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I'm rather partial to person of interest myself
@kalina @KevinvanderVelden STOP INB4'ING ME!
oh, the other kind of drama.
renames to TNT
well, thanks guys
you destroyed my hopes and dreams
@Jefffrey Awww :( I hope we made you laugh somewhere through the problems?
@Jefffrey That's something at least.
@Unionhawk Does he have the typical Russian accent?
@5pike Yeah, she does. ( :P )
I'm surprised the age question has so many upvotes.
@Unionhawk Oh boy :D
It's something I'm curious about for curiosity's sake, but it isn't in the list of top things I'd want to know about a mod.
@Sterno Jeez, +9/-2? Let's make that +9/-3.
@Sterno Because it has been a relevant topic on a couple of other sites.
@FEichinger too-young mods?
Or just people not reacting well to young mods?
@Sterno More that.
The usual result is "hey, some of the best mods on the network are underage", but that doesn't really help the initial reaction.
If age is a solid criteria for modship, clearly I should get all 3 slots.
@Sterno That reminds me of an epic Meta post.
I'm willing to bet it's a bigger problem on the more "professional" sites.
Sounds good to me.
On gaming, you practically expect to be talking to a teenager.
@Sterno I assume so, yes.
@Sterno Easy questions, easy life.
Except I'm pretty sure all of our mod candidates are >=20, aside from one.
@Ullallulloo I suggest you answer all questions then?
@Arperum Good idea.
@Arperum what! I WAS AFK, how did I INB4 you?
Also rotary craft is awesome for ore multiplying
TIL antimatter is not a significant source of riboflavin.
@KevinvanderVelden You have the terrible habit of doing so at the most irritating times. My message was generally aimed.
@Arperum so, did kalina INB4 you or was it just a random outburst?
@KevinvanderVelden She did.
Or a delayed outburst from me INB4-ing you earlier today
@KevinvanderVelden You were part of the message because you have the terrible habit of doing it all the time.
gotta go
bye ladies ;)
@Sterno Maturity is a solid criteria for modship, and age has a partial correlation with maturity.
@RedRiderX Y'know, when someone says "literally revolting", I usually take that to mean "extremely disgusting".
@Yuki Indeed
@RedRiderX The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, it will be streamed to ustream
Sterno's list of things he wants in a mod:
1) Don't flaunt your powers.
2) Be welcoming of new users.
3) Don't go Rambo and override community consensus (unless all the mods back you)
@KevinvanderVelden Yes, this is very interesting.
Short list!
I'd like to know more about where this stream is coming from.
> In other games you would receive a cape or something. Here, I can't remember.
HamStare @ЯegDwight
Really, it mostly just boils down to "Don't be a dick."
@Sterno tbh, even if all other mods back you, it's a community site and community consensus is the key thing
@Sterno All the mods, and GraceNote, maybe
@Sterno Well, that doesn't seem to allow for any MOD ABUSE. Why would I want to be a mod if I can't MOD ABUSE?
@Yuki those that want to be mods for the glorious MOD ABUSE should not be mods, hence me not declaring myself
@kalina I mostly agree, but I'm leaving room for those few cases where the community is clearly wrong and/or the action can't be supported by SE. Like if the community decides that blatantly sexual imagery is just fine in questions and answers.
Obviously, this would rarely or never happen.
@Sterno Can I have an official Sterno™ Stamp of approval?
@fredley ker-chunk
@Sterno oooh, right in the face
Bet that hurt
@Sterno *grabs forehead and screams at the searing pain*
@Sterno If the community ever decided that, there's something seriously wrong
@kalina Yeah.
@Sterno If that happens, you're beyond site diamonds.
> In one incident, Vitali Klitschko (an opposition leader) appeared on Franko Street, who upon seeing him caused the titushky (gang of armed thugs) to flee. Klitschko then disarmed 2 thugs, who confessed to him that they were brought into the city from Kherson and ordered to smash cars and bring chaos to the city.
@FEichinger but at least wandang will be happy!
@KevinvanderVelden Now, now, let's not talk shit about users I have ignored.
@Yuki Yeah it seems like it's pretty crazy right now.
@Sterno While 1) is important, I also think it's important that the mod not be afraid to use his powers either.
And come on guys no stars for that?
We elect mods for a reason, and we've got enough with differing opinions that if they all think some community-approved action would be toxic and override it as a group, I'm going to trust them on that one.
