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I am eating Maple Brown Sugar Wheeties at 2am. This is my life
@WorldEngineer O,o
@spugsley I am doing unspeakable things on my computer
@WorldEngineer ......not even gonna ask
but hey hopefully it is fun
@spugsley Those sound yummy
@5pike Nope, you're wrong
@AshleyNunn Oh, it most definitely is the funnest thing ever. Like ever ever. :D
technically, you're right
@spugsley In many countries, it's morning.
@WorldEngineer probably nicer than poking at the internet to see what pokes back like I am doing
@5pike it is here too :( it just makes me sad that it's 2am and I'm not sleeping
@AshleyNunn :o
@5pike I guess it is morning here to
@spugsley At least you have my woooooonderful cooooompany
@AshleyNunn I tend to do more remote work than I used to these days but yeah. Sometimes getting to grips with the tech you have is the best.
@WorldEngineer I am slowly learning more about my stuff, but it takes trial and error and sometimes I blow stuff up
@AshleyNunn Well, that's what trial and error is.
@5pike I am just amazed at my ability to make stuff explode
like what is that even
@AshleyNunn Maybe you are a mutant with strange powers o_O
@5pike Perhaps but it is entertaining :P
@AshleyNunn Just keep it in the boom boom room so there's no collateral damage.
@WorldEngineer ......I am trying to not take this so out of context
@AshleyNunn are you now?
I am terrible
it's kind of the way we do things around here
@AshleyNunn Perhaps you need to be taught a lesson in contextualization
take things out of context
@spugsley Truth
So I guess I fit in
@WorldEngineer Perhaps I do. Wanna teach?
@AshleyNunn Sure, I promise not to be too hard on you.
@WorldEngineer But what if I.....
Don't make promises you can't keep
@spugsley Except you are in politics.
@5pike me? Why :(
@spugsley I suspect he forgot an "if" between "except" and "you"
@spugsley Okay, fine, I'll unlock hardcore mode, just for you.
@WorldEngineer why does -she- get special treatment? sobs
@AshleyNunn do you need an "if" there?
@AshleyNunn Because she asked for it, do you want me to go totally hardcore on you too?
@WorldEngineer Dunno, it might be totally terrible because I am a sucky student
@AshleyNunn Yeah, you'd probably really blow. Or not, you might be a total pro from day 1. Who am I to say?
Guess we will just have to see
@skovacs1 it's after 2am on the Bridge, things get strange and sometimes wonderful
@WorldEngineer Mostly strange
@AshleyNunn yeah
In my neck of the woods, it's actually only 23:23.
And in my world view, few things are ordinary
@skovacs1 fair enough but a good chunk of the Bridge regulars operate on Eastern Time
@skovacs1 your time for strangeness will come.....
@skovacs1 this is true, I know techniques both mundane and strange but every problem has a unique and exciting solution.
I think I'm high on Wheaties
is that a thing?
@spugsley Sugar high?
@spugsley I've been known to cause states similar to highs in certain individuals.
Q: Candy Crush Level 20 Tickets

PatriciaOkay, so I beat Level 20 about 10 times now, and it's asking me for those three tickets. Problem is, is that when I click on "ASK FRIENDS" it exits and the list of friends isn't showing up--so I can't ask my friends for tickets, therefore I can't continue my journey. Also, no, I'm not going to sp...

Q: Rival Schools Project Justice Character combo

MatthewI'm searching in google but rarely see a list of combo of every character, I have a friend and he said the tekken combo like heihachi are compatible with roberto of rival schools. does anyone know some similar characters that have combo? I cannot ask my friend because he is not in this country an...

