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@Wipqozn I wasn't the last person to notice? Yay! :D
Ugh, I think I have a fever. Doesn't help that I'm sleeping next to a drafty window
Q: Vader says 'Build another imperial level'. I've already built all 16. Is this a bug?

MarkAs the title says I've been working through the Vader quests and now he's asking me to 'Build another Imperial level to find out what to assemble next!'. I've already built all 16 Imperial levels. Obviously I could skip the quest but that costs 100 Bux, and I would feel exceedingly ripped off to ...

Q: Games do not display on steam account

j0hI have just installed 64bit Ubuntu 12.04, and steam. The games I have payed for previously do not show up in my library. The heading of Linux games, there is 0. The heading of all games there is 0. I have previously purchased, Skyrim on my windows operating system, and would like to play skyrim o...

Q: Does PS Plus help prevent savegame corruption?

NolonarI recently encountered a crash in Battlefield 4 and decided to take a break. Out of curiosity, I browsed my PS4's storage to see what's stored inside, and noticed that only the Battlefield 4 savegame was described as corrupted. Upon launching the game anew, I had to acknowledge the loss of all of...

Anyone play Realm of the Mad God?
A while ago, yeh. Why?
@SaintWacko @Fluttershy and I have played a little bit, but not in a long time.
the Oculus Rift looks so cool
Q: Can't Connect to my Bukkit Server with Factions Installed

user2678408I installed Factions to my Minecraft Bukkit 1.7.2 Server, with MCCore installed as well, but I can't connect! I have tried using 1.7.2 and 1.7.4 since the servers 1.7.2+ can all be played on both. I have no idea what to do

@SaintWacko i played it for like 30 min with 2 friends
@SaintWacko A bit.
@SaintWacko I have like 23 hours logged, but haven't in a while.
> You should message me if: You upload shirtless pictures of foxes, cats, corgis and ducks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm really good at: I ever make.
How does grammar work?
Q: PS Vita questions: Are all PS Vita games downloadable?

stackoverflowuser2010I'm looking at the PS Vita to play some games. I usually play handheld games on my iPhone 5. So here are some questions: Are all the PS Vita games available for download from Sony's website, a la iOS games from the Apple App Store? For example, I see that the game "Persona 4 Golden" is availabl...

@Yuki It's based on Markov chains and you expect grammar?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Honestly, no. Still funny when you get bad grammar though.
Q: Legal Rayquaza?

user64411I have been traded a shiny Rayquaza on Pokemon white 2. It has no unusual stats, has its usual ability(Air Lock), but it was caught in Sinnoh on lv. 41. Is it a legal Pokémon?

I think I like the credits song from Portal 2 more than the one from the first game.
Too bad they're the only memorable music tracks from either game.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hahahahaha
> The first things people usually notice about me: That am prettier in person and tell me that I have a face
@LessPop_MoreFizz This reads kind of like Horse_ebooks
> What I'm doing with my life: It feels up in astronomy for a large university. I write short stories about a year of my 9-5, culinary school yo.
Why is my youtube entirely in french and how do I get it to not be that way
@AshleyNunn Haven't you heard? Everyone in Canada speaks french.
(Also I don't know how to fix that, sorry)
@AshleyNunn You don't, Google has chosen you should now be french and you should comply.
@RonanForman I don't wannnnna be french
is the nintendo e-shop offline for anyone else?
@AshleyNunn You can submit a bug report if you link, but they won't get back to you.
@qwertie It's been down for days now, because the Pokemon Bank borked everything
> The six things I could never do without: DONT CARE I don't conform to your virtual society's constraints, OK Cupid.
@RonanForman Niiiiice
@AshleyNunn lol that's what I was trying to download
Actually, this whole profile is pretty meta.
@AshleyNunn There's a language selection at the bottom
Q: Legal Rayquaza?

user64411I have been traded a shiny Rayquaza on Pokemon white 2. It has no unusual stats, has its usual ability(Air Lock), but it was caught in Sinnoh on lv. 41. Is it a legal Pokémon?

