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Such a great name for a mascot!
@Sterno Can I glance as an example of such an argument?
That's the mascot for Fukushima Industries, who make refrigerators. Not to be confused with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor.
Q: What is the name of the genre of games similar to Jetpack Joyride?

Doozer BlakeI'm trying to figure out what the genre of games is called in which the only (or primary) control is to hold a single down a button to move the vehicle/character up and when letting go of the button, you float or move down. You generally try to avoid obstacles by moving above or below them. Exa...

@GnomeSlice Faceplanting ... For SCIENCE!
@OrigamiRobot 'crap'
@badp An argument of whether or not something is addressed in-canon?
@badp The entire point of my meta is that the people voting to close for that reason cannot be certain it isn't in all but the most trivial circumstances. The entire reason it was brought up is because I was arguing with them voting to close without being certain.
@FEichinger Photoshopping ... to prevent faceplanting
The argument, essentially, is when I see those close votes as "This is not addressed." and then I ask them to prove it.
Your answer on the related meta is "Don't vote to close if you don't know", which is valid, but my argument is that many times, you can't know.
Which then prompts me to go argue with those people claiming they do.
It really just goes back to me thinking that the answerability of a question is a terrible metric for judging its on-topicness. Which I understand not everyone agrees with.
I'm more or less over this issue though. I was mainly curious why no action was being taken, and now I know.
@kalina Video games
@Sterno Or ponies.
@Sterno bored of those too
@BESW and those
@kalina tv shows
@Sterno boring
@kalina take to Dr Who forums and mock the fans?
perfect day for it
@kalina What about pony fic? I highly recommend Skywriter.
@kalina Dig holes with a drill?
...or webcomics? Skin Horse and Digger are great.
@BESW no, the last time I looked at something with "pony" and "fic" in the name I was scarred for life
@BESW boring
@Yuki I have no drill
@Sterno eugh, Dr Who fans aren't even worth my time
@kalina But then you could be "boring"! Geddit?
@5pike Fix the system or fix the people?
@Yuki I made that joke already. You're late.
@FEichinger Your face is late.
@Yuki Your late is face.
@FEichinger Your face is a face.
You face, late, it is.
@FEichinger Face late is you.
@kalina look for the slash to know what you want to avoid, you're on the internet! You should know this already.
@Yuki It actually is, yes.
@kalina new payday 2 DLC
@3ventic ... No. Just no.
@KevinvanderVelden what?
@kalina new payday 2 DLC :) Today or tomorrow
@kalina Count down from 100,000 by sevens.
@KevinvanderVelden heh, only one person needs to buy it to host the game and allow everybody else to play
@kalina yeah, overkill is pretty cool :)
Unless you want the "cool gear", in which case you need to get the DLC.
"cool gear" ?
I'm buying the DLC when it comes available
I can't really be bothered to play payday 2 anymore so I will just tag along
@3ventic I'm going to wait until I find out what this "cool gear" is.
@3ventic spam ping me on steam and chat and I will come along
@Yuki 2 new guns, 4 new masks I believe
@KevinvanderVelden Wow, just two new guns? Boring.
@Yuki Depends on the guns
I was hoping that each class gets an unlockable weapon or armor of something.
Like Enforcers getting a rocket launcher or Ghosts getting some sort of armored stealth suit.
You can get an obama mask though, that's kinda a plus
@KevinvanderVelden Nah, I don't want people sarcastically thanking me everywhere I go. Thanks Obama.
@Yuki but that's the beauty of it! The cops 'll be so busy sarcastically thanking you you can shoot their faces off even EASIER
Mobile chat sucks, just thought I'd mention that randomly.
@FEichinger So does chatting from my workplace. Everyone's beautiful avatar is blocked.
I need a miniature bellows. Help me Bridge.
Unless they have ponies, for some reason.
I need it to move. Not necessarily work, but move.
1-2" should be fine.
@OrigamiRobot Fixed in place and just opening and closing, or pick-up-able?
@Yuki Meh, too many ponies anyway.
@BESW Fixed to what?
@FEichinger Every avatar except the ponies is blocked.
[is somewhat craftsy]
@FEichinger I think you mean "not enough ponies".
@OrigamiRobot What's the context? Is it part of a setpiece people are looking at? Are you going to be passing it around a group?
It will eventually be fixed in place
@Yuki Well, that sucks, then. :P
@TZHX No, no, I'm fairly certain what I wrote was correct.
I am making a steampunk Xbox 360.
Origami bellows work for you @OrigamiRobot? :)
Toothpicks for the frame, card stock for the flat bits, accordion-folded paper for the collapsing bits.
.oO( zZzZzZz )
@OrigamiRobot I can't wait to see this
@SaintWacko I'd would have worked on it last weekend if Radioshack had any orange LEDs
@OrigamiRobot I'm thinking about my next PC case being a steampunk case... with a working (airdriven) steam engine
@SaintWacko Here ya go.
Or if you really want it to be authentic, get some leather
I need to get a PS4 tonight so I can play Angry Birds Star Wars on a nextgen console!
@KevinvanderVelden Mine will have a "working" steam engine.
Thicker leather for the flat bits, thinner, softer leather for the folding bits
@OrigamiRobot I might chicken out and just have it look like it's powering a fan somewhere wile the fan powers the engine
@BESW Those are all boring. That's part of why I'm doing my own.
@KevinvanderVelden That's basically what I'm doing.
@OrigamiRobot cool :)
Q: How can I farm in World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King?

