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04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Hi everyone :-)
My textbook says " $BF_4^-$ ions have very low tendency to form complexes in aqueous solutions."
Does anybody know why..?
My textbook also says "The greater the size of the terminal atom, the greater is the bond angle". I keep picturing the ball and stick model in my head to make sense of this statement. Is this an OK way to think about this or is there a better, more correct reasoning?
Also, is anybody able to explain why the bond angle tends to decrease with increase in p-character (according to Bent's rule)
(Eg: $OF_2$ vs. $OCl_2$)
Aalso, (sorry :-P) my textbook says that the more polar a bond gets, the shorter it becomes. Why is this..?
@BernardMeurer: Hi :-) I read that u were confused about drawing MO diagrams. If u're still confused, I recommend watching this:
She's absolutely wonderful :-) (From MIT OCW)
@hBy2Py thanks. i'll look into it :D
@Martin-マーチン: Hi :-)
@hBy2Py A functional that is hated by almost 20% of the participants should not be on #3...
did you take part in the survey?
2 hours later…
@Dis welcome back
@Zhe Welcome to our humble chat
@Kaumudi How is the p character different in OF2 and Cl2O?
@DHMO Bent's rule.
@Kaumudi tetrahedral perfect symmetry?
@DHMO Hm, perhaps...
@M.A.R.: Is that u, Rubisco?
Is that me?
Who knows.
OK :-P
@Kaumudi so in OF2, F has more p character? and in Cl2O, O has more p character?
No, no! I'll get back to u.
@Kaumudi My proposal: increase in p character -> more diffuse -> less repulsion -> less bond angle
Lost in translation stuff are awesome
1 hour later…
is there phenol anhydride?
@M.A.R. you know, phenol is a weak acid
What does that have to do with anhydride-ness?
You mean since it's an acid there could be an anhydride version?
Hahahahaha no.
@Martin-マーチン What you said sounds like what @M.A.R. plans to do. Which is fine, but presumably that means that my post is not going to be an absolute newcomer's post anymore.
@orthocresol What did he say?
@Martin-マーチン What did you say?
The comments on the answer haha
Other than 'yeahWRONGELLIPSIS'
@orthocresol Oh. I read those, but I didn't try to decipher what I read.
I just read.
@M.A.R. phenol + phenol -water = diphenyl ether
@Martin-マーチン It's not called phenol anhydride is it.
You can't get a water out of one phenol.
@M.A.R. you cant produce acetic anhydride from acetic acid either
In the end, you get the water out though.
yeah one water from two acetic acids...
i'm thoroughly confused.
what is the truth?
Calling it phenol anhydride is like calling four 'three plus one' because 3+1=4. Don't do it.
At this rate, we should just defer this until you've proposed your new-user-mega-guide.
Sorry for non sequitur.
@orthocresol Hell, that's gonna be some MONTHS ahead
We have to first settle the closure policy thing.
Today I'll write a meta post about 'policy on AMIRITE questions'.
@M.A.R. Yeah. I know.
@DHMO phenols are their own substance class, as are acids, as are anhydride
This is just irritating because we have a different vision of how to go about doing this.
And I can't do what I want if what you want is not concrete and discuss-able.
@orthocresol We have a user called rene that eats ice cream whenever he disagrees with someone. Let's just eat ice cream
@DHMO phenol can't form an anhydride because it would be an ether - i was just joking around
I'm not upset or anything, don't worry.
Chemobot doesn't give out icecream anymore?
Hello not upset or anything. I'm MAR
@M.A.R. months? havn't you been rambling for almost a year about that now?
What is the name of the largest intermediate?
@Martin-マーチン I have?
Well, we have plans for the future Mart.
I can't just throw stuff at meta.
@orthocresol He has priorities...
16 hours ago, by M.A.R.

MAR OK, you've gotta explain what you're planning to do.

50 mins ago, 42 minutes total – 52 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked just now by M.A.R.

