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I'm back up to 14 or so I think.
@Wandang Welcome to Kairosoft games with myself and @AshleyNunn. :P
@RedRiderX You get a lunch break, right?
@Frank I would play those if I had means to buy stuff from google play. They looks great.
loko is trying to put a obstacle between us
and answers my question
bad loko
@GnomeSlice They all have demos.
@OrigamiRobot Eh not enough of one to go somewhere else.
i am going home now
see ya later
Speaking of lunch, I am so hungry.
@Wandang My anser is better. The formatting is a little bad because I'm on mobile
Q: In Diablo 3, are Barbarians ever able to Dual wield 2 handed weapons?

NinjakrebornI know they can dual wield single handed weapons, are they ever able to dual wield the two handed weapons, as in some other games?

I hate it when settings pages don't have a save-button, but save everything as you save it. It makes me paranoid that I'm going to lose my settings the moment I click away.
> You read 199 words per minute.
That makes you 20% slower than the national average.
@RedRiderX OLD
I'm so behind the times
When did that happen?
You read 1,107 words per minute.
That makes you 343% faster than the national average.
19 hours ago, by Kevin van der Velden
You read 380 words per minute.
That makes you 52% faster than the national average.
@SaintWacko :O
Ima slowpoke
Is it the 18th yet?
> You read 706 words per minute.
That makes you 182% faster than the national average.
But I must admit I didn't try to skim it
... Oops?
@RedRiderX I normally read slower, in order to enjoy the experience, but I can read that fast
@OrigamiRobot no, banished?
@KevinvanderVelden Yes :(
@SaintWacko This pretty much.
cc @TimStone @Wipqozn
@KevinvanderVelden Oh, we're doing this again?
> You read 427 words per minute.
That makes you 71% faster than the national average.
Or did @RedRiderX get INB4'd again?
@Yuki redrider got INB4-ed by 20 hours, yes
> You read 132 words per minute.
That makes you 47% slower than the national average.
You read 562 words per minute.
That makes you 125% faster than the national average.
Is that better or worse than yesterday?
20 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
> You read 310 words per minute. That makes you 24% faster than the national average.
Faster? What?
20 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
> You read 310 words per minute. That makes you 24% faster than the national average.
I'm really sleepy...
no, wait
Oh, the average is better, not the actual speed.
That makes more sense.
No, I accidentally read @3ventic's results.
I give up.
@3ventic well, if they're finnish words than it's just because each word is 20 sentences long
@KevinvanderVelden in English
I read faster in Finnish
@Yuki Hmph
not by much though
@3ventic hush you
There is as much wrong with what I've said as there was with @GraceNote's cereal quote.
Except mine wasn't on purpose.
> You read 678 words per minute.
That makes you 171% faster than the national average.
Which nation?
@badp Flash is an open format, so whether or not Adobe still exists, probably :P
@GnomeSlice I assume the U.S.
Staples is based in the US, after all.
In fact, not even sure if they have branches in other countries.
@Ktash Wasn't flash about as open as the XML based microsoft word documents?
@Yuki There's some in Canada.
In other words, yeah sure you have a spec, that's just not what's been implemented by the clients
There's one pretty near me.
@Yuki Australia, Brazil, Canada and China, too!
@KevinvanderVelden Here's the spec.
@Yuki They do.
> This Web site is intended for use by US residents only.
There we go.
1 min ago, by GnomeSlice
@Yuki There's some in Canada.
> under its original name in Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States
@Ktash yeah, but is it actually implemented that way in their products =p
> in Argentina as Officenet-Staples, Netherlands as Staples Office Centre, Canada as Staples Canada (Bureau en Gros in Quebec), and in Italy as Mondoffice
huh, I've never heard about Mondoffice.
@badp I've never heard about a staples in holland either
@KevinvanderVelden ... Yes. It is all just actionscript and that file format. That plus a VM runtime make up pretty much all of flash
Elections end in 4 hours. Hoo boy.
There are several open source flash players too
just none as popular as the Adobe one
♫ It's the final countdown ♫
@OrigamiRobot Good until 2 minutes later when it's all soggy.
@Ktash I'm aware, I'm just saying that pointing at the spec doesn't mean much unless the spec is implemented exactly the same way in the official products
@KevinvanderVelden heh, well, if I can't convince, I'm not sure what will ;P
@Ktash well, I just remember reading that the open spec wasn't being used in flash. But I could be mis-remembering, hence me stating it as a question :)
@Sterno You take more than 2 minutes to eat cereal?
@OrigamiRobot Do you not?
@Sterno I think he just puts milk in the bowl, drops cereal in the bowl and then just dumps it in his mouth in one go
@Sterno No. All cereal gets soggy quickly. Probably has something to do with being immersed in liquid. I'm still running tests on that.
Why bother with the bowl?
@Sterno plausible deniabillity
2 minutes is plenty of time to eat a bowl of cereal.
@OrigamiRobot I find Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch better withstands the immersion.
@KevinvanderVelden Adobe has a pretty big stake in making sure it sticks with its open specs. Same with PDF
@Sterno All Cap'n Crunch is the devil.
@Ktash Okay, like I said, I could be wrong =p
1) Pour milk into bowl
