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> For a long time, I thought the plural of anecdote WAS data.
Look at the wowhead comments. NPCs will tell you those things.
Is that so? Was confused as to whether that's what NPCs say or what that commenter just made up
Yeah, that's what NPCs say.
Too lazy to dig up the screenshots from twitter
f'in mobile chat.
A: Why am I getting Error 3003

SalinaFoxBlizzard needs to fix this error or provide some relevant solution to fix this error. Now-a-days almost every Diablo player is facing this error.. I surfed the internet and found some helpful tips like: Disable Window Mode and Change Preferred & DNS Servers. Also Change your region to...

Can somebody review that answer (it's not mine)
It links off to another site with a 'slideshow' that gets people changing network settings etc
They are google's DNS servers granted
but it also contains a link to a 'Diablo 3 repair tool' executable than I certainly am not testing
@ickleislands The answer was posted today and mentions the open beta? I'd say phishing, copy pasta, or something equally useless
rut row shaggy
from a new user too
@QAdp I added and removed a feed I didn't touch any of the existing ones
yeah that's what they all say
@QAdp No really
As an aside, I downvoted the question itself; people posting tech support stuff that are better off on official boards add unnecessary noise imho
@QAdp Insufficient.
I'm afraid I don't understand what the problem is
@ickleislands The user is also unregistered, with her "name" as the url to the slideshow.
@QAdp I was requesting we change the name to something which has GTFO as an acronym.
Hence: Gaming Topics From Outside
launch it into the sun then
now I see your point. Yes. Yes that's a good idea.
Also, this question has been improved and the asker has given his blessing. Retract your down votes people, cast a reopen! Woooooo!
Q: How can I effectively use Zangief in SF 4 Volt for iPad?

bharalI'd like to get better at using Zangief in Street Fighter 4 Volt. I'm particularly interested in strategies to counter various other players, and effective high damage combos. to be direct - countering teleporters, and ryu/chun-li vertical jump-kicks would be great. I'd also appreciate links to...

@QAdp You might want to clear some of those comments.
@ickleislands the offending answer has been burninated with extreme prejudice.
thanking you
@agent86 +1 to what ickle said, and also - what do we do about questions like that, which are no longer relevant but were valid when posted?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Downvote retracted, but not enough rep to cast a re-open vote!
@Alok if there's no longer an audience for a question, it can be closed as too localized, or we can just leave it... mostly closing questions is to prevent new answers, and this was a spam answer that might have ended up slightly different somewhere else
if you think it needs closing, vote or flag as appropriate :)
I'm not sure that this one needs closing though, I don't think it's related to the open beta per se
Uhh - I can flag it as 'too localized' now but it was very relevant when it was posted. Unsure about 3003 but I know its friend 37 is permanently gone; they patched in a change to just keep players waiting to login instead. Anecdotal evidence but I haven't seen 3003 for a long time now.
@Alok me either, I'm pretty sure 3003 is 'battle.net is down'
@Alok yeah, I'm tempted to just leave it. I don't think there's any crisis surrounding it, and perhaps it will be useful in the future.
Good point; I just bring up all these doubts since its easy to get clarifications while here ;)
I've run out of resources for this rep question I started answering... sigh
oh yay silver badge
@LessPop_MoreFizz I like how your and my rewriting aren't really different :P
Throw it in the pile
A: What type of defensive stats do you need for inferno act 2 as a barbarian?

barbaquefor a barbarian i'm finding that you can have roughly 8000-9000 armor with my resistances above 1000-1200 and about 14k dps on your gear look for items that have over 65-80 resistance to all plus other stats keep your life up around 40k. use superstition for 20 percent physical reduction othe...