Those aren't ordered though.
Yeah, not at all.
I just have this mental dis order thing
That's huge.
@Martin-マーチン ಠ_ಠ
You see, I thought that we could just rewrite (or replace) one single post and be done with this issue for the time being.
@M.A.R. ಠ_ಠ
@M.A.R. you have
Why exactly is clockwise the right hand and counter-clockwise the left hand?
Aug 7 '15 at 6:59, by inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M
@Martin after I close my drama show on meta I wanna write the all-in-one new-user guide.
@orthocresol It's not an issue yet. It would be a real problem if we had users who really wanted to format things but couldn't learn a thing from the tutorial.
@Martin-マーチン Now you know my seekrit. That I am the MASTER PROCRASTINATOR
The ones that don't format currently are the ones that don't care to format, or read.
That's partly SE's tough navigation's part, partly because users of this site aren't expected to be good at web stuff, and partly no one's fault.
And i remember something about the uber-answer crushing the character limit...
@Martin-マーチン You gonna bring this up again . . .
He's searching for my chat messages now.
Yep. He's searching alright.
@orthocresol It's a good start, and I really think we should do it
it needs to be shorter
and more descriptive
and less demanding
And more ideal
Like the homework fairy
@M.A.R. nah. your answer...
@Martin-マーチン I'll get round to it in a while. Need to pop out for 20 min
Take your time, there really is no need to rush
@Martin-マーチン I first need to ask two good questions in two separate days to get that inquisitive badge.
And nothing rings a bell.
uiuiuiui... inquisitive heh. going for the silver heh...
What should I have gone for?
@Martin-マーチン Ok, in that case I will just post a chat message stating my intent to do so and link to it again in chat more than one year later.
@M.A.R. I want it, too, but... I need 17 more 0.o
@orthocresol hahaha....
@orthocresol You're starting to finally learn the ropes.
Snarky jokes aside, that message from 2015 was inspired by a all-in-one user guide, which was in either Movies or Parenting, don't recall correctly, and it was more like a food for thought, than a call for real action.
I also have a marginally real life that I have to attend.
16 hours ago, by hBy2Py
Ugh. Yeah, entrance exams are the worst.
@M.A.R. Is your life mostly imaginary?
@orthocresol Mhm
Sometimes I feel mine is.
my life is called netflix ;)
Everyone's is.
all joking aside... the idea ina put out there a year ago isn't something new. but things like that take time... quite a bit i guess... baby steps. I think an overhaul of the MJ page could be very helpful, because maybe then some more people will read it, understand it, use it.
@M.A.R. Before you embark on your amirite post
You want that to come under the custom off-topic reasons, amirite?
i thought that would more or less be an amendment to the hw policy
@orthocresol If people decide to close it.
There are a lot of possibilities.
One of which is adding it to the third slot.
Yeah, I thought it would come under HW
Feels like a waste of a slot
The third slot could be used for something much better
Such as "all questions by M.A.R. are off-topic"
Why isn't it a reason already?
too few cases it could be used
We might even not close them
the med reason needs an overhaul, too.
But instead add the possible answer as an answer and be done with it
We'll see what meta decides.
@Martin-マーチン Yeah, it's not used a lot at all. I guess custom OT reason would've done the job.
@Martin-マーチン Well, why would we want to close AMIRITE questions? Because the answer would be VLQ, just a 'yes'.
well, that's not what i mean
It's not important what you mean. It's important what words we put in your mouth.
i like having the medical close reason, i just think there should be more guidance
@M.A.R. that's disgusting
@Martin-マーチン Well there should, but I don't like the medical reason's low number of uses
do you need the reason for something else?
But you guys want an empty slot
And AMIRITE might fill one slot.
It certainly comes up more often than medical
not according to the statistics, and I would not be so sure to have consensus on closing these questions in the first place
@Martin-マーチン Eh, darn
Wait, how do you gather stats on AMIRITE questions?
in the last 90 days, we have either closed the amirite questions as hw or there was only one, at least 12 were closed with med
@M.A.R. 10k tools has a table with the close statistics
@Martin-マーチン We don't close AMIRITE stuff last I checked.
@Martin-マーチン I know, but we don't close AMIRITE.
That is, if it doesn't fit other reasons.
I'm saying this based on my feelings Mart. I've seen way more AMIRITE than med questions.
regarding amirite:
Q: What should be done with "Is my calculation correct ?"-type questions?

