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Speaking of which...
Go get me a drink.
@Powerlord I love this card.
(wait, why doesn't that one have a silver border? I know it's part of Unglued)
There we go
I knew I'd find the Silver version eventually.
@Unionhawk I've seen this it looks crazy hah
Also Chivalry looks pretty fun
@OrigamiRobot I have that card!
@MichaelDunfield It's fun, but people are really good at it. And I am not. So I just get immediately owned.
Also, accidental team kills are a thing that happens. Frequently.
@Unionhawk Yeah, I was thinking the same. I really enjoy it, and I have gotten a lot better at it but... I'm still terrible.
I used to play Man at Arms.
Actually come to think of it I was pretty good at duels for a while.
I mostly just ran into problems of being ganged up on by all the people ever when in non-duels.
Know what else is fun? Team Fort gets shot
@fbueckert Funny how that goes. In the meantime, I've become the International forums' team leader.
That's why I never bother with frosh weeks.
They're filled with idiots.
@Powerlord you mean hat fortress?
@Powerlord I'm so mad, I was playing on a random server, got a double demo airshot, no replays.
and apparently run by idiots too.
@Unionhawk Replays sadly consume server resources.
@FEichinger nice! I'll add that forum to my botnet list then
Seriously, how the hell could they ever think that was a acceptable?
@Powerlord Replays are worth all of the resources
@badp Tsk!
They're an amazing learning tool
@Powerlord Yes, but they are worth it. In case I pull something like that accidentally.
@Wipqozn To be fair, most universities and colleges are filled with kids just getting out from under their parent's thumbs, and testing their freedom.
That reminds me, I still need to publish the replay of that mid-air Huntsman headshot I got on cp_steel a few weeks ago.
@Wipqozn also apparently rape
(The Soldier was mid-air, not me)
It's still stupid, but stupid is par for the course when dealing with college-aged kids.
@fbueckert It occurs to me just how well off I've been. I never really drank, but my sister did, and my parents didn't care. They just told her so long as she was responsible, they were fine with it. If you're going to drink, plan ahead, et cetera.
@MichaelDunfield Heard about Project Pheonix...why does the URL say paranautical activity?
@Wipqozn Yeah, most parents are like that, I think.
Q: Why can't I change my username?

avaSo I went on Minecraft.net to reset my username because I bought the game and it didn't let me sign in, so I went to reset it, but it says that my email isn't on record! What does that mean and how can I reset my username so I can get all of the new updates? Since I can't sign in, I'm stuck on ve...

Q: Does every world in Minecraft have all biomes at some distance from spawn?

Anonymous Pi(P.S. I already know there is a relatively similar question here but it didn't gave me the info I needed, apart of it being 2 years old, when MC was still beta... It could be obsolete by now...) I know that some seeds have very few biomes that actually have resources in them. Take, for example, ...

I was lucky, too. Dad was the same way.
@Wipqozn You know what's strange for me? The fact that this headline highlights the "underage" part and not the "no consent" part ...
@MartinSojka Yeah, that's really strange.
Although according to comments on /r/halifax this chant must be new, since people that were there a couple years ago said it was never used.
@BenBrocka That's... really weird.
I've seen Polygon change titles and end up with incorrect URLs before, but never for a totally different game
I should play Paranautical Activity.
And this:
I get it, you like having sex. No one really fucking cares.
@Wipqozn WTF is "frosh"
Acting like that just makes you look like a complete asshole (which you are).
I thought it might be since Mike was complaining about Steam yesterday
@Wipqozn Hahahaha, these guys are idiots.
@OrigamiRobot Freshmen Week. Basically they have campus events run by the student union targeted at welcoming the freshmen.
> Hooters, hooters, yum yum yum. Hooters, hooters, on a girl that's dumb.
The unofficial Bundy motto
From what I've seen it's just an excuse for people to act like idiots, so I've never attended it.
@Wipqozn Do those "welcoming events" often sound like bad cheap porn storylines?
It's been a long time since I've seen any Married... with Children episodes.
@MartinSojka I'm not sure. I never look into specific details.
@Wipqozn I always avoided shit like that
@Wipqozn Sounds more like providing incredibly bad examples for them.
I mean, life doesn't have to be all serious and work, work, work, but c'mon! Neither is it, "College is awesome! Come get drunk and have sex all the time!"
@fbueckert I think this underage rape rant is rare, because this is the first I've heard anything about it and it seems like past SMU students are surprised too.
