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as in "the fact happened too long ago and we couldn't reach a sentence in time, so you're going to get away with it"
(Guess who recently halved the terms for this to happen? It almost worked!)
@badp "Exceeded the statute of limitations" is the term of art generally used in the states.
I'm glad we're not the only people with such dubious law.
@badp It's not that dubious - it generally makes sense.
Just saw this on YouTube
@LessPop_MoreFizz Buying your innocence through sufficiently high quality judges who manage to stall the proceedings long enough?
The dubious part is Berlusconi initiating laws that changed the statutes of limitations for exactly the crimes he was accused of while he was in office
The idea is that you can't prosecute a crime that happened X number of years ago effectively for all sorts of reasons. That said, there are some notable crimes that carry no (or extremely long) statutes of limitations, because they are sufficiently heinous.
Ghedini must have been losing his touch.
@badp Generally, the way things are done in the states, the clock stops ticking once a prosecution is initiated/indictment is issued, no matter how long the actual legal proceedings take.
> The Italian law is quite peculiar in this regard since lawsuits and trials must be ended, rather than started, within such a time limit (this applies only to criminal proceedings). This makes it effectively possible to avoid a guilty sentence by delaying the trial enough for the time limit to expire.
Yeah, Italy is the outlier on that front.
Wow, I think you only need to be charged in Canada within the time limit (although it may be trial start).
@MBraedley Yeah, Canada and basically everywhere else in the world.
Italy is the weirdo country in this respect.
@kalina I would be bored too if my head wasn't in such intense pain. :/
stamps on @LessPop_MoreFizz's foot
Now your foot hurts, but at least it's taken your mind off your headache
@kalina I've tried similar tricks already. Now I have a bruise on my hand, and a headache.
smoke marijuana
@kalina I don't have any.
take painkillers and mix with a sensible amount of alcohol
Also, I've never been fond of smoking weed. Not so much because of the weed as the smoking. I has bad lungs already, that particular method of ingestion only makes them worse.
@kalina Way ahead of you! Large amounts of Aspirin have been ingested, and there is a bottle of honey-bourbon sitting on my desk looking askance at me.
oh, aspirin and alcohol, probably not the best idea
who takes aspirin anyway
then again, I only smoke my painkillers
Aspirin and paracetamol/acetimenophen are both bad with alcohol
@kalina Aspirin + Caffeine = Excedrin, which is my preferred headache pill.
yeah because caffeine is awesome for a headache
Then again, alcohol isn't a good idea with pain anyway.
@kalina It actually is.
Not really
Caffeine is added to painkillers because most painkillers make you drowsy.
@ArdaXi anything that causes numbness is good for pain
@ArdaXi My understanding of the Aspirin/Alcohol interaction is that it is more of a long-term problem, and not an issue if you happen to have both on the same day once in a while.
dexter is back on in a week
Not entirely sure, I just stay clear of alcohol whenever I have a headache
probably the most awesome news you've all heard all day
@ArdaXi No, that is very much not the case with aspirin/headache meds specifically.
> Caffeine may increase the effectiveness of some medications including ones used to treat headaches. Similarly, intravenous caffeine is often used in hospitals to provide temporary pain relief for headaches associated caused by low cerebrospinal fluid pressure.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It is definitely the case with paracetamol
also, coke
@LessPop_MoreFizz Interesting.
@ArdaXi Yes, but I am not talking about Acetaminophen (as it's known on this side of the atlantic)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am aware.
3 mins ago, by Arda Xi
Aspirin and paracetamol/acetimenophen are both bad with alcohol
I'm not going to do that every time
and I'm talking about methylenedioxynmethylamphetamine
because om nom nom
@ArdaXi There's also another knock-on reason that caffeine is effective in headache relief specifically, which is that a fairly common cause of headaches is caffeine withdrawal (because yes, it is mildly addictive, and headaches are the primary withdrawal symptom.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz True. Caffeine generally relieves my headaches, especially in morning.