@WorldEngineer Nope, not even gonna ask
@skovacs1 more like a....cereal high? I get very excited when I eat cereal
@AshleyNunn I don't see any reason for you too. You seem mostly sober.
@spugsley Cereal often has a fair amount of sugars, carbs and you don't want to know. I don't eat cereal often though so I too find it quite exciting on occasion.
Being busy all day sort of leaves me running on empty so eating something in the wee hours of the morning gives me a bit of a rush also and it could just be the sudden increase in blood sugar. I swear these eating habits (or lack thereof) will lead me to diabetes some day.
@skovacs1 but cereal is awesome
I bought those tiny packs with various kinds in the other day
@AshleyNunn I enjoy it, but it's a lot of empty carbs and my diet is unbalanced as it is. I might remember to eat once a day, but not always and at the very least, I try to keep my few meals balanced.
@skovacs1 I'd say 98% of my carbs are empty carbs / I am horrible at food
Also lactose intolerance locks me away in a stinky room when I have dairy too often so another reason Cereal isn't one of my staples.
@spugsley Usually it's the processed stuff so that statistic is probably pretty spot on.
@skovacs1 I never eat milk on my cereal
@spugsley Me too.... but I like what I eat and I might be a chubby kid but I am supercute, so
@AshleyNunn Good. That would imply the milk was expired,
milk doesn't go "on" cereal. If it's a liquid (it should be) it sort of runs off it.
@skovacs1 Today I drank ginger beer that had also a lot of capiscum added and then I as liek MIIIIILK but then the milk was sour and it was the WORST
@skovacs1 no milk and cereal do not belong together ever ever ever
@AshleyNunn My body may not like milk, but I generally do. I have to disagree with you. I like cereal both dry and with milk.
I do understand those that have a dislike of milk.
@AshleyNunn nope. Bridge divorce :(
@spugsley noooooooooooo my wiiiiiiife come baaaaaaack
:3 ok
I wanted to say something about crying over spilled milk just now...
@skovacs1 :D
oh no.
Drunk History is on Hulu
@spugsley Should we say our goodbyes?
@spugsley you are dooooomed
@skovacs1 it's a tough call. Probably yes to be sure
If you do decide to leave the chat, it's been real, enjoy the show, and grats on the house again.
I'm probably going to have to disappear for a while myself - that database *has* to be done building now.
who else will I make bacon cupcakes fooooor
@spugsley If you don't, I could teach you some of my remote operation techniques for cameras and the like.
I am so hungry why I am I starving
it so is too late for fooooood
(also I am lazy)
also now I want cereal thanks @spugsley
@AshleyNunn you're welcome!
That's it. This time, I kill the machine.
I have a table with 8.5 million entries that loads no problem. Another table with just a few thousand entries repeatedly spins and doesn't want to load once I load the data from the infile. I've dropped and rebuilt the table several times. I've restarted MySQL multiple times.
When I come back, there will be blood on my hands.
@skovacs1 Oh, the joys of databases.
@skovacs1 Sounds lovely
morning people
@Blem morning Blem
@Blem Morning!
Q: Where's the key to Stoneridge Watch? ('Old Friends' quest)

galacticninjaI need a key to enter Stoneridge Watch for the 'Old Friends' quest. I've killed every bandit outside and searched them but haven't been able to find the key. Does anyone know where it is?

@5pike da fuq did I just see
@spyder Someone modded the super-smash of captain falcon.
there are more
want the link?
Q: Lets get rid of [music] once and for all!

RobotnikThis is the only question left, and it's closed as off-topic. Remove it, and music will nevermore darken our doorstep! Victory is at hand people!

Q: Can the tower in Hounds Pit be climbed?

Roger MIn the Hounds Pit area there is a tower that also serves as Lady Emily's room. When I look up in that room, there are some floorboards that you can peek through. Also the floorboards are unbreakable. It looks like there is a room above Emily's room, but I can't get up there. There seems to be ...

1 hour later…
My fu**ing GOD, these clients, I swear...
I leave for an hour or two to engage in a zombie-killing bloodbath and when I come back, everybody is dead or gone...sigh.

grumblerant: No new shows up...mazui is behind on subbing railgun for the weekend that has since passed...no big news stories or exciting questions for which I either have the answer or feel confident I can find the answer quickly...
@5pike context?
wait a second
have to talk
@5pike a second? I just ranted about how my diversions are lacking as I wait for 13 million entries to populate in a database. I've got time.
Basically - Client has no idea about computers and wants to have a website
They don't know what a browser is
They get confused with the term "html"
They don't know how to enter something into the URL bar
But they want a website
Wasting my freaking time
Wait wait wait, it the internet bubble back in place? o.o
@5pike make an outragious quote.
@alexanderpas I would love to, but our support is free.
Client called me and wanted to know how to access the control panel.
He tried to browse to it in an FTP client
he wondered "why doesn't google work"
@5pike You're tech support for a hosting company I'm guessing?
@skovacs1 Spot on
more like a jack of all trades, but mostly support.
@5pike Direct them to a web designer or service to build the site for them? It would be easier for everyone involved.
@5pike drop that client, refund his money if he's a new client.
@alexanderpas It's a bit complicated. We can't just drop a client. He has a domain and hosting, so we are contract bound.
Well, I'll manage
A: Do EDI and the Geth survive in the "red" ending?

