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@murgatroid99 yes. i generally don't correct typos in an informal chat room because people generally do not care
@MrNovember Are you new here?
@Ullallulloo No.
@MrNovember Well, it wasn't clear what you meant.
@GnomeSlice I meant that people here do care. :P
@Ullallulloo if there's some unwritten rule about correcting typos, I'm going to ignore it, so don't bother.
@GnomeSlice I thought that given the context, it was, but I guess it was a bit of strange typo.
it's actually more annoying than anything when people correct typos in messages that are pinged to you, because you end up getting pinged twice over something really minor.
@Mana Yes.
@Mana what do you mean?
Actually, troll pinging @Mana probably isn't a good idea. He's a mod. Hecould counter troll ping me wit the same message forever.
@Wipqozn you have no clue how tempted I am.
@Mana Do eeeeeeeet! :D
@Mana Watching this message continually flash green makes me smile.
Oh nifty, the ping counter doesn't go up when you do that.
I didn't realize it was smart enough to not count the same message twice.
It does, however, keep playing the sound.
Man, I'm so proud of you right now @Mana. You're like a younger me.
Also, my local game store just got this in...
Q: Armor not high enough?

C-dizzleI have a game going with the Barbarian class, and I seem to be getting killed more often with him than any other class. Is there a secret/tip to using him that I am missing? My stat for armor (going off the top of my head since I don't have access to my game right now) is probably closer to 300, ...

Q: What is the purpose of having unidentified rare (yellow) items?

SeravyIn diablo 3 magic items are automatically identified. To identify rare items you right click on it but it doesn’t use any items or anything. You can’t sell it or auction house it. What is the purpose of unidentified items?