SwushCan anyone tell me a good farming place in the World of Warcraft? A farming place list is what I need (please include levels too). :) I play on a cracked Wrath of the Lich King server.

@SaintWacko bellows and steam engines are slightly more than just gluing some gears on it
And that song is still awesome :D
@KevinvanderVelden I will have fake furnaces with water tanks supsended above them. Then I'll use an air pump to make bubbles in the water and move the engine parts.
@OrigamiRobot sounds cool :o
@Lazers piracy?
@TZHX bla, edge case I'd think. He's not asking for help with the cracking but a legitimate question with some constraints due to the software version
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's not reflexive. I despise their business practices, and they way they've set up an environment where they can charge a premium for locked down technology and software that lags behind others in the industry
And I'll use toy train smokestacks to have smoke coming from my chimneys
@OrigamiRobot sweet
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, I just like the song :)
@OrigamiRobot how does that work? Some kind of chemical or solid, non moving smoke?
@OrigamiRobot Or you could use the heat output of the 360 to actually boil the water!
@KevinvanderVelden Some toy trains have a little mechanism for making smoke from this special oil.
@OrigamiRobot Hey! Model trains, thank you very much.
@OrigamiRobot it'd be difficult-ish to make sure that doesn't get sucked in to the fans. Doubt that's good for the xbox
@JasonBerkan hush you, toys are cool
I want to use the bellows to make the furnace LEDs brighter and the water bubble faster for a second.
Psh, forget model trains. I build model rockets
@OrigamiRobot Oh, that'll be cool
@OrigamiRobot This sounds more and more awesome the more you describe it
It'd be really neat if you could link the bellows to the power button
So you pump the bellows and the xbox turns on
Yea, I'm debating on how much I wanna tie it into the inner workings vs keeping it strictly a casemod.
I have the 360 itself pretty much done, I just need to add all the bits on top.
@OrigamiRobot wait, the power button still works through that? I thought it was capacitive
No, the power button is a button.
Is it some kind of wood veneer or a sticker like thing?
@KevinvanderVelden A sticker from DecalGirl
@SaintWacko If I were going to tie into the innards, I'd add a temperature sensor and have the LED color get redder as the temperature rises.
Along with more bubbling.
@OrigamiRobot Okay, you need to do this
@OrigamiRobot I am so gonna steal some of your ideas for my casemod, It's already gonna have an arduino for certain lighting effects so :D
@KevinvanderVelden Be my guest.
@SaintWacko But I never use my 360 and I'd like the mod to get used.
@OrigamiRobot ...
@kalina ?
what are you doing
17 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
I am making a steampunk Xbox 360.
@kalina awesome things
@Sterno if you don't know either way it's okay to let others vote. You don't have to cast all the votes
I've been "working" on the project for going on 3 years.
it doesn't look pretty
I'm so fancy.
it's okay to let questions go unanswered
Not as fancy as @OrigamiRobot, but still pretty fancy.
@kalina rude
and if we get speculative answers, that's usually pretty obvious, and we can delete them
I really don't see the problem
It takes 5 people who think there's no answer to close the question.
and just one commenter who does know the answer to get others to reverse the decision
The main objective of the policy when I put it on meta was not "allow a Turing machine to decide if the questions should be closed"
we have 36,576
that's 6,576 too many
it was "prevent speculative answers to get on the site"
preventing questions that can't be reasonably answered from getting "answers" is the whole point of closing
if we aren't sure... we can just not close it?
@badp And I don't. The argument ensues when I question whether or not that's how other people are behaving.
@SaintWacko If I were going to tie into the innards, I'd want to do it to a stock 360 that I could sell/gift eventually as opposed to my flashed one that will never be used aside from showing off the casemod.
@OrigamiRobot Ah, okay. Didn't realize it was flashed
@Sterno if five people agree that it can't be answered and you don't have an answer...
@OrigamiRobot you might be able to approximate the heat sensor thing by simply putting a heat sensor on top of the location of the videocard, no need to open the thing
@badp What do you think the odds are that all 5 of the people who closed this were sure there was no answer?
@badp The problem is people who don't like lore questions say, "eh, I don't like this, it's probably speculative, VTC"
@KevinvanderVelden Eh, that sounds sloppy.
@badp What do you think the odds are that all 5 people even played the game?
@Sterno the answer quotes the wiki. The wiki changed the answer from "13 million" to "4 million (est.)"
This looks pretty speculative to me
mipizor's answer is also rather speculative.
@SaintWacko It would also require RGB LEDs which I don't want to use.
same for Vira-cocha's.
I'm okay with it being closed.
Me too. That's not the point.
Or at least it's not my point.

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