2) Pick up the thing the baby just threw
3) Try to coax her to eat
4) Take a bite of cereal
5) Goto 2
...Apparently, there are actual lightsaber schools in Italy. Huh.
@Sterno Eat while she's asleep.
@Frank I think they're actually light saber schools.
@OrigamiRobot That's my video game time
babies don't sleep.
they just go quiet for short periods of time, until you're trying to do something.
And my cleaning the house time. And my taking a shower time. And my taking a poop without a toddler pulling on my leg and going "ahhhhhhhhhh" time
@Sterno Maybe cereal shouldn't be your breakfast food. Try poptarts. They don't usually get soggy.
@OrigamiRobot Perhaps!
Try eating some bread for breakfast, I will never get this cereal thing
@Sterno Now showers, those take a long time.
Especially when you can't remember if you washed your hair.
@Sterno time for a lifehack!
@KevinvanderVelden LIFEHACK: If you cut off all your hair, you don't have to remember if you washed it or not.
@Sterno In the finite state machine that is my shower routine, pre-shampoo and post-shampoo are extremely similar states.
@Sterno Skyrim lifehacks, although they don't actually call them "lifehacks". Which is a plus, I guess.
@OrigamiRobot Would it be a good idea in that case to insert a pattern? Like starting or ending with washing your hair?
@Arperum That solves nothing.
But they still count as "lifehacks" in the vein that they're presented as tips that really anyone should know.
Stop trying to make me cry.
@Yuki IIRC, lockpicking is super easy if you just check the four corners and go from there.
@OrigamiRobot How does it not solve the problem? Assume the first thing you do in the shower is wash your hair. So the question then becomes: "Did I enter the shower less then one or two minutes ago (assuming short hair here)?"
@Sterno aaah, there's probably a lifehack to stop crying
@Arperum You could also do this by eating your Golden Grahams at the same time and determining whether or not they're soggy yet.
@Arperum It doesn't solve the problem because I cannot tell the passage of time while I am sleepy.
@OrigamiRobot Take an ice cold shower. and you'll wake up.
@Arperum No, that will just make me grumpier.
what's the link to check for
@OrigamiRobot I fight morning grumps with loud music, that an option over there?
Just a reminder: There's only 4 hours left before you might all lose the ability to meaningfully remove me as room owner.
@Arperum Loud music doesn't change the fact that I just woke up.
@Yuki I didn't know half of these
But then again, most of them probably don't work in my game
@3ventic I honestly knew all of them already. Some of them I figured out through trial-and-error.
But the "increasing your max stamina increases your carrying capacity" is kind of a given...
I always used player.modav carryweight
93 mods installed...
about a dozen overhauls
Skyrim lifehack #1: Press the backtick (`) to open up the console.
@OrigamiRobot It helps me in getting into a better mood though.
@Yuki § for me!
@Yuki ² for me!
I don't even have ^2 on my keyboard
But hey, I live in Belgium, we have weird as fuck keyboards here, azerty and all those terrible things.
Ooooh, azerty
that's terrible
@Yuki Oblivion lifehack #2 (might apply to Skyrim too): Disable your IR hardware interface first in the device manager.
@MartinSojka What does that do?
@3ventic Allows you to open up the console.
@Yuki I... what? O.o
You can't open it otherwise?
If the IR hardware interface is installed, it kinda prevents you from opening the console.
Not quite sure why though. Haven't really looked into it.
I somehow doubt IR here means infrared...
Hooray, I have internet
@3ventic It does.
Being ill and not having internet is the worst
@fredley Yeah, that's bad.
@Arperum The source of my grumpiness is sleepiness. There is nothing that can change my sleepiness except going back to sleep, or a large amount of time awake. Everything else is irrelevant to my mood at that time.
@3ventic Not particularly, few people have an use for those on the computers (mostly laptops) they play on. There's also an (OBSE/FOSE) mod to open the console with an item.
Which means if you want to give me bad news, give it to me when I first wake up because I will not get mad about the news.
Mamota is now on a proper server, not a Pi. Speed drastically improved
@fredley Are you crazy? Owls are probably the second most effective hunters around here, just after cats. I'm not that suicidal.
@MartinSojka These owls are not too bad
@OrigamiRobot I'm watching quils #7 videoduring my break. Best break.
@fredley It's not letting me log in.
@Yuki db reset
@fredley Ah
If in doubt, the database has been reset
I met an owl one night. I only noticed it flew only centimetres above me when it was already past me. Scary as hell.
(Good thing I'm not a mouse)
@MartinSojka I was headed over to my girlfriend's one night and there was a huge owl sitting right in the middle of the road
@Wipqozn His Hard playthrough is way better.
I slowed down and stopped, and it very slowly turned its head to look at me, then leapt into the air and flew off
@OrigamiRobot Yeha, it is.
Wait, I splatted all the rats, but it won't let me go back to the mayor.
Okay, every time I splat the rats, it resets everything.
@Yuki Same here
@fredley What do you have against owls? :(
@Wipqozn Also, it's very obvious that roads are a very minor boost to speed, yet he keeps prioritizing them. That still drives me nuts.
> 10:10:43 Yawus: @fredley pls
> 10:10:43 : That doesn't really make sense
@Yuki Well duh his name is tom
Q: Cleanup 2014: The war on obsolete comments