^ ?
thx @3ventic
@3ventic ooooh shiny
> I spend a lot of time thinking about: Animal babies.
I wonder why youtube's "report playback problem" page is just an email field and submit button
How do they know what my problem was?!
@Ash I have answered your Rune Factory questions! Didn't take it with me, though, so I may be recalling details wrong.
@Frank Well, the request one worked (thank goodness, because I can't figure out why I can't get that request done)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Where do you find this shit
Which request?
@elfslice the internet is full of wonderful things.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It certainly is.
I'm thinking of what I'd write in my own profile and the outcome sounds pretty bleak. :P
@Frank The friending one
Now I am imagining an @badp okcupid profile.
Q: Can't get player selectors to work on Bukkit

stephenwadeI'm trying to use the /effect command to play around with giving everyone on my server a jump boost. The problem is that I can't seem to get the @a player selector to work. Is this because I'm using Bukkit and not the vanilla server? I typed this command into the server console: effect @a 8 60 ...

The very concept fascinates me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You could probably write a more accurate one than I could.
Generally, I don't take requests unless I know I can finish it instantly, since you can only have one active at a time.
Another Christmas ruined by a Nintendo 3DS pre-loaded with pornography. http://bit.ly/1cuAqKo
@Frank yeah, same, which is why the friendship one was driving me bananas
Do I have to be friends with the dragon, too?
Fun fact: you can take it after everyone's at one heart, and it'll be totally done right then.
@AshleyNunn Silly you. Who doesn't want to be friends with a dragon?
That, I dunno. If she has hearts, maybe?
@Frank She does
Dragons fly and are mountable.
So does the guy wandering around who will check out my gear
They're like, flying non-MLP unicorns
@badp The one who holds a grudge because you fell on them?
chasing these people down is annoying
@Frank Yeah, and she gets grumpy if you give her non-food stuff.
@Frank If the dragon is holding a grudge with you you are not doing a good job of befriending it.
The best gaming GIFs of 2013: http://bit.ly/1jRefDC
I envision it as a giant glomp fest. "Get back here random villager, I have to huuuuug yooooooou~!"
@badp doubtful. I am confirmed Bad At OKCupid.
Oh boy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm doubtful that honesty would pay off.
@Frank Thats kinda how I feel
especially when I had to chase a few
@badp in my experience, mounting ones friends tends to end poorly.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I do not support bestiality.
@Ash It's funnier when you add in force feeding your latest creation down their throat. "Eat this new thing I just made! Is it good? It is, right?"
@Frank omg yes
will they eat failed dishes? because that would be ...hilarious in my head
I dunno. Why don,t you try it and let me know? :P
Because I am a good cook who doesn't fail? (Also I don't stray away from my recipes but that is beside the point)
(Make sure to save first, in case the force feeding goes badly)
@AshleyNunn Oh, there's recipe variation in the new Rune Factory? I kinda missed that in Tides of Destiny.
I dunno, right now I am just turning every fish ever into sashimi
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 3 mins ago, by Anna Lear
lifehack: don't use the term "lifehack"
I kept spending all my money on Recipe Bread.
Apparently, you learn how to make new things by eating an entire loaf of special bread.
@elf Sounds like a recipe for draaaammaaaa.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know how I was expecting you to respond, but that wasn't it.
@ElfSlice I read about this game on GayGamer.
@FAE It's pretty ridiculous.
10 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@badp in my experience, mounting ones friends tends to end poorly.
Also, I don't like the mobile app. But its the best I'll do until I get home.
@ElfSlice It looks very silly, aye.
@FAE, by the way, do you actually like Eirik Suhrke (Phlogiston) or did you just link his sale the other day for my benefit?
Oh what, you don't have to capitalize or use spaces in Typing of the Dead? Damn, I could've gotten a better time.
I recently discovered another project he's a part of: Pajjama
Alright, finally got the UpDo hat, so now Pinkie's eating upvotes
@ElfSlice I like Ridiculous Fishing and Super Crate Box's music, of what I've played of them. Spelunky's music so far is also really good.
Also, @Ash, Kairo released a new game in Japan for android! Looks pretty cool!
@Frank hopefully we get it soon
We still have to get the pirate one first.
> I try to get incredibly addicted to coffee I love sports fan - unfortunately still live in Staten Island Ferry is a gentleman, so dont get enough of it!
> I love to university in CT, but I've been told I have the south let's be a teacher
@Ullallulloo This does read remarkably like Horse_Ebooks
@Frank oooh pirates
@ElfSlice Finally a game with crotch physics.
@badp It's about time, right?
@ElfSlice Honestly it seems pretty primitive. Real crotch physics would grant you control over individual testicles.
@MechanicalLoon Yeah. I've heard tons of good stuff about it though.
(I do wonder how far off on the "sexually explicit" scale I'm going here. Please flag if you feel this is going too far.)
