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@YiJiang Tell me about it. I've got to try and remain awake for another 12 hours
Quick throwaway question that probably doesn't belong on the main site - I just picked up a new 360 (Star Wars Ltd Ed one!) to replace my old 20GB loud beast. That one was using a VGA cable for the picture to my TV (no HTMI out on those machines) but now I have a new machine, should I invest in an HTMI cable? I have no audio other than the TV speakers.
@JonW HDMI, and yesss
@JonW Thank you for asking a potentially off-topic question in chat. You don't know how much that means to the community here.
@QAdley I'm a mod on ux.se so I should really follow the guidelines!
@agent86 Why do you say that? AFAIK the VGA out can match the TV resolution directly, whereas HDMI is locked to 720 / 1024, no?
@JonW Is your TV not locked to one of those resolutions anyway?
@QAdley Ooh, can#t remember. Been a while since I played with the resolution settings to see what it can output.
@JonW If your TV is not one of those resolutions that would be extremely surprising
I do remember spending an afternoon testing out various resolutions between TV and XBOX to get the ideal match.
HDMI also carries audio and reduces clutter
Because fuck clutter.
So what benefit does the HDMI give me over VGA aside from audio quality.
Physical cables-in-the-way clutter?
@JonW Yeah.
@JonW generally, if your TV supports HDMI, then you're already in one of those resolutions
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, they're all around the back anyway. The more clutter the harder it is for the b*stard cats to get behind the TV and cause mayhem.
if it's a fairly good sized and modern TV, it's probably 1920x1080
or "1080p"
@JonW Beyond that though, HDMI is a digital signal and is of higher fidelity
@JonW Oh there's a star there, whatever could that word be?!
VGA is an analog signal and HDMI is uncompressed digital
VGA's an analog signal vs HDMI which is digital (so as LPMF says, it's better quality)
@RonanForman Ah well censoring myself just incase anyone moans at me. ;)
essentially if your TV supports HDMI, and the thing you want to connect is also HDMI, HDMI is almost always the best way to connect the two
I've not been in this chat before, you might all be delicate flowers.
Eeeeeee, my MacBook Pro with Retina display has arrived. Going to use it exclusively for playing Solitaire. Maybe Zork if I want to tax it.
amazon sells "amazon basic" cables for cheap, as does monoprice.com, but whatever you do do not buy cables from retail stores, especially best buy
@JonW We care more about the tone of messages than words such as 'fuck' or 'bastard'
@JonW ahahahahahahahahahahah
@agent86 £7 for SATA cables.
holy crap those guys will sell you a freaking expensive, waste of money cable
@agent86 That's OK, best buy closed down over here (UK) so that's OK.
@JonW whew. bullet dodged.
Delicate flowers in Gaming. Yeah. XD
@LessPop_MoreFizz If only this was true XD
@agent86 Their fire sale was apparently worth going to though.
(I missed it)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was going to object to including 1 as a prime number...
@YiJiang Did I call that, or what?
@JonW Ooh, more Brits! Welcome!
@RonanForman hello!
@fbueckert You did! Go you! He doesn't look like the ragequitting type though
@JonW yeah, I don't know if it's like it is around here, where "store closing sales" are essentially a scam. they say it's marked down X%, but it's percent off list price, and typically it's more expensive than it was before they started to close
Act 3 is so much easier now. Boo.
Ah well, I call dibs anyway
@agent86 Ah well here Best Buy was closing down in the whole UK and buggering off back to the US, so it was a much better sale than you'd normal get in that sort of place.
@LessPop_MoreFizz These are great, where are you getting them?
Is this from a Teach the Controversy book?
@RonanForman are you feeling sassy today?
@JonW well, lucky you guys then :) I never shop there, and I pretty much hate the place in general. One time they tried to convince me that I needed a gold plated extra oxygenated HDMI cable for $60, and I couldn't stop laughing
@spugsley What?
@RonanForman you've dominated the star list :p
@QAdley But everyone is fond of owls.
with your sassiness
@spugsley Oh yeah, that.
Q: Lost item skyrim

KaunerAlright I married Lydia and gave her vokun to hold and se died I don't remember where this was and I need vokun to get the last mask do any of you know a way to find Lydia or the mask?