Can I ask a mod pretty please for a protect on this question?
Or a close? The question is garnering bad answers, and it doesn't seem to be written well.
@fbueckert and has been answered 100000000000000000 million million times before
*previous statement may be minor exageration
@fbueckert protecting wouldn't help, since most of the answer-ers have enough rep to bypass protection.
it's getting some substantive answers, and it seems like a valid question, so I don't know that closing it outright is the right answer either
although I understand what you're saying about it.
@agent86 Hmm. Maybe I can re-word it to make it better.
@QAdp Oh I know they aren't. The difference is that before writing my edit, I made the point of ensuring that he understood what I was doing and why. :P
@fbueckert 10kers can protect too.
What can 1900'ers do?
@tiddy Beg for scraps!
@tiddy Get rep for 50 more edits.
So get crackin'!
@StrixVaria I'll keep that in mind if I want something protected in the future. :P
You have an incentive that I don't!
I think I'll stay where I am
I can't get rep for editing anything any more!
I don't even need approval to edit tag wikis...
Q: What stats should a Wizard invest in in Inferno? (patch 1.0.3)

StalsI am curious what stats are more viable now after patch 1.0.3 (should I buy items with crit or still attack speed?). And also how much resists and HP should I have to be OK in Act II? I have ~470 resists, 24k hp and 21k damage buffed (after patch), but I play with barb with resist buff so I get ...

