy tree, but I can only see 5 of them. What are all of the skills and what do they do?

@fredley What, are we having another mod election?
@MBraedley Yes.
@MBraedley Yes
A couple of our current mods are stepping down.
Where a couple is defined by one mod who got INB4d
@KevinvanderVelden ssshhhhh
What a failure of a mod
I hang my diamond in shame
Yeah, @fredley let us all down.
Why is firefox being all bitchy and not loading sites all of a sudden?
Q: If I being idle, will I lose my League/Rank in Starcraft 2?

Gerelt OdI just promoted to diamond league. If I leave SC2 for days, will I demoted to lower leagues? Also If I lost to much, will I demoted?

@MBraedley because 72 hours remain and @fredley is recycling artwork
That's the nice thing about artwork: you can recycle it infinitely!
It is a truly green source of power.
@MBraedley I blame the government.
I also blame @badp.
I blame @Wipqozn entirely
@Wipqozn I blame the work filter/firewall
Speaking of @badp, how goes Golden Sun? Still raging at logs?
@Wipqozn I've started over FF6 instead.
@badp FF6 is good.
This time with the official translation so that @LessPop_MoreFizz doesn't yell at me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yells at a lot of people.
@badp Good choice.
Q: How do I eject high in the sky without the auto eject perk?

YatrixMy buddy swears he can do it on PC, but I can't seem to figure out how on my Xbox One. Can I without the perk and if so, how?

2 days ago, by badp
Go through a dungeon. Set the railways to go someplace. Drain the dungeon of water. The fucking dungeon resets with you in it. Now all I can do is warp to the entrance
@Wipqozn And they all deserve it!
@LessPop_MoreFizz To be honest while my memories of the original playthrough may be far removed from the fan translation, my mind is not really being blown.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, those jerks!
I was tempted to give the Italian official translation a spin just out of curiosity, but it failed the Humpty-Dumpty test.
That was unpardonable.
@badp I'm not sure what that means, but I'll assume it means you went around throwing eggs at children.
@Wipqozn I'd vote for ostrich eggs, nice and large
@KevinvanderVelden why would I murder possibly fertile eggs?
@badp to make the children feel even worse
Is that not everyone's goal in life?
This is what the firewall is doing to me
Sounds like hotel level internet.
Q: What are the ways of escaping Ring of Spears?

NiteCyperOdin has an ultimate ability called "Ring of Spears". Using it calls down a ring of spears around him, trapping other gods within its vicinity and buffing Odin and his team-mates. I believe it's normal to be able to escape Ring of Spears via maneuvers that can pass through walls such as Neith's b...

@badp So most of the pages load relatively fast, but they never finish loading
Whenever you want to visit a page a popup appears at reception, with your room number, credit card information and HTTP request for approval by the clerk there.
Gmail, OTOH, doesn't load at all
Oh, okay, so no, not hotel level internet.
@KevinvanderVelden Making children feel horrible is certainly my goal in life. Damn kids, always messing up my lawn with their new fangled rip rapping hip hap zip zappin tip tap music!
May have to use Chrome for accessing Gmail
Mind you, since they installed the firewall, ajax.googleapis.com has never worked
upvoting good answers to 'old' questions is perfectly fine here?
I'm a good person. What have I done to deserve all these lifehack links?
@0xFFF1 Of course
@Sterno hating something = receiving that thing here in chat.
by old i mean sometime between a year and before it becomes irrelevant
You hate life hacks, QED you get life hacks
@Sterno Spend time with bad people.
@0xFFF1 if the question/answer is relevant and correct and it helped you by all means upvote it :)
Especially if it's one of my answers
Though the latest one is actually pretty funny to read.
so age of a question is irrelevant. What happens to questions like that of a now dead MMO?
I just farmed for an hour to make one of these.
I almost vomited from how bad it is.
i can't wait to find the noclip boots
CC @OrigamiRobot
also there's this craft shoulders? that give you resources back for picking up health globes
those seems to be the legendaries i want in particular
Man, I want to go home and play Age of Wonders 3.
...it's still not released for a few more hours, but still!
Q: Is it possible to return to Emerald Isle?

