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Everyone duck, it's a roll by!
@Ktash I am going to be humming that forever now thanks XD
A: Is there a console command to rename a follower?

ShAd0wDon't mind this post it is a dumb post that needs to be ignored. TY

guhhh why is it still here.
Make it go away.
@GnomeSlice Can't, not enough rep :/
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I will be too. I thought I'd share the pain ;)
@Ktash aww, that is so sweet of you
Hey, what can I say. I'm a giving person.
@Ktash I adore these soundtracks. I put them on when I have to do housework because it's impossible to stay still while listening to them.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought some cooldown spells got a damage bonus for faster weapons?
(They were just multiplied by the attacks per second)
@FAE It makes me dance all over my house
@FAE It makes me want to run things over in my car
@Ktash I've had this urge as well after playing it for a while <_<
@RavenDreamer I've heard that thrown around, but am yet to see any evidence to that effect.
@Ktash Hahaha I stopped listening to it when I drove for that reason
Regardless, it certainly doesn't apply to the resource constraint point, which is the more important one.
8 bit remix
I think there needs to be an 8-bit Katamari remake...
@Ktash That would be the most awesome thing
For example, on my Demon Hunter, Multi-Shot uses up a shitton of Hatred. If I want to maximize my multi-shot damage, I should use a slower weapon, because I won't be able to continuously spam multi-shot, so for any encounter in which I run out of hatred and have to do something else, I am losing damage relative to if I had been able to cast Multishot more slowly for more damage/shot.
Any time you need to switch to a lower damage ability because you run OOM, you could have done more DPS with a slower weapon.
Multi-shot is one of the few surefire ways to regen discipline too
@LessPopMoreFizz Actually, with my -Arcane Power cost CD popped, I regen more than I lose channeling disintegrate.
@RavenDreamer This is true, and that means there's a tension there, because if I'm using Multishot for discipline regen, then I want to cast it more often.
You people and your resource management. Barbarian Smash!
@RavenDreamer Okay, and under that circumstance, you want a faster weapon to maximize the benefit, sure.
I'm not saying slower is always better - there's a natural tension at work here - if you can do 50% of a mobs health in one shot with a fast weapon, and 80% of a mobs health with a slow one, the faster weapon is better - after all, it takes 2 shots no matter what, the faster you can fire the second shot, the better.
@AshleyNunn Oh my god, 8-bit Katamari exists!!! youtube.com/watch?v=s-QGkigPMHk#t=1m57s
But, if you're talking about continuous damage output, in any situation in which you are resource constrained, slower weapons do have an advantage. They also have disadvantages. That's what makes these sorts of choices interesting.
@Ktash jawdrop
@Ktash @AshleyNunn This surprises you? There's more than one chiptune remix of Katamari tracks. Way more than one, I'm sure...
@GnomeSlice An 8-bit game though?
(In reality, they really aren't all that interesting, because it generally comes down to 'use the one with the most stats and the highest DPS', and if you're playing a Wizard or WD, not using an OH with + Damage is giving up waaaay more damage than you'd gain by using a 2H under any circumstance, if you're playing a Monk or Barb, you almost certainly would rather have a shield at high levels of play, and if you're playing a DH, the Quiver option, and absurd bonuses of Archery w/ 2H Bows...
Shooting cats! Why isn't the internet all over this?
makes your decisions for you.)
But in theory it's an interesting tension, undermined by the absolutely jaw-droppingly stupid damage formula that gives absurd weight to +Damage and +Primary stat.
to the point where, for example, at 50% crit damage, adding 10% crit is worth about as much as +5 in your primary stat.
@Ktash Que Sera Sera is one of my faves. "I'm so in love with you/I want to wad you up into my life/Let's roll up to be a single star in the sky" I think it's weirdly romantic.
That's it.
10% crit is worth +5 dex.
Q: How much will I have to download if I change languages?

