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@fredley immodest question :)
@fredley Hello.
@fredley OMGWTF2. Go
@badp ?
@badp I do not have time to write this much enterprise code
Nice idea though
If I were to enter, I'd program it to collect data from a number of sources, Random.org, hard drive seek times, entropy from the mouse, cpu temp etc
Perform masses of statistics to normalize the data
Then comment out the call and replace it with a bit from /dev/random with a comment like 'This is probably good enough'
Can I steal that idea and submit it
@ArdaXi Yes, please shout out to fredley in the comments though :-P
But then I won't win
@ArdaXi Oh, well whatever
I'm not going to do it, so go ahead
Heh, I'm thinking about the best way
@ArdaXi It just says that the work must be your own, not the idea. Just put the comment on the /dev/random line as This is much simpler --fredley or something.
Hmm... I have to read up on entropy stuff
@ArdaXi I think that's the wrong way to go
Bought on Steam the Majesty collection. Very nice games :)
You just need something that outputs 0 and 1 kind of randomly
@ArdaXi Normalizing random data requires statistical heavy lifting
@fredley Exactly.
something like sin(time()) >= 0
It will take ages.
@badp No, that seems like a good way to do it.
@badp No, you need an enterprise solution
If you can sum up how it works in a line of code you're doing it wrong.
something like
sin(time()) is deterministic but it's kind of random
@spyder Warlock master of the arcane is a load of fun in multiplayer. Haven't tried the other titles properly though.
change that into a mathematical numbo jumbo that kind of gives you 1 some times and kind of gives you 0 some other times and at all other times gives you FILE_NOT_FOUND.
Change the inputs to that formula to your usual Java mangle of abstract provider proxy factories
@badp And in case of file_not found, do something different
@badp But that's a boolean. The program asked for one or zero.
@ArdaXi "yes or no"
"1, 0, FILE_NOT_FOUND" is a boolean
Obviously, the program does not ask for a boolean
Also, Pentadactyl apparently dislikes this chat
@Arperum yep. Water? Battleships? Ah, I have "lands rising" spell :)
@badp No, it should give you sometimes 0, sometimes 1, else throw an exception. One of FILE_NOT_FOUND, OUT_OF_MEMORY, ILLEGAL_OPERATION, WAIT_TIME_EXCEEDED and PRINTER_ON_FIRE.
@MartinSojka No no no no no. You're doing it wrong. TRUE, FALSE, FILE_NOT_FOUND.
That's no exception, Luke.
@badp Pah, in-band signalling is so 2005.
Proper enterprise solutions have exceptions. Lots of them.
I write Python now. Python is cool.
@MartinSojka What's wrong with that? I mean, other than in Java
@ArdaXi try { file = sys.open(filename); file.write("blah\n"); file.close(); } catch (*) { sys.write("Something went wrong. Here's the unhelpful system error message, I can't be bothered going through 30+ possible exceptions this can throw: " + sys.lasterror.asString()) + "\n"); }
What language is that?
catch (*)?
it looks like Java but in Java you'd catch(Exception) instead
Java, I think
I was about to guess C++ but there's not enough operator overloading abuse
In Python you'd catch IOError
@ArdaXi well here he's swallowing all exceptions for (humorous) purposes
There's too little whitespace for this to be Python
...Although I haven't used Java for 4 years
@ArdaXi pyBraces?
but then you'd spell out sys.stdout.write()
@badp What the crap
I guess it's just SojkaScript
Python is beautiful. :(
# -*- encoding: braces -*-
# I appear to have burst into flames!

i = 5;
   if(i>4) {
 print "Hello World";

my_name = "Bob";

print """

digraph G {
a -> b;
c -> c;

while(True) {
print "Hi!";
print "This is a test", i;
if(i>10) {

@ArdaXi Random C++-ish, I didn't bother writing it proper.
Q: Is griefing by mods in Minecraft really random?

SF.When a creeper settled on the only part of rail in miles that had powered rails, I shrugged it off. When two creepers dropped on me from above without giving me a second of chance, just as I was passing over a lake of fire, I thought "bad luck". But when I ran naked at night, after a respawn, to ...