@FEichinger naah, I (mostly) kid. And he's relatively safe to un-ignore now I believe
@GnomeSlice I don't see your nomination for moderator!
@RedRiderX ty
@Blem I have no intention of nominating.
@RedRiderX a star for the relevant one, and not for the asking for stars one =p
@StrixVaria Yeah. I'm mostly thinking of things like coming in to chat and flexing a bit. Honestly, I'm mainly complaining about what I sometimes see when mods from other sites step into chat
@KevinvanderVelden Yeh, every time I look at the transcript to see if he says anything worth unignoring, I get my point proven yet again.
@Sterno Which is where the "and GraceNote" clause comes in.
@Sterno That's the worst.
@KevinvanderVelden You have more of my thanks :P
@FEichinger mhkay, your ignore list ofcourse =p
@Unionhawk Works for me
Steam Keys for Freedom Fall were added to Groupees Build-A-Bundle 6 for anyone who bought it.
@Sterno Yea, @AshleyNunn!
@OrigamiRobot inorite!
And @TimStone.
@OrigamiRobot But @AshleyNunn isn't a mod from another site. She's our entire mod team.
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not unignoring him either. I check the transcript regularly, but don't feel like things have changed. We have eachother on ignore anyway.
Guys, if you don't mind, would you go over my answers to the questions posed to me on my nomination so far, as I'm feeling based on the scores of the various comments so far that perhaps my answers haven't adequately responded to the concerns raised?
Wow that's a lot of noms already
@BenBrocka Nom nom nom nom nom.
@Yuki More noms, there are twelve noms, and one who got eaten.
@Arperum One got eaten?
@kalina Would you prefer feedback publicly or privately?
@FEichinger Retracted.
@Arperum I'm more asking who than what.
@Sterno I don't mind, I'm not hiding anything
@FEichinger Jeffreylin.
@Arperum Oh, right ... there was that.
@Arperum Oh, he retracted his nom?
1) Mod abuse
2) Mod abuse
3) Mod abuse, then reverted, just 'cuz.
@Yuki Yup.
Also, good morning, Bridge
@Frank morning
@Frank Morning!
morning @Frank
@Arperum I guess there was a bit of a blowback because of his rep? 'Cause I don't remember if it was higher than 3k.
After one day of thinking, my current plan involves not nominating myself. I don't feel like I know enough yet.
> (seriously though, Less is a solid member of the community and would make a great mod. If you're reading this and don't vote for him, it means you hate Arqade and probably also hate America.) – Shog9♦ 13 hours ago
@kalina I didn't think you were. Anyway, I think you've addressed it fairly well, though maybe a little too politician-y, responding with "Hi, @Whoever. Thanks, @Whoever." That might just be because it doesn't read like what I'm used to thinking of "your voice". Beyond that, though, you said the right things, but I'm betting a lot of people are wanting to see proof beyond words, which you can't magically make appear beyond what you've already done. <continued>
@Yuki It was mostly his age I think.
Instructions unclear. If I do hate America, who do I vote for instead?
@RegDwigнt That just means @kalina won't vote for @Less.
@kalina It would not surprise me if it's an anchor around your neck this election, but in a year's time assuming proper behavior it is no longer one, since then you can point at the whole previous year and say "See?"
@RegDwigнt Me, obviously.
I'm Canadian!
@Frank I'm sold.
Wow, that was easy.
Well, you could have said you were a Kiwi, then I'd have voted for you twice.
@RegDwigнt But I don't think @Frank could run for modship if he was a fruit. Or a flightless bird.
Little do you know what Frank could or could not pull off as a fruit.
That's so cute.
@Yuki I could hit keys with that beak!
@Yuki See. If that doesn't qualify for a mod, then no pony of any size does.
@Frank But would you be safe from Bela?
I retract my previous statement, @Frank could indeed run for modship if he was a flightless bird.
@Sterno It may well be "too politician-y" however I think that was the right way to approach the situation: it's how I would have to approach similar critical situations in the event I actually got elected and it's demonstrative of the fact I actually can do that. The kalina they're calling "too aggressive" that "clashes with mods and complaints to @community" died when she deleted her account.
@Blem Martian Luther King.
That needs a drawing
@fredley Martian Luther King Jr.
Marital Luster King.
@RegDwigнt Honestly, I think that's just mobile chat being stupid. Again.