THCyou all are indoctrinated, everyone dies, the ending u saw was an illusion!!!!

@5pike Unless your service promises to build the website for them, your contract shouldn't involve hand-holding through html's abcs
But I still have to rant about such people
@Arperum What do I flag this for?
@Arperum not welcome.
^ this. If nothing else, it needs formatting help.
@skovacs1 Yeah. I typically tell them to go read some tutorials. But when the client doesn't know how to search via google, I get a bit mad.
Joys of support, I guess.
@5pike Which is why I say to refer them to someone else to build the site for them. I'm surprised your hosting company doesn't offer a site-builder - they could add value and sell another service.
@skovacs1 we do
@skovacs1 do you really think they will pay for that?
@5pike How did that client find out about your services?
@Arperum I have no idea
@skovacs1 but the client is overwhelmed with
@5pike trough the youtubes of the wikipipe.
@5pike Because being unable to even use a fucking browser... and then go around hosting things yourself...
1) remembering a URL
2) typing said URL
3)remembering a username
4) typing that username
Q: What will pro jobs entail?

AntoIt looks like some of the heists have a "pro" version. Pro jobs are glowing red on the crime.net's map and seem to feature better rewards. So far I only tried the pro version of Bank in which you have to steal gold instead of dollars. Gold being heavier, your speed is quite reduced while c...

Q: How can I change a mask's color?

AntoI've got masks and colors, but can't find how to change a mask color. When I preview it, it appears white... Is it a bug of the preview mode, or am I missing something ?

fair enough. In some support jobs I've worked, I've met a few, but never quite that bad. Yech.
@5pike But where do you type this thing?
@5pike problems remembering a username? anti social-engineering mode engaged!
@Arperum Apparently into their FTP client
@alexanderpas Yesterday, I had a client that forgot their username/password, which they just had entered 3 minutes ago..
@5pike New question, how on earth did they get an FTP client on there PC?
@Arperum He mentioned a friend... That's all i know
@5pike The friend that knows everything better then you of course.
@Arperum Oh boy, I know
@5pike time to refer them back to that friend... You don't have webdesign service on your account, just hosting. As I don't see any problems with the hosting environment, I'm going to advise you to ask the questions to your friend. -- FUCK YOU, I WANT A REFUND!! -- Granted!
I've dealt with one that had trouble with double-clicking so maybe I've had worse. My approach would be to take it baby steps with baby's first computer:

What OS? Click on "the internet button" (assume IE on windows if they really are that clueless). What do you see? (if Google, move on) Do you see a part that says "http"? click that and type google and press enter. On Google, type whatever...

If you are trying to get them to a specific URL, give short URLs whenever possible. For long ones, get them to write it down. Username would be the same -> KISS.
Q: Keyboard shortcut for the windows explorer address bar

M4NIs there a keyboard shortcut in windows explorer (windows 7), to put the cursor into the address bar (where the current path is shown)?

