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@ickleislands imagine if you hadn't been drunk! ... heh.
seriously though, it went F2P a while back. now it's supported by HAT SALES
i don't drink
i smoked a lot of weed until 5 days ago
but that habit was suspended while I quit smoking cigarettes
@ickleislands my "drunk" comment was a poorly executed demoman reference.
ok well I suspect I missed the reference
and why hats?
@ickleislands I suspect your suspicion is correct.
@ickleislands hats are the end all, be all of TF2 itemdom.
ok I shall go spend 300 euros on them immediately
they're like legendaries in D3, but you can wear them on your head
OH WAIT I'm not a random blizzard fan using the RMAH for IAS
I can wear a helm of command on my head as well
but... some of these hats have hats themselves
hatception, if you will
hats for hats?
I am so excited and completely cannot wait until TF2 finishes transferring to my computer at 5kbps
@ickleislands Get used to it. It's updated every 4.2 hours (with new hats).
@agent86 genuinely laughing out loud
all of those majestic hats can be yours for a one-time fee of $7.50
tower of hats is awesome
are all of the classes in this game male?
@ickleislands if that is too rich for your blood, you might consider the noble amassment of hats or perhaps if you are quite the poor individual, the modest pile of hat
@ickleislands yes, except for the pyro, whose gender is relatively ambiguous.
I am currently looking at the modest pile of hat
@ickleislands hat. there is just the one, sadly :(
body shape of the pyro says male
I have to say the towering pillar of hats is definitely the classiest of the selection
@ickleislands I myself am partial to my treasure hat which dispenses gold coins as I go about my business
And we're talking about TF2 hates. Joy.
Is there a runspeed debuff for having to balance 3 of them; or are they glued together?
Oh so you don't have to buy all of the hats, some of them are given as rewards
@Alok bah, hat physics is not something you need worry yourself about.
@ickleislands you can also find them in "random drops" (playing the game makes you eligible for free items, as does earning achievements)
and there are quite a few that are "promotional items"
also there's a crafting system.
not all items are available via all methods of acquisition
I'm still trying to get over the fact there are hats that have hats
@ickleislands yeah, hats were (are?) kind of a running gag, tbh
on SE?
or for Valve
or both
@agent86 Except that now, they're Valve's most lucrative items.
@Ickle both.
Maybe that's the reason HL:EP3 hasn't been released yet
Lazyness caused by their hattyness
And yes, Haberdashical Concerns are absolutely the cause of half life delays.
@LessPopMoreFizz I do not know the website you linked, it has an amazing heart for a logo
ah, hatdash. that was fun :)
I don't think I'd been that excited in a long time.
Hatdash was wicked fun. :D
crashes through the new graphics card that just arrived by mail. I wonder who sent me this...
I hope we do something like that again. Although the contests have been fun as well, and far more profitable
Judging by the disproportionate amount of SWTOR hats in conjunction with the snow theme, I imagine this was around December? :P
@Fredy31 I did, by mistake. would you mind sending to me? :P
@ickleislands yeah, around the christmas holidays last year
Pro tip: if you get screwed over by a lore book not getting tracked for an achievement, using another character can/should/will/might work. Villager's Journal didn't pop on my wizard, but showed up again for my monk and the chieve popped
I got so close to quitting WoW last christmas due to all of my guild going to play SWTOR
just as I commited to doing it they all came back
@MarkTrapp that advice sounds familiar.
Sorry, don't track every answer you give
wtb a progress page that reports on badge progress
hides quickly
Q: Where are the songs "Daring Escape" and "Mach Running" used in Canabalt?

Joshua CarmodyI've purchased Canabalt multiple times for multiple platforms. Most recently, I purchased it as part of the Humble Bundle for Android #2, which included the soundtrack. I downloaded the soundtrack, and unzipped it, to find it contained MP3 files for 3 songs: RUN! Daring Escape Mach Runner No...

Q: How should I improve my Demonhunter after the patch 1.0.3?

ayckosterI play a Demonhunter in Diablo 3 and I am stuck. Nothing has changed in the difficulty regarding the Demonhunter. I can survive 1 hit from "normal" monsters but Elites and Bosses usually still kill me with one hit. The problem is that I am not allowed to die that often. Dying about 5-6 times co...

Q: Colour selection

Hayley MiltonI have played like mad to earn enough points to buy colours. Then when I go to scroll through the options, the phone just took the money without me selecting a colour set and now I have a set that I don't want!!! Help!