Fredy31I'm a little short on bandwidth this month, and I'm thinking from switching my language from French to English. Of what I know about multilingual games, I'll have to redownload the files of the language I chose. So big are these files? And if I switch back to french, will I have to redownload t...

Q: How to get a full party?

Fredy31I am looking for good ways to get a full party in public games. A full party is important because I heard that rare drops drop more often when you have a full 4 player party. What quests on what difficulties would be a good place to start to get all 3 players needed to get the wanted full party?

Q: Viewing stats (such as critical chance) in Kingdoms of Amalur

cmhughesI'm enjoying my first play-through of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. I'm playing as a Rogue, and am getting pretty obsessive about my critical chance and critical damage (using gear, lorestones, and sustained effects). Is there a way to view my damage statistics? I'm mainly concerned with critic...

Q: What happened to Adria 20 years ago? [Spoilerish]

Fredy31I know that Adria pledged her allegiance to Diablo (or the dark wanderer) 20 years ago? What in her storyline made her go with the Evil side of things? So much that she would sacrifice her own daughter to the prime evil?

Q: Does my sentry use any magic find or any other ability?

StephenI've started using a sentry now that the skill is unlocked and I'm wondering if anyone knows if group or personal magic find and gold find bonuses are added to any kill shots it gets?

Q: Is there a way to restart quickly to last checkpoint (without killing yourself)?

Fredy31For some heavily repeating achievements, I would need to quickly go back to last checkpoint. With no quickload function, how to get back to last checkpoint without killing yourself (and getting that nasty 10% durability loss)?

@FAE Heh, I can see it. I'm more of a classic romantic myself, but to each their own romance ;) lol
@Lazers Why don't you give me non-Diablo 3 questions I can answer!
@Ktash I find a lot of things romantic that most people would find disturbing and/or creepy, no worries
@Ktash Oh, are you talking about the top-down browser based fan-made game?
@GnomeSlice Wait there is a browser based 8-bit version!!! WHERE CAN I FIND THIS?!?!
@Lazers Can I murder the spoiler tag in the title?
@Ktash It's not 8-bit, it's just a browser game.
@FAE Haha, nah, I like some weird things as well. I'm a really cheesy romantic myself.
@FAE It's sweet, in its way
I remember my sister showing it to me a while ago.
@GnomeSlice BWAH OH MY GOD WHERE CAN I FI... I mean, ehem. Is there somewhere maybe where I could locate this item of which you speak?
@RavenDreamer Another big case where a slower weapon such as a 2H has a huge edge is abilities where repeated casts don't stack.
For example, Hydra for a Wizard.
Or any pet skill for that matter
@GnomeSlice Or, are you referring to kathack?
@Ktash I'm not sure... I'm googling it probably the same way you are. I see lots of references to a 'hack' for a browser.
@GnomeSlice kathack.com
@Ktash That must be it.
turns any page into a katamari game
Yeah, I was in the same competition as that... we all got blown out of the water
It's awesome
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, only if you cast it when you have full resource
@RavenDreamer No
@RavenDreamer always
Here's the thing
You can't spam cast Hydra.
You cast it once, and it does it's thing until you cast it again.
Having a faster weapon doesn't make Hydra do more damage.
But having a slower weapon that hits harder does.
For that competition, they got up and were like "So we made it so you can turn any page into a Katamari game" and everyone was blown away. And then they said "So, that was the first half of our day, then we spent the rest making it multiplayer"...
Any spell that you only cast periodically, rather than spamming, will benefit more from a slower weapon, whatever the reason for you to cast it periodically, whether it be resource constraints, cooldowns, or the inability to benefit from recasting it (pets.)
Another example would be Blizzard - you can only have one active on a location at a given time.
@Ktash O.O
@OrigamiRobot It's being cited in another answer... that's like verifying, right ;)
@Ktash Oh really? Which one?
Q: Monk mystic ally attack speed

BobHow quickly does my mystic ally attack? I know it has 40% weapon damage, but without the speed that says almost nothing