@RonanForman Except for mice and shrews...
Should it be a dupe of?
Q: How can I find a lost item?

JeremyI've lost Morekei, 100% magicka regen, and I have no idea how. I've been looping through all of the shopkeepers I might have somehow sold it to but no one seems to have it. I've got this game on PC. Is there any way I can gain information about where in the game world it is is? Conosle commands ...

@agent86 Well the gold makes it more...digitally.
@JonW It makes increases the quality of the electrons passing through the cable!
So true ^
@YiJiang Well it makes the electrons GOLD, obviously. Gold things work better.
For instance, if you give me lots of gold then I'll work better too.
@JonW This is logic I understand XD
@JonW It makes the current travel that bit faster, so you can see the TV before anyone else!
But I don't have lots of gold, hence me being at work while simultanously being in three different StackExchange chatrooms.
@QAdley how did you find out about my working day like that
@JonW Hey, whatever gets you through the day
@RonanForman Maybe that'll help me in BF3 then. I need all the help I can get.
@LessPop_MoreFizz LOL
Aren't all elite packs supposed to drop one rare now?
My wife and I just killed a pack and she got no yellow
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait, math has sex appeal?
Why didn't anybody tell me? I would've put more points into INT
@YiJiang ಠ_ಠ
@James This is 12.30am grammar, ladies and gentlemen. In another hour alots will be flying off my keyboard
@YiJiang Go to sleep then!
@YiJiang Alot of alots
@YiJiang o.O They have wings!?
@YiJiang Sleep! Sleep is good!
@QAdley Again?
@RonanForman Always
@QAdley Which tag is it now?
@RonanForman and (fix)
@QAdley Is that what they call their king?
@James Yes. The highest of the high, the holy of holies.
Q: Why aren't my pets getting paid?

happy_emiI have The Sims 2 installed with all expansions and official patches (I miss stuff packs however). I have a problem concerning pets: basically when they come back from work (after a few game days where everything works fine) they don't get a salary. They also can't get a promotion: it seems that...

The title of this question is making me giggle uncontrollably. This may also be a side effect of 12.30am
@YiJiang The burnination of will put some interestingly titled questions on the front page
Q: List of Powerups in The Binding of Issac

Reno YeoDoes anyone have a complete list of the names of all the powerups / items + what does that item do inside the game itself?

@YiJiang It's 12:30 pm here, and I still find it hilarious.
I'm trying to write some code, but I can't decide if the arrays should have plural or singular names
Are we burninating ?
@Fluttershy Add it to the list
@Lazers Overly broad. Please see my comment.
@YiJiang Clearly the answer is that they should have singular names, but rot-13'd and then with an 's appended to the end.
@Fluttershy Along with
@LessPop_MoreFizz But of course!
@QAdley I was told to inform you that you put some things in the tag-wiki queue wrong. You put rouge instead of rogue. <.<
@Fluttershy I like rouge
@DoomyGSE pictures a little red ninja running around
@AshleyNunn A litte red French ninja
@QAdley Yes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Precisely
@LessPopMoreFizz So much YES! ^_^
@QAdley the number next to the tag = the number of questions currently tagged as such?
@Fluttershy Oui
@Fluttershy Si
@DoomyGSE Agreed. This is pretty much what I was imagining.
That joke is only 6 years old
@LessPop_MoreFizz Whatever. Still awesome.
@QAdley I broke the formatting. x_x Type 6 is touching the last Type 3 tag, and I am unsure how to fix it
@Fluttershy sigh
@QAdley Sorry. x_x
@Fluttershy More linebreaks
@Fluttershy it's also sometimes helpful to use HTML comments, which tend to break up blocks of markdown. the syntax is <!-- whatever, this is ignored -->
@agent86 I know nothing of HTML.
@Fluttershy thus the concrete example :)
However, since I added those tags, can I go ahead and edit it out of a question that I saw? >.>
@Fluttershy Please do!
Currently burnination seems to be mostly me, I'm more than happy for people to help!
Q: Braid and psychonauts wont download

PopKernelI am running ubuntu 12.04 and I am having a problem with downloading Braid and Psychonauts from the ubuntu software center. An error message pops up saying "failed to download repository information". What does that mean?

