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@OrigamiRobot I "protested" because the statement made was that I was secretly in love with her. And unless I'm @kalina (looks down Nope.), that doesn't imply self-love at all.
People will be very disappointed when their Alienware Steam boxes can't even properly render future-generation dogs.
@5pike = the 10-year-old kids yelling in Just Cause 2?
@FEichinger You're not fooling anyone.
Well, maybe you're fooling @GnomeSlice.
@5pike Well I expected an overpriced piece of crap, but I was more expecting rare iterations on a >$1000 box. That would be slightly better than annual iterations on what I assume will be a ~$500 box. Also "unupgradable" was not what I was expecting at all. I don't even know how that's possible
@3ventic Yeah, exactly
1 min ago, by Arperum
@OrigamiRobot The robot is broken. @spugsley please go over to his place and reboot him.
Aside from making a case so horrific that it's just practically impossible to upgrade without destroying it
@BenBrocka That + Laptop parts
@BenBrocka Wasn't that at least half of the point of steambox? "Upgradable".
@Blem Wait... censored? What the...?
@OrigamiRobot poor robot, so broken =[
@Yuki Watch and you'll know why.
@5pike Hm laptop parts/ SOC style design could do it for the most part
@FEichinger Can't. YouTube's blocked at work.
@Yuki it's one of those "censor normal things so it sounds dirty" things
@BenBrocka Ah.
@KevinvanderVelden I'll break you!
> @KevinvanderVelden I'll <BLEEP> you!
@BenBrocka I hope someone at Valve has the balls to go and tell Alienware to fuck off.
But I doubt that
Because money
@5pike It was the headliner of their hardware announcement, even without specs
@OrigamiRobot So robot, much broke, very sad
@OrigamiRobot And now he's getting aggresive. @spugley, take @IanPugsley with you when you go in for a reboot!
@Arperum Two s 's in "aggressive", dear.
@Arperum I'm trying to communicate! He's clearly broken so he can't understand normal speech, maybe he understands doge
@Arperum Pfft, I'm more afraid of @spugsley than I am of @IanPugsley.
@BenBrocka Then there is no hope, expect a few other steam machines do something different, but I highly doubt that.
@Yuki Broken paperbot is broken.
I bet @kalina ripped his head off again.
@5pike I think we've seen about all we'll see released this year. This whole thing is just a confused mess and no two manufacturers agree on what the point of a steam machine is
:13313817 A) That's not what that means.
B) Fine.
Q: I just downloaded idustrial craft 2, do I have to make a new world to let ores and rubber trees spawn?

user67266I just downloaded industrial craft 2 and was adventuring and couldnt seem to see ANY rubber trees, just wondering if i need to make a new world or if i can somehow keep the world and make things spawn