@Sterno I understand what you're saying here, though I'm not completely convinced - a bunch of the issues raised are ancient history to me and haven't occurred since I returned. I do completely get why they could be an issue to others still, though.
One of those issues happened 1/10th of my ago, for example.
So what was badp's announcement? That we are now voting for Frank?
@kalina That's like 1/100th of my age.
Happy Birthday to Marvin Luther and King Jr!
@RegDwigнt Elections are happening.
@Frank elections are happening every year everywhere.
That is so not an announcement.
@Sterno yes, but can you see why I view it as something no longer representative of how I am now?
@RegDwigнt We didn't have any last year.
@kalina I don't personally share most of those concerns. Mainly I'm trying to explain what I think the comment upvotes signify, probably, and the fact that it's probably not really an issue of you trying to better address things in comments. I think you've done that as well as you probably can.
@Blem Well, at least they're all spelling "King" correctly. Which is an extremely low bar, to be honest.
@RegDwigнt Eh not really
@RegDwigнt you're just jealous you didn't have lazers for your elections.
@Frank that is worthy of an announcement.
@kalina Yeah. I just wanted to make an age joke.
@Sterno You must have made every possible age joke at least thrice by now.
@RegDwigнt Nope, we didn't have them last year because our mods were too good already.
@badp we have lazers for elections and not for elections. We have lazers at all times. Our lazers have lazers.
@Sterno Also, questions are inherently going to get more upvotes than the answers.
@Sterno As somebody who is active in the bridge, you must surely see that my behaviour changed starting from the point I had my account un-deleted, in comparison to how I was before said event.
@Ullallulloo ah, so badp has broken bad this year?
@FEichinger Well, he's had enough time to do so. He's, after all, super old.
@OrigamiRobot Very true.
@RegDwigнt pic or it didn't happen
That's been true across every single candidate
I like your Lego Cuusoo project @RegDwigнt
@kalina Yes
@Blem thank you!
@badp pictured from left to right: our lazers, their lazers.
@RegDwigнt -1, does not have English
You are a fraud
@badp you are just blinded by the lazers.
@Sterno Well I'm happy you've noticed, it's important to me. :)
That's how much lazers we has.
@RegDwigнt I like your lazers.
@RegDwigнt How I see this is the reapers from ME3 + Lazers.
@RegDwigнt booring lazers, only one color!
The third lazer from the bottom top spells "English" in Russian. Get an expert to help.
@KevinvanderVelden take off your pink glasses.
Your picture of lazers has a pending copyright notice from @Lazers.
Also, I'm guessing lazers/lasers is the american/british variation?
@GraceNote thank you, but the pressing question is, do you like our lazers' lazers?
@Meraj99 no, it is the bridge/not awesome variation
@kalina Also, nearly all of the criticisms raised are (to my knowledge) related to activity in chat which, IMHO, shouldn't be held to the same standard as site activity.
@KevinvanderVelden Makes sense :P
@RegDwigнt Oh, that is the lazers of the lazers?
@OrigamiRobot What should be done and what is done aren't the same thing..
@GraceNote from left to right. And vice versa.
@Meraj99 laser is an acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation", unless you start to write stimulated with a z laser is with an s =p
@OrigamiRobot oh no, there are a couple of site issues raised, nothing really about the quality of my contributions, more about other past actions.
@KevinvanderVelden LAZERS is a different acronym. Surely, @RegDwigнt knows it.
Also something about hats
TIL so much about kalina.
@RegDwigнt Ah, I thought that it was more a matter of one versus another's, not lazers therein within lazers.
Arqade is a very informative site that teaches me things.
@badp I remember it being posted here but I'm not sure what it stands for anymore
@kalina I don't recall you ever clashing with mods on-site.
@GraceNote you thought right. I guess. I didn't really read what you wrote.
@KevinvanderVelden I'm sure @RegDwigнt knows it!
@OrigamiRobot you wouldn't, they were more behind the scenes things.
I know everything, and then some, but I forget it at LAZER speed.
Well @RegDwigнt, what does LAZERS stand for?
Why are half the people on bridge (currently) mods...
@KevinvanderVelden Lazers lAzers laZers lazErs lazeRs lazerS.
@Meraj99 I blame @RegDwigнt
@KevinvanderVelden it stands for So Awesome You Would Drop Dead If You Only Knew.
@Meraj99 Cause the bridge is where mods come to mod abuse play
Hey, don't blame Dwig
See? Fraud
A sack of lies
A bag of travesty
Mmmmmmh travesty.