Answer there uses other answer as a basis
no other research given though
@AshleyNunn Heh, that's what we looked like the whole time they were presenting lol
@Ktash hahaha i bet
I don't remember who it is who does music (@Origami is it you?) but whomever it is would probably find this interesting
came out of the same competition
@Ktash I can be used to play music
Maybe it was @Gnome but I see someone post music they do in here every once and a while
@Ktash That's me, yeah.
Don't think the source was ever released for that (unfortunately) but it was a pretty cool idea
and it worked. You could use different colors for different sounds and instruments
@Ktash that sounds so cool
@Ktash That sounds liek AWESOME
it's been too long since I linked this
@LessPop_MoreFizz Diamond Armor can be cast without breaking the channel. Normally, you channel and lose arcane power. If you activate Diamond Skin, you start regenning Arcane Power for its duration. When it ends, you start losing again, and you've been channeling the entire time.
@OrigamiRobot wow, that actually sounds pretty decent...
And I'll see if I can't track down the person who made it and see if they ever posted it
@RavenDreamer You're... totally missing my point.
... Doesn't look like it was ever put online
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is with a slow weapon, so probably we're both missing something.
I couldn't do that with a fast weapon.
I'm talking about how slower weapons are better when you are resource constrained or otherwise unable to spam a spell, and you're going on about contriving situations or spell combinations that cause you to not be resource constrained and allow you to spam a spell. Which is great. That's an awesome combo. I'm sure it lets you do a lot of damage! But it has nothing to do with what I'm saying.
@RavenDreamer exactly. A fast weapon consumes your resources faster. Therefore, you are unable to sustain the cast for as long a period of time, and you do less damage, because you spend the rest of your time doing something that does less damage.
Yes. And I'm saying an additional synergy is that it makes it even more less resource constrained. But it only works because the weapon is slow.
It's pretty nice.
@RavenDreamer That's not an additional synergy. That's the whole synergy. It's exactly what I've been talking about this whole time.
47 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
i.e., if you only have enough Arcane Power to be casting AWESOME SPELL 50% of the time, and the other 50% of the time you cast LESS AWESOME SPELL, with a weapon with a speed of 2.0, using a slower weapon, with a speed of 1.0 but the same DPS (aka, harder hitting), will allow you to use AWESOME SPELL the whole time, doing more damage overall.
@OrigamiRobot (❍ᴥ❍)
I see what you're saying.
@RavenDreamer I see what your face is saying with your mouth.
feeds cake to @RavenDreamer
@Mana Does his mouth say no, but his eyes say yes?
@Mana As long as we don't have to hold hands after
@RavenDreamer I might even give you a tummy rub...
Wow, Mana's writing his own fanfic now.
@Ktash It's snoooowing
New funniest racial slur. NASA: North American Street Ape.
rsdb.org/races is hilarious.
@FAE You'd think. And yet.
@FAE So, I hooked up my new computer to my Mass Effect 3 TV.
Biggest desktop ever.
@RavenDreamer Nice.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, the talk of the kathack thing got me looking at my old projects lol. And I like this one. I actually will just put it on in the background sometimes
@FAE Ah yes, the fine line between autobiography and fanfic...wait.
@Ktash It's pretty
Oh hey, another Budda Dupe. And it's a dupe of the question that was at the top of the front page before he asked his question.
I have it on, and am listening to rainymood.com (I know, its snow not rain...but it works)