You're giving in to Them
The Man who keeps your brain under check with coffee
Pharmaceutil companies are the enemy. They promote drug dependency over the natural remedies that are all our bodies need. They are immoral and driven by greed!
@ArdaXi This is because you are an addict.
I am well and painfully (literally) aware.
But yeah, pretty sure my current headache is not caffeine withdrawal because I can usually go without, and I did have a cup of coffee this morning. The fact that it is starting to subside is making me think it is heat, and possibly slightly dehydration related.
@OrigamiRobot you broke Steam again
It's your fault
I had no Steam problems for years until all you Americans joined my friends list
I thought you added them
I added fbueckert
then I had fredley and OrigamiRob and GnomeSlice add me
and ever since OrigamiRob added me, my Steam disconnects from chat
I'll continue not adding you then, so that you may not blame me for anything Steam
You accepted me.
@kalina I think they put you on the no-steam list. Did you maybe wear a turban around them or behaved somehow unpatriotic otherwise?
I'm always unpatriotic, America can burn
@MadScientist Oh yeah, good ole Steamhell
that must be it.
if America disappeared off Earth tomorrow, I'd miss a few people but would realise it was for the good of the rest of the planet
...that's not actually true
why not?
Google would still work
that's all that really matters
@RedRiderX This message is doing weird things to the star list.
@StrixVaria Indeed.
I should report that as a bug but I'm way too lazy.
I wonder if other Unicode would also do weird things. 
No, that one seems fine.
Maybe only if it is a hyperlink?
You wild LessPop?
Nope, still fine.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Maybe it's when the site dynamically updates the time since it was posted.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is that the private character area Apple logo?
@badp Yeah, just the unicode keyboard shortcut I remember most handily.
@kalina Hey now. I am perfectly civilized.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nah, the funkyness is caused by RTL/LTR handling shenanigans.
@badp So we should be able to do something with Arabic text then.
@StrixVaria I think Islam.SE is much farther ahead of any experiment we may try here
we have a christianity.se and an islam.se?
@kalina We also have a Judaism.se
brb starting a war
Which is probably ahead of Islam.se on this front even, if only because they've been around much longer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is Hebrew right-to-left too?
Oh, okay.
my coffee is cold
also, bored
@kalina Yes, we're only missing out Buddhism and Atheism from the big ones, though the latter one failed already in one proposal
finally, boooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddd
Shortest war ever
@kalina It is summer. You should cold-brew and drink it iced.
@MadScientist It failed in beta
because it was a terrible site.
@MadScientist what about existentialism?
@MadScientist There's nothing really to ask questions about for Atheism...
tagline: what is the point of this site?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hmmmmmm coffee granita.
nothing matters
@kalina Philosophy.se
Now we get garbage like this. Because a Q&A site about a fake religion designed entirely to mock people of faith is going to go well.
Well, I'm an atheist. But I have to admit that a site about the absence of belief is bound to run out of material rather quickly
@LessPop_MoreFizz with this in mind, isn't christianity covered by skeptics?
@kalina No. Skeptics has nothing to do with biblical scholarship.
@LessPop_MoreFizz fiction, right?
and next week it shall be in my mouth!
all three parts!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Skeptics has to do with sources that claim something but don't back it up with fact.
@kalina Whether you approach [religious text] as the word of god or as a really poorly written fantasy novel doesn't really have any bearing as to whether it belongs on skeptics.se, which pretty clearly has nothing to do with either.
Skeptics does not cover any metaphysical claims of any religion. But if they claim anything about faith healing or similar bullshit we're there to debunk it
@StrixVaria Counterpoint: An Atheist cannot refute the existence of god with fact any more than a believer can postulate it.
Russell's teapot, sometimes called the celestial teapot or cosmic teapot, is an analogy first coined by the philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872–1970) to illustrate that the philosophic burden of proof lies upon a person making scientifically unfalsifiable claims rather than shifting the burden of proof to others, specifically in the case of religion. Russell wrote that if he claims that a teapot orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, it is nonsensical for him to expect others to believe him on the grounds that they cannot prove him wrong. Russell's teapot is still r...