Del PateI see many questions where the OP just asks whether his or her calculation is correct . These type of questions will most likely not be helpful to the majority . The questions pertain to a specific numerical calculation or to a specific application of a formula which the OP thinks might be wrong ...

@Martin-マーチン Yah I remember that
and also
Q: "Is my calculation correct" is back again

Del PateThe answers of What should be done with "Is my calculation correct ?"-type questions? clear out that questions need not be deleted by the OP/Community. Note: This is the Part-2 of the same issue but instead of editing it, I am starting this new thread so that the comments,answers and votes on ...

I don't see the consensus coming that amirite questions will be closed...
if you make a meta post about that and the community decides to close these questions, then we can discuss a new close reason, before that... ther is no need....
@Martin-マーチン Well of course. What else would the process look like?
@AshishAhujaツ \o
@AshishAhujaツ \o/
I don't know... you were saying something about the close reason...
meh... maybe just a misunderstanding... well, we'll see
I've got to go... need to pack for my trip
@Martin-マーチン I was saying that the meta post will decide everything. One of the possibilities is that we'll end up closing them, and one of the ways of doing that is a custom slot.
k - i understand
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!!flip/Some people
(づಥਊಥ)づ︵Soɯǝ dǝodꞁǝ
@Martin-マーチン: You're going away on a trip?! :-o
I've a quick question. When writing the condensed structure of organic compounds, is it necessary to keep the order of the smaller components?
ie. If there are two hydroxyl groups on either end of the compound, is it OK to write it as $(OH)_2$ at the end or something? For that matter, am I allowed to write it anywhere? It seems like that sort of ruins the whole point...
Yoohoo, anybody..?
@Kaumudi For example?
BB in a little bit, sorry.
are you planning to write glycerol as CH2CHCH2(OH)3
kind of pointless
C3H8O3 is molecular formula
CH2CHCH2(OH)3 is kind of pointless
and misleading
condensed structural formula is supposed to represent the structure
@Kaumudi conference and a bit of sightseeing beforehand snk-travel.com/isco2016/index.html
@Kaumudi it might be okay, for example for hydrates $$\ce{Me2CO + H2O <=> Me2C(OH)2}$$ other than that, rather abbreviate it with R and make clear what R stands for
@Martin-マーチン but aren't the two hydroxy groups on the same carbon?
yeah... i might have misread the question... well...
@Martin-マーチン No, I've never participated -- I haven't felt like I really know well enough what I'm doing to have useful input.
How can I see which questions are contributing toward tag badges?
@hBy2Py Probably the fastest way is to simply search for your posts with the tag.
There's probably a SEDE query somewhere.
But say if I was looking for my answers under , I would search user:16683 [reaction-mechanism] is:answer
@hBy2Py data.stackexchange.com/chemistry/query/785/… (Oops, my bad. This lets you see the score, but doesn't list the questions. In any case, all answers to questions with the tag will contribute: so the simple search query works perfectly.)
@DHMO Wasn't planning on it, but that's what my book's gone and done, look:
@Kaumudi no, your book done nothing wrong
@DHMO That was my understanding as well. I'm confused now, because of my infamously useless textbook.
Ah, so it's OK when there's only one carbon in the middle?
the principle is that groups around the same carbon are not to be separated
so HOCH(CN)2 is perfectly understood
(CN is a group)
Alright. Like I said, I'm turning blind so excuse me.
@Kaumudi it's ok when theres however many carbons in the middle
@Kaumudi you are excused
in the name of our almighty seal
@DHMO No, not if the groups are on different carbons.
Although the example I used was incorrect, at least I learned something!
@Kaumudi glad to know
@Kaumudi that is correct
Thanks :-) Is anybody free to discuss bond angles and bond lengths?
@Kaumudi still the OF2 vs Cl2O?
Well, sort of.
What happens is that I think I know why something is the way it is, and then I eff up in exams 'cause misconceptions aah!
Exams, homework etc.
I see
So I just wanna make sure I've got this right.
Let's see if the mighty seal is kind enough to help you
Bit busy.
let's take that as a no
(i'm just kidding)
Yes it is a no.
That's alright :-) @DHMO: Would u be so kind?
Well, I don't exactly want to learn everything anew, like I just said.
then what is your question?
I only want to discuss a few points that have been mentioned in my textbook under "Rules"
@Kaumudi sure, what are the points?
Warning: Please bear with me as I become the dumbest self I can be.
@Kaumudi noted
Firstly, I must say that for some of these points, I'm keeping the ball and stick model in mind.
Q: Again, another correct answer downvoted and a wrong answer upvoted