kalina** This is in its preparation stage ** The methodology It becomes apparent after further investigation that it is possible to stack obsolete flags on comments and these will be removed automagically by the system, without moderator intervention. Over the coming week I am going to collate a list...

@StrixVaria Nothing!
@SepiaLazers Back to default gravatar, @kalina?
> 11:12:35 : You are in the main square. To your west is the tavern. There's not much else around here yet.
11:12:41 redriderx: pick up coin
11:12:42 : You have gained an item: Fountain Coin. See your inventory by typing 'inventory'
11:12:42 : You pick up the shiny coin and put it in your pocket. Cool!
11:12:45 redriderx: go west
11:12:46 : You are in a tavern. To your east is a door out to the main square. You're very thirsty.
11:12:50 redriderx: buy drink
11:12:50 : You buy a drink from the bartender. You notice how exceptionally clean the glass is.
It didn't cost a coin though
the next drink did
@RedRiderX Oh you're buying drinks with money? That's untested
I see
I was wondering what else you did with the coin
@RedRiderX If you have money from fighting mobs you'll be able to buy drinks, I think...
@fredley Did I get disconnected?
@fredley This was the fountain coin
Yeah there was a crash, investigating...
Ah, okay
Should have stayed up, refresh to reconnect if it didn't for you
Yeah I still get the same issue after splatting my first rat
I can't go anywhere after that
Oh wait
I'm... on a road
That was unexpected
@RedRiderX Was the fight text normal?
I completely refactored how fights work, again...
@fredley will you please implement a Dread Gazebo enemy somewhere?
@fredley It seemed so
@SaintWacko Ok
I got a message about xp and coins
@RedRiderX good
and then I was told there were no more rats to splat
@fredley Do you know the story?
@SaintWacko That I'm going to write for it? Not yet
But now I'm on a road fighting owls and very confused.
@RedRiderX There should be no owls on the road
Oh well I guess I'm in the woods now
There's where the Dread Gazebo comes from
I followed the road
@fredley It just crashed again, didn't it?
@SaintWacko not seeing anything
@fredley Hm. It's not responding to me
> 10:21:29 : The tavern is grubby. The bartender is standing behind the bar, earnestly polishing a glass. The only beverage for sale is 'drink'.
10:21:32 SaintWacko: buy drink
10:22:26 SaintWacko: browse drink
Then I tried to do a say and it just never showed up
@SaintWacko Ok I'm getting the same behaviour
Ok, bug with buying drinks fixed, odd stuff still happening with the rats though
Seems like you can pick up the coin multiple times
Just ran into something weird in Risk of Rain
Rat quest is borked
That is weird.
@OrigamiRobot Hush :P
Giant gun floating in midair
@SaintWacko What are those tally marks?
@Frank I've seen that avatar in use a couple days ago too, and by the evening, she had her normal avatar again.
@OrigamiRobot I love how much quill loves this game and just doesn't wnat to stop playing
also I love that you can pin anything
@OrigamiRobot They're from the Hit list
Also I love everytihng about this game omg be out nooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww
looking is currently broken
@SaintWacko If I had those first four items as my first four items, I'd have restarted the game.
@fredley So everyone has to roleplay being blind?
It randomly marks enemies on the screen, and if you kill them while they're marked, you get a permanent +.5 to damage
@Arperum For now
Up to a max of +20
@fredley buying also seems broken
@Sconibulus Buying drinks?
That should be fixed now...
Hmm, something goes wrong in the rat quests which resets everything...
hmm, I have rats all over my eyeballs, but have splatted all 1 rats
this is an inconsistency!
I just re-earned Mortarboard on Arqade Meta after having lost the one I got on day two of the private beta.
how in the world you get a rep based badge on a non-rep based meta?
Votes still happen, just we don't track it. It's the same as it was back on said day two of private beta.
@Braiam The rep still technically exists.
@Braiam The rep still exists, it's just no longer-- ... Yeh, whatever.
@Sconibulus Yeah something really weird is going wrong with the rat quest
I still don't know why the one I used to have disappeared, but at least I got it back.
Q: How to unlock the Hunting Log in FFXIV ARR?

