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Heh true
Though if that happened on this stream it would be amazing.
I wonder if this will turn out like the Super Bowl?
I think both sides will make good points but get nowhere because they're going to end up arguing on different levels.
Wow, fallacies right off the bat...
@OrigamiRobot @Yuki @badp It ought to be Gooba Gobba Gooba Gobba. (Or arguably Gooba Gabba Gooba Gabba.) But that's what you get when you trust an italian to transliterate an english movie from 80 years ago, probably thirdhand from hearing others use it. :P
@FAE Thanks :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Congrats on your election!
@DavidM you were right about the GI. Dude knew his stuff
@spugsley Good to hear!
got in early :) Yay for being obnoxious and calling to snatch up a canceled appointment
What did he put you on? Did he take you off the antibiotics?
@spugsley Yay for getting better with the help of a specialist!
@DavidM yeah, he said there is no way that as weird as my symptoms have been (because I've been cycling between going too much and not enough) that it's anything infectious. He says it's a nasty case of gastritis because I Already have a sensitive stomach. And the anxiety of being sick if making it hella worse.
he gave me an acid-reducer and told me to follow a VERY strict diet so that my intestines can heal (you kinda said that already :p)
and to get back on the anxiety meds like asap. Which I did. Today.
@spugsley I do a lot of anesthesia for the GI guys. So, you tend to pick up a lot here and there.
@DavidM yup you were pretty spot on :) And if it doesn't improve he's seeing me back in two weeks to possibly have an endoscopy but he's pretty sure it'll improve
@spugsley Me, too.
and he also said yes to the probiotic, which I was already doing thanks to you!
Good girl!
The guy who invented the MRI scanner is a young Earth creationist. Huh.
:D so thank you again for being awesome. I already kinda feel better just because he was so nice and smart about it
@FAE So strange when scientists cling to irrational beliefs!
@spugsley My pleasure!
@FAE He has not once given any reason why his beliefs are valid.
'Cause shut up, that's why.
@spugsley Are you sure?
@OrigamiRobot That's all you can expect from a debate like this
@Sterno :o
He's pretty much old enough to be.
Maybe I'm your father and I've created this persona just to keep tabs on you without you knowing.
By the way, @spugsley, do you know what street my house is adjacent to?
I can provide a visual aid if necessary.
@spugsley pls
@Sterno Oh my
@Sterno Please do.
The people have spoken!
@Sterno .....................................................
@murgatroid99 Notice how Bill Nye went straight into examples of evidence.
RIP @spugsley
@OrigamiRobot yeah. That's how these debates work. The scientist provides actual evidence, and the creationist just says that they're actually all points in their favor and ignore all of the contradictory evidence
I love Wall-E. It's such a good movie. I cry manly tears of manliness every time I watch it.
@Wipqozn Yeah. And I love how much emotion the movie conveys with so little dialogue.
@Yuki Yup.
<insert obligatory still a better love story than twilight comment here>
@Wipqozn Most definitely better love story than Twilight.
No argument.
I think it's Pixars best movie by far.
There can be no argument.
If for no other reason than the fact that they manage to convey so much character with only a couple words of dialogue.
@Wipqozn cc @spugsley
I'm pretty sure @Sterno just killed @spugsley
Oh my.
so what's the point of this Bill Nye thing?
there's really no use in arguing with an extremist creationist. They just say "I have faith and that means I'm right"
That's basically what Mr. Ham's argument boiled down to. Not even that, really.
I didn't see that part
I'm watching Nye talk now about Noah's Ark
but why did they set this up? What's the point?
I dunno.
I'm so thirsty. :(
on an exciting note, I had the walthrough for my Showcase tonight
the space is cool :)
I saw that in the comment preview from other rooms thing and thought you said space space was cool and was going to jump in to say you're right and that space is awesome
@spugsley Well, Nye said his goal isn't to convince Ham. He's trying to show people that creationism does exist and how dangerous it is to our education system.
also I'm running a giveaway for people who buy tickets to my show. You don't have to attend to be eligible. So if you have a spare 15 bucks and want to be entered into a giveaway for a giant ass print, let me know and I'll give you details
/shameless self promotion
@Yuki ah ok. Yes I went to school in the South so I know ALLLL about creationism
Texas only barely defeated a bill that would require textbooks to include creationism. And Texas pretty much determines the state of the US textbook industry.
@spugsley were that I had 15 dollars to spare
@Yuki Thank Zeus that austin is 100 times more progressive than any place in texas outside of austin.
I like Bill Nye a lot, but you can tell he's not as trained in debate.
The blue island. :P
@Wipqozn Hey. Houston's not so bad.
To change default font (the typeface) in Windows 8, you must hack the registry.
Microsoft guys put the names of the typeface of their liking there
so there is no straighter way to change it left for the user.