I haven't actually played it though because I can't buy stuff from Google Play and also I don't have $5
@badp eh
@badp Sounds like exclusive DLC action to me
@ElfSlice The concept doesn't sound original
Games don't have to be original to be entertaining.
It would have a better time justifying its price if it was
@MechanicalLoon It was recently on the HIB for Android
It's kind of fun but the "puzzle" part is thoroughly boring and the late levels are rather meh
@badp Wait, what? It was?
? ? ?
Yes, that's how I got it.
Shit, I must have missed that one.
It was one of the week 2 bonus games
"me" in the story above ^
@badp by the way, have you played rymdkapsel?
It's so good
You'd already asked me
So they're going ahead with that case against the LoL player who made threats over the game.
Sound like overkill.
@Frank Would it be overkill if somebody made threats over the phone? Or at a public gathering?
Yeah it might depend on the type of threat
What the fuck do you mean "our system handles asking only one question at a time"? Do you mean the website will break if you ask more than one question? Are you dense? — stackoverflowuser2010 43 mins ago
(cc: @badp)
@Fluttershy Lmao what
Either way, yeah, there should be SOME backlash for him being an idiot, but going to jail for what was obviously not a serious or credible threat? Sounds like a zero tolerance policy going off the reservation.
Apparently I was the last rude/offensive flag needed to auto-delete. <_< Nevermind, @badp? I guess?
@Frank Obvious to whom?
Serves that fucker right
@Fluttershy It's okay I just learned I earned a gold badge.
@ElfSlice Uhh... just so I'm not understanding anything incorrectly, the GameStop employee is the asshole in this scenario, right?
Do you see the "2010" in my name? That means I've been using stackexchange since 2010. I've asked many questions that have multiple parts. Who are you to tell me what I can ask? Were you even born before 2010? — stackoverflowuser2010 1 min ago
@Yuki Yes. Basically the guy didn't like something about the game and wanted to return it, and he shamed him in return.
Quality contributor right there.
@RedRiderX ...oh wow, that was all directed towards me, wasn't it?
Can't flag on mobile. Somebody flag twice for me.
According to my profile I've been using Stackexchange since 2009. The other people are right, sorry. — ElfSlice 4 secs ago
Case closed
@FAE I think it sounded like it was directed to the internet at large mostly...
@ElfSlice Bwahahahaha
@FAE The one I linked was. The other was directed at Nolonar, I believe.
Bringing age into the equation is a rather crappy argument.
@Fluttershy Charming.
@FAE Yeah...
@RedRiderX Wait. So if I change my name to stackexchangeuser2000BCE, does that mean I was using SE before Jesus was born?
Huh, the 3DS' system clock has already drifted 1 1/2 minutes since I set it about a month and a half ago
@Yuki BC doesn't work now
You need to use BCE apparently
Or else your political correctness will break.
@RedRiderX Well, since he says before Jesus was born, you might as well use "Before Christ"
Wee, Bridge pileup!
@PrivatePansy totally.
You guys are awesome.
Seriously though, asking multiple separate questions in a single post makes it hard to answer properly, especially given the format of the stackexchange sites. When @FAE says it handles one questions at a time best, she is absolutely correct. There is no harm in breaking up multiple concerns into more than one post. — ElfSlice 4 secs ago
Could some of my delicious friends help nurse me back to health?
@SaintWacko Tell me where to apply my healing rubs.
@Fluttershy At your lodgings, under "Invite a friend to join you in something potentially dangerous"
@ElfSlice Quite
mission success
@SaintWacko ... oh! You were talking about a game. Well... this is awkward...
@Fluttershy oh, darling, I am sure I can find a place.....
@RedRiderX Are you running a double-ping script?
@SaintWacko ?
am I double ping-ing-ing?
Oh, I found a better link
Guacamelee was -100% for a few seconds
@RedRiderX Oh, your last three posts were edited, and I hadn't seen any change
@AshleyNunn :o
I thought you had it automatically editing each post in order to double ping whoever you mentioned
We probably don't need any more people commenting on that question, else the person may end up more defensive. The support is appreciated though.
@SaintWacko Nope I'm just a poor typist.
@RedRiderX Well, now you've bugged my chat out. Hope you're happy :P
Wow I didn't know that I type so badly it breaks chat.
That's a new one :P
@RedRiderX If it's mobile chat, all you had to do was breathe.
@Ash I finally got the mechanical panda in Harvest Moon. It's...not as good as I thought it would be.
It's not the typing badly part, it's the typing badly then trying to correct it
Yeah, @RedRiderX, stop owning up to your mistakes.
You're wrong, so stop trying to be right.
@Frank awwwwww
That was weird
Okay nevermind I thought there was a weird thing going on with chat
Apparently chat does not like an excess of frownies.
@SaintWacko You seem to be all healthy now, or at least you're not showing up in my dropdown.
@RedRiderX :(
Darn I edited it!
Ugh, why did she agree to marry this guy, he spelled 'deceit' as 'deceipt'.
Why are you editing stuff?
It's almost as reflexive as my mistakes!
@3ventic I'm just a poor typist
And I make a lot of mistakes.
I hope I don't get flagged for that Steam Greenlight link
because badp's response is in the stars list
It does have wobbly genitals in it.
Q: How do I change where my mii is from on Nintendo 3DS?