cantoniI'm in the Level 12 (Gladiator - Ul'dah) and my Hunting Log isn't enabled. What quest (main or not) it's necessary to complete to unlock the Hunting Log?

Meta reps are best reps
That's why SE is hiding those reps away from us.
I miss my shiny "awarded July 8 2010".
Meta rep is like cake. It's so awesome but in the end, it's all a lie.
@GraceNote Can't you check your reputation sheet for what happened?
Wait... The rep cap is only 200?
@FEichinger We killed that page for Metas on day five or so of Beta, much to my protest.
good mornings :)
@GraceNote Well, yeh, but you have speshul powahs.
@RedRiderX Yes. 20 upvotes.
@FEichinger I am not Jeff Atwood. I am not a time mage.
@FEichinger oh hai :3
@spugsley o/
@GraceNote Well, that seems to be a problem worth solving.
@RedRiderX Ask more questions with stupid titles
@fredley Hmm good strategy.
@GraceNote Is Jeff Atwood a time mage?
@RedRiderX Worked for me
As you can see I have been trying that lately.
@fredley Yes.
@GraceNote Is being able to do the time warp a sufficient condition for being a time mage?
Also, why would you ever need to do the time warp again?
@fredley If it reverses, manipulates, or otherwise schizorleffnigs time, yes.
@fredley That's one of those things which seemed like a good idea at the time. Or will seem like a good idea? ...
@GraceNote "schizorleffnigs", huh?
@fredley To be frank, I still can't be sure if it really is again because when you mess with the time, it could actually be the first time and the time before that was the second time.
@GraceNote What does Frank have to do with the time warp?
@fredley @Frank is the time warp
@fredley Why do you think his name isn't Hrank Buectert anymore yet?
@spugsley I am? Since when?
I did wonder why his good morning message always got starred. Clearly it's something to do with the cyclic/folded nature of time.
@Frank Since next week.
@Frank Since ne...
@GraceNote inb4!
@FEichinger awww you beat me to it@!!!!!!!!!!
There's a reference there I seem to be missing.
That's what happens when you disregard the natural flow of time.
@fredley it's something that must happen before the day can really begin. If it doesn't...well, who knows what would happen
@fredley I suspect I haven't gotten mine yet.
Wow, apparently beer.SE has a 'real time chatroom'
According to the email I just received from SE
Real time!
It's like the future or something

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