@alexanderpas "but, what is this "alt" key? Where is it?"
@alexanderpas Done this too. Shortcuts are a little trickier with the more clueless users. Holding multiple keys at once can sometimes be a chore.
@5pike next to the spacebar.
@5pike or worse, presses A + L + T
@alexanderpas What is the spacebar? Or: What key, there are like 10 keys next to the spacebar?
Typically, the most you can assume they know is how to do the simplest tasks they've done before - clicking and maybe some typing (assume a minimum of both). Query about common use cases that they've likely had like "click the internet button" and leverage that. They will screw up what we think are the simplest of things - it will happen so at the very least try to minimize risks. What if they enter the wrong shortcut? What state would that leave the interface in?
that client called him again - I'll resort to writing an email.
Much quicker and he doesn't have to type much
@5pike I much prefer email support.
@skovacs1 Yeah
@Spike but anyways, ever heard of the words: "Outside the scope of this support"
@5pike you can send them hyperlinks and images to walk them step-by-step to become someone else's problem.
@alexanderpas Every day mate, every day
"Butbutbut I thought you would EVERYTHING? You are the worst support"
@alexanderpas The issue is always referring them away happy rather than irate or to your sales team. You don't want to be responsible for lost customers. An image of good support is built one customer at a time, but it kills handle time.
@skovacs1 It's worse when people think they know better. I had one case yesterday where I guided a friend through adding of a new sender e-mail address in Thunderbird. What I wrote was "open settings for your existing account, pick "manage identities" on the bottom." What he did, thinking he knew better, was "create a new account ..."
@skovacs1 a customer that costs more money in wages than it delivers in fees is a customer you want to lose.
Rule #1 of support: Client always knows better
Rule #2 of support: Support team is always at fault
@alexanderpas Somewhat true. But if you send them away happy and knowing better, they will be less likely to pester support about that again, and through good press, they can bring in more customers. One of the worst things is getting a customer calling back because the previous rep didn't do their job right the previous call.
@alexanderpas Not necessarily. Keywords to look up: Network effect, free-to-play model.
@5pike sometimes they are, they lie of something working when is physically not possible. -- I have been pestering CS of an ISP once. he didn't want to send out an engineer because the phone cable to the modem was 10m from house entry. It has been working before for months, and when we were on vacation, the internet disconnected, in the middle of the night.
Sounds like a bulldozer problem.
Rule #3 of support: You do not talk about support
Rule #4 of support: You DO NOT talk about support
Rule #5 of support: If a customer says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the support call is over.
Rule #6 of support: Only two guys to a support call.
Rule #7 of support: One support call at a time.
Rule #8 of support: Do not give out personal information, do not give out private company information.
Rule #9 of support: Support calls will go on as long as they have to.
Rule #10 of support: You HAVE to try to resolve the customer's issue in the first call.
@MartinSojka worse, a wrong plug problem in a community connection center. -- it took the engineer literally 3 seconds to diagnose. -- connects tools "Oh, so that's the problem" disconnect tools, and explains problem.
@alexanderpas I did support for an ISP once. They very strongly dissuade sending a truck out and insist that you do everything possible to avoid it if you cannot be 100% certain that it is a line issue. I'm not sure I grasp the context of 10m from house entry bit, but physical layout was something that pretty much never came up.
@alexanderpas For ISP support, plugging, unplugging, and trying different sockets for plugs was like the first few steps. I'm not sure I grasp the whole situation of "wrong plug in a community connection center," but if you mean that something was connected to the wrong port, the CSR should probably have caught that.
@skovacs1 we literally checked the connection of each wire in the connectors, with me being able to specify the color of the wires on the connections, including the discrepancies in their stuff correctly. -- they literally didn't want to send a engineer because the wire from the demarcation point to the modem was 10m, which has been working previously.
@skovacs1 the wrong plug was on their side, way before the Demarcation point
@skovacs1 I once called three weeks daily for at least an hour to get a problem resolved, after three weeks of phones someone finally manned up enough to say that the promised things were just plain impossible at my location (they promised 30Mbps and could deliver max 1Mbps). That was also the day I switched over instantly to another ISP.
@Arperum Are you me?
Almost the same thing happened to me
Q: How imbuing works n Luminous Arc?

acalypsoI am playing Luminous Arc for quite some time now and have access to Vitae identification (expensive as hell!) and imbuing. Now, I know that there are some specific formulas that give you some new rare/powerful item so it is quite potent in this case, but I wondered is it worth to imbue Vitae jus...