@Yuki too late :( I was AFK for a bit.
A steam machine uses a steam engine. That's how things should be.
@Blem facedesk
@Yuki yes! Steam engines are awesome
I need a mod to fix my mistakes after they have timed out. Get your promises in now!
@BenBrocka I haven't really followed the whole process, but it seems to me that valve had pretty much no guideline whatsoever.
Only - make it a small pc
Or were there some guidelines, but the manufacturers just didn't care?
@5pike There was talk of "tiers", low medium high, which would make a lot of sense, standardize the specs so you could slap "low tier steam machine approved!" on your games. That didn't happen. No standards. No subsidized "from valve" machine either, which some expected
@Sterno I'm not saying "people don't have to behave in chat" I'm just saying that the two are not always comparable.
@BenBrocka Ok, that explains a lot
So the Android version of FF6 had a gamebreaking bug during the Kefka vs. Leo fight. It crashed the game.
Basically all the high hopes people had for steam machines (subsidized like consoles, standardized for no fuss) are already out the window. Now the OS itself and the controllers are basically the remaining appeal
@BenBrocka HA
Ahoy Bridge!
I wonder if they can manage to convert enough games to their OS
Else, it'll just die quietly, you slap windows on the steam machine and you have an overpriced "gaming" computer
@5pike They better hope Mantel & AMD become common too since that's basically the only way they'll get console levels of optimization (a few games are going mantle but it's probably a ways off)
There's no one universal bad thing about the steam machines (other than "I can make my own"), but the whole thing's just a confused mess at this point which is the problem
@BenBrocka Ugh, the entire reason why I even consider getting consoles is for standardized specs so I don't have to worry about "Can I run X game on Y platform?"
And if you can sort out the sense of Steam Machines...you can sort out the mess of buying a PC, trust me
Hell, that's the entire point of consoles!
@5pike they're licensing the nvidia shield tech to stream games from windows as well, remember
@Yuki yeah, the "tiers" thing would have been interesting. I wouldn't have bit, but I bet a lot of people would
@BenBrocka Well, and at that point - why even bother with steam machines?
@BenBrocka And it shouldn't be long before someone releases PC drivers for the controller.
@OrigamiRobot I thought they said it'd work with windows anyway?
Controller's all I'm interested in, and I still doubt it'll replace my DS4/Mouse
@BenBrocka I guess the problem is that no one wants to market a "low tier" machine
@BenBrocka Well then the controller shouldn't be included as part of the appeal of the box.
and if the "high tier" machines are $6,000 people are going to get very uninterested very fast.
@badp the $500 boxes are definitely "low tier" whether they call 'em that or not. And really, those are the most attractive ones of the bunch IMO, because they reach form factor levels generally uncommon for the specs
@badp Especially since you can build a high-spec PC for ~$1K.
Unless you meant the appeal of the box in relation to other consoles.
Though with some effort you can get a big ol graphics card in a small ATX HTPC case
I'm happy they didn't go with stupid labels such as "low"/"good" "medium"/"better" and "high"/"best", as those labels are pretty dumb and short-sighted anyway
@badp there's also a $6000 one (I think it basically includes multiple Titans, but still)
What's best today is going to be laughable in 8 years
@badp The point would have been to say "runs on X tier steam boxes just fine!"
Like Windows Experience index but actually useful. Could have had a gradually increasing scale
Oh man The Muppet Movie is so great.
@BenBrocka That puts pressure on developers to actually buy each of every steam machine, doesn't it?
@BenBrocka Should probably include a year disclaimer because "low 2014" probably isn't going to be the same as "low 2018".
@badp Ideally you'd only need one of each tier, and there's a minimum requirement in every field for a tier steam machine
@Yuki I was thinking more like "tier 1 tier 2" something that scales infinitely
@Yuki I'd much rather have something like "tier 0" "tier 1" "tier 2" and so on
Q: How to make sure directions on navball correspond to directions I see my ship flying?

MołotWhen I land on celestial body without atmosphere, I can't count on drag to nullify my horizontal velocity. So I need to use translation RCS for the final 3-5 m/s I can't nullify with manoeuvres. But I often get confused. What can I do to make sure than when I press "translate left" key, my ship ...

Q: Forge mod loader could not connect to this server

user67266I get the following error when I try to join my friends server. The mods and versions listed below could not be found, they are required to play on this server. - IC2 : 2.0.371 We both have industrial craft 2. How can we solve this problem?