@fbueckert Yeah, I hate that attitude so much.
Everything in moderation.
Except Monster Hunter.
@Wipqozn Because Monster Hunter does nothing but ruin your eyes.
And those can get replaced.
they're just GTKY events so that people can get to know each other in nice environments rather than through whispering in classrooms
I wish I'd stop replacing words wit hother words.
Right? Right? :P
an invaluable tool for shier people :P
@badp They might be, but I'd rather be a grumpy old man about it.
@Wipqozn ofc you'd rather. You're not invited
@badp I used to be shy when I was younger. I'm not anymore.
I'm super awesome now.
sigh There is no reason to downvote dupes, guys.
@OrigamiRobot but you presented this guy like the dumbest user of the hour, ofc he's getting downvoted
@Blem Oh boy...have to catch up on adventure time
@Blem That's horrifying.
OKay, I really need to go eat food. I'm starving.
I've spent too much time talking to you awesome people!
And handsome robots.
@Wipqozn Starving? I 'ardly know 'er!
@OrigamiRobot OH YOU
@Wipqozn You can't have, I haven't been talking.
@Blem Nice trap card, Yugi.
I blame @GnomeSlice
user image
The...Minecraft dupe has deleted D3 spam on it. Huh.
I think i need to just stop and go home
mmmm home
yes... in a few hours
with my new toys
and... home
@kalina Oh you dirty, dirty people.
I know right, I'm talking about a 240gb SSD and a 3tb hard disk
@kalina Say it slowly.
@kalina I starred it no less.
@FEichinger you are a pervert
@kalina ♥
I gave in to the peer pressure and starred it too.
I love being broke!
In your mind I am obviously sitting here touching myself inappropriately with unpackaged computer hardware
@PrivatePansy I don't know that feeling
@kalina You certainly sound like you would, sometimes.
@kalina That's silly.
You'd take it out of the package, obviously.
@PrivatePansy Hush you. My account is friggin seized.
@FEichinger How did that happen?
@fbueckert Long story, family matters.
in real life, he's a drug lord
@FEichinger Ew. Hope you get it all sorted out.
@fbueckert Meh. Just need to kick the people responsible in their rear until they get their shit together.
you would kick somebody in the rear while they're getting their shit together? That sounds like it could get icky
@PrivatePansy I am taking a long weekend, feel free to drop by my summer residence for dinner one day!
@kalina No, they're getting their shit together instead of spreading it over my boot. Obviously.
@kalina amazing
I wish it was hometime
@PrivatePansy do you still have your parents? :)
@Blem I'd consider the car route
@badp I think the argument Decency is making is that since devs have an internal alpha build to test, that means people can play it, and therefore is on-topic.
@badp @PrivatePansy is a military man, he can properly cut off 10-20% of estimated walking time
I could be wrong, though.
@Blem excepting that the walking time probably doesn't include resting, and I dont think @PrivatePansy is a cyborg yet
@fbueckert I just want him to type that all "out loud" in full so he can realize just how dumb that argument is
if one of our best DOTA 2 players can't tell the difference between an internal game build and the DOTA 2 private beta, it's over.
@Blem I have no idea why the route tells me to go through Afghanistan. I'd rather walk through Iran, at least they're civilised.
@badp It's a pretty literal interpretation of how we're defining publicly available. Not one I agree with at all, but I can see how that distinction can be made.
@fbueckert You can be so literal you're wrong. Literally.
@badp Oh, I agree completely. I'm just pointing out how it can be interpreted that way.
@5pike "wat's" nope
I mean, I don't like agent's phrasing either, I would've phrased that a little more clearly. But his clarifications in the comments make the interpretation clear
Not that it matters much, it's still between one and two years of walking, by my estimate.
Which sort of highlights how any of our policies can be twisted around to suit your own perception.
which is why I linked directly to the relevant comment
@MartinSojka with or without breaks?
@badp With breaks. 20 to 40 km per day.
@fbueckert Which, just for the record, does apply to you as well.
@FEichinger It applies to everybody, really. Most of the time I do take a more literal, black and white approach, yeah.
I freely admit that.
Man, we've been getting a lot of anonymous suggested edit spam lately.
For comparison, Marco Polo took over 4 years to travel from China back to Venice. So two years on foot is actually rather fast.
... and he was going by boat half of the way.
Yell at me all you want, I'm used to it by now
Hmm. The robot is doing what I tell him to.
doesn't expect any action on my part though
Seems he is malfunctioning
Robot, downvote random things!