@Wipqozn that looks awesome
@Wipqozn How much?
@RonanForman $150
Oh well.
@Wipqozn I think that deserved some shades
@James Oh, you're right. Damn.
Oh well, too late now.
@Mana I'm more inclined to thing they're each others ancestors than only one being.
@RavenDreamer but they talk to each other only when the other is asleep
and they've never seen each other.
they're each others dream selves.
@Mana I must have missed this
Oh, homestuck. Back to python.
@Wipqozn Ill try and be a little snappier with my shades watch ;)
@Lazers Wow, 4 answers on a "why did the designers do X" before it was closed
act 2 completed
@FAE That is how @RavenDreamer wins his contests :D (yes this is a joke :P)
Damn floating points!
@RonanForman what about them?
@James If closed questions were treated differently, you might be on to something ;P
I have closed so many dupes this past week.
@murgatroid99 It's rounding both 1.5 and 2.5 to 2.
@RavenDreamer Hehe, Hence it being a joke :)
@RonanForman not for me. What exact code are you using?
I can just see you sitting there "OMG! Popular question that isnt mine! Squish!" hahaha :D
Crazy Conspiracy Theory #273: What if somebody with mod powers unlocks questions just before the deadline?
@murgatroid99 round(2.5)
@CruelCow I think someone would notice that ;)
(Like, all of us in here, some of the more gaming.SE active SE staff, etc :))
I just hope I can finish act III of the contest...
@CruelCow if I wanted to cheat, I'd just ban everybody. lots more fun.
@Kappei Act 2 would be nice so I can try and get more than just a t-shirt. But I am pretty much out of questions and I refuse to ask questions on the same level as most of the crappy ones out there.
The odd thing is 2.5 is an exact binary fraction. 10.1
@RonanForman you're using python 3, right?
but mister anderson... how will you win diablo 3 prizes... if you have no account...
@murgatroid99 Yeah.
@RonanForman Rounding towards even numbers is perfectly normal: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754-2008#Rounding_rules
I got into a rounding error when doing a lot of scaling by .1 dec.
@agent86 I can not believe I voted for you :P
@agent86 That scene is still slightly disturbing to me
(It's a repeating decimal in binary)
@RonanForman that's so weird. It's different in 2.7 and 3.2
@RavenDreamer As I said, 2.5 is an exact decimal 10.1
@James That's why I'm struggling with Act III, I'm running out of questions
@CruelCow I'm pretty sure this isn't the situation that's referring to
@RonanForman right. I wasn't trouble shooting, I was, "That reminds me..."
@RavenDreamer OIC.
@Kappei Yeah, Diablo 3 isnt that hard of a game, Id estimate around half of the questions on this site could be answered by :)
Oh well, even if can't finish it, I'd still have my t-shirt... and Max Payne 3 from the grant :P
@RonanForman I guess python 3 just uses round-to-even
@murgatroid99 WHY??!?!?!?! THAT'S NOT HELPFUL!!!!eleventyone!!
@Kappei I got D3 from the grant, made the CE not cost that much :D
@Krazer Yer late to the party,scroll up where there are even more piccies
@RonanForman rounding up actually doesn't really make much more sense mathematically
@murgatroid99 At least be consistant.
@James D:took too long to boot up photoshops :P
@RonanForman round-to-even is consistent, just differently consistent
@James oh, I already got D3 for "free" from Blizzard
@Kappei as did I, but I have awesome glowy wings :D
Oh I know! I'll add .1 to the number before rounding!
and a really stinky shrunken diablo head
@RonanForman I have a feeling that will come back to bite you
@murgatroid99 I'm cutting a string in half, if it's odd the extra character needs to be on the first half.
@RonanForman why not just add .5 and then round down
@James bah, the only thing I'll miss from the CE is the WoW pet, and that was not worth the overprice...
@murgatroid99 If it could explicitly round up or down I'd just round up.
@RonanForman better yet, if you are originally working with ints, just add one if odd, then integer divide by 2
@RonanForman cast to int==explicit truncate
@murgatroid99 How do I see if it's odd?
@RonanForman if x%2==1
@Kappei I like the art books and such, hehe.
@Kappei I do have to say though being a demon hunter and getting both a set of evil wings and angelic wings is pretty kewl :)
@murgatroid99 What's the % mean?
In computing, the modulo operation finds the remainder of division of one number by another. Given two positive numbers, (the dividend) and (the divisor), a modulo n (abbreviated as a mod n) can be thought of as the remainder, on division of a by n. For instance, the expression "5 mod 4" would evaluate to 1 because 5 divided by 4 leaves a remainder of 1, while "9 mod 3" would evaluate to 0 because the division of 9 by 3 leaves a remainder of 0; there is nothing to subtract from 9 after multiplying 3 times 3. (Notice that doing the division with a calculator won't show you the result ref...
tl;dr: It's the remainder.
@James me too, but those from WC3 and SC2 are gathering dust on my shelf, I didn't want to get them another brother
@James evil wings?
@Wipqozn and its one of the most processor intensive calculations in programming.. I think it is even worse than sqrt
there's another set of wings?
@James not mod (1<<x). That's just an & operation
@murgatroid99 No bit operations == zippy.. % is not a bit opperation
That skill makes evil wings appear
@RonanForman math.ceil / math.floor ?
@James as I just said x%(1<<y) is equivalent to a bit operation
Oh, those... I thought there were some cool wearable evil black wings :(
@murgatroid99 Um, not with that % in there its not..
@Kappei Tata
bye everyone!
@Kappei bai
@James what do you mean?
Incidentally, Happy Towel Day!
@James for all x,y, x%(1<<y)==x&((1<<y)-1)
@CruelCow In python?
@murgatroid99 (1<<y) is a bit operation resulting in an integer, x % (result) is still the modulous operator and not a bit operation (and I mean specifically bit operators, not everything is actually a bit in a computer)
48 secs ago, by murgatroid99
@James for all x,y, x%(1<<y)==x&((1<<y)-1)
It can be compiled to bit ops if the dividend is a power of 2
Q: What does marking myself "Away" or "Busy" do?

agent86If I open the friend's list interface, I can click the little gem at the top to set my current status: I had assumed that these were merely cosmetic, but last night a friend was unable to join my game because I was set as "busy." I don't know if there's anything else that happens as a result ...

Q: Failed to update tools

NicoYesterday I updated the Diablo 3 Launcher, now I got a "Failed to update tools" tooltip that when you dismiss it, it closes the launcher, how do I fix this fault scenario? Here it would seem like many others have the same issue and couldn't fix it even after uninstalling...