Prior to this, do system restore point in case you stir it up.
What you do, you do on your own risk anyway.

Run regedit (with admin privileges).
Find "WindowMetrics".
You'll see items "CaptionFont", "IconFont" etc., of type REG_BINARY.
Font names are there, encoded in Unicode.
You must change the typeface name that is there,
How to?
@FAE haha this is true. But he is freaking smart
Congratulations @LessPop_MoreFizz @fredley @AshleyNunn!
@FAE Yeah, but he hasn't totally lost me like Mr. Ham did.
@Wipqozn Houston and Austin are the progressive cities. It's Dallas and San Antonio that you should be yelling at.
@Unionhawk because he presents evidence very very well
@spugsley Yes, but we're not the ones he has to convince. His arguments need to be structured well enough to make the people who aren't open to considering his point of view consider it.
@JeffreyLin If you need to ask "How do I edit the registry?" you probably shouldn't.
@Yuki So long as I can yell at someone, I'm fine.
@spugsley How long is the debate?
@FAE eh yeah. I would have just screamed at him when I was a 16 year old, practically in a cult, creationist
@Wipqozn no idea, I just started it
@Coronus seconded. Registry editing is not for the timid.
@Coronus This is good advice.
Basically: If your computer was a nuclear reactor, editing the registry is equivalent to fiddling with the control rods that keep the reactor from turning into a pile of radioactive slag.
it's doable and can be done safely but boy oh boy do you need to know what you are doing.
Ah, the good old days, when every program ever stored its settings in the registry
@Sterno I remember those days...I did not like them.
My favorite software requirement ever was "Store the user's operation count in the registry in a way that would require the average high schooler at least two days to crack."
@StrixVaria You around?
operation count being a thing the customer paid money to increase, and used up on certain operations. Kind of like gems in a F2P game
he's kinda going all over the place now....
he lost me a bit
@Sterno I feel sorry for you.
Plot Origin

Proposed Q&A site for people that remember a Plot or Story of a Movie, Poetry or similar and want to know it's Origin, the name of the Movie, Play or Novell where they have seen or read it.

Currently in definition.

Oh god no
Why not just encrypt it six ways from Sunday?
@spugsley Yeah, a little bit, but I mean, at least it's a semblence of evidence. "This is a slippery slope to allowing abortion" (I swear to god that was one of Mr. Ham's arguments) is not that.
@Unionhawk no way. Wow. I'm glad I missed that
@spugsley I mean, that's a bit of an oversimplification, but, it's what one of his slides boiled down to.
@Frank Unless we did something overly complicated (which we did), they could just cut and paste the old value back into the registry, and get their count back up
@Sterno Secondary keys!
@spugsley pls
@Mana pls
@Unionhawk Well, it's pretty much exactly what he said
@Frank Yeah, that's kind of what we did. It was dumb.
@Sterno Better would've been to just store it in a file somewhere, with a CRC check on it or something.
@Frank We did that TOO
And they had to match. :P
Hmm it seems like both parties have made Appeals to Emotion to make "Their Point".
AND the datetime on the file had to match another registry key
@Sterno Sounds like classic manager paranoia.
It was dumb. And made their lives hell to test it themselves. So, naturally, they had me write a tool that would let them set the count to whatever they wanted. :P
Q: Enabling Steam Family Sharing

Jamie TaylorI'm trying to share my steam library but Valve seems to have updated their interface without updating their docs. Every Tutorial I look at features the settings window with a horizontal tab bar, mine has a vertical list and no "Authorize" button. I've been on the Beta Channel for years and th...