JustinnnnnnHow do I change where my mii is from? I try to change it and it won't let me. I put somewhere else in on accident and it won't let me change it to where I'm from.

I wonder if that guy programmed in a function for if she had answered 'No' to the 'will you marry me' question in game
Huh, two packages shipped from the US one day apart. One reached my home two weeks ago, the other just reached Singapore
@PrivatePansy Same shipper or no?
Both from Amazon, possibly difference facilities, using the same shipping company
@PrivatePansy What shipping company, if I may ask?
i-parcel, it says here
Ah, gotcha. I know FedEx, UPS, and Amazon have been in the news here lately because they got so swamped with Christmas shoppers that there was no way for them to keep up.
"On schedule", heh
@PrivatePansy December 18th?
@PrivatePansy It was all according to plan.
@FEichinger ...lol
@FEichinger I don't get it aside from the duckface
Oh wait, I get the male one
@FEichinger oh man :P
Have you guys seen Snow? It looks cool!
...No pun intended
Q: DOS game involving dungeons, dragons, and math

druciferreGirlfriend is looking for an old DOS game and all she remembers is that it involved dungeons, dragons, and having to do math to either kill the dragons or get keys to get out of the dungeons. She thinks it may have had "Key" in the title. Does anyone have any insight as to what this.

@Lazers ...
That is ... so ... descriptive.
Q: "No such file or directory" BUT the file actually exist! / Executable problems

user229394I've been using ubuntu (13.10) for a couple months, and I really liked, but it crashed often and that's something that I didn't liked. I was able to run all my files in my terminal without any problem, like my favorite games. And also the executables, I was able to run them perfectly. Then elemen...

@Lazers Self-deleted. Sorry buddy.
Could've told them to come to chat.
That lasted all of two minutes.
@RedRiderX The thing is, with document fragments it shouldn't even be too hard to remember where you left off on infinite scrolling pages
It's just that most implementation of infinite scroll are horrible
@PrivatePansy Very true.
hi peoples!
hi @spugs!
@spugsley That hat fits your avatar so well
With the glasses
@spugsley heya :D
@ElfSlice I know I love ittttttt <3
is Fate a good game?
it looks interesting
@spugsley Never heard of it. Sorry! :(
@spugsley Krater
@spugsley 84 metascore is pretty decent
I don't usually put a lot of stock in metascores, but high ones are usually a good sign

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