Q: How can I tell when I've completed a major Quest (the kind I can start a game from)?

RachelWhen I go to change my quest, there are specific Quests I can start from How can I tell in-game when I've completed one of these Quests, and started the next one? I dislike quitting my current game to go play with someone else, only to return and realize I have to re-do some quests again becaus...

Those function should exist in virtually any language
that's what 1<<y means
@CruelCow It says math is not defined.
@RonanForman import math
@James in particular, the operation he is calculating is the same as x&1
@murgatroid99 And now it works, thanks!
@murgatroid99 Yeah I know the bit-shift opperator :)
@murgatroid99 He is checking if the first bit is set?
@James checking if a number is even/odd is equivalent to checking the low bit
@murgatroid99 o.O Why even suggest using % then @Wipqozn??? (I should have read what he referenced too instead of just going Ugh, Modulo sucks) :)
@James I didn't suggest anything.
I just answered his question of what the operator was.
@James I suggested %, and as I said, compilers compile modulus a power of 2 to an & operation
@Wipqozn Oops, that was meant for @murgatroid99 sorry!
@murgatroid99 Good compilers anyways.
@murgatroid99 Ah, one of those people who trusts compilers :)
@James anyway, %2 is such an insignificant operation that it doesn't really matter here what it compiles to
If he cared about performance to that degree, he wouldn't be using an interpreted language
@FAE yeah, man, that was creeeeepy
Yes, I know I said compiler. Interpreter works there too
I went into that movie not having a clue what it was really about. I just was like "cool, computer nerds that do crazy kung fu!"
@agent86 'Tis one of my favorite movies of all time though, even if many people think the sequels dragged it down
@FAE I actually liked that movie and the sequels
@FAE yeah, it's certainly a groundbreaking film. the sequels were kinda/sorta bad, but not terrible. I feel the same way about Deus Ex 2.
@murgatroid99 I'm a huge fan. I own the Ultimate collection both on DVD (complete with Neo bust) and on Blu-Ray, the comic collections, all the video games... MxO was my first MMO and the reason I got into them in the first place, as it was canon storyline for a while. Big nerd here. <_<
I have regained my level lead in Dragon Vale over Flutter and Duskshadow (I forget your name in here! Sorry!!)
@FAE have you see Equilibrium?
@FAE wow. I've just seen the movies+animatrix
@Krazer I have indeed.
@Krazer That movie was awesome. Much much better than a movie I wont mention for fear of the wrath of @FAE :D
@murgatroid99 Yeah, I think Animatrix is required for the series/universe. The Second Renaissance parts 1 and 2 are absolutely necessary to the understanding of the universe, IMO.
@James I would agree it had a better lead performance, had more exhilarating action, and a more intriguing plot. :P
@Krazer And it didn't make sequels that made me want to beat my head into unconsciousness :D
But again! We are not going to name the 'other' movie.. out of fear :)
@Krazer I'm very much into the philosophical concepts of AI, self-determination, free will, and what determines agency and where one draws the line between organic and synthetic life, so that's a big part of the draw for me for The Matrix.
@James I'm having a hard time not "Loud Howard"ing this
@IanPugsley Off to google I go, one moment :)
Ah, Dilbert, kewl :)
I'm not saying it's perfect at all, it definitely has its flaws, but it makes me think.
@James when someone makes an incredibly obvious statement phrased as a question in a loud voice I can't help but picture Loud Howard
So I hadn't really looked at it before, but it seems like SE is going to have to give out an awful lot of $250 video cards