It wasn't three weeks, but they also said "sure, no thing. XXMbps is possible at your location."
@alexanderpas Hmmm. If the ISP connected the modem that way, it's their fault to begin with and they should be responsible for resolving it. Did they have you try connecting with a shorter cable? If it didn't work with the shorter cable, then they would have no choice but to send someone. I've never heard of a CSR even asking "how far is your modem from the demarcation point?"
@alexanderpas I see. You got s shitty CSR, it sounds like.
@5pike The worst part is that a couple months later they send me a bill with "50 euro for TV", I never had anything closely related to TV from them. I called AGAIN and it came out that they wanted me to pay 50 euros extra for the modem I didn't want but had to buy in a "self install packet" of 30 euros. The packet contained only the modem and nothing else.
@Arperum D*cks. Well, the guys I called wanted to cancel our existing landline and cable TV. Reason - "Calbe TV and landlines can cause conflicts with our internet. You won't get XXMbps if you have that."
That modem was at the time in use at my mothers place because I had no use of it and she needed that specific model for unlocking that 30Mbps thing. One of their engineers installed that modem over there, later on they said they couldn't see what account one of these modems was linked to. My mom, who isn't the biggest It expert later proved that it was still connected to my physical address, so that they DID link them.
@5pike I didn't pay the 50 euros, and they haven't bugged me about it anymore, so I guess they gave up.
Although I wouldn't be surprised if I find a bill for that 50 euros + intrest in a couple months.
Wouldn't surprise me
It also wouldn't surprise me, if they hire an encashment agent.
@5pike at which point you say, show me the signed contract!
Indeed, but many people get scared when they hear "encashment" and pay outright, even if they don't have to.
@5pike I once had one that was prepared for that question. He had the contract etc, but didn't read the small print. (which I did) -- The small print read that under certain conditions, the contract automatically ended. -- We had some fun after I pointed that out, since he could now collect on the company (which earned him more money.)
@alexanderpas Nice
@5pike Don't be afraid of that in my case. I am pretty stubborn and will stand on each and every rule I can find until they give up. They told me to go to one of their shops to show them the friggin modem, I did, in the shop they told me to call the phone support that sent me to the shop...
@Arperum What I do is call the phone support, right in the shop ;)
Q: Is there an easy way of knowing which tournaments are free to watch?

George DuckettI watched The International 3 having recently got to DOTA2 and loved it. I'd like to watch free past (and future, when available) tournaments in-game. Is there anywhere I can get a list of free to watch tournaments that are still available to watch, and any future ones coming up? So far i've be...

Q: Are there any book in skyrim about the nerevarine or any books worth reading?

AaronI can't really find some good books in skyrim and I wondered if there are any books on the nerevarine (the hero in elder scrolls III) or the events of the elder scrolls III. Or any good book at all.

Q: Rage graphic lag after half hour of playing (caused by input)

OgrimI have a problem with Rage game. Game runs on 60 FPS no problem. I have no graphic issues. After around half hour of playing graphic starts to lag, it looks like graphic stuttering. The thing is it has nothing to do with graphic just with input, when I don't touch any of the controls the lagging ...

Good Morning ladies and gents
@Wipqozn mumbles something about it being noon Hello Wipqozn!
@Wipqozn morning
@Arperum I'm not sure what crazy backwards land you live in, but over here in Canada it's 8am.
Belgium, eh? I don't know much about Belgium but I've always assumed it was awesome.
I always assume anywhere that's not Canada is awesome.
@Wipqozn Some people regard Canada as a crazy backwards land.
Note: I'm not one of these people
@Wipqozn If you disregard crazy fucked up politics and a few other issues.
@Arperum That's not unique to Belgium
We do have tons of different beers and chocolat though.
@5pike We have a world record about them.
@Sterno The reverse is true.
@5pike "Longest time creating a governement"
@Arperum we have... tulips
And next year there are elections, and things are expected to be worse.
(We also have more governments than is possibly sane in any way)
@spyder hotlink protection?
@KevinvanderVelden cannot see?
Nope, got an image not found image
I hate hotlink protection
@spyder nice =p
Thanks for taking one for the team, SciFi.SE
@spyder Looks like someone had an affair.
Q: In Starcraft, are the Protoss inspired by anything special?

KalissarIn Starcraft, the terrans are obviously humans, and Zerg are obviously inspired by Alien. Is there any particular inspiration source for the Protoss ? The answer would either present a source credited by a Blizzard official talk or would present a Scifi work that predates the development of Sta...

They have an tag. That's special.
@Sterno and it has 12 questions. Holy shit.
I am pretty sure it has been posted before, but it is funny so thought it should be posted again
I'm starting to think SFF.SE has a monthly meeting to determine how they can be more terrible.
The Witcher 3 looks pretty... grim.
@Wipqozn I think they just take all our messages that start "At least they don't..." and do that.
@Wipqozn It's really making me want to go ask ridiculous questions, like "Is Harry Potter based on the Easter Bunny?"
Since apparently it's a totally valid question.
@Sterno It's a shame you can't transfer reputation between sites, because that would be a great way to get reputation on Arqade.
I think @fbueckert should get heavily involved with the SciFi.SE community. It'd be fun watching the steam shooting out of his ears.
@Sterno That would be hilarious.
Q: Is My Little Pony: Equestria Girls on-topic?