A list of Void monads
Hey speak for yourself. My monads are very unvoid. Very unvoid.
@Meraj99 Elections attract mods like chum for sharks. It's the new blood they smell, and they're getting ready for the hazing welcoming party.
@GraceNote are you available for me to ask you a quick question?
(in addition to that quick question)
...well there goes my convenient escape.
@Fluttershy because somehow i like women
Sure, what's up?
It's something about Zetta radiations.
Oh my, someone pung the other pony.
Pony overflow impending.
(Ok, how do I write a striked word?)
@Yuki No, no, you don't need to strike that out. We all know what happens.
@Meraj99 Three dashes before, three dashes after.
with three - in a row on both sides
Jan 31 '12 at 23:30, by badp
Even if you consider Laser to still be an acronym, it makes even less sense given that our Light Amplification process is based on Zeta Epsilon Radiations from Space. Hence, LAZERS.
oh right
@3ventic ... Well that didn't work, did it now.
@Yuki not dashes. Hyphens. Big difference.
like this
See. No work does.
@RegDwigнt Not every dash is an emdash.
@Yuki So they're here for SABOTAGE!?!?!? the inaugural?
@RegDwigнt I don't even know how one types those.
@FEichinger not every dash is an emdash, but exactly none is a hyphen.
Q: Is it possible to skip to another Tier?

JutschgeSince season 4 has started, you no longer have a reduced LP gain in divisions 1 (Gold I) for example. In s3 you gained 5-10 lp with a normal mmr and now you gain 18-24. Now since it's possible to skip divisions inside of a tier (Gold 4 -> Gold 2) if your mmr is high enough, is it actually possib...

@3ventic Altcodes probably.
===double strikethrough!===
A dash in school terms in basically, a set of underscores. Like this _________.


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
@Ullallulloo nice, I also remember it being in some adventure time thingy someone posted
A dash.
@FEichinger I'm sure any of the Eleventy three mods here can move the messages.
Why did I just post that..
Alienware Steam Machines are un-upgradable, will be released annually http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=755423
@3ventic Because you're in Colorado?
Wow they really ARE trying to compete with consoles then /s
@3ventic Don't ask me. Probably @kalina who took over for a second.
Well except worse
@RegDwigнt Colorado..?
So they're trying to compete with the Ouya
@BenBrocka To be fair, nobody expected the Alienware version to be of any use.
@BenBrocka Ever saw the steam controller?
These have weed in them.
@BenBrocka That's the worst plan in line of terrible plans.
@3ventic Better question: Why did I open it in a new tab?
@RegDwigнt I used to eat the banana variation of this :DDD
@FEichinger Most people who thought it had ANY potential seemed to think the Alienware version was the best possible hope (mostly because no specs/price listed and recognizable brand, IMO)
Oh crap! If @kalina becomes a mod we can't go "Mods are away, post ponies" anymore!
@RegDwigнt But that's "COLOR-RADO"
@Meraj99 A banana variation of Haribo or a banana variation of Colorado specifically? (Not that I am aware of either.)
@KevinvanderVelden why not?
@3ventic see, that's a hyphen.
@BenBrocka Wow, they're really trying to make it as close to a console as they can, huh?
@kalina cause you're always here
@BenBrocka Bwahahahah. Right. A to-be-expected-overpriced pointlessly powerful rig.
But yeah, I had little hope. "competitive with Xbox One" seemed fishy. That's either a miracle, a poor PC or a mix of the two
@kalina only posts ASCII snails.
@FEichinger Simple: because you are secretly in love with @kalina @RainbowDash
@RegDwigнt Sugar-coated banana variation of Haribo
Plus you're usually the main one that posts ponies =p
@BenBrocka Mostly because fanboys.
@Arperum ... Now, now. Let's not go there, shall we.
@Meraj99 sounds like awesome.
This discussion gets weird very quickly.
@FEichinger The problem with this statement is that it implies that the discussion was, at one point, not weird.
@FEichinger censored content
@Yuki ... Well, fair enough.
This chat is moving at the speed of light. Someone's making supersonic men out of us.
@FEichinger Well they said they'd be competitive with the Xbox One in terms of pricing. Which is either a hilarious lie or a serious handicap. I was leaning more toward lie, but if it's annualized it might just be sucky and you pay $500 a year for slightly less suck
(because that's competitive with consoles, right?)