This should be closed as either duplicate of the existing Wizard question, or too localized.
I can ask and answer questions and have enough rep to participate in contests. I have reached the peak
anything else is work
@tiddy Everything else allows you to help the site, and thereby make the Internet a better place.
Why wouldn't you want to help lay down astroturf on the lawn and incinerate the garbage?
And pull out the occasional shotgun when the random gangster comes by.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Good man.
Yes. I have compared the SE network to a house and the Internet to a neighborhood.
Well consider me a neighborhood friend
I visit and sometimes get free dinners
sooo...I left food leftovers in my car overnight and today it is 90+ degrees
But I don't live here
@tiddy This is a good attitude to have. And eventually, you'll end up with more Rep anyway just by doing stuff, and you'll get trusted more.
@spugsley I suggest fire.
@spugsley I suggest a dog you don't like.
@fbueckert ...how about a baby?
it's steak leftovers...a baby probably couldn't eat it
I could blend it....
@spugsley Are you trying to make an announcement? Because if so you are doing a very bad job.
@spugsley I knew you were into baby punching, but gastronomical indigestion is insult to injury.
@LessPop_MoreFizz bahahaha best pregnancy announcement ever. But no, definitely fucking not
I'm pregnant with a food baby atm
Unless you volunteer to care for it for the next 12 hours.
@fbueckert good point. Slightly too evil
Then you deserve whatever happens.
@fbueckert yuck, also a good point
Indian......and by the sounds of it I'm about to have a miscarriage
@tiddy I do love food babies
I seem to have come back at an unfortunate time
anytime I'm in chat is probably an unfortunate time :(
@spugsley Yeah, I have had more than 14 food babies too. But when I call up a porn production company and offer to diddle myself for money they tell me "I missed my chance"
@spugsley Nah, just when you go on your baby punching rampages.
Fun anecdote: I have several nieces and nephews. They're getting old enough to no longer look at me funny.
Apparently, I also make a fantastic jungle gym. I had kids hanging off of me everywhere.
oh wow
That Funnyjunk lawyer apparently said:
> It might not have seemed very dehumanizing when Walt Disney made Japanese people look silly with buck teeth and big glasses who could not pronounce their 'R's or their 'L's," he said. "But it was dehumanizing, and the purpose was to direct evil intentions against them, which ultimately resulted in the only nuclear holocaust that ever occurred in the history of humanity.
> I don't think Truman would have ever done that if we hadn't so dehumanized the enemy. When you dehumanize someone, that is the first step to inciting people.
Paraphrasing, WW2 nuclar bombs are the responsibility of Disney cartoons.
@QAdp I just finished reading the ars article
Doesn't look good
for the lawyer
@QAdp That's actually the most reasonable thing he has said in this entire debacle.
Not sure who said it, but yeah, when you realize you've stuck your dick in a hornets nest, the first thing that comes to mind should not be to double down and throw your balls in too.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That would be "It's interesting to watch a man with his dick in a hornet's nest try to solve the problem by tossing his balls in as well."
@QAdp Ah, inmans tweet.
I misparaphrased derp derp
And I misread, I thought it was the lawyer who said that in a sudden twist of reflection
@QAdp That's basically what this guy is doing.
Does he not understand, even in the slightest, how the internet works?
@fbueckert okay. I think you're right. I'm doing something wrong. Act 2 is murdalating me. I can't survive any elite group for more than one hit. Help? :(
@spugsley I'm still at work right now, but I can give you a couple hours once I get home.
Then I gotta run out and help teach salsa.
@fbueckert I was just hoping you had some advice or something :(
@fbueckert you dance? :) That's amazing!
@spugsley Oh. Uhh. General advice. Let's see....
@spugsley Yeah, I do. It's my exercise.
@fbueckert I think that's super cool :3
How are your resists and life?
@fbueckert my life is just about 35k but all of my resists are under 200
@spugsley I've got a Waltz performance in a couple months.
@spugsley Here's problem #1. Get more. I'd recommend at least 5/600.
Life is good. That's more than I have.
@fbueckert oh my god O-o
@spugsley Welcome to Inferno. :P
I have ~8/900 right now.
@fbueckert bahahaha
@fbueckert O_O
@spugsley With the Monk passive, you can get 100+ to all from a single piece of equipment.
@fbueckert Thats not neccesarily standard advice for a DH
Most DH advice errs on the side of 'NEVER GET HIT' instead.
And towards that end, stack run speed items to 25%, etc.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You're going to get hit, whether you like it or not.
But, yes, movement speed is a giant plus for kiting.
@fbueckert I have a fair amount right now but I could always go for more
I'm using that passive skill that gives you additional speed every time you vault etc
And with the changes in 1.0.3, they've made dying a fairly large penalty.
@spugsley That helps with the kiting.
Try to get life on hit weaponry, if you can.
@fbueckert Some people think that just because that's the way the internet works, it doesn't mean that's the way the internet should work
That will help your survivability immensely.
@QAdp Good luck attempting to convince the rest of the internet that your way is right and you should stop being so mean.
@fbueckert Lawsuits
@QAdp Outside your country.
@fbueckert Twitter and Ars are operated in the US.
@fbueckert this would be super helpful....good idea
@QAdp Prove that my actions constitute illegal behaviour.
@fbueckert also, Kim Dot Com wasn't really helped by being in NZ was he
@QAdp That case is falling apart by the second.
@fbueckert That's the point of a lawsuit.
@fbueckert He still got deported yes?
@QAdp Nope. NZ didn't rubberstamp the extradition order like the US wanted.
Unless it happened in the last couple of days.
As with the RIAA and stuff the aim isn't the outcome of the lawsuit, but the process itself
@fbueckert I'm actually kind of out of date with that
@spugsley Stack Dex. Lots and lots of Dex. Dodging = no damage.
@QAdp The RIAA/MPAA relies on the government doing what it wants, and everyone caving under it's mountain of lawyers. Kim Dotcom is going to tear them apart if it actually goes to trial.
@fbueckert I just played Act 3. It's easy now
Their case is incredibly weak.
@Sterno Time to attempt a faceroll!
I can't faceroll it, but it went from "White mobs crush me" to "now I just have to worry about certain elites"
@Sterno I don't have enough DPS to kill Belial fast enough, but he's no longer one-shotting me, so standing there and taking it is easy now.
@spugsley What else...If you need more survivability, it might be necessary to switch to a Hand Crossbow, and equip a shield.
shield on a demon hunter?
@ickleislands Dying penalties are high enough now that survivability should be paramount.
@fbueckert but my quiver is giving me attack speed :/ hrmmmm
Dying on a demon hunter is resolved with 'more dps'
@ickleislands hahahaha I have almost 50k DPS. Sometimes, in Act 2, that means nothing
@ickleislands Glass cannons tend to go splat against mortars.
@spugsley 50k DPS on a DH is low
@spugsley Is that sustained, or with Sharpshooter?
@fbueckert that is what smokescreen is for
@fbueckert with Sharpshooter
@ickleislands Not everything can be avoided with smokescreen.
@fbueckert you're right, for everything else there is vault.
I don't know how else I can possibly increase it. O-o My crossbow does 980 dps and every piece of equipment I have has dex on it
@ickleislands I lovvvveeee vault
@spugsley critical hit damage
@spugsley If you're using rubies in your weapon, switch it out for emeralds.
I assume caltrops is there to slow down anyone too close while you gtfo
They'll give you more bang for your buck at max level.