Like experience index, after a certain point you max out at 7.9, but in theory they could raise the ceiling
@BenBrocka doesn't that consistently happen with each release of Windows?
it used to be 5.9 with Vista, I think
Yeah, it was 5.9, 7.9 with 7, might have been raised in Win 8, I never checked
Oh for a moment I thought we were talking about earthquakes.
@BenBrocka yeah, but then you can have a tier 3 machine that doesn't run a tier 1 game because of AMD drivers.
I can't even find the score in Win 8.1
@3ventic Start from Win-Pause
@BenBrocka My processor and RAM limit me to 7.6, sadface.
@badp nop
@TimStone You mean they score 7.6? :P
I should probably throw away my entire computer and get a new one to mimic the console lifecycle.
@3ventic It should be a link in there on the sidebar
@3ventic it appears to be missing in Windows 8.1
@badp Yeah, everything else is 7.9.
> It has now been removed in Windows 8.1, and the numebr number no longer shows up in the System Information window.
@TimStone Yeah my ram is the only thing that isn't 7.9. Which makes me sad because I wanted to max out their silly arbitrary limit
What good are numbers if you can't shove them in other people's faces?
I was considering upgrading my RAM, but I haven't found a compelling reason other than to just do it.
also I need to buy more ram since 1 stick is trapped in my old motherboard because screw removing that 212
I'll probably just buy a cheap set of 2x4GB. I want 2x8 but can't really justify the price
@TimStone It's so cheeeeeap.
@FAE I've got 4x4GB, I'd have to upgrade to 8GB sticks.
Ah, hm.
Plus even then I'd still be in the shadow of Nick Craver, I think he has like 128 GB for running his test instance of Stack Overflow.
I've got 3x4GB currently. My biggest bottleneck right now, I think, is my processor.
@FAE It's really pretty expensive if you already have 16GB and don't need more
(aside from not having a SSD that is)
I have 3 SSDs >_<
I have 2 and one seems pretty pointless since HDD speed really doesn't appear to be a bottleneck for recording
@TimStone I like keeping all my games installed at once and Jochem won't let me buy a SSD big enough to let me do that. >_>
The third drive is just part of my Steam library, heh.
I have an SSD. It's sitting in my closet because I still haven't installed it.
@3ventic uh. okay.
@TimStone I have 2 ssds and two wd green drives in raid 0
@TimStone did you know? some people are buying FutureMark benchmarking software!
Q: Skylanders Swap Force level 6 jumps

Crystal chandlerOn level 6, just before you tech the crystal snow to uncover the key, I find it impossible to jump up to the last last rock. Anyone one have any advice?