The thing about "enterprise solutions" is: You use lots of third-party libraries and other services. Those libraries call other libraries (third-party and system ones) and "inherit" their exceptions. In theory, at least in Java, they would be nice enough to write which exceptions they throw per-method, in practice this doesn't happen much (or they just slap "throws Exception" on everything relevant). Also, they almost never tell you which exceptions they mask.
@ArdaXi Reminder: in Python you can use the semicolon to separate multiple statemtents in the same line
Then there's exception encapsulation ... have fun talking to a webservice implemented in J2EE connecting to a PL/SQL package on an Oracle DB.
breathe, dammit, breathe
2 + 2 = 10
@ArdaXi false;
@ArdaXi nope, 2 + 2 == 11
And then there's "fun" exceptions like Oracle's "ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded" (which gets encapsulated twice when using web services usually: Once into a J2EE/SOAP exception, which then gets encapsulated into an exception for your client's programming language). Which means: "Oh no, somebody recompiled the package/procedure you wanted to call. And it worked. And the new one is ready to be used. And I know where it is. But I don't just discard the old one...
... and call the new one for you instead, I instead throw this exception."
@ArdaXi True. I'll go with true.
@badp I actually like pybraces. It lets me hate having to deal with Python less.
@spyder Ever seen a flying ogre hero clubbing dragons? I've seen it happen.
@MartinSojka More power to you!
Is it actually something that can be used in real things that exist?
@Arperum LOL
@badp Yes, it is.
Okay. The project page mentioning it's a joke doesn't give me a lot of confidence
(not that I would need it)
@badp Probably, just like brainfuck
@spyder There is some spell to create your own artifacts, and one of the effects you can add is "flying" wich results in whatver equips the artifacts goes hovering some distance up in the air.
Gaming news: Preliminary tests with launching Vanu Sovereignty main battle tanks into orbit encouraging. Crew and vehicle survival still an issue. Vanu leadership considers a partnership with Kerbal Industries for future developments.
@ArdaXi No, I mean, I don't trust it to get dictionary braces from syntax braces right 100.00% of the time
Makes sense
I guess the colon might be a clear giveaway though.
{try: sum(2,
3) == 5
catch: pass}
maybe some kind of stuff like that?
@Arperum It is necessary for me to play longer. I like to create a giant maps in turn-based strategy and a lot of players
@spyder Same here, for example: Civ V: max players + max city states + max size + any other maxable thing maxed.
@Arperum "Max resources" sounds like a bad idea.
Poor traffic controllers :( This is horror: flightradar24.com
No idea how to manage SO MANY PLANES
@spyder What?
@spyder One at a time.
@spyder It's a little different from the iPhone game
@MartinSojka I should have specified that maxing things can also be minimizing things.
But flight levels... You need to properly move planes between them
@spyder no one controller is in charge of it all
@spyder One random plane over the northpole. poor lonely one.
That map is just showing the big commercial flights anyway. We have a bunch of smaller airstrips around Frankfurt/Main (EDEL in Langenlongsheim and EDRS in Bad Sobernheim are less than 15km from my home), and they (and their flights) are totally missing from the map.
Europe > US. Obviously. It doesn't matter it's like 7am at best in the US.
@MartinSojka Yeah, quite a few minor companies' flights aren't there
@spyder btw you DO know there's air traffic controller games
the one for Linux is perhaps the best and the closest to the real thing
I think it's just called atc
atc lets you try your hand at the nerve wracking duties of the air traffic controller without endangering the lives of millions of travelers each year. Your responsibilities require you to direct the flight of jets and prop planes into and out of the flight arena and airports. The speed (update time) and frequency of the planes depend on the difficulty of the chosen arena.
> gtte4ab2 Plane G: turn towards exit #4 at beacon #2
Only I would try and start Eve right in the middle of downtime
Also wtf is this launcher
the new launcher is gay
@kalina Clearly.
@kalina How homosexual of it
also, EVE Is offline
@kalina How beneficial for your employer
@kalina I mentioned that did I not?
what with it being downtime, the same thing they've done for 10 years at the same time each day
@fredley I am not at work
@kalina Why not?
I woke up, went eugh, went back to sleep, waited for them to phone me, said I was sick
Oh well, more True Blood
oh well, more futurama
@kalina Oh well, more productive work
nothing you do is productive
@kalina You are not a very nice person are you
@kalina FAKER
I am an awesome person
@OrigamiRobot story of my life
Hmm, looks like Snowden will likely be on board of AFL150 right now.
... which flies very close to the US east coast. He might even be able to wave in the general direction of Washington, DC as they fly by.
Ah, better. I think.
How did I live without this extension
@ArdaXi que?
@fredley Pentadactyl. Firefox without a mouse.
Fork of Vimperator, in fact.
@ArdaXi Sounds...difficult
It's as difficult as Vim. But also as powerful.
@ArdaXi EVE is up
I find that on Chrome if I really need to I can use Ctrl-F to get most of the way there
like, try Ctrl-F Search ESC
@badp Now try clicking a link without your mouse.
ctrl-F info ESC ENTER
Alternatively, finfo
follow link number 37?
@badp Yes. When I press f, I get numbers next to all the links
eh, it saves you a few keystrokes I guess
bbl lunch.
It saves you a whole lot after a while. Like vim.
€20 for two months. Okay, I'm tempted.
New intro vid. Fancy.
Those vids never fail to get me really excited about the game.
@ArdaXi what is your character name in EVE so I can send people after you in a swarm
er... I mean send you isk
Oh, in that case
I'll give you one guess ;)
well that's no fun
(Hint: It isn't)
I'm normally so good at these games
What games
oh well, I am busy multiboxing an asteroid belt into my cargo holds
(It's Arda Xi)
Also, the client managed to crash
my clients never crash
if it's not going to work, the launcher just doesn't start
it's a good launcher
no it isnt
I was being sarcastic
No you weren't
mining my life away
What life?
I had a life before I started playing EVE
That's what they all tell themselves
ever since I started playing EVE I just seem to be signing up for more and more accounts
I seem to be getting stuck into a feedback loop where one day in the not so distant future I will be running a room full of PCs to play 70 accounts, flying around New Eden mining everything
EVE is so difficult and boring for me. It's like Excel in 3d. I easily learned what is FLOOD, VISUAL, HOJ, "burn" ECM interference, feauters of AN/APG-63. But EVE...
EVE isn't hard at all
the hardest part of EVE is the fact you have to wait months of real time to train stuff
Oh, yes, skill queue
Thanks for reminding me
Easier to attack two targets with AIM-120 than playing EVE
If you can't play EVE, you're trying too hard to make it more difficult than it is
@kalina it's boooooooooring...
Why do I have Aurum
@ArdaXi I don't know
I don't want this
maybe you spent real life money on digital clothing
How do I turn it into plex
I'm sure there is a way, ask a question about it so @MadScientist can answer
Oh cool I'm a person
how long has it been since you played EVE??
@kalina Let's see
don't get too enthusiastic about it though, you only get to walk around like 100m3 of space
@kalina About two years ish?
I've only been playing ~5 months so far
Date of Birth: 2008.06.17
Ah... so I am the veteran here
and so far, I'm nearly completely neutral in terms of account cost
I currently have 86m apparently
eh, veterans are a decade old
It's rather little
I'm not sure why
It's been two years
you might be able to buy some ammunition with that
Hmm... I should mine probably
So train for hulk
well, exhumers in general
I have one I think
Q: What is the Drift attribute for a car?