You can ask pretty much any question and accept an answer and get 2 entries
and every 4 entries = 1 graphics card given out?
Oh, it says "up to 25" in the fine print. Nevermind
@Sterno I think they will do some trickery per wording in there as while I may have 6 gem 'raffle tickets' I still count as just one person
"The number of names drawn will be equal to 25% of the total number entries."
but if each ticket counts as an entry then yeah that almost guarantees everyone who gets atleast 4 gems a graphics card :D
If there are 4 times more entries than there are people, everyone gets a video card by that wording
@FAE There's a series/movie is a similar vein as the Animatrix, called the Time of Eve have you see it?
@Krazer Nay, I have not.
@MarkTrapp Yeah that is why I think they meant per person for the gems, not per entry and a gem is an entry.
@FAE It's worth a gander, if you have the time.
> Each Gem you unlock gets you one entry into a drawing for prizes.
Kinda hard to take back an explicit rule
@Krazer I shall look into it, thank you. :)
The fine print said only up to 25 total will be given out, so it's kind of moot. I have no doubt there are over 100 entries
980 ms ping...D3 is unplayable
@NickT Ouch
@MarkTrapp So maybe we should ask @Lauren? I am just not sure that is how her name is spelled :D
It doesn't matter, it's going to be 25 winners
As Sterno has been saying
@Sterno going by the total number of gems, there are already a few hundred
@Sterno you can see how many people have earned a gem
There's at least 500 entries at this point
@murgatroid99 there's more than 100 in a single gem, lol
@IanPugsley I didn't realize that. Cool
@MarkTrapp Oh, LOL I was reading that as 25.25%
Yah, the 25% part was kind of weird, since we were over 100 gems by day 2 of the contest.
I was just thinking that was a pretty dumb percent to choose :)
So really it is just 25 winners.
@bwarner but you get a higher chance of winning if you have more gems, right?
@murgatroid99 Correct.
Right now whoever wins a monitor will only receive 3/4ths of a monitor!
Even though it seems like SE is stingy on the individual prizes, if you add up everything they're giving away at this point, that's beaucoup bucks
@MarkTrapp Yah, I'm always amazed at how much they will throw at us in free stuff, for a site that has no revenue stream yet.
Funny thing is, I have no interest in any of the prizes from the gem or act contests.
@MarkTrapp I am so glad you spelled that right
Man, all the Barbarians QQ'ing about Inferno on the D3 forums are making me sad for the state of gamers these days
@bwarner Well they have ads and Careers 2.0. And unicorn dollars
@Sterno no, 3/4 of one person will win a whole monitor
@FAE I had it right the first time, but OS X's autocorrect is ridiculous
With about 600 gems, you have about a 4% chance of winning per gem. Only it will be a little higher since once a person wins, the rest of their gems become ineligible for the next drawing.
@Sterno what are they QQing about?
@MarkTrapp Haha, didn't notice the first incorrect one.
@MarkTrapp I just meant that Gaming itself doesn't generate revenue, since we don't show ads.
Ah, true
@Sterno How about this for something to QQ about, I am apparently allergic to something in the Bose headset I just bought.
@Sterno Yah, reading the forums in general is just so sad. People feel so entitled.
@James ick :( that sounds pretty unawesome
"I've put 100 hours into this game this week, and now there's nothing left to do. I want my money back!!!"
@James That sucks, those suckers are not cheap
@bwarner that is an extremely stupid complaint
@AshleyNunn Very very.. My ears are all red and I have not even had anything to drink!
@James :( not cool, headphones!
Q: Overwriting a key binding profile with WoW add-on Binder