WardMLP:FIM has been discussed before and I think the consensus is that it's on-topic. I've watched a lot of MLP (FIM and the generations before), and now my daughter has exposed me to the latest abomination^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H variation: Equestria Girls. In this new show, This question seems...

@Sterno This reminds me of that time Gnomeslice wanted to ban ponies from the bridge.
"I don't like them, so no one should ever talk about them"
I can't find that question anymore
I bet you could become a comedian if you just went to comedy clubs and started reading questions and policies from SFF.SE.
Looks like it was deleted.
Haven't found the ponies one yet, but I found this: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/2665/…
I'm starting to think @agent86 is a robot who is programmed to reply to meta posts with politically correct and reasonable answers.
@Wipqozn aah, you need 10k rep to view it :(
Or however much you need to see deleted questions
@Sterno He's never in chat anymore, so that sounds reasonable.
He's actually not as active as he used to be at all. It's almost like he has another kid now or something.
Q: What actually happened between Spock and Saavik?

GaribaldiIn Star Trek III, Saavik tells David that Spock is about to go through Pon Faar, and that he will need to mate to survive. Later on, she is shown performing some kind of ritual with her hands with Spock which seems to calm him down quite a bit, but then the scene ends. At this point, did they ha...

That has at least 5 upvotes. Pretty sure way more since it sounds like it also had a lot of downvotes
> You've read 1 of your 20 free articles for this month.
Then it wants me to pay them.
How about if I just never come back and use one of the BILLION free news sites.
@StrixVaria What network does that?
@5pike That one was Washington Post.
That reminds me, my cable company still hasn't resolved the issue where they no longer show me Showtime, which I pay them for. To that, all I can say is "Ahoy!" and "Yarr!"
@StrixVaria Newspaper companies need to learn that the internet is the new place for news.
Stop shooting yourself in the foot by fighting it with stupid decisions.
@Wipqozn Indeed.
This alone will make @fbueckert's head explode:
Q: Can we please fix the About page to remove "actual problem" and "practical" wording?

DVKhttp://scifi.stackexchange.com/about Get answers to *practical, detailed questions* Focus on questions about an actual problem you have faced. Include details about what you have tried and exactly what you are trying to do. These seem to be generic wordings from standard SE sites; and ...

@Sterno What? That's...So their questions are not expected to be practical or apply to any actual situation? How is that anything more than a social party of chatty cathies and speculative spocks? There are places for such things and they most certainly don't need to conform to a q&a format.
@skovacs1 Have you been to SciFi?
I mean, I think you could probably put "A social party of chatty cathies and speculative spocks?" in their About page.
@Sterno Evidently not. I guess my usage of the internet is too practical for their questions to have ever turned up in a single google search I have made since they were created.
@skovacs1 Read the Sci-Fi front page. Most certainly everything that makes you facepalm is on-topic there and will not be closed.
That said, I disagree that everything needs to be about a practical problem. Or, at least, that "practical" can mean different things to different people.
But I know @fbueckert hates things that are not "actual problems", hence the head explosion.
@Sterno This is true, of course. We have a lot of people crusading about that specific point, though.
@Sterno ALL of SciFi.SE is not about "actual problems". Why do you think I don't contribute there?
Oh, I know why. I just like imagining the entertainment value of you trying.
All of it is essntially, "Let's play poke the plot hole!"
@fbueckert Which makes the questions speculative, but has nothing to do with the part about "actual problems" ...
Also, you woke me up when you pinged me. I hope you're happy.
@FEichinger It can be both, without any issues at all.
Forums. Chats. Message boards. Image boards. These are perfect places for these sorts of semi-directed discussions. The only big distinction in a stack site is that you can rate the replies and they sort by rating.
Q: Choosing enemy card to discard in Magic 2014

RBSWhen I cast Distress, I am supposed to be able to choose which card the opposing player discards. However, I have not found any reliable way of making the program discard the card I want it to. When you enlarge a card there is no Choose Card tag. When a card is merely highlighted, the program ...