@GamingnotonGaming The first thing I look at with new questions now is the tags. Was about to spit out tea, until I saw it was a GTFO post. Keyboard saved.
@QAdley Petition to rename @GamingnotonGaming to @GamingTopicsFromOutside - can we do this @QAdp?
@LessPop_MoreFizz YES
@LessPop_MoreFizz If @QAdp can't do this, please meta it
Did I get a second Pearl dragon already!?
Anyway, time for Balls, see you all in a sleepless haze sometime tomorrow!
@QAdp Yo whats happenin'
LessPop_MoreFizz has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
Doesn't look like I can do it.
Badp can.
@QAdp those crafting items?
@ThomasMcDonald The server's being broken.
@Fluttershy @BenBrocka @EBongo Wow, 2 solstice and 2 pearls this month.. that was pretty painless.
@ThomasMcDonald I'm respawning in the end, above nothing, and then dying, and then respawning, in the end, above...
@James I hate you.
@Ronan Well, that sucks.
@Fluttershy Haha, Thanks I think
Some of these are interesting, especially Artemis
If I didn't have C4 tomorrow I'd log on and do something about it.
@ThomasMcDonald You should always take a day off from video games before handling explosives.
Give you time to adjust your perspective.
I wish I was handling explosives. Maths exam. I need 85+% to meet my uni offer.
Much more fun to be had with explosives
@RonanForman Wow, Valley with out wind looks to have come along ways from where I last played it
and another one on Friday, although then I can enjoy Saturday somewhat.
It says Artemis is a lan game, but I wonder if we could get it working of us..
@RonanForman Hehe, I am not up there yet
I really want to play this game!
Q: Lost item skyrim

KaunerAlright I married Lydia and gave her vokun to hold and se died I don't remember where this was and I need vokun to get the last mask do any of you know a way to find Lydia or the mask?

This is a duplicate to two questions.
@RonanForman They say its internet.. Ithink he says Trust me its for Lan cause you need to talk back and forth
@James But it seems that you just buy 1 copy and then all install it, but how would that work online?
Maybe I should contact them and ask.
@fbueckert The mask duplicate seems more specific
@YiJiang That's what I was thinking, but he mentioned how to find his follower, too, even though she's dead.
@RonanForman Nah they say to get your friends to each get a copy for $7
@James But the game is $40
alright. Diablo 3 is pretty much unplayable now. I'm probably just angry and also, I really like complaining but oh well.
@James That's what confused me.
@spugsley Unplayable? How?
@fbueckert Repair costs are murdering me. And I have a shit ton of money. It's impossible for me to play alone and not die. I'm ranged, that's what fucking happens
I have upgraded all of my gear and Act 2 is still too much of a bitch to play. I die within the first five minutes. I've tried it alone and in a group. It's totally impossible
@spugsley Are you still in the death zerg mindset?
@RonanForman Ah yeah that is lan based man... They want everyone in one room
@fbueckert death zerg?
Attack elites, die, resurrect, attack same elites.
Basically, attrition them to death.
Q: Are there any cheats in Pocket Planes?

SomeGuyThatWontTellYouHisNameI want to know if there are any cheats in Pocket Planes as the maximum number of airports in a level thing is really annoying me to my wits end. Can you help?