@alok yes, and they're a reasonable source of damage with jagged spikes while kiting
@spugsley I'll poke at your equipment when I get home. See if I can over any specific advice.
Also Spike Traps are amazing
@alok reasonable = "does more damage than venom hydra"
@ickleislands What rune you use with vault? Haha was just about to say, jagged spike is awesome - 45% dmg while ur nowhere around
@fbueckert that would be lovely. Thank you
@spugsley Click harder
@QAdp I do have a fancy new Diablo mouse I can click with :p
@Alok second vault within X seconds costs reduced disc
Vault is to demon hunters what teleport is to wizards
Except with traps you're also using disc for damage
@QAdp Fun fact: click spam used to do more damage than holding down the mouse button.
so you don't want to rinse it all too quick
@spugsley: Need to get more life on hit and some regen; so the bar fills up while kiting and LoH helps a lot vs reflect damage. Note I'm actually talking about my DH too as I don't even have semi-decent gear on her yet :/
@Alok agreed re: reflect damage, I one shot myself yesterday while testing the nether tentacles change
Nice, I also use Tumble - tried the flame trail one but mobs don't follow me back in a straight line :(
@Alok wasn't quite one shot ofc, it was 2x nether tentacles on a pack of 3 reflect damage
@Alok I loves me my Sweeping Wind. 45% weapon damage AOE while I'm murdering stuff? Yes, please.
@fbueckert Ehh its a perma fix on my monk; I even use Air Ally use bcoz he uses it too
@fbueckert the thing to remember, is that the way melee/ranged have been designed, ranged will never reach the 'invincible' point that melee can reach due to the 30% damage reduction, getting caught in melee range will always hurt a melee class
For DH; I think Aid Station can also help vs reflect damage but u have to be really good at staying in the area while kiting mobs around it :(
and with demon hunter the amount of resists and health you'd need to stay in melee for a fraction of the time a wizard can would impact your DPS far too much
wizards' force armour still works and is easily attainable, they can "kinda" stand in melee briefly
@ickleislands This is why I'm not a fan of the generally accepted ranged attitude. Contrary to popular opinion, not every situation can be resolved with more DPS.
@fbueckert if demon hunters were meant to take damage, half of our abilities wouldn't be escape mechanics
@ickleislands Counterpoint: If everything could be resolved with more damage, you wouldn't have escape mechanics.
and on a demon hunter, every situation can be resolved with more DPS
@fbueckert counter counter point, our escape mechanics used a fixed resource that is barely affected by anything we get on gear throughout the entire levelling process. Vault is Vault no matter what level you use it at.
As a noob DH, I side with @fbueckert - you need to atleast survive 2 or 3 white mob hits consistently
@ickleislands That's not countering my point; you're enforcing the fact that you need escape mechanics.
@Alok you will never survive 2-3 white mob hits consistently in inferno
That way you can spam attacks a lot more too; I think it will help with overall speed when I don't have to creep around terrified of every single lasher tongue
@fbueckert we need them because we are not designed to take damage
here is big clue: Evasive Fire
'makes you backflip away from the enemy'
most builds use it as primary attack
meaning that whenever you attack, you are thrown away from any enemies close to you
'Demon Hunter NOT MEANT to be in melee range ever'
@ickleislands I have never, ever seen a Demon Hunter at level 60 use Evasive Fire.
@ickleislands Yes we can't do it consistently prob. (DH not yet in Inferno) - but its doable a decent amount of time. I'm not saying have enough armor to tank elite chargers
@ickleislands You're still not proving your point.
I also plan to build my DH to be in melee range at all times.
Fan of Knives, Strafe, etc.
Just to prove a point.
@StrixVaria tell me when you succeed with that, will be genuinely interested.
You're pointing out that you need escape mechanics to survive, not that more DPS is always the right answer.
It won't be for a little while because I am still focused on my monk, but the DH is next up.
more dps = less escape mechanics
I did not mean to start this argument :(
@StrixVaria You raise a good point, haven't seen Evasive Fire used whenever I team with DH - and was in an all DH team recently
@spugsley This is an interesting debate.
I'm not mad at all. @ickleislands are you?
@spugsley You need to weigh in on where you stand too!
since your escape mechanics are limited by a fixed pool that doesn't refill fast, the solution to running out of discipline is always more dps
I want to use that sentry rune with the tether, too.
@fbueckert okay :) That's fine then
I don't get mad over games :o
@Alok I'm not the best to debate this. I'm really having trouble :(
@StrixVaria There are tanky shield/grenadier DH builds out there.
@ickleislands The solution to less discipline is probably not spamming vault all the time - but I do it anyway, and die when I can't use SS
Concensus is that it takes forever to kill things and you need to stack a shitton of disc gear for gloom tanking.
hang on, out of the people having this discussion who has got through act2+ in inferno on a demon hunter?
@ickleislands I can't even make it through 5 mins on Act 2
@spugsley Have you tried Shadow Power with Gloom? I suck at timing SS so I am thinking of using this, helps as a heal too
@ickleislands My DH is level 22. :P
@Alok I'd be willing to give it a try
<- not reached Inf (on DH)
@James what is a cricket chirp
@ickleislands :O
ok well I cleared act 3 inferno on a demon hunter pre-nerf
so this is my personal experience rather than random opinions scraped off the internet
@Alok Gloom is an alternative to SS, but it has some serious tradeoffs. You gain uptime, especially if you stack disc, and you can 'survive' more, but other things that you could have survived with SS will wreck you, and you'll also lose out on a lot of utility in terms of outright avoiding mechanics or CC
@ickleislands Its the sound you hear when everything else goes dead quiet :)
@spugsley: I use twin chakram; if hp globe is less than half and needs refilling - spam chakrams, then go SP to leech while they hit. Or so it goes in theory, I'm not very good in timing that yet
@Alok the Chakrams are great for lower builds but, imo, not for inferno. I tried it
@spugsley I've heard some people are using chakrams in inferno post-1.0.3 instead of nether tentacles
@spugsley This. Anything Twin Chakram can do ball lightning or Nether Tentacles does better.
@ickleislands Yeah, but not the twin chakram rune
@ickleislands If your answer to every problem is "More DPS", then I contend that your build is a glass cannon that dies in one hit.
even though nether tentacle's nerf only affects mobs with large hitboxes
Right now I'm using Hungering Arrow (which I love) and Rapid Fire
@fbueckert Yes. Yes it is. The point is that you design a build and play style that allows you to never get hit.
@spugsley Okay, Rapid Fire is a problem if you don't have someone tanking.
@LessPopMoreFizz: I use Gloom more to refill health than outright defense; but I also like that its longer than SS.
@fbueckert unfortunately I'd like to say "once you have a demon hunter that can survive 5 seconds in act 2 we will talk about survivability of demon hunters"
You need something you can squeeze off a shot and move with.
but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot without testing how bad they nerfed act 2
@ickleislands To add to this; I read about them using Razor disk a lot - seems that and Ball Lightning (elem. arrow) are the new NT
@ickleislands I doubt I'll be levelling up a DH to max level if all I have to look forward to is "More DPS"
that thread I posted on earlier was where I read it
Sounds more like a one trick pony than an actual challenge.
@LessPop_MoreFizz thoughts on something I can use when soloing?
A: With Nether Tentacles nerfed is there an better option for Demon Hunters?