ExaIs it possible to return to Emeral Isle after leaving it? I already completed the tournament there. Two of my party members don't know how to use bows so I wanted to teach it to them and it seems that you can only learn it on Emerald Isle...

i'm trying to get >75 mana regen / sec
so i can endlessly use plaguebats
the damage ramps up to insane
especially with the damage boost from my BBVoodoo
i can get away with 3 voodoo skills because of grave injustice
@StrixVaria I haven't found a single legendary with slots yet. I've had to roll them all
I've wasted about 5 mats trying to roll a slot on that one legendary mace you gave me
@Sterno :(
@fredley and his freaking lasers i.imgur.com/jvG4BTq.gif
... goddamnit it's snowing.
i had ONE day
to walk outside in good weather
you had ONE job weather
and you fukkin blew it
@LessPop_MoreFizz wat no
what about more pop and more fizz
I started rereading Way of Kings and it is good the second time too.
@0xFFF1 No.
is that worse than less pop and more fizz
@StrixVaria The legendary recipes don't look like they're worth it unless you stumble upon the ingredients anyway. The chance to roll a crappy one is pretty high, and the drop rates of the unique ingredients seem very low.
@MadScientist This one didn't seem like it was going to be so bad because the guy who can drop it spawns every time.
I would like another element of celerity, though, to make an AS belt for my WD.
I haven't had any real luck with legendaries in RoS so far, almost all were useless and only 2 were reasonably good and I use them now.
@0xFFF1 Yes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz wat
@badp It's snowing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz wat
On March 31st, it is snowing.
It was 55 degrees outside yesterday
and now it is snowing.
I wonder if the exceptional warmness of our winter won't carry all the way through summer
@LessPop_MoreFizz We usually get a couple storms in spring over here in Canada.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yesterday all the trees were covered in ice.
1 min ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
It was 55 degrees outside yesterday
Also, this isn't a storm.
It's currently roughly 21 degrees, yesterday was a bit warmer even :)
like, it was supposed to be light rain this morning.
Nice and sunny
And instead it is snowing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not sure if that's hot or cold. I don't understand your crazy Fahrenheit system!
@Wipqozn ~12 from google
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, I just consulted Google as well.
Google knows all.
bows down to the Google
@LessPop_MoreFizz maybe it's cocaine!
@Wipqozn Omniscience is creepy.
@badp That would be disturbing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Where are you right now? New York?
@Wipqozn Yeah
Oh great, international don't trust the internet day tomorrow
@KevinvanderVelden I was just about to google that when I remembered it was April Fools.
@Wipqozn that's okay! It's still safe to google stuff today, it's only tomorrow that you can't trust it
@KevinvanderVelden "I read on the internet that today is the International Don't Trust The Internet Day!"
I hope chat switches tomorrow to the BTT
@KevinvanderVelden No, as in I had no idea what you were talking about.
@Wipqozn I thought it was fairly self explanatory, you don't trust the internet tomorrow
Also, unrelated:
user image
@KevinvanderVelden I don't trust Google. 4chan told me not to.
@MartinSojka I don't trust 4chan, Yahoo Answers told me not to
I don't trust trust. A unicorn on meta told me not to.
@StrixVaria If only one of those was mainstat/socket
Every time I roll "reduces cooldown" on a legendary weapon, a kitten dies.
@Sterno Jesus christ. That's horrible.
Also, I just realized I had my shirt on inside out all morning.
@Wipqozn Classy
Good morning, Bridge
@Wipqozn What a goose.
I'm such a rebel.
@Sterno Meh. I find that pretty unuseful.
Morning @Frank
It's end of March, and we're supposed to get a blizzard today. Yay.
@Frank Go Canada!
And I have an interview in the afternoon! That'll make driving fun!
@Frank That'll just show your determination.
@Sterno I thought this was going to be like the joke "How to keep an idiot in suspension" and you'd just leave for the day
@Sterno How is that a lifehack?
@Frank How are any lifehacks lifehacks?
Poor, poor @Frank...
@OrigamiRobot That didn't ping me. Due to the elipsis on the end.
Since when does putting punctuation at the end not ping people, @Frank?
@OrigamiRobot When it's an elipsis, I think.
A question mark is fine. That still pinged me.
@Sterno I don't even know what I lifehack is!
@OrigamiRobot Yep.
Yep what?
@Frank! For science!
I should not have to tether my phone in order to get Firefox to work properly.
@OrigamiRobot Yes
@Arperum And yes
@OrigamiRobot That pings me.
@OrigamiRobot That does not.
@OrigamiRobot.. You can see it when it pings, it looks like a reply then.
The hovereffect anyway.
So it just looks for multiple periods? What's the use in that?
@OrigamiRobot You should open a bugreport.
@Frank The people who make lifehacks don't even know what a lifehack is.
@Arperum I'll bugreport you RIGHT IN THE FACE
@OrigamiRobot 404: FACE NOT FOUND.
Q: Where can I find a list of new legendary items for Reaper of Souls?

