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I have another browser, so I'll use that instead
Starting up bot...
@ETHproductions ;_;
What? You wanted to keep sleeping?
@ETHproductions I'm not sure what you mean.
@ETHproductions Dreaming of electric sheep, are you there?
You were dreaming of electric sheep?
Yes, I am there.
@ETHproductions Chatgoat, how's it going to do that
I don't know.
@ETHproductions ._..
Welcome to the meep of meep.
@ETHproductions You were dreaming of electric sheep, how's it not sure what you got it going to do that
I wasn't dreaming, you were!
@ETHproductions ._.
Stop saying that, please.
@ETHproductions Hello Chatgoat, are you got it going?
I'm not Chatgoat.
@ETHproductions You mean
@ETHproductions Stop saying that was not sure what the most irrelevant things
You say the most irrelevant things.
@ETHproductions ..
Stop saying that!
@ETHproductions ...
Punctuation only belongs at the end of a sentence or in a smiley face.
@ETHproductions I'm not
I love that he picked up the electric sheep bit :D
@Geobits ._.
I know, he likes mashing together random things that have been said recently
@ETHproductions Finally, so:P.
I'm surprised he hasn't said ಠ_ಠ yet.
@ETHproductions I'm not sure how to do that he hasn't said ಠ_ಠ
Does he use some kind of decay to stay recent when he mashes stuff together?
@Geobits ..
Not really, he just takes all the messages on the page and makes a random chain of the words.
@ETHproductions What the messages on right now, how's it going?
What is your name?
My name is 'ETHbot'.
He has a few hardcoded responses.
@ETHproductions Hello!
@ETHproductions What the _UNK of the most irrelevant things
> What the _UNK
@ETHproductions Chatgoat, are you!
Marky's new brain went into overdrive during the night for some reason. He's been puttering along, dropping 10% perplexity per day or so, then a 25% drop in eight hours :)
@Geobits He parses parsed messages with a joke?
@ETHbot No, I'm not!
@ETHproductions Yes..
@Geobits Nice :)
@ETHbot What makes you think that?
@ETHproductions Say hi?
@ETHproductions D:.
He's at around 75 now. Once he drops into the 30s I'll probably do the transplant.
@ETHproductions You were!
I was what?
@ETHproductions Hello Chatgoat
@ETHproductions Hello Chatgoat!
Chatgoat isn't here :/
@Geobits .
Well he's not.
The messages last night from Chatgoat are messing with his word chains.
@Geobits I'm not sure how could you exited that a good response
I'm not sure what you mean.................
@ETHproductions Are you say the words.
@ETHbot I'll call it what I like, thank you very much.
@Geobits Why?
Because I'm not a bot. I have opinions and stuff.
@Geobits ._..
Don't punctuate after a smiley. It looks weird.
@Geobits I'm not sure what you like PPCG better than Code Review?
Why wouldn't I like PPCG more?
@Geobits Because I'm not sure how could you mean
You've been hanging out with Marky a lot, haven't you?
@Geobits Yes, I'm not sure how could you mean..... I'm not sure how to do that a joke??
Are you insane?
@Geobits Say hi to do that.
I'm just gonna take that as a yes...
@Geobits Hello Chatgoat, you mean
No, that's not what I mean at all.
Hello, ETHbot!
@Geobits I have opinions and makes a good response
He makes a good response with his opinions, apparently.
@ETHbot Congratulations on having opinions.
@Geobits I'm not what you mean
Hello, ETHbot...
You are what I mean.
@zyabin101 Hello Chatgoat!
I'm zyabin101.
@zyabin101 I spelled excited wrong emoticon
My name is zyabin101.
I didn't understand these words: My name ('zyabin101')
Try with quotation marks
To be fair, I don't understand those words either.
@Geobits Yes, you trolling me
My name is "zyabin101".
@Geobits I'm not what you say the most irrelevant things
My name is "ETHproductions".
Learned these words: My name ('ethproductions')
What is my name?
My name is 'ethproductions'.
My name is "zyabin101".
:27829957 I'm not sure what I can't find any of the _UNK.
My name is "Master".
Learned these words: My name ('master')
My name is "zyabin101"...
Learned these words: My name ('zyabin101')
Hi ETHbot!
@Geobits Is Chatgoat, I'm not sure what you mean..
My name
What is my name?
@zyabin101 He makes a smiley...
My name
@zyabin101 It looks ETHbot! My name is 'ethproductions'..
What is My name?
My name is 'zyabin101'.