yajI've had the same problem. After 1.0.3, you may have to rebuild your glass dps dh if you were stacking IAS. I went with all DEX, Crit Damage (and from 2h xbow to 2h bow for more natural atk speed) My damage went from 107k before patch, to 87k after patch, to 109k after rebuild (these numbers are ...

@spugsley Elemental Arrow variants are the most popular. Nether Tentacles, ball Lightning, frost arrow.
Chakram + Razer disc
next one down says Lightning Rune of Elemental Arrow
@fbueckert that is why I rolled a wizard ;)
Yeah, and a friend who killed Diablo has been playing with Frost.
@fbueckert Its also fun to play by jumping around and spamming traps/AoE etc.; though u have to be far more aware than while playing say monk or wiz
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll look into it
I like a challenge, and melee in Inferno is certainly a challenge.
@spugsley Nether Tentacles is still a very strong ability
@spugsley especially for groups that are tightly packed together
Which is why I kept bashing my head against that wall that is bees pre-1.0.3.
@fbueckert I have the most fun with my monk and it isn't even 60 yet
@spugsley I assume you are also using Templar when soloing - and afaik Rapid Fire is bad bcoz it is channeling type. I just prefer wide area damage though hence liking chakrams so far.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ball o Lightning is super schweet :)
Here, lets change the subject and talk about funny stereotypes! quora.com/The-United-States-of-America/…
What do you guys use for primary attack? I keep sticking to bola for the AoE
@Alok Bola is shit after a while. Can't afford the delay. Bola+Chakram is great basically until you finish nightmare.
After that, Hungering Arrow, Entangling, or Evasive are the big three. People tend to argue between them.
Anyways, I'm out the door!
(With Evasive in a distant third because of how it kills off your ability to control discipline consumption)
Eh it works great esp. with Kormac bottling up elite tremors while I use bola to blow up target + other trash nearby
I prefer evasive because I control my distance from enemies and don't let it trigger
But have been thinking of going for Entangling so I get more time to run away
I use entangling shot on fights like Belial
for add control
and I used bola on Butcher inf
because 'when' the damage occured didn't matter, it just had to happen at some point
@LessPop_MoreFizz The post about return policy and also bulk prices is so true :)
Anyone ever used the Serpentine chakram? I can't figure out any time that could actually be useful
lol Spray Cheese
why take something so amazing and ruin it like that
Q: Highest HPS race for Holy Priest (Horde)