@AshleyNunn Heh, thank you. I wanted to do more with it (and maybe I will some day) but I do like how it turned out
@Ktash It turned out pretty awesome, I do think
@GnomeSlice Where by 'hilarious' you mean 'offensive and really, kind of sad?'
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm pretty sure it's all a big joke.
@GnomeSlice I know if you used these in real life, you'd probably get punched.
@AshleyNunn I don't, I just find them funny to read.
@GnomeSlice I don't get how mocking people for their nationality/race is funny
I don't take them as actual insults. I guess that's the difference.
I'm not racist, by the way.
are you white
@GnomeSlice The problem is that they aren't meant for humor, they're meant to be disparaging.
@IanPugsley Not the way I interpret it.
@Mana uh uh uh uh i forgot your roleplay name :(
am I eugene
or are you eugene
@MrNovember ...Irrelevant.
@Mana Yeahm you are jerk
the other one is joe
@GnomeSlice it is NOT irrelevant
@AshleyNunn well thank you :)
@GnomeSlice It is very much not irrelevant.
@GnomeSlice You DO NOT get to use racial slurs if you are white. PERIOD.
@MrNovember White people are automatically racist? There are a ton of slurs in here about north american white folk. More than any other race, actually.
I find those ones particularly funny.
@MrNovember I'm not using them... I just find these funny. =[
@GnomeSlice No, white people are not automatically racist. However, thanks to the culture in which you exist, your conduct is held to a higher standard.
In critical race theory, white privilege is a way of conceptualizing racial inequalities that focuses as much on the advantages that white people accrue from society as on the disadvantages that people of color experience. White privilege may be defined as the "unearned advantages of being White in a racially stratified society", and has been characterized as an expression of institutional power that is largely unacknowledged by most White individuals . Most such theories focus on American and European societal condition, since inequality between whites and non-whites is a long-standing...
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm never going to understand what that means if I read it myself.
You find them funny, because the idea of being harmed by racism is utterly inconceivable in your experience.
You have no concrete, experiential understanding of just how much this sort of stuff hurts.
@LessPop_MoreFizz There's white racism...
> Bak Guiy: Cantonese for "white ghost."
(for white people)
Isn't this just like schadenfreude, by that logic, then?
Nearly everyone finds schadenfreude funny... =[
And I just find the really silly, ridiculous ones funny. I'm not a racist person... ;_;
@GnomeSlice No. White people are not oppressed. Racism is a system of oppression which whites will never and have never experienced. Whites can be discriminated against but they will never experience racism.
@GnomeSlice Sure there is. But you don't live in a society where that racism is problematic for you, you live in a society where you are held up on a pedestal, and have every advantage conferred to you. You can laugh at racial slurs aimed at white people because the people using them are not in a position to actually cause you harm.
@MrNovember Not in North America, no.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know if I'd go that far. I'm not terribly 'held up on a pedestal'.
I don't consider myself any better than anyone else.
@GnomeSlice It's not about considering yourself better than anyone else.
The point is that so much of this is totally invisible to you. That's what makes it so insidious.
@GnomeSlice but society does, and the fact that you don't see that is an element of your privilege.
@GnomeSlice You dont have to - you are a white male. You wont see it.
Q: Are there console and startup commands in Diablo 3?