imaginativeI am using Binder which is available here: http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/binder/ My problem is, sometimes I update key bindings. I cannot seem to find a way to update a profile to use my new keybinding. If I hit apply on an existing key binding profile, it doesn't save/update, it merely load...

@FAE Yeah, I am hoping I can clean them up some how or wash them off or what not, get rid of whatever they treated them with.. otherwise, back to Amazon they go :)
@bwarner "I just bought a 100 hour game and I liked it so much that I played it all in one week. I demand a refund" is basically what they are saying
@James Good luck
@AshleyNunn I lost my office in the office move this week, so I replaced em with a nice set of quiet headphones, joke on me I guess :)
@Krazer Well, this is my take on it, but basically they're mad that they can't roll out of Hell and start stomping Inferno the same way they rolled out of Nightmare and started stomping Hell
And for Barbarians in particular, they're mad that other classes are faring better
suck it up, crybabies!
@Sterno Just remember, the people who are capable are off playing the game instead of whining on the forums :D
@murgatroid99 Right. There's this expectation that you should still be playing this game in 5 years. And I actually think that people will be! But that's not the point. Even if you never played the game again after your 100 hours, you still got a great deal for your $60.
@Sterno Really I haven't hit Inferno yet (taking my sweet time), but it seem like barbies have it easy.
Does Inferno actually nerf life steal?
@RavenDreamer yes I believe it's nerfed for each difficulty
That's bloody stupid.
So is it possible to play Diablo 3 at an internet cafe without owning the game? You wouldn't have a Battle.Net account to use, right?
@Krazer Sounds like a great opportunity for SCIENCE
@RavenDreamer Apparently it's not just Inferno. I've heard 70% on NM, 40% on Hell, 20% on Inferno
@Sterno It's still stupid. You should never be punishing the player for being on a higher difficulty. Buff the monsters instead.
@Krazer The problem that Barbarians are whining about (I play a Barb, but am not whining!) is that you really need to invest heavily in gear to survive as a melee class. We're talking like 8-9k armor and 600 in all resistances. You don't have that just rolling out of Hell
@RavenDreamer I do not disagree. And apparently Life On Hit doesn't scale down like Life Leech does, so that's what people stack instead
@Krazer So basically they seem mad that other classes (supposedly) just move from Hell to Inferno and start gearing up, but Barb's need to hit the AH first
@Sterno Next patch: All high level Life On Hit gear has been replaced with approximately equal % Damage done as Life.
@Sterno I'm curious, how does life on hit work with channeled skills?
my current weapon has +620 life on hit
@Krazer I don't know exactly. I know it's normalized somehow, so if you do an AOE that hits 10 guys, you're not actually getting (life on hit) x 10, but I don't know the maths.
Right now I'm at about 7k armor on Inferno and 400 resistances (500 physical). It hurts
That's for Act 1. Apparently resistances need to get to about 900 for Act 2
@Krazer Same way as with anything else. Channeled skills have ticks. Each tick is a hit.
Hmm, I think its time for a totally new set of skills for my level 35 witch doctor. This would be my first time without Zombie Dogs or Soul Harvest. us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/witch-doctor#WeUPgT!XWY!baZaaZ
@Sterno I've got a question about that, actually
I'm not sure which answer to check for gaming.stackexchange.com/q/69838/23580. They're both technically correct and yet neither solution was the one I used. In the end, while kiting a few, I used serenity, walked into a nest of mobs on Foundry 2 and just got lucky.
@skovacs1 self answer and upvote both of them?
@IanPugsley I know. I've never done the science myself, or seen a reliable enough source to try to answer it though. All I know for sure is that AOEs do not give the full on hit amount for each enemy hit
user image
There is a rabbit in that cup.
Maybe I'll test it this weekend.
@RavenDreamer you wouldn't think food from A&W would be very good, but I like it pretty well
@RavenDreamer Yeah, but a self-answer would only address for the Monk. Their answers are better and so I already upvoted them.
a +600 weapon lets you see good granularity in numbers
@RavenDreamer bunny! <3
@agent86 phazors? phazors?! we've got frikkin' LAZERS and all you shoot is phazors?
Q: Is it somehow possible to lease the game for a weekend?

ayckosterI want to play on a LAN (with internet connection) with some friends. They do not want to buy the game, as it is quite expensive. Is there some way to lease it for some days? I heard there are some solutions for Starcraft 2 in south america, does this also apply to Diablo 3 in Europe?

Q: Does a companion gain experience for me?

phantasmagoriaFor example, Scoundrel has an item that has a magic property : "Monsters killed grant +9 experience" Does he gains the experience for himself or it is the experience that i get? or both?

Q: Is it worth stashing items for twinks?

ayckosterWhile playing with my main char I sometimes find some quite good items for my other chars but at higher levels, so I cannot use them immediately. Is it worth stashing them or should I just sell them in the AH and buy similar items once my twinks reach that level? I mean they should cost about th...

Q: Not picking up dropped items

C-dizzleAs I am mashing the mouse button over and over again, is there a way to make it that my character DOES NOT pick up an item during an important boss battle, or any other battle for that matter? I find it sometimes difficult that my character goes out of his way to pick up a cheap sword during a ba...

Q: Shouldn't there be a tomb-raider tag along with tag for each of title of the series

ShipluI see for each of the tomb-raider franchise title there is a tag. But there is not general tag for tomb-raider. like tomb-raider. I didn't find this tag exists. It'd be very helpful for people who just follow tomb-raider, someone like me.

