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oh, so you have to CLOSE uPlay and then relaunch AC2 from Steam
and only then will it prompt for an activation key, probably thinking it busted you pirating the game
somebody studied their antipatterns
Some apparently Homeworld is being rereleased.
@badp I can't read any of this.
@Ullallulloo Fourth line!
Q: Shoot around corners

Steven PennyIn most games similar to The Last of Us, a game mechanic is available to allow shooting around corners while in cover. This is usually implemented by just walking up to a corner, or perhaps a button press. Does The Last of Us have a similar mechanic?

See? They buried English somewhere in the middle knowing that you probably wouldn't have read the thing in the first place and instead hit 'no what the hell is this I don't want any of this'
and once you do find it they still say "We're going to take our savefiles with you if you continue!"
some might say it is NSFW
Wordarting like it's 1997 yo
I feel dirty when I spend money.
@RavenDreamer yeah, I'm generally in the same boat
@RavenDreamer Have you spent a lot on the sale?
@RavenDreamer Go vote for Blood Dragon in Steam Sale so I can join you in feeling dirty.
@Fluttershy Not until 5 minutes ago.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Already done.
Must save extra 2 dollars.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I voted for that as well
@WorldEngineer As well you ought to!
@Fluttershy And then I decided. You know what? I'ma nab Bioshock when it's half off. And all of the skyrim DLC while I'm at it.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, this is what happened to me several times this week.
@LessPop_MoreFizz sympathy party
and now, nearly a days wages later, I have a lot of games I won't play for a long time.
Well, I only spent half a days wages. But I spent half a days wages like 2 weeks ago when Civ V's last expac dropped.
Which brings us back to
3 mins ago, by Raven Dreamer
I feel dirty when I spend money.
I spent an hour and a half's wages on the sale thus far. $12.48
@RavenDreamer Either you earn more than me, or have exercised more financial restraint than me, or some combination of the two (which I suspect is the case.)
Nights Into Dreams, Torchlight II and Kairo
only the last one is actually for me
@LessPop_MoreFizz Also, I'm salaried, and did a pretty poor job of calculating a "day's wage".
@WorldEngineer You however, do not earn more than me, but you have exercised substantially more financial restraint than me, so consider yourself good.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't think I earn more than you, and exercised less restraint. <_< I am terrible with money.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I earn around a 3rd of what you do if my estimates are correct
maybe a 4th
@Fluttershy But you're investing in a computer!
You also don't worry about living in NYC, I assume?
@WorldEngineer Hourly, you earn about half what I do it looks like. Maybe a bit more than half. But I also work a lot of overtime.
I've spent roughly two hours' wages.
I should probably go buy some groceries.
But I am le lazy.
And also have a per diem while travelling that I don't fully use padding my income, so 'wages' is not the best means of representing my income.
Groceries or Bioshock + Skyrim. Hmmmmm.
@RavenDreamer I'm hankering for sweets but it's raining...choices...
@RavenDreamer This is true. Cost of living here is reasonably low. =P
I've... spent Jochem's money. <_<
@RavenDreamer Bioshock. You can beat it faster than Skyrim.
@RavenDreamer Groceries, swing by Wendy's get a Frosty and then torture spugsley with pictures of it.
@Fluttershy No, I'm deciding where to spend my money, you see.
@WorldEngineer I have already told you the solution to your choice paralysis.
@FAE sympathy hug
@RavenDreamer Oh. Well.. Just buy a bunch of ramen noodles, Skyrim and Bioshock.
@LessPop_MoreFizz sensitive teeth, I very, very seldom eat Ice Cream
I just remember I needed to buy a replacement monitor too. Gave my old one to my folks, now I have two computers and one monitor.
@RavenDreamer SSH into the other one?
@RavenDreamer KVM
@WorldEngineer Well the use-case in question is the computer that travels to LAN parties, so that's not going to work.
Or virtual KVM via Synergy or similar.
@LessPop_MoreFizz These can be quite handy. Jochem and I used to use one when we lived with his parents still.
Though right now, it's actually hooked up to my Mass Effect TV, so w/e.
@RavenDreamer TV Buddies Whut Whut
@LessPop_MoreFizz Note to self: It'd be cool to have a beer with Keith.
@RavenDreamer incidentally how is it that you've got so much more rep than everyone else? Do you just play more games than everyone else?
@RavenDreamer I'll meet you halfway! I'll be in Virginia/Maryland for the next week or so.
@WorldEngineer When gaming first launched, I was a student with no real job to speak of, no girlfriend, so, uh... I had some time.
@WorldEngineer What @RavenDreamer just said. Also, he has, for whatever reason, always been playing the 'right' games at the right time in order to maximize his ability to answer questions.
There's a certain element of timing that goes into being good at gaining rep on Arqade, where if you follow trends, you'll do very well.
@LessPop_MoreFizz where as my tastes even when my computer could run it have run toward the wrong ones
And then I got a full-time job, so less time, but by now I can basically keep my rep up with "interest" on old questions.
For instance, @RavenDreamer is the only one of our top tier users with significant rep.
> 1,262 Answers
4.88 answers per question! Nice!
@RavenDreamer yeah, my story on Programmers is weirder. I've managed to crack 15k despite having no professional development experience whatsoever.
Where's the little doohicky that says in what percentile of users you are? Did they remove that?
@RavenDreamer I'm in the top like .3%
I'm 47th or so on the site in terms of rep
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, I'll need a little more heads up than that. Let me get back to you when I find out how many vacation days I have left this year.
FWIW, it's fun to look at the difference in rep/post between me, raven and Agent86, for example: 51.8527841 for Agent, 69.78 for Raven, and 67 for me.
@WorldEngineer Last I knew, I was in the top .06%, but it's been a while.
@RavenDreamer I'm sure I'll pass further South again sooner or later.
Okay, I'ma go nab some groceries then, before I forget. Ciao!
Q: Which food items heal you?