@ickleislands doesn't do all of them, but there's a subset of them tracked by StinkingBadges
nnggggggh suppresses wish to respond 'more DPS!'
@DH question
The DH question first line is more like s/am stuck/suck/ ... he doesn't want to kite, why did he roll a Dh then, to tank??!
@Alok somebody in here made out that tanking on a DH was perfectly viable ;)
@agent86 ty for link
@ickleislands As a challenge, which is not the norm
challenge is certainly the word I'd use!
@ickleislands yvw, I try not to miss an opportunity to pimp my own tools :P
@ickleislands There's been some discussion of grenadier builds over at EJ. The concensus is that it's much slower, but you do in fact die less and spend less time running away.
@agent86 you're not the first guy that's said that to me
@ickleislands well, I'm probably the one who is the best at jQuery among them
@LessPopMoreFizz Kiting isn't for everybody I'll agree, that's why there are three ranged classes with distinctive playstyles
@LessPopMoreFizz EJ?
elitist jerks
@ickleislands Now now guys, at least have the decency to wait for Mana to drop by so he can keep his fanfic up to date.
@Alok What Ick said.
/me plays with @agent86's tools
Never knew it was a site; only about the achievement :).
@James Today, I am not accepting ANY surrenders.
Eh agent86 is the one making tools around here
dammit tab
I sue for wrongful tab completion >_<
@ickleislands SAVE IT FOR THE FANFIC.
@Alok EJ is the premiere WoW theorycraft site, and a fair number of relatively high end D3 players are, obviously, part of the same community.
@Wipqozn snorts Took me a minute, but I like it.
Has anyone else recently experienced slow downs with Bastion. its currently only eating a single core of my quad core and thats when the slow down happens, but the time it happens is so random.
@LessPopMoreFizz Ty for bringing it to my attention, will go browse it later. Never played WoW so I didn't know about the site.
@Alok The D3 discussion isn't public, so it's not worth browsing if you have no interestin WoW. :P
I like browsing random theorycrafting threads though, sometimes ends in math overdose but tends to have a lot of reasoned debate
Can someone help me with my Diablo 3 Demonhunter? I want to know what I am doing wrong.
And, I might start a free WoW account now that trials are indefinite (afaik). Just against paying on a monthly basis, and having to find big groups to do anything
Currently I am totally stuck in Inferno Act II. I created a question but I do not want to add my stats there because then it is too personal and not general enough.
well how are you dieing?
can someone look at my stats with item and ability build?
Hey ayc :). I have only a noob DH; but idk why you want to not-kite on a DH :p. And @ickleislands answer to all DH woes is 'moar dps' btw
yes I do
I die mostly killing Elites
more DPS is the answer
ok but are you dieing to the elites or the affixes on elites
mostly "faster", "damage reflect" and "immortal minions"
plus there are some nasty combinations
Well demon hunters will struggle against damage reflect because of our damage output
and faster because we don't stand in melee
@Alok Well, to be more accurate, the solution is either 'moar dps' or 'play better'. But only one of those two is solvable with gear.
and I think everybody suffers against immortal minions
furthermore i cannot kill the butcher reliably
Nice weapon except for no dex; mine is only 700s :(
what are you dieing to on butcher?
he oneshots me
@LessPopMoreFizz: unfortunately #2 applies to me all the time; but there is also another - better gear, which is not always within reach by poor ppl
with EVERY skill
that's normal
the solution is to avoid his attacks
or stack unreasonable amount of resists and health
i can avoid the hook etc but not the chains
@Alok Better gear == moar dps.
use smokescreen for the chains then
Butcher one shots my DH too
Adding gear with more hp/defense is not a realistic or achievable solution.
It's just a fact of life for demon hunters
this might be important: I make 27k dps without SS
and this is actually not enough
it's also a fact of life that the DPS number that Demon Hunters can quote from their character sheet is a lie
i mean i can kill the butcher with 7-10 tries but this would be like 19k
the problem that you're having is that you're valuing DPS above moving out of damage
you get your maximum benefit from sharpshooter by not constantly attacking
@ayckoster: Your life on hit is pretty bad; maybe work on that for help with elites? I know its almost as bad as mine, which iirc is really terrible
and the reason it works so well is because your priority on a demon hunter is to not get hit > do damage
Life on Hit will assist or resolve your problem with damage reflecting elites
depending on how much you get
yeah i kite like a champ, but at some point i do not have decipline anymore
the solution to running out of discipline is more dps
yeah right and that means better items. i get it.
@ickleislands is that the same solution to error 37?
but how can i get better items if i get like 20k per hour?
yes and no, error 37 is resolved with real life DPS in the form of a nuke aimed at Blizztivision
@ayckoster You run with me. :)
@ickleislands or not playing the game...which means it resolves itself!
@ayckoster since you only linked your weapon as I can see
I'm guessing you're either not using a quiver
i could add all my stuff
or don't have one with increased attack speed on it
yeah i have a quiver
increased attack speed wasn't nerfed on quivers and will increase your dps
For anyone who's interested, I'm starting a Belial run.
@ickleislands All Quivers have increased attack speed. :P
yes but MORE IAS
fbuckert... i need to kill belial :)
to advance to act iii
but i lack the dps :(
your dex is 'about' normal for the DPS you're doing
@ayckoster Do I have you on my friends list?
That said, items with + Max Discipline can also help a lot with survivability.
i guess not
Also, @ayckoster are you using Preparation, and if so, what rune?
I can't help but notice you have 1k thorns though, which is a waste as DH
he's using backup plan
yes perperation with backup
you are using tactical advantage but not vault
the problem is: even if i had money i do not know what to look for
so you're only getting a partial benefit from there

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