@BenBrocka I remember my capture card complaining about the speed of my drives at one point, but I forget offhand what I had in there before the SSDs.
@TimStone My gaming/music partition is 1.2TB and I've got 1.5GB free :(
I keep having to uninstall stuff.
@TimStone 3? I have one 250GB HDD with Windows, BF3, BF4, and a couple of odd "favourites" on the SSD while the rest are on the 2TB spinny disk.
@FAE my games drive is a 250gb ssd and I am forever juggling games
@badp I think I bought 3DMark because it was on a flash sale and I was like "Oooh shiny numbers". I really have a problem. Someone stop me.
@badp I bought 3DMark just for the sake of buying something..
@TimStone @3ventic did the same
@kalina I hate having to do that. What do you do about saves, or do they stick around when you uninstall the games?
@3ventic We shall start a club. It will be epic.
@FAE steam cloud
I didn't spend my personal money on it, though!
any non-steam/origin game can sit on the 2tb raid 0 array
@kalina What about stuff that doesn't have Steam cloud?
Ah okay
I couldn't quite justify a 320GB SSD but now I'm quite tempted to sell the 250GB to my dad when he rebuilds his machine and upgrade to a 320GB.
I was not aware that people buying 3DMark were people that existed
much less than I knew three of them
my second ssd has junctions for steamapps and origin games folder and nothing else
I thought it was meant for pc building shops to show off scores or something
and that disc is in a constant state of flux
@badp SHHH
I think it has ~200mb free on it atm
@TimStone Do you exist?
I do make a regular backup of STEAMAPPS and Origin Game files though...no way am I gonna download 30GB+ of BF3 again.
I have had all three Mass Effects installed since they were released
You wouldn't be the first. Arda didn't exist.
one day I will uninstall them
@badp I am actually just mod abuse embodied, so.
and that will be a sad day in my history
@tombull89 The downloading's not so much of a problem for me given my internet speed, I just have the tendency to not play stuff if it's not installed.
@TimStone I guess you exist, then.
@FAE I'm the same, I have a huge steam library but I never look at it because I set steam to only show installed games
@badp But maybe only as wispy vapours. That'd be cool.
@TimStone I've recorded Fraps at 1080p in BL2 to an HDD without trouble (at 30FPS granted) so I've been less sensitive to HDD speed. And anything that records straight to h264 seems just fine on a higher speed HDD. I just wish I could record to HDD but make sure temp files went to SDD
@kalina This is what I started doing after the last sale
@kalina Yeah, I need it visible to like... even consider it exists. Oddly enough, I have this same problem with clothes. I had an open closet when I was younger because I just kind of forgot about any clothes that were in dressers.
@BenBrocka I think it may have only been an issue when I accidentally recorded in the raw format that takes up multiple GBs every second.
I couldn't click stop fast enough.
@FAE oh no, when I moved I donated so many clothes to charity
my wardrobe is kinda minimalist atm
Gyro, cheesteak, or pizza for lunch?
@FAE It's not even that necessary. Next time you feel the crave to play game X, you'll probably drift to the store page for X. And Steam will tell you you already own it!
I say that, guys would probably still comment about the amount of clothes I call minimalist
@kalina I need to do the same and go through my clothes soon, but I hate doing that so much, ugh.
also, BL2, as well as the original, are incredibly well optimized
You'll then play game X while feeling a slight sense of intense, burning shame
@Sterno Being within the vicinity of Philly I must answer cheesesteak.
Also also, morning, Bridge
@TimStone That's basically what Fraps does though. And part of why I need to try out Bandicam, supposed to record direct to high quality h264
@BenBrocka Hmm, I dunno what the issue was then.
@badp My problem is that often I don't feel like "I want to play game X", I feel like "I want to play something but I don't know what" so then I wander to my library.
@TimStone I didn't look too hard at the 2 hour vid file though since I wasn't going to bother editing it, maybe it desynced later or something
@TimStone I still have 1tb of raw videos from what I played payday 2
one day I will sort through delete them
I keep all little steam games installed or things I might play, but I also have lots of high file size crap I'll never play thanks to big publisher bundles so I keep those uninstalled now
@BenBrocka I really need to put the card to better use so I can one day justify having gotten it. |:
@kalina This is why I prefer to record to h264, my capture card recordings (which I mostly ignore) are much smaller. Still a few GB a session, but not 100GB an hour
argbnjksab I just put earbuds in that were sitting in the car overnight
So cold
So far I think I only used it to grab screenshots of Mass Effect 3 from my 360
@TimStone Sooo how many things do you say that about?
@BenBrocka yeah, so much space
@BenBrocka @kalina's videos are also a few GB a session, she just played that much of it
Oh man, The Muppet Movie is amazing.
@FAE I have to do better this year because we're trying to get a house. :P
@TimStone I do this on my cap card a lot too.if you get a splitter you can record on PS3/4 over HDMI too if that would help you get use of it
@TimStone We'll have to cut you off of Steam sales.
@kalina I've heard Bandicam is preferable to Fraps because of this (and recording mic to a separate track I Think) but I haven't tried it yet
@FAE And destroy Christmas? Because that was the worst this year.
@TimStone Oooooh! Exciting. Good luck
23 mins ago, by RedRiderX
Oh man The Muppet Movie is so great.
@Sterno GYRO!!!!
@TimStone Next sale is Summer, silly.
@BenBrocka The card niftily has HDMI in and out so you can just pipe the stream through, although if I were to hook something up now I'd definitely just get a splitter.
@FAE perhaps even a spring sale?
@KevinvanderVelden Likely.
@FAE Oh, no, I just mean actually buying stuff around Christmas in general ended up costing me an enormous amount of money. :/
@BenBrocka I got bored of recording (primarily due to getting bored of editing) so haven't recorded anything recently
FRAPS still starts up on boot
@OrigamiRobot It just keeps getting better.
@TimStone Oooh gotcha.
I keep closing it every time
@kalina Just like my RAT profile tool.
oh I have that open
@TimStone HDCP still scrambles on passthrough. I have a passthrough but I use splitters to put it in to TV, card and monitor separately just to be paranoid of lag/issues, and it's very cheap
the reason I close FRAPS is because it puts numbers in the top corner of everything
I don't need to know that Chrome renders chat at 60fps
@BenBrocka Oh, right, I forgot about that with the PS.
@kalina same, I've still got a ton of videos from the last Just Cause 2 multiplayer beta but can't be assed to edit them.
@kalina you can set the overlay to hide by default. I hate that little thing
First thing I did when I installed FRAPS.
@BenBrocka if I do that, I don't notice I just accidentally hit record
and then BOOM - no hard disk space left
@FAE Yeaaaaaah. I really should pay my now-overdue estimated taxes but I'm scared to take that much money out of my savings account x_x
@TimStone D:
Not that waiting is helping me any, but uhh...shh.
(They were only due on the 15th)
Uh huh.
Hooray for being K-1ed instead of W-2ed. -_-
Anyone used the recent iterations of RPG maker, specifically XV Ace?
@TimStone Not familiar with that form
It's 8 less than a K-9
@FAE Because I have a partnership in a company I'm responsible for all of my taxes. So I pay the same as I would with the W-2, just that none of it's withheld.
@TimStone Aaah gotcha.
The money just sits in my savings account until I have to pay quarterly estimated taxes to the tune of $3500.
Woo. x_X
@BenBrocka so essentially it sucks cause it's not an awesome robot dog? Gotcha
So I always have to keep a mental note that I have money I don't really have.
Q: Game freezes on "Insert Disc 3" screen