EBongoPreviously, you could use console commands to affect certain things about the game you were in, and start up commands allowed for simple changes to the game when launching. However, I haven't been able to find a similar reference for Diablo 3. Are these types of commands supported in Diablo 3? ...

Q: Install All Owned Games On Steam

stevetherSo I have around 190 games on steam and had them all installed when I accidentally deleted them. I want to re-download them all again, but so far the only way I found to do it was one at a time. Is there a way to queue them all to install at once?

Q: Is there any benefit to stepping on bugs?

EBongoI've noticed as my burly man-hero trots around Sanctuary he has the tendency to mash lesser critters under his magically embued footwear. There seems a very large number of snakes, scorpions, small spiders, and similar vermin that are affected in this way. Is this just sort of a mini-easter egg...

Seriously, just read the blog post I just linked. It explains things in terms that are perfectly suited for you.
Just because society apparently treats white people better doesn't make me racist by extension. I find some of the clearly made-up and silly 'slurs' in this 'database' entertaining.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Still loading. I can see the title.
@GnomeSlice ....which is a function of your privilege - you find them entertaining because you cannot understand how they can be hurtful
> This means that the default behaviors for almost all the non-player characters in the game are easier on you than they would be otherwise. The default barriers for completions of quests are lower. Your leveling-up thresholds come more quickly. You automatically gain entry to some parts of the map that others have to work for. The game is easier to play, automatically, and when you need help, by default it’s easier to get.
Okay, I'm not sure I agree with all of this.
@GnomeSlice It is true though, agree or not
I don't know about the states, but in Canada most of that doesn't really apply...
@GnomeSlice Oh yes it does. Hell, I am a white female, so I retain my own share of privilege, but it is totally there.
@AshleyNunn I respectfully disagree, based on what I've seen.
@MrNovember I think the general rule of "Don't use racial slurs" is good enough as it is.
@GnomeSlice Maybe you aren't looking at it, but that doesnt mean it is not there
@AshleyNunn Fair enough.
@OrigamiRobot I'm not talking about STack Exchange rules, I'm talking about actual real life interacting with society at large rules.
@MrNovember I am too.
@OrigamiRobot Some people can use slurs because they are part of the groups that the slur is directed towards.
@MrNovember That is a flawed arguement - another lesbian calls me a dyke and I am still going to want to hit her
@MrNovember Reclamation is a different beast and not everyone in those groups agrees with that usage either.
regardless of the fact she shares my experience
@MrNovember What is this "can"? Who makes these rules? Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
@OrigamiRobot This, this, this.
@LessPopMoreFizz Did you see? More ME3 multiplayer DLC
@AshleyNunn I'm not saying everyone in those groups agree on the usage of slurs and reclamation
Ex-Cerberus, Male Quarians, and Vorcha.
If you wouldn't say it around anyone and/or don't want other people saying it, that's a pretty good indication that you shouldn't be saying it in the first place.
@OrigamiRobot Definitely a good rule.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Interesting. I didn't get a lot of the references to skill points and such, because I'm not an RPG gamer.
@MrNovember no, but it doesn't ever make it okay either.
@GnomeSlice It's a vague metaphor. I'm sure you could muddle through and figure it out.
@AshleyNunn are you really going to tell PoC to not reclaim the n-word?
@MrNovember I have no right to tell anyone anything - I am just saying that "oh, I am reclaiming it" doesnt give you license to call other members of your group whatever you like.
Beyond that, his follow up is instructive in response to your immediate objection, as is this post which he links to provide some objective numbers.
@MrNovember Nobody should say something everyone can't say.
@AshleyNunn I didn't say it gave you license to.
@OrigamiRobot that's absolute bullshit
@MrNovember Why?
@AshleyNunn Of course it doesn't. But it certainly does give you the license to call other members of your group whatever you like if they happen to agree to it as well.
@LessPop_MoreFizz All it says is that white guys get an easier time of it in life than other guys. But that they still have to work.
@GnomeSlice Yes. Thats exactly correct.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, its just getting the agreements across that is the problem, because people often assume that if they are okay with something, then everyone in the group must be too
@GnomeSlice but unless you recognize that you have an easier time of it, everything you say on the subject is inherently tainted by that lack of recognition.
@AshleyNunn because slurs coming from the mouth of the oppressed as an act of reclamation is MUCH different from the group in power using that slur. This is 101 shit.