@fbueckert Even though it wasn't me who did it, I am still happy about it!
That's two people on the list of people woken up by Arqade.
That was an odd way of phrasing that.
@RonanForman you got woken up by Arqade?
@Blem you hoy?
@Blem No, @Wipqozn and I woke @OrigamiRobot up by talking in mumble when he left it idle.
I so hate spoiler tags in answers that do nothing but actual the exact question asked.
"How did Elizabeth lose her pinky in Bioshock?" Answer: "CLICK HERE TO SEE SPOILER"
@Sterno Admittedly redundant. I'd never given it much thought before. I can't say I've never done it. In fact, I can recall a few of my higher rated answers that sort of did...
Yes, no shit, that's why people clicked on the question in the first place.
It probably wouldn't annoy me if my iPad wasn't stupid and failed to show spoilers
(but only when I'm logged in)
@RonanForman That was great.
Was that when we were doing the MAss Effect Let's Play?
@Wipqozn I think it may have been.
What about, "Was such-and-such ever explained?" -touchy type of question that usually gets done in, but if the answer is a clear"yes, it was Spoiler" or "no, but the prevalent theories are Spoiler" technically the question didn't ask for the explanation - only whether there was one.
@fbueckert He seems really into hockey.
@Sterno I don't know jack about sports, but I'm pretty sure that Hockey Season hasn't started yet. Withdrawal symptoms?
@skovacs1 Maybe he's a fan of A Midsummer Night's Dream then.
I think there was a Marvel superhero named Puck, too
@Sterno He certainly comes across as a real "Bottom," doesn't he?
@Sterno two of them, actually
Figures. Marvel's Puck is Canadian.
@RonanForman I had no idea what was going on
Is there even crime to fight in Canada?
@Sterno It's called the Conservative Party of Canada.
@Sterno Not really. We all get along really well.
@skovacs1 Oh buuuurrrrrrn
@skovacs1 oh hey, you live in Alberta. That's where I often think @fbueckert lives.
@Wipqozn Actually for the last few months, I've been working out of BC. Hope to move to Vancouver before the year is out.
Man, there's a lot of weed here.
@skovacs1 Oh nifty.
@skovacs1 In Alberta? I've heard that before from someone I knew who moved there.
He said there was nothing else to do.
@Wipqozn BC was what I was referring to.
Probably true of most of Alberta. I've always been a city kid so Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, Calgary and Edmonton are where I've hung my hat and as such didn't see much of the weed culture. It's there, I'm sure, but it was less obvious. From what I hear crack is the popular drug of choice in those parts.
@fbueckert I'm finally taking the time to clear out charms.
@Wipqozn Took you long enough.
@fbueckert Yes sir. Using a spreadsheet to keep track of all the charms I plan to keep.
@Wipqozn Who are you? Lucky from the cereal commercials?
Right now it's mostly just "I might use this, so I'll keep it"
Even if I don't think I will, keeping it just in case.
I'll probably do another run down the road to clear out ones I doubt I ever will.
Skills that are completely useless like Flame Aura are being dropped though.
@skovacs1 Correct.
@Wipqozn A leprechaun with an overabundance of flame aura and a vendetta against thieving children? This can only end well.
I actually have a copy of MH3U...and no Wii U.
@skovacs1 Do you own it for the 3DS...?
@Wipqozn nope. Why would I mention the absence of a Wii U if I had the 3DS version?
I think it's the only Wii U game I have as it is possibly the only one released for the system that has gotten me interested in buying. I won't buy the system at that price for just one game. That would be one very expensive game in the end.
I may get one around holiday season. The Wii U lineup is looking almost like there might be some games for it in 2014
Really looking forward to X if nothing else.
My client insists on headers with a change log at the top of all files.
It's like it's still 1990
blech. Messy. Why clutter up code files? Put change "logs" in "log" files.
If you're using any decent CVS, your changelists and commits should have proper comments documenting changes made.
@Sterno Pretend the client is always right anyways. It's at least a relatively harmless concession.
It doesn't end there. At some point way back in the day, we used TFS for source control. And our code review issue logs list the TFS changeset that it refers to. They're super hardcore process oriented where everything needs to be approved, and this is what was approved back in the day. Now we use git. Except we also use TFS. We do most of our work in git, then push to tfs just so we can generate a changeset number for our code review issue log.
We can't use the git commit hash instead, because that isn't what was agreed to 5 years ago or whenver
@Sterno Use a post-commit trigger; automatically export the source tree after any commit, insert the last X changes for each file from the repository logs in the right location, pack together as source-<commit date>-<commit ID> archive.
@MartinSojka I like this. At least some of the redundancy can be automated.
I think I'm working for Vogons.
@Sterno Only one way to find out. Poetry

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