@fbueckert yeah, but there's a lot of running away too. It depends on their properties. Some I can take on the first try, others not so much
That's why they increased the repair cost; ranged had an inordinate advantage when death zerging.
@spugsley See, that's the problem. If you're dying, you're doing something wrong.
@fbueckert I disagree with that. If I see a mortar jailer waller desecrator, I'm going to die a few times. That's fucking hard as balls
@Lazers Hmm, it's going to be hard to prove a negative for questions like this
For a game that depends on you buying their in game items I can't see the developers putting in cheats
@spugsley It's hard, I agree with that. The idea isn't to try to death zerg them, though; you should be attempting a different strategy.
Mortar Waller, though, is crazy hard on ranged; Waller stops their Mortars, but it also stops your shots.
@James I've emailed them anyway, I think it would make for a very interesting LP if it was possible.
Incidentally, if they haven't fixed the Mortar Waller bug, it's also stupid hard for melee.
@RonanForman Let me know :)
The favicon is no longer a heart!
@James I had bad luck with yesterday; didn't get much scrap, and I ran into a dual missile ship.
@fbueckert Good! I mean.. awwww that sucks man :)
@James :P
@James AQ now can use it as our logo if we wish.
@RonanForman Yeah I saw that, but I had it on my tab until this morning still sniff
@fbueckert Well I can not be the only one who has crappy hard frustrating games all the time!
@James I actually ran into that Mantis ship captain a game or two ago.
It gives you a message about missing something when you turn it inside out.
Steam! Y U NO UPDATE!? I wanna play my new gaaaaame
@fbueckert I had a hull breach, and then even after fixing it I couldn't re-oxygenate the ship :(
I had a Mantis crewmember on that voyage
@agent86 Yeah, you need to make sure the O2 system is working as well.
Worst case scenario: seal off the room.
@fbueckert yeah, the O2 system was fine, but it wasn't recovering the oxygen in that room
@agent86 Huh. You sure you fixed the breach? It takes awhile to refill the oxygen.
I don't know if I was doing it wrong or what.
@fbueckert yeah, I had people in there and they weren't repairing, the damage was gone
but then an enemy took out my O2 system, and everyone suffocated, even though I think I repaired it. everyone was curled up in the med bay, being kept on life support but unable to make the ship's repairs
@agent86 Strange. Didn't leave a door open to space or anything?
nope, not that I'm aware of
@James They replied, that was fast.
Artemis plays just fine over the internet. Like many other internet multiplayer games, you have to run a server, port-forward from your router, and give all the clients the right IP address. I've also heard of people having great success using PVNs like Hamachi. There's no built-in VOIP, so you'd have to use Vent or Skype; many players do so.