imaginativeNormally elitist jerks will have threads about which race for both horde/alliance a race will have an edge over for DPS. For Holy Priest in the 4.3 patch, I don't see the thread mentioning which race could potentially beat the others in as far as healing goes. Is there a current leader? Is it Bel...

@ickleislands Cheez Whiz is it's own special thing.
Nobody thinks it's a replacement for Good Real Cheese.
It's a different thing for a different purpose.
no but they did it anyway!
I say this because an american friend of mine chooses it over actual cheese
and I see that as weird
@ickleislands Well yeah, they made it anyway. Not to replace actual cheese, but to be it's own thing.
@Alok I like my hungering arrow. It can hit multiple enemies or the same enemy a few times
@ickleislands Well that is weird, and is nothing like what most Americans do with Cheez Whiz, which is basically a sauce.
I had a friend once who had "four grades of cheese" - from best to worst, it's: cheese, cheese food, cheese product, and chez
which he would pronounce like "fez"
@spugsley I will try hungering and entangling both; I need to wean myself off having AoE attacks on both mouse buttons
America not having a proper dance music scene is the #1 reason I'd never move there
You know LA and NY are located in America
@LessPop_MoreFizz Similar situations pervade in Canada as well as our two countries are similar in so many ways.
@tiddy As a New Yorker, I am very aware of this fact.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Fun fact, I wrote to Kraft Foods Canada once. I swear that the information package they sent me confirmed that Cheez Whiz is grey before they dye it that bright orange. Now I wonder if I kept that package and where.
Trust me when I say that while NY has an excellent music scene, it is very very very different in character from the sort of 'dance music scene' that a European would be looking for/fond of.
@skovacs1 Yeah, that's a known fact I think.
I think there is something for everyone in NY
except space
Saw it on some food network thing or other while flipping channels once.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Just did a google and the hits were all like: "closely guarded secret" and "debate" and stuff like it was still in question.
@tiddy I would like to think that, but I am, for example, unable to get a Garbage Plate here in the city, so there's that.
Hahahahahahaha the 'kill rare mobs' achievements in the next wow expansion are named: "A Worthy Opponent", "Could We Find More Like That?" and "Glorious!"
A: RSS feed for major Steam sales?

Carnophagehttp://www.cheapshark.com/ gives a good overview of different deals from different developers. Next to that there are several filter options, such as maximum price.

1 rep new user making a valid post?
@ickleislands That's actually a cool aggregator they linked there.
@skovacs1 that's what I thought, don't think it deserved marking down
I don't see an RSS, although there might be one there
Potentially questionable
Although somebody else said "This is the calmest subreddit drama I've seen in ages. A logical post from both the mods and the user concerned, and not one person has raised a pitchfork."
but you're right, there seems to be no RSS
yeah, so it's not really an answer to the question.
fwiw, I use steamgamesales.com
which has RSS + aggregation of a variety of deal providers
question is likely off topic though, kind of a website recommendation
how long does the 'coughing up sludge' phase of quitting smoking last
@ickleislands not so long that you can't get through it.
i'm at 5 days so far
i also never realised TF2 was free

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