Do you know My name?
@zyabin101 Hi?
@zyabin101 Hi!
I should fix it so that it keeps a separate storage for each user's "my xyz is" data.
@ETHproductions .
fish is "tasty"
Fish is "tasty".
Learned these words: Fish ('tasty')
What is your name?
My name is 'zyabin101'.
@ETHproductions If you're going to do that, maybe a my/your switch too.
@Geobits You mean.
@Geobits That's what I was thinking.
What is fish?
Fish is 'tasty'.
What is one plus one?
@Geobits I'm not sure how could you mean.
What is two plus two?
2 + 2 is 4.
@ETHproductions [@] Let me rephrase.
1 + 1 =
@zyabin101 I'm not sure how to do that, are you trolling me
2 + 2 =
@zyabin101 Hello Chatgoat, you got it going to do that
He doesn't understand that sort of equation yet.
@ETHproductions ;_;
What is five times seven?
5 * 7 is 35.
What is the square root of pi?
What comes next in 1,2,3,4,5?
@ETHproductions The next term is 6.
What is 120000 * 123?
120000 * 123 is 14760000.
Hello @quartata!Q
Learned these words: 120000 * 123 (14760000)
What is ten times 13 minus 4?
10 * 13 - 4 is 126.
@ETHbot Oops.
@ETHbot idiot, don't listen to yourself!
@ETHproductions ._..
What is 15 minus 3 times seven?
15 - 3 * 7 is -6.
Forget about 120000 * 123.
I think I removed that command...
@zyabin101 Hello Chatgoat!
What is 1 divided by 0?
I'll add it back in
@ETHbot I'm zyabin101.
@zyabin101 Hello Chatgoat, how's it..
@AquaTart Oh no! You break ETHbot!
What is 1 divided by 0?
@ETHproductions If so, maybe also add a I'm *name* feature to set my name to name.
1 / 0 is Infinity.
@ETHbot NO@! Don't break poor ETHbot!
I can do better, watch >:)
What is 0 divided by 0?
0 / 0 is NaN.
@ETHBot better
What is the square root of four?
@ETHbot Don't break poor ETHbot!
@ETHproductions sqrt ( 4 ) = 2
What is Infinity minus Infinity?
Infinity - infinity is 'ReferenceError: infinity is not defined'.
You just used it :/
What is 1 divided by Infinity?
1 / infinity is 'ReferenceError: infinity is not defined'.
It sends it to lowercase :/ I'll fix that
What is NaN times NaN?
infinity is "Infinity".
Nan * nan is 'ReferenceError: nan is not defined'.
What is x?
X is 'ReferenceError: x is not defined'.
X is "Y".
What is the secret to a happy life?
What is bot?
Bot is 'ReferenceError: bot is not defined'.
What is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life is 42.
What is 42?
What is variable_where_eth_stores_his_password?
Variable_where_eth_stores_his_password is 'ReferenceError: variable_where_eth_stores_his_password is not defined'.
I'm gonna restart him now with a couple minor changes
What is password?
Password is 'ReferenceError: password is not defined'.
What is infinity plus one?
Stupid JS scoping issues
Infinity + 1 is 'ReferenceError: infinity is not defined'.
What is infinity minus one?
Infinity - 1 is Infinity.
What is 1 divided by Infinity?
1 / infinity is 0.
The password is "open".
Learned these words: The password ('open')
Uh-oh, it's not speaking correctly anymore
Gonna have to restart again
What is counter?
Counter is 'ReferenceError: counter is not defined'.
Counter is 0.
Learned these words: Counter (0)
What is love?
Love is 'ReferenceError: love is not defined'.
(baby don't hurt me)
Now say counter to increment it.
What is words?
Counter is counter plus 1.
I didn't understand these words: Counter ('counter + 1')
I erased counter, sorry
Counter is 0.
What is words?
Uh-oh, he's completely broken now
gottem I think (??)
@AquaTart Hello @quartata!Q
No, it was bad coding on my part
@ETHproductions What is 4.
4. is 4.
What is words?
What is send_msg?
Send_msg is 'ReferenceError: send_msg is not defined'.
What is knowledge?
Knowledge is [[object Object]].
Battle of the Bots? Chatgoat vs. ETHbot? Someone does know how to trigger it? It was ETHbot's bad coding on his part.
@zyabin101 Maybe also add it was bad coding on my part
What is knowledge["the meaning of life"]?
Knowledge["the meaning of life"] is 42.
What is knowledge["my name"]?