Q: In Diablo III does gold find effect the amount of gold received from chests?

TaylzAs title stated does gold find effect the amount of gold receive from chests????

Q: How can I fairly compare a socketed and unsocketed weapon?

Nick TOccasionally I'll happen across a new weapon with a socket but "worse" stats than my current, ruby-socketed weapon. How can I compare the two fairly without giving Shen my money? (This example is probably too easy because the attack speeds are equal...)

Q: Advantage to having one follower over another?

C-dizzleDo the followers give you any type of "bonus perk" when they are with you? I noticed one time in my camp, the Scoundrel said something like "If you want to find more gold, take me with you." I decided to hire him instead of the Templar and noticed a little bit of increase in gold I was receiving....

@RavenDreamer what's the issue with my question then?
dupe of the other?
@NickT hm? What do you mean?
"Civilization 5... powered by GameSpy" WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
I mean it's not like I care about Civ5 but
@badp GameSpy still exists?
uh. wat.
I mean, literally. wat.
@badp There, there. It could've been GFWL
@badp Angkor Wat?
Also, !@#$. I lost another save file. *sigh*
Yeah, it's Angkor Wat - Cambodia was Siam. That's a wonder of some sort I guess
> Blizzard send word that Diablo III sold 3.5 million copies in the first 24 hours on sale.
@YiJiang does that make it the fastest selling game ever?
@Krazer I think Starcraft 2 beat that number, but I'm not sure.
@fbueckert yeah looks like it hit 5m worldwide
@Krazer In total, or over 24 hours?
@fbueckert if Starcraft 2 didn't sell more than 5 million total I will eat my hat
@MrNovember Why do you wear a hat while at a computer? Nobody can see how cool you look!
@fbueckert I can see how cool I look :<
> At the time of its release, Starcraft II became the fastest selling real-time strategy game of all time, with over three million copies sold worldwide in the first month
@fbueckert Maybe you can't. >.>
I certainly can't.
> As of December 2010, the game has sold nearly 4.5 million units. The game was also heavily pirated, reportedly being downloaded over 2.3 million times, and setting a record for most data transferred by a single torrent in only three months.
@fbueckert in the first year I think
> Activision reported sales figures for Modern Warfare 3 in the U.S. and UK being more than 6.5 million copies sold on launch day
@YiJiang This depresses me.
MW3 beats Diablo 3's first day sales figure, but it is multiplatform of course
@YiJiang cuz PC gaming is dead
@YiJiang Hence "fastest selling PC game"
@RavenDreamer It's also a mac game :p
Huh, why do we even have a tag?
@YiJiang probably because nobody could figure out how to retag the couple of questions that have it as their only tag
Q: Transferring Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 from Vita to PS3

THE DOCTORI purchased Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 from the PSN for the PS Vita. I've read that I can access DLC stuff from either the Vita or my PS3. What I was wondering is, can I transfer the entire game to be played on my PS3 or do I need to buy a separate copy of the game itself for the PS3?

Q: How does experience work in Diablo 3?

BlueRaja - Danny PflughoeftSomeone told me that, because of the "weird way" that experience works in Diablo 3, having my friends jump me to Act IV as soon as possible and killing monsters there wouldn't help me level up any faster than just playing through Acts 1-3 normally. So, if each monster doesn't give a static amoun...

Q: Do vampiric champions gain health from absorbed damage?

dpatcheryI recently fought a pack of Vampiric Desecrators, and hit Serenity while standing in the desecration to finish off one of the mobs that was at low life. Almost instantly, the other two mobs were at full health again. I'm think they were lower on health, but I'm not sure. Has anyone seen anything...

Q: Banshee flying tactics

Quinn CulverWhat are the best Banshee flying tactics in Halo:Reach? For example, should one use a certain evasive maneuver over another (e.g. the loop over the barrel roll)?