Yeah, time to go home. Till tomorrow.
Watch. I'm going to get downvotes now.
Migrating this WordPress site feels like hitting my head against a brick wall. Repeatedly.
@PrivatePansy Why don't you use jQuery instead.
jQuery blog plugin.
@PrivatePansy I have a contract to rewrite an asp site into PHP ... That site is now 15 years old.
@FEichinger Good to know someone has got a more miserable job than me
@PrivatePansy I live to please.
To be fair I didn't imagine it would be this difficult when I first signed up for it
The WordPress.org documentation makes it sound so easy
@PrivatePansy Never believe marketing.
@JeffreyLin That's a great idea.
"Oh you just press the export button, download the file, then import it on your new site et voila!"
@PrivatePansy Bwahahahahah. Yeh, no.
I think I fucked my laptop.
I put too much stress on it.
I was running Folding@Home and mining for bitcoins at the same time.
@JeffreyLin either one is the same amount of stress as both (except memory wise)
100% is 100%, if its divided in 2 chunks of 50% or not :)
Your laptop should be able to handle 100% stress anyway...
@BenBrocka It just depends for how long.
And perhaps it overheated.
@FEichinger I don't get it.
@BenBrocka laptops are notorious for overheating, 100% for a bit yes, for hours, noooooooh.
Yeah I wouldn't run stuff like Folding at home on a laptop
It won't even tell me what it failed to import
@OrigamiRobot Stop misusing literally - It'll help save lives.
@FEichinger They could literally just donate all the rice anyway.
@OrigamiRobot ಠ_ಠ
Why do they need me to answer questions to do it?
@PrivatePansy That's as bad as Sharepoint.
It just goes, "An unexpected error has occurred."
@OrigamiRobot They're literally worse than Hitler.
re: the rape chant
> Throw away account for obvious reasons, I am a current frosh leader at SMU for the past couple of years and I can tell you that this chant and everything associated with it has been BLOWN out of proportion. The news is doing what the news does best, taking a small time story and blowing it up into how 80 frosh leaders have "encouraged rape" on the younger students.
> I know all of the leaders, most are scholars, sure you get the odd bad apple but for the most part these are dedicated students devoted to the school they attend. The fact that somebody who does not know or has not seen any of the events that have taken place, only a video you have seen on the internet is embarrassing to think that they can judge these students.
> The chant itself is discusting I will admit, and I do not condone it by any means but come on.. Really, requesting to fire all faculty and students involved?? It's university, give your head a shake.
Give your head a shake..? Yeah man, just saying we should rape people. No biggie. Just shake it off.
@Wipqozn yikes. I mean I don't really want to know the details of this, for my own reasons, but this is ungood and uncomfortable
People confronted him again after that and he just shook it off as "Have you never been to a sporting event?"
I don't even.
I wouldn't buy an xbone
@Wipqozn I have, and we certainly don't do things like that
@Wipqozn I was a bit shocked that "sensitivity training" was the university's response. How about firing the student leaders and picking new ones?
@Wipqozn It's prevalent in many areas. Pointing at another area that does it isn't a valid excuse to justify it.
@JasonBerkan That would make too much sense, apparently.
If anything, it's, "Thanks for pointing out another area that needs improvement."
> LOL buddy, calm down. Think you're taking it a little too far. Ever been to a sporting event?? Probably not I'm guessing since you've probably never heard some of the chants that go on from the fans there. I am not defending the chant I am defending the school, there is a difference and if you're not educated enough to understand that than maybe you should attend a university.
> Plenty of cheers like this one have happened in the past do you honestly think we are the first school in the history of schools to of said such chants?? Haha it's a product of social media, this just happened to of gone public, I'm sure there are more to come from other universities around the globe.
@Wipqozn rapeculture alive and well -,-
That's the comment I just mentioned.
Like, wow. What the fuck.
It's, "Are you seriously condoning rape? This is not a joking matter. Ever. At all. Stop it. Now."
He seriously sees no problem with what happened.
@Wipqozn .....that DOESNT MAKE IT OKAY
@KevinvanderVelden I'd like to think people that think rape is a-okay are in the minority.
@fredley vomit
@Wipqozn No, it's worse than that. He sees the problem but is saying "Yea, but lots of places do it."
@Wipqozn rapeculture is a culture where rape is trivialized and normalized
@FEichinger I can't get over how bad it is
@KevinvanderVelden I know what it means.
@KevinvanderVelden aka large chunks of society....