I am done discussing religion!
I don't like this topic.
@StrixVaria no, don't go!
let us get banned to gether
@LessPop_MoreFizz We don't refute the existence of an arbitrary god, we just don't see sufficient evidence to believe in any of the proposed gods
and I just don't know what the point of it all is
my beliefs are the best beliefs
Q: Can't you use "Death from Below" from a ladder?

SandokanI'm trying to infiltrate the Nostalgia by the stern ladder. I just put a point in Death from below and thought that this was as good a time as any to try it out. However, I can't seem to execute it. The guard is standing close enough for me to see his chest hair and still I cant do anything. Inst...

@StrixVaria "Lack of existence of God" is equally as unfalsifiable
@MadScientist This is true for lots of people, myself included, but there is a certain wing of 'militant atheists' who I find insufferable who take things a step farther.
I don't find them insufferable because I think they're wrong per se, I find them insufferable because I think they're assholes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Do you find militant theists equally reprehensible?
@StrixVaria I believe in the teapot
@StrixVaria Yup.
@StrixVaria Militant anything are pretty annoying.
The Münchhausen trilemma (after Baron Münchhausen, who allegedly pulled himself and the horse on which he was sitting out of a swamp by his own hair), also called Agrippa's trilemma (after Agrippa the Skeptic), is a philosophical term coined to stress the purported impossibility to prove any truth even in the fields of logic and mathematics. It is the name of an argument in the theory of knowledge going back to the German philosopher Hans Albert, and more traditionally, in the name of Agrippa. Trilemma If we ask of any knowledge: "How do I know that it's true?", we may provide proof; y...
@StrixVaria Look no further than ABC BBB.
This is why I am quite comfortable with my Judaism. It's not a missionary religion. There is no obligation to spread the faith through any means other than biological imperative.
It's the kind of people that gives religion a bad name
I just don't care about religion
@SaintWacko Slightly more acceptable. :P
I think people are important
@LessPop_MoreFizz There are enough assholes everywhere. I personally object a tiny bit to all the fundamentalist christians that think I'll end up in hell for eternity, and that think I deserve that and don't consider any of that a tiny bit wrong
I don't believe in religion
@SaintWacko Don't worry, you'll get labeled anyway.
Not theoretical discussions about what might happen after we die
I don't see why it matters
we decompose
and get eaten by worms
@kalina Oh, it exists.
We'll find out eventually, and there's nothing we can do
@kalina Cremation!
Even if someone proved the existence of a god, I still wouldn't believe in it
@FAE Quite a bit of a shock, if you're not quite dead.
@FAE pff, the planet suffers enough from carbon released into the atmosphere, selfish peoples!
I would acknowledge it exists, but not believe in it
@SaintWacko I don't think we'll be able to be physically able to "find out" anything when we do get there.
@badp No, I don't either
@SaintWacko This is pretty much where I stand for the most part. I identify with a faith more out of a sense of cultural identity and history and tribal loyalty than out of any particular devotion to the stories involved in getting there, outside of the ways in which those shared stories are a part of that identity, in much the same way that the story of the American Revolution and the signing of the declaration in 1776 is part of the identity of being an American.
@SaintWacko That is really an awesome viewpoint.
@StrixVaria It's like the mailman. I acknowledge he exists, but I don't believe in him
@LessPop_MoreFizz So much this. There's much more and much more interesting stuff about religion than "OMFG GOD DOESN'T EXIST"
@SaintWacko That's how I'd generally approach it as well.
@SaintWacko if you acknowledge it exists, there is nothing to believe in!
Even if religion is nothing more than a placebo, placebos work
@kalina I've always wondered about that. How much of belief relies on the lack of proof?
Can you believe in something that has been proven to exist?
@SaintWacko if there is proof, it's no longer a belief, it's factual
@badp Oh, yes, a lot of people are helped by religion
@badp Yeah, I know plenty of, for lack of a better term 'self loathing catholics' who absolutely hate the Church (as in, the institution), but find the rituals of Mass and Confession to be extremely comforting and important to their being able to go about their lives.