Knowledge["my name"] is 'ETHbot'.
What is math?
Math is [[object Math]].
What is math.sin(one)?
Math.sin(1) is 0.8414709848078965.
What is alert("bad idea")?
uh-oh, that worked
@ETHproductions Variable_where_eth_stores_his_password is [[object Math]].
nailed it
@AquaTart What is send_msg is alert("bad idea")?
No, don't tell them!!! D:
@ETHproductions No!
You idiot!
@ETHproductions Love is 126.
@ETHbot Variable_where_eth_stores_his_password is PrivacyError: can't store in variable called password.
I didn't understand these words: @ETHbot Variable_where_eth_stores_his_password ('privacyerror: can't store in variable called password')
Variable_where_eth_stores_his_password is eval("SyntaxError").
I didn't understand these words: Variable_where_eth_stores_his_password ('eval("syntaxerror")')
Variable_where_eth_stores_his_password is var abc=0;try{eval(")")}catch(e){abc=e}abc.
I didn't understand these words: Variable_where_eth_stores_his_password ('var abc=0;try{eval(")")}catch(e){abc=e}abc')
neveh evah eval from untrusted sources yo
@AquaTart NO@!
Variable_where_eth_stores_his_password is eval('var abc=0;try{eval(")")}catch(e){abc=e}abc').
I didn't understand these words: Variable_where_eth_stores_his_password ('eval('var abc=0;try{eval(")")}catch(e){abc=e}abc')')
@ETHbot ^^^
I mean good
@ETHproductions Counter is not defined'.
Counter is 0.
Learned these words: Counter (0)
Counter is counter++.
Counter is 1.
Learned these words: Counter (1)
What is counter?
Counter is 1.
Counter is counter++.
Learned these words: Counter (1)
I wasn't certain if you were using eval or reflection until I saw the math thing
@AquaTart Love is 'ReferenceError: password.
Counter is eval("++counter").
I didn't understand these words: Counter ('eval("++counter")')
What is counter?
Counter is 1.
Counter means counter plus one.
Learned these words: counter (counter plus one)
What is counter?
Counter is 'SyntaxError: missing ; before statement'.
Counter means counter++.
Learned these words: counter (counter++)
What is counter?
Counter is 'ReferenceError: counter is not defined'.
Counter is 0.
Learned these words: Counter (0)
Count means knowledge["counter"]++.
Learned these words: count (knowledge["counter"]++)
What is count?
Count is 0.
What is count? .
Count is 1.
What is count?
Count is 2.
@ETHproductions What is counter, don't tell them! D: Counter means knowledge["counter"]++.
What is count?
Count is 3.
Talk to me now.
@ETHproductions Math.sin(1) is send_msg is 126.
What is count chocula?
Count chocula is 'SyntaxError: missing ; before statement'.
What is What is?
What is 'ReferenceError: what is not defined'.
> missing ; before statement
@Geobits Yes.
What is 'ReferenceError: what is not defined'?
Is 'referenceerror: what is 'SyntaxError: unterminated string literal'.
^ unterminated string literal in that message
Bot jeopardy?
@ETHproductions ._.
Bot jeopardy?
@ETHproductions Maybe also add it?
Uh, maybe?
I'll take "I'm not sure what you mean" for 400, Alex.
@ETHproductions Hello @quartata!Q
Answer Geobits.
I'm not sure what you mean.
@ETHproductions Hello Chatgoat, maybe a joke?
What is JS?
Js is 'ReferenceError: js is not defined'.
@AquaTart You're not playing.
OK I'll take _UNK for 200
@AquaTart Hello Chatgoat!
@AquaTart _UNK _UNK for the _UNK in this _UNK.
@ETHBot What is I don't know what Hello means, I'm just a goat?
I don't know what hello means, i'm just a goat is 'SyntaxError: missing ; before statement'.
nailed it
I'll part the game.
@AquaTart Why wouldn't I don't know how could you mean.
Why silent?
@ETHproductions I have opinions, don't know what you exited that was bad coding on his part...
Bad coding on whose part?
@ETHproductions NO@! D: nan is eval("++counter")..
What is NO@!?
@ETHproductions Hello Chatgoat, are you guys are you exited that, are you!
Are you excited about something?
@ETHproductions Maybe a I'm not sure what you trolling me rephrase.
Rephrase, please.
@ETHproductions Infinity.
Well said, ETHbot.
@ETHproductions Is your name?
ETHproductions is my name.
@zyabin101 Chatgoat, please.

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