@OrigamiRobot The defense of all people without the moral fortitude to stand up for what's right.
@fredley cc @BenBrocka
Yeah, mob mentality makes people do things they wouldn't do otherwise.
That doesn't make it OK.
@OrigamiRobot Therefore there is no problem so it's fine.
Oke, lots of people think it's something else, so thought I'd define it before going into it :)
@OrigamiRobot this, it's not that he doesn't identify the problem, it's that he's indifferent to it
@fbueckert I hate that arguement, it never takes away your ability to THINK and is a shit excuse
which is worse than not seeing the problem imo
"Hey, this is an argument not to have in the Bridge."
@kalina exactly
@AshleyNunn I agree. It's hard to stand up against a group and go, "Hey, guys, this is wrong. You shouldn't be doing this.". It's easier to just walk away, and should be the minimum action.
Alright, I am actually going to step away from this whole thing before it ruins my ability to leave my house today, because the more I think about how indifferent these people were the worse I feel about the world as a whole.
Ok, less talk about how some people make us fear for humanity in general, and more happy pink clouds!
I should probably kill some aliens.
@AshleyNunn What is the temperature today?
@OrigamiRobot In Canadian or American?
@AshleyNunn I can use google
@AshleyNunn Canadians have their own temperature scale now? How does this work?
Yes, happy pink clouds! The silver lining is uranium.
@fbueckert Celsius versus that thing I cant spell
@BenBrocka Eh
@AshleyNunn Aww. That's not our own unit of measurement.
@fbueckert Cold, really cold, really f***ing cold.
Binding of Isaac is kind of overrated. Although the music is very good.
@AshleyNunn you mean in america or the rest of the world?
@fredley Is it the year 2001?
@KevinvanderVelden haha yeah
I thought it would be in number of moose required to stay alive or something.
@BenBrocka You must be correct
The Bridge needs more sliding door effects
Also doubly apt as canada uses both according to wikipedia =p
@MichaelDunfield Eh, hardly overrated, it's an extremely complex game with insane amounts of replayability
@BenBrocka I doubt Nintendo would allow a game like that onto its platform in the first place
Temperature is the one place I prefer Imperial over Metric
@OrigamiRobot Metric is nice and simple, though!
@OrigamiRobot You are wrong, temperature is where Metric shines through
I go out for lunch and chat gets all weird.
Water freezes at 0, boils at 100.
@PrivatePansy that's the point of the article
0 = you have frozen to death. 100 = you have boiled to death
@Sterno Your face is weird.
@fbueckert Yea but when are you talking about temperature in reference to this?
@fredley 0 is just unpleasant, hardly deadly =/
@fbueckert Yeah, it's like the only scale of measurement without a super-arbitrary base.
@KevinvanderVelden Depends on how much you're wearing
@RedRiderX kelvin
Imperial makes more sense when communicating to people
@OrigamiRobot I...don't follow.
@PrivatePansy And how long
And anything above 50 is pretty much deadly anyway
That's doesn't have an arbitrary base =p
@OrigamiRobot Not if you live in Europe
@KevinvanderVelden True, but that's also temperature.
@fbueckert What is hot in Celsius?
@OrigamiRobot hot
@OrigamiRobot depends on the person
@OrigamiRobot 30 degrees is hot, 40 is heatstroke deadly.
@KevinvanderVelden Just give me a number
@fbueckert Right, those are low numbers
@OrigamiRobot Not for people used to it.
@OrigamiRobot Above 25 degrees is single layer weather. Above 30 is pretty uncomfortable.
@KevinvanderVelden 0K is a rather curious thing anyway.
@fbueckert If that's your argument then any system is fine.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I guess. That's fair.
@OrigamiRobot 40
Imperial has a better resolution, which I can appreciate.
@OrigamiRobot I'm pointing out that Celcius doesn't have an arbitrary base.
@fbueckert 40 isn't that deadly, it gets up to 40 C here in the summer sometimes. But it's certainly pretty hot.
Our "hot" translates to "barely above freezing" for the Imperial scale.
@OrigamiRobot 30 is hot, 25 is nice
Anyway, it is time to head home over here :)
0 should be freezing, yes.
The perfect temperature is less then 20 but above 5.
@OrigamiRobot This is true. If my thermostat doesn't do half degrees C, I change it to F, just for the finer control.
@Wipqozn noooo by 5 I am getting cold
Any conversion system has to take people's perception into account; there's no way to remove the human element.
@AshleyNunn Which is comfy. I like cold.
I hate cold
@Wipqozn You're a turtle.