GnomeSliceIn Pitman's help topic for 'items', it mentions that some food items won't just fill his belly, they will also heal him, but it doesn't say which ones. I'd like to prioritize picking up healing food items over standard ones due to my limited inventory capacity. Which food items heal you, and by...

Q: In minecraft I heard creepy music while mining

anthonyA couple minutes ago, I was mining in minecraft and then there was about ten seconds of creepy music. Whats going on? I'm freaking out!

44th out of 82,000
that's just stupid
I spend way too much time here
... Are we really less than 48 hours away from the return of @GnomeSlice?
It feels like just yesterday he left us unwillingly.
/readies kicks and bans
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's the REAL reason @kalina left.
...too soon?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well we lost Kalina in the mean time.
so that should cut down some on the antics
We lost another kid too
He raged over me
so he left
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait, did @GnomeSlice Leave?
@Retrosaur He is currently serving a fairly long suspension. It ends in 2 days.
@Retrosaur no, he's right there
watching us
NSA style
A: What are the Summer Getaway Badge levels on Steam?

NoneOfYourBusinessDeleted. I don't help here anymore. Thank Retrosaur for it.

Ah, okay.
@fbueckert toplel
@Retrosaur Dude, you don't come off as the better party there.
You're both being idiots.
@fbueckert Welp, I was only trying to dissuade him from posting shitty "here's a link" answers
Way to antagonize me though ;_;
@Retrosaur There are better ways to do it. You've been around long enough to know better.
@Retrosaur Y'know, normally I would be very critical of your behavior in a situation like this, but I think you may have actually done us all a service on this one. Broken clock, etc.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Broken clock? Sorry, I don't understand :C
@Retrosaur even a Broken Clock is right twice a day.
oh, even a broken clock works twice a day
@Retrosaur Right twice a day.
Alrighty, got it, thanks.
Something something twice a day.
I feel stupid welp
Didn't even hit my mind
that's not how it works, sorry
@badp PFFFFF HA HA HA - Heavy
@badp I was just about to link that.
Silly user28015. He DOES know better.
28015 surely?
28015, not 28013 @fbueckert
Hey, I came up with that off the top of my head.
at any rate I don't think he'll be deleting his account
I'm surprised I was that accurate.
@fbueckert That's a mixture of impressive and creepy
Also, inb4 more vandalism and/or meta raging.
Just tried to buy a Steam card on the market. It was like playing whack-a-mole with "this card has already been sold" messages.
I have enough trouble reminding if I'm 23 or 27 on chat or the site
@badp Eidetic memory. Details usually get remembered.
> This comment is not eligible for voting or flagging
@Sterno they do move very quickly
I didn't know that was a thing
@FAE it's on a locked post, right?
@Sterno I remember how some kid developed a script that would autobuy at lower than market value and sell at higher value
@badp Ah, yes.
NOYB is ragequitting again?
Wouldn't user delete solve the vandalism problem, @badp? I mean, if he keeps doing that, that is.
Oh, you can level up the badges? Valve is evil.
@Sterno Up to 5 times
@FEichinger If he vandalizes stuff around, I'll suspend him, but I won't delete his account
@Sterno 5 times the normal one, 1 time the foil one, coming up to a total of 6 badges per game.
When crafting the badge they actually gave me one card towards leveling up. S where my inventory had been empty, I now have 1 card wanting 9 friends
@Sterno sell it sell it sell it sell it sell it sell it sell it sell it sell it sell it
@badp Tbh, that's what I'm gonna do. Wait for the Getaway cards to become unavailable and sell them when the normal ones approach ~.30 to ~.50 in price.
@FEichinger happy waiting!
@badp I give it a week or two, max.
@FEichinger I think there are way too many cards around to make that possible
@badp They're still around .10 - while they're still dropping.
@FEichinger I might drop in and buy one of each later, just to humour myself
...or rather, buy 10 of Skyrim
and see what happens
Also: Right now, 3000 each day sell.
@FEichinger Interest will sharply decrease later
There are cheaper badges out there to level up your acct with
Say, Dungeons of Dredmor
@badp I doubt it. As long as they're available for purchase, the collectors will come. Particularly the ones that want to pay for L5.
Playing the card futures!
six cards per badge, all of them very cheap
cheapest XP you can get
It's hardly about the exp. It's about the e-peen for having a high-level event badge.
@badp True story, I had a ex-friend who thought he was an econ expert
So he buys 200 backpack expanders, when it was on sale
Thinking "When it goes back up, I can sell for massive profit"
@FEichinger mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Then it drops to permanent 99cents
@Retrosaur should've done that on Keys! They're apparently quite cheap on the market right now
@Retrosaur Thing is: The cards drop for free. There's no loss here, unless I were to buy off the market in anticipation. That would be stupid.
I bought two with card proceeds to accelerate my path towards a strange PDA
@badp Cheap only because of the summer cooler crates
@FEichinger Good point.
@Retrosaur Still, cheap.
I get this weird feeling that Valve is going to turn Steam Trading Cards into some Magic:The Gathering hybrid