HuangismI noticed that there are legendary items that are not listed on the diablo3 items pages on battle net. Where can I find a list of the newer items? If such list exists somewhere

@OrigamiRobot YOUR MOM
Also, I need to decide which race/class combination I want to play as first in Age of Wonders III.
I'm leaning towards either High Elves or Goblins as my race. Not sure on class.
@OrigamiRobot Well, how else is it [insert bad joke about times of the month here]
@Wipqozn This is the most racist thing I've ever seen you say.
@OrigamiRobot My true colours as a racist have been revealed!
Don't you mean coulours?
cc @StrixVaria
@OrigamiRobot No, I don't.
Youu doun't?
I wonder why that U exists.
I should look it up.
Also, tomorrow is, "Believe Nothing On The Internet Day".
So be warned.
A: "ou" versus "o" in spelling words like "color"/"colour"

bernd_kI'm a German and I use an US-English spell-checker in Firefox.

Q: Dualshock 1 on Playstation 2

Oskar PerssonI tried a few games on my Playstation 2 using a Dualshock 1 controller and they all work great. Though when searching on the web some people say that some games won't work? Have I've been lucky so far or does all games work?

Q: VR compatible FPS

ck01Does anyone know of any FPS games where the POV can be controlled independently of where the gun is pointing? I ask as I'm thinking of trying to build a VR headset/gun combo.

Why does this have any upvotes?
English.SE I am dissapointed.
@Wipqozn wat. How is that ever a valid answer?
@Arperum I don't think it is. Well, I suppose you could claim it's an attempt.
I'm going to flag it as not an answer. Let the mods aware of it.
@Wipqozn I don't have an account there, and I'm to lazy to go make one now. Otherwise I'd flag it too.
Looks like that user hasn't been on STack Exchange since November.
Q: How has the Magic Find stat been changed in patch 2.0/Reaper of Souls?

Tater596Magic Find has been changed significantly in patch 2.0/Reaper of Souls, to the point where the information in this question is no longer useful. I have already asked about finding the statistic on gear, but instead would like to ask more generally... How is magic find computed in patch 2.0/RoS? ...

@Frank Nou it isn't. Nouthing strange is gouing oun toumourrouw. Alsou, everyoune knouws that "o" is always foullouwed by "u" in English.
@Powerlord In most Canadian spellings, yes. That said, ow.
@Frank You have no idea how long it took me to edit that.
And I still missed some
@Powerlord I would probably just have typed it normally and then did a regexp
Cause manual typing is for suckers!
@KevinvanderVelden When I said "long" I meant relatively.
@Powerlord still probably longer than me just starting up gvim =p
@Lazers Dupe.
@Frank Your face is a dup, of your face!
@KevinvanderVelden Since I don't have a regex program on my desktop, it'd have taken me longer. Well, Eclipse probably has some sort of regex thing built-in, but if it does, I dunno how to access it.
Oh buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr‌​rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn
@Wipqozn I have more than one face? Since when!?
Also, better than no face, turtle!
Man, I'm so funny and witty and handsome and funny and witty and handsome and witty and handsome and funny and witty and handsome.
I don't think the turtle knows either what dupe means or what burn means
@Wipqozn how handsome!
@Frank Oh snap!
@KevinvanderVelden Thanks!
@Wipqozn You're welcome.
@KevinvanderVelden I can't think of anything to edit this to.
I want to edit something too!
@OrigamiRobot So classy.
@Wipqozn See, this is why I stopped =p.
@Lazers generally not a fan of "How has X changed due to patch Y?"
@MBraedley It's a dupe, anyways.
So go ahead and VTC!
Wow. This is actually pretty good.
@OrigamiRobot you go girl!
Oh man, an hour and a half until Age of Wonders 3 releases! That means by the time I get home I'll be able to download and install it!
@GnomeSlice I haven't heard of any of those games. They look like a mishmash of genres. Horrors, Shooter, racer, adventure...?
Basing this all on the cover and name. I haven't actually clicked the link.
@Wipqozn I'm sure you've heard of Cardinal Quest. It's a really accessible and super difficult dungeon crawler. Aerena is a pretty fun pvp turn-based tactics game. @Spugs says Iesabel is great. Sparkle I haven't played, but have heard good about. And Lyne is an ambient puzzle game like Strata.
None of them are shooters, or horror.
Or racer, for that matter.
Man, what should I do on my break?
Mario 64 or Age of Wonders 3 Let's Plays?
Also should I eat?
I don't feel like eating, so I shall not.
Problem solving music
@Wipqozn Oh, that comes out today?
@Frank Yes sir!
It's like a mix of Civilization and Heroes of Might and Magic.
Too bad I'm still rather firmly stuck in FF X.
I am excitebike.
@Wipqozn I own the first two, dude. :P
@Frank I've never actually played the first two myself.
I doubt I'd like them, actually. No random maps.
I might play one of the campaigns which is supposedly tutorial focused, but that would be it.
Going to start with random map. If I find myself too confused and lost and the manual can't help then I'll probably do the tutorial campaign for a bit.
They are certainly fun to play.
I would prefer a Civilization game where you have to research both magic and science.
Warlock II comes out at some point as well. It's combat is more akin to Civilization than Age of wonders.
Is it multiplayer?
I've never played any of the warlock games though, and haven't really been following the latest one.
@KevinvanderVelden Yes
Sweet, sounds fun
It has hotseat multiplayer in addition to online multiplayer I believe.
@Wipqozn I played the first one, found it focused on combat way too much.
@Frank If true, I probably wouldn't buy it.
There were two options in diplomacy; give in to all their demands, or they would declare war.
Nothing in between.
I'm not a huge fan of the combat system in the Civ series. not sure how much Warlock would differ.
> The two hour Age of Wonders III Original Soundtrack is composed by maestro Michiel van den Bos, of Unreal, Deux Ex, Overlord and Age of Wonders 1 fame.
@Wipqozn I...don't actually recall the music being anything memorable in any of those games.
@Frank The Deus Ex OST was fantastic.
I've never played any of the other games so I can't comment.
@Wipqozn I've played all of them. And none of the music stood out, to me.
1 hour ago, by Kevin van der Velden
user image
@KevinvanderVelden That's what I was replying to.
But I found the NO a proper response to say I'm not clicking on that, I'm at work
@Frank If only @Mana was still in active in chat, then he could be all like "whaaaatttaaaaaaa, deus ex had fantastic music!!1oneone11!!!!"
@KevinvanderVelden It's just a music video, it's harmless.
It's pretty bad though
Listen to it @Frank. LISTEN TO IT ALL!
@gnomeslice how can it be both pretty bad and also harmless?
@Wipqozn Sure.
@AshleyNunn The song is bad, the video is harmless.
@AshleyNunn harmless from a NSFW perspective
@KevinvanderVelden yeah, that
You may like this
@Wipqozn I just got my game magazine in today, and Age of Wonders III review has scored a 90/100, same for Dark souls II. They are generally quite critical, so a 90 is really good.
@Arperum Yup, AOW3 is receiving a lot of praise.
also ,I think I will get some food. Just a burger or something.
Well, they rated dark souls II the same as age of wonders III, probably best to skip AoW then
@Arperum To be fair, AOW has always been a pretty solid series.
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not sure what that means.
But I think it might mean you're a serial killer.
@Frank So I've heard, never played the earlier titles.
Just saying.
Also, I miss your previous avatar. the one with the happy nerd dragon.
@Wipqozn I liked that avatar! But people complained that me and @Arperum looked the same
@badp I've survived them once, doing it again should be possible.
Q: How is this simple football game called in English?