Mind if anyone told me the names of games (smallish ones) that are similar to Bastion / Limbo / Vessel ? Kinda started to like that kind of games of late :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I guess I've just never noticed it.
@MrNovember hurt is hurt no matter who it comes from, imho
@ShyamK you'd probably like Journey if you have a PS3.
But that doesn't make Frostback: A play on "wetback", altered to fit Canadians. any less funny...
@MrNovember While it may be different, it doesn't necessarily make it right. If I'm not okay with being called something by a member of whatever minority group I'm in, then that means it's not okay to call me that, no matter whether you're a member of that group or not.
@GnomeSlice That's exactly the point. You've never noticed it because you've never looked or needed to notice it, and that blindness leads you to not understand, at a fundamental level, how racism works. As a straight white male, you get the privilege of not noticing it.
@MrNovember Call it whatever you want, but I just think people shouldn't say offensive things.
@MrNovember hmm.. its a pity that I don't.. Could never get a hang of the controller.. :(
Oh god there are worms in the rice
@GnomeSlice ...thats so rude.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know you don't believe me, but I take offense to that, I do understand how racism works.
@AshleyNunn Isn't it great, lol.
@GnomeSlice No. Not. At. All.
@FAE This.
@AshleyNunn ...I thought it was funny. =[
@GnomeSlice Except that you have demonstrated, on several occasions, within this conversation alone, that you don't understand in the slightest how it works.
@GnomeSlice Yeaaaaah no
@LessPop_MoreFizz What? I haven't... =[
@FAE I never said you had to be ok with those slurs being said. The discussion is about the one hard and fast rule about slurs. Do not use them if you are not part of the community they are targeted towards. The rest is up to context and the community.
I don't USE racial slurs, and I don't like anyone who does.
@LessPop_MoreFizz But just because we are in that group, doesn't mean we don't notice it or aren't affected by it
@MrNovember I think a simple "Don't use them" is a far better rule.
Also, this is turning out to be a very heated night on the bridge... and not in the good way
Oh god there's so many of them
@Ktash How so? Everyone's been pretty damned civilized as near as I can tell.
@OrigamiRobot And now we wait!
Everything is installing!
@YiJiang Ew. Ew. Ew.
@Ktash I don't think this is heated in a bad way. Actually, this is some of the most productive, interesting conversation to come out of here in a while.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, a rule that erases the PoC community's attempts to reclaim the n-word is such a great rule.
@LessPop_MoreFizz & @Mana I meant it as a double entendre ;)
@Ktash Oh, well in that case, scroll back to @Mana's fanfic about @RavenDreamer
@MrNovember If everyone followed my rule, the word wouldn't need reclaiming.
@MrNovember I don't like generalizations like that - the whole community isnt trying to reclaim it - just parts of it. Same way some people I know use the word dyke, but doesnt mean all lesbians are like YAY RECLAIM IT - some, like me, get testy
Actually, @Mana, you might want to hurry up with that. Apparently, I've been showing up in @spugsley's dreams, so you've got some competition.
@AshleyNunn You are, once again, putting words in my mouth. I've said like a dozen times that slurs within the targeted community are issues for THAT community to deal with.
@MrNovember I am not putting words anywhere, I am responding to what you specifically say
@MrNovember But youre saying "community" like there is some sort of hive mind or consensus.
@OrigamiRobot This.
Also, the Coolermaster HAF XM is bloody silent.
@RavenDreamer Really? My Coolermaster is loud.
At this point, I've literally said that the issues and problems with using slurs are a problem to be dealt with within those communities. White people do not get to tell PoC to not use the n-word.
@Ktash Well, compared to my Antec 902? Much quieter. And I'm betting we have different models of CM cases anyway.
@MrNovember (Devil's advocate here, and I'll probably get a lot of retaliation for this, but..) Then why does it work in reverse and the community is allowed to tell white people that they can't say it, given that they have chose to accept the word themselves.
@MrNovember I will tell anyone I want that I do not want to be talked to a certain way. That is not me telling them they can't say something. I respect people's opinions and I expect them to respect mine in return.
@RavenDreamer Likely. Mine is a beast with like 12 fan spots. Only have 3 or 4 fans, but still...
@Ktash Because reclamation is about taking away the power of that word's hurtfulness when it is used by groups in privilege.
@Ktash Because white people invented those words as tools of oppression and still use them that way.
@MrNovember You seem to be making an assumption, as @OrigamiRobot pointed out, that people who belong to minorities necessarily participate in some community/consensus of people who belong to that minority
@FAE This. It is not about transferring that power.
@MrNovember But the word, used not in an oppressive manner, but in a similar way in which a member of the community might use it is still regarded as not okay
Do anyone play Moder Warfare 3 here ?
Q: What are the consequences in quest skipping?