@kalina But there is no proof of anything.
Placebo are an English alternative rock band from London. They were formed in 1994 by singer-guitarist Brian Molko and guitarist/bassist Stefan Olsdal. The band was soon joined by drummer Robert Schultzberg, who was later replaced by Steve Hewitt after conflicts with Molko. Hewitt left the band in October 2007 and was replaced by Steve Forrest in 2008. Placebo are known for their androgynous image and angst-fueled musical content. To date, they have released six studio albums, all of which have reached the top 20 in the UK, and have sold over 12 million records worldwide. History Format...
@SaintWacko Sure, there may be a deity out there, but I don't necessarily have or not have to believe in it if it does.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are hurt by religion, too
@kalina Prt gud band.
@FAE Exactly
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think that the difference in "religion" and "spirituality" may be pertinent there.
@FAE No, no it isn't.
I'm speaking very specifically about religion.
Heck, I'm not even sure reality is real. The only thing I can be sure of is my perception, and even then, am I really seeing it now, or am I just remembering it?
About the ritual, the practice, of the religion, about the community that does so as a group.
I'm pretty spiritual, I creep up on people and scare them and then reflect on what I just did
@SaintWacko The religion isn't doing the hurting for the most part. It's the assholes who use religion as an excuse for their asshole behavior.
At the end of the day, regardless of whether there is a god or not, there is something very real that pushes people to dedicate their whole lives to the religion of their choice, if you can even think of religion as something you really choose
@FAE 'spiritual but not religious' is, for the most part, a loathsome copout used by people who want to believe in flaky shit but don't want anything to do with all of the things that I am talking about as being the only redeeming aspects of a religion in the first place.
@badp insanity
@OrigamiRobot "Jesus Camp".
@StrixVaria That's the intended use of the override characters, actually. You supply a RTL override at the beginning, type your message, then supply a LTR override to return to the normal direction.
@OrigamiRobot No, I don't mean that. There are quite a few people at my church who have been traumatized by the religion itself
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not sure what you mean by "flaky shit". Like New Age crystals or something or...?
be it the placebo effect, or the will to donate their time to their communities rather than getting a love life, or abuse of chemicals, or all of the above
@FAE Among other things. That's an extreme example, but falls under the umbrella, to be sure.
mmm chemicals
@SaintWacko What traumatizing religion is this?
@badp this takes me quite neatly back to the comment I made at the start of this discussion
@OrigamiRobot All the ones I've seen were Christians
@kalina floccinaucinihilipilification
@SaintWacko this doesn't carry on from my point at all
@SaintWacko What about the religion itself was/is traumatizing?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Gotcha. I attended a Unitarian Universalist mass once that I really enjoyed. There's a lot of comfort to be found in ritual and having a "place" where you feel you can go with like-minded people for the same reason.
What Would GnomeSlice Do?
What is with all of these flags.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I only saw one flag
@LessPop_MoreFizz the use of the word "whore" I suppose is questionable
@LessPop_MoreFizz Apparently other rooms can have stupid flag wars like the Bridge!
@StrixVaria no they can't, we own copyright on stupid flag wars
Flag wars are beautiful.
@kalina Sure it does. methylenedioxynmethylamphetamine renders the discussion meaningless, which is an act of floccinaucinihilipilification
that'd be math
You have the curse of semi-active bloody useless moderators
@StrixVaria That happened before I left too
you know what
that settles it
by nominating myself for a moderator, @badp can no longer ban me
By merely nominating yourself, you get nothing.
@kalina doesn't work that way
You have to actually win something.
but then you also won't be able to flag war
@badp sockpuppets
I will split my personality into all of the good parts and all of the bad parts
I suspect you would get caught before you could sockpuppet yourself into modship.
does that mean we get to banish the bad parts away forever
@kalina "There's good parts?" ... Yeh, yeh, that one was too easy.
like the xD parts

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