leokhornI have been trying to get a feel for what high or low Drift might mean for controls. I'm still unsure. Does high Drift mean the car sticks to the road less, allowing easier drifting? Does high Drift mean the car, on the contrary, sticks to the road? Assuming high Drift means no adherence... doe...

Q: X-Box 360 cant get online

AtlasEUI just got a new Internet Provider and setup the internet just yesterday. The broadband is provided via a modem "Netgear CG3200". My computeres are setup in a different room via my own ASUS router, and works like a charm. My probleme is - if I connect the X-Box to the Netgear CG3200 directly, ...

Not a hulk
how many skill points do you have?
Btw, my joystick for flightsims :)
@kalina 8M
8.236.333 to be precise.
@ArdaXi wow, you sure you played for 2 years?
On and off, yes.
most of my chars have around 8 mil sp already
now kiss
Looks like all my ships are in Isenairos
@badp ;D
@ArdaXi that is quite some distance away from me
Where are you?
I'm in a shuttle
These things are laughably tiny
I managed to condense my entire EVE setup down to a single monitor
Is autopilot still so horrid
what the crap is safety
Why does my ship have a safety
stops you from flagging yourself
So really it like stops you killing yourself
@kalina you need help
and stops you from turning yourself into a target that can be killed without repercussions
Technically, it just stops you breaking the law
Hmm... I'm closer to Jita than I thought
@ArdaXi well yes and no, if you're a suspect people can attack you in highsec without concord doing anything about it

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