WayneAfter travelling back to disc 2 to do some shopping my game continually freezes when I try to progress back to disc 3. It goes to the insert disc screen and when I change the disc I can hear the disc spin for a few seconds but the game never loads. Is there a fix/workaround for this bug?

So now I have to do an assignment for that company I had that phone interview for.
@FAE On the positive side of things my previously non-existent credit score is going up, so hopefully with more uhh...careful savings that whole house thing will work out okay. :D
@Frank is saying "Fuck this shit, I'm building my own company. With blackjack, and hookers!" an option?
@TimStone And that's the worst kind of money. It's like credit, only actually sitting there in your bank account. Visible. Taunting you.
@KevinvanderVelden Not really.
@TimStone Woo!
@Frank well crap =[
@FAE Yes ;_; And it makes superhuge red bars in Mint that make me sadface.
@KevinvanderVelden I don't mind, but it's asking me to do stuff I've never done before.
@Frank then it's a good assignment isn't it? =p
What kind of stuff
@kalina This looks like something I'd expect a computer in Night Vale to say.
@KevinvanderVelden From what I can tell, I'm supposed to be doing ASP.NET MVC. Which I've poked at before, but that's about it.
@kalina I love windows95 tips and tricks
I've never used Windows 95, I assume on boot it popped up that screen or something?
And web services to return data from the database.
It partly inspired @TheXbone
@Frank Oh, that shouldn't be bad then, ASP.NET MVC is pretty nice to work with.
@kalina the tip is fake but I think it did have tips like that
I've always used backend connections to access databases instead of web services.
@Frank That is all very easy to do.
@kalina Windows 95 Night Vale Edition Plus!
@BenBrocka Reminds me of Warcraft 2's in game tips.
"Never pet a burning dog"
"Don't spit into the wind"
And use XML Documents (whatever that is) to pass data between the tiers.
@kalina Yep, what @BenBrocka said: The Welcome screen was a thing.
...XML? Get out, now.
@TimStone So I'm essentially learning on the fly when I do this stuff. Which I can do.
If you have any questions that aren't SO-worthy, feel free to give me a ping and I might be able to help. All that Data Explorer work has to be good for something.
@TimStone SQL, I got. Bashing at MVC and webservices is where I'm going to have issues.
@TimStone Why can't we all just get along?
@Frank Well, I meant more that Data Explorer is an ASP.NET MVC app. :P
@OrigamiRobot I uh...one day, one day?
@TimStone Heh. Alright. I do want to poke at this myself, first, though, just in case I can figure it out on my own.

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