ResorathJoining a friend who is ahead of you in quests allows you to "skip" quests. What are the consequences to this? Do you lose out on experience and first-time drops? Or can you go back and do those later?

Why does my race play into what I can and cannot say, when my intentions should be the deciding factor on that
@RakeshJuyal You missed the MW3 contest by about 6 months :P
@murgatroid99 I'm not saying there's consensus. I'm saying that white people trying to control the use of slurs by PoC is racist.
COntest ?
What kinda contest ?
@Ktash because only you know your intentions
Is that game too old ?
@MrNovember Right. That's why people should just stop saying racist things.
Ok, so can you suggest me one game which I can play online One on One.
I mean like Street Fighter
@MrNovember You keep talking about the community making decisions as though people in minorities automatically belong to their community
@Ktash like it or not, your skin color has an impact on how people perceive what you say. This means you don't get to use the n-word. boo hoo.
I like Tekken but it can't be played online.
@MrNovember Yes, but the intentions behind what I'm saying are tainted by my race. You have a predisposition to my being racist, and don't hold the same to members of the community
@murgatroid99 I'm talking about the members of those groups handling it among themselves rather than whitey invading and trying to police like they always do.
@MrNovember But why does it have an impact? Isn't that racism, what we are trying to get away from?
@RakeshJuyal You have walked in on one of our patented "important conversations"
Mind you, these are not my opinions, I'm just playing devil's advocate here
@Ktash mid-tower or full?
@OrigamiRobot Patented and Important .... Isn't this a contradiction? :P
@Ktash It isn't racism. Racism is a system of oppression and white people are not oppressed.
@RakeshJuyal Lots of things are contradictions here.
@RavenDreamer Ummm, full... I think?? Been a while and I can never tell just by looking lol
@MrNovember Racism is the predisposition of judgement based on the ethnicity of a person and/or their ancestors.
Anyway, it's closing in on 7am here, which is way too late for me to be able to articulate myself properly on this subject anymore, so I'm going to head to sleep. Goodnight, all.
@OrigamiRobot Tell you the secret, I joined this room few minutes back and somehow I am unable to get what is getting discussed here. hah
@Ktash No. That's discrimination.
@RakeshJuyal Lucky you :P
@FAE sleep well! sweet dreams!
@RavenDreamer coolermaster-usa.com/… looks like it (but a newer model)
@MrNovember Interestingly, I went to a middle school that was 10% white (I'm white) and I did not feel as much a member of a privileged group as I otherwise do
@murgatroid99 So you missed it.
@MrNovember no, discrimination is when you do treat people differently based on something (not necessarily race)
You should feel superior @murgatroid99
@MrNovember No, that's when the predisposition is negative (usually), and as @murgatroid99 said, doesn't necessarily have to do with race. Racism itself is just the judgements people make based on race
Is this a gaming chat room ?
Or by mistake I came here ?
@RakeshJuyal what are you talking about? I was only trying to say that white people can be treated like a minority if they are actually a minority of the population
SE screwed.
@RakeshJuyal it is, but we talk about other stuff often
@RakeshJuyal Scroll up, there some Katamari in there ;)
@RakeshJuyal It is, we are just being a bit more serious and a bit less gaming tonight.
Racism is a system of oppression. This is the accepted definition in the sociological literature on racism.
Racism is generally understood as either belief that different racial groups are characterized by intrinsic characteristics or abilities and that some such groups are therefore naturally superior to others, or as practices that discriminate against members of particular racial groups, The definition of racism is controversial both because there is little scholarly agreement about what the word "race" means, and because there is also little agreement about what does and doesn't constitute discrimination. Some definitions would have it that any assumption that a person's behavior would b...
@murgatroid99 I support your argument.
@murgatroid99 being a minority is about lack of power and privilege, not numbers.
Minority is actually numbers.