"I set my Soldier into Attack position, and I special summon Quick-Fix Medic"
Honestly I thought they were turning this into some kind of "loyalty reward system" where every level up is 1% off all future purchases on full price purchases
@Retrosaur Nobody talks like this in MtG.
@Retrosaur Nah. They're in no way designed for that.
@Fluttershy Sorry, i only referenced MtG because of the "background" cards
@badp It would've made sense.
What I really meant was Yugi-oh
@Retrosaur That might be closer to the speech for Yu-gi-oh. The only thing I know from that is "You've just activated my trap card." <_<
@Fluttershy also "I must believe in the heart of the cards"
Anybody have a spare Chivalry, Reus, or Football Manager card?
I'd be willing to pay metal if necessary
@Retrosaur backpack.tf has a card swapping thing that accepts metal
oh danke
Trading Steam cards for Psychonauts cards!
or at least it did
Dammit ;C no Psychonauts
I can't see the conversion rate anymore
I have returned
@Retrosaur I have a spare Reus
I have a spare KSP.
@WorldEngineer I don't think I have you on my friend's, could you add Retrosaur? Or, what's your Steamid?
Would trade for a Psychonauts card. <_< I only need 4 for my badge.
@badp Scrap is 4 credits, cards depend on the game
Wooo Linux Dota 2!
@John I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
@John I'm sorry, I don't really do Pokémon
@JOHN :3
I installed that game and never touched it.
I think it is @badp's fault I have it anyhowe
now it's not funny
I hope you're happy.
@Unionhawk "Now it's funny! Now it's not funny! Now it's funny! Now it's not funny! Now it's funny! Now it's not funny!"
@Unionhawk Thank you. I am quite happy.
@John I haven't seen you on here in like forever
@WorldEngineer Hmm?
@Retrosaur I haven't been on here in like forever
@John maybe you can riddle me this
@Retrosaur don't play TF2
I haven't played DOTA 2 in months. I've only got a twelve minutes match or so where I did terribad
Portal 2 would be of interest
Done, done and done.
...now I go check my DOTA 2 inventory and I've got a non tradable Gunslinger's Rifle out of nowhere
DOTA doesn't exactly seem like my cup of tea... honestly.
am I now getting drops without having the game installed in compensation for the change to TF2 drops? :P
@badp You're asking a guy who hasn't even finished the tutorial yet >.>
Guys! Guys! Great news! I saved 5 cents by using a reusable bag when grocery shopping, so I feel better about spending money now!
Your gratitude. It is mine. FOREVER.
@badp ....I am pretty sure it isn't my gratitude shining in there
@RavenDreamer :D Go go super shopping Raven
@AshleyNunn The description cannot lie!
@RavenDreamer Woo! We have reusable canvas bags that we use.
@badp I think they got gratitude and annoyance mixed up
@badp So I'm not the only one, then?
@RavenDreamer Spend it on Steam games welp
@badp Yeh, just figured that.
except when I last played the game there were no tutorials
I remain confused
@badp You sure about that? One of them was available pretty early-on.
@FEichinger @Fluttershy gave me the game on 11/7/12
@badp so what can you use it for?
Other than that, it might well just have assumed you finished the tutorial, because you played it. I dunno.
@Blem I guess you can, uh, equip it?
Considered that I couldn't figure out how to operate the camera in that game, I probably didn't do the tutorial :P
I think I jumped straight into PvE
@badp Oh come on, the camera jsut takes a while to get used to. :P
@FEichinger Couldn't it just like always lock onto me
Really Smite is so much more pleasant to play than anything top-down could possibly be
@badp I think there's a setting for that. But you really don't want that.
WASD + mouselook > top-down WASD > *
The camera is already very restrictive in Dota 2. Forcing focus on the player hero would be bad.
Anyone want to trade a KSP, Dead Island or Tomb Raider steam sale card for Reus, Skyrim, chivlary or football banager?
but why would you play Dota2 anyway? isn't it just LoL with a more hostile community?
@Blem is that possible?
@BenBrocka Now I want Football Banager
@badp He's pretty good at banaging footballs
@Blem I have actually experienced it less hostile than LoL.
@BenBrocka I've been banaging people for a while
@BenBrocka No, that'd be the joke.
@badp no. I am an amateur creep.
@badp I... did not read that properly at all
@Sterno aw :(
@FAE You're not the only one.
@FAE banaging's good joob, mayt.
Ban politely. Ban efficiently. And have a plan to ban everyone you meet.
Who bans the Banmen?
@Sterno We ban each other
@FAE Me neither!
End of steam sale = @gnomeslice returns.
@badp @Mana, you''re needed by @badp!
Gnomeslice confirmed for HL3 protagonist
All bans should be in durations measured by "until the next Steam sale"
@BenBrocka He headed the Combine all along
@BenBrocka That would explain a lot.
@badp I thought the TF2 Administrator headed up the Combine.
That's why you hear her giving orders.
@Powerlord Well Gnomeslice's being overthrown by her, see
In Ep3 she turns from loyal minion to evil overlord of evilness
@Blem Rub some bacon on it
I am distracted - trying to install Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable and an IRC client on two different machines right now
@FEichinger crying a bit, I have no bacon and it is the middle of the night so the store is closed, guess i should go to bed
@AshleyNunn That earns you a double-*shakes head*
@FEichinger Why? (I know it could be for various reasons so I am curious)
Q: Can two players play non-simultaneously?