DarioOOThe answer is this one: http://chemistry.stackexchange.com/a/61302/34047 Regardless of the effort I put into improving it is being downvoted, mine answer is correct (I studied metallurgy), while the other answer is wrong, clearly. Seems this problem is much more common, I see much more correct ...

@Kaumudi noted
OK, the first rule is that as the size of the atoms increase, the bond length increases.
This makes perfect sense when keeping aforementioned model in mind.
Plus, as the size increases and the electron clouds get closer, the repulsion b/w the atoms in question increases and hence, to counteract this, they move farther apart, thereby increasing bond length.
Does this make sense?
@orthocresol Follow-on questions -- are there any tutorials for SE search (as in, what "id:xxx" things are available) and/or for these post lookup queries (SEDE, I guess?) that you and @Mart and all put together?
@Kaumudi yes
OK! Moving on to the next point...
Multiplicity decreases bond length.
@Kaumudi does this mean "double bonds are shorter than single bonds"?
Yes, mine is just a pretentious way of saying that. Well, my textbook.
@hBy2Py If you perform any random search, at the right-hand side of the search results, there is an "advanced search tips" button.
Now, I'm not 100% sure of what I'm about to say, but I think that this is due to the overlap of even more atomic orbitals, bringing the two nuclei a little bit closer. I really doubt if this is correct tho.
@Kaumudi the shortened length is due to the increased bond dissociation energy
you can treat it as a stronger force
bringing the equilibrium position closer
Idk if that's the best way to describe it, hmm...
@hBy2Py for the SEDE (short for SE Data Explorer) queries, check out data.stackexchange.com/help, there is a tutorial somewhere on the page. I am sure you will understand it better than I do - I have zero knowledge of SQL.
@Kaumudi bond lengths are just equilibrium positions
Can u elaborate on that, please?
Most of the time, I just use queries that other people have constructed, those are publicly available and can be searched for.
@Kaumudi the bonds are pulling the nucleus while the nucleus is repelling the nucleus
Yes, OK. Thinking...
combined with other factors such as the other bond pairs, you have an equilibrium position
Yes, I didn't understand what u meant when u phrased it that way at first. I'm thinking about what u said before...
When we introduce the $\pi$ electrons b/w the two nuclei, thereby forming a bond, this equilibrium shifts to a position in which the two atoms are closer together due to increased attractions b/w the newly introduced electrons and the two nuclei (the attractions outweigh the repulsions, yet again)
@Kaumudi ^
@Kaumudi yes
@DHMO Omg dude, I know! I was just thinking about what u said about bond dissociation energy...
@Kaumudi sorry.
Thanks anyway :-) NP.
Just one second, let me figure that out...
I don't think that it is correct for us to think that the shortened length is due to the increased bond dissociation energy.
@Kaumudi you are absolutely correct
The shortened length is due to increased attractive force, which then causes the increased bond dissociation energy.
@Kaumudi you are absolutely correct
:-P OK, I'm glad we agree.
Next point?
@Kaumudi which causes the bond length to decrease
Huh? No, I meant, can we move on to the next point..?
OK :-) As the difference in electronegativity increases, the bond length decreases.
Now this, I have to think about...
(I did think about it before, but I didn't get anywhere worth being :/)
OK, I have a theory.
As the difference in electronegativity increases, the polarity of the bond increases, since the electrons tend to spend more time hanging around the more electronegative atom's nucleus.
This polarity induces partial charges on the participating atoms; a partial negative charge on the more electronegative atom and a partial positive charge (equal in magnitude, of course) on the less electronegative atom.
Oh, hang on...
04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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