Racism is generally understood as either belief that different racial groups are characterized by intrinsic characteristics or abilities and that some such groups are therefore naturally superior to others, or as practices that discriminate against members of particular racial groups, The definition of racism is controversial both because there is little scholarly agreement about what the word "race" means, and because there is also little agreement about what does and doesn't constitute discrimination. Some definitions would have it that any assumption that a person's behavior would b...
oh my fucking god
@MrNovember yes, and being an actual minority of the population can actually lead to that situation
read some 101 sociology texts for fucks sake
@MrNovember did you read the first sentence?
hell read the actual article you linked
Minority: The smaller number or part, esp. a number that is less than half the whole number.
> Racism is generally understood as either belief that different racial groups are characterized by intrinsic characteristics or abilities and that some such groups are therefore naturally superior to others
@MrNovember Relax, chill, breathe.
we are talking about socilogical definitions
belief != action
not mathematical
like have any of you even read a book on this subject even once
Sometimes being the part of majority too calls for racism.
Atleast this happens in our country.
@MrNovember O.O this is a bit of an intense and unfair reaction.
Those who are in majority getting screwed just because they are in majority.
@MrNovember Well, we're actually getting off-topic from our original discussion regarding the differential treatment of people based on their race, whatever you want to call it
@RakeshJuyal No they aren't
@MrNovember The fact that I do not agree with your assertions does not automatically make me ignorant
If we are truly trying to get away from this idea, then why is it that my speech should be dictated solely on the fact that I am white. Is that not exactly what is described
It is not about being white or colored.
@murgatroid99 the fact that you didn't even do a cursory scan of the wiki article you posted is proof enough
@murgatroid99 does "intrinsic" only mean nature but not nurture?
@RakeshJuyal My speech? This is in rebuttal to something @MrNovember said above about my not being able to say the n-word because I am white
@Ktash Your skin color has an impact on how what you say is perceived. This means if you want to be a decent person, don't say the n-word. I don't understand why this is so hard to grasp.
@MrNovember <-- @RakeshJuyal
@MrNovember "This means if you want to be a decent person, don't say the n-word." I agree. Regardless of race.
@NickT Yes, I am pretty sure in this case it means that people believe that traits are a necessary effect of being a particular race, regardless of upbringing
@MrNovember It's not hard to grasp. I'm questioning it based on the principles laid down in it's basis. Is that not what we as a society are trying to get away from? And if it is, why is that my speech is still being hampered because of my race?
@MrNovember ok, which particular point that I have made do you thing the article contradicts?
@Ktash Your speech is not actually hampered because of your race. This is a choice you have to make and hopefully you will Do The Right Thing.
@murgatroid99 Definitions->Sociological
@MrNovember But, for people who are trying to reclaim the word, why is the right thing different for me because of my race than someone who is African-American?
@MrNovember who decided that that was the definition we had to use here? It's not the only one. The main definition described a belief, not a system
The point of reclaiming a word is to take away it's power to hurt, not to freely use it and tell others they can't.
@Ktash because you will not ever be marginalized by the use of that word.
@MrNovember but if it's reclaimed, shouldn't it be the case that nobody would be marginalized by it?
@MrNovember And my use of the word will not be used to marginalize others
@Ktash It doesn't matter what your intentions are, your use of that word is inherently oppressive and marginalizing.
I only use words with the intent to harm other people. Especially the non-profane words, like most of these.
I think it is time to buy a new wireless internet dongle
@murgatroid99 we aren't close to that point with the word yet.
@MrNovember But that's the point. It is only so because of my race, not because of my intentions. I don't get to have anything but bad intentions with the use of the word.
@Ktash Intention isn't magical. The way your speech is perceived is what matters and your skin color is the number one determinant factor in the use of this word.

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