Just enough to chuck on a wind breaker if you're outside.
Cya :) Think happy pink clouds!
by the old double and add thirty method... I think I like 15ish the best
@KevinvanderVelden Do you know about negative Kelvin yet? :P
I think @FAE would love it.
Okay, I am going to pop out, apparently @lesspop is within an hour of me, and I need to bus to get to where we are lunching
in my dream temperature scale, 0 would be freezing and 100 would be a reasonably agreed upon "hot"
@OrigamiRobot I'd love fahrenheit if somehow 100 were the same temp but 0 were freezing
@BenBrocka Exactly.
All the other imperial stuff sucks though
@AshleyNunn I hope you're not eating Pizza.
BEcause I think any pizza with @LessPop would consist of him telling you how much better the pizza in new york is.
How does this look guys jmp.sh/v/xpnu16feJC1XzXAVBvXu
Finished the draft...
Q: I can't cook since adopting children into my house in Solitude

Stephanie DillardI have adopted two children from the Orphanage and they are living with my spouse in my house in Solitude. When the children came into the house I could no longer cook in my kitchen. Is this because the children have chores? How can I cook in the house again?

It's missing some narration and some of it is incorrect too, but I'll fix that
it soudns sooooooo goooood
The spam edits..
> I like that you know the townspeople’s names and you know where they live and what they’re doing. You care about the town. My playtesters get really annoyed when they have someone who has lived for 70 years doing a good job at something, and they die…
> For me, somewhere, that intimacy ends. You get to a city of 1,000 people and all of a sudden you can’t keep track of everybody… But when your town is small and you’re just starting off, you have this desire to make everybody make it through the winter, for no one to get sick.
@MichaelDunfield Do I hear someone in the background... cooing?
@RedRiderX "Jewelbeat"
It's a watermark on the music
will be gone when it gets purchased
@MichaelDunfield I had wondered.
It bugs me that PCGamer doesn't use a cookie to remember that I've already answered their "Is it OK that we use cookies?" pop-up.
@JasonBerkan Did you answer 'no'?
@AshleyNunn So, my little sister got back to me, and she's all gung-ho for doing something for the 50th anniversary episode.
@MichaelDunfield There's just an X.
@JasonBerkan lol
@MichaelDunfield For some reason it seems to load very slowly for me, but the intro seems neat.
@RedRiderX Yeah jumpshare is slow
also it's like 80 mb
@MichaelDunfield Oh I see.
Banished does look awesome.
> I don’t want to do that to people. But it will definitely be before the end of the year.
Please yes.
@Wipqozn 1000? Pfft. I've got twice as much in my family tree, and I know people who have an order of magnitude more.
@JasonBerkan I remember hearing about it a ways back, but it slipped my mind.
I never looked that much inot it though.
Now that I'm taking a closer look I can't wait.
@Wipqozn I don't know if I could handle that. I hate things that feel "real" but then disapear forever.
@BenBrocka Understandable.
@JasonBerkan I hate those stupid things. Crazy misguided law
@BenBrocka Preaching to the choir. Try and create a functional website without cookies. It is less than fun.
@BenBrocka It's an easy solution to a complicated problem.
It's not easy to enforce or comply with, of course, but that's a different topic.
I hate copyright laws so much, and the original creators of them would be so disgusted with what they've become.
The whole idea behind copyright is to encourage innovation by giving inventors a short time to profit of their work, and then after a couple years others could take the idea and expand on it.
@FEichinger well they've taken so many of the teeth out of the thing it seems you can basically just leave a "we use cookies, bro" somewhere in the About section and be fine...
@origami also it is 15 degrees out. I grabbed a jacket but I likely won't be actually needing it.
It currently does the exact opposite. HAving copy rights lasting 20 years after death is fucking stupid.
@BenBrocka Depends on the country in question. We even have to provide personal contact details here and ask before we even show the site ... technically.
@fbueckert awesome. I might see if anyone here wants to do stuff but I doubt it.
@FEichinger I thought the EU one was now fine with implied consent
@AshleyNunn Can't hurt to try.
I like to do stuff like that, because watching it with friends makes it even better.
@BenBrocka EU, yes. Germany not. Last I remember. But I haven't really kept tabs on it recently. My site's a placeholder and my projects are private, so ... kinda irrelevant for me.
Are we talking Doctor Who? @fbueckert @AshleyNunn
@Wipqozn Yup.
Invited my little sister over to watch it.
And do something awesome.

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