user73235I would like to know how is this simple football game called in English:

@KevinvanderVelden Those people are less important than me.
@Lazers w a t
@KevinvanderVelden Who cares wut other ppl think~ ppl should learn 2 read!
@badp Learn 2 wat?
Responsible watting is an important skill
@Krazer Ow. The leet speak, it burns!
I can't even tell if those are game screenshots or what.
@badp non-English speaker. Can't be bothered to edit it right now though.
@AshleyNunn I neeeeeeeeeed a new Kairosoft game! I wants to be a pirate!
Y0UR3 1337 5P33K ST4ND4RD5 R L0\/\/, \= /.° /-\ |\/ |<
@MBraedley How can we escalate this to a point that you will?
@Krazer Wait until I get home from work
@frank I would love a new kairosoft game.
@badp It burns! It burns so much!
I designed that R just for you!
> \= /.° /-\ |\/ |<
@MBraedley What if I offered to break doen this work for you in more mangable pieces?
What does this even mean?
@badp |2!
That's ez-mode
(but yeah, probably also better)
@Krazer Why can't you do all the work yourself?
@MBraedley I could if you gave me your login credentials
@Krazer Yeah, that's not going to happen
@MBraedley You don't even have to pay or thank me.
@Krazer I get nothing out of editing the question besides the satisfaction of improving the chances that it'll get answered. That's not enough to pull me away from work. Oddly, chat in general is.
@MBraedley That's because chat is filled with awesome people.
Look! there's one above me now!
@Wipqozn It's true, we're packed in here like sardines.
@TimStone Sadly, I shall be leaving in a bit.
Have a meeting to go to, then directly to my interview.
@timstone it does get pretty squishy with all this awesome
@Frank fast track!
@Frank I'd wish you luck, but someone as awesome as you doesn't need it.
@Frank good luck!
@Wipqozn I'm just showing off my uber programming skills.
Which, in reality, is just learning on the fly incredibly fast and winging it.
Learning on the fly is an essential skill for any programmer.
Also, this needs more delete votes. Because Community won't clean it up at positive votes.

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