MatthewMy fiancee and I are trying to find a game that we can play together, and neither one of us is a strategy fan. The whole sandboxy aspect of Civ seemed like it might be a nice way to get our feet wet. The one issue is we tend to have conflicting schedules. Is it possible to start a two player gam...

Q: FNVEdit merged patch, fixing it and advices/tips?

Aquarius PowerSo, I use FNVEdit 3.0.30 (latest to the date) to create a merged patch for Fallout New Vegas, its idea is to auto-mix mods. 1) The problem is the groups Containers and Factions got messed; entries were missing... All other groups seems ok!? How to be sure? I just remove such groups from the merg...

@AshleyNunn Well, vcredist is evil and IRC is stoopid, to put it shortly.
@FEichinger The things I do to solve problems in a poly relationship.
@AshleyNunn I'm not gonna ask, nope.
@FEichinger It makes things interesting
also I keep forgetting that I also have a laptop in my lap and working on the desktop, so I get supremely disappointed when the mouse doesn't just neatly flip from my desktop to my laptop
@AshleyNunn That's actually a great idea.
@FEichinger It would be so awesome
@AshleyNunn I've done this too
@AshleyNunn And it's actually possible. Pointlessly complicated, but possible.
@FEichinger Wait what
@FEichinger I still use IRC every day
@FAE I am pretty much constantly mixing up my inputs right now :P
@AshleyNunn Well, hypothetically speaking, one could log a mouse into multiple wireless USB connectors, store the current X and Y in the mouse and have a driver program on the client PCs relay the mouse actions to the system, thereby pre-checking whether or not the mouse hits a boundary - and thus may or may not switch focus from one PC to another.
That would of course require dedicated hardware and software and would be pointlessly complicated.
But it's technically possible.
@FEichinger but -doable-
Which is the fascinating bit
I love it when my mind goes on crazy adventures like that.
@FAE IRC is still stoopid. But that's a grudge on my end.
@FEichinger Right now I am very happy for its existence, even if figuring it out is hard
@FEichinger I use irssi for IRC, it's my favorite client for it.
@FAE I am basically just following my SO's instructions XD
because I have no idea what I am doing
@AshleyNunn irssi's a linux client so that'd probably be a step further than you wanna go atm for something temporary
@FAE My problem is more with the protocol itself than the programs surrounding it, but that's just me, as I said.
yeah, I am just working on getting the win7 machines together right now, and eventually, if this remains a thing we use, then mught pop something on the linux one as well
@FAE I started playing ranked LoL. (I'd say "again", but that's not quite the meaning I want).
I'm something like 2-10 and have fallen two divisions :(
@FEichinger Ah gotcha.
When is gamescom?
Sometime in August?
@RavenDreamer yes

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