Q: Recourse for bad, expensive PC games

JeffreyPC gaming seems to be a little bit different than many other forms of entertainment. Going to the movies cost you $10. A book is similar. Console games can be sold or traded. As a PC gamer, is there any recourse for making a "bad buy", when you're out $50? I try to be careful before buying...

is this really worth keeping open?
@Lazers This sounds like something testable.
@murgatroid99 Nope
Q: How do I decide what items to save for future use

AlokStash space is limited, and my earlier strategy of saving all rares and items with good MF stats isn't feasible any more. How do people decide on which drops to save for other alts or situational use, among the steady flood of items?

@murgatroid99 why close it?
This seems very subjective.
Technically speaking the correct answer is to get refund
But of course that isn't usually a viable option
@NickT It doesn't seem constructive to me
@Lazers Also, I'm not sure about this question. I would try to answer it, but it's really vague and open-ended
@murgatroid99 it doesn't seem like it would generate debate; it's a valid question that's broadly applicable
@murgatroid99 it's not saying "this game is bad, how do I return it", but a more general case
@NickT yeah, but I don't know what they are looking for. Should I put "don't run into walls"? How about "shoot at the enemy"? "avoid rockets"?
Disagree that all answers are equally valid here; do you mean there is no constructive advice on picking the items to save? You can always specify the class in your answer, doesn't have to be generic to everyone. — Alok 2 mins ago
@NickT oh, you were talking about the other question
@fbueckert How do you feel about "How can I survive as Class X on Inferno?" type questions. Those are subjective too. Subjectivity in itself is not a problem.
are commodity auctions back up yet?
@NickT to me, I guess the edit makes the whole question seem a little silly
@Sterno For valid strategies, yes.
This question, though, seems too open-ended. Sounds more like an opinion piece.
Everyone is going to save different stuff.
@murgatroid99 That seems like a joke. Closing questions because of some sarcasm has a chilling effect on the levity of the site imho
It might be better if it was limited to apply to the auction house, ie. "What equipment should I save to sell on the auction house?"
But that would be too localized, as prices fluctuate wildly there.
@NickT I guess you could read it that way. Sarcasm is hard to hear on the internet. But if he knows he can't get his money back, what is he looking for?
@NickT the accepted answer doesn't even answer the question
Q: How do I decide what items to save for future use

AlokStash space is limited, and my earlier strategy of saving all rares and items with good MF stats isn't feasible any more. How do people decide on which drops to save for other alts or situational use, among the steady flood of items?

Q: How do I pin Diablo III to my taskbar but not have it show up twice?

Nick TIf I pin Diablo III to my taskbar, it will show up twice when the game launches, how do I prevent this? It's irritating on multiple monitors when trying to switch back and instead accidentally attempting to re-launch it. Diablo III pinned on taskbar, then after launching:

Q: Where do I search for "The Hanging Tree" book in Act I?

BanditoBunnyWhere do I search for The Hanging Tree book in Act I? The Hanging Tree is the first "book" you need to listen to in the Act I, but I cannot find it; what am I missing?

Q: When does Bait the Trap start working?

BrysonicBait the Trap is a Caltrops rune which has this description: Become empowered while standing in the area of effect, gaining an additional 10% Critical Hit Chance with all attacks. Is the Critical Hit bonus active before the Caltrops are triggered, after they're triggered, or both?

Q: Should I build a resist set of gear?

Nick TI'm working my way though Nightmare and I'm starting to get lots of drops with +resists. Should I be saving some of these that kind-of fit with my class for later on? Just save a particular resist set (e.g. Fire)?

Q: How to use Skyrim "Power" with new voice command Kenect?

JeffI have downloaded the new kenect voice commands and now can"t figure out how to use my "Natural Power" for my Kajit charachter. Before I could use Nighteye on the Rt bumper in place of Shouts, but now I can"t seem activate the Nighteye Power.

@NickT The problem's not with the joke. The problem is that it implies that any answer is valid, which is a pretty big no no
@badp I just stuck a label over the button so that I could play star trek. you can peel it back off again if you wish.
Q: Banshee flying tactics

Quinn CulverWhat are the best Banshee flying tactics in Halo:Reach? For example, should one use a certain evasive maneuver over another (e.g. the loop over the barrel roll)?

1 more vote? The statement seems consistent with some answers from the other question despite what he says
I just answered this question, but I don't really like it (the question)
It seems a bit open ended

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