@BenBrocka Sure they'd be competitive with the X1! "Relative to the specs".
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 18 hours ago, by Anna Lear
@3ventic "weird" is a very strange way to spell "awesome"
Q: Is there a display only mode in Dance Central 3?

BenI want to display a dance from Dance Central 3 where it just runs through the dance without scoring or capturing movement from the Kinect. Is this possible? It is for a kids party and I want everyone to see / copy the moves. (Obviously with multiple players it will get confused if I try and run ...

@RegDwigнt Don't stop me NOOOOOOOOOOOW!
Unless this thing retains it's resale value insanely I can't see any value in getting one vs just using that money to upgrade a real computer
@3ventic I am now kinda surprised that it was Anna who said that.
@FEichinger You'll be less surprised if you read the related transcript.
@OrigamiRobot Not talking about @kalina here, but addressing the 2nd half of your statement, I don't know. We've alienated newer users quite a few times by talking about them in here in unflattering ways. Or even things that are innocent jokes to us, since we all get the context of the joke, come off as aggressive or rude to them. Where non-regulars are involved, I think we need to be as careful about what we say in here as we would in comments on a question or answer.
But the quote fits here.
@3ventic I don't wanna.
Woot, Tribes: Ascend has finished downloading :D I'm off.
Also: Anyone think Woot is a weird variation of WOOT?
@OrigamiRobot What self love?
> Alienware has announced its plans to launch Steam Machines every year, in order to mimic the lifecycles of consoles.
Do these people know what the fuck a console is
@OrigamiRobot ... I don't think that's the data that was presented. In no way at all.
@3ventic That's what you get for not following what you're replying to.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 18 hours ago, by 3ventic
'closed by Popular Diamond ♦' would look really weird..
@BenBrocka Apparently, no
@KevinvanderVelden surely my activity is a positive for me becoming a moderator, not a negative
@OrigamiRobot I never follow what I'm replying to.
But, C'mon, what do you expect from Alienware?
@OrigamiRobot That still doesn't imply "@kalina's self-love", I believe.
Mostly because I have no idea what you were replying to.
4 mins ago, by Arperum
@FEichinger Simple: because you are secretly in love with @kalina @RainbowDash
@kalina undoubtedly, but then we'd have to think up a new phrase!
@BenBrocka Yes, they do. They see it as a money machine.
4 mins ago, by FEichinger
@Arperum ... Now, now. Let's not go there, shall we.
4 mins ago, by FEichinger
This discussion gets weird very quickly.
I can't read non-pings when the chat goes this fast.
2 mins ago, by 3ventic
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 18 hours ago, by Anna Lear
@3ventic "weird" is a very strange way to spell "awesome"
I know the context! But I don't see where you're spinning that as "self-love".
44 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
4 mins ago, by Arperum
@FEichinger Simple: because you are secretly in love with @kalina @RainbowDash
@FEichinger Clearly, @OrigamiRobot believes that @FEichinger is @kalina's sockpuppet. Or vice-versa.
@OrigamiRobot clearly this isn't about @kalina's self-love, it's about @FEichinger's love for @kalina
@FEichinger Which is why you protested.
@KevinvanderVelden since starting this new job, I've had 30 minute patches where I've been AFK, you'd still be able to do it
Stop over-analyzing.
>Alienware has announced its plans to launch Steam Machines every year, in order to mimic the lifecycles of consoles.
Alienware GM Frank Azor confirmed the plans to TrustedReviews, commenting that, like the consoles produced by Sony and Microsoft, the hardware of Alienware’s Steam Machines would be locked.
"Lifecycle wise, consoles update every five, six, seven years, we will be updating our Steam Machines every year,"
@3ventic This.
Start under-analyzing.
@OrigamiRobot The robot is broken. @spugsley please go over to his place and reboot him.
So they're basically admitting they have all the bad parts of being a console and none of the good parts of being a console. Sweet
@3ventic He said to the robot.
@BenBrocka Every year?
Wow, that's disgusting.
@BenBrocka Again: What do you expect from Alienware?
I expect seven million dollars.
They want the "gamer" community
So far, no luck.
@BenBrocka They're also admitting that they're bad at English because they have no idea what "mimic" means.
@RegDwigнt Strange, me too!
= People with enough money, but no idea about Computers
@3ventic oh, maybe I was expecting your seven millions. That must be the bug.

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