I'm pretty confident that simply storing it in the registry as plaintext would take the "average" high schooler 2 days to crack.
> traditional fish sex
Well, that's a phrase I didn't expect to hear.
good god
skulls and fire and monkies
he's an asshole
Is this guy's reason for everything, "The bible says."
@spugsley "A lot of people believe in millions of years, but that's because they're wrong."
That's what that slide is saying.
@Unionhawk yeah that was ridiculous.
the point is he needed fire and skulls and monkeys to say that.
it's pointless. He's saying nothing
I love that you can pause and seek a YouTube stream since it's being live broadcasted and recorded.
@Unionhawk You can?
right now?
@RedRiderX Yes.
@RedRiderX yes
I can't wait to watch it when I'm off work
I'm about 15 minutes behind live because I had to pause for cutscenes in a game I'm playing.
@FAE oh you still get to see the pointless slide then
I'm hitting semantic satiation on Nye's use of the word "extraordinary".
@FAE Well that is extraordinary.
"Bears have teeth like a lion"
omg. I can't even deal with this dude. Who even is this?
@spugsley Kenneth Ham, a young-Earth creationist.
Kenneth Alfred Ham (born 20 October 1951) is an Australian young-Earth creationist who advocates a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis. He is the president of Answers in Genesis (AiG) and the Creation Museum. Personal life On 30 December 1972, he married Marilyn ("Mally"). The Ham couple have five children and ten grandchildren. Ken Ham earned a Bachelor of Applied Science, with an emphasis in Environmental Biology, at Queensland Institute of Technology and a diploma in Education from the University of Queensland. He has been awarded two honorary degrees: In 1997 from Temp...
From Australia.
@Unionhawk inb4
Oh snap, Bill.
And the part about the Creation museum including dinosaurs? That's true.
@Fluttershy Just got home. What's up?
@StrixVaria Is Starbound done wiping characters?
No I'm not kidding.
@Fluttershy Done wiping characters and ships, they promise.
Done wiping worlds, they hope.
@Unionhawk Yes it does
@StrixVaria Awesome. Thanks!
They can't guarantee that, but they don't want to if they can avoid it.
Many dinosaurs
@Unionhawk how do they justify that?
@RedRiderX (I know I'm from Cincinnati. Haven't been there.)
@Unionhawk Are they wearing saddles?
@Unionhawk Ah okay
@Fluttershy ...
@RedRiderX What? There are some who believe man rode dinosaurs. <_<
@spugsley The dinosaurs coexisted with people.
@Fluttershy Yeah sure I just have no idea
@Unionhawk wow
@Unionhawk @spugsley And man rode them into battle.
Haven't been there
@Fluttershy and then used them to plow their fields, probably
@spugsley That's where dragon myths come from
Is another posit.
dinosaurs coexist with people
People actually seeing these types of animals
@WorldEngineer Crude oil?
they look like this:
Who un-ownered me?
Am I still an owner?
What's going on?
@WorldEngineer Heh
@StrixVaria Yep
@StrixVaria Probably the same jerk who un-ownered me. :(
I blame @OrigamiRobot.
@Fluttershy oil is compressed plankton and algae
It's complicated.
@Fluttershy :(
It appears @badp has added all the mods back as owners. Still not sure why that's necessary.
It just clutters up the room info page.
@StrixVaria 'Cause reasons - BadP
@StrixVaria He explained it one night.
@Fluttershy actually today too
Question time!
@spugsley Do you like tiramisu?
@Fluttershy LOVE
@spugsley Do you like cheesecake?
@Fluttershy LOVE
@OrigamiRobot wat
@spugsley Do you like tiramisu cheesecake?
4 hours ago, by badp
@Undo Okay. It is possible for moderators to lose their diamond on chat temporarily. Keeping room ownership gives us a modicum of control over this chat room even if that happens.
@spugsley Test passed!
4 hours ago, by badp
Don't tell anybody!
@RedRiderX I didn't, badp did
Heh true
@Unionhawk That seems like overkill, though. AFAIK it's happened once, and these guys are never on chat anyway except in exceptional circumstances.
seriously asshole
Oh god I've got a meeting in soon, and it's snowing really bad.
Oh boy The Duchess is calling my number :/
@StrixVaria Though by the same token, no one ever really bothers looking at the room owner list, either.
@RedRiderX He was talking about how we need more engineers because we are da bestest.
@OrigamiRobot highfive
@Sterno Yeah it's not worth fighting any more than just trying it out and seeing how it goes. It didn't go, but whatever.
Except room owners. So we can find @Wipqozn and remove him.
@OrigamiRobot Did he intend that to be relevant to the discussion?
@ashleynunn @fredley @LessPop_MoreFizz What have you done to confuse @badp so far?
@RedRiderX it was. It's QA now and the question was "What was before the big bang" essentially
he said we need engineers and scientists
to figure that shit out
If I'm made room owner again, I'll add and remove @Wipqozn within 10 seconds.
Two and a Half Men was before The Big Bang
It was horrible.
@Sterno ಠ_ಠ
@spugsley Hmm
@Sterno nope, you're done. Please leave.
@Unionhawk w3rd
The best thing about science is when it says "I don't know, but I wanna find out."
@OrigamiRobot yeah I agree :)
@OrigamiRobot Indeed
This guy just says "BIBLE IS TRUE THEN END"
@RedRiderX yeah that's his argument
@OrigamiRobot That's true, unthinking dogma.
He doesn't yell, but yes.
I feel so betrayed. T_T
@Fluttershy I was just cleaning up the room and de-ownered like 15 people in 3 minutes.
@StrixVaria I know. I saw all the people. But I didn't even notice myself included. :P
@Sterno I'll just point at the current pinned messages.
3 mins ago, by Fluttershy
@StrixVaria I know. I saw all the people. But I didn't even notice myself included. :P
You weren't in that list thogh.
Not sure when you got removed.
@GnomeSlice I was there. I was right above LessPop's thank you post.
Oh, there were more above it.
@GnomeSlice Like 3 messages before.

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