When a person buys the game, what they get is a "Bridge License", the right to copy it onto every machine that they use together. It doesn't matter how distant your crew members are; only that they play with YOU. When they go off and play with ot
might've just been bugged
I love how electrical storms that halve your reactor power don't put life support at the top of the list to keep going.
@RonanForman Nice
@fbueckert I do not think I have ever seen that yet :/
I was doing well that round too, had plenty of scrap, 3 shield bars, a drone system, but very little fuel
(cause I have no idea what you are referring to :D)
@James That's a really interesting way of doing it, anyone can download it, but at least 1 person playing must have paid.
@James I just meant blowing it up. In more violent, therefore flowery, language. :P
@fbueckert Oh just randomly running into a mantis ship or a specific one? Cause ive run into a few mantis ships.. (I flew through their sector :D)
@James Yeah, the unlock conditions for the mantis ship involve talking to this one mantis captain and helping him or something.
@fbueckert Ooh you mean you Had a mantis ship you were playing in?
@James Nope.
Ever click on List when choosing your ship?
@fbueckert k I think I am happy in my confusion.
It gives you a picture of every ship, and some vague conditions on how to unlock it.
To unlock the Mantis one, you need to help this one named Mantis captain.
Is there any way to allocate more bandwidth to Steam downloads?
@fbueckert Ok! Now I am up to speed on it all :)
@Fluttershy I believe it uses everything it can get ahold of.
@Fluttershy Yes. It's called "Unplug everyone else from the router." :P
@James I have 15mbps cable, and I'm downloading at 1...
@Fluttershy mbps != MBps
@Fluttershy it's less a case of allocation, and more a case of grabbing whatever's available. think buffet
@Fluttershy this too. the max speed you can get on a 15 megabit per second line is just under 2 megabytes per second.
@Fluttershy It may just be there are not enough sources for what you are download man
even getting that depends on where you're downloading from, and how much bandwidth is available along each hop between you and that thing
@Fluttershy Steam is a torrent system remember.
@James are you sure about this?
I don't think steam is p2p, unless they changed it recently
they just have massive content network servers
@agent86 Yes or steam constantly downloads a few hundred MB too much for things just on a whim instead of because of miss matched data requests
@James I know Blizzard uses a torrent system; I didn't think Steam did.
I guess I just need better internet. ._.
over downloads is the most key indication of a torrent type system.. or a multi-source download. I am not saying they use each persons system like Blizzard does, it could just be downloaded form multiple data servers of their own. But it does appear to be multi-sourced
@Fluttershy it can also be your internet company's network sucks, or steam's having issues, or someone in the middle of nowhere just cut through an important cable, etc
@James well, in ye olden times, during updates they'd show a little banner for whatever was providing the hosting/bandwidth. usually it was "valve content server X" where X would be somewhere between say, 1 and 50
so I'm pretty sure they have a network of content servers, but I think they link you into one per download, although this is mostly speculation. I could probably try downloading something and watching the packets go by
@LessPop_MoreFizz Might want to clear some of the comments too.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Still seems way to vague to actually answer besides 'Practice' but that might just be my dislike of those fighting games :)
@James Yeah, that is definitely your dislike of fighting games, because there are definitely strategies to effectively using any given character
@James Apparently if we make a video the demo we can get a free copy of the game, want to do that some time?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah but saying 'How do I play Zangief against all play styles' seems a bit.. too big of a question to me?
@RonanForman 2) get together with 2 friends (3 or more people in the same room) and play. <=- that part might be hard.. Maybe we could work something out with web cams.. but I dunno man
@James I think it means metaphorical room.
Although I'm not sure.
@RonanForman The next one wants a snap shot of the crew :)
@James Photoshop!
@RonanForman f you want your video to be featured near the top, bring your best game, dress up, adopt accents, dress up your bridge, do something (non-dangerous) to stand out. Thanks for playing!
Hehe, They want videos made like they have done on their media page :)
@James I have not looked at that.
@James Top hats and evil mustaches. Along with over-the-top evil acting.
@RonanForman I have :D They are cheesy but in a semi ok way :D
@James That's entirely dependent on the number and level of variability of the sort of opponents you're up against, as well as the level of complexity involved in relating each relevant counter. From what I know of fighting games (which is admittedly limited), this is still a pretty acceptable scope using my own 'one-sitting' standard, but it certainly does toe the line and I could of course be wrong.
@James Maybe we could go for the actually showing the gameplay route.
@RonanForman We would need everyone playing to record the video and be in mumble
This would not be a game we could go with just half or less of the people recording as we would need all of the screens
@James Sounds like we need an Arqade meetup! :P
@fbueckert LoL That may be dangerous :D
@James Why? If we were all to record we'd be swapping screens anyway, and that's what the captain sees anyway. (If I understand this right)
@RonanForman The captain sees out the main window so to speak, Everyone else has their own view of data and capabilities.
There is no screen where all the information is summed up
guys how do I do a table layout in an answer
@ickleislands ASCII
fatal error: cba levels exceeded
@LessPop_MoreFizz Have at it then! I do not think I could get Zangief past .. 2 people let alone come up with a way to get past all of them :D
@James Arqade meet up it is!
@James This sounds like someone needs to hook a projector along with four screens to their computer. Information overload!
@fbueckert I actually have quite a few laptops :D
2 HP, 1 Alienware, 1 macbook and 1 Sager
@James This may actually work. :P
Combined with my desktop.. I could pull this off on my own I suppose for recording purposes
@James Oh, I have no desire to write the answer myself. I lack the knowledge and skill set. I'm just trying to save a good question.
@James You should try playing the game all by yourself.
I'm envisioning a Star-Trek-esque bridge setup, with retractable screens, to hide them when not in use.
@RonanForman I think that possible actually... we are already so used to dealing with that level of information
@RonanForman If I could just get ISBoxer to work with it then I could sum up all theinformation on one screen and then just mouse over when I needed more information from one of them :D
@James They're still using tables. Close, though.
Of course, the mad scientist in me wouldn't be happy until I hacked the whole thing to be touch screen only.
@fbueckert I love the science officers laptop with all the stickers all over it :D
@James If you can swap jobs mid game maybe it would be okay, just have 1 person record, and do each episode from a different role.
@RonanForman I think you would want to see the information from all the screens in the playback
@James Probably.
@RonanForman Otherwise you are looking at one screen and listening to people talk :)
Lead Breakfast a pulp fiction remix, quite good. NSFW language and violent imagery.
good evening people
Q: What is the correct way to kill the bride without being caught?

fireDude67I'm trying to do the quest "Bound Until Death" in Skyrim, in which I need to kill the bride. However, I don't have enough money currently to pay off a 1000 bounty, so I'm trying to do it as inconspicuously as possible. The way I did it was to go onto the ledge surrounding the courtyard, and sneak...

Every NPC